Zabarwan Times E-Paper Urdu 16 June, 2014

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Government ofJammu & Kashmir

Office of the Executive Engineer Rural Engineering Wins: Baramulla. Tender Notice No:-002 of 2014-15 Dated: 12-6-2014

For and on behalf of the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir State, Executive Engineer Rural Engineering Wing Baramulla invites fresh tender affixed with revenue stamp worth Rs=5/= for the work mentioned below under Model Village Scheme from the approved PWD Contractors/firms which should reach to the Office of the Executive Engineer REW Baramulla by or before 26/6/2014 up to 2.00 pm. The tender will be opened on the same day in the afternoon or some other day convenient to the opening authority in presence of the tenderer's who may like to be present at the time of opening of tender. The tender documents can be purchased from the Office of the Executive Engineer Rural Engineering Wing Baramulla from: 12/6/2014 to 25/6/2014 up to 2 pm during office hours only on production of valid enlistment card/Registration against cash payment (Non-refundable) as mentioned below:In case the date for receipt of tenders or issuance of documents happens to be declared a Government holiday, the same shall be received/issued on next working day as per same schedule. s. No Name of Work 1

Advertised E a r n e s t Class of Time of Cost of Cost Money Contractors Completion T/Documents

Construction of Common Facility center 19.45 lacs (CFC) at Sheeri. (Block Baramulla).



4 Months


Conditions:1. The work should be executed strictly in accordance with PWD specifications. 2. Photostat Copy of registration card duly renewed for the year 2014-15 should be attached with the application requesting for tender documents as well as with the tender. 3. The contractor should inspect the site of work before submitting the tender. 4. The income tax/Sales Tax clearance certificate for the financial year 2013-14. 5. The tender should be delivered duly sealed with proper cover / envelop with the name of the contractor , name of the work , reference to the CDR No and date also the schedule of rates shall be covered with transparent tape etc without which the tender can be rejected by the opening authority without assigning any reason. Also the CDR enclosed with the tender should be pledged to Executive Engineer REW Baramulla. 6. The intending tenderer should not be defaulter of Income Tax /Sales Tax .In case of any recovery reported the same will be recovered from the due payment. No:-Xen/REW/Bla/481-95 DIPK:2061

Sd/- Executive Engineer



Government of Jammu & Kashmir


For and on behalf of the Governor, J&K State e-tenders are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt., CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Governments for each of the following works: S.No Name of Work

Est. Cost Cost of T/ E a r n e s t Time of Time & Date Class of Major Head (Rs. In Doc. (In Rs.) Money (In completion of Opening Contractor of Account Lacs) Rs.) of Bid











Development of road surface by way of providing/ 24.25 laying of 20mm thick OGPC on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Asnoor Mandowbal road KM: 1st and 2nd (Length 2.00 Kms)________________



10 Days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 4 0 5 9 - N A B 11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix ARD Plant /Paver Owner


Development of road surface by way of providing/ 31.50 laying of 25mm thick Samidence on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Hanger Tungdoon Darpora Sampora road (2.00 Kms)



10 Days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 4059-Projec11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix tization Plant /Paver Owner


Development of road surface by way of providing/ 15.70 laying of 25mm thick Samidence on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Srandoo Kharpora road(1.00 Kms)________



05 Days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 4059-District 11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix Sector Plant /Paver Owner


Development of road surface by way of providing/ 15.70 laying of 25mm thick Samidence on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Kachdoora Kapran Gopalpora road (1.00 Kms)_________



05 days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 3054-M&R 11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix Plant /Paver Owner


Development of road surface by way of providing/ 18.00 laying of 25mm thick Samidence on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Redwani Babapora road (1.00 Kms)



05 days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 4059-Projec11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix tization Plant /Paver Owner


Development of road surface by way of provid- 18.00 ing/laying of 25mm thick Samidence on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Buchroo Brazulla Damdullah road (1.00 Km)



05 days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 3054-M&R 11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix Plant /Paver Owner


Development of road surface by way of provid- 16.00 ing/laying of 25mm thick Samidence on existing pavement mechanically with paver to Qaimoh Sonigam Bugam Katrasoo road (1.00 Kms)



05 days

20-06-2014 at R e g i s t e r 4059-Projec11.00 A.M ed Hot Mix tization Plant /Paver Owner

Position of AAA/TS Submitted Position of funds: Demanded l.The NIT Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website from 14-06-2014 (10.00 A.M) to 17-06-2014 upto 4.00PM. 2.The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the departmental website from 15-05-2014 (10.00 AM) to 17-06-2014 upto 4.00PM. The bids uploaded on the Web Site upto due date and time will be opened on 20-06- 2014 at 11.00 AM in the Office of Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Kulgam in presence of the bidders who wish to attend. In case of holidays/Office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids, bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. . 3.The complete bidding process will be on line. 3.1 Critical DATES 1

Date of Issue of Tender Notice



Period of downloading of bidding documents

From 14-06- 2014 10 A.M to 17-06-2014 4.00 P.M


Bid submission Start Date

15-06-2014 from 10.00 A.M


Bid Submission End Date

17-06-2014 upto 4.00 P.M


Deadline for receiving the Hard Copy (Original DD & EMD) - [The date 18-06-2014 at’4.00 P.M in the Office of the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division should be one day after bid submission end date] Kulgam


Date & time of opening of Bids (Online) - [The date should be one day after 20-06-2014 at 11.00 A.M in the Office of the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division deadline for receiving of hard copies] Kulgam

4. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tenderinq process. 4.1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the “Downloads” option as well as from “Bidders Manual Kit” on website www.iktenders. to acquaint bid submission process. 4.2 To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get ‘Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)’ as per Information Technology Act-2000. Bidders can get digital certificate from any approved vendors. 4.3 The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature. No Financial bid will be accepted in physical form. 4.4 Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para-2 & 3.1. 4.5 Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents like CDR/PAN/TIN/Demand Draft with the bid and all documents be submitted physically to Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Kulgam before date of opening of bid. Note: - Scan all the documents on 100 dpi with black and white option. 5. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons. 6. Scanned copy of cost of tender document in shape of Demand Draft/Earnest money/Bid Security if applicable Pledged to the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Kulgam payable at Kulgam must be uploaded with the bid. The original Demand Draft (cost of tender document), CDR/FDR (earnest money/bid security) and relevant documents to be submitted to the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Kulgam by registered post/Courier /by hand before due date of submission of tender/ as per time schedule specified. 7. Bidders are advised to use “Mv Documents” area in their user on R&B e-Tendering portal to store such documents as are required. 8. All other terms and conditions are as per PWD Form 25 (Double Agreement Form) NO: 1219-21 Dtd: 10-06-2014 DIPK:2016 Sd/- Exdecutive Engineer (R&B) Division Kulgam

Srinagar, Monday June 16 2014


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