2 minute read
Inside her apartment, sky high in 900Mahler on Gustav Mahlerlaan, Eefje Voogd and I contemplated the surrounding towers. Around a year and a half ago, her real estate agency, Eefje Voogd Makelaardij, was acquired by the world’s largest real estate services company, CBRE. She is still closely involved as director and has no plans to quit any time soon. “It’s great to see big construction projects picking up again”, she said, “because they’re urgently needed in Zuidas. Watching the skyline, you can see lots of projects we were or are involved in either brokering or consulting. That’s always an incredible feeling.”
Eefje is a familiar face in Zuidas and a happy local resident. “I’m also excited about what’s happening over in Ravel. That will be a low-traffic, green, mixed-use residential neighbourhood in the heart of Zuidas, mainly for families with children. It will be such an amazing addition to this area.”
This issue of Hello Zuidas is devoted to real estate. As much as we’d love to know what the near future holds on that front, we didn’t get any one final answer. We also talked to Suzanne Kwakkernaat, head of Business Support at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek. They are looking forward to their relocation next year, from central Zuidas to Tripolis-Park, though, as Suzanne explained, getting everything ready is also a complex puzzle.
Our next issue of Hello Zuidas will shine a spotlight on Talent & Education. Have you got something you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you!
Happy reading!
Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas
Next issue [67]
9th of May 2023
Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that?
Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.
Our first Members Meeting of the year is just around the corner! The Valley Open House on 21 March will be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect. This iconic building has been in the spotlight for three years and now we’ll finally get to look behind the façade. Members will go on an expedition through the building and learn all about its users. What’s actually happening inside this beehive of activity? Who are the people living and working here? Join us and find out on 21 March! Also don’t forget to send us your favourite sustainable initiative or company in Zuidas. Registration is open now on www.zuidasduurzaam.nl.
OLIVIER OTTEN Managing director of Hello Zuidas

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