瞬間遊樂場場刊 "Pop-up Playground" house Programme

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껻度俒⻋⚥䗱莅嵳⩹Ⰽ珏♶ず涸ⰗⰟ瑠꟦㹔 㢫攨뇀涸嵳徟岤怏䬝撑麉㹐䎑䕙鑅껻寐遳걧 颪谁鹋劣䋑꧌㹔Ⰹ僽瘞⦬怵ⴀ涸錚遛鸁➃ 溏溏㾝錒㎒岗孵涸㸞ꬆ㜥䨾 ➛傈䧮⦛ꅾ倞锅侮魨넓绢䢫㼟㻞ꬆ涸俒⻋ ⚥䗱㣐㛔隶捀澖꟦麉坿㜥뢶뢶莅겝蒀ㄤ䕎朜 梖麉䨡慨涮ⰗⰟ瑠꟦涸♶ず〳腋䚍

Pop-up Playground The Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Tsim Sha Tsui Harbourfront are two different types of public space. Outdoors, the Harbourfront is filled with photo-taking tourists, light shows, buskers and flea-market vendors. Indoors, the Cultural Centre is a tranquil place where viewers wait for a performance, watch an exhibition or cool down from the summer heat. Today, let us turn the quiet foyer into a pop-up playground, playing with colours, shapes and exploring the various possibilities of our public spaces.

植➿ Hoop Dance 饱彂

Hoop Dance 僽♧珏荈歋Free-Style涸䕎넓谁遯 ⟃ㄎ䬘㕖捀㼬넓莅魨넓✽⹛涸莻骪植➿涸ㄎ䬘 㕖莻骪The Morden Hoop Dance 㨥倴1993 䧭用涸 繡㕜坿꥙ չString Cheese incidentsպ SCI 涸䨩㢫怵 ㈖剚♳崣涮ㄎ䬘㕖莅坿鶵♧ず饱莻 殹搭ㄎ䬘㕖倴꼛䨡邍怵㤹卌⼑⯘넓乽飓 Native American Hoop Dance ⟃⿻倴50䎃➿괐ꬖ 椕歋 չWham-O Companyպ醢鸤涸ㄎ䬘㕖倴殹 儘䊺竤㶸㖈罜⚺㔔僽 SCI 殹䎃莅姻㖈㻜뀿ㄎ䬘 㕖暟俲ㄤ䬸䒭涸չDizzy Hipsպ⟨㿂㥪⿼罜 Dizzy Hips 欽宐盘鸤涸鯱㣐䕎ㄎ䬘㕖嫲Wham-O 涸刿 黠ざ䧭➃ ꦑ衽坿꥙饥秋ㄤ崣涮涸ㄎ䬘㕖涸侸 ꆀ䠂⢵䠂㢵95䎃嫦㜥怵㈖剚崣涮 50-100⦐  罜鄄隘捀 չThe Mother of Hoop Danceպ涸չAnah Reichenbach a.k.a. Hoopaliciousպ㽠姻姻倴 95 䎃怵㈖剚ⴲ㎲⟃ㄎ䬘㕖饱莻⿻㼟Ⱖ䌟ⵌ㹻ꀀ LA 涸㖒♴ꨶ㶩갉坿崣㼩⟃⦐䚍⵹遺邆귇怵ⴀ 䧭捀植➿ Hoop Dance ꬠㄐ涸㉖⹛罏 2000 䎃➿涸⯓ꍵ Hoopers Ꟛ㨥倴繡㕜涸䨪㢫갉 坿眏崣㼩⿻遳걧ⴀ植灇涮♶ず涸暟俲ㄤ䬸䒭 䒊用㖒⼦⿻笪♳爢纈來䱇䊨⡲㖷⿻硁鳵 Hoop Festivals䪾ㄎ䬘㕖捀莻⠶ㄤ魨⟨⫹䗚⢵邍麨갉 坿ㅷ㄂莅⦐䚍涸莻骪

