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AA LU 2012/2013 TERM 1 BOOKLET


SPECIAL THANKS TO: Program tutors

Eva Castro Alfredo Ramirez Clara Oloriz Eduardo Rico Technical Tutors

Ignacio L贸pez Bus贸n Vincenzo Reale Giancarlo Torpiano








Site Introduction

002 - 003

Site Analysis

004 - 005

Indexing on Site

006 - 009


MESHING Site Introduction

010 - 011

Bundling Catalogue

012 - 013

Bundling On Site

014 - 021

Bundling Model

022 - 023


PROTOTYPING Site Introduction

024 - 027

Prototyping Catalogue

028 - 033

Prototyping On Site

034 - 039

Prototyping Model

040 - 041


Surat City, Gujurat, India


INDEXING Water of Surat, India

Indexing is the step one strategy out of the three major design methods. It is a tool to help better understanding of the given site. By using the indexing tool, hidden information are tranformed and displayed on drawings to communicate with designers visually to reveal patterns and other relationships between different elements on site which otherwise would not be discovered on ordinary maps. In the first chapter, indexing tool is employed to explore the flooding condition in Surat city. Seasonal flooding has long been one of the major issue in the developement of Surat. Cause of the issue varies from natural disaster to man made causes. However, the objective for this exercise is not to problem solve, but to index, or re-map information or condition that are not obvious on the affected site, which in turn allow better viewpoint on the exisiting issues. PROJECT IN COLLABORATION WITH GUNJAN RUSTAGI


FLOODING IN SURAT Flood in Surat is a common charateristics of the city as it occurs every year. With the beginning ofthe moth of September, Surat becomes prone to a huge natural disaster - the flood. The climate records of Surat states the fact that from 1849 itself the city is experiencing yearly flood situation.

CREEK FLOOD The southern part of Surat city drains its storm drainage through Mithi, Kankara, Khajod, Koyali, Bhedwad, Sonari and Varacha tributaries (creeks) which ultimately drains into Mindhola river. In the early past before developement take place in Surat city, there was hardly any incident of creek flood due to sparse development and enough space for flood plains. But in few decades, due to developmental activities like buildings, roads, bridges etc, as well as increasing amount of slum encroachments along and across the drains, resulted in restricted waterway and reduction in flood plains. Thus, creek flood started appearing in many areas of the city.


Surat Site Analysis Surat Tributaries and Irrigation Channel System

Draing below is a mapping of the exisiting tributary system on site. In order to identify the catchment area for the Mihola Creek, and hence to diagnose the impact of the creek flood. The recorded most affected creek flood area is also identify in the red patch. Tapi river is the main river flowing through the city from the Ukai Dam in the upper stream. Seasonal flooding in the city is closely relatedly to the reducing capacity of the the Tapi river due to various reason, including water pollution and mis-management of water releasing time in the Ukai Dam. In this project, we focus on the indexing the condition causing creek flood along Mihola Creek. Rapid development along the river bank resulting reduction of flood plain is one of the primary reason for the occurance of creek flood.


The three diagram on the right are analysis of the overall tributary system in Surat.

Tributary Hierachy The thickest line here is the largest river in Surat - the Tapi River, which is the primary tributary in the system. The lighter the lines are tributaries in lower order.

Natural Water Catchment After locating the tributaries on site, water catchment area can be outlined. However, topography of this given site is considerably flat, infomation of the subtle topography different is not available. Thus, natual catchement are identified by assumption according to the mean of between tributary and its adjacent water way. (Green patch on the left is wetland area near Mihola Creek.

Man Made Catchment On the site analysis map on the left, we could see the interruption of the man made channels. These channels are originally built for irrigation purpose. The intersecting of water channels would influence the natural water catchment. Part of the water would split and run into channel and the other into exisiting natural tributaries.


Surat Water Catchment Water catchment area in relation to individual tributary

The above drawing is an illustration of assumed water runoff diagram. Since the topography of the site is not apparent, the mean curve between two adjacent waterways are assumed to be the highest point where amount of water equally splits when rains. The array lines represent the amount of of water split and surge into the its closest point of the waterway in the immediate moment in the case of heavy rain fall . This method of identifying water run off allow to simulate a visual effect which generate an assumed topography of the region.


