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After years of hovering at historic lows, interest rates have now multiplied threefold in a short period of time. “The real estate sector is directly affected”, notes Roel van de Bilt, chair of the Dutch Banking Association’s (Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken, NVB) corporate real estate committee. “When interest rates go up, real estate values go down, and vice versa. Real estate prices are under pressure right now, including in Zuidas.”
The Dutch Banking Association (NVB) represents the shared interests of domestic and foreign banks that are active in the Netherlands. Members of its corporate real estate committee include ABN Amro, ING, Deutsche Bank, NIBC, Handelsbanken and Rabobank. On 1 April, Roel van de Bilt will transfer his chairmanship to Hein Wegdam, head of ING Real Estate Finance. From this date, Roel will also step down as director of Rabo Real Estate Finance.