• These awards are presented annually in recognition of Scholarship, Academic, Cultural, Sporting and Service achievements associated with the school.
• In order to achieve comparability of standards, a points system will operate. Students may accrue points from year to year. The number of points required for activities will vary according to the activity.
• An Awards Committee consisting of the Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal, Curriculum, Music, Theatre Arts and Sports Directors, and Teachers in Charge of Activities will make the final decisions regarding student and staff/coaches submissions.
• Accumulation of points for any award is an opportunity for the application to be considered and a guideline for the Committee. It does not automatically ensure an award. Additional awards may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Awards Committee.
• In general, awards are for Year 10 – 13 students. Exceptional performance at Years 7-9 may be recognised.
• To receive an award, students must have achieved at the appropriate level, as set out in the criteria. They must also have shown dedication, commitment, given service to the school and above all have upheld the Rangi Ruru values.
• Students may gain one Pocket, Colour or Elite Award per year. Re-awards must be earned; they are not automatically granted. Points required to achieve an award must be re-accumulated. Generally, excess points achieved for an original award, are not able to be reused.
• Applications will be taken electronically each term, with the link available on Rangi Hub. Information as to when they are required will be in the Daily Notices.
• Academic Scholarship Awards based on NCEA are awarded in Term 1. All others are awarded in Terms 2, 3 & 4.
• Mana Wahine Awards are Curriculum Awards based on classroom and subject endeavour. Teachers nominate students in their classes and awards are presented to students who receive the most nominations across all their subjects. For Year 7-10 there are two awards per tutor group, in Years 11-13 twelve awards in total for Terms 2 and 3. There are no Mana Wahine Awards in Terms 1 or 4. It is possible to receive a Mana Wahine Award more than once and in multiple years.
• The Silver Fern Award. A student selected to represent New Zealand in any field will receive an emblem consisting of an embroidered Silver Fern. This is to be displayed on the lapel of the blazer. These will be awarded in Terms 2, 3 and 4. This is only awarded once. If you attain selection in more than one code, this will be recognised.
Recognition of awards is indicated by the wearing of a strip defining the activity achieved together with a date strip, below the pocket on the school blazer.
The level of the Award is recognised as follows:
• Pocket – Navy strip pale blue wording with date
• Colours – Navy strip gold wording with date
• Elite Colours – Gold strip navy wording with date
• Outstanding Service – Navy strip white wording with date.
• Silver Fern – Icon emblem and Black Strip silver wording with date.
A Pocket Award monogram with a blue laurel leaf and gold RR is worn on the blazer in place of the RR monogram when a student acquires the Pocket Award. Students only receive one Pocket monogram.
The strip should be sewn so that it is lined up with the outside gold curve of the sports pocket. The first strip is to be sewn on the pocket and any further ones in line with it underneath the pocket.
• Any re-awards should be sewn alongside the strip
• Any re-awards should be sewn alongside the strip
• Pocket Awards should be sewn on first, Colours Awards underneath
• Pocket Awards should be sewn on first, Colours Awards underneath
• Awards are sewn onto the blazer starting immediately below the pocket; further awards are placed beneath the first award
• If you have not already received a blazer pocket you may collect one from the Sports Office, at a cost of $8.00
• If you have not already received a blazer pocket you may collect one from the Sports Office, at a cost of $8.00
• Pocket award = blue strip
• Awards are sewn onto the blazer starting immediately below the pocket; further awards are placed beneath the first award
• Colours award = gold strip.
• Pocket award = blue strip AWARDS CRITERIA
Pockets (these may be re-awarded)
Pockets are awarded for regular participation and involvement and a high standard of achievement.
Colours (these may be re-awarded)
Colours are awarded for excellence and outstanding achievement, combined with a valuable contribution within the school to the group or activity.
These Awards are specific for service to the Fitness Centre, Library, Lifesaving, Performing Arts, Sport, Sustainability and Technology. They acknowledge an exceptional level of service and are based on accumulation of points after two years’ service in the area concerned.
Elite awards recognise the achievement of senior students who have reached a higher level than that required for Colours. Students are generally not eligible for these awards until Year 12 or Year 13. Elite awards require both exceptional performance and a level of service towards their area of expertise.
Performance must be achieved in an open field or at a level beyond their own age group.
In general these students will be national representatives, or equivalent, and often representing New Zealand on the world stage, and have been selected on the basis of ability. The student must have participated in the event to qualify for Elite Colours.
The standard of service required is similar for each area and includes working with younger students and passing on skills.
Students must have shown a high degree of demonstrating the Rangi Ruru Values in their approach and application to their area of expertise, and at school.
Additional criteria will apply in each area.
Elite Colours is not applied for. The award is made on the recommendation of the Awards committee to exceptional Colours applicants whom the committee deems to have met the criteria of this prestigious elite award.
Preliminary requirements
• Two years’ service – minimum service requirement before eligibility Criteria
1. Shows dedication, is committed to duty regularly, as recognised by the Fitness Centre Manager
2. Has undertaken the Intro Workshop and attended at least two other workshops in the first year, then minimum of two workshops per year
3. Has helped with promoting and supporting Fitness Centre event eg. working parties
4. When called upon is able to take control while staff are absent, shows outstanding leadership and strong knowledge of fitness programming
5. Has taken younger students through programmes and has a high understanding of what is expected
Preliminary requirements:
• Two years’ service consecutively – minimum service requirement before eligibility.
• Service begins at Y11. A service award requirement could be achieved by the beginning of Year 13.
• Can be gained through the period of service indicated above.
• Points may be awarded on an annual basis.
• Outstanding Service award = 10 points
1. Shows dedication, is committed to regular service which is recognised by the library staff. Willing to help in the library even when not on duty (1 point)
2. Is competent in the use of the OPAC system for basic library functions (issuing, returning, reservations) and carries out accurate they shelving as required. Assists other students in use of the OPAC (2 points);
3. Takes an active part in planning Library special events (1 point)
4. Contributes to setting up displays, selecting books, creating posters etc (1 point)
5. Supports library initiatives such as book club, reading challenge, quizzes, community book library and any other opportunities that arise (2 points)
6. Supports all relevant book week activities (1 point)
7. Is a library champion, promoting the library, its role and resources to fellow students, through regular student channels (in person or online) (1 point)
8. Takes on a supervisory role in the Library when staff are absent or busy (1 points)
Preliminary Requirement
• 2 years service - minimum service requirement before eligibility
• Can be gained during the period of service indicated above
• May be awarded once and at the discretion of the Lifesaving Coordinator
• An Outstanding Service Award = 8 points
1. Shows dedication and is a committed member of the Instructor team, as recognised by the Lifesaving Coordinator (1 point)
2. Has attended the introductory workshop and helped to promote and support Lifesaving at RR (1 point)
3. When called upon is able to supervise groups while the teacher is absent, showing outstanding leadership and a strong knowledge of lifesaving skills (1 point)
4. Gained an Award of Merit (1 point)
5. Gained a Distinction Award (2 points)
6. Gained a Junior Instructors Award (2 points)
Preliminary requirements
• Two years’ service - minimum service requirement before eligible for consideration
• Service would begin at Year 10. A service award requirement of two years’ service could be achieved by the beginning of Year 12.
