Welcome to Te Whare Aroha o Rangi Ruru - the Rangi Ruru Boarding House, which is ‘home’ to around 135 students from Years 9 to 13. On behalf of the staff I extend a warm welcome to all of our new boarders�
This handbook is a useful resource for boarding families, and sets out our expectations in the House and those of our community�
We recognise that boarding school requires adjustment for everyone in the family Boarding will be a challenging experience for your daughter as they leave the familiarity of home and move to a more communal style of living� It will not always be easy, but the gains to be made are enormous�
The House provides your daughter with a safe, secure and caring environment in which
they can feel happy and supported in all that they do This environment will help them focus on learning, discovering and exploring new opportunities and to have fun while doing it! Our boarders come from many different areas of New Zealand and the world, yet they find a place of belonging here, thus forming a unique community�
Our staff develop close relationships with the students which are paramount in helping to make boarding at Rangi Ruru a warm, rewarding and enjoyable experience�
We value that each student is unique and brings their own special character to our community, and ask all students to rise to our high standards of behaviour which reflect responsibility and care for oneself, others and the environment�
Positive praise encourages students to make good choices throughout their day Some House expectations are required, especially around health and safety, which we ask our boarders to please accept�
By becoming involved in the many activities available, camaraderie will come from shared experiences and your daughter will soon develop a strong sense of common identity and school spirit�
If you would like further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me� We trust your partnership with the Boarding House and the wider school community is a positive and rewarding experience�
Kyleigh Lyth Director of Boarding
The Boarding House has a leadership team that oversees the future direction of the House� This team consists of the director of boarding, boarding manager, operations manager and catering manager� They meet weekly to discuss and plan the smooth operation and running of the House�
Director of Boarding – Kyleigh Lyth (Mrs)
Kyleigh has overall responsibility for the running of the Boarding House and welcomes parental and student contact She works closely with the principal and boarding manager on all student issues, including care of students and staff, and the strategic planning for boarding. While managers are always the first point of contact, Kyleigh is always available for any ongoing or serious issues�
Phone: 03 983 3708
Email: k�lyth@rangiruru�school�nz
Boarding Manager – Nicky Barnett (Ms)
Nicky oversees the smooth running of the House during evening hours, including pastoral care meetings, prep, bedtimes, and processing leave requirements, and liaises closely with parents and guardians� Nicky is your first point of contact regarding pastoral care or prep concerns for your daughter� She can be contacted from 3:30pm Sunday to Thursday�
Phone: (03) 983 3732
Email: n�barnett@rangiruru�school�nz
Operations Manager - Anna Van Der Meer (Mrs)
Anna works Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm� She oversees all students’ daily needs regarding appointments for doctors and specialists and liaises with parents� She also manages all administrative tasks for the House� Anna supports the nurse and tends to students who are unwell during the day� She can be contacted between the hours of 8:30am–3:30pm, Monday to Friday�
Phone: (03) 983 3732
Email: boarding@rangiruru�school�nz
Catering Manager – Jason Burrows
Jason manages the school’s catering facilities and the Boarding House dining room. The catering staff focus on providing a healthy balance of food for growing, active ākonga and help boarders develop good eating habits� Jason will also assist with any special dietary requirements�
Phone: (03) 983 3709
Email: j�burrows@rangiruru�school�nz
A number of Boarding House events take place throughout the year, with dates advised via the ‘In House’ newsletter and the Boarders’ Term Calendar� These include:
• Mid-Winter dinner
• Boarders’ concert
• Christmas celebration service and dinner
• Formal and themed Boarding House dinners
• Birthday dinners are held every month with a formal meal
• Gathering for all boarders’ families at the House prior to Prize Giving in Term 4
These take place on the return dates for Terms 2, 3 and 4 and are held in the house lounge at 4pm� They are a great way to connect with other boarding families and give parents the chance to discuss any concerns they may have� Information on additional events or date changes will be advised in the ‘In House’ newsletter�
The Boarders' House Council comprises two student representatives from each year level� This group meets fortnightly to discuss ideas, issues and events in the House� The student-appointed head of boarding meets with the director of boarding regularly to discuss any items or issues raised by the council�
Year 13 students are given more freedom and responsibility in our boarding community� They are expected to support younger ākonga, set and maintain high standards in the House and supervise house activities�
All Year 13 boarders are house seniors led by the head of boarding They live in a semi-flatting environment, which offers them an opportunity for greater independence where they are responsible for preparing some meals, doing their own laundry and cleaning duties�
The Boarding House and school use email for communicating important information to parents/caregivers as well as to send invitations, updates and event reminders� Please ensure the school’s domain www rangiruru school nz is not blocked to avoid it being rejected as spam�
In addition to the school’s fortnightly newsletter 'InTouch', boarding parents are kept informed through our boarders newsletter ‘In House’� This is sent via email every Friday during term�
The Rangi Hub is Rangi Ruru's community website and provides up-to-date information and reference material about the school� The site includes parent and student calendars, daily news and notices, links to publications, handbooks and school policies�
The parent portal provides access to secure, student-specific information, and can also be accessed by clicking on ‘Useful Links’ on the Rangi Hub You will be issued with login details for the parent portal; if you do not have a login or are having difficulties with access, contact the IT Helpdesk on 03 983 3753�
The director of boarding and boarding managers welcome feedback, concerns and ideas� Please feel free to contact them at any time� If you wish to meet formally with any of them, do not hesitate to give them a call�
We ask where possible, that parents not ring before 7am, during prep or at dinner time�
Prep times
Years 9 and 10: 6:30pm–7:30pm Years 11 to 13: 6:30pm–8:30pm
Dinner time: 5:45pm–6:30pm
Urgent messages may be left with House staff at any time. During school hours (8:50am–3:20pm) emergency contact with your daughter can be made through the school office on (03) 983 3700.
Our expectation is that your daughter will remain boarding from when they start through to Year 13 If for any reason they leave before this time, we require a full term’s notice in writing�
Orientation for all new boarders begins during the year prior to starting at Rangi Ruru�
Once students have enrolled, the director of boarding will co-ordinate a home visit where possible� The purpose of this visit is to meet students in an environment where they feel comfortable, gather any information to help with the transition and to invite them to a new entrant information evening�
The new entrant dinner for boarders and their families is held at school during Term 4� This dinner allows you to meet other new boarder families and for your daughter to meet their ‘mentor’ for the next year and get to know the other new boarders The dinner is followed by a new entrant information evening which all new families to Rangi Ruru attend�
At the beginning of the new year, all Year 9 boarders come into the House early� This enables the students to spend some time getting to know each other� Students also get to know the Year 13 boarders and house staff. They become familiar with the House, grounds, school and important Christchurch sites
Here are some helpful suggestions of ways in which you can help your daughter settle into her new home:
• Set up a cellphone for them
• Make a regular time for them to phone home (when you know you’ll be home) or suggest they write, email or text regularly (and you do the same)
• Write a letter - even with regular phone contact students love to receive real mail
• Send them photos of what is happening at home
• Encourage other family members and friends to write and send parcels
• Visit them whenever you can
• Tell them all your home news (even the sad news)
• Let them know you want to hear about their achievements
Each term we mix the students up so they get to experience rooming with different people� Consideration is given to friendships, compatible study habits, sport training commitments, particularly early morning schedules, and supportive students are placed with less confident students.
A School Day in the Life of a Boarder – Day and Night Routines
7:30am ����������������������� Breakfast available between 6:30–8:15am Collect morning tea and make packed lunch
Leave the Boarding House for school
School timetable begins
1:05–1:40pm ������������� Lunch
3:20pm School finishes (2:30pm Wednesday)
�������������������������������������� Afternoon tea in the dining room
�������������������������������������� Change out of school uniform
5:45–6:30pm ������������ Dinner is served in the dining room
6:30–8:30pm ������������ Prep (homework and study)
Leisure time
Bedtime for Year 9
Lights out for Year 9
Bedtime for Year 10
Lights out for Year 10
10:30pm Bedtime for Years 11 and 12
11:00pm ��������������������� Bedtime for Year 13
The House is closed during school hours to the students� Boarders are required to take all necessary school items, including sports gear, with them at the beginning of the day� If students feel it is necessary to return to the House for any reason, they must bring a note from a member of the school staff.
