Rangi Ruru Girls' School Prospectus

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Prospectus Rangi Ruru Girls’ School Est. 1889

We Know Girls


PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME Leading this energetic, talented and diverse community of staff and pupils is an extraordinary privilege. The next generation is growing up in a world full of promise, choice, and possibility. They are going on to pursue as yet unimagined careers and will face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. I have been involved in education for over thirty years with twenty of those years in Independent Education. I am a strong advocate not only for Independent Education but also single sex education. Having worked in both boys and girls only schools I have seen first-hand the very real differences that each need in their approach to learning. It is essential that we deliver our curriculum in the way that girls learn best which is through collaboration, discussion, and by providing your daughter with a diverse range of opportunities and quality experiences. We encourage our girls to take risks in their learning and to be innovative and entrepreneurial in their thinking. Our dedicated teachers will challenge your daughter and, like myself, will insist on high standards both in the classroom, their behaviour and how they present themselves and represent Rangi Ruru in all their endeavours. At Rangi Ruru each girl is known as an individual and celebrated for her effort and achievement. We specialise in personalised learning and we will push your daughter outside of her comfort zone, where she can learn to fail as well as achieve and gain the important skills of being resilient, coping with disappointment, and setbacks but developing grit to be able to carry on. At Rangi Ruru your daughter will have many champions who will believe in her, support, encourage, share her joys and disappointments and allow her to be herself, an individual, a person of worth and a young woman who belongs. There has never been a more exciting time to be a member of this vibrant, inspiring and supportive community. Dr Sandra K Hastie Principal 2

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We Know Girls

WHY RANGI RURU GIRLS’ SCHOOL Rangi Ruru Girls’ School has been at the forefront of girls’ education for over 130 years. As one of the oldest Independent Girls’ School in the country, our heritage and reputation is founded on our pioneering approach to girls’ education and our future aims are no less ambitious. Our NCEA Levels (1, 2, and 3, and Scholarship) results are consistently excellent and in the top 3% nationally, underpinning Rangi Ruru’s reputation as one of the leading Independent Girls’ School and leading Independent Girls’ Boarding School in the country. Rangi Ruru has repeatedly won awards for academic excellence and regularly produces NZQA Top Scholarship recipients. This year Rangi Ruru was the only New Zealand School to produce a double NZQA Top Scholar award winner, the only South Island School to produce a Premier Award Winner and one of only three South Island Schools, and the only Independent Girls’ School to produce an Outstanding Scholar Award recipient. At Rangi Ruru we are passionate about the future of our girls. Whilst their academic achievements are important, these must go hand-in-hand with co-curricular activities that interest and challenge the girls, a community that supports them, and the opportunities to pursue their passions and learn from their failures.

We Know Girls


WHY A GIRLS SCHOOL By nurturing well-rounded and self-confident girls, we help them to develop the skills they need to manage the choices and opportunities ahead of them, leaving Rangi Ruru as inspired and empowered young women. There are many arguments surrounding the benefits and disadvantages of single-sex vs co-educational schools. Ultimately, each child’s education should provide an environment that is right for them, with teaching that inspires them, debates that challenge them and opportunities that allow them to thrive. Our approach to education has always been to put girls first. We believe that the girls at Rangi Ruru thrive in a single-sex environment. Girls develop resilience and confidence in a culture that encourages them to believe that nothing is beyond their reach or consideration. The success of this approach is demonstrated not only in their consistently outstanding exam results and extensive cocurricular achievements, but through the wellrounded and inspirational women they become. Whether a budding scientist, inspired artist or talented sportswoman, we encourage them to develop independent thought, and to support and challenge each other.