• Can be gained during the period of service indicated above
• Points may only be awarded once and at the discretion of the Performing Arts teacher
• An Outstanding Service Award = 8 points
1. Shows dedication, is committed to regular service which is recognised by the Performing Arts teacher (1 point)
2. Has acquired good skills in at least two areas of performing arts / stagecraft (2 points)
3. Has trained other students in at least one area of performing arts / stagecraft (1 point)
4. Has participated in productions in a backstage role, showing support for performers and assisting management of equipment and properties as required or as a principal performer demonstrating support for other cast members (1 point)
5. Has assisted the Performing Arts teacher in the promotion of school productions (1 point)
6. Has organised front of house student “teams” for at least two school productions (1 point)
7. Has taken on a directing role in a school production (1 point).
Preliminary requirements
• Two years’ service – minimum service requirement before eligibility, with a minimum of 20 hours (10 hours per year)
• Service could begin at Year 10. Service award requirements for two years’ service could be achieved by the end of Year 11.
1. Has held practices and coached a school team for at least two years with a minimum of 20 hours (10 per year), including coaching at games or made a commitment to umpiring or managing a sport or team for at least two years, with a minimum of 20 hours administration
2. Has been involved for a full season to receive credit for that year, eg. you cannot coach netball for 10 hours in Term 2 and not coach in Term 3. Summer sports coaching means Term 1 and Term 4
3. Has shown at least 90% attendance at team trainings and games or umpired at least once per week throughout the season
4. Shows evidence of a planned programme (ie. documentation in a coaching manual or other) or shows evidence of officiating in tournaments, additional to weekly opportunities
5. Has participated in coaching courses or participated in an appropriate sports administration course/umpiring session
6. Is well organised, responsible and has a positive attitude towards your team and school.
The Outstanding Service Award for Sustainability acknowledges valuable and substantial contributions made to Sustainability both at Rangi Ruru and beyond. This award celebrates those driving initiatives and showing generosity of spirit in giving their time and expertise. These ākonga are making outstanding contributions locally, nationally, and internationally, within the context of caring for Papatuanuku – Mother Earth. The proposed new award aligns closely with criteria for other Outstanding Service Awards.
Awards Criteria
Outstanding Service Award for Sustainability
Preliminary requirements
Active service for two years – a minimum of twenty hours service is a requirement before eligibility.
• Can be gained during period of service indicated above
• Points may only be awarded once and at the discretion of the Head of Sustainability
• An Outstanding Service Award for Sustainability = 8 points
1. Shows dedication as an active and committed member of the Sustainability Team (1 point)
2. Actively manages or leads at least one major school-related event/club (1 point)
3. Shows responsibility & leadership in training of younger Sustainability Sisters (1 point)
4. Has assisted the Director of Sustainability in the promotion of school wide event (1 point)
5. Takes an active role in planning & preparing a Sustainability initiative (1 point)
6. Devises and runs a substantial training programme/mentoring or advisory role for others within the school or wider community (2 points)
7. Has presented or spoken at Sustainability hui, local government, webinars, awards, Enviroschool, or Eco-Action events or competitions, representing Rangi Ruru (1 point)
8. Takes on a supervisory role in our school nursery, at another school nursery or at a planting event (2 points).
Preliminary requirements
• Two years’ active service – minimum service requirements before eligibility Points
• Can be gained during period of service indicated above
• Points may only be awarded once and at the discretion of the Deputy to the Principal
• An Outstanding Service Award = 8 points Criteria
1. Shows dedication, is an active and committed member of the Tech Angel Technology assistance programme (1 point)
2. Actively manages at least one major school-related event with rehearsals. Please describe (1 point)
3. Shows leadership in training of tech babes (1 point)
4. Completes a major project or at least 3 minor projects for the benefit of the school. Please describe (1 point)
5. Takes responsibility for technical needs, set-up and pack-up chapel on a regular basis (1 point)
6. Devises and runs a substantial training programme for other students/staff in the technology available in the school (2 points)
7. Has a major leadership role within the technology assistance programme (1 point)
8. Provides substantial technical support to the school on at least one occasion, excluding drama productions which are covered by stagecraft. Please note hours worked (2 points).
Scholarship Awards are available to students for national results gained in one year. The awards are based on a percentage of Excellence grades out of the total possible for a student’s five best subjects. For example, a student with 18 Excellence grades out of a total possible of 22 would have 81.1%. Total possible Excellence grades will vary between subjects.
If a student is studying at a higher level, the degree of difficulty is recognised by a reduction in the total Excellence figure for that student. For example, a Level 2 student with 18 Excellence grades out of 22 but who was studying a Level 3 subject as part of that would have the total grades reduced by 1 grade to acknowledge the higher level study.
A student qualifies for a pocket if they:
• Gains 50% or better Excellence grades for NCEA at Level 1 or Level 2.
• Gains an equivalent mix of Excellence grades for NCEA at more than one level.
A student qualifies for colours if they:
• Gains 70% or better Excellence grades for NCEA Level 1 or Level 2
• Gains an equivalent mix of Excellence grades for NCEA at more than one level.
Elite Colours
A student qualifies for elite colours if they:
• Gain 96% or more Excellence grades for NCEA at Level 1 or 2 or an equivalent mix at a higher level.
Students who perform at a high or exceptionally high level in regional, national or international academic competitions or events on several occasions are awarded Academic Pockets or Colours.
Applications for Academic Pockets or Colours are made to Ms Collins, Deputy Principal Cirriculum on the Academic Awards Application Form available on the Hub.
Points can be accrued in more than one year but should have relevance for the student’s current year level. Achievements from Year 9 will, for example, not be considered if the student is currently in Y13. A pocket must be gained first to be eligible for Colours.
Applicants must have awards higher than Participation level in a minimum of five competitions or events to be considered e.g. ICAS, Australian Science Competition, ARA Chemistry Competition etc. In ICAS Competitions, Merit and Credit count towards a pocket award. Distinction and High Distinction is required for Colours. In all cases, the level of the competition and the level of the award will determine eligibility for a Pocket or Colour Award (or Re-award) at the discretion of the Assistant Principal, Curriculum.
All Students awarded Pockets or Colours must have shown a high degree of commitment and achievement.
Pockets – 3 points
Colours – 6 points (eligible after three years)
1. Participating in an FPS team for a year (1 point)
2. Gaining a gold award (first in group) for a fuzzy, in any division (1 point)
3. Gaining a silver or bronze award for a fuzzy (½ point)
4. Winning a place in the National FPS final (2 points)
5. Winning a place in a semi-final (1 point)
6. Completing a markers’ training course (½ point)
7. Assisting with coaching a junior team for two fuzzys (½ point).
The same criteria apply and points can be accumulated but there must be at least one 2 point, or two 1 point awards excluding participation only.
Pocket (all worth one point. A total of four points required)
• Member of a school writers’ group for at least one school year
• Attendance at a writing course outside of school
• Writing accepted into a school publication
• Preparing and running at least one workshop or session for other writers
• Publication writing in a local publication
Colours (all worth one point. A total of four points required additionally to the Pocket Award)
• Member of a school writers’ group for at least three school years (1 point)
• Special commendation in a regional or national writing competition (1 point)
• Publication in a regional or national paper/ magazine (2 points)
• Winning a regional or national writing competition (2 points)
• Acting as a mentor for other student writers (2 points)
• Regularly running writing workshops and sessions for other members in the club (at least two per term) (2 points)
• Being selected to attend a national or international writing course (2 points)
A Pocket must be gained first to be considered for Colours
Pocket- applicant must satisfy 4 criteria
A pocket is awarded if:
• the student has been in a YE team for more than one year
• the student has been part of a team which has won at least one regional award, either at Dragons’ Den or in the end-of-year YE regional awards.
• they have fulfilled their directorship duties diligently and consistently – decided by observation of the teacher in charge, as well as in consultation with the other directors, and especially the CEO.
• they have been party to completing the 40 point checklist required by the Canterbury regional co-ordinator of YE (endorsed by the other directors as well as the teacher in charge).
