Presented & Produced by
榮 念 曾 實 驗 劇 場
導演 / 文本 / 舞台設計 Director / Scriptwriter / Stage Designer:
榮念曾 Danny Yung
在劇場外 只看見 想看見的 在舞台上 只聽見 不想聽見的 Outside the theatre you see what you want to see On stage you hear what you don’t want to hear
1 -- 2/12/2012
香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre Hong Kong Cultural Centre $280
「極奢華的簡約舞台經驗。」 — 鄧小宇《信報》 「感情之豐富和現實之華美,教人衷心折服。」 — 邁克《蘋果日報》 “A stage experience by turns sumptuous and simple.” Kong Economic Journal -- Peter Dunn, Hong “…is impregnated with feelings so rich and visuals so luxurious that it is absolutely enrapturing.” -- Michael Lam, Apple Daily
新中國成立超過六十年,當中政治是如何影響著藝 術的發展?藝術家的個人歷史又如何與大歷史的論 述對照?《舞台姊妹》以著名崑劇表演藝術家石小 梅為起點,與五位不同年代背景的女性表演者在台 上引領我們,共同見證其五十年的舞台人生;檢視 現代政治、社會、文化與表演藝術家的關係;並細 看她這一代人,一位女性表演藝術家,是怎麼走過 來,又如何走下去。 是次演出將打破傳統舞台格局,逆轉傳統劇場的視 點:觀眾上台看台上的演出,將觀眾席變為舞台佈 景,以嶄新角度審視、認清觀者與演出者、看與被 看的關係。
演出 Performers 石小梅 (南京) Shi Xiaomei (Nanjing) 胡錦芳 (南京) Hu Jinfang (Nanjing) 孔愛萍 (南京) Kong Aiping (Nanjing) 李雪梅 (徐州) Li Xuemei (Xuzhou) 孫伊君 (南京) Sun Yijun (Nanjing) 演出 / 旁白 Performer / Narrator 何秀萍 (香港) Pia Ho (Hong Kong) 音樂 Music 于逸堯@人山人海 Yu Yat-yiu@PMPS 服裝設計 Costume Designer Vivienne Tam 鳴謝:江蘇省演藝集團崑劇院 Acknowledgement: Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Kun Opera Theatre
Since the foundation of PRC, how has the development of the arts been affected by politics? And how is an artist’s personal history related to history’s grand narrative? Stage Sisters started with and features on the Kunqu opera master Shi Xiaomei, who as a distinguished female theatre artist will engage in dialogue with five “sisters”, six actresses from six different generations. Wandering between subjects of female identity, sexuality, arts and politics, the sisters’ intimate conversations will shed light on the times and lives of women in theatre under the PRC regime. Together, the Sisters will delve into memories and weave their personal narratives of the New China with references to the political, the cultural and the economic, gently expanding, perplexing and critiquing history’s grand narrative. Unconventional and non-linear, the performance will create a new kind of theatre experience by putting the audience and performers’ positions in reverse. From subverted perspectives, both the audience and the artists will be persuasively and vigorously questioning about the preconceptions about the theatre that has been holding them from understanding the true, tragic exigencies of theatre experience.
榮念曾 華人實驗藝術先驅,進念 • 二十面體創辦人之一及聯合藝術 總監,香港當代文化中心主席。投入劇場、漫畫、錄像及 電影、視覺藝術及裝置藝術等創作超過四十年,作品於超 過三十個城市演出。 2008年憑《荒山淚》於聯合國教科文組織國際劇協的 Music Theatre NOW 比賽中奪得殊榮。2009年獲德國聯邦 總統頒贈聯邦十字絲帶勳章,以表揚其推動港德兩地交流, 尤其在文化藝術交流方面的成就。
Danny Yung
Danny Yung is an experimental art pioneer, one of the founders cum Co-Artistic Director of Zuni Icosahedron and Chairperson of the Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture. In the past 40 years, he has deeply involved in multifarious fields of the arts, mainly, theatre, cartoon, film and video, visual art and installation. In 2008, with Tears of Barren Hill he garnered the Music Theatre NOW Award given by the UNESCO’s International Theatre Institute. He was bestowed the Merit Cross of the Order of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany in 2009 in recognition of his contributions in the arts and cultural exchange between Germany and Hong Kong.