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We Know Girls

WE KNOW GIRLS Rangi Ruru Girls’ School has been developing girls’ talents and empowering young women for 130 years. We remain steadfastly committed to providing high quality teaching in a forward thinking, diverse and nurturing environment, where the girls can be themselves, develop a wide range of skills and thrive during their formative years. There are around 650 girls at Rangi Ruru, approximately eighty per cent are day girls and the remainder are boarders. Girls join us from all over New Zealand and the globe. They arrive at Rangi Ruru with varied backgrounds and different experiences, coming together to form an enriched, diverse and unique community. This vibrancy is the basis for intercultural understanding and respect as the girls learn from each other and build life-long friendships. Girls leave Rangi Ruru as capable and confident young women, prepared for the many opportunities and global challenges that await them. We pride ourselves on uncovering potential, from academic excellence and skilled sportswomen, to artistic talent and gifted musicians. We admit girls who we believe can flourish at Rangi Ruru, and will thrive on the opportunities offered. Our examination results are outstanding at every level thanks to our dedicated and specialist teaching staff and a varied curriculum that offers a wide range of choices. However, we believe that academic qualifications represent only part of an inclusive, fulfilling education. During their time at Rangi Ruru, girls are encouraged to develop a balance of intellectual, sporting, creative and cultural interests. There are over 100 different co-curricular activities available allowing girls to discover their talents, develop their individual interests and embrace a variety of possibilities.  

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A NURTURING ENVIRONMENT During her time at Rangi Ruru, your daughter will make the challenging transition from childhood to adulthood. We understand that entrusting her care and education to us during this period is not done lightly. Rangi Ruru’s innovative Wellbeing Programme gives girls the opportunity to understand topics that will help them flourish and develop resilience, such as healthy lifestyles, coping with stress, study skills, tolerance, manners, and mindfulness. Our programme is based around our core values; Respect, Aroha, Endeavour and Enthusiasm, Generosity of Spirit, and Integrity and Honesty. As a thriving school, we are able to offer extraordinary advantages in resources and choices. Our girls are divided into smaller year groups, tutor groups and a vertical clan system which create interlocking layers of pastoral care to enable every girl, the reserved as well as the extrovert, to find opportunities to lead a confident, fulfilled and enjoyable life at Rangi Ruru. Overall pastoral care and student development is the responsibility of our Deputy Principal and our Coordinator of Wellbeing. But on a day-to-day basis the Tutors and Deans are a pupil’s and parent’s first port of call. They are there to guide, advise and assist your daughter as she navigates the particular pressures on girls today, especially those which may have been rare in our own childhoods. This network is backed up by an experienced and well-resourced Care and Development team, which includes Student Development and Leadership, Wellbeing, Pastoral Care, the Learning Centre and Global Living Teams, our Guidance Counsellor, and Chaplain. Pastoral care isn’t something that happens when things go wrong; it’s a constant support network for your daughter’s time in Rangi Ruru. We are the school of choice for many families seeking a supportive, enriching and empowering education for their daughter, with unparalleled academic and co-curricular opportunities.   14

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INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY We are committed to providing high quality teaching, developing intellectually curious, enthusiastic young women with an enduring love of learning. Rangi Ruru has a global outlook, with girls learning from each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Girls can choose many different subject combinations by building their own timetable. Students discuss options and alternatives with their tutors and specialist teachers, who work closely with them in small classes. Classes are small, and girls are encouraged to take an active part in lessons, challenging, debating and developing their point of view. Modern technology, trips, excursions and cocurricular activities bring books and teaching alive, helping to fire their imaginations and connect thoughts and ideas. The educational grounding at Rangi Ruru provides an ideal foundation for a future of fulfilment and possibilities whatever paths our girls choose to take. The journey begins with developing mental agility, opinion, habits, self-belief, and the ability to live and work with others. These are qualities that we nurture and encourage at Rangi Ruru.  