A Pocket must be obtained before a Colour Award can be considered. Colours are awarded if:
• all of the above criteria PLUS
• the student has been part of a team which has been a Canterbury regional winner, representing Canterbury at the National Awards
• the student has been part of a team which has earned an Excellence award in the Canterbury regional awards, in one of the designated categories, resulting in representing Canterbury at the National awards AND
• as a result of representing Canterbury at the National awards, has been a National winner in any category.
For students who achieve something exceptional that does not have a clear pathway at school or through the current awards system. These are awarded only at the discretion of the Awards Committee.
To be eligible for a sporting Pocket or Colours award, Students must display Rangi Ruru values alongside a high degree of commitment and responsibility, dedication, loyalty and appropriate behaviour.
Importantly a high level of skill is essential for a Colours award.
In general:
- Students require 3 points for a Pocket and 6 points for Colour.
- Students must achieve a Pocket before they can be awarded a colour however, an exception may be made for students joining Rangi in Year 12 and 13. This is on a case by case basis.
Points for each criteria are awarded only once (eg. one point only for Canterbury representation, not one for U16 and one point for U18 if selected for both teams) unless stipulated. This also applies when points can be accumulated over more than one year. Once a Pocket or Colours has been awarded the accumulation of points must start again. The accumulation of points only allows the student to have their application considered for selection of Pockets and Colours.
For all categories:
• Automatic colour for National representation. Selection alone qualifies for 2 points
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
1. Member of the ‘A’ Adventure Race team for a minimum of two school seasons. Each student must show full commitment to all training and competitive events set out for the year. (1 point)
2. Leading recruitment, coaching and support of new team members to develop in the sport and helping with administration of adventure race training and racing events. (1 point)
3. Overall Adventure Race Sports Captain (where there is more than one school team) (1 point)
Representative selection as part of a school team
4. Placing in the top three at the Canterbury Regional Schools Get2Go Challenge (Juniors) or the Hillary Challenge (Seniors) (1 point)
5. Placing in the top three at the New Zealand Schools Get2Go final (Juniors) or the Hillary Challenge final (Seniors) (2 points)
6. Placing in the top three at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Rogaine Championship, or the South Island Secondary Schools Adventure Racing Championships (where there are more than 6 teams) (1 point)
7. Placing in top three at a Secondary School Adventure Racing event (eg. Spring Challenge, Coast to Coast) (1 point)
8. Winning a Canterbury Regional Adventure Race Event in the Junior (school age) or Open Category (1 point)
9. Placing in the top four at the New Zealand Rogaine Championships or the New Zealand Adventure Racing Championships (2 points)
10. Pacing 5th - 8th at the New Zealand Rogaine Championships or the New Zealand Adventure Racing Championships (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation 1. Represent Rangi Ruru at the Canterbury Secondary School Athletics Championships over two years (1 point)
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection/ Achievement as an individual
2. Coaching or helping with the administration of school sports (1point) or
3. Overall Athletics Sports Captain (1 point)
4. Selection in Canterbury representative squad (1 point)
5. Selection in a national athletics squad (2 points)
6. School Champion in the Intermediate or Senior Grade (1 point)
7. Placing 1st – 3rd at Canterbury Intersecondary School Champs Finals (1 points)
8. Placing 1st – 3rd in a South Island Secondary Schools final (1 point)
9. Competing in national final (1 point) OR placing in the first FOUR of a national final (2 points)
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
11. Placing 1st - 3rd at New Zealand club nationals (1 points) Achievements as part of a team
12. 2nd - 3rd at National Athletics Champs (1 point)
13. 1st at National Athletics Champs (2 points)
14. Achieving criteria 7-12 above as part of a relay team (1 point) OR winning national relay title (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the top Rangi Ruru Badminton Team for a minimum of two seasons. Each Student must show full commitment to all games. (1 point)
2. Overall Badminton Sports Captain (1 point)
3. Gaining a practical umpiring badge through the local association (not reawardable) (1 point)
4. Coaching/Umpiring or managing a team for the season (1 point)
5. Selection as a Canterbury representative (1 point)
6. Selection in any promising player/development/age group squad (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Winning School Senior Championships (singles OR doubles). Must have 6 competitors. (1 point).
9. Placing in first 3 at Canterbury or South Island tournament (when field is larger than 6 competitors) (2 points)
10. Placing in the first four at national tournament, (2 points) OR Placing 5th - 8th at National tournament. (1 point)
11. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
12. Winning the Intersecondary Schools competition final (1 point)
13. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection /
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the Senior A team for minimum 2 years. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Registered schools referee making a commitment to refereeing games during the season – minimum 5 games (1 point)
3. Coaching or managing a school team for the full season (1 point)
4. Overall Basketball Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection as a Canterbury A representative, U16 and above (1 point)
6. Selection in a regional or national development/promising player squad or tournament team (1 point)
7. Selection as a New Zealand representative (2 points)
8. Recognition as a MVP at a tournament (1 point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2pts)
10. Winning an Intersecondary Friday night or Canterbury Association Competition (1 point)
11. Winning South Island Secondary Schools Tournament (2 points)
12. Place 2nd-4th at South Islands Secondary Schools Tournament (1 point)
13. Winning the Club grade (1 point)
14. Placing in the first 4 in National Secondary School Championships (2 points)
15. Placing 5th – 8th at National Secondary School Championships (1 point)
16. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the school chess club for a minimum of two years (1 point)
2. Member of the School A team competing at the Interschool Competition (1 point)
3. Coach a junior team or a badge (1 point)
4. Gain Badge 3 or higher (1 point)
5. Selection in a development squad (1 point)
6. Gain selection as a Canterbury representative (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Placing in the first three in Individual Interschool Competition (1 point)
9. Winning a national or South Island title (2 points)
10. Placing 2nd – 3rd at national or South Island event (1 point)
11. Placing in the first three in a Teams Interschool Competition.(1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievement as an individual
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at secondary school competitions over two years (1 point)
2. Overall Clay Target Shooting Captain & attends all 4 shoots (Needs a minimum of three people to warrant a captain) (1 point)
