乾 卦 聲 樂
蹈 在 天
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
香 港 文 化 中 心 大 劇 院
像 變 卦 空 間 勿 用
A performance of changing sounds images space and dance
元者 善之長也
亨者 嘉之會也
利者 義之和也
貞者 事之幹也
元:能通過時代考驗、源遠流長的善。 亨:值得大家慶祝的事情匯聚一起。 利:雙贏局面,環境和諧。 貞:有動力地持續幹事業。 元亨利貞,指君子幹事業絕不妥協, 堅持源遠流長的美德,以大眾的利益和幸褔為依歸。 Yuan Heng Li Zhen – the first hexagram Qian in The Book of Changes. “Yuan, the sustainability of virtues; Heng, the convergence of glories; Li, the harmony of mutual benefits; Zhen, the persistence of undertakings” — Commentary on the texts of Qian Yuan: virtues well-established and well-tested over time Heng: the gathering of affairs that are worth celebrating Li: mutual benefits give rise to harmonious environments Zhen: undertaking with motivation and persistence Yuan Heng Li Zhen refers to the way a gentleman carries out his undertakings without compromise by upholding well-established virtues and striving for the interests and happiness of the people.
﹁ 易 經 計 畫 ﹂ 是 一 個 以︽ 易 經 ︾ 為 主 題 的 藝 術 創 意 平 台 ︒ 以﹁ 乾 卦 ﹂ 作 為 第 一 個 項 目 ︒ 以 聲 樂 影 像 空 間 舞 蹈 演 卦 ﹁ 元 亨 利 貞 ﹂︒ The Book of Changes Project is a platform for artistic creation based on the ancient Chinese classic The Book of Changes. The Project begins with the first hexagram Qian. Yuan Heng Li Zhen, which are the texts of Qian, will be performed in sounds, music, images, space and dance.
元者 善之長也
亨者 嘉之會也
利者 義之和也
貞者 事之幹也
元:能通過時代考驗、源遠流長的善。 亨:值得大家慶祝的事情匯聚一起。 利:雙贏局面,環境和諧。 貞:有動力地持續幹事業。 元亨利貞,指君子幹事業絕不妥協, 堅持源遠流長的美德,以大眾的利益和幸褔為依歸。 Yuan Heng Li Zhen – the first hexagram Qian in The Book of Changes. “Yuan, the sustainability of virtues; Heng, the convergence of glories; Li, the harmony of mutual benefits; Zhen, the persistence of undertakings” — Commentary on the texts of Qian Yuan: virtues well-established and well-tested over time Heng: the gathering of affairs that are worth celebrating Li: mutual benefits give rise to harmonious environments Zhen: undertaking with motivation and persistence Yuan Heng Li Zhen refers to the way a gentleman carries out his undertakings without compromise by upholding well-established virtues and striving for the interests and happiness of the people.
The Book of Changes Hexagram No.1 乾,元亨利貞。 Qian represents what is great and originating, celebrative, advantageous, correct and firm.
Graphic Arts
︱ 榮格︵哲學
Poster Exhibition on The Book of Changes: 13.11-2.12, Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Curator Artists & Designers
︽ 易 經 ︾就 是 伱 需 要 的 書 ︒
文 本 :梁 冠 麗
* Performer from Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre
導 演 、 設 計 、 文 本 :胡 恩 威
聲 樂 演 出 監 督 :畢 永 琴
Mathias Woo Theresa Leung Yu Yat-yiu @PMPS Rosaline Pi anothermoutainman Tong,Yang-Tze (Taipei) Yuri Ng, He Yanqi* (Shanghai), Kao Jo-shan (Taipei) David Yeung, Dick Wong, Luka Wong
音 樂 總 監 及 作 曲 :于 逸 堯 @ 人 山 人 海
書 法 : 董 陽 孜 ︵台 北 ︶
服 裝 設 計 :又 一 山 人
特 邀 演 出 : 伍 宇 烈 、 *何 彥 淇 ︵上 海 ︶ 、高 若 珊 ︵台 北︶
*上 海 話 劇 藝 術 中 心 演 員
演 出 :楊 永 德 、 黃 大 徽 、 黃 偉 國
潛龍,勿用。 The dragon lying hid, it is not the time for active doing.
Director, Designer & Text : Text : Music Director & Composer : Vocal Performance Producer : Costume Designer : Calligrapher : Guest Performers :
見龍在田,利見大人。 The dragon appearing in the field, it will be advantageous to meet with the great man.
策 展 :靳 埭 強
君子終日乾乾,夕惕若,厲無咎。 Active and vigilant all the day, and in the evening still careful and apprehensive; it is dangerous, but there will be no mistake.
十一月十三日至十二月二日 香港文化中心大堂
或躍在淵,無咎。 Jumping into the deep, there will be no mistake.
藝 術 家 及 設 計 師 :靳 埭 強 、 又 一 山 人 、 李 永 銓 、 洪強、區德誠、張瀚謙、劉小康、 蔡楚堅、蔡劍虹
飛龍在天,利見大人。 The dragon on the wing in the sky, it will be advantageous to meet with the great man.
攝 影 :區 子 強
亢龍有悔。 The dragon exceeding the proper limits, there will be occasion for repentance.
“For lovers of self-knowledge, of wisdom... it (The Book of Changes) seems to be the right book” — Carl Jung (Philosopher/ Psychologist)
平 面 設 計 :朱 偉 昇
見群龍無首,吉。 If the dragons lost their leaders, there would be good fortune.
︱ 孔子
1: Qian as Heaven
“If some years were added to my life, I would give fifty to the study of The Book of Changes, and then I might come to be without great faults.” — Confucius
: Kan Tai Keung : Kan Tai Keung Hung Keung anothermountainman Benny Au Tommy Li Chris Cheung Photographer : Johnny Au Graphic Artist : Jim Chu
Freeman Lau Sandy Choi Choi Kim Hung
11.12 (五Fri) 8:15pm 12.12 (六Sat) 8:15pm*
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre $480 $280 $190 待用門票
Suspended Ticket
門票現於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets Now Available at URBTIX 節目查詢
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*設粵語口述影像 Accessible performance with Cantonese Audio Description 請致電賽馬會藝術通達服務中心2777 1771預留耳機,並於開場前15分鐘領取 Please contact JCAASC at 2777 1771 for reservation of Audio Description device and collect the device at reception desk 15 minutes prior to the curtain time
Running time approximately 90 minutes with no intermission
Performed in Cantonese & Putonghua, with Chinese & English surtitles
No latecomers will be admitted, until a suitable break in the performance
進念.二十面體保留更改節目內容、表演者及座位編排的一切最終決定權 Zuni Icosahedron reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/ or vary advertised programmes and seating arrangements
指定酒店 Official Hotel
學術合作機構 Academic Support & Partner
多媒體器材贊助 Multimedia Equipment Sponsor
指定印刷 Official Printing
通達伙伴 Accessibility Partner
進念.二十面體為香港文化中心場地伙伴 進念.二十面體由香港特別行政區政府資助 Zuni Icosahedron is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region