JAMMU & KASHMIR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Polo Ground, Srinagar, Kashmir-190001
Dated: 11/06/2014
The candidates bearing Roll No.'s 19,16 and 20. Subject: Unfair means case framed on 11.04.2014 and 12.04.2014 during Excise & Commercial Taxes Part-I Departmental Examination, Session April-2014 (Paper-B & C). Whereas, the J&K Public Service Commission invited applications from the eligible $ndidates for appearing in Excise & Commercial Taxes Part-I, Departmental Examination, Session April-2014; and , Whereas, among others the candidates bearing Roll Number 19, 16 and 20 also submitted their application forms for appearing in the said examination; and Whereas, the above candidates appeared in the examination held on 11.04.2014 and 2.04.2014; and Whereas, in-spite of prior warnings by the Supervisors against resorting to unfairmeans, it has been reported that above candidates were caught red handed with the incriminating material and the said material was seized by the supervisory staff which forms part of the unfairmeans case against them; and Whereas, the incriminating material found in their possession falls within the definition of unfairmeans as mentioned in Rule 20 of J&K Public Service Commission (Conduct of Examination) Rules, 2005; and Whereas, the candidates are prima facie found guilty of resorting to unfair means and are liable to punishment under Rule 25 of J&K Public Service Commission (Conduct of Examination) Rules, 2005; and Now, therefore, before imposing appropriate punishment under rules upon the above candidates they are directed to show cause within 10 days from the date of issuance of this notice as to why action in terms of above quoted rule be taken against them. Failure to show cause, action as warranted under law shall follow, without any further notice. However, in case the candidates wants to appear in person or wants to produce any evidence or record their statement they may appear before the Secretary & Controller of Examinations, J&K Public Service Commission, Polo Ground, Srinagar, Kashmir on 20.06.2014 at 11:00 A.M for the purpose. DIPK:1956
Sd/- Assistant Controller of Examinations J&K Public Service Commission Srinagar