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We Know Girls

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Academic excellence is about each girl fulfilling her potential in an inspiring, happy, supportive, and caring environment. The curriculum aims to instil in each girl a curiosity about the world in which she lives and equip her with the tools to question, reason and communicate articulately. Rangi Ruru has a reputation for exceptionally high levels of achievement in NCEA exam results. What we know is that assessment results follow learning practices that are personal, engaging and empowering. Much care and attention is devoted to optimising the planning and resourcing of all our academic programmes and facilities. Regular, constructive feedback between teacher, student and parents, in all aspects of work and play, is at the heart of our success in allowing each girl to realise her true potential. Our teachers have a deep enthusiasm for their subjects and are committed to providing high-quality teaching which develops intellectually enquiring, self-motivated, enthusiastic young women with an enduring love of learning. We offer unparalleled subject areas, allowing a wide choice of subjects and enabling a personalised timetable. Girls discuss options and alternatives with their tutors, who work closely with them in helping them make the right choices.

STARTING IN YEAR 7 Starting your daughter at Rangi Ruru in Year 7 will ensure that she is future-ready and equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to be a powerful learner. The stability of remaining in the same school from Year 7 through to Year 13 means no extra adjustment period at Year 9, as we challenge our girls from the beginning to be resilient and responsible in preparation for the transition into the secondary school years. From Year 7 the girls have specialist teachers and an intensive focus on Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health and Digital Technology. Modules in Art, Music, Technology, Performing Arts, and Languages will give exposure to a wide range of areas of interest and enable deep learning to occur. Girls are also involved in investigative challenges, where they will explore real world problems.

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ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE STARTING IN YEAR 9 We offer more than 36 subject options across different learning areas in Years 9 to 13. This breadth is important before your daughter begins to specialise and pursue in her senior years those subjects she is passionate about or in which she has a particular ability. This provides the girls with flexible pathways that will support further study and careers. A language is compulsory at Year 9.

NCEA We believe in NCEA, the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), is a globally recognised qualification and we know about educating girls. NCEA is a standards-based qualification combining both internal and external assessments where students have the opportunity of studying for Levels 1 to 3 of NCEA, as well as Scholarship Examinations. At Rangi Ruru, girls have a free choice of options for NCEA but are encouraged to maintain a modern, broad and varied curriculum, which is tailored to their individual strengths and interests. Advice is given at every stage to ensure that each girl’s aspirations for higher education are supported. We believe that learning is at the forefront of everything we do and NCEA enables us to innovate around traditions and provides us with incredible flexibility for individual programmes, course design, and academic outcomes. Knowing each girl enables us to support her learning and her outcomes. We tailor learning opportunities for your daughter which will unlock her passions and individual strengths and we unashamedly set high expectations as we know that she will do better if she loves what she does. Girls in Years 11 to 13 complete NCEA Levels 1 to 3 and their focus is personalised to suit their level of study. This may include study at multiple levels, acceleration, a specifically tailored course, or learning support.


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We Know Girls

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE REPORTING Students and their parents receive both written and oral reports during the year. Progress reports for students are provided at the end of Term 1 and full reports at the end of Terms 2 and 4.

INTERVIEWS In Term 1, tutors meet with all girls and their parents to discuss the student’s individual educational and co-curricular needs, develop and refine her Personal Development Plan (PDP), and to set goals for the year. During the year the goals are regularly reviewed by the students and their tutors and we welcome parents to attend these reviews. Learning Progress Interviews (LPI’s) are conducted twice a year and enable parents to discuss their daughter’s progress with their individual subject teachers. A course information session is held in Term 3 to enable parents and students to consult staff over the following year’s subject choices.

ASSESSMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS In Years 7 to 10, your daughter will have class and assessments regularly, our Year 10 girls are also examined in some subjects in November. In Years 11 to 13 girls studying for NCEA have internal assessments in Terms 1, 2 and 3. Practice for the external examinations take place in throughout the year, and external examinations for NCEA Levels 1 to 3 and Scholarships are held in November.

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DEVELOPING CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION We encourage every girl at Rangi Ruru to express herself creatively and to learn to work collaboratively. This is not only enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding but also helps to develop essential skills and confidence, supporting the journey of self expression.

TECHNOLOGY All Years 7 to 10 students learn and use Design Thinking to solve real world problems using a range of digital technologies and industry links. These include robotics, drone piloting, coding, 3D printing, laser cutting and augmented reality are some of the opportunities available through technology classes and the Creative Hub.

