月之情場刊 The Moon Programme Note

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進念自《元亨利貞易經計畫》起與本地 聲樂家畢永琴及聲樂組合「歌之能者」 合 作 發 展 音 樂 賞 析 系 列,去 年 透 過 「 歌 者匯」賞析《元亨利貞易經計畫》 的聲樂創作與演唱特色。2017年將以 本地節慶唱詠為主題,並介紹本地唱詠 團 體「香 港 新 雅 詠 團 」,九 月節 目 為 「月之情」。 Since the Book of Changes project in 2015, Zuni has been collaborating with local vocal artist Rosaline Pi and Soloists in Action for the Music Appreciation Series. In 2016, we produced the program “True Ensemble Singing”. In 2017, the Series will focus on songs for the different festive occasions. We will introduce the local vocal group New Chamber Choir (NCC). Program in September will be The Moon.


Program Notes written by Rosaline Pi (contributors include Dr. Nick Wu and Mr. Joseph Go of New Chamber Choir)

月之情 畢永琴

月亮自古以 來便 是 人 最 恆常的朋友, 最 少每天 見他半天。他亦是 人們最有 耐性的朋友,隨時候命靜心聆聽我們的 傾訴,那怕只是一條問題、一個盼望、 一些祝福、或心中懷戀之情。月亮作為 全世界人類唯一共同的朋友,我們亦不 時會 委 託 他 傳 情。在 銀 色 的月光下, 戀人共同經歷了不少美好的時光。 在溫柔平靜的月光下,嬰孩安詳入睡, 故 各 國 均 有 以 月 光 為 題 的 搖 籃 曲。 連 小 朋 友 亦 與 月亮 為 友。M a r g a r e t Wise Brown 是出名的兒童書籍作家, 在其Goodnight Moon一書中,主角小 兔,月亮有如其友,入睡前必向身旁月 色下的 物品 逐一道 晚 安。其 另一本 書 The Moon Shines Down 則是一小孩的 禱 告,求 上 帝 的 祝 福 要 如 月 亮 的 光 一 樣,臨到世界每一角落的小孩 。

無怪中西情感豐富的作曲家都為月亮 寫了不少音樂,而新雅詠團(NCC)今天 為大家 演唱的只 是 其中極 少 部分的 聲 樂 作 品。「中 秋 」說 的 是 中 秋 節 是 一 家團圓的節日。「秋 月」曲中,歌者 在星空月夜下,問月是誰在管領它們。 在「銀色的月光下」,唱者想念其過去 與 愛 人 共 渡 的 美 好 時 光。李 白 詞 的 「 月光曲」,主 角「舉頭 望明月,低 頭 思故 鄉」。「月光光」是 廣東出名的搖 籃曲。Sure on this Shining Night (星夜 下) 及 Ballade to the Moon (月下浪漫) 寫的都是人在星夜 月夜下內心各種對 命運的感概。How Sweet the Moonlight (美月當前) 一曲讚月色之美。The Moon B a r q u e ( 月 船 ) 中,女 主 角 月 下 哀 悼 亡 夫。Address to the Moon (問月亮), 歌者稱讚月之美 ,同時問月亮其愛人 是否亦在觀月。

天上的月亮的確能勾起人們心中各種 情懷,但我相信不少人都會和我一樣, 當 我 抬 頭 凝 望 月 亮 時,看 到 天 際 間 千 千 萬 萬 無 數 的 星 體,很 難 不 令 我 聯 想 起天地宇宙之奧秘及造物者之偉 大。節目最後送上 Northern Lights (北 極 光 ) 一曲,曲中見此光者,驚訝光之美 之 同 時,亦 對此 光 既 敬 且畏,很 能 代 表我 這 方面的感 受,而且曲中和音之 美,音 樂 之 震 撼 性,觀 眾 聽 罷 仍會 留 有 餘音。

