香光念佛 場刊 Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light Programme Note

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主辦及製作 Presented & Produced by

合作機構 emic Support & Partner 香港專業教育學院( 李惠利) 資訊科技系 視聽娛樂科藝 高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Audio-Visual Entertainment Technology (AVET), Department of Information Technology, IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

學術合作機構 Academic Support & Partner 香港專業教育學院( 李惠利) 資訊科技系 視聽娛樂科藝 高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Audio-Visual Entertainment Technology (AVET), Department of Information Technology, IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

惠利) ET), 科藝 高級文憑 Visual T), Entertainment Technology (AVET), n Technology, IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

贊助 Styling Sponsor

布施菩薩 Bodhisattva of Generosity

y (AVET),

髮型贊助 Hair Styling Sponsor

布施菩薩 Bodhisattva of Generosity

nerosity 布施菩薩 nerosity Bodhisattva of Generosity sity rosity

sity f Generosity

宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Venue Sponsor for Publicity Stills

港文化中心場地伙伴 為香港文化中心場地伙伴 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 PartnerPartner of the Hong Kong Cultural 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 nVenue is aIcosahedron Venue of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Zuni is a Venue Partner of theCentre Hong Kong Cultural Centre 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Hong Kong Cultural Centre 港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron is isa Venue Partner Zuni of of the Icosahedron Hong Kong is Cultural a Venue Centre Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre nancially supported by the Government ofbythe Zuni aGovernment Venue Partner the Hong 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron isIcosahedron financially the Government of the Kong Cultural Centre n is financially supported bysupported the of the 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 dministrative Region 《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 Zuni Special Icosahedron is financially supported 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 by the Government of the Hong Kong Administrative Region 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 cial Administrative Region Zuni進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Hong KongIcosahedron Special aritable institution is Administrative exempt fromRegion tax under Zuni is financially supported Zuni Icosahedron by the Government is financially of the supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴

照拍攝場地提供 Icosahedron is a Venue Partner ofHong the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Region Hong KongRevenue Special Administrative Region Kong Special Administrative on 88 Zuni of the Inland Ordinance HongZuni KongIcosahedron Special Administrative Region of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre is a Venue Partner 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 e Sponsor for Publicity Stills 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the

進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Icosahedron is financially Hong KongZuni Special Administrative Regionsupported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

8條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 is exempt from tax under Revenue Ordinance


of the

22, 25/9/2016 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 贊助 Sponsor

進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Interview with Venerable Sik Tsang Chit


( 節錄自 2016 年 7 月《佛門網》訪問 )

問:「 五會念佛」有什麼優點? 答: 每個念佛法門都是好的。「五 會念佛」依據的經典包括《觀 無 量 壽 經》, 內 容 講 淨 土 念 佛 時, 環 境 柔 和、 風 吹 的 形 態 和 聲 音 很 莊 嚴 攝 心。 唐 代 蓮宗四祖的法照大師透過這 些 經 典 內 容, 創 立「五 會 念 佛」。 當 時 的 流 傳, 十 分 興 盛, 可 惜 年 代 久 遠, 調 譜 慢 慢遺失。

(Adapted from Interview by Buddhistdoor, July 2016)

問: 九月演出叫《香光念佛》,和 「五會念佛」不同,「香光」的 名字由來是什麼? 答: 當時進念和衍空法師認為《華 嚴經 4.0 - 清淨之行》已經有 之 前 的 演 出 基 礎, 觀 眾 會 知 道是什麼一回事。但「五會念 佛」觀眾未必知道是什麼。我 們選用「香光」兩個字,有兩 個原因。

問: 七 十 多 年 前 的 觀 本 老 法 師, 花 了 十 多 年 時 間 整 理 文 獻, 建立「五會新聲念佛」。為何 觀本法師當時那麼努力呢? 答: 他 要 創 一 種 方 法 讓 修 淨 土 念 佛 的 人, 在 念 佛 當 中 體 驗 到 經 文 真 義。 所 以 觀 本 法 師 十 分懇切去研究和重譜「五會念 佛」。七十多年前他終於成功 灌錄留聲黑膠碟。 東蓮覺苑可以承傳老法師的 念 佛 方 法, 因 為 歷 來 的 苑 用 「五會新聲念佛」做早晚課。 我 出 家 之 前 也 曾 聽 過「五 會 新聲念佛」,覺得它很攝心。 到 苑 之 後, 才 知 道 出 處 來 自 觀 本 法 師, 而 由 東 蓮 覺 苑 成 就 這 件 事。 我 心 裡 默 默 希 望 能將這好的念佛法門介紹給 大 家 學 習。 我 們 花 了 很 多 時 間, 因 現 存 留 聲 碟 破 損 了, 且留聲碟的轉數已不能配合 時 下 的 播 放 器, 速 度 和 音 聲 始 終 有 少 許 落 差。 後 來 有 一 個 因 緣: 志 蓮 淨 苑 很 有 心, 知 道 我 們 從 事 這 件 事, 就 把 他們存有的「特藏版」,並找 專業人士配上適合轉數的播 放 器, 錄 製 音 檔 交 給 我 們, 我們才有依據去學習。

