Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education Kashmir
Sub:-Select list of the candidates for the post of Teacher under Visually Handicapped District Cadre Pulwama. Ref:-i. Administrative Department's letter No. Edu- I/399/ 2013 Dated 27/11/2013. ii. Secretary Services Selection Board Jammu's No. SSB/ Sel/Secy/013/4010-15, dated 24.10.2013
The candidate namely Satpal Singh S/o Kulwant Singh R/o Saimoh Tral District Pulwama who has been selected as Teacher under Visually Handicapped Category District Cadre Pulwama is hereby informed to deposit his undertaking duly attested by the Justicial Magistrate 1st Class on the devised format (Annexure A) before the Director School Education Kashmir alongwith documents/ testimonials within one week positively DIPK NO. 12277
Sd/Director School Education Kashmir
UNDERTAKIMG I,___________________________S/O, D/O, W/O______________________________ R/O________________________________ District_____________________________ do hereby solemnly declare on oath that:- . i. The educational/technical qualification certificate has been issued by the University/Institution/Board recognized by the Government of India/ State Government/ UGC/ AICTE/Council for Distance Education and not by any unrecognized institution/University/Deemed University or by any recognised off campus centre of any University and further the courses os study are also recognized. ii, That the certificate is authentic and not fake/forged/ tempered: In case I am permitted to join subject to above verification: - , 1. I shall join the department on my own risk and responsibility. 2. Subsequently, if my qualification is not proved to subscribe to above mentioned standards or is proved fake/forged/tempered or issued by un-recognized Institution /University or the course itself is proved as un-recognized, I shall have no claim for the post of Teacher and the appointment order issued in my favour may be treated as cancelled abinitio. Besides criminal proceedings may be initiated against me under law.
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Office of the Executive Engineer Urban Local Bodies Kashmir Habitat Centre, Bemina Srinagar Fresh Tender Notice S. No. 187 of 2013-14
For and on behalf cjf the Governor of J&K State, sealed tenders affixed with two rupees revenue stamps are invited from the1 Registered Contractors/Firms of J&K State for the execution of the following works
Name of the Work
1 2
App. Cost
E. Money
Cost of Documents
Conslt, of lane ( only) from H/o Asgar Ahmad Khan onwards ( phase 3rd) 1.46 at W.No.13 at MC Yaripora under (DMT 2013-14.
15 days
Constt of lane/dram from H/o Mohd Ayoub Pandith toH/o Gh Hassan 3.10 Bhat via Ab Ahad Pandith at MC Yaripora
25 days
The tenders for the execution of the above mentioned works should be addressed to the Executive Officer, Municipal committee Yaripora The teider documents will be issued by the Executive Officer, Municipal committee Yaripora up to 15.01.2014 up tc 2 pm against cash pa/ ment of the amount indicated above and should reach to the office of the Executive Officer, Mun icipal committee Yaripora on or before 16.01.2014 up to 2 pm. The tenders will be opened by the undersigned on the same day or any o hes subsequent day convenient to the opening authority in presence of the Contractors who wish to be present. The tenders should be seat through pcst/persor ally. In case of these days or any one of the day falls holiday or if the office shall happen to remain closed due to some un?voidabie ci cumstance. The dates shall be reckoned to be the next working day. The rates should be mentioned both hi «< He, a>; well as in figure-; in legible handwriting. No separate correction slip shall be entertained. The tender documents should be accompanied with a CDR mm registered bank pledged to the Executive Officer, Mur icipal committee Yaripora without which the teffifers shall not be enter ained in any case. The terms and conditions will remain same as per previous NiT No. LB/EEK/1104 cated 10.08.1984. The rat;? should be inclusive of Income tax, Service tax and service charge/sales tax etc. The tender forms will be rejected subject to follov Trig conditions:1. If transparent 13pe is not found over rates/items tenders shall be rejected. 2 Released CDF »hall not be accepted, if so, the tender shall be rejected. 3. Any tenders q> icte “Ptebate” on comparative cost or on item of rate will be rejected. 4. Any tender ha zing not fixed revenue stamps should be rejected. 5. If the rates an found dubious the tender forms will be rejected. 6. The tenderer should not quote rate (Split items) henceforth, if so the tender shall be rejected 7. DL° shall be 1 oi a period of six months. Sd/ Executive Engineer DIPK: 12246 Urban Local Bodies Kashmir
DEPONENT VERIFICATION The contents of this undertaking are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT
Office Of The Assistant Regional Transport Officer Anantnag
Whereas a joint application has been received from Mr. Malik Mohd Amin S/o Malik Qasim Shah R/o Wanpoh Ang. as transferor (Seller) owner of the vehicle Tipper bering Regd. NO. JK03 1767(Cmmercial/non commercial) covering under R/P No. 172/ and shri Abdul Rashid Sanoo S/o Ab. Gani Sanoo R/o Pantha Chowk Sgr A/P Khanabal Ang. as transferee (purchaser) requesting for transfer of R/C and R/P of the Above noted vehicle from party NO. Ist to 2nd and cancellation of Hire purchase agreement with Nill Before the case is disposed off on its merits, any body having objection regarding the proposed trnsfer may file his objection. Within a period of 7 days from the date of publication of this notice. No any representation/objection shall be entertained after stepulated time. No./ 2194/ARTO Ang. Sd/Date: 20-12-2013 Assistant Regional Transport Officer Anantnag