All ākonga are required to come to the dining room for all meals. We understand some students will have school or sporting commitments, so these need to be communicated and approved through our leave system� Provision is made to allow for those with special dietary needs�
Breakfast is available from 6:30am–8:15am on school days and students are to be dressed in full school uniform� Weekend breakfast is available 8–10am (casual dress)�
Students make their own lunch at breakfast time and may return to the dining room at lunchtime for a hot lunch option� Weekend lunch is from 12–1pm�
Dinner is from 5:45–6:30pm during the week Weekend dinner is from 5:30–6pm
Afternoon Tea and Supper
Afternoon tea is available in the dining room and supper is served in the House lounge�
Students who will not be in the House for dinner (generally due to school or sporting commitments) may order a ‘saved’ dinner from the kitchen staff before 4pm.
Formal and themed dinners happen twice a term� This is an opportunity to celebrate our different cultures and special achievements with each other and to honour boarders showing special character within the House�
All staff and students dress appropriate for the occasion, whether it be formal or themed� This is a fun time that we can get everyone in the House together and create a positive culture� We ask parents to please respect these dates as it is very challenging trying to bring everyone together� If for any reason a student is unable to attend, ‘special leave’ must be applied for through the boarding managers or the director of boarding�
The Year 13 students have cooking and dining facilities in their flats which they can use to make their own snacks in the weekends� They will still have their evening meal in the dining room with the rest of the house�
Students have supervised prep during the following times:
Monday to Thursday
Years 9 and 10: compulsory 6:30–7:30pm in the dining room optional 7:30–8:30pm in the dining room
Years 11 to 13: 6:30–8:30pm in their dorm
During prep time, students are required to work quietly and independently using their own material. No cellphones are allowed. Staff supervise the Year 9 students in the dining room and monitor the students on their application, attitude and organisation skills Senior students are allowed to study quietly in their rooms, or in a computer room with the permission of the boarding manager Other school rooms are available to students at the discretion of school staff. Senior students are expected to be considerate of others, and if they are unable to work quietly in their rooms will be required to work under supervision in the dining room� This ensures that all students are able to complete their prep in a quiet environment
As in most family environments, students are given extra responsibilities and privileges as they get older (eg as a senior boarder, leave allowances are increased)
These leaves and outings are a privilege and are at the discretion of the House staff.
In all cases, leave must be approved by a boarding manager The onus is on the students to get the required approval As students would at home, this approval and communication of their plans is important in terms of both safety and showing courtesy to house staff.
Students are required to think and plan ahead Where no planning is evident, leave may be declined If possible, applications for boarders’ outings should be made at least 24-hours in advance�
Students should always leave the House dressed appropriately� School uniform is not required Dorms are to be left tidy before going on leave
For general outings (less than 2 ½ hours) such as shopping leave, students need to:
• Check verbally with a member of staff before signing out
• Year 9 students need to be in groups of two or more
• Years 9 and 10 – Riccarton, Merivale, Northlands or town only
• Years 11 to 13 – at staff discretion
For leave such as tea leave, sport/cultural events or movies leave students need to:
• Check verbally with a member of staff before signing out
• When necessary, parental approval will be sought
• Movie Leave
Years 9 and 10 need to be in groups of two or more and organised by house staff, 5pm session at the latest
Years 11 to 13 are at staff discretion
• Over three hours
Years 9 to 10 need to be in the care of an approved adult (on Visiting List or approved by house staff)
Years 11 to 13 are at staff discretion
• Students must be back in the House by:
Sunday to Thursday:
Years 9 and 10 – 8:45pm
Years 11 and 12 – 9:15pm
Year 13 – 9:30pm
Friday and Saturday:
Years 9 to 10 – 9 30pm
Year 11 – 10�30pm
Year 12 – 11�00pm
Year 13 – 11�30pm
Any extensions need to be organised with the boarding manager
All students are required to remain in the House for our retreat This will be held two days prior to school commencing� This is a very important event for us as it helps the students to form positive relationships with each other and the staff. It is also an opportunity for us to actively work to create a positive environment for the students to live in� Each student is encouraged to engage and contribute in the planned activities and be an active member in our positive community Special exemption can be requested through the director of boarding�
Requests for leave need to be made by parents or guardians by phone to the boarding manager or in writing via email to boarding@rangiruru�school �nz� Please note the following:
• Parents are always required to give permission for their daughter to leave the House� This includes going to host houses�
• All weekend leave requests should be lodged for approval through onBoard, our online system by 6:30pm Wednesday evening and should be confirmed by parents by 8pm Thursday evening
• On weekend and overnight leave, the House is released of its responsibility for students�
• We prefer that students do not take overnight leave from Monday to Thursday�
Parents should monitor their daughter's leave requests and decide what is appropriate for their wellbeing. House staff will raise any concerns they have in relation to leave with parents�
Visiting list sheets are available to parents� These should state who your daughter may visit� Parents are requested to update the necessary form at the beginning of each year and are responsible for the suitability of any host/s on this list. Staff on duty will phone to check that an adult is home before permission for the visit is granted
Boarders’ parents and host families have a legal obligation to provide responsible supervision� We urge parents to get to know the families their daughter will be visiting� In authorising persons as approved hosts, parents are transferring the responsibility for the supervision and care of their daughter (while away from the House) to the persons nominated� It is important for all hosts to be made aware of their responsibilities
Every student needs to sign in and out to the boarding manager on duty Full details of destination, travel arrangements, and the time required back need to be given� If a student is running late, they must call ahead and speak to the Boarding Manager on duty� If there is no communication from the student, then they will meet with the boarding manager or the director of boarding and may have consequences�
Students travelling without an adult after dusk are only allowed to use a taxi or shuttle� It is very important that all students understand the importance of signing in and out as it is their safety we are trying to guard and in case of an emergency we need to know their whereabouts�
Boarders often have the opportunity to join school parties going to meetings, lectures, dances, theatre and various sporting and school outings Permission to join these activities need be given by a Boarding Manager
Students stay in class until 3:20pm unless a special arrangement has been made with the deputy principal and the director of boarding�
The House closes at 5pm on the last day of term� We appreciate having all students out of the House by this time�
The House is often hired for events during term breaks so students need to take all their belongings with them at the end of each term� If there are particular items the students need to store at the House during the holidays (over the school year), they will need to arrange this with the boarding manager� Unfortunately there is no access to stored property over term breaks
We value the way in which day students and boarders enrich one another’s lives� Parents, friends and day students are welcome to come for meals in the House� Boarders should notify house staff a day prior.
Boarders are encouraged to invite a friend to stay on Friday or Saturday night These visits should be arranged with the boarding manager in advance� The visitors are asked to bring their own pillow and a sleeping bag� There is a limit to the number of visitors we can have at any time so these plans need to be made in advance�
Visitors, including day students, are welcome at appropriate times after school and during the weekends� It is the responsibility of the boarder to introduce their visitor to the boarding manager and have them sign the visitors’ book�
Mothers and female relatives may go up to the bedrooms after checking with the boarding manager Other visitors, friends and day students should be entertained in the visiting areas or year level sits. On the first and last day of term, male visitors are permitted in the bedrooms to assist with luggage�
Exceptions may be made by a boarding manager in special circumstances� A boarding manager may ask visitors to leave at any time
See the 'Family Handbook' for ‘School Community Expectations’� In addition, the rules in the 'Student Handbook' apply to boarders at all times
In the House we work to create an environment in which each student develops self discipline and sets high standards for themselves� The House functions on trust and we favour a positive approach�
Our expectation is our boarders maintain a high standard of behaviour� It is standard procedure to contact parents if any student is involved in a major misdemeanor The principal reserves the right to ask a student to leave the House without prior warning� This decision could be made when such behaviour is not in the best interest of the boarding house community or may adversely affect the reputation of the school.