Surat Water Catchment Water Run-off 3D Graph

These sets of drawings illustrated the amount of water running into its closest point of the water way in the immediate moment in the case of heave rainfall. Amount of water in the specific point determind by the area of its corresponding catchment. Larger the catchment, greater the distance of the line (hence, teller the line). On the other right column of diagrams are different perspectives on the same drawing. Orange outline at the base is the identified area of water catchment for individual tributary.




008: INDEXING: SURAT CREEK FLOOD Drawing done in collaboration with Gunjan Rustagi

Surat Creek Flood Relationship between industrial water pollution and water escape area

Drawing on the left is a indexing of the two major industries - textile and diamond industries - in the city and the pollution caused by the two. The second part of the diagram indicates the built area in each area segment and its relationship with water escape area. The chosen site is on of the tributary on the mihola creek which recorded major creek flood occurance. Firstly, area along the tributary is divided into equal segments for calculation purpose. The green and orange points on the drawing represent the location of diamond and textile industries whom’s water discharge in the tributary that this project studies. The industries are clustered together to calculate the total amount of polluted water being discharged into the tributary. The blue points indicates the water collecting point for each cluster, and the larger the radius of the ring around it represent the higher amount of pollutants entering river. The grey and red bars on the each divided segment display the amount of unbuilt area for water to escape when flooded. The two colour differenciate the upper and the lower portion of the tributary. The higher the bar meaning the large unbuilt area for water to excape. However, the potential for flooding depends on also the amount of pollution entering the waterway in each collection point. Increasing amount of pollutant entered meaning decreasing in water carrying capacity for the river. Flooding potential is highest when the most amount of pollutant entering river with the least amount of unbuilt area along river bank.

Area Calculation Chart Unbuilt area chart along river bank

009: INDEXING: SURAT CREEK FLOOD Drawing done in collaboration witn Gunjan Rustagi

These two are corresponding drawing showing the increaing pollutant accumulated as water flows downs stream. The plain on Z axis indicate the amount of pollutant consist in each point of the river. At the lowest point of the tributary, pollutant from all industries combine resulting the lowest water carry capacity at the lowest point of the river. However, flooding potential is determine also by built area along bank as mention earlier. Although amount of pollutant enters tributary at the mid point is not at peak, the water escape area at this portion is relatively low, thus chance for flood is likely. On the contrary, amount of pollutant collected from downstream is at the highest, but water escape area is sufficient as shown on grid (drawing on previous page), thus less likely change to be flooded.


Surat City, Gujurat, India



Industrial Network of Surat, India

Meshing is the second stage of within the three steps of design strategic exploration. Decisions and concepts made in this stage are partly base on problems and conclusion discovered from Indexing. Meshing is a tool to generate potential structure or framework for later developement of the design. The mesh creatd in this stage is essentially a skeleton which enables individual design elements to be inserted into place according to its condition. In this chapter, meshing tool is employed to explore industrial network in the city of Surat. A material organization is introduced to develop the mesh. The assign material organization is this project is the bundling method. Surat being one of the largest industrial hub in India, industrial developments is at the top of the city agenda. The objective of this exercise is to explore the networking of the two major industries - textile and diamond industries, along with application of the bundling technique, and eventually creating a mesh strurcture as framework for future design. PROJECT IN COLLABORATION WITH KATE GONG


BUNDLING MATERIAL ORGANIZATION Edge bundling method are commonly employed to visualize graphes. In many occasions, large graphs suffer from visual clutter. Edge bundling is an effective tool to simplify or control information reveal by the graph. Using bundling technique make graphs or clutter infomation intelligible in reducing redundant paths to the most efficient state.

SURAT DIAMOND INDUSTRY Surat in one of the most well - developed city in metropolis in the state of Gujurat, and also one of the most fast growing city in the country. Surat is famous for its diamond industry and textile industry, along with silk and chemicals. It is at the heart of the world's diamond-polishing industry, which in 2005 cut 92% of the world's diamond pieces and earned India $15 billion in exports.

