“TREES MAKE AN IMPACT” From left to right: Frido van Nieuwamerongen (Arconiko architecten), Kees van Oorschot (project manager RCD Municipality Rotterdam), Willemijn van Manen (Landscape Architect at ZUS), Nora Kooijmans (Echo Urban Design), Rob Ittmann (RCD)
Did you know Rotterdam Central District has its own cli-
Van Manen knows that greening existing urban spaces is
mate team? These urban planners, architects and land-
a wicked task, often frustrated by diverging interests and
scape architects are exploring ways to green the district
complex laws that slow progress. Property owners look at
and help it weather the effects of climate change. No easy
their spreadsheets and see a building is profitable. Why
task, but we all know that persistence pays off, and this
bother planting up the façade to offset heat stress or lay-
team is proving it.
ing sedum on the roof to absorb rainwater? The trick is to multiply opportunities and keep all parties thinking. For
If you were given a spade to green RCD, what would you
instance, it’s a shame that the strip in front of her office
do? Landscape architect Willemijn van Manen (32) doesn’t
is mere lawn, when there’s such need for diversity: “Grass
need to think twice. She’d start by digging up the car park
with meadow herbs and a tree would attract insects and
outside Biergarten, behind the Schiekadeblok, and putting
birds. Now it’s just bare grass with no forage or shelter.”
It’s enough to make a person cynical, Willemijn mutters.
“That would be the starting point of a line of trees running
But not her. You need to be a little cheeky, is her message,
up to the station, through it, and ending at the old ice-skat-
and that’s a trait she shares with the rest of ZUS and the
ing rink on Conradstraat. Trees make an impact.”
climate team. “Street lighting around and between the two Unilever offices on Weena and Hofplein is one thing we’re
A project leader at the architectural firm ZUS, Van Manen
tackling. Within the available budget, we’re looking for
joined the climate team a few months ago. From her third-
ways to fit in climate adaptive interventions such as plant-
floor Schieblock office, she has a view of Hofplein and the
ing trees and greening façades. Making the most of what
bright yellow air bridge that has become both landmark
you have is key. That’s why the ability to quickly pivot with
and export product. And more proof that persistence pays
local actors to get initiatives off the ground is the climate
off. RCD would be unthinkable now without the yellow
team’s superpower. And the power of design firms and gov-
bridge linking it to the rest of the city.
ernment working together.”
TEXT Eduard Voorn
ipal tree shed. With a cheeky glint in her eye, she continues:
in the plane trees currently kicking their heels in the munic-