其一是因為觀本法師未灌錄 留 聲 碟 前, 已 經 組 織 了 一 個 「香 光 念 佛 團」, 一 年 有 兩 三 次 念 佛 聚 會。 去 年 我 曾 到 過 未來將會送給東蓮覺苑的道 場, 帶 領 義 工 去 大 掃 除 時, 無意中找到一幅相︰是觀本 法 師 和 香 光 念 佛 團 的 合 照, 拍攝地點是黃大仙的覺蔭 園。選用「香光念佛」之名, 實 有 紀 念 觀 本 法 師 和「香 光 念佛團」的意思。 另一個意思是「香光」是「香 港」諧音。近年香港的人和事 愈 來 愈 複 雜, 人 除 了 抱 怨, 還 愛 報 怨。 我 們 要 為 香 港 念 佛, 迴 向 香 港 社 會, 希 望 大 家學習息止報怨之心。 表 演 內 容 ︰ 先 念 佛, 後 解 說, 再 有 分 享, 並 會 有 互 動。 觀 本 法 師 很 有 智 慧, 創 製這幅「八葉蓮萼圖」幫助我 們念佛記數,我們叫「觀蓮制 心」。觀賞蓮花去息止心的散 亂。 八 瓣 蓮 花 加 蓮 蕊 和 蓮 葉 共 十 瓣, 十 瓣 為 一 朵, 依 每 會 念 佛 的 句 數, 專 心 數 數, 我 們 表 演 時 有 這 個 互 動, 教 大家這種專注的念佛方法。 大家在日常生活中不要忽略 生 活、 輕 視 你 的 工 作 和 疏 遠 你 所 認 識 的 人。 如 果 能 將 人、 工 作 和 生 活 緊 扣, 那 麼 你的當下就會圓滿。「觀蓮制 心」,專注念佛當下,大家當 有圓滿的果報。


第一會, 念「南無阿彌陀佛」,

Q: What are the advantages of Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting? A: Every way of Buddhist chanting has its merits. The Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting is based on Buddhist sutras including the Amitayurdhyana Sutra, which describes how adorned and mind absorbing the form and sound of breezes when chanting the Buddha’s name in the gentle environment of the Pure Land. Master Fazhao of the Tang Dynasty, the Fourth Patriarch of the Pure Land School, formulated this Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting based on the content of these sutras. It spread with great popularity at the time. Unfortunately, as time went by, its music score gradually got lost.

Q: More than seventy years ago, old Master Kuan Pen spent more than ten years to collate documents and compiled the New Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting. Why did Master Kuan Pen make so much effort at the time? A: He wanted to establish a way of practice for Pure Land practitioners to experience the authentic meaning of the sutras when they do Buddhist chanting. So Master Kuan Pen earnestly studied and re-compiled the notation of Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting. Eventually, he succeeded in recording the chanting on vinyl records more than seventy years ago. It’s possible for the Tung Lin Kok Yuen to inherit and pass on the old Master’s way of Buddhist chanting, because it has always been using the New Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting for morning and evening practices. I also heard New Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting before renunciation, and found it very mind absorbing. I didn’t know it came from Master Kuan Pen until I joined Tung Lin Kok Yuen, which helped to accomplished the recompilation. I bear in my mind the desire to introduce this very good way of Buddhist chanting to everyone to learn. We spent a lot of time. The vinyl record we have is already damaged, and its rotation speed no longer matches with current record players, resulting in a small gap between speed and sound. Later on, there was this conditionality that the Chi Lin Nunnery, after knowing about the issue, kindly got professionals to play the “special-collection edition” it possessed on a player with proper rotation speed and made a sound file for us. Only then we had something to base on for our learning.

六字七音,非緩非急念,句數隨意。 第三會, 念「阿彌陀佛」, 四字七音,次第漸急念,句數隨意。 第四會, 念「阿彌陀佛」, 四字二十音,快板分班輪流念,句數隨意。 第五會, 念「阿彌陀佛」四字, 收板引聲佛號,只限收板一句。