Man and his Moon Friend Rosaline Pi

The Moon, being the closest heavenly 「秋月」(Autumn Moon), looking at the body from Earth, has been men’s loyal starry sky, the writer is asking the friend since history: men see him Moon who rules them all. In「銀色月 every day for half a day. He is a patient 光下」(Under the Silvery Moonlight), friend who is always there ready to the writer yearns over his past good listen quietly to whatever man has to memories with his loved one under say to him, be it a question, a wish, the silvery moonlight.「月光光」(The a blessing or someone’s nostalgic Moonlight) is a famous Cantonese lullaby. feelings. Being the only common friend In「月光曲」(The Moon Melody), the poet among men all, the Moon is even our yearns for his homeland. In Sure on this messenger friend. There are numerous Shining Night and Ballade to the Moon, the times when men leave messages with writer expresses his deep feelings under the Moon because he never fails us. the star and moon lit night. How sweet Under his gentle and silvery light, men the Moonlight praises the Moon. In The do memorable things. Moon Barque, the woman laments for her lost husband. In Address to the Moon, in Even to babies and children, the Moon is praising the Moon, the writer is asking it their dear friend. Babies are cradled to if his loved one is also looking at it. sleep peacefully under the soft touch of the Moon. Children bid goodnight before But, last but not least, I need to say, for bedtime to all familiar things around him, many of us including myself, when I lift even including the Moon who is always up my head and look at the Moon in the there to see him to sleep (see Margaret sky and beyond, I cannot help but think Wise Brown’s Goodnight Moon). The about wonders of the Universe and the Moon also gives little children imagined possibility that there is a Creator behind kindness to pray for God’s blessing over all these millions, billions and trillions of all other children alike in different parts heavenly bodies each at work non-stop of the world because the Moon shines (for as long as time itself exists) in their down to every child on Earth (see Brown’s regulated path never deviated. I have a The Moon Shines Down). strong feeling of this in “Northern Lights” and hence would like to end the program Hence, it is not surprising that the Moon with this song. has inspired so many composers, from the East and West, to write music about it. What the New Chamber Choir (NCC) can share with you today is only a small part of this music from the vocal repertoire.「中秋」 Mid-autumn Festival tells about the family’s reunion time during the mid-autumn festival. In

節目 Programme 1 銀色月光下(新彊民歌、李超源編)

Under the Silvery Moonlight(Xinjiang Folk Song, arranged by Li chau-yuan) (SATB with piano accompaniment)

2 中秋(取自黃友棣「佳節頌」、韋瀚章詞) Mid-autumn Festival

(music from Festival Ode by Hwang Yau-tai, lyrics by Wei Han-zhang) (SSA with piano accompaniment)

3 月光光(廣東童謠、陳永華編)

The Moonlight(Cantonese Nursery Rhymes, arranged by Chan Wing-wah) (SSA with piano accompaniment)

4 秋月(取自黃友棣「愛物天心」、韋瀚章詞)

Autumn Moon(music from Heavenly Charity by Hwang Yau-tai, lyric by Wei Han zhong) (SATB with piano accompaniment)

5 月光曲(周書紳曲、李白詩)

The Moon Melody(music by Chow Shu-san, poem by Li Bai) (Soprano solo with piano accompaniment)

6 Sure on this Shining Night by Samuel Barber

(words by James Agee, arranged by Emily Crocker)(SATB with piano accompaniment) 星夜下(巴凱貝爾·艾吉詞 艾米利·克羅克編)

7 Sure on this Shining Night by Morten Lauridsen

(words by James Agee)(SATB with piano accompaniment) 星夜下(莫坦·羅禮森曲 詹姆斯·艾吉詞)

8 How sweet the Moonlight by Emily Crocker

(words by William Shakespeare)(SATB with piano accompaniment) 美月當前(艾米利·克里克曲 威廉·莎士比亞詞)

9 Ballade to the Moon by Daniel Elder

(words by Daniel Elder)(SATB with piano accompaniment) 月下浪漫(丹尼爾·伊爾德曲/詞)

10 The Moon Barque by Shirley W. McRae

(poem by Wang Seng-Ju/王僧孺 [465-522] 詩《秋閨怨》)(SATB with piano accompaniment) 月船(雪莉·麥克雷曲 王僧孺詩)

11 Address to the Moon by John Purifoy

(poem by Nathaniel Hawthorne [1804-1864])(SATB with piano accompaniment) 問月亮(John Purifoy曲 納撒尼爾·霍桑詩 )

12 Northern Lights by Ola Gjeilo

(text in Latin from Song of Solomon)(SATB a cappella) 北極光(雅羅曲 詞取自拉丁文「所羅門的歌」)

歌詞 Lyrics 銀色月光下 新彊民歌 李超源編

Under the Silvery Moonlight

Xinjiang Folk Song arranged by Li chau-yuan 在那金色沙灘上 灑著銀白的月光 尋找往事蹤影 往事蹤影迷茫 往事蹤影已迷茫 猶如幻夢一樣 你在何處躲藏 背棄我的姑娘

This is a Chinese folk song from the Xinjian province. The writer yearns over his past good memories with his loved one under the silvery moonlight.