SURAT TEXTILE INDUSTRY The textile industry in Surat is mainly engaged in the activities of yarn production, weaving, processing as well as embroidery. Surat is well known for its synthetic products market. The main market for Surat�s textile products are India and other Asian countries. Around 90% of polyester used in India comes from Surat.

012: MESHING: 2D BUNDLING CATALOG Drawing done in collaboration witn Kate Gong

Base Geometry

Hierachical Edge Bundling

Geometry-Based Edge Bundling

Force-Directed Edge Bundling

Skeleton Edge Bundling

In this catalog, four distinct geometries are presented as the bases to test four different types of bundling methods.

Hierachical Edge Bundling Method bundles adjacency edges by sing the available hierarchy demonstrated in each of the four base situations.

Geometry - Base Edge Bundling Method involves introducing a new geometry, or mesh, as the frame to control points for clusters to bundle. Structure of the mesh differs according to the situation of the clusters.

Force - Directed Edge Bundling Method requires directional influence for bundling. Edges are bundled through define attraction points in each step towards the direction which the cluster flows towards.

Skeleton Edge Bundling Method bundles edges according to a defined core structure. Result of the bundling differs as the core structure changes.


After experiementing with different bundling methods with the 2D base geometry, a new dimension is added to the exisiting base structures. In this 3D catalog, specific points are lifted to the Z axis on top of the X and Y dimension. Three different Base Geometries are chosen base on the accuracy of the information depicted from the 2D catalog. Same methodology, now with Z dimension, is applied to test the three dimensional quality of each bunlding method. Each of the three geometries is tested with two different bundling method in order to show the different attributes of its applied method. The on the right diagrams offer the breakdown procedures for each bundling method. By comparing results from both the 2D and 3D catalog, we can then choose the best suited method to apply on site.

014: MESHING: GEOMETRY BASE REGIONAL BUNDLING After testing different bundling method with result shown in the catalog, Geometry Base Edge Bundling method is applied on site to generate mesh which will assist us to better understand the networking of industries in Surat city.

Diamond Industries Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant

The above image shows the regional network of the two major industries - diamond and textile - in the city of Surat before applying Geometry-Base Edge Bundling method.

River System

Road System River System Point From Void of Road System Control Mesh

Industry Network

Diamond Industries Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant

Control mesh is then layered on top of the exisiting regional industrial network as a constrained frame for the clusterd of network lines to be bundled.

Diamond Industries Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant

River System

River System

Industry Network

Industry Network

Control Mesh

Control Mesh Mid Point Mesh Geometry

The first step of Geometry-Base Bundling is to located the points and curves to generate geometry as the control mesh to restrain bundling. The above diagram shows that the void of the street pattern from each regional industrial clusters as the framework to generate sets of vertices of the control mesh as bundling restrains.

Second geometry frame is generated with to the mid point of each edge of the first (green) control mesh. Curves of the regional industrial network will be attracted, or bundled, through the threshold - the mid point of each edge of the control mesh (green). Hence, a new geometry (red) is generated as the pathway for curves to bundle.


Geometry-Base Edge Bundling of Regional Industrial Network The four diagram on the left is a breakdown procedure to demonstrate the steps to bundle the existing industrial network cluster. One of the primary objective of bundling is to simplify the visual cluster to allow more effective understanding of the relationships between nodes. The hierachy (color density, curvature, spline direction, area of voids, etc. ) of the resulting splines convey different levels of information. Comparing the first diagram on the left, (showing network without bundled) and the final drawing on the right, one could see the apparrent reduction on visual clutter. The final bundled network, on the other hand, presented a much more efficient and comprehensible system.


Diamond Industries Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant River System Industry Regional Bundle Overall Control Mesh

Diamond Industries Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant

Regional network is now combined as one at this stage to examine the overall quality of the industiral networking in surat. The above drawing illustrated an overall mesh generated to connect each of the six regional network. The overall mesh at this stage is equivalent to the control mesh generated from the void point of the street system from the regional network.

Diamond Industries

First layer of of bundling - textile industrial network - is bundled along the pathway illustrated as the overall mid point mesh.