「南無阿彌陀佛」中「南無」在佛教指皈依, 「阿彌陀佛」指無量光、 即是智慧。無量壽,即是福德。有福德智慧,即是福慧。

A: Back then Zuni and Venerable Sik Hin Hung considered that the audience would know what Hua-Yen Sūtra 4.0 Purification Practices would be about as it’s based on what had been performed before, but might not know what Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting is. We’ve chosen the two words “Scent” and “Light” for two reasons. Firstly, before he made the recording, Master Kuan Pen had formed the Scent and Light Buddhist Chanting Group, members of which met together a few times a year to practice Buddhist chanting. Last year when I went with a group of volunteers to the Dharma site that would be donated to Tung Lin Kok Yuen in future, I accidentally found a photo showing Master Kuan Pen and members of the Scent and Light Buddhist Chanting Group, taken at Kok Yum Yuen in Wong Tai Sin. So actually the name Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light is chosen for remembering Master Kuan Pen and the Scent and Light Buddhist Chanting Group. Another meaning is that the Chinese characters for “Scent” and “Light” sound similar to those for “Hong Kong”. In recent years people and issues in Hong Kong have become more and more complicated. Its people keep complaining. We want to do Buddhist chanting for Hong Kong and dedicate the merits of chanting to the Hong Kong community, with the hope that people cease their mind of retributing. In the performance, there will be Buddhist chanting first, followed by explanations, and then sharing. There’ll also be interaction with the audience. Master Kuan Pen was very wise. He painted a drawing titled “Eight-petalled Lotus Flower for Meditation” to help us count the number of chantings. This we call “Calming the mind by contemplating the lotus flower”, i.e. stopping our monkey mind to resting state by contemplating the lotus flower. Its eight petals, its pistil and its leaf make up ten segments for each flower. This helps focusing on the counting in accordance with the number of chantings at each assembly. During the performance, we’ll teach the audience this way of focusing on Buddhist chanting as interaction with them. In our daily life, let’s not overlook living, neglect our work or estrange ourselves from people we know. If we can put people, work and life together closely, then our present moment will be complete. By “calming the mind by contemplating the lotus flower” and chanting the Buddha’s name at the present moment with mindfulness, we’ll certainly attain full and complete retribution.

New Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting First assembly,

六字兩音,引聲緩念,句數多少隨意。 第二會, 念「南無阿彌陀佛」,

Q: The performance in September is named Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light, which is different from Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting. How did the term “Scent and Light” come about?

NAMO AMITABHA, six words in two tones, prolonged recitation at a slow pace. Number of times entirely at one's discretion.

Second assembly, NAMO AMITABHA, six words in seven tones, neither slow nor fast. Number of times entirely at one's discretion. Third assembly, AMITABHA, four words in seven tones, sequentially fast. Number of times entirely at one's discretion. Fourth assembly, AMITABHA, four words in 20 tones, Allegro rotation in groups. Number of times entirely at one's discretion. Fifth assembly,

MITABHA Four words at a time, Closing part: Prolong recitation stretched fully, once only.

In the recitation of the title NAMO AMITABHA, NAMO is a Sanskrit expression for respect that conveys the meanings of taking refuge. Buddha AMITABHA refers to boundless light (i.e. wisdom); and infinite life (i.e. merits and virtues).

Interview with Venerable Sik Hin Hung

訪問釋衍空法師 ( 節錄自 2016 年 7 月《號外》訪問 )

(Adapted from Interview in July 2016 Issue of City Magazine)

問︰ 請講一講《香光念佛》的緣起?

問︰ 極樂世界裡有沒有輪迴?

答︰《香光念佛》是佛教的一種念 佛 法 門。 有 很 多 種 佛 教 徒, 其 中 一 種 佛 教 徒, 他 們 求 生 西 方 極 樂 世 界。 投 身 往 極 樂 世 界 需 要 方 法, 不 是 單 單 信 就 去 到。 如 要 求 生 極 樂 世 界, 需 要 憶 佛 念 佛, 將 來 才 能必得見佛。《香光念佛》的 「香 光」 來 自「香 光 莊 嚴」, 念 佛 兩 個 字 好 像 好 簡 單, 可 是單單念「南無阿彌陀佛」, 其 實 不 足 夠。 念 佛 怎 樣 才 念 得 好? 要 做 到 念 佛 時 與 佛 相 應。 觀 本 法 師 追 溯 遠 古, 根 據唐朝法照法師的念佛方 法,創立「五會念佛」,即五 個階段的念佛法門。

答︰ 去 極 樂 世 界 仍 須 輪 迴, 需 要 投 生 回 到 這 世 界 再 渡 眾 生。 阿彌陀佛的淨土信仰是大乘 佛 法, 大 乘 需 要 渡 眾 生, 極 樂 世 界 沒 有 眾 生 可 渡, 因 為 大 家 已 經 很 具 足, 不 需 要 布 施, 所 以 要 回 到 這 苦 樂 參 半 的娑婆世界渡眾生。

問︰ 可 否 形 容 華 藏 世 界 和 極 樂 世 界有什麼分別? 答︰ 極 樂 世 界 是 由 阿 彌 陀 佛 發 願 所 創 造 出 來。 譬 如 有 一 個 富 翁 ︰ 李 嘉 誠, 花 錢 興 建 慈 山 寺。 李 嘉 誠 在 香 港 很 有 名 氣, 但 在 宇 宙 來 說, 有 人 更 出 名, 他 就 是 阿 彌 陀 佛。 阿 彌 陀 佛 要 建 立 一 個 世 界, 叫 極 樂 世 界, 世 人 來 到 這 裡 不 需 要 再 擔 心, 觀 音 菩 薩 會 給 你 講 經, 極 樂 世 界 好 莊 嚴。 歡 迎 大 家 來, 但 先 要 乎 合 某 些 條 件。 第 一 ︰ 你 要 想 來, 你 要 有 心, 要 憶 佛 念 佛, 思 念 阿 彌 陀 佛 和 極 樂 世 界, 發 願 去 極 樂 世 界, 所 謂「信 願 行」︰「信」有阿彌陀佛、「信」 有極樂世界、「信」自己去得 到。「願」︰ 你 想 去。「行」︰ 你 種 善 根 福 德 因 緣, 才 可 到 達由阿彌陀佛願力所成就的 淨土︰極樂世界。