3. Member of the NZ Junior Clay Target Shooting Team (2 points)
4. Selection as a regional representative (1 point)
5. Placing in the top three at South Islands (1 point)
6. Placing in the top three at nationals (1 point)
7. Winning South Islands OR nationals (2 points each)
8. Highest Overall Junior at provincial club competitions (1 point)
9. Highest Overall (across both Junior & Senior) at provincial club competitions (2 points)
10. Individual winner of the Canterbury Secondary Schools competition (1 point)
11. Selection in the South vs North shoot at Nationals (1 point)
Achievements as part of a team
12. Member of a team that placed 2nd or 3rd at SISS (1point)
13. Member of a team that placed 2nd-3rd at National Secondary School (1 point)
14. Member of a team that placed 1st at South Islands OR Nationals (2 points each)
15. Part of a winning team in the North vs South Competition at Nationals (1 point).
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the 1st XI Team which competes in the Regional Qualifying Tournament for a minimum of two years. Each student must show full commitment to all practices and attend the whole tournament practices. (1 point)
2. Coaching/Umpiring or managing a school team for the season (1 point)
3. Overall Cricket Sports Captain (1 point)
4. Selection as a Canterbury representative (U16 and above) (1 point)
5. Selection in a regional or national promising player/development/age group squad (1 point)
6. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
7. Recognition as a MVP at a regional or national tournament (1 point)
8. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
9. Qualifying for the NZSS Final by winning Regional Tournament (2 points)
10. Runner-up at regional qualifying tournament (1 point)
11. Placing first at the NZSS tournament, (2 points) OR placing 2nd (1 point)
12. Member of Premier Club team which wins T20 or 1 day final (1 point)
13. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Selection in the Rangi Ruru Team for Canterbury Secondary Schools Cross Country or Road Raceover two years (1 point)
2. Overall Cross Country Sports Captain (1 point)
3. Selection in Canterbury A Representative Squad (1 point)
4. Selection in national squad (2 points)
5. School champion in U16 or U19 Grade (1 point)
6. Placing in the first TEN at Canterbury Secondary School Cross Country Championships (1 point)
7. Placing in the first THREE in a Canterbury Club or representative relay/teams event (1 point)
8. Placing in the first THREE in Canterbury Secondary Schools Road Race as Individual (1 point)
9. Placing 2nd - 3rd in a South Island Country Carnival (1 point)
10. Winning a South Island Country Carnival (2 points)
11. Placing in the first TEN in the National Secondary School Cross Country and/or Road Race Championships (2 points)
12. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
13. Placing in the first 3 in the teams event at the South Island Secondary School Country Carnival (1 point)
14. Placing in the first THREE in the teams event at the National Secondary School Cross Country Championships (1 point)
15. Placing top TWO in the teams event at the National Secondary School Road Race Championships (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
1. Member of the Rangi Ruru team for a minimum of two seasons. Each student must show full commitment to all training and events. (1 point)
2. Overall Cycling Sports Captain (1 point)
3. Selection as a Canterbury or equivalent representative - track or road (1 point)
4. Selection in a regional or national promising cyclist/development/age group squad (1 point)
5. Selection as a national representative – track or road (2 points)
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
Pockets: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
School representative achievement
6. Placing in the first 3 in the Christchurch Schools Cycling Competition at season end (1 point)
7. Placing 1st-3rd in a South Island Secondary School Road cycling or club event (1 point)
8. Southern Tour - Overall classification winner (2 point)
9. Placing in the first three at National Secondary School or club event (2 points), OR placing 5th - 8th at a national event (1 point)
NB: For points 6-9, fields need to be more than 6 competitors, or when based on time comparisons across age groups
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
11. Team placing in first 3 at Regional/ South Island Secondary School Event (1 point)
12. Team placing in first 4 at National Secondary School event (2 points), OR team placing 5th – 8th at National event (1 point).
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at TWO secondary school events over two years
2. Placing in the top THREE at either the South Island Secondary Schools OR NZSS Dog Agility Championships (1 point per placing - max 2 points)
3. Winning South Islands or Nationals Secondary Schools (2 points each per class)
4. Member of winning school team at South Island or Nationals Secondary Schools Dog Agility Championship (2 points each)
Representative selection/achievement as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
5. Selection as a JDT or Zone representative (1 point)
6. Placing in the top 10 at NZDAC/NDS standard class (1 point)
7. Winning a NZDAC/NDS standard class (2 points)
8. Junior Handler of the Year at club level (1 point)
9. Overall top Handler of the Year per class at club level (2 points each)
10. Agility Champion status awarded (2 points)
11. Member of a team that placed 2nd or 3rd at NZDAC/NDS (1 point)
12. Member of a team that placed first at NZDAC/NDS (2 points)
NZDAC = New Zealand Dog Agility Championships
JDT= Junior Dog Training
NDS= National Dog Show
Pockets: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation 1. Member of the Rangi Ruru team for a minimum of two years
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection/ achievement as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
2. N/A
3. Selection as a regional or national representative in Dragon Boating (1 point) *subject to there being a selection process
4. Selection in a regional or national age group squad as a promising paddler/sweep/ caller (1 point)
5. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
6. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
7. Placing FIRST in either the 200m-250m and/or 420m-500m and/or 1000m/2000m A grade races at the Canterbury Secondary School Dragon Boating regatta (1 point each race)
8. Placing 1-3 in a A Grade Final at the SISS Dragon Boating Championships (1 point)
9. Making an A Grade Final at the NZSS Dragon Boating Championships (1 points) OR winning an A Grade Final at the NZSS Dragon Boating Championships (2 points)
10. Overall school champion at South Island Secondary Schools (1 point)
11. Winning a Dragon Boating regatta in Aoraki Open, Akaroa (1 point)
12. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pockets: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Achievements as part of a school team
Achievements as an Individual
Evidence of consistent performance at a high level in competition while representing the school for a minimum of two years, is required for Pockets and Colours, also Service [see #12 following].
1. Represent Rangi Ruru in an Interschools Championship Competition or Tournament Week event in any discipline for a minimum of two years (eventing, show jumping, dressage, polo, mounted games, showing or other) (Max 1 point per discipline per year)
2. Selection as Equestrian Captain and performing duties well (1 point)
3. Timekeeper, writer or administrative helper (1 point)
4. Member of a winning team at an Open Inter-secondary Schools event (1 point)
5. Member of a winning team at Equestrian Tournament Week event (1 point)
6. Individual first placing overall at an Open Inter-secondary Schools event (1 point)
7. Individual first placing overall at Equestrian Tournament Week event (1 point)
8. Selection as a provincial representative as an individual or team at a national championship event (1 point)
9. Individual overall winner or member of winning Provincial team at a national championship event (2 points)
10. Individual champion overall in an Open competition at a national championship event (2 points)
11. Individual winner in either of the following events (1) Premier League; (2) South or North Island Champs; (3) HOY Qualifier or (4) National Championship Event or Series (1 point) (Max one point per discipline per year)
12. Gaining NZPCA A, H or B certificate (1 point)
13. Representation as a member of a club or branch team competing at a South or North Island or national championship event (1 point)
14. Selection in a national Squad or team (2 points)
15. Awarded a sports scholarships for tertiary study (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Be a member of the Rangi Ruru school team for a minimum of two years and attend coaching throughout the season (1 point)
2. Selected for the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Team (1 point)
3. Top 4 at Regional U15 OR U17 competition (1 point)
4. Top 4 at NZ U15 OR U17 competition (1 point)
5. Winning a NZ U15 OR U17 comp (2 points)
6. Top Four New Zealand Under 20 Championships (1 point)
7. Winning NZ U20 Champs (2 points)
8. Top Eight New Zealand Championships OR Top 8 finish at Australian U15 OR U17 event (2 points)