竤麕✳⼧䎃涸涮㾝植㖈涸 Hoop Dance 〳⟃ 铞僽꧌ぐ崣⛓㣐䧭䖰 Native American Hoop Dance꼛䨡꧹罟Flow Arts넓乽Hoop Fitness植➿莻聸淼莻break dance瑠⚥莻骪輑 ざㄤ《竤㔔捀搂锸⟤⡦♧珏肉넓崞⹛⛳〳⟃穡 ざㄎ䬘㕖〳⟃铞僽尝剤歲ꣳ姻㔔㥶姽嫦♧⡙ Hoop Dancer ⛳〳⟃䒊用荈䊹涸괐呔

莅 Hula Hoop 涸ⴕꅿ

1958 歋 չWham-O Companyպ䨾醢鸤涸㕖殹儘䖰 慍崎涸硛㕖《竤搭䖕欽㝖芣欰欶罜《そ Hula 僽⦶㢚㪮㣧涸ㄎ䬘莻Hula Dance 虋酝莻 船 鿈涸仗⹛罜 Wham-O ❠䪾 Hula Hoop そ㶶鏽 ⱁ㼠ⵄHoopers 捀✫⼦ⴕ船鿈鱲鱲鱲涸⽫韍ㄤ鼚 ⯝㼠ⵄ㉏겗糒罜涮㾝ⴀ Hoop Dance / Hooping 涸そ㶶

㷸绢 Hoop Dance

Hoop Dance 乩剤繡㦫涸鋕錏佪卓魨捀 Hooper 䧴Ⱖ錚滞鿪錏䖤⫹눦岁♧圬㥪梖ㄤ㥪溏罜㷸绢 Hoop Dance 〳⟃䮋䨞魨넓涸䨾剤鿈⡙⼪隶蠝⻋ 涸 tricks 〳⟃雊ㄎ䬘㕖瑭唎鶬偒㖈魨넓⛓꟦ 䌟⢵搂ꣳ涸䘰䠮

On-body hooping⺫䭍麌欽艁船脾⿻肖鿈 ⢪ㄎ㉻㕖㖈魨넓⛓꟦荈歋鱲⹛罜off-body hooping ⵱⚺銴⟃䩛艁乽䱾雊ㄎ㉻㕖鶬偒⿻麉 饥倴魨넓㔋ヰⶾⴀぐ珏繡㦫涸鋕錏佪卓Hoop dance 剤馱涸㖒倰㽠僽Ⱖ⼪隶蠝⻋涸䬸侸〳⟃ 輑剚顐鸒〳⟃ꦑ荈䊹㋐䠦涸倰䒭ㄤ玑䏞㼟♶ず 涸䬸䒭穡ざ饱⢵涮㾝ⴀ㿂倴荈䊹涸괐呔ㄤ涮䱡 Ⱖ⚥坿馱


Hoop Dance ⚛♶僽衽ꅾ㕖涸侸ꆀ罜僽魨䗱莅ㄎ 䬘㕖涸✽⹛ㄤ䖰莻骪⚥䌟ⴀ涸 self-expression ➃⦛㣐㢵剚耢䟝ⵌ꼛䨡㕰涸 multi-hooping 䧴⨴ ⸂㡦⥃䭰罏⡎齡❉垦彋넞ꨈ䏞⹛⡲䖃䖃鋊ꣳ✫ 魨넓涸荈歋䏞❠ㄤ Hoop Dance 鍑佞魨넓涸䨾 剤鿈ⴕ涸椚䙂鿈ⴕ♶湈湱ず

Hoop Dance 涸㥪贖

㿂倴 low-impact 涸莻骪麌⹛黠ざ♶ず䎃私 ⿻넓腋颶侸➃㡦 崞鬪魨䗱䌟⢵姹疮ㄤ幾㠺 ㋎饱魨넓䠑陏䱾ⵖ䩛艁魨넓ㄤ㣐舡⼿锅 렽⺑爢❜✽⹛ Trick Sharing, Partner Hooping, Group Choreography