MUSIC Music plays a significant part in Rangi Ruru life. Every week in term time, approximately 250 music lessons and groups take place outside of academic classes, from beginner to advanced. Musical instruments are taught by a talented and inspiring team of experienced teachers, and the diversity of music-making on offer is truly exceptional. Our world class Stellar Music Programme aims to nurture and grow exceptional musical talent. Music is also offered as a subject to all girls and increasing specialisation is available through NCEA Levels 1 to 3 and Scholarship. Our musicians achieve at the uppermost level academically, consistently achieving NCEA and scholarship results well above the national average. This includes a 100% music scholarship success rate in recent years, including Outstanding and Top Music Scholar awards.

OUTDOOR EDUCATION Outdoor Education in an important aspect of the Rangi Ruru programme. All girls in Years 7 to 10 are involved, this includes overnight camps where girls are provided with a unique opportunity to learn new skills and test themselves in a safe and secure environment. At Year 11, a two-week course on Outward Bound is optional and at Year 12, a specific leadership development programme forms part of Outdoor Education which helps girls hone their teamwork skills in preparation for their roles as Year 13 leaders.

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DEVELOPING CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION VISUAL ARTS Taught in a contemporary building with exceptional facilities, Visual Arts at Rangi Ruru focuses on the teaching and acquisition of the fundamental skills of drawing, painting, printmaking, photography and media technologies. As the girls learn to express their ideas, they are encouraged to take creative risks and develop their individual potential. Creativity, artistic talent and invention are encouraged at Rangi Ruru, as is an understanding of how these skills can be applied in a commercial context. Girls also learn media production, journalism and communications, as they produce content for SHELTER magazine and films for the In Short film night.

THEATRE ARTS, DRAMA AND DANCE Theatre Arts offers a huge variety of performance opportunities for girls of all ages. Drama is an approved subject for University Entrance, and Drama achievement standards meet Literacy requirements for NCEA. A number of girls each year go on to achieve outstanding results in Scholarship Drama. We have strong links with Christ’s College and each year work collaboratively on a Senior or Junior Production. We also have strong associations with a number of professional theatrical companies, and girls have the opportunity to work alongside industry practitioners. Senior drama classes also undertake a number of public performances each year and the girls get the opportunity to enter the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival as performers. In recent years Rangi Ruru’s senior theatre students have taken their performance of the play “Passengers to London” and a group of Year 13 students received Best Youth Production and Runner-up Best Overall Production at the acclaimed Norfolk Island Theatre Festival for their performance of “Breaking News”. Our Merivale Lane Theatre houses a professional theatre space for a large audience. This outstanding venue gives girls the chance not only to perform, but to be fully involved in the technical aspects of staging a production, from hair, makeup and costumes, to sound, lighting and props.

GLOBAL LIVING Global Living provides students with the time and space to apply their learning in a real world context. The programme is holistic and aims to enable students to contribute actively to their wellbeing and while also coping with the changes they will face in their futures as global citizens, local community members and in their family lives. Through Global Living, we aim to support our girls to inspire, challenge and empower them. This includes leadership programmes, MOOC, Young Enterprise and ICE Media production. 26

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EXPANDING HORIZONS Talent and potential lie within each of us and at Rangi Ruru we are committed to discovering and nurturing these gifts. Our broad co-curricular programme enables girls to experience a range of new opportunities or develop their skills and passions, from Surfing to Chess, or Model UN to Robotics. Our provision in this area is exciting and well-resourced, with over 100 co-curricular activities available, presenting each girl with an opportunity to find her niche. Everyone is encouraged to ‘have a go’ whatever their level of ability. Our girls also have the opportunity to participate in a number of Reciprocal Student Exchange Programmes with Independent Schools in Japan, England, the United States of America, Argentina, India, and Tahiti. We firmly believe that education is a connected process that involves valuable learning opportunities beyond the classroom. Skills are often transferable, and finding an activity through which they can excel not only enhances girls’ self-confidence, but gives them an outlet for enjoyment and self-expression.