9. Awarded a Sports Scholarship for Tertiary Study (2 points)
10. Member of winning school team at Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Championships (1 point)
11. Top 4 in team event at Australian U15 OR U16 Champs (or other overseas comp) (2 points)
Note: All results must have fields of 6+ competitors
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievement as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the First XI team for a minimum of two seasons. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments and practices. (1 point)
2. Gaining a practical referees badge through the local association (not reawardable) (1 point)
3. Coaching/Refereeing/Managing a team for the season (1 point)
4. Overall Football Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection in a WPL team or Canterbury United Pride or Shadow Pride Squad (1 point)
6. Selection in a national age group squad (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Recognition as MVP at a tournament (1 point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools competition final (1 point)
11. Winning at a School Sport NZ sanctioned event (2 points)
12. Placing 2nd – 3rd at a Secondary Sport NZ sanctioned event (1 point)
13. Placing in the first four at national tournament (club or school) (2 points), OR Placing 5th – 8th at national tournament (1 point)
14. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection /
Achievement as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
1. Member of the Senior A team for a minimum of two years and attend coaching throughout the season (1 point)
2. Gaining a practical referee’s badge through the local association (not reawardable) (1 point)
3. Coaching/Refereeing/Managing a junior school team for a season (1 point)
4. Overall Futsall Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection in a Canterbury team (1 point)
6. Selection in a national representative (1 point)
7. Recognition as MVP at a tournament (1 point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Winning the Mainland Football Futsal Wednesday Competition (1 point)
11. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools Chamionship final (1 point)
12. Placing 2nd – 8th at a national tournament (1 point)
14. Winning a national title (2 points)
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of a Canterbury Secondary school competition team (1 point)
2. Selected as Canterbury Representative (U16 & above) (1 point)
3. Selected in promising player/development squad (1 point)
4. Placing 1st – 3rd at the Canterbury Age Group Championships - U13, U16 or U19 (Peat Cup.) (1 point) OR Winning the Peat Cup U19 Canterbury Age Group Championships (2 points)
5. Placing 1st-3rd at the South Island Age Group Championships (U16 or U19.) (1 point)
6. Placing 2nd -3rd at the South Island Championships (Open Women) (1 point)
7. Winning SI Championships (Open Women) – (2 points)
8. Placing 1st – 3rd at the NZ Age Group Championships (U16 or u19.) or Winning the NZ Age Group Championships U19 (2 points)
9. Member of a Pollock Cup Interclub team (1 point)
10. Winning a Club Championships (1 point) Note: Must be more than 8 competitors
11. Awarded a Sports Scholarship for Tertiary Study (2 points)
12. Member of a team placed in the first three, in your section, in individual or team events at Secondary competition (1 point)
13. Placing in top 3 in teams individual events South Island and/or National Championships (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the highest graded team competing in the Canterbury Secondary School Competition (1 point)
2. Must be competing at Step 5 and going to Nationals to be eligible to apply
3. Coaching a school team for the season (1 point)
4. Selection in a Canterbury Representative team (1 point)
5. Selection in any regional or national development squad in Senior or Open Competition (1 point)
6. Selection as a New Zealand Representative (2 points)
7. Placing in the first THREE in any grade at the Canterbury Secondary Schools Championships (1 point)
8. Placing 2nd – 3rd at South Island/National Competition (1 point)
9. Winning a national competition as an individual (2 points)
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
11. Placing in the first THREE in any grade for a teams event at the Secondary Schools Championships (1 point)
12. Placing 2nd – 3rd in a teams event at national competition (1 point)
13. Winning a national or South Island competition in a team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Championships (1 point)
2. Dedicated coach of school gymnasts preparing for competitions (1 point)
3. Represent Canterbury at the National Championships (1 point)
4. Selection in a national developmental squad (1 point)
5. Represent New Zealand (points gained are for the whole year, not each competition) (2 points)
6. Place 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall in an event at the Canterbury Secondary Schools Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships (1 point)
7. Place 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall in an event at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Championships (2 points)
8. Place 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall at a club championship (1 point)
9. Win an overall South Island title (1 point)
10. Gain an overall individual or multiples medal at the Nationals (1 point) OR New Zealand title holder in an individual or multiples event (2 points)
11. Placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall in an international competition for individual, multiples or a team event where the number of competitors in the grade has exceeded six (2 points)
12. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the 1st XI Hockey Team for a minimum of two seasons. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Coach/Umpire/Manage a school team for the season (1 point)
3. Gaining a practical umpiring badge through the local Association (not reawardable) (1 point)
4. Overall Hockey Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection as a Canterbury Hockey U18 A Representative (1 point)
6. Selection in any regional or national development/promising player squad (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Recognition as a MVP at a tournament (1 point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Winning the Secondary School or Premier Senior Club Grade Competition (1 point)
11. Placing in the first four at Federation Cup (2 points)
12. Placing 5th – 8th at Federation Cup (1 point)
13. Winning the Chris Arthur (or equivalent 2nd XI) Tournament (2 points)
14. Placing 2nd or 3rd at Chris Arthur (or equivalent 2nd XI) National Tournament (1 point)
15. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of a senior team for a minimum of two seasons. Each student must show full commitment to all games. (1 point)
2. Gaining a practical umpiring badge through the local association (not reawardable) (1 point)
3. Coaching/Umpiring/Managing a school team for the season (1 point)
4. Selection as a Canterbury or equivalent representative (1 point)
5. Selection in a regional or national promising player/development/age group squad (1 point)
6. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
7. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools competition final (where there are more than 3 teams) (1 point)
8. Winning a Canterbury Secondary Schools tournament/championship (where there are more than 3 teams) (1 point)
9. Placing in first 3 at South Island tournament (1 point)
10. Placing in the first four at national tournament, (2 points) OR placing 5th - 8th at national tournament. (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection/
Achievement as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Representing Rangi Ruru at two Secondary School events over two seasons (1 point)
2. Coaching at the Kayaking Club and/or role modelling and promoting the sport at school (1 point)
3. Overall Kayaking Sports Captain (needs more than 3 people to warrant an Overall Captain (1 point)
4. Selection in the Pathways program (1 point)
5. Attending an overseas competition (2 points)
6. Placing at a South Island Secondary School or club event (1 point)
7. Winning a South Island Secondary School or club event (2 points)
8. Competing in an “A” final at Secondary School or club event Nationals (1 point), or placing in the top 3 (2 points)
9. Winning a South Island Secondary School event (1 point)
10. Placing in the top 3 at Secondary School or club Nationals (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Achievement as an individual
1. Represent the Rangi Ruru team in a minimum of TWO secondary school mountain biking events across two years (1 point)
2. Overall Mountain Biking Sports Captain (where there are more than 5 students competing in MTB) (1 point)
3. Winning a Canterbury Secondary School Event in your age group (1 point) OR winning a Canterbury Secondary School Event above your age group (2 points)
4. Placing 1st at Regional or South Island Secondary School Event (2 points)
5. Placing 2nd - 4th at South Island Secondary School event (1 point)
6. Placing in the first four at National Secondary School event (2 points), OR placing 5th - 8th at National Secondary School event. (1 point)
(NB for points 4-6 fields need to be more than 6 OR when based on time comparisons across all age groups)
7. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
Achievements as part of a team
8. Selection into a sponsored professional team (1 point)
9. Team placing in first 3 at Regional / South Island Event (1 point)
10. Team placing in first 4 at National event (2 points), OR team placing 5th - 8th at National event (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Represented Rangi Ruru at a minimum of two multisport events over two seasons (1 point)
2. Coaching or helping with the administration of duathlons/triathlons/multisport (1 point)
3. Overall Multisport Sports Captain (1 point)
4. Winning a Canterbury secondary school title in duathlon/triathlon (where more than 6 competitors) (1 point)
5. Placing in the top three at the South Island Secondary Schools’ duathlon/triathlon/ multisport championships (where more than 6 competitors) (1 point)
6. Placing in the top four at the New Zealand duathlon/triathlon/multisport championships (2 points)
7. Placing 5th – 8th at the New Zealand duathlon/triathlon/multisport championships (1 point)
8. Selected in the New Zealand development squad for either duathlon/triathlon multisport (2 points)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Winning the Canterbury Secondary School Duathlon/Triathlon Championships in a team (where more than 3 teams) (1 point)
11. Placing in the top three at the South Island Secondary Schools’ duathlon/triathlon/ multisport championships in a team (1 point)
12. Placing in the top three at the New Zealand duathlon/triathlon/multisport championships in a team (1 points)
13. Completion of an open multisport event (e.g. GoldRush, Coast to Coast) (1 point each event completed OR 2 points for winning, where there is more than one team entered)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the Senior ‘A’ team for a minimum of two seasons. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Coaching/managing a school team for the season (1 point)
3. Umpire for Rangi Ruru netball every week during the Saturday or Wednesday netball season (1 point)
4. Overall Netball Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection as a representative player within a Netball Centre U16 or above (1 point)
6. Selection for external development/promising players /Emerging Talent squads (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Recognition as a MVP at a regional or national tournament (1 point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools and/or club grade competition (1 point)
11. Placing in the top four at South Island Junior OR top five at South Island Senior Secondary Schools Tournament (1 point)
12. Winning South Island Secondary Schools Tournament (Junior or Senior) (2 points)
13. Placing in first FOUR in National Secondary Schools Tournament (2 points)
14. Placing 5th - 8th in National Secondary Schools Tournament (1 point)
15. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at two secondary schools events over two years (1 point)
2. Coaching at the orienteering club and/or coaching and promoting the sport at school (1 point)
3. Overall Orienteering Sports Captain. Needs a minimum of 3 people to warrant an overall captain. (1 point)
4. Selection as a Canterbury representative (1 point)
5. Selection for external development/promising athlete /Emerging Talent squads (1 point)
6. Winning a Canterbury title (1 point)
7. Winning a South Island Secondary School title (1 point) or Nationals Secondary School title (2 points)
8. Placing 2nd – 3rd at a National Secondary School event (1 point)
9. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
Achievements as part of a team
Pocket: 5 points
Colours: 10 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
11. Winning a secondary schools or club team competition (1 point)
12. Placing in the top four at South Island Secondary School team event (1 point)
13. Winning South Island Secondary School team event (2 points)
14. Placing 2nd – 4th at a National Secondary School team event (2 points)
15. Placing 5th - 8th at a National Secondary School team event (1 point)
18. Winning a national title as part of a team (2 points)
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Selection for Under 18 event at NZSS Rowing Champs (if rowing up) (1 point each)
2. Selection as part of the NZSS Rowing Champs squad (1 point)
3. Member of the rowing squad for two or more seasons (1 point)
4. Selected as Rowing Captain or Deputy Captain and performed duties well (1 point)
5. Selection to trial for national junior school or representative team (i.e. trialist for New Zealand Junior Crew) (1 point)
6. Selection to trial for South Island Team (1 point)
7. Selection into the National Junior Rowing team (2 points)
8. Selection for any regional rowing New Zealand representative team (1 point)
6. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Placed first, second or third at South Island Rowing Championships (3, 2, 1 points respectively)
11. Placed first, second or third at South Island Secondary Schools Championships (3, 2, 1 points respectively)
12. Placed first, second or third at NZSS Championships (3, 2, 1 points respectively)
13. Placing Top 10 in an U18 8 event at NZSS Rowing Champs (1 point)
NB: 12 & 13 cannot be for the same U18 boat
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the Rangi Ruru team for a minimum of two seasons. Each Student must show a full commitment to games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Gaining an associate rugby referee’s qualification (or more) through the local union (1 point)
3. Captaining or Vice Captaining the school team (1 point)
4. Played more than half the games in the local competition (1 point)
5. Selected to trial for a representative team (1 point)
6. Selection as a Canterbury representative U16 and above (1 point)
7. Selection for rugby representation about provincial level (2 points)
8. Selected as MVP at a tournment or Tackling Award (1 point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Finalist in the Canterbury secondary school local competition (1 point)
11. Finalist at a tournament at provincial/representative level (1 point)
12. Winning the first round of the Canterbury secondary school local competition (1 point)
13. Winning the final of the Canterbury secondary school local competition (2 points)
14. National title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points Criteria
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
1. Represent Rangi Ruru in secondary school championships over two seasons (1 point)
2. Timekeeper or administrative helper (1 point)
3. Selection in Junior Youth Cup Series (1 point)
4. Selection in a national squad (2 points)
N.B Selection from the Junior Freeride Tour
5. Placing in first six skiing; first three snowboarding as an individual at Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Championships (1 point)
6. Winning South Island Championships as an individual (2 points)
7. Individual placing in first six at South Island Championships (1 point)
8. Fastest time in school or snowboard team at South Island Championships (1 point)
9. Competing at F.I.S. level or NZSBA member (1 point)
10. Winning the Junior Youth Cup (2 points)
11. Placing in the 1st four in the Junior Youth Series (1 point)
Achievements as part of a team
12. Winning Canterbury Secondary School Championships as a team (1 point)
13. Fastest time in school ski or snowboarding team at Canterbury Secondary School Championships (1 point)
14. Winning South Island Championships as a team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at a minimum of two Secondary School surfing competitions/leagues throughout the surf season (1 point)
2. Overall Surfing Captain (1 point). Needs a minimum of three competitive surfers to warrant a Sports Captain.
3. Selection as a Canterbury or equivalent representative (1 point)
4. Selection in a regional or national promising player/development/age group squad (1 point)
5. Selection as a national representative (2 points).
6. Winning the Intersecondary Schools competition final (1 point)
7. Winning a Christchurch Wednesday Secondary School Surf League tournament/ championship (1 point)
8. Placing in first 3 at South Island event (1 point)
9. Placing in the first four at national event, (2 points) OR placing 5th - 8th at National event. (1 point)
Achievements as part of a team
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at a Secondary School Swimming Championship over two years (1 point)
2. School Champion in the U16 or Senior Grade (1 point)
3. Overall Swimming Sports Captain (1 point)
4. Placing 1-3 in a Canterbury Secondary School Final (1 point)
5. Placing 1-3 at a South Island Secondary School Final or South Island Short or Long Course Final (1 point)
6. Placing top 4 at a NZSS, NAG, NZ Short or Long Course Final (2 points) or making top 8 in a national final (1 point)
7. Selection in a national swimming squad (2 points)
8. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
9. Selection in Canterbury Div 1 or Top Club relay team at Nationals or Open Event (1 point)
10. Achieving criteria 6-8 as part of a relay team
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation 1. Member of a Rangi Ruru Senior team for two years. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments and practices. (1 point)