沙灘前惆悵徬徨 月色裡倍多幻象 追不回已往時光 空記得那夢想

我騎在馬上 箭一樣的飛翔 飛呀飛呀我的馬 朝著她去的地方


取自黃友棣「佳節頌」 韋瀚章詞

Mid-autumn Festival

music from Festival Ode by Hwang Yau-tai lyrics by Wei Han-zhang 碧空雲凈 清夜露寒 但見星斗稀疏 月華如練 更聽處處管弦 玉樓天半 喜只喜今宵 月團圓 人也團圓

桂子飄香滿庭院 美酒佳肴同歡宴 老少敘一堂 佳節共聯歡 今年宴罷又明年 天倫之樂樂無邊

This song is one of the many songs written by Hwang Yau-tai (1912-2010), a famous Chinese musician, writer and composer. This song tells about the family re-union time during the midautumn festival.


廣東童謠 陳永華編

The moonlight

Cantonese Nursery Rhymes, arranged by Chan Wing-wah This is a famous Cantonese 月光光 照地堂 蝦仔你乖乖訓落床 聽朝阿媽要趕插秧囉 阿爺睇牛佢上山崗 lullaby. 蝦仔你快高長大囉 幫手阿爺去睇牛羊

月光光 照地堂 蝦仔你乖乖訓落床 聽朝阿爸要捕魚蝦囉 阿嫲織網要織到天光 蝦仔你快高長大囉 划艇撤網就更在行 月光光 照地堂 年三十晚摘檳榔 五穀豐收堆滿倉囉 老老嫩嫩喜洋洋 蝦仔你快啲瞇埋眼囉 一覺訓到大天光


取自黃友棣「愛物天心」 韋瀚章詞

Autumn Moon

music from Heavenly Charity by Hwang Yau-tai lyric by Wei Han zhong 桐落空階 蛩吟野砌 露珠滴草清妍 薄薄秋雲 點點疏星 淡淡銀河一線 玉輪如鏡 清輝千里 人間共賞晶 如許光華 憑誰管領 舉頭欲問嬋娟

This song is also written by Hwang Yau-tai. Looking at the starry night, the writer is asking the Moon who rules them all.


周書紳曲 李白詩

The Moon Melody 床前明月光 疑似地上霜 舉頭望明月 低頭思故鄉

Chow Shu-san (b.1926)

This song is written by Chow Shu-san (b.1926). Chow is a famous Chinese pianist and composer. The lyric is taken from a very famous poem of Li Bai (701762) who is a very important Chinese poet from the Tang Dynasty. In this, the poet yearns for his homeland in a moonlit night.

Sure on this Shining Night

by Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Words by James Agee Arrangement by Emily Crocker (2003)


Samuel Barber原曲 Agee詩 Crocker編

Sure on this shining night Of star-made shadows round, Kindness must watch for me This side the ground.

The late year lies down the north. All is healed, all is health. High summer holds the earth. Hearts all whole. Sure on this shining night I weep for wonder Wand’ring far alone Of shadows on the stars.

「星夜下」一曲取自巴伯作品編號13的 曲集,歌詞取自James Agee 之詩。此曲 是巴伯一百多首歌曲中其中最出名的一 首。此曲本是獨唱曲,但因為歌曲非常抒 情、旋律優美,曾多次被改編為合唱曲。 由Crocker 改編的四聲部版本,當中歌 聲與鋼琴聲緊扣成二重唱,音樂中音色 陰暗,人在星夜下對其命運反思。 Samuel Barber has written over 100 works for voice and piano. Most of these are not published to this date. “Sure on this Shining Night” (1941) is among Barber’s most popular songs. The text was taken from James Agee’s poem. The original song (from Four Songs, op. 13) was written for solo voice. But it has such a lyrical line that the song has been arranged for different choral settings by various composers including Barber himself. In this SATB arrangement by Crocker, the singers and the pianist are intertwined into a descending duet. The whole piece is a somber meditation in a star-lit night.