Students will be disciplined for inappropriate behaviour such as, but not limited to:
• Unauthorised absence from the House
• Inconsiderate or inappropriate behaviour to other students or staff
• Damage to property
• Interfering with or borrowing another student's possession including clothing without permission
• Theft, dishonesty, or victimisation
• The possession or use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, matches or a lighter
• Returning to the House under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Our boarding house prefers to use a positive and constructive approach to students who do not adhere to the expectations and rules� This can be done in several ways through restorative justice, community service or loss of privileges�
For more serious incidents, students may be issued with a ‘contract’ or more seriously, stood down from the House A ‘contract’ is a written agreement between boarding house management or the principal and the individual student concerned� The contract specifies the agreed terms and conditions required by the House for the student concerned to continue as a member of the boarding house community�
In the case of extreme misbehaviour, the parents of the student involved will be informed and the principal will take such action as they consider appropriate� This action may include suspension or expulsion� This may be imposed without any minimum period of notice�
In all cases of misbehaviour, the principal will ensure that all appropriate information relating to the misbehaviour is disclosed to the student involved and to her parents� Students and parents are offered the opportunity to voice their concerns and make submissions as part of the discipline process�
Breaching the House expectations often leaves mistrust between staff and students and it is our intention for students to not make the same mistake again, move forward and restore relationships. A 'Discipline Incidents Register' is kept by staff at the House.
Staff may search students' rooms if they have reason to believe there may be banned products (eg� alcohol, medicine or drugs), other potentially dangerous substances, or there is a health and safety risk to themselves or others
Staff acknowledge the right for students to be present during the search of their rooms. Parents will be notified in regard to the discipline imposed as a result of banned items being found� Parents are welcome to request our 'Surrender and Retention Procedure', by emailing the director of boarding
Every effort is made to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of the students in our care�
We ask parents to empower the principal, director of boarding and house staff in providing the best care possible for all the students
It is essential for the students' physical and mental wellbeing that parents inform house staff of any medical issues their daughter may have. This includes any concerns about their physical or mental wellbeing� We should also be informed of medication they may require
No drugs or medicines are to be in the possession of the student without the knowledge and agreement of the director of boarding� They need to be deposited with a boarding manager or nurse and secured in the doctors’ room in the House� This includes painkillers such as Panadol, Aspirin and Nurofen
The nurse or house staff will administer medicines and will always remind students when these medicines are due to be taken�
In the best interest of the students, boarding house management will seek treatment in an emergency if parents or a nominated person is unable to be contacted� For further information refer to the 'Family Handbook'�
All medical expenses are the responsibility of the student's parents�
Most house staff are trained in first aid. The school nurse or manager on duty should be contacted if parents have any concerns�
House staff will notify parents when:
• There is serious illness or accident
• There is any illness requiring more than two consecutive days absence from school
• Staff, and the unwell student, feel they could be better cared for at home
• There is reasonable concern for the safety and/or wellbeing (mental or physical) of the unwell student
Students who are ill and need some quiet bed rest or have a minor contagious illness, may be moved into the health centre area Boarding managers will contact parents or guardians to collect their daughter if there are any cases of serious illness or contagion�
All illnesses, medicines administered and doctor visits are registered in the student's personal medical records� Your daughter’s medical records are available for you to look at any time These records are given to your daughter when leaving the boarding house permanently�
A boarding manager checks each morning to ensure they and other staff are aware of any unwell boarders� Unwell students spend the day either in their own rooms or in the health centre at the manager’s discretion The boarding manager will arrange further medical attention if required�
Students who become sick during school activities need to go to the school office and then report in person to the boarding manager�
For further details see house policy ‘The Health of Boarders’ which is available on request through the director of boarding�
To make our school and boarding house a physically and emotionally safe place for all students, we prohibit a boarder from having an intimate relationship with another boarder while they both reside in the House� While we recognise intimate relationships between students may be normal sexual behaviour, in the setting of the House such relationships are considered inappropriate, concerning and potentially harmful�
Student safety and welfare is the primary concern of Rangi Ruru Girls’ School and the Boarding House. Staff are trained to be alert to changes in student wellbeing or behaviour, and to recognise signs of distress and abuse Please see 'Boarders Relationship Policy' for further information�
We have two school nurses who work from the House five days per week and are the first point of contact for students seeking medical treatment and advice.
