Co-organizer 合辦機構
23-24.10 五FRI-六SAT
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Presenter 主辦及製作
金馬獎最佳女主角,編劇、導演 Golden Horse Award for the Best Leading Actress, Playwright, Director
五段精靈故事、五段未果愛情,劇場作品《魅》揉合鋼琴 獨奏、說書、詩篇與光影,貫通文學與音樂,把古典音樂中 的靈魅與愛情傳說重新演繹,讓觀 感受音樂對靈魅與 愛情的渴求與炙熱。
張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang
After performing Lenore, I am in love with sound performances in recital style.
嚴俊傑 Yen Chun-chieh
Immaterial Spirits, Onstage Across Spacetime
古典鋼琴演奏家,金曲獎「最 佳古典演奏獎」得主 Winner of the Golden Melody Award for Best Classical Performance
Five stories of spirits. Five episodes of unrequited love. The upcoming theatre work Spirits combines elements of piano solo, monologues, poems, light and shadow to re-enact the stories of spirits and love in classical music, reveals to the audience the desire and fervor for love and spirits embodied by the music. Spirits is adapted from Before the Sunrise performed in Taiwan in 2019 by renowned actress, director, and playwright, Sylvia Chang, with the young pianist who won the Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Best Classical Performance, Yen Chun-chieh, and classical music critic, Chiao Yuan-pu. This year, a pioneer of stage technology, director Mathias Woo, will integrate new visual design into Before the Sunrise, while Chang as the narrator mesmerizes the audience with her theatrical voice in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Yen’s piano performance will be live-streamed from Taiwan, re-presenting Spirits, a crossover between Taiwan and Hong Kong.
流行歌手們的演唱會都有 非常炫麗的聲光效果,其 實鋼琴獨奏會也可以跳脫 原本的框框,以非常精彩 的方式呈現。 Pop singer's concerts have glamorous stage effects; piano concerts can also jump out-of-the-box to be presented in a spectacular way.
導演及設計 Director & Design
胡恩威 Mathias Woo
跨界創作人及多媒體劇場先鋒 Cross-disciplinary creator and pioneer of multimedia theater
演出曲目 Programme 孟德爾頌/拉赫曼尼諾夫: 詼諧曲,改編自《仲夏夜之夢》 Mendelssohn/Rachmaninoff: Scherzo from “A Midsummer Night's Dream”
我對一些所謂非敍事體如 聲音、影像,一直都很感興 趣。今次《魅》想實驗的, 是如何能夠表達出那詩化 的感受。
拉威爾:《夜之加斯巴》 Ravel: “Gaspard de la nuit”
I am always interested in non-narrative media, such as sounds and visuals, In Spirits, what we want to experiment is how to bring out poetic sentiments.
Charles Camille Saint-Saëns: “Danse Macabre”
詩作翻譯 Poem Translation
李斯特:三首佩脫拉克十四行詩, 選自《巡禮之年第二年:意大利》、 《蕾諾兒》 Franz Liszt: Tre Sonetti del Petrarca, from “Années de pèlerinage Deuxième année: Italie”, “Lenore”
焦元溥 Chiao Yuan-pu
音樂學博士,知名樂評人 P.h.D. in musicology, Renowned Music Critic
Taiwan Live Streaming, Venue & Piano Support
票務詳情請參閱進念網頁 For ticketing details, please visit Zuni web page.
2566 9696 購票 Ticketing
In fact, art is about interconnectivity. If you consider music and literature as separate entities, you have missed the point.
$420, $320, $220 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries
事實上,藝術本身就該融 會貫通,如果認為音樂只 是音樂,文學只是文學,那 就小看它們了。
門票現已公開發售 Tickets Available Now
學術合作機構 Academic Support
進念 .二十面體保留更改節目內容、表演者及座位編排的一切最終 決定權 進念 .二十面體為香港文化中心場地 伴 進念 .二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助
Zuni Icosahedron reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/ or vary advertised programmes and seating arrangements. Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
演出長約110分鐘,設15分鐘中場休息 國語演出,附中、英文字幕 遲到觀 須待節目適當時候方可進場 Running time approximately 110 minutes with 15 minutes intermission In Mandarin, with Chinese & English surtitles No latecomers will be admitted, until a suitable break in the performance. © 2020 Zuni Icosahedron. All rights reserved.
Typography David Lo of LOMATTERS CREATIVE STUDIO Graphic Design Rachel Chak Photography Kirk Cheung
鋼琴 Pianist
《魅》是根據2019年由著名編導演張艾嘉與台灣金曲獎 最佳古典演奏獎得主嚴俊傑、古典音樂樂評人焦元溥聯手 打造的《曖魅》改造。2020年在香港的舞台空間,由舞台 科技先鋒導演胡恩威注入新的舞台映像設計,嚴俊傑在 台灣作實時串流即場演奏,張艾嘉在香港文化中心同步 演出,以港、台兩地空間光影重新演繹《曖魅》的台灣X 香港版本《魅》,把這場精靈愛情故事訴說得異類的詭譎 炫目。
自從做完《蕾諾兒》的演 出以後,我就愛上了這種 所謂朗誦的聲音表演。