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We Know Girls

SPORTS At Rangi Ruru, we are deeply committed to promoting the health, fitness, and wellbeing of all pupils and to developing talent and a life-long enthusiasm for sport and exercise, regardless of ability or expertise. We are one of New Zealand’s highset achieving schools in sport and consistently have one of the highest rate of sports participation in New Zealand. Rangi Ruru is also New Zealand’s Top Girls Rowing School, frequently New Zealand’s Top Girls Hockey School, and are often Canterbury and National Champions in Multi Sport, Swimming, Equestrian, Cricket, Tennis, Touch, and Basketball. The wellbeing of our students has a direct bearing on the engagement and interaction within our community, including




achievements of our girls. We believe that there is a sport or physical activity to suit everyone and we want to create a life-long passion for being active. We also believe that sport and physical activity are essential for developing key life skills and are always working to ensure our curricular and co-curricular programmes support individual development.

We Know Girls


SPORTS With specialist coaching and facilities on site or nearby, we have a broad programme offering over 30 codes under the guidance of more than 75 highly trained coaches. We believe our investment in top quality coaches is of significant benefit to the girls’ success and wellbeing. Our coaches include a mix of current and former New Zealand representatives including the current National Junior Road coach for cycling, the Canterbury U18 Women’s Hockey coach, the former USA University National Champion Assistant Basketball Coach and the South Island U18 Women’s Rowing Coach. We also have an onsite physio, dedicated strength and conditioning coach, and mental performance coach as part of our team. In all our sports, we aim to support girls in achieving their potential and have girls playing and performing at every level, from school teams and local clubs, to regional, national and international levels.


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HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAMMES SPORT - SOAR PROGRAMME Supporting Outstanding Athletes at Rangi Ruru. SOAR is a specialist sports programme for athletes who demonstrate exceptional talent, potential, and determination to reach the top level in their sport of choice. SOAR provides a support network within the school that compliments and enhances the sporting and academic lives of our outstanding young sportswomen. By having a better understanding of the internal and external requirements, and the pressures that surround these young women, we are in a position to help manage and enhance their personal wellbeing, growth, and development. Our programme covers the following areas; Mental Performance, Training Methods, Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition, Recovery, Injury Prevention, Life-coach/Wellness management, Media/Social media, Funding, Crimson Ivy League Scholarships and Drug Free Sport education.

ACADEMIC – HIGH PERFORMANCE LEARNING HPL The High Performance Learning, Mentoring and Support Service offers a personalised approach and continued support for our most highly able students as they develop. The school accepts that gifted students have different learning needs and that as a school and as teachers, we must respond to these needs. Areas where particular help is available include: Personal Development Plans (PDPs) with the HPL Coordinator who works with Deans, Guidance Counsellor and Careers and Pathways Strategist. Acceleration and multi-levelling, subject choice assistance, workshops, field trips and lectures, mentoring and pastoral care. There are also clubs such as Chess, Philosophy, Creative Writing, Robotics and Future Problem Solving,

We Know Girls


HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAMMES MUSIC - THE STELLAR PROGRAMME New Zealand’s top performing school for music A girl who is part of our Stellar Programme will have choices. She will gain the skills and dispositions to contribute positively through music to any community she may become involved in. Our programme offers increased specialisation and personalisation as girls progress through NCEA Levels 1 to 3 and Scholarship. We offer the following highly regarded programmes; Choral/ Vocal, Orchestral, Jazz, Chamber Music, Band, New Music, Musical Theatre, Mental Performance, Itinerant music, and Artist in Residence. Our musicians achieve at the top level, with NCEA and Scholarship results consistently well above the national average. Rangi Ruru has achieved a 100% music scholarship success rate in recent years, including several Outstanding and Top Music Scholar Awards. Girls are exposed to a diverse range of musical styles and genres through performance, notated composition and song writing. Students are always supported by the exploration of musical context analysis and music literacy. Skills in live recording and mixing are developed using a range of current music technologies. There are also opportunities to develop leadership skills in all aspects of the teaching and learning programme.