䱳程⿻䮋䨞魨넓莅瑠꟦涸♶ず〳腋䚍 箻绢㼠岤䒊用聞聘鎹䥊 鷴麕 manipulation⿻ꦑ䗱ⴀ涮涸魨넓䖒⹛ ⡲麨荛 Movement Meditation 䧴 The State of Flow 涸佞瑠朜䢀冾儘䘎䱈♧ ⴗ 佞논荈䊹雊䗱꫙尐慈

㼠欽涸 Dance Hoop

♧菛⨴魨ㄎ䬘㕖ꅾ1LH㖷꟦俒Ⱘ䏅涸㝖芣䧴硉 䬘㕖ꅾ600g 罜㼠欽涸 Dance Hoop ꅾꆀ〫僽 250g 䊩〸 罜⚂ꬌ䌢Ⱘ䔞䚍〳ꂂざ魨넓ぐ鿈ⴕ 鸤ⴀ♶ず涸䬸䒭 乽䱾刿荈歋罜嫦♧⦐ Dance Hoop 鿪僽呏亙㷸欰涸魨䕎ㄤ Hooping Style 鎎 鸤罜⚂〳⟃䷱毕䧭⼱ Travel Hoop 倰⤑ⵌ贖 箻绢ㄤ梖罟

Hoop Dance 劥㖒涮㾝

植儘 Hoop Dance 㖈껻度鼩僽ⴲꟚ㨥涸ꥣ媯 㷸欰㢵㖈劥㖒㷸绢ㄤ㼔岤㛇劥涸乽䱾䪮䊫劍劆 㼟⢵殹 Hoopers 麨♧㹁➃侸䖕〳⟃㖈껻度莊遤 Hoop Festival鼝锞㢫㖒♶ㅷ괐呔涸㼬䌌ⵌ껻度 怵ⴀ⿻❜崩莅⚆歲ぐ㖒涸 Hoop Communities 刿㢵✽⹛⢪껻度涸 Hoop Dance 涮㾝ⴀ刿㢵 㾵妄涸欰䢀

ㄎ䬘㕖管莻⿻怵ⴀ Choreographer (Hoop)& Performance

鏪⫃纈 Grace Hoop

ㄎ䬘㕖莻罏⿻㼬䌌2013䎃Ꟛ㨥荈㷸倴2014 2016䎃饬厣卌幀鸤㖈䗞㕜劍꟦㢵妄⿮莅♶ず 겳㘗涸ㄎ䬘㕖谁遯眏⺫䭍倴 Harz Mountains չ Hooptal FestivaMպ 邍怵꧱ㄎ䬘㕖莻骪⿻Ludwigstein CastleչHoop die Bergպ管䱖ㄤ邍怵꧱ ➃莻❠倴♶⢵哆涸 չBremer HanseHoopպ 來䱇 䊨⡲㖷 䎃囙栽 hooping.org 갼涮涸 Hoopie Award ❏崎⼦ Hooper of the Year Grace⚺䓹荈歋崩⹛涸괐呔琎噲䱳程hoop dance⚥魨넓涸麌欽⟃⿻䖰ㄎ䬘㕖涸乽䱾䪮䊫 ⚥涮䱡搂ꣳ涸〳腋䚍㉬涮倞꫙䠮㖈偒鱲⚥❧「 荈歋ㄤ䘰坿涸䠮錏

Grace is a hoop dancer and instructor who has been hooping since 2013 and was trained in Berlin from 2014-2016. During this period, Grace participated in numerous hoop festivals and conventions throughout Germany. Her experiences include twin hooping in the “Hooptal Festival”, partner hooping and choreographing in the “Hoop die Berg” and conducting workshops in the “Bermer HanseHoop Festival”. In 2017, Grace received The Hoopie Awards - “Hooper of the Year Asia” by hooping.org. Grace’s hoop dance is a form of free movement with hoop manipulation. Providing unlimited opportunities to be inspired, discover new movements and experience the feeling of freedom with a tremendous amount of joy.



ă„ŽäŹ˜ă•–玥莝⿝怾ⴀ é?ŞâŤƒçşˆ

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âśžâĄ˛âżťč° é Żéżˆ

â¸”ć¤šč° é Żçą?ćšŒîš‰ꤍĺľžä‚ž

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✞⥲⸔椚 䕧⍚⿝㢾㯯넓 ꤍç??