Sure on this Shining Night

by Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Words by James Agee Arrangement by Morten Lauridsen (2005)


莫坦·羅禮森曲 詹姆斯·艾吉詞

此曲是 Lauridsen 為 Barber「星夜下」 原曲改編的另一首合唱版本。Lauridsen 是美國作曲家,他的合唱作品在今世紀 合唱曲目中佔一重要地位。Lauridsen 手筆下的「星夜下」, 更令人有與宇宙 溶為一體之感覺。 This is another SATB setting of “Sure on this Shining Night”by Morten Lauridsen. Lauridsen (b.1943) is professor of composition in the States. He is one of the most important figures in the 21st century choral music. The meaning of Agee’s poem is of course open to interpretation, but this piece is no doubt an expression of the wonder of being at one with the cosmos.

How sweet the Moonlight by Emily Crocker (2015) Words by William Shakespeare


艾米利·克里克曲 威廉·莎士比亞詞

How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! Here will we sit and let the sound of music creep in our ears: Soft stillness and the night become the touches of sweet harmony.

Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold. There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold’st But in his motion like an angel sings. Quiring to the young-eyed cherubin. Such harmony is in immortal souls.

此曲讚賞月之美,歌詞取自莎翁劇作 《威尼斯商人》中羅倫佐的獨白。 The monologue of Lorenzo in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice is transformed into a flowing admiration of the beauty and divinity of the moonlight and music.

Ballade to the Moon

by Daniel Elder (2011) words by Daniel Elder



On moonlit night I wander free, My mind to roam on thoughts of thee. With midnight darkness beckoning my heart, My heart toward mystic fantasy. Come and dream in me! How beautiful, this night in June! And here, upon the velvet dune, I weep with joy beneath the moon.

The path lies dark before my sight, and yet, my feet with pure delight Trod onward through the blackened vale beneath the sky. O share thy light!

These woods, their weary wand’rer soon in awe And fearful wonder swoon; I weep with joy beneath the moon. And as the darkness hours flee, my heart heats ever rapidly Though heavy hang my eyes with sleep, My soul, my singing soul, it cries to thee: Come. Sing with me! The twinkling sky casts forth its tune: O must I leave thy charms so soon? I weep with joy beneath the moon.

曲中夢幻般的琴聲加上充滿神秘感的音 樂,主角在月色下的閑逛充滿驚喜。 The dreamy soundscape created by the piano is matched with mystical choral passages, expressing the wonderment of one roaming under the bright moonlight.

The Moon Barque

by Shirley W. McRae (2012) poem by Wang Seng-Ju


雪莉·麥克曲 王僧孺 (465-522) 詩《秋閨怨》

斜光隱西壁 暮雀上南枝 風來秋扇屛 月出夜鐙吹 深心起百際 遙淚非一垂 徒勞妾辛苦 終言君不知 High o’er the hill the moon barque steers, The lantern lights depart. Dead springs are stirring in my heart, and there are tears. But that which makes my grief more deep is that you know not when I weep.

「月船」此曲出自王僧孺 (465-522)〈秋 閨怨〉一詩,曲中婦人月下憶其亡夫。 此詩翻譯英文後,被收藏在取名“A lute of Jade – Being Selections from the Classical Poets of China” 詩集中 。 The lyric of “The Moon Barque” is taken from a poem by the Chinese poet Wang Seng-Ju (465-522). This poem, in its English translation under the title “Tears”, is one of the poems collected in the book “A lute of Jade - Being Selections from the Classical Poets of China” which is compiled & translated by L. Cranmer Byng. The song tells of the sorrow of bidding farewell to one’s lover on a night lit by the moon and lantern lights.

Address to the Moon

by John Purifoy (2011) poem by Nathaniel Hawhorne (1804-1864)


John Purifoy曲 納撒尼爾·霍桑詩

How sweet the silver Moon’s pale ray Falls trembling on the distant ray, O’ver which the breezes sigh no more Nor billows lash the sounding shore.