SUPPORTING PERFORMANCE The Learning Centre offers a range of services to support students to access the curriculum and to improve their ability to learn. Specialist teachers work closely with individual students or small groups to support their learning needs. Learning Coaching is provided in Years 9 to 13 to support students in becoming more effective and efficient learners. All students can request and receive coaching in any areas of learning relating to their curriculum topics and includes study skills, time management, memory strategies, essay writing, and examination techniques. Students who require support with literacy and numeracy skills are identified through whole school testing in Years 7 to 10. Further diagnostic testing is then undertaken by the Learning Centre to determine gaps, and extra support and tuition focused on skill development and assistance with classroom topics is provided.


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HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAMMES CRIMSON EDUCATION At Rangi Ruru we believe our girls deserve tertiary education that gives them infinite opportunities, and planning for the future has never been as critical as it is today. Recognising the importance of preparing girls for the future, Rangi Ruru has joined with career pathways specialists, Crimson Education, to deliver an innovative and future focused pathways and careers programme. This new approach to careers education provides practical strategies and helps students to improve interpersonal, intrapersonal, and cognitive skills. Crimson connects our students with a world class network of experts to support our girls’ admissions to their first choice Programme or University, domestically and abroad. Rangi Ruru is the only school in New Zealand to provide an onsite Crimson Career Strategist, and the only Crimson Consultant in the South Island. Crimson provides all of our girls with domestic University and Halls admission support, extensive preparation for Ivy League Admissions and Scholarships, Athletic Scholarship support and SAT coaching. Crimson also offers MedView to our students, New Zealand’s most comprehensive, essential and systematic medical schools admissions programme.


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CAREERS AND PATHWAYS Pioneering the way, Rangi Ruru girls are empowered to take control of their futures and achieve to their highest potential. Through our partnership with Crimson Education, our students have VIP access to global resources, in addition to a full time Careers and Pathways Strategist, solely dedicated to Rangi Ruru students. Inspiring girls beginning in Year 7 to plan strategically for their futures is of the utmost importance. Crimson Education offers wraparound services dedicated to coaching students in the ever changing global economy. In addition to consistent preparation for the road ahead, students are given longevity within a career curriculum that spans seven years. This exposure is designed to focus and motivate students towards success, and support them in fostering their aspirations by developing a secure foundation beneath them. This ground breaking approach to career education provides a multiplicity of services to Rangi Ruru students. Beginning in Year 7, students are exposed to the educational programme through a series of workshops. In Years 8 and 9, students develop a plan to identify their character strengths and begin to explore their potential. In Year 10, students take a compulsory course, Global Living, where they explore subject choices, career pathways, tertiary options and education, industry, employment applications, create cover letters and CVs and attend practical interviews. In Year 11, students dive deeper into their strengths, talents, passions, subject choices, and interests to better plan for the years ahead. All students in Year 12 meet individually with the Careers and Pathways Strategist to develop a course of action, explore their future options, and begin to make those hard choices toward the transition to adulthood. In their final school year, all Year 13 students will have laid the groundwork and begin working one-on-one to complete scholarship, hall and tertiary applications, and create CVs. Our Careers Centre is open to all students and parents.

We Know Girls


BOARDING AT RANGI RURU We provide a safe, secure and caring environment where students can focus on learning, discover new opportunities, and have fun at the same time. Home to 120 girls, our Years 7 to 13 boarders come from many different areas of New Zealand and the world to form a tight-knit and unique community. Our caring and experienced staff develop close relationships with the girls, ensuring that all boarders benefit from the safe, secure and positive environment provided by the boarding house. Girls have access to the library, gymnasium, fitness centre, swimming pool, hockey turf, tennis courts and other school facilities after school and during the weekends – it’s a backyard that’s hard to beat! Our



develop leadership

confidence, skills


form lifelong friendships. We also have a dedicated Dean of International Boarding to cater for our International Student requirements.