石小梅(南京) 著名崑劇表演藝術家,國家一級演員。現 為中國戲劇家協會理事、中國表演藝術學 會理事。工小生,拜俞振飛、周傳瑛、沈 傳芷為師。「梅花獎」、「文華獎」得獎者, 名字見於美國傳記協會編輯委員會出版的 《五千世界名人錄》及《世界名人錄》, 2002年獲聯合國教科文組織和文化部聯 合授予「長期潛心崑曲藝術事業成績顯著 的藝術家」稱號。2009年獲「國家級非物 質文化遺產傳承人」稱號。2010年再獲 「江蘇省非物質文化遺產傳承人」稱號。 2012年被評為省傑出傳承人。
Shi Xiaomei (Nanjing) Famed Kunqu opera artist Shi Xiaomei is a National Class One performer. Currently, Shi is the board member of Chinese Dramatists Association and Chinese Performing Arts Association. She has been included twice in Who’s Who In The World. Specialises in xiaosheng (young male) roles and has studied under Yu Zhenfei, Zhou Chuanying and Shen Chuanzhi, her acclaimed repertoire includes The Peach Blossom Fan and The Peony Pavilion. Shi is the winner of the Plum Blossom Award and Wen Hua Award. In 2002, Shi was jointly recognised by the UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture as the devoted outstanding Kunqu artist. In 2009, Shi was named National Maestro of Intangible Cultural Heritage, then, named Maestro of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Outstanding Maestro in Jiangsu province in 2010 and 2012 respectively.
著名崑劇表演藝術家,國家一級演員。 工閨門旦,並習貼旦、刀馬旦、刺殺旦。 師從崑曲名家姚傳薌、沈傳芷、劉傳蘅。 「梅花獎」、「文華獎」得獎者,名字見 於《世界名人錄》。2002年獲聯合國教 科文組織和文化部聯合授予「長期潛心 崑曲藝術事業成績顯著的藝術家」稱號。 2009年獲「國家級非物質文化遺產傳承 人」稱號。2010年再獲「江蘇省非物質 文化遺產傳承人」稱號。
Hu Jinfang (Nanjing) National Class One performer of Kunqu opera, Hu Jinfang was taught by masters Yao Chuanxiang, Shen Chuanzhi and Liu Chuanheng. Her repertoire includes The Peach Blossom Fan and The Injustice to Dou E. Winner of the 8th Plum Blossom Award and 1st Wen Hua Award, she was jointly recognised by the UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture in 2002 as an outstanding artist who has devoted her career in preserving and safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of Kunqu opera.
孔愛萍(南京) 著名崑劇表演藝術家,國家一級演員。 工閨門旦,師從張嫻、張繼青、張洵 澎。「梅花獎」得獎者,並曾獲首屆中 國 崑 劇 青 年 演 員 交 流 演 出 「蘭花最 佳表演獎」、江蘇「茉莉花提名獎」、 在中國崑曲優秀中青年演員評比展演 中獲聯合國教科文組織和國家文化部 頒發的「促進崑曲藝術獎」。
Kong Aiping (Nanjing) National Class One performer of Kunqu opera, Kong Aiping studied the guimendan (young virtuous lady) role type with Zhang Xian, Zhang Jiqing and Zhang Xunpeng. Throughout her career Kong gained numerous awards and honours including The Plum Blossom Award, The Orchid Best Performer Award at the Chinese Young Kunqu Opera Performer Exchange and Jasmine Nomination at the Kunqu Opera Promotion Award co-presented by the UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture.
李雪梅(徐州) 著名京劇表演藝術家,國家一級演員。 工梅派青衣,師從梅蘭芳的親授女弟 子陳正薇,為梅派第三代傳人。曾應 邀赴上海崑劇團參演新版《牡丹亭》, 演杜麗娘,並因此獲頒「梅花獎」。亦 曾獲頒「上海寶鋼高雅藝術表演獎」及 首屆中國崑劇藝術節「優秀表演獎」。
Li Xuemei (Xuzhou) National Class One performer of Beijing opera, Li Xuemei is the third generation successor of the Mei Lanfang’s style of art and apprenticed the qingyi role type under Chen Zhengwei whom Mei taught directly. She won the Plum Blossom Award for her portrayal of Du Liliang in The Peony Pavilion and Excellence Award at the 1st Chinese Kunqu Opera Arts Festival.
江蘇省演藝集團崑劇院優秀青年演 員,2005年畢業於江蘇省戲曲學校, 師從石小梅、岳美緹、胡錦芳、錢振 榮。先學小生,後工花旦。曾獲第 二屆「紅梅杯戲劇大賽」銀獎、第三 屆「紅梅杯戲劇大賽」銅獎、「青春鳥 全國才藝大賽戲曲青年組優秀獎」 及「全國崑曲優秀青年演員展演表 演獎」。
Sun Yijun (Nanjing) Graduated from Jiangsu Theatre School in 2005, Sun is a distinguished young actress of the Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Kun Opera Theatre and has studied with Shi Xiaomei, Yue Meiti, Hu Jingfang and Qian Zhenrong. She first learnt the male role type and later the females. Winner of Silver Award at the 2nd Red Plum Award Theatre Competition and Performance Award at the National Promising Young Kun Opera Performer Awards.
