Zabarwan Times E-Paper Urdu 02 June 2014

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Summer Capital Srinagar Phone 0194- 2311470

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Applications on the prescribed Proforma duly nominated& recommended by the competent designated nominating authorities & parent /host institution are invited from eligible Science Teachers, Polytechnic & College lectures for J&K State Council for Science and Technology Innovative Science Teacher Awards 2014 in the following categories Category I for Science Teachers - School level, 5 Awards Category II for Science Lecturers- Polytechnic & College level 5 Awards Each award carries a cash component of RslO,000/+citation at School level and Rsl5,000/-at College level The eligibility for the awards is that he or she should be •Science(includingMathematics)facultymemberworkinginanyrecognizededucationalinstitution/undergraduatecollegeofJ&K • Permanent resident of J&K State however there will be no age limit. • Holding regular position in a Govt / Govt recognized educational institutions. • Possessing at least Bachelors Degree in Science (for School level) and Masters Degree (for College level) •Nothavingreceivedsimilarawardatthenationallevelortheaboveawardsinthepreviousyearshoweverapersonnotselectedfor the award for a particular year can be re-nominated in future years with an updated CV of the candidate. •Dulyrecommended&nominatedontheprescribedformatbythecompetentdesignatednominatingauthorities(DirectorSchool EducationConcernedforSchoollevel,DirectorCollegesforCollegelectures/DirectorTechnicalEducationforPolytechniclectures) clearly specifying the original scientific contributions of the nominee. Self- nominations shall not be considered. •Havingdeveloped/evolved&adoptedinnovativemethodsinscienceteachingandhavingcontributedsignificantlytowardsthe strengtheningofscienceteachingatschoolorCollegeorPolytechnicinstitutionintheStateduringthelastfiveyearsusingconventional as well as non-conventional methods as evidenced by documents Properlyspiralboundfivesetsofapplicationsdulyfilledupintheprescribedformatwithfoilparticulars&ClearlySpecifyingtheContributionsforwhichtheawardisclaimed&accompaniedbyfollowingdocuments/enclosuresmustbedeliveredpersonallyorsentin registeredsealedcovermarkedNominationforJ&KInnovativeScienceTeacherAward-2014CategorylorII&shouldreachJointDirector Science and Technology, Council HNo.39 Goji Bagh Srinagar, Pinl90008 on or before 31st of August 2014 • Attested copies of PRC, & Degree Certificates Graduation onwards, •ProofofholdingregularpositioninaGovernment/SemiGovernmentrecognizededucationalinstitutions/college/Polytechnicinstitution, •Detailedstatementoforiginalworkdone&achievementsofthenomineeforwhichtheawardisclaimedfromJ&KSCST&itsimpact to the society in J&K •Criticalassessmentreport/Recommendationletterinabout500wordsontheprescribedformatfromthecompetentdesignated nominatingauthorities(Directorconcerned)givingdetailsoforiginalsignificantcontributionsofthenomineeduringthelast5years relevanttothepromotionofS&TinJ&KvizPromotionofScientificattitudeamongstudents,improvingqualityofSciencelearningby adoptinginnovativeteachingmethods,establishingsciencelaboratoriesanddevelopmentofscienceteachingaids/books/manuals evidenced by Supporting documents, • Candidates will also send a Soft Copy of their Application on the following mail address jksandtcouncil(5), Prescribed Nominations /application & Critical assessment report format along with details of criteria for evaluation & categories of people who are authorized to nominate can be down loaded from the S&T Council Website at at Home page Applications incomplete in any respect or not accompanied by the requisite documents or received after last date shall not be considered No:-ST/C/69/2014/l 192-94 dated:20-5-2014 ^ Dated: 20.05.2014 DIPK: 1184 Sd/-Joint Director Science & Technoogy J&K Govt

Government of Jammu and Kashmir,

Office of the Executive Engineer Special Sub Division Gurez. Tender Notice No: ( 2 )for the year 2014-15

For and on behalf of the Governor of the J&K State, the Executive Engineer Spl. Sub-Division Gurez invites tenders affixed with Rs.4/- revenue stamps from the registered PWD Contractors of J&K State, whose registration cards are valid for current financial year in terms of standing rules for the work. The tenders should reach to the office of Executive Engineer Spl. Sub-Division Gurez by or before 03.06.2014 upto 2.00 P.M The tenders will be opened on the same date or any other date, convenient to the opening authority in presence of the contractors who may like to be present. In case the last date of receipt of tenders is holiday, the tenders will be received on the next Working day up to 2.00 P.M. The contractors should not in any case quote more than one rate. Payment to the contractors will be made as and when funds are available to the department. The tender document will be issued by Executive Engineer Special Sub Division Gurez on production of valid registration cards and Tin Nos against cash payment as shown against each work upto 02.06.2014 during office hours, No tender shall be accepted on the tender forms previously issued by this Division or any other Division. All other terms and conditions shall remain same as laid down in the PWD form 25 S.NO

Name of the work


Restoration of Gujran khul, Badu- R s : 0 . 1 8 Rs:360/* gam Khul, Buglinder Khul by way of lacs. silt clearance.


(07) days


Demand- Submit- ARD 4702 ed ted


Restoration of Sukyal khul, Chur- R s : 0 . 4 0 Rs:800/wan Khul, Habab khtoon Khul, Mar- lacs. koot Khul, Malik Khul, TangThul and Khakar Khul by way of silt clearance.


(10) days


Demand- Submit- ARD 4702 ed ted


Restoration of Kanzalwan Jalindo- R s : 0 . 3 5 Rs:700/ra khul, Losser bib Khul, andTrab lacs. Khul by way of silt clearance.


(07) days


Demand- Submit- ARD 4702 ed ted

No.EE/SSDG/500-11 Dated: 26.05.2014 DIPK:1205


Earnest Class of Time for Cost Money contrac- completio n T.D tor

of Position Position Major of of funds of AA Account

Sd/-Executive Engineer

Government of Jamrau and Kashmir

Power Development Corporation Geologist, Geological DivisionJKSPDC. Bemina, Srinagar

Tender Notice No:-04 of 2014 Dated: 29-05-2014 For and on the behalf of Managing Director Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Sealed tenders are invited affixed with Rs. 5.00 revenue stamp along with CDR valuing Rs.4000/= pledged to Geolist Geological Division Srinagar JKSPDC, from the authorized dealers for the supply of following items as per the specifications given below. The tenders should reach to this office by or before 14.06.2014 during office hours up to 2 PM. The Tenders shall be opened by the undersigned on the same day or any other working day convenient to the tender Opening authority in presence of the tenderers who wish to present. S.No

Name of the item



DSLR (Digital SLR) Vision 10 megapixel Sony make

01 No.



01 No.

5 Kva (single phase)


Terms and Conditions:1. The supplier has to supply the items as per specifications. 2. The supply to be delivered at Srinagar within seven days for the date of receipt of supply order, 3. The rates quoted should include all prevalent taxes. 4. The payment will be made after receipt and verification of the entire supplies by the concerned authority. Geologist, \ .Geological Division, Srinagar, NB:309 Sd/-Geologist, Geological Division Srinagar

Srinagar, Monday June 02 2014


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