分場 第一幕 第二幕 第三幕 第四幕

香光莊嚴 五會新聲念佛 隨文入觀 香光念佛

Scenes Scene 1

Adornment of Scent and Light

Scene 2

New Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting

Scene 3

Contemplating along with Sutra Texts

Scene 4

Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light

極樂世界是阿彌陀佛為了接 引 人 去 住 而 創 造 的。 華 藏 世 界 是 佛 的 世 界, 佛 自 己 成 佛 後 修 行 功 德 所 呈 現 的 世 界。 佛陀經過很長時間生死輪 迴, 每 次 生 死 輪 迴 中 都 修 行 和 渡 眾 生, 累 積 了 很 多 功 德 和 智 慧, 所 以 佛 陀 享 用 的 世 界 一 定 比 我 們 的 世 界 好。 到 底 佛 陀 的 世 界 是 怎 樣? 就 是 華嚴世界。「不讀華嚴不知佛 法富貴。」佛陀的世界是如何 莊嚴?《華嚴經》中有講到。 問︰ 今次演出有什麼改動? 答︰ 今 次 演 出 有 兩 部 份《香 光 念 佛》 和《華 嚴 經》。《香 光 念 佛》是全新的製作,當中有一 部分講「隨文入觀」。漢傳佛 教 有 梵 唱 經 文 的 法 門, 唱 誦 時 往 往 把 經 文 拉 長 唱 念, 方 便修行人「隨文入觀」,隨佛 經文字去觀想。舉例︰〈爐香 贊〉 觀 想 香 氣 如 何 由 香 爐 飄 到 宇 宙, 雖 然 每 個 人 觀 想 的 畫 面 不 同, 但 大 家 都 依 據 同 一 經 文。 漢 傳 佛 教 有 自 己 一 套 唱 誦, 南 傳 佛 教 也 有 自 己 一 套 方 法, 藏 傳 也 是。 為 什 麼漢傳佛教的祖師要拉長音 調 來 唱 誦? 因 為 他 有 他 的 意 思,有「隨文入觀」的力量。 是聲音和文字力量的組合。

Q: Could you say a few words on how this Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light came about? A: Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light is a way of Buddha chanting in Buddhism. There are different types of Buddhists. Some Buddhists seek to be reborn in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss. To do so requires a means and not merely by faith. In order to see the Buddha in future, a person desiring rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss must always be mindful of the Buddha and think of the Buddha through chanting. The “Scent and Light” in Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light comes from “the adornments of scent and light”. The two words of “Buddha chanting” look simple, but it isn’t enough just by chanting “Namo Amitabha”. What is good Buddha chanting? It requires unison with the Buddha during chanting. By tracing back ancient times, Master Kuan Pen, according to how Master Fazhao of the Tang dynasty did Buddha chanting, established the “Wuhui Five Assembly Buddhist Chanting”, which outlines the five stages of Buddha chanting.

Q: Is there reincarnation in the Land of Ultimate Bliss? A: People arriving in the Land of Ultimate Bliss will still have to reincarnate back to this world to enlighten sentient beings. The Pure Land faith of Buddha Amitabha is Mahayana Buddhism, which requires enlightening sentient beings. There is no sentient being to be enlightened in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, because everyone there has the best of everything and needs no giving, and so has to return to this world we live in to enlighten sentient beings. The Land of Ultimate Bliss is created by Buddha Amitabha for greeting people going there to reside. The Pure Land of Vairocana is the Buddha’s world, one that manifests after the Buddha attained enlightenment with his merits of practicing. The Buddha went through a very long time of reincarnations, and during each reincarnation he practiced and enlightened sentient beings, accumulating a lot of merits and wisdom. Therefore the Buddha’s world is definitely better than ours. What exactly is the Buddha’s world like? It is the Pure Land of Vairocana. “One knows not how profound the Dharma is until one reads the Hua-Yen Sūtra ”. How is the Buddha’s world infused with adornments? It’s mentioned in the Hua-Yen Sūtra .

Q: Could you describe the differences between the Pure Land of Vairocana and the Land of Ultimate Bliss? A: The Land of Ultimate Bliss is created by Buddha Amitabha out of the vows he made, like the Tsz Shan Monastery was established by the billionaire Li Ka-shing with his money. Li is well known in Hong Kong, but in the Universe someone else is better known than him. He is Buddha Amitabha, who wanted to create a world called the Land of Ultimate Bliss. People no longer have worries when they arrive there. The Guan Yin Bodhisattva will give lectures on the sutras there. It is a world infused with adornments. Everyone is welcome to come here, yet with a few conditions. First, you need to have the will, to be always mindful of the Buddha and think of the Buddha through chanting, to chant Buddha Amitabha and the Land of Ultimate Bliss, and to make the vow of going to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. People say: “Faith, Vow, and Practice”. “Faith” means a faith in the existence of Buddha Amitabha, in the existence of the Land of Ultimate Bliss, and in the possibility of going there. “Vow” means you vow to go there. “Practice” means you do good deeds to create the conditionality of merits for being able to reach the Pure Land, i.e. the Land of Ultimate Bliss, created by Buddha Amitabha’s vows.