Our local doctors are at High Street Medical Centre The doctor’s fee, along with any medication prescribed, will be charged to the student's Gold Sheet� Students need to advise a boarding manager if they wish to see a doctor and parents are welcome to be involved in any discussion prior to the visit�
Medical records are kept with regard to these visits Students who have a family doctor in Christchurch may be treated by them� This can be arranged with a boarding manager who will also arrange any physiotherapist, specialist or dentist appointments on request by either the student or their parents� Where possible, these are made out of school hours and after consultation with parents�
We ask that in all cases when students are seeing doctors or medical professionals, that the boarding house staff are notified of any matters which may impact on the student's care, mental or physical wellbeing�
House staff will intervene early in regards to contacting the student's parents or caregivers and/or school guidance personnel, as appropriate, when they have concerns about a student's mental or physical wellbeing
Our first priority is to safeguard the mental and physical wellbeing of all the students in our care� When students wish to return to the House after being absent due to mental or physical illness, the House will require the following:
• A written verification from an appropriate medical professional that they are fit to return to the House. This should include notification of any follow up treatment required and any additional needs the student may have�
• A meeting between house management, school management (as appropriate) and parents prior to returning to the House This is to ensure that the House can commit to providing the appropriate care and that staff are comfortable that the students return is in her best interests and those of the whole boarding community�
Any student who may be exposed to a communicable disease (as determined by the Ministry of Health or an international health group) may be required to remain away from school and the House for the period recommended by the Crown Public Health�
The principal reserves the right to delay or decline re-entry into the House if they believe in any way that it is not in the best interests of any or all of the parties involved
The House is a modern facility, designed and constructed to provide a warm, safe environment and to meet present safety regulations and requirements�
The House has been designed to provide maximum safety. All windows on lower floors are safety locked and all external doors are secured with swipe card access� The House has a contract with a security firm to provide nightly checks, and to respond immediately to any calls
Fire Safety
Sprinklers are fitted throughout the complex. We conduct termly fire drills to ensure all students understand what to do in the event of a fire.
Emergency Evacuation
We have a comprehensive plan for an emergency evacuation� Notices informing students of the nearest exits and emergency procedures, are posted in each dormitory� Earthquake and lockdown drills are carried out each term�
Civil Defence Emergency
In the case of a civil defence emergency, all students will remain within the House until their parents can be contacted and can arrange to have them transported home safely�
Contagious Diseases or Medical Emergencies
In the case of medical emergency, the House will take advice from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education�
The principal may determine whether to close either the entire school or the House if there is a danger to the physical wellbeing of the school community�
Bicycles may be kept at school in a locked bike cage with the permission of a parent Helmets need to be worn when using a bicycle� Students should lock their bikes at all times, even within the bike cage� Cycle safety instruction is compulsory for new boarders early in Term 1� A metal tag with your daughter’s name and contact phone number is a good idea�
Wherever possible (time and weather permitting) we encourage students to use public buses� We would appreciate parents encouraging this also�
Taxi and shuttle chits are available from the duty desk in the main foyer of the House and are charged to the students Gold Sheets�
If students are out unsupervised after dusk, they are only allowed to use a taxi or shuttle�
We recommend that parents discuss the use of taxis with their daughters and clearly stipulate guidelines for their use. Please advise the house staff if you wish to restrict your daughter’s use of taxis�
There is a regular bus service from near the House to the city and Merivale Mall�
At the director of boarding’s discretion, Year 13 students may be allowed to have a private car at the House� This restriction is for both the students safety and due to CCC resource consent (resource consent allows for only minimal car parking), Rhodes Street is not allowed to be used by students or staff for parking.
Parents and students need to apply to the director of boarding for private car approval� Car keys are left with, and collected from, house staff. Car use is carefully monitored.
Written parental permission is required for boarders to travel in a car driven by other teenagers However, we will only allow this if a full licence is presented by the driver The Boarding House does not accept responsibility for the use or security of privately owned cars or bicycles� The school policy guidelines for the use of cars is available from the school office, or the director of boarding.