何秀萍(香港) 進念創團成員之一,多次參與進念演 出。1983年開始編導多個進念作品, 包括《列女傳》(1983)、《姊姊妹妹站 起來》(1987)、《心照》(1989)、《傳 奇》(1995)等。1996年出版文集《從 今以後》。自1992年始,以藝名何利 利加入廣播行業,1996 - 2005年移居 美國西岸;現為雷霆881創作總監, 並主持節目《有誰共鳴》及《兩個女人 越夜越美麗》。
Pia Ho (Hong Kong) Founding member of Zuni Icosahedron. Performed in, scripted and directed numerous Zuni’s performances, including Portraits of Women (1983), Sisters of the World United (1987), Heart to Heart (1989), and The Legend (1995). Prose collection Cong Jin Yi Hou was published in 1996. Pia Ho, a.k.a. Lili Ho started her career in broadcasting since 1992, then resided in San Francisco from 1996 to 2005. Currently the Creative Director of Commercial Radio One, Ho is hosting radio programmes, “Share my Song” and “2 Femmes”.
1/12 2/12
六 Sat 日 Sun
3pm, 8:15pm 5pm
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
門票7月11日起於城市電腦售票網公開發售 Tickets Available at URBTIX from 11 July Onwards 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2566 9696 / www.zuni.org.hk 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 2734 9009 信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Booking: 2111 5999 網上訂票 Internet Booking: http://www.urbtix.hk (城市電腦售票網URBTIX); http://ticketing.zuni.org.hk (進念Zuni) 演出長約100分鐘,不設中場休息 Running time approximately 100 minutes without intermission. 附中英文文本 With Chinese and English Text 歡迎六歲或以上人士入場觀看 Persons aged 6 and above are welcome. 為免影響演出,觀眾務請準時入場,遲到人士須待適當時候方可進場及未必能返回原座位;遲到逾30分鐘人士將不獲安排進場 Audience are strongly advised to arrive punctually. Latecomers will only be admitted when there is a suitable break in the performance or at the interval. Refuse admission of any late-comers 30 minutes after commence. 進念 • 二十面體保留更改節目內容、表演者及座位編排的一切最終決定權 Zuni Icosahedron reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes and seating arrangements. 進念 • 二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Zuni Icosahedron is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 進念 • 二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
購票優惠 Discount Schemes 九折優惠 10% Discount
• 憑下列會員卡/ 職員證購買正價門票,可獲九折優惠:agnès b. ami卡、三聯書店優惠證、中英之友*、中英新丁*、CCDC特級會員*、香港芭蕾舞團之友*、
好友營*、香港舞蹈團之友* 及中樂摯友會* On full-price tickets for each purchase offered to below card holders: agnès b. ami card, Joint Publishing member card, CY Buddies*, CY Kids*, Premium Members of CCDC Dance Generation*, Friends of Hong Kong Ballet*, HKRep Pals of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre*, Friends of Hong Kong Dance ompany* and Friends of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra* • 每次購買四至九張相同節目之正價門票 4 – 9 tickets of each performance • 每次購買三至四場不同演藝節目的正價門票 3 – 4 different performing arts programmes *每場限購門票兩張 Maximum 2 tickets per performance
八五折優惠 15% Discount
• 進念之友:購買正價門票,可獲八五折優惠 Zuni’s Friends: 15% discount on full-price tickets for each purchase • 每次購買十至十九張相同節目之正價門票 10 – 19 tickets of each performance
• 每次購買五場或以上不同演藝節目的正價門票 5 or more different performing arts programmes
八折優惠 20% Discount
• 每次購買二十張或以上相同節目之正價門票 20% discount for 20 tickets or more of each performance
半價優惠 50% Discount
• 高齡人士及殘疾人士 Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities
特惠票價 $100 Special Tickets
• 全日制學生 (名額有限,先到先得。) Full-time Students (Limited seats available on a first-come-first-served basis.)
特惠票價 $48 Special Tickets
• 全港中學團體 (名額有限,先到先得。) Secondary Schools & Organisations (Limited seats available on a first-come-first-served basis.)
特惠票價 $10 Special Tickets
• 綜合社會保障援助受惠人士 (名額有限,先到先得。) Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients (Limited seats available on a first-come-first-served basis.) • 香港社會服務聯會機構會員 (須預先報名參加,詳情請與我們聯絡。名額有限,先到先得。) The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Agency Members
(Advance booking is essential. Please contact us for further details. Limited seats available on a first-come-first-served basis.)
梳士巴利道入口 Salisbury Road Entrance
入場及座位安排 Seating Arrangement and Admission 因是次演出之觀眾席設於後舞台,所有觀眾將安排於大劇院後台入口進場,敬請留意。 Please note that the audience seating area of this performance is located at the back of the stage, and audience will be admitted through the backstage entrance of the Grand Theatre.
音樂廳 Concert Hall 香港文化中心 HONG KONG CULTURAL CENTRE
天星碼頭 Star Ferry
鐘樓 Clock Tower
大劇院 Grand Theatre
後台 Backstage
尖沙咀海旁 TST Waterfront
入口 Entrance