Q: What changes are there in this performance? A: There are two parts in this performance, Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light and Hua-Yen Sūtra . Buddhist Chants in Scent and Light is completely new. Part of it is about “Contemplating along with Sutra Texts”. A way of practice in Chinese Buddhism is chanting sutra texts. When doing so, the texts are often chanted in extended duration so that the practitioner can “contemplate along with the sutra texts”. For instance, when reciting the Incense Praise, the practitioner can contemplate on how the incense fragrance spread from the censer to the Universe. While different people contemplate with different images, they all do so based on the same sutra texts. Chinese Buddhism has its own way of chanting and recitation, so do Theravada Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. Why did the founding masters of Chinese Buddhism chant and recite in extended notes? Their reason lay in the power of “contemplating along with the sutra texts”, in the power of sound-text combination.

Director's Note Mathias Woo

導演的話 胡恩威 南無阿彌陀佛


Namo Amitabha

Namo Amitabha

這六個字 的力量


Six characters



The power of these six characters



Power to recollect; recollecting the Buddha



Chant and recollect





No chanting without recollecting


張開耳 用心 用意

Recollecting is the mind resting at the present moment


Chanting is recollecting with voice


Chanting with words

Six syllables Chant with our voice Write with our hands Think with our brain Close our eyes Listen with our ears With our mind Our consciousness Recollecting and chanting Namo Amitabha

The Team


顧問: 釋衍空法師 創作指導及顧問: 釋僧徹法師 學術顧問: 李葛夫博士

Advisor: Venerable Sik Hin Hung Creative Advisor: Venerable Sik Tsang Chit Academic Advisor: Dr Li Kwok-fu (Research Fellow of

the Cultural Department, Chi Lin Nunnery)


藝術總監及導演, 場景及多媒體設計: 胡恩威 影像及平面設計: 又一山人(黃炳培) 攝影: 區子強 《香光第二會佛號‧ 純音樂》作曲: 倫永亮 文字整理: 楊永德、吳麗珍 主講: 釋衍空法師 唱誦: 釋僧徹法師、釋聖傑法師、釋果如法師、釋慧林法師 釋淨修法師、釋智空法師、釋如淨法師、釋德靜法師 釋傳慧法師、釋融觀法師、釋寶泉法師、釋衍璇法師 釋達基法師、釋智愍法師、釋永堅法師、釋楚賢法師 釋法祥法師、釋偉航法師、釋道妙法師、釋大乘法師 釋惠通法師、釋智妙法師、釋衍覺法師、釋衍荷法師

Artistic Director & Director Set and Multi Media Design: Video & Graphic Designer: Photography: Music for Chanting "Namo Amitabha" at Light and Scent Second Assembly Music Composer: Text Editor:

支持 Supports

合作伙伴 Partner

Mathias Woo Anothermountainman (Stanley Wong) Johnny Au Anthony Lun David Yeung, Ng Lai-chun

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 伙伴酒店 Hotel Partner The Hong Kong Buddhist 香港佛教聯合會 Speaker: Venerable Sik Hin Hung Association Chanting: Venerable Sik Tsang Chit, Venerable Sik Shing Kit, Ms. Amy Au Ms. Amy 合作伙伴 Au Venerable Sik Gwoh Yu, Venerable Shi Hui Lin, Venerable Shi Jing Xiu, Partner Venerable Shi Zhi Kong, Venerable Shi Ru Jing, Venerable Sik Tak Ching, Venerable Sik Cheung Wai, Venerable Shi Rong Guan, Venerable Sik Po Chuen, Venerable Sik Hin Shuen, Venerable Sik Da Ji, 合作伙伴 指定印刷 合作伙伴 Partner Venerable Sik Chi Man, Venerable Sik Wing Kin, Venerable Sik Chor Yin, 伙伴酒店 布施菩薩 Partner 合作伙伴 合作伙伴 Hotel Partner 合作伙伴 Venerable Sik Fat Cheung, Venerable Sik Wai Hong, Venerable Sik To Miu, 合作伙伴 of Partner Partner Partner Bodhisattva 合作伙伴 合作伙伴 Partner Generosity Partner 合作伙伴 合作伙伴 Partner Venerable Sik Tai Sing, Venerable Sik Hui Tong, Venerable Sik Chi Miu, Partner Partner Venerable Sik Hin Kok, Venerable Sik Yan Ho 伙伴酒店 學術合作機構 Hotel Partner

製作監督: 李浩賢 燈光設計: 麥國輝 * 音響設計: 夏恩蓓 數碼影像: 方曉丹 舞台監督: 周俊彥 排練統籌: 李嘉隆 執行舞台監督: 魏婉意 字幕控制: 陳安琪 助理舞台設計: 王梓駿 服裝助理: 陳偉兒 宣傳助理: 鄭國政