Say, do the eyes of those I love, Behold thee as thou soar’st above, Lonely, majestic and serene, The calm and placid evening’s Queen? Say, if upon they peaceful breast, Departed spirits find their rest, For who would wish a fairer home Than in that bright refulgent dome?

曲中人抬頭問皎潔的月亮:我那在遠方 的愛人是否也同時在凝望著妳? This nostalgic setting of a short poem by the American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne expresses a common sentiment of the East and West: will the moon unites us with the one we love who are yet so far away?

Northern Lights

by Ola Gjeilo (2010)(text in Latin from Song of Solomon)


雅羅曲 詞取自拉丁文「所羅門的歌」

Pulchra es, amica mea, suavis et decora filia Ierusalem. Pulchra es, amica mea, suavis et decora sicut Ierusalem, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata. Averte oculos tuos a me quia ipsi me avolare fecerunt.

此曲借雅歌中人對美麗聖城既敬且畏的 心景,描述人對有如北極光般宇宙中的 奧秘時,心中對偉大造物主的感覺。 The song uses the text from the Song of Solomon “Pulchra es amica mea”. “You are beautiful, my love” it says, “you are the sweet daughter of Jerusalem, and you are fearsome like an army in battle. Turn your eyes away from me, for you have made me go away.” This contemporary piece depicts the northern lights with a melancholic melody and sonorous harmony.


主辦:進念‧二十面體 項目統籌:于逸堯、陳浩峰 聲樂演出監督:畢永琴 演出:香港新雅詠團 高級節目經理:周寶儀 舞台監督:周俊彥 助理節目經理:何彥羲 平面設計: 翟桐 平面設計助理:張焯珩

Team Presented by Zuni Icosahedron Project Coordinator

Yu Yat Yiu, Cedric Chan

Vocal Performance Producer

Rosaline Pi Performer

Hong Kong New Chamber Choir

Senior Programme Manager

Bowie Chow

Stage Manager

Gavin Chow

Assistant Programme Manager

Ho Yin Hei Graphics

Rachel Chak Graphic Design Assistant

Coco Cheung

香港新雅詠團 女高音

陳仲嘉 麥家珮 畢永琴 黃婉薇

Hong Kong New Chamber Choir Soprano Canny Chan Phyllis Mak Rosaline Pi Mylthie Wong


區曉嵐 陸堅智 (假聲男高音) 吳敏芝 王珮珊



吳智明 鄧偉霖 黃善衡 胡信平



陳國偉 吳建明 姚亮勤



Piano accompaniment


Helen Au Enico Luk (Counter-tenor) Florence Ng Bessie Wong Aaron Ng William Tang Eric Wong Nick Wu

Matthew Chan Joseph Go Lincoln Yiu Dennis Tam



畢永琴自加拿大麥 基爾大學 取得音樂(聲樂)學士學位,期間 同時取得 物理學士及碩士學位。畢氏演出範疇很 廣,是香港 最活躍歌唱家 之一,除 經常舉行藝 術歌曲獨唱會外,畢氏擅 長 演 繹巴 羅 克 時 期 聲 樂 作 品,定 期 演 唱巴 赫及韓 德 爾 等作 曲家 的 清 唱 劇 及 大 型 聲 樂 作 品,如 巴 赫 清 唱 劇、《 聖 約 翰 受 難曲》、《 聖 馬太 受 難曲》、 《B 小 調彌 撒曲》、《 聖誕 神 曲 》、《復 活 節神曲》、韓德爾大型歌劇如《亞歷山大之宴 會》、《芯美莉》、《參遜》、《 馬卡布斯的猶大參遜》等及多 位巴羅克作曲家如史卡拉第、鮑凱利尼等的經文曲。