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
2. Gaining a practical umpiring badge through the local association (not reawardable) (1 point)
3. Coaching/Umpiring or managing a team for the season (1 point)
4. Selection as a Canterbury or equivalent representative (1 point)
5. Selection in a regional or national promising player/development/age group squad (1 point)
6. Selection as a national representative (2 points).
7. Winning School Senior Championships. Must have 4 competitors (1 point)
8. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools competition final (1 point)
9. Winning a Canterbury Secondary Schools tournament/championship (1 point)
10. Placing in first 3 at regional or South Island tournament (1 points)
11. Placing in the first four at national tournament, (2 points) OR placing 5th - 8th at national tournament. (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation 1. Member of the Rangi Ruru Premier Team for a minimum of two years. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
2. Overall Tennis Captain (1 point)
3. Selection as a Canterbury representative U16 and above (1 point)
4. Selection in a regional or national external development/promising player squad (1 point)
5. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
6. Winning Canterbury Secondary School Senior Championships (Doubles or Singles) (1 point)
7. Recognition as the School Senior Singles or Double Champion (1 point)
8. Placing in first three at National Championships U16 and above (2 points)
9. Winning an Open Grade Regional Tournament (1 point)
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
Achievements as part of a team
11. Winning the Wednesday Secondary School Tennis final in any grade (1 point)
12. Placing in the top two at SISS Tennis Championships (1 point)
13. Winning SISS Tennis Champs (2 points)
14. Qualifying for NZSS Tennis Finals (1 point)
15. Placing in the first four in the NZSS Tennis final or winning NZ Cup (2 points)
16. Placing second at the New Zealnd Cup (1 point)
17. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the top SuperTouch team for a minimum of two years. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Gaining a practical referees badge through the local association (not reawardable) (1 point)
3. Coaching/Refereeing/Managing a school team for the season (1 point)
4. Overall Touch Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection as a Canterbury or equivalent representative (U16 and above) (1 point)
6. Selection in a regional or national promising player/development squad/age group squad (1 point)
7. Selection in a tournament team (1 point)
8. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
9. Recognition as a MVP at a tournament (1 point)
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
11. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools Term 1 competition (1 point)
12. Winning Canterbury Secondary School Touch Championships (1 point)
13. Winning the South Island Secondary School Touch Championships (2 points)
14. Placing 2nd-4th at South Island Secondary School Touch tournament (1 point)
15. Placing in the first 4 at a National Secondary School Tournament (2 points)
16. Placing 5 - 8th at a National Secondary School Tournament (1 point)
17. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection as an individual
Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Represent Rangi Ruru at secondary school events over two years (1 point)
2. Instructing a badge /or our Intersecondary Schools’ team (1 point)
3. Selection in a Canterbury Representative team (1 point)
4. Selection in a national squad (2 points)
5. Placing in the first 3 in the individual Open or Senior events at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Championships (with more than three competitors) (1 point)
6. Selection in a Canterbury Representative team (1 point)
7. Selection in a national squad (2 points)
8. Gaining a yellow, black or purple badge (1 point)
9. Winning a regional title (1 point)
10. Placing 2nd – 3rd in the South Island/national competition (1 point)
11. Winning a South Island/national competition (2 points)
12. Member of the highest grade team in the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Competition (1 point)
13. Winning a regional title (1 point)
14. Placing in first three in the South Island/national competition (1 point)
15. Winning a South Island/national competition (2 points)
16. Placing in the first 3 in the teams Open or Senior events at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Championships (1 point) OR Winning the Open or Senior team events at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Championships. (1 point)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the Senior A team for a minimum of two years. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Coaching/Umpiring/Managing a school team for the season (1 point)
3. Gaining a practical umpiring badge through the local Association (not reawardable) (1 point)
4. Overall Volleyball Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection as a Canterbury representative U16 and above (1 point)
6. Selection as a South Island representative (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Selection in any regional or national development development/promising player squad (1 point)
9. Recognition as a MVP at a tournament (1 point)
10. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
11. Winning the Secondary Schools and/or Canterbury Championships final (1 point)
12. Placing in the top FOUR of A Grade at South Island Junior OR Senior tournament (1 point)
13. Winning South Island Secondary School Tournament (2 points)
14. Placing in first 4 in Div 1 at a Senior Secondary School National Tournament (2 points)
15. Placing 5th - 8th at a Senior Secondary School National Tournament (1 point)
16. Winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
Representative selection / Achievements as an individual
Achievements as part of a team
1. Member of the Rangi Ruru Senior A team for a minimum of two years. Each student must show full commitment to all games and tournaments. (1 point)
2. Attaining B Grade referee badge and regularly refereeing at Secondary School OR club games/tournaments (1 point)
3. Coach/Referee/Manage a school team for a full season. (1 point)
4. Overall Waterpolo Sports Captain (1 point)
5. Selection as a Canterbury A representative (U16+) & attend a National Age Group Tournament (1 point)
6. Selection in regional or national promising player/development squad/age group squad (1 point)
7. Selection as a national representative (2 points)
8. Recognition as a MVP at a tournament (1point)
9. Awarded a sports scholarship for tertiary study (2 points)
10. Winning the Canterbury Secondary Schools competition (1 point)
11. Winning South Island Secondary School Tournament (2 points)
12. Placing 2 - 3 at South Island Secondary School tournament (1 point)
13. Placing in the top 4 at a National Div 1 Secondary School Tournament (2 points) OR Top 2 at Div 2 Secondary School Tournament (1 point)
14. Placing 5th – 8th at a National Div 1 Secondary School Tournament (1 point)
15. Achieving top four at a Div 1 National Tournament as part of a representative team (1 point) OR winning a national title as part of a representative team (2 points)
Pocket: 3 points
Colours: 6 points Criteria
All Students awarded Pockets or Colours must be sailing regularly in clubs during weekends.
School representation
Additional contributions to school sport
1. Represent Rangi Ruru in two secondary school yachting events over two years (1 point)
2. Support the administration of school yachting
Achievements as an individual Pockets - any one of these events for two years/seasons
3. Optimist Class- Compete in Canterbury Champs, South Island Champs or National Championship regatta completing all or all but one race in the series.
4. P-Class/firebug Compete in the annual Canterbury regatta, South Island Championship regatta or Tauranga Cup National Championship regatta completing all or all but one race in the series.
5. Starling Compete in the annual Canterbury Championship regatta or annual South Island Championship regatta or National Championship regatta completing all or all but one race in the series.
6. Sunburst Compete as skipper or crew in the Canterbury Championship series or South Island Championship regatta completing all races or all races but one. Compete in the Regional Teams Racing series completing all or all but one race in the series.
7. Compete as skipper or crew in the New Zealand Secondary School Students’ National Championship or National Inter-schools Team Racing Championship completing all or all but one race in the series.
8. Laser R Compete as skipper or crew completing all races or all races Laser II but one in the New Zealand Class National Championship or New Zealand Youth Selection Trials regattas.
9. For classes not covered - Canterbury Championships, South Island Championships, National Championships - be in the top 3 Students of any two for a pocket. Colours - any one of these events
10. Optimist Class-Finish in the top three in Canterbury Championship regatta or South Island regatta or finish first, second or third Student in the National Championship.
11. P-Class/Firebug Finish first in the Canterbury regattas or South Island Championship regatta or be first placed Student in the Tauranga Cup National Championship regatta.
12. Starling Finish in the top three places of the annual Canterbury Championship regatta or South Island Championship regatta, or, finish first, second or third Student in the National Championship regatta.
13. Sunburst Compete as skipper or crew finishing in first three places of Canterbury or South Island Championship regattas or sailing as skipper and finishing first female skipper in South Island Championship or first, second or third female skipper in the National Championship regatta.
14. Compete as skipper or crew in the Sunburst New Zealand Secondary School Students’ Championship regatta finishing in the first three places
15. Compete as skipper finishing first, second or third in the Youth trials.
16. Double hander female pair in New Zealand National Championship or New Zealand National Youth Trials regattas.
17. For classes not covered: Win Canterbury Championships, win South Island Championships, win National Championships - any 2 of these events for colours.
18. Selected or Talent Identification for Canterbury or NZ squad.
Please note that the criteria for Music pockets and colours varies from sport. Students should not compare the two systems. Music awards are individual awards, not team awards (as may be the case in some areas of sport). Each set of criteria is fair and equitable to the two disciplines.
Pockets – 5 points
Colours – 8 points
These awards are generally only available to students in Years 9 – 13. In exceptional circumstances a Year 7/8 student may be awarded a pocket only, at the discretion of the Awards Committee, provided they have the required number of points. Once a Pocket or Colours has been awarded the accumulation of points must start again.
It is the student’s responsibility to complete the online form and have the Director of Music verify all points. Community service hours may be available through coaching/assisting with junior music groups. If counted towards community service these hours cannot be counted towards a pocket or colour award. Please consult with the Director of Music for clarification as required.
Five points are required together with a high standard of achievement, commitment and a positive attitude to school music. These points may be accumulated over a number of years.
These awards are given at the discretion of the Awards Committee. Generally, a minimum of eight points is required, however there may be special circumstances where this is not the case. A very high standard of performance, commitment and a positive attitude, including modelling the Rangi Ruru Values, for the entire year in a wide range of music groups must be evident before a music colour is awarded. The accumulation of these points, which must be earned in one year, does not guarantee this award. In most cases a student must have had a pocket in order to be eligible.
Regular membership of a school music group for an entire year that has performed in concerts and competitions/ events representing the school.