* 承蒙香港演藝學院批准參與演出

舞台助理: 張凱泓、嚴志聰 廖令振、陳健恆 舞台及錄像 # 紀錄實習生 : 陳家明、陳梓俊 張灝賢、郭曉瑩 梁浩文、梁淑雯 李宗典、盧欣沂 麥凱俊、冼文傑 黃嘉誠、黃子肮 任鎧霖

Production Manager: Lighting Designer: Sound Designer: Digital Images: Stage Manager: Rehearsal Coordinator: Deputy Stage Manager: Surtitle Operator: Assistant Set Designer: Costume Assistant: Marketing Assistant: Stage Crews:

翻譯: 慕容玉蓮 林天賜

# 香港專業教育學院 ( 李惠利 ) 資訊科技系


Lawrence Lee Mak Kwok Fai * Candog Ha Dan Fong 合作伙伴 Chow Chun Yin Partner Peter Lee Gloria Ngai Chan On Ki Isaac Wong Bonnie Chan 伙伴酒店 Ricky Cheng Hotel Partner Ivan Cheung Yim Chi Chung Liu Ling Chun Kenneth Chan 指定印刷

伙伴酒店 Hotel Partner 伙伴酒店 伙伴酒店學術合作機構

伙伴酒店 伙伴酒店 Hotel Partner 伙伴酒店 Hotel Partner 伙伴酒店 Academic Support 伙伴酒店 Hotel Partner Hotel Partner Hotel Partner Partner Hotel Partner &Hotel Partner

Academic Support & Partner 學術合作機構 Academic Support & Partner 學術合作機構 香港 專業教育學院( 李惠利) 學術合作機構 指定印刷 學術合作機構 資 訊 科技系 視聽 娛 樂 科 藝&高Partner 級 文 憑 Academic Support & Partner 學術合作機構 學術合作機構 Academic Support 香港專業教 育學院( 李惠利) 學術合作機構 Academic Support & Partner Higher Diploma in Audio-Visual Entertainment Technology 學術合作機構 學術合作機構 Academic Support & Technology, Partner 科技系 視聽 娛 樂 科 藝(AVET), 高級文憑 Academic Support &訊Partner Department of Information Academic Support &資Partner 香 港 專 業IVE 教 (Lee 育 學Wai 院 ( Lee) 李惠利) 香港專業教育學院( 李

伙伴酒店 Hotel Partner

Academic Support &香Partner Academic Support & Partner Entertainment Technology (A 港 專Higher 業 教 育Diploma 學 院 ( 李in惠Audio-Visual 利)

視 高級文憑 資IVE 訊科 技系 聽娛樂 香 港資專訊業科教技育系 學 院 (聽 李娛 惠樂 利科 ) 藝 of Information (Lee Wai視 Lee) 港業聽 專 業 教 育 學 李Technology, 惠憑 利) 香港 教娛 育樂 學 院 (藝 李院 惠 )文 資 訊 科Department 技 系香專視 科 高(利 級 Higher Entertainment Higher Technology in Aud (A 資 訊Diploma 科 技 系 in視Audio-Visual 聽娛樂科藝 高級 文 憑 Diploma

Stage & 指定印刷 多媒體器材贊助 髮型 Video Archive 指定印刷 指定印刷 指定印刷 指定印刷 Multimedia Equipment Sponsor 多媒體器材贊助 Hair 指定印刷 Interns# : Chan Ka Ming 指定印刷Official 指定印刷 指定印刷 Printing Multimedia 指定印刷 指定印刷 多媒體器材贊助 Equipment Sponsor Chan Tsz Chun Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Cheung Ho Yin 多媒體器材贊助 髮型贊助 布施菩薩 Kwok Hiu YingMultimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor 髮型贊助 Bodhisattva of Generosity 多媒體器材贊助 布施菩薩 多媒體器材贊助 多媒體器材贊助 髮型贊助 髮型贊助 布施菩薩 Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva of G 多媒體器材贊助 髮型贊助 布施菩薩 髮型贊助 布施菩薩 多媒體器材贊助多媒體器材贊助 布施菩薩 多媒體器材贊助 髮型贊助 布施菩薩 Leung Ho Man Multimedia EquipmentSponsor Sponsor Multimedia 髮型贊助 Equipment髮型贊助 Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva of G 多媒體器材贊助 布施菩薩 Multimedia Equipment Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva of of Gener Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva of Generosity Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva of Generosity Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva Gen 多媒體器材贊助 髮型贊助 布施菩薩 Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva of Gener Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor Bodhisattva 媒體伙伴 Leung Shuk Man 媒體伙伴 媒體伙伴 Media Partners Li Chung Tin 媒體伙伴 Media Media Partners 媒體伙伴 Media Partners 媒體伙伴 媒體伙伴 媒體伙伴 Partners 媒體伙伴 Lo Yan Yi 媒體伙伴 Partners 媒體伙伴 Media Media Partners Media Partners MediaPartners Media 學術合作機構 Media Partners Media Partners 媒體伙伴 Mak Hoi Chun 媒體伙伴 Academic Support & Partner Media Partners Partners Sin Man Kit 香 港 專 業 教 育 學 院 ( 李Media 惠利) 資訊科技系 視聽娛樂科藝 高級文憑 Wong Ka Shing Higher Diploma in Audio-Visual Entertainment Technology (AVET), Department of Information Technology, IVE (Lee Wai Lee) Wong Tsz Hong Yam Hoi Lam