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We Know Girls

NETWORKS AND CONNECTIONS The friendships formed at Rangi Ruru are strong and lifelong. We have a highly active network of over 8,000 former pupils across the world, who keep in touch via the Rangi Ruru Old Girls’ Association (RROGA), our dynamic alumnae network. From looking for a bed for the night in London to needing help with an internship in New York, there is often another former pupil who can help! RROGA hosts regular events, produces magazines and has a website, helping to connect members in 75 different countries. It is a valuable means of maintaining and strengthening friendships and forging new ones, as well as providing a forum through which alumnae can help each other professionally. RROGA organises events for professionals from across New Zealand and the world, giving former pupils the opportunity to come together for friendship and advice. RROGA members are also actively involved in helping Rangi Ruru girls prepare for the future, including networking dinners, interview preparation, hosting careers events, and arranging speakers from universities and a wide range of professions.

SARAH ROBB O’HAGAN (BUXTON) Sarah is currently the CEO of Flywheel Sport, and author of ExtremeYou. She was the President of Equinox, a global fitness Company based in New York. Past President of Gatorade. She also served on Hilary Clintons US State department Council to “Empower Women and Girls through Sport”. Sarah was Awarded the Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award, 2014. “Rangi pushed me to try many different activities and to take responsibility. It taught me how to organise people to achieve a common goal. By the time I hit the wide world, I was incredibly well equipped to become a leader.” Sarah Robb O’Hagan We Know Girls


ADMISSIONS OVERVIEW We understand that choosing the right school

Each January around 150 girls join Rangi Ruru,

is an important and sometimes complex

becoming part of a vibrant, diverse community

decision, for both parents and daughters.

of approximately 650 girls alongside 140

You will be supported in this by our highly

academic and operational staff.

experienced Enrolments Team. This team will be your main point of contact during the process and they are here to answer your questions, help you to navigate anything that is unfamiliar, and generally provide guidance and reassurance during the admissions journey. 48

We Know Girls

We know that our excellent examination results at NCEA and Scholarship Level might suggest that we accept only highly academic girls; in fact, we are looking for girls who have potential and a positive attitude to learning. We recognise and understand that girls

apply to us from a diverse range of previous

various times depending on the year level of

educational backgrounds and our admissions

entry. More detailed information about this

process is geared towards getting to know

can be found using the links to our Key Dates


documents for the relevant entry year.

We want girls to enjoy following their academic

The admissions journey usually begins with

interests and to want to make a contribution

a visit and interview with our Principal, Dr

to Rangi Ruru life, be it academic, music, art,

Sandra Hastie, where we get to know you and

sport or other spheres.

your daughter and answer any questions you

All those who join Rangi Ruru must take entrance exams and these take place at

may have about an education at Rangi Ruru Girls’ School.

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ARRANGE A VISIT We are delighted to welcome prospective day girls, boarders, and their families to Rangi Ruru for an Open Day or tour, so that you can see for yourselves the opportunities available within our vibrant community. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Enrolments Team enrolments@rangiruru. school.nz to arrange a visit, or if you would just like further information, they are always happy to help. We




contact us at least two months ahead of your intended visit if possible, due to demand. Details of forthcoming Open Days,






and recent Rangi News, are all available on the school website www.rangiruru.school.nz.

We Know Girls


OUR PROMISE TO YOU A quality education is a gift for life. Our commitment to you and your daughter is that at Rangi Ruru she will be inspired, challenged, and empowered within a community that knows and cares about her. She will be motivated to develop knowledge, understanding and skills and a strong set of values. She will make lifelong friends and will leave Rangi Ruru a connected and curious citizen. She will have belief in herself, confidence to pursue her dreams and she will contribute positively to her communities as she makes her way in the world.


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We Know Girls

Rangi Ruru Girls’ School Whaia To Te Rangi 59 Hewitts Road Christchurch 8014 New Zealand For further information contact T +64 3 983 3700 E enrolments@rangiruru.school.nz


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