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Team Presented by Zuni Icosahedron Choreographer (Hoop)& Performance Grace Hoop Performers David Yeung, Carson Chung, Luka Wong, Melinda Elizabeth Gaskin , Ellen Kong

Creative and Artistic Assistant Artistic Director Cedric Chan Performer-in-Residence David Yeung, Carson Chung Artist-in-Residence Lai Tat-wing Senior Researcher Theresa Leung Creative Assistant (Video and Multimedia) Wing Chan Administration and Programme Company Manager (Administration and Finance) Jacky Chan Company Manager (Programme) Doris Kan Senior Programme Manager Bowie Chow Manager (PR and Partnership Development) Luka Wong Stage and Technical Manager Gavin Chow Assistant Programme Managers Rachel Chak, Ricky Cheng, Ho Yin-hei Programme and Art Administration Trainees Kason Chi, Stephanie Loo Cultural Exchange and Research Unit International Exchange Director Wong Yuewai Research Director (Archive) Chan Pik-yu Project Assistant Manager (Archive and Video) Wong Sze-mei Graphics Coco Cheung


耢ざ谁遯籏湌囙䙂剎脌䛸㪮 Co-Artistic Directors: Danny Yung, Mathias Woo 鹎䙂✳⼧꬗넓 䎃䧭用捀ꬌ暑ⵄ䡹㊥俒 ⻋㕰넓⟃껻度捀㛇꬗ぢ⚆歲涸㻜뀿谁㕰㼠 岤倴㢵⯋䨡ⷜ谁遯ⶾ⡲⾲ⶾⷜ㜥⡲ㅷ馄麕✳涰 룸剎栽鼝⵹䖃怵ⴀ⿻❜崩涸㙹䋑麒⿻姘❏ 繡瘞㖒Ⱄ⼧㢵⦐㙹䋑㢵䎃⢵♧湬荞⸂䬪㾝껻度 俒⻋谁遯倞걆㚖琎噲䲀⹛㕜ꥹ俒⻋❜崩⚺⪶ 谁遯鐱锸⿻俒⻋佟瘼灇瑖瘞䊨⡲⚛崞鬪倴谁 遯來肬ㄤ涮㾝ꨶ㶩㯯넓⿻騗㯯넓瘞倞겳㘗涸谁 遯垸䒭鵜䎃❠荞⸂⤛鹎ꬌ暟颶俒⻋鼍欴 邍怵 谁遯 涸⫄䪭ㄤ涮㾝植捀껻度⛰⦐⚺銴㼠噠邍 怵谁遯㕰넓⛓♧껻度剓Ⱘ➿邍䚍涸㕜ꥹ㻜뀿ⷜ 㕰 䎃㨥䧭捀껻度俒⻋⚥䗱涸㜥㖒⠒⠶ Ꟛ㾝禺⴪ⶾ⡲⿻㢫㾝來肬鎙殥

Zuni Icosahedron, founded in 1982, is a Hong Kong based international experimental theatre company. Zuni has produced over 200 original productions of alternative theatre and multimedia performances, and has been active in video, sound experimentation and installation arts, as well as in the areas of arts education, arts criticism, cultural policy research and international cultural exchange. In the past decade, Zuni has been undertaking the mission of preserving and developing Intangible Cultural Heritage (Performing Arts). Over the years, Zuni has been invited to over 80 cities in Europe, Asia, and America for cultural exchange and performances. Zuni is one of the nine major professional performing arts companies in Hong Kong, and has established itself as a premier experimental theatre locally, regionally and internationally. Since 2009, Zuni has become a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in where a series of theatre works and outreach education programmes were produced.

叆鑉 EnquiriesЯ2566 9696 笪갤 Website Я www.zuniseason.org.hk

鹎䙂˙✳⼧꬗넓捀껻度俒⻋⚥䗱㜥㖒⠒⠶ Zuni Icosahedron is a venue partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre

鹎䙂˙✳⼧꬗넓歋껻度暶ⴽ遤佟⼦佟䏎须⸔ Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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