香惠 港利 專)訊 業科 教技 育學 資 系 院視( 李 聽惠 娛利 樂)科 藝 高 級 文 憑 香港專業教育學院( 李 資 訊 科 技 視科 聽藝 娛樂 藝 高 級 文 憑 Technology (AVET), 資科 訊藝 科Diploma 技 系 視憑 聽 娛 樂 高科 級Entertainment 文Entertainment 憑 in系 Audio-Visual Department ofAudio-Visual Information Technology, Department IVE (Lee WaiofLee) Informa Higher in Technology (AVET), 資 訊 科 技 系 視 聽 娛Higher 樂 高 級Diploma 文 Higher in Audio-Visual Entertainment Technology (AVET Higher Diploma inEntertainment Audio-Visual Entertainment Department ofDiploma Information Technology, (Lee Lee) Department Information Technology, (LeeWai Wai Lee) Technolo Higher Diploma inof Audio-Visual Technology (AVET), Higher Diploma in Audio-Visual Entertainment Technology (AVET), IVEIVE Department of Information Technology, IVE Lee) (LeeIVE Wai(Lee Lee) Wai Le Department ofTechnology, Information Department of Information IVETechnology, (Lee Wai Department of Information Technology, IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

全力支持 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 全力支持 English Translation: Mo-yung Yuk Lin 全力支持 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Supporting Organization全力支持 Venue Sponsor for 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Publicity Stills Supporting Organization 全力支持 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 全力支持Organization 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Supporting 全力支持 Organization Publicity Stills 全力支持 全力支持 Venue Sponsor for 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Supporting Venue Sponsor for Publicity Stills 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Supporting Organization Venue Sponsor forfor Publicity Stills Justin Lam Supporting Organization Supporting Organization Sponsor Publicity Supporting Organization Venue Supporting Organization VenueSponsor Sponsorfor forPublicity PublicityStills Venue Stills Sponsor for Publicity Stills

# Higher Diploma in Audio-Visual Entertainment Techology (AVET) Department of Information Academy for Performing Arts Technology, IVE (Lee Wai Lee) 多媒體器材贊助 髮型贊助 Multimedia Equipment Sponsor Hair Styling Sponsor

* By kind permission of The Hong Kong

全力支持 全力支持 Supporting Organization Supporting Organization

宣傳照拍攝場地提供 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 Venue Sponsor for Publicity Stills

Venue Sponsor for Publicity Stills 《敦煌石窟全集 ‧ The right to reprint the image of Cave 85 at the Mogao Grottoes, 阿彌陀經畫卷》圖像 進念.二十面體為香 進念.二十面體 ZuniZuni Icosahedron Dunhuang (partial) was granted by Icosahedis 「無量壽經變圖」, 根據《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 根據《稅務條例》第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 根據《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 進念.二十面體由香 進念.二十面體 The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd. A Charitable institution is exempt from under Charitable institution is exempt from tax under 根據 《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 布施菩薩 A Charitable institution isAexempt from tax tax under ZuniZuni Icosahedron 由商務印書館 (香港) 根據 《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 section 88 of the Inland Icosahedis section 88 of Ordinance theinstitution Inland Revenue Ordinance ARevenue Charitable is exempt from根據 tax 《稅務條例》 under 根據 《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance Hong Kong Special 根據 A《稅務條例》 Charitable institution is exempt from tax under 根據 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance Bodhisattva of Generosity Asection Charitable is exempt from A Charitable tax underinstitution is exempt from tax under Hong Kong Sp 88institution ofinstitution the Inland Revenue Ordinance 有限公司授權使用 A Charitable is exempt from tax under AC section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance 全力支持 宣傳 section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance

根據《稅務條例》第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 根據 《稅務條例》 第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構 Supporting Organization A Charitable institution is exempt from tax under A Charitable institution is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance

媒體伙伴 Zuni Icosahedron Media Partners


Co-Artistic Directors:

進念.二十面體,1982 年成立,為非牟利慈善文化團體,以

Zuni Icosahedron, founded in 1982, a Hong Kong based international experimental theatre company. Zuni has produced over 200 original productions of alternative theatre and multimedia performances, and has been active in video, sound experimentation and installation arts, as well as in the area of arts education, arts criticism, cultural policy research and international cultural exchange. In the past decade, Zuni has been undertaking 全力支持 and developing Intangible Cultural 宣傳照拍攝場地提供 the mission of preserving Heritage Supporting Organization Venue Sponsor for Publicity Stills (Performing Arts). Over the years, Zuni has been invited to more than 60 cities in Europe, Asia, and America for cultural exchange and performances. Zuni is one of the nine major professional arts companies in Hong Kong, and has established itself as a premiere experimental theatre locally, regionally and internationally. Since 2009, Zuni has become a venue partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and produces a series of theatre works and outreach education programmes. 根據《稅務條例》第88條獲括免繳稅的慈善機構

