Keepin' it Wild July - September 2019

Page 12

New Names for Two African Painted Dog Puppies We are excited to announce that two of our African painted dog puppies have officially been named!

Wazi Aries “Wazimu” or “Wazi” for short, means “mad-

“Aries” was named by the Gleit family, loyal

ness” in Swahili. Wazi is a powerfully ambitious

supporters of Zoo Miami. Brothers Paul and

little girl, constantly playing with the other pup-

Eric Gleit share a birthday a few years apart and

pies and trying to keep up with mom. During

decided to name the only male pup in the lit-

feeding times, she is always one of the first

ter after their shared horoscope sign. Aries is

puppies to approach the keepers for food and is

a timid yet playful pup. He has taken on a role

always playing keep away with her diet items!

of uniting and defending the girls, as any good

Wazi’s donor wishes to remain anonymous, but

brother would! He can always be seen match-

we are so thankful for their support!

ing strides with his mom “Little Foot”. Although he enjoys playing with his sisters, they often choose to gang up and dog pile on him!

Equipment Failure Leads to Painted Dog Death In much more unfortunate and sad news, Zoo Miami was devastated to announce the tragic loss of one of the juvenile African painted dogs. On May 20, equipment failure led to a door collapsing on the animal, killing it instantly. The juvenile was a female, and one of the five puppies born on January 23. 12

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