The boarding manager may hire buses for house excursions and charge to the student's Gold Sheet�
The House has a mix of wired and wireless connections to the internet via the school network. There is wifi throughout the whole house 24/7.
Students need to show consideration when using the phone� Most students have cellphones for personal use� These are not to be used during prep or meal times� Years 9 to 11 students hand their technology (cellphones, laptops, iPads etc) in each night before bed and they are available again after breakfast the next morning
Students and parents are required to sign and abide by the 'Technology Contract' which is available from the director of boarding� See the 'Family Handbook' for school cellphone guidelines
Sport and recreation are important parts of the Rangi Ruru lifestyle and it is important that the students find a balance between their school and sport commitments. House staff work closely with the students to help them find this balance. House staff will contact parents if they believe that over commitment is having a detrimental effect on their daughter’s wellbeing Parents should raise any concerns they have in this area with house staff.
School facilities are available to all boarders These include the tennis courts, swimming pool and sports field. We also provide a gym, fitness centre, art room, music practice rooms, library and computer rooms� These facilities are available by arrangement with house staff.
Year 9 boarders wanting to use the Fitness Centre will be assessed and given a supervised fitness programme. Older boarders may join the fitness programme and aerobics classes if they wish
The swimming pool is available during the swimming season Students swimming need to be supervised by house staff or a qualified lifesaver. All students are encouraged to obtain a lifesaving award during their first term at school. Students need to use a swimming towel not a white house towel�
The craft room provides a place for students to be creative and work on personal or school based projects� They are welcome to use this anytime leaving it clean and tidy�
Pianos are available for music practice throughout the House� The House has three pianos which are available for all students to use�
There are various wellbeing spaces throughout the House that are open to all year groups. Year 13 have their own flat lounges. TVs are available throughout the House. The Sky Lounge also has a TV and is an area where all year levels may relax�
Small personal sound systems are allowed but are to be played at a volume that is respectful to others� Headphones are recommended�
As space is limited in the House it is important that only clothing on the list is brought in each term, selected according to the season� To ensure rightful ownership of clothing and other personal items, it is very important that all items are clearly named The following would be a reasonable list:
• Shoes, sandals, jandals (two pair, one for the shower)
• Slippers/scuffs
• Dress/skirt - for formal occasions and formal dinners
• Jeans
• Jerseys, cardigans and/or sweatshirts
• Tops
• Nightwear/dressing gown
• Underwear - suggest merino/thermal for the winter
• Sports clothing and mouth guard as required
• Handkerchiefs/tissues
• Waterproof jacket or raincoat
• Umbrella
• Storage is available for skis and larger items of sports equipment
In addition each student requires:
• A water bottle
• Toiletries – shampoo, soap, toothbrush, face cloth (small basket to store these items)
• One hot water bottle (with cover)
• Coat hangers – clearly named
• Duvet cover and inner
• One small padlock for her lockable drawer
• Cap or sunhat, sunscreen and sunglasses
• Beach/swimming towel/swim wear
• Clan coloured dress up clothing (optional)
• Cycle helmets and hi-vis vests are compulsory for all students riding bicycles
• One net laundry bag (this will be supplied and charged to your account)
Sheets and towels are provided by the House� Each student is provided with their own pillow when they start in the House� However they many want to bring a second pillow�
Large sound systems with external speakers are not appropriate in the boarding environment - iPods/mp3 players with headphones are Please ensure these are clearly named� The House cannot accept responsibility for loss of such items�
We recommend printed labels that can be sewn on (as we find iron-on labels and fabric marking pens are not durable)� Printed labels are available at www�nameit�co�nz� Spare labels should be brought to sew onto new purchases
The borrowing and lending of clothes is discouraged�
Students are encouraged to create their own special space in their dorms� It is a good idea to bring a favourite cushion, soft toys, posters and photos of family and friends Out of respect for others, this must not include any material that may be found offensive. Students are required to remove articles believed by boarding managers to be either offensive or inappropriate. Unfortunately we are unable to allow residential pets for students�
A full laundry service is offered to all Years 9 and 10 students.