2 points per group per year
1 point per group per year
• Resolutions
• Rangi Sinfonia
• Jazz Band/Jazz Combo
• Chamber Music – participation in the Chamber Music contest or other major chamber music event
• Rockbands – participation in Rock Quest or other major band event
• Significant musical role in a Rangi Ruru major production (vocal or instrumental)
• Rangi Voices
• Rangi Players
• Rock Bands
• Percussion Ensembles
• Other small instrumental/vocal ensembles
• Music contribution to a Rangi Ruru major production (vocal or instrumental)
(i) If a student is a member of a group that is recalled for a regional final – e.g. Schools’ Chamber Music Contest Regional Final, Rockquest Regional Final - an extra point is awarded.
(ii) If a student is member of a group that is selected for the national semi-finals/finals in a school based national competition eg. Big Sing, Chamber Music Contest, Barbershop Contest, Rockquest etc an extra point is available.
(iii) Students in Year 7/8 who are selected for and participate in either the Senior Choir, Symphony Orchestra or Concert Band in the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival can be awarded an extra point.
(iv) Student composers who enter a national secondary school or other composition/song writing competitions AND gain a national placing may be awarded two points. An additional point may be available for winners or other special awards at the discretion of the awards committee.
(v) Other recognition within schools based competitions eg. Best Brass Group award in Chamber Music, award at Regional Big Sing, individual award at Southern Jam, selection for Allstars at Southern Jam etc, may earn an extra point, at the discretion of the awards committee.
Students who wish to be considered for these awards must apply by completing and submitting the appropriate online form.
Selection for, commitment to, and full participation in groups such as:
2 points per group per year
3 points per group per year
4 points per group per year
• Christchurch Youth Choir
• UC Christchurch Youth Orchestra
• Christchurch Youth Symphonic Band
• Christchurch Youth Jazz Orchestra
• A National Secondary Schools’ group such as the NZSS Concert Band, NZSS Symphony Orchestra, NZSS Brass Band, NZSS Jazz Orchestra, NZSS Choir.
• Christchurch All Girl Big Band
• A National Youth group that has a significant membership of semi-professional/ beyond secondary school, such as NZSO National Youth Orchestra, National Youth Jazz Band, National Youth Symphonic Winds
• Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
Credit will only be given if the student has also made considerable use of her skills within a school music group/activity and has demonstrated a high level of commitment to those group(s), including modelling the Rangi Values.
Principal Accompanist
2 points Per year for a performing group (e.g Resolutions, Rangi Voices) that meets regularly may be available at the discretion of the awards committee. There must be a full year commitment to the group.
Other Activities
At the discretion of the Awards Committee special consideration may be given for other significant musical achievements (music examinations do not count but diplomas may be considered). Leadership and administrative roles within the Music Department throughout the year will be taken will be taken into account, with the number of points to be awarded decided upon by the awards committee.
A student who is selected for and fully participates in a national or professional group such as
• NZSO National Youth Orchestra
• National Youth Choir
• National Youth Jazz Band
• National Youth Symphonic Winds
• Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
may be eligible for an Elite Music Colours award, provided they are participating in and demonstrating an exceptionally high level of commitment to and performance in a range of school music groups, including modelling the Rangi Ruru Values. This award is made at the discretion of the Director of Music and Principal, on behalf of the Awards Committee.
All Students awarded Pockets or Colours must show a high degree of commitment and responsibility and a professional approach to performing art activity engaged in at school.
Pockets - 3 points
1. To have been in a dance event and performed to a high standard (1 point) or
2. To have participated in choreographing and directing a dance piece of a high standard (1 point)
Colours - 6 points 3. To have accumulated 3 major points, 2 by dancing with excellence or
4. Showing excellence in choreography and artistic interpretation
A high degree of commitment and responsibility to the group is a prerequisite for these awards.
Pockets - 4 points
1. Member of the Senior A Team on a regular basis (1 point)
2. Selection in Interschool Exchange/Debate teams (1 point)
3. Competitor in Regional Christchurch Interschool Competition (1 point)
4. Finalist in the Year 9 Debating Final (1 point)
5. Administration or organisation of school debating (1 point)
6. Adjudication of junior debates (1 point)
Colours - 4 points
– in addition to Pocket
7. Participation in semi-finals of regional competition (1 point)
8. Winning regional competition (2 points)
9. Selection in Regional Debating Team (1 point
10. Selection in the Canterbury representative team (2 points)
11. Coaching a team in tournaments (1 point)
12. Participation in semi-finals of national competition (2 point)
13. Speaking award at regional competition (1 point)
Elite Performance 14. Selection for New Zealand Schools’ Debating team
15. Winning the Russell McVeagh National Schools’ Debating Competition
16. Special Commendation at National Competition eg. Best speaker awards.
Students must show dedication and a professional approach to be considered for a Pocket or Colours Award.
Pockets - 3 points
Colours - 6 points (includes Speech and Drama)
Pocket - 4 points
Points Awarded for excellence
1. Major role 2 1
2. Minor role ½ ½
3. Supporting role 1 ½
4. Concert performance (solo or duo) 1 ½
A student must have accumulated three lots of major points (2 points) by performing leading roles with excellence.
Colours – 6 points
Continued commitment to practices and demonstration of a high standard of performance are the pre-requisites for all members to gain a Pocket. Generally, but not always, a Pocket is awarded to a student in Years 10 – 13 at the end of the year.
All decisions will be made at the discretion of Kapa Haka Staff.
• A full year’s commitment to Kapa Haka (regular attendance) (1 point)
• A performer at previous year’s Rangi Ruru Prize Giving (1 point)
• A performer at two public occasions in a year (1 point)
• Selection as Year Group Leader within Kapa Haka (1 point)
• Attendance at all noho marae in a given year, if applicable (1 point)
Award of a Pocket and continued commitment to practices are the pre-requisites for all members to gain a Colour. Generally, but not always, consideration for a Colour is for Senior students in Years 11 – 13 with at least 2 years’ full service to Kapa Haka after having received their Pocket. A further year’s service is generally expected before a Colour re-award is considered, but can be fast-tracked depending on one’s commitment.
All decisions will be made at the discretion of Kapa Haka Staff.
• Show excellence in skill and performance (1 point)
• Front Row Status - Demonstrate excellence level performance at an e.g. regional or national competition/showcase (1 point)
• Front Row Status - Demonstrate excellence level performance at Performing Arts Showcase AND Prize Giving (1 point)
• Actively promote Kapa Haka and its values within the Rangi Ruru community throughout the year; e.g. fundraising, administration, organisation (1 point)
• Head of Kapa Haka (fulfil all Leadership responsibilities) (1 point)
• Kaea or Kaikaranga at two or more public performances (1 point)
• Tutor Kapa Haka at Wananga or Noho on 2 or more occasions (1 point)
• Attendance and full commitment at all practices, and noho marae in a given year, if applicable (1 point)
Pockets - 3 points Students may combine points from drama, dance and stagecraft.
Colours - 6 points Students must accumulate major points i.e. 3 lots of 2 points.
2 points are awarded for performing major parts with excellence or taking responsibility of technical areas and operating with excellence.
Pockets – 3 points
Colours – 6 points
1. Commendation (½ point)
2. Second or third (1 point)
3. First (1½ points)
4. Special Awards (2 points)
Please show the appropriate medal/or certificate to the speech and drama teacher. At the discretion of the Awards Committee special credit may be given for significant assistance in the practical tutoring of speech and drama. This tutoring would apply to speech and drama examinations and speech and drama concerts.
Pockets - 3 points Students must have participated in an area of technical theatre such as sound, lighting, costume or backstage. A high standard of commitment is required.
Colours - 6 points Students must accumulate major points, 2 and have shown responsibility, creativity and initiative.