RCD Magazine - editie 4

Page 48



“add meaning to your life” RotterdamRijker is an organization that explores the softer aspects of the hard business world in


which many of us work. The name itself, which translates as ‘Rotterdam Richer’, poses a conundrum: we’re ‘richer’ primarily because we earn money – but is that truly enriching? Gert Weerheim, a lawyer who has worked in construction and procurement practice for ten years, was looking for somewhere to help him cultivate a sense of depth and purpose in relation to his work, and discovered there was no such place in the Central District. He ran his idea past acquaintances, colleagues and partners at companies based in the area, and so RotterdamRijker was born.

Enthusiasm for an initiative dedicated to reflection and

ingful life’, and next year we’ve booked Ben Tiggelaar. Peo-

finding meaning and purpose quickly spread, resulting in

ple grab a beer and sit down to listen, and afterwards we all

a foundation with a governing board. Gert explains, “In es-

gather for drinks. As well as learning something, people en-

sence, RotterdamRijker seeks to counter hard rationality

joy the chance to meet others.” RotterdamRijker also runs a

with softer forces. We’re focused on our own peers – legal

book club, with a film club soon to follow, offering a variety

practitioners, consultants, accountants and people work-

of ways for participants to get together and share.

TEXT Céline Boute


ing at corporates in the city. However, we try to keep it lowkey and everyone interested in learning more about the


deeper ‘questions of life’ is welcome. The core of the foun-

Underpinning the foundation’s activities and presentations

dation is made up of a team of eight members, including

are two fixed pillars: personal and professional develop-

Immanuel Kapteijns, who was hired part-time to do most

ment (and risks like burn-out), and economics and sustain-

of the organization.

ability. “Within the second pillar, we see it as our mission


to acquaint young professionals with both micro (e.g., how can my organization be a force for good?) and macro-level

A core activity are RotterdamRijker’s Thursday programmes

perspectives like what is a good form of capitalism?” For

hosted at LaatBloeien every six weeks. For a small contri-

Gert, the conversations and mental journeys with visitors

bution, all are welcome to attend a reflective talk followed

are immensely valuable. “It doesn’t primarily matter to us if

by drinks. “We’ve been fortunate to have some great names

someone chooses A or B, but that people start to think and

come speak to our guests already. On the 9th of December,

talk about these questions. So have a look on our website

Dirk De Wachter will give a talk about ‘the quest for a mean-

www.rotterdamrijker.nl and come join us on December 9th!”

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