Years 11 and 12 students have laundry facilities available in each tower block and Year 13 students have laundry facilities available in their flats. Soap powder is provided.
Drycleaning is available by arrangement with the boarding manager� The cost for this will be charged to the student's Gold Sheet Please ensure all drycleaning is clearly named�
Sheets must be changed every Tuesday and put into the laundry bag ready for the linen service collection
Our housekeeping staff provide a daily cleaning service for the House. As part of house duties, students are occasionally required to contribute to the cleanliness of the House Students take responsibility for making their beds and keeping rooms and shared living spaces tidy�
In addition to the Gold Sheet, which the students can use for house and school expenses (such as taxis, doctors appointments), we suggest that boarders have an EFTPOS card for personal use Any amount deposited should be managed by parents and daughters Parental permission will be obtained for special outings or purchases involving large amounts of money�
Students are advised to give any valuables to the boarding manager� These valuables will be locked in the House safe This includes all large sums of money, passports, travellers cheques and jewellery�
No responsibility can be taken for valuables left in dormitory/rooms� Every student is allocated a lockable drawer for which students must provide their own padlock� A spare key may be kept in your daughter's file for safe keeping. School insurance policies do not cover students belongings� We recommend parents discuss their cover needs with their insurance company�
It is important that students are absent as little as possible� Parents are asked to make every effort to schedule holiday flights, the sitting of driving tests, or any appointments, so that they do not coincide with school time�
Our lost property cupboard is often very full. This is one of the first places where boarders should look when something goes missing The cupboard is emptied at the end of each term� At this time, students are encouraged to check for any property belonging to them� Our aim is to encourage them to be responsible for their belongings� Left clothing is donated to the City Mission�
From time to time house staff are asked to sign consent forms as guardians of the students for school events or activities Occasionally this involves a cost that we are wary of adding to your daughter’s account If the cost is greater than $30 we endeavour to seek parental consent� Should you prefer that the amount be higher, please send an email with the amount you are willing for us to incur on your behalf before seeking consent, to the director of boarding�
In accordance with government legislative requirements, all staff working in the House have completed a police check
Any concerns or complaints made regarding the care of your daughter in the House or the school should be sent to the director of boarding or the principal
For further details refer to the 'Family Handbook'�
While every effort is made to convey accurate and definitive information, expectations, rules and procedures in this publication, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School does not accept liability for any unintended errors or miscommunications contained within these pages� The contained information, rules, standards and procedures are subject to change at any time without notification.
This handbook should be read in conjunction with the following Rangi Ruru Girls’ School and Boarding Policies and Procedures� These Polices and Procedures are reviewed as per the Self Review Schedule and your input will be sort� Any changes will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders in a timely and efficient manner.
• Alcohol, Drugs and Substance
• Boarders Relationship
• Complaints
• Health and Safety
• Protected Disclosures
• Relationships and Ill Treatment
• Alcohol, Drugs and Substance
• Communicable Diseases
• Crisis Management
• Cyber Safety
• Food and Nutrition
• Gas Leak
• Health
• Lockdown
• Preventions of Harassment and Bullying
• Professional Boundaries
• Protected Disclosure
• Safety and Hygiene
• School Discipline (Stand-downs, Suspensions, Exclusions)
• Self-Harm
• Staff Dormitory
• Student Leave
• Student Protection
• Surrender and Retention
• Transport
All students and families will be required to sign a Boarder’s contract upon acceptance of enrolment�
Postal address
Rangi Ruru Boarding House
59 Hewitts Road, Merivale Christchurch 8014 Christchurch
Physical address
50 Rhodes Street Merivale Christchurch
Email: boarding@rangiruru�school�nz
Phone Numbers
Director of Boarding: (03) 983 3708
Main Duty Desk: (03) 983 3732
Boarding House Mobile: 021 268 0742
We use High Street Medical� See page 18 for further details on doctors visits and visits to other health professionals�
Guidance Network
The Boarding House has a close relationship with the Guidance Network at the school Refer to the 'Family Handbook' for further information on deans, psychologists, the chaplain and careers advisor�
Parent Representatives
We have parent representatives for each year level� Please contact the director of boarding for further details