Govt of Jammu & Kashmir
Office of the Executive Engineer,Electric Maintenance and RE Division, Awantipora. NIT No:-EDA/25of 2013- 14
For and on behalf of the Governor, Jammu and Kashmir State, sealed tenders (in two cover system), affixed with Rs 10/- Revenue Stamps are hereby invited from reputed companies or Class 'A' registered contractors, for following works in Electric Division, Awantipora, Jammu & Ka§hmir Power Development Department: 1.
Name of work(s)
Construction of LT Network of sub-stations falling in Village Hatiwara and Part of Lethpora falling on left side of Jammu-Srinagar National Highway of village Lethpora
Line Length
2.25 Km 3-Phase 4-wire on 8M long ST Poles with Rabbit conductor. 1.90 Km 2-Phase 3-wire on 8M long ST Poles with Rabbit conductor. 14.15 Km 1-Phase 2-wire on 8M long ST Poles with Weasel conductor.
Estimated Cost
Estates Department.
98.80 Lakh
4. Work Completion 4 (Four) Months The tender document is available in the office of the undersigned and interested bidders can obtain tender document on any working date against cash payment of Rs 2000/- (non-refundable) as cost of tender document as per schedule given below. The tenders complete in all respect should reach to the Office of the Superintending Engineer EM&RE Circle Pulwama by or before last date of bid submission given below either personally or through registered post/courier. A
Sale of Bid Document (Start)
29 January 2014; 10:30 AM
Sale of Bid Document (End)
17 February 2014; 04:00 PM
Last Bid Submission Date
19 February 2014; 02:00 PM
Venue and Date of Opening of Commercial/Technical Bids
Office of the Superintending Engineer EM&RE Circle Pulwama on 2//02/2014
Amount of Earnest Money Deposit
Rs. 197600.00 (Rupees One Lac Ninety Seven Thousand Six Hundred only) 1. The Bids must be accompanied by the EMD in the form of CDR/FDR only from any Nationalizec Bank Preferably State Bank of India/ J&K Bank, pledged to the Superintending Engineer, EM&RE Circle Pulwama. No Interest would be payable on Earnest Money deposited with the Department. 2.The Bids shall be opened in the presence of bidder's representatives, who may wish to attend at the identified venue on indicated date and time mentioned in the above table or any subsequent date convenient to the Tender Opening Committee. An authority letter of bidder's representative will be required to be produced. 3.The Department reserves the right to cancel any or all the Bids/ Bid process without assigning any reason thereof. The decision of department will be final and binding. 4.In the event of date specified for Bid opening being declared a holiday/closed day for department's office then the due date for opening of Bids shall be the following working day at the appointed time and place. 5.The sealed covers shall be super scribed as "PART-I Technical & Commercial Bid" and "PART-II Financial Bid" against NIT NO: EDA/£5~of 2014 Dated:21- 01-2014.Also the name of the bidder and NIT No. shall be clearly written on the cover. Executive Engineer V^^antipora 6.Other details shall be as per the bidding document
Government of Jammu and Kashmir,
Sd/- Executive Engineer
For and oh behalf of the Governor of J&K State, sealed tenders affixed with Rs.l0/= (Rupees Ten only), revenue stamp are hereby invited by Director Estates, Civil Secretariat, J&K, Jammu (Convenor State Level Purchase Committee) from registered / approved contractors / ' dealer / firms, SSI units for the supply of following items. Tenders on prescribed format(s) available with Incharge, Central Furniture Store, Estates, Old Secretariat, Srinagar against non¬refundable cash payment of Rs.200/= from 24,01.2014 to 03.02.2014 during office hours, subject to production of Registration card / application with SSI unit Registration certificate/TTN Registration documents etc. The tender documents can also be downloaded from our website www.jkestates.nic.in for which the cost of tender documents in the shape of CDR of Rs.200/= shall have to be deposited at the time of submission of tender document. The intending tenderers should quote rates including VAT for individual items as per the approved samples / annexures which are tying in the office of Central Furniture Store, Srinagar in each group in separate envelopes, superscribing on the face of envelope the name of the group legibly, while submitting their offers. The last date for submission of tenders accompanied with the required / related documents, in the office of incharge, Central Furniture Store, Old Secretariat, Srinagar shall be 13.02.2014 upto 2:00 P.M. The tenders will be opened on 17.02.2014 or any subsequent date which may be convenient to the State level Purchase Committee in presence of tenderers willing to be present in the office chamber of Director Estates at Civil Secretariat, Jammu. Further details can be had from the Incharge, Central Furniture Store, Estates, Old Secretariat, Srinagar during office hours. The brief details of tendered items is as under:S.No. Name of the work/Group Amount of CDR/ Earnest money 1.Repairs / Upholistery of old furniture items Rs. 15,000/= 2.Repolishingof old furniture items (Fire proof) Rs.l0,000/= 3.Furnishing items as per departmental specifications/Quality Rs. 5,000/= The Director Estates reserves the right to reject any tender, without further notice thereon. Sd/Director Estates, DIPK:13196 Civil Secretariat, .J&K, Jammu
srinagar February 01 2014