原創劇場作品超過二百齣,曾獲邀前往演出及交流的城市遍及 歐、亞、美等地六十多個城市。多年來一直致力拓展香港文化 藝術新領域,積極推動國際文化交流,主催藝術評論及文化政 策研究等工作,並活躍於藝術教育和發展電子媒體及跨媒體 等新類型的藝術模式,近年亦致力促進非物質文化遺產(表演 藝術)的傳承和發展。現為香港九個主要專業表演藝術團體之 一,香港最具代表性的國際實驗劇團。2009 年始,成為香港文 化中心的場地伙伴,開展系列創作及外展教育計劃。

待用門票受惠機構 學友社




靳劉高創意策略創辦人及 榮譽顧問

陳浩峰 駐團演員










Yorkshire Capital Limited 高級副總裁

楊永德、鍾家誠 駐團藝術家









Anyplex 數碼點播有限公司 創辦人、行政總裁

李嘉隆 助理創作統籌

利龐卓貽 樂慈基金會有限公司




八萬四千溝通事務所有限 公司創辦人及創作總監



Chairperson Kan Tai Keung

Assistant Artistic Director




科譽(香港)有限公司 創辦人兼首席設計師



陳世明、簡溢雅 經理

周寶儀、黃偉國 舞台監督

周俊彥 助理節目經理

Founder and Honorary Advisor, KL&K Creative Strategics


Lau Chin Shek

Chairman, Wah Yan Cultural Foundation


Leo Cheung

Information Technology Management


社聯機構會員 Member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service




佛教大雄中學 香港浸會大學 寶覺中學

根據 《稅務條例》 第 88 條 獲括免繳稅的慈善機構

Suspended Tickets Beneficiaries

A Charitable institution is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance

Hok Yau Club

Participating School of Zuni's Liberal Studies & Arts-in-education 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Programme Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultur

進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Buddhist Tai Hung College Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government Hong Kong Special University Administrative Region Hong Kong Baptist

Po Kok Secondary School

Cedric Chan


David Yeung, Carson Chung


演出長約 90 分鐘,不設中場休息 進念 ‧ 二十面體保留更改節目內容、 表演者及座位編排的一切最終決定權。

Lai Tat Wing


Johnny Au

Senior Researcher

Advertising Film Director

Theresa Leung

若您不欲保留此場刊,請把場刊留在座 位或交回入口處,以便循環再用。

Jason Choi

Founder and Director, People Mountain People Sea Productions

Creative Coordinator

Ringo Lam

Founder and CEO, Anyplex Hong Kong Limited

Assistant Creative Coordinator

Vanessa Pong Lee

President, Live to Love Hong Kong

Stanley Wong

Founder and Creative Director, 84000 Communications Limited

Jacky Chan, Doris Kan

Recycling of House Programme

Anna Wu



Bowie Chow, Luka Wong

If you do not wish to keep the house programme, please leave it on your seat or return it to the admission point.

Eric Yim

Founder and Chief Designer, POSH Office Systems (HK) Limited

Stage Manager

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Gabriel Yiu

Current Affairs Pundit

Assistant Programme Manager

Peter Lee

Clement Lai

Company Managers

Chow Chun Yin


Honorary Legal Advisor Vivien Chan & Co.

Running time: approximately 90 minutes without intermission. Zuni Icosahedron reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes and seating arrangements.

Programme and Art Administration Trainees

翟桐、池家丞、 盧雪雯

Rachel Chak, Kason Chi, Stephanie Loo,


Administrative Assistant


Elaine Chan

通訊地址:香港上環永樂街 60-66 號 昌泰商業大廈 2 字樓 203-4 室 Address: Room 203-4, 2/F., Cheong Tai Commercial Building, 60-66 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

(852) 2893 8704 (852) 2838 7527 電郵 Email: info@zuni.org.hk 網址 Website: www.zuni.org.hk 電話 Tel:

傳真 Fax: 進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助

場刊下載 House Programme Download

Ho Yin Hei

何彥羲 榮譽法律顧問

A Charitable institution section 88 of the Inland

Senior Vice President, Yorkshire Capital Limited

Jackie Tam



Board of Directors


進念通識及藝術教育 計畫參與學校

A Charitable institution is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance


Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region



* 高中生藝術新體驗計劃 2016/17 * Arts Experience Scheme for Senior Secondary Students 2016/17

Danny Yung, Mathias Woo

聯合藝術總監: 榮念曾、胡恩威


學術 Acad


法 師 程 繼 禪 遊 香港

佛心禪緣書畫展 以書入畫,以畫話禪,看見繼程法師的作品,找回童 心,更可找到佛心,遇見內在的自己。繼程法師為台灣 法鼓山創辦人聖嚴師父首位禪宗法脈傳承弟子,現任馬 來西亞佛學院院長、普照寺住持。

日期: 2016 年 10 月 15 日(星期六)12pm – 6pm 2016 年 10 月 16-23 日 10am – 6pm 地點: 饒宗頤文化館 藝術館展室二及三



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