除 演 出 外,畢氏 定 期 主 講 聲 樂 講 座,推 廣 音 樂 思 想 史 及 其 自創的Simple Physics for Singing歌唱技巧,其聲樂技巧 講座,極受歡迎,座無虛設。畢氏曾任教於香港演藝學院、浸 會大學及中文大學,自2001年起為古典音樂電台擔任聲樂樂 評,曾在《信報月刊》撰寫個人專欄《聲樂之旅》, 近年開始 評論政治, 其政論文章屢見《信報》,現在「灼見名家」網上 文化平台設有「智睿情真」個人專欄。2014年出版《舒伯特歌 曲中的浪漫主義》一書及《音樂頌丨畢永琴舒 伯特 歌 曲 集 》 CD。CD中「用流 行曲 唱法 原音原 調 演唱 及 灌 錄古典 曲 」此 做 法,在 聲 樂 界 中應 該 是 史 無 前例。畢氏 2 0 0 7年自香 港 中 文 大 學 修 畢哲 學 碩 士 學 位,現 是 該 校 哲 學系博 士 候 選 人, 研究後 期海 德 格,用現 象學解 釋「心同別人 所感 」。

Vocal Performance Producer

Rosaline Pi

Rosaline Pi received her Bachelor of Music (Voice) from McGill University. She also studied Physics at the same time and was awarded a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. She is currently one of the most active sopranos on local scene. She performs extensively in the Baroque repertoire, Lieder and art songs. She regularly performs Baroque vocal masterpieces such as Bach’s Cantatas, St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion, B Minor Mass, Christmas Oratorio, Easter Oratorio, many of Handel’s full length operas such as Alexander’s Feast, Semele, Samson, Judas Maccabaeus, and motets of Baroque composers such as Alessandro Scarlatti and Boccherini. Apart from performances, Pi gives vocal lectures regularly on thought history in music and vocal techniques. She is the originator and promoter of her “Simple Physics for Singing” vocal technique. Her vocal technique lectures are soldout events. Since 2001, Pi has been a regular vocal music critic with the classical music radio. Pi taught voice at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Baptist University and the Chinese

University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She wrote for the Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly on vocal music in her personal column “A Journey for the Voice”. She now has her personal column on the Master-Insight online cultural platform. In recent years, Pi started to write to comment on Hong Kong’s political issues. Her political commentaries are often published in the Hong Kong Economic Journal. In 2014, Pi published her book in Chinese on the Romanticism in Schubert’s Lieder and her CD “An die Musik – Schubert Lieder by Rosaline Pi”. In the CD, “singing and recording the original classical songs using the way popular songs are sung and recorded” is something that has never been done in the history of singing and recording. Pi received her MA degree in Philosophy from CUHK in 2007. She is currently a Ph. D. candidate in their Philosophy Department. Her research focus is on the late Heidegger and, in particular, using phenomenology to explain the phenomenon of “empathy”.

進念.二十面體 Zuni Icosahedron

聯合藝術總監:榮念曾、胡恩威 Co-Artistic Directors: Danny Yung, Mathias Woo 進念.二十面體,1982年成立,為非牟 利慈善文化團體,以香港為基,面向世 界的實驗藝團。專注於多元戲劇藝術創 作,原創劇場作品超過二百齣,曾獲邀 前往演出及交流的城市遍及歐、亞、美 等地六十多個城市。多年來一直致力拓 展香港文化藝術新領域,積極推動國際 文化交流,主催藝術評論及文化政策研 究等工作,並活躍於藝術教育和發展電 子媒體及跨媒體等新類型的藝術模式, 近年亦致力促進非物質文化遺產(表演 藝術)的傳承和發展。現為香港九個主 要專業表演藝術團體之一,香港最具代 表性的國際實驗劇團。2009年始,成為 香港文化中心的場地伙伴,開展系列創 作及外展教育計畫。

Zuni Icosahedron, founded in 1982, is a Hong Kong based international experimental theatre company. Zuni has produced over 200 original productions of alternative theatre and multimedia performances, and has been active in video, sound experimentation and installation arts, as well as in the areas of arts education, arts criticism, cultural policy research and international cultural exchange. In the past decade, Zuni has been undertaking the mission of preserving and developing Intangible Cultural Heritage (Performing Arts). Over the years, Zuni has been invited to over 60 cities in Europe, Asia, and America for cultural exchange and performances. Zuni is one of the nine major professional performing arts companies in Hong Kong, and has established itself as a premier experimental theatre locally, regionally and internationally. Since 2009, Zuni has become a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in where a series of theatre works and outreach education programmes were produced.

查詢 Enquiries│2566 9696 網頁 Website │ www.zuniseason.org.hk

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