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A Message from the Rangi Ruru Foundation Chair Stephen Anderson
Chair of Foundation Stephen Anderson • takes a look back over the past 12 months
It has been my pleasure to serve on the Rangi Ruru Foundation for the past six years and to be its Chair since 2016.
The Foundation meets its obligations through its fiscal stewardship of donations and bequests passed to it from the school, ensuring that they are maintained and used for the purpose for which they were given. The Foundation currently manages in excess of $4million.
As part of that stewardship, the Trustees receive and assess applications for funding and support from the students, staff and Board of Rangi Ruru Girls’ School. In this regard, the Foundation had another successful year in 2019, with grants totaling $52,680 to seventeen recipients.
Scholarships and Bursaries totalling $10,600 were awarded to 4 students and $160,000 was repaid to the Board to retire debt.
The Foundation supports the Board in its endeavours to support the school. It looks forward to continuing to contribute to future capital development projects, working to complete the campus master plan. In 2019, the Foundation was pleased to support further development of the site with ceding funding allowing planning for the next phase to commence. On behalf of the Trustees I would like to thank you, our donors, for your generosity to Rangi Ruru Girls’ School which proudly, this year, celebrates 130 years of educating young women. We hope that you will continue your support. We encourage our Old Girls to pay it forward by supporting a scholarship or remembering the school in your Will for our future aspiring students.
With the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and our investments, 2020 will be a significantly more challenging year for the Trustees. However, the results from 2019 has left the Foundation in a strong position to weather the storm.
Rangi Ruru Girls’ School continues to honour its promise to provide a quality education, which is truly a gift for life. I have very much enjoyed my time as Foundation Chair and association with the school as a past parent and Board member. I thank Trustees both past and present and wish the school the very best for the future.