Govt of Jammu & Kashmir
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ED SUMBAL. For and on behalf of Governor of J&K state, sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamps of Rss 6.00 are invited from reputed, financially sound and experienced Class A contractors for execution of the below iftarationed work on the following terms and conditions. The contractors should be registered with Electrical Inspection- Divn. Sgr. MEs or reputed equivalent agency. SNo Name of the work Estd.Cost Earnest money Status of fund s 1, Diversion of 11 KV line 2.60 from Rakh shilwath 250 KVA s/S'tn. towards Check Ganstan *250 KVA s/stn.
Terms and Conditions
1. The tenders should be addressed to the office of the Executive Engineer ED Sumbal which should reach in his office by or before 20.2._2014 upto 2 PM through regisrered post-only- The tender documents shall be opened on the same day or any other date convenient to the tender opening committee in presence of the bidders who may wish to be present, 2„ The tender documents shall be available for sale from the office of U/sd, from 3.2.2014 to 9.2.2014 on all working clays against non refundable cost of Rs: 3, The bidders should quote their rates on unit basis for site of work inclusive of all taxes and duties. 4. The rates should be. FIRM and updated. No escalation in the rates shall be allowed, 5„ The tenders should be accompanied by the earnest money in the shape of CDR cafe @ 2% of the advertized cost. 6. The tenders should be submitted in a sealed envelope along with name of the contractor 7. The tenderer must possess TIN and must quote the same in the offer. 8. The bidders should write rates neatly and legibly and there shall he no cuttings. 9. The aucessful tenderer shall have to complete the job within a stipulated period of 15 days from the date of placement of allotment order DIPK: 13231
Sd/- Executive Engineer
Govt, of Jarnmu &Kashmir
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER REW KULGAM Fresh short term tender notice for NIT No 16
For and on behalf of Governor of J&Kstate. Executive Engineer REW Kulgam invites fresh tenders affixed with Rs.5/- Revenue stamp for the works mentioned below from the approved PWD contractors which shall reach to this office of the Executive Engineer REW Kulgam by or before 13 of February 2014 up to 2PM. The tenders will be opened on the same day in the afternoon or some other day convenient to the opening authority in presence of the tenders. Who may wish to be present at the time of pending. The tender documents can be purchased from the office of the Executive Engineer REW Kulgam from 10-02-2014 to 11-02-2014 during office hours. Only on production of valid enlistment card against bank draft from J&K bank ltd only. Favoring Executive Engineer REW Kulgam payable at J&K bank main branch Kulgam for the amount as shown below (nonrefundable). In case the last date for receipt of tenders of issuance of documents happens to be closure of office shall be received/ issued on next working day as per the same schedule. However, in order to ensure a good response in participation of competition, the tender documents can be issued only to those intending tenders, who will ptoduce necessary CDR'S of the earnest money as shown here under for which a Photostat copy shall be retained in the office of undersigned. S.No.
Name of work
Construction Hutments Zeadnag( Waltangoo Nard) Phe 3rd hut No’s 40,41,42
Adv. Cost
Account/Major head
Class of Contractor
Time of Completion
cost of Documents
14.85 lac
2245 Relief on A/C National Climates
90 Days
Position of AAT
Under Process
Position of AAY Sanction Estimate
Position of Funds
Under Process
Party Available
Terms and Conditions
01 the work should be executed strictly in accordance with PWD specifications. 2.The tender should be delivered duly sealed with proper cover/envelope with the name of the contractor, nameof the work reference to the CDR.No. & Date etc. without which the tender can be rejected by the opening authority without assigning any reasons, Also the CDR enclosed with the tender should be pledged to Executive Engineer REW Kulgam. 3.Photostat copy of the registration card duly renewed for the year 2013-2014 and income tax certificate for the quarter should be attached with the application requesting for tender documents as well as with tender. 4.The contractor should inspect the site of work before submitting the tender for his own interest. 5.The intending tenders should not be defaulter of income tax/sales tax and in case of any recovery reported, the same will be recovered for the due payment. 6.Other conditions shall be as perform 25 of PWD which shall be binding on the contractor. 07.The Bricks will be supplied by the ACD Kulgam as per rates approved by the DDC Kulgam. 08 Vallied Tin No.
DIPK: 13373
Sd/- Executive Engineer
On behalf of the Managing Director J&K State Handloom Dev. Corporation Ltd. Soiina ,Rambagh Srinagar sealed offers affixed with a revenue stamp of Rs.5/- are re-invited from the interested parties to quote their rates for the damaged/sale resistant stocks of woolen, raffal and cotton fabrics lying in lots in the Central Stores premises at Soiina, Ram bag h Srinagar. The offers should be accompanied with a CDR of Rs. 10,000/-(Rupees ten thousand only) pledged to Handloom Dev. Corporation Ltd. Soiina, Rambagh, Srinagar without which the offer shall not be entertained. The rates should be quoted at-least for a one complete lot both in words and figures legibly and without over writing, otherwise the offer shall be rejected. The interested parties can inspect the materials from 06 -02-2014 to 25-02-2014 during all office hours. The lot wise reserve price and other details of stocks can also be had from our Central Stores. The offers should reach to the office of the undersigned by or before 26-02-2014 upto 2.00 P.M. which shall be opened on the same day of some other day convenient to the committee. The highest offerer shall have to deposit the payment in full in the Corporation chest against the cost of material within a two days time from the date of acceptance of his offer, failing which the offer shall be treated as cancelled. The Corporation reserves the right to reject the whole or part of the offer without assigning any reason thereof. NB:2779
Sd/- Dy General Manager J&K HDC Ltd. Srinagar
Srinagar,Thursday February 06 2014