Zuni Icosahedron Annual Report 2013-2014
© Published in Hong Kong Oct 2014, Zuni Icosahedron Ltd.
Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre
地址 Address: 香港上環永樂街60-66號昌泰商業大廈2字樓203-4室 Room 203-4, 2/F., Cheong Tai Commercial Building, 60-66 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
電話 Tel: +852 2893 8704
傳真 Fax: +852 2838 7527
電郵 Email: info@zuni.org.hk 網頁 Website: www.zuni.org.hk