XATQ 是中華傳統戲劇戲曲和當代藝術科技的一次學習,實驗的當下體驗,令觀眾體會當下的未來。 2024年,進念以戲曲(Xiqu)結合藝術科技(Arts Tech)展現戲劇文化的美,實驗和實踐不同模式的說故事方法,刺激思維,開發創意! ZdX Theatre - 「唱唸做打」中國戲曲ABC系列節目《戲曲金庸.笑傲江湖》、榮念曾實驗戲曲《武生開打》現已公開發售;其他節目開售資訊陸續公布,記得留意最新消息!
發掘更多 ▸ https://zuniseason.org.hk/
XATQ is a study in traditional Chinese theatre, xiqu, and contemporary arts technology. It is an experimental experience of the present moment, enabling the audience to experience the future right now. Fusing xiqu (XQ) and arts tech (AT) to reveal the beauty of theatre. Experimenting with different ways of storytelling to stimulate creativity!
Stay tuned for more ▸ https://zuniseason.org.hk/en/theatre/