Diamond Industries

Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant River System Industry Regional Bundle

A new geometry is introduced as a mid point mesh, generated with mid points of each of the edges of the first control mesh (orange). Like the regional mesh, the overall mid point mesh at this stage is the pathway network to guide the next stage of bundling.

Overall Control Mesh Overall Mid Point Mesh

Textile Industries Water Treatment Plant

River System

River System

Overall Control Mesh

Overall Control Mesh

Overall Mid Point Mesh

Overall Mid Point Mesh

Bundled Textile Network

Bundled Textile Network

Second layer of bundling - diamond industrial networking is bundled along the same illustrated mid point mesh. The different gradient of the bundled network shows the interrelated quality of the two major industries in Surat city.


Geometry-Base Edge Bundling of Overall Industrial Network The four diagrams on the left is a breakdown procedure to demonstrate the steps to bundle the expanded overall combined industrial network. Larger control mesh is generated with the same method to provide thresholds and constrains for the overall network bundling. Drawing on the right illustrated information not communicated from the regional bundled network. Gradual change of gradients of the bundled splines shows apparent interelated relationship of each nodes from different industries. The overall bundle mesh provide a basis structure to allow further development within the city.


Diamond Industry Raised Points Textile Industry Raised Points 3D Mid Point Geometry

Another layer of information is hightlighted through the third dimension exploration from the overall industrial network. In the above drawing, each of the indicated industry points are raised to the Z axis according to its distance to its belonging water treatment plants. The further the distance between the two the higher the point being raised. Mid point control (blue) is generated here base on the 2D Geometry control mesh. According to the height of the each industry points, the 2D mid point mesh is deformed and streched along the Z axis. The above drawing shows an elevation of the 3D mesh supported by lifted industrial points. Same bundling method will then be applied on top of the 3D control mesh as a framework for network cluster bundling.


Diamond Industry Raised Points Textile Industry Raised Points 3D Mid Point Geometry 3D Textile Network Bundle 3D Diamond Network Bundle

The 3D mid point control mesh shown on page on the left is the frame for overall 3D industrial bundling. All raised industrial points are connected with straight lines in the Z dimension. As each line passes through the different threshold of the mesh as they connect, mid point mesh also act as the pathway guiding direction for the flow of each bundling curves. The third dimension of the drawing explains relationship between industries and its water treatment plant. Through the 3D bundling exploration, a conceptual strcuture is generated for potential development for industrial networking related design.


Diamond Industry Raised Points Textile Industry Raised Points 3D Mid Point Geometry


Diamond Industry Raised Points Textile Industry Raised Points 3D Mid Point Geometry 3D Textile Network Bundle 3D Diamond Network Bundle

022: MESHING: BUNDLING MATERIAL EXPLORATION MODEL Models by Kate Gong and Winnie Zhiyun He

FORCE DIRECTED EDGE BUNDLING Material: Perspex, Ruber Plastic Tube

GEOMETRY-BASE EDGE BUNDLING Material: Perspex, Fiber Optic Tube, Fiber Rod


SKELETON EDGE BASE BUNDLING Material: Perspex, Wire Mesh Tube, Yarn


Surat City, Gujurat, India


PROTOTYPING Noise Pollution in Surat, India

Prototyping is the last design strategy introduced in this workshop within the 3 steps of design method. At this stage, design could be proceed upon development of the previous strategies - indexing and meshing. Prototyes are design as cells in various forms to be inserted into mesh structure created from the earlier stage of design. Generic forms of prototypes are first created for generic conditions. According to unique conditions on site, sets of rules are applied in generating prototype deformation. Each of the prototype cells are then able to tackle specific issues within the range of deformation. In this chapter, prototyping is employed to solve noise pollution problem on one of the major traffic corridor in the heart of the city of Surat. In this workshop, the objective of the project is not only solve noise pollution problem but to use the problem as an opportunity to generate new urban forms. In this project, variations of earth berms prototypes are designed not only to reduce noise condition, but see beyond the remedial aspect of the sound berms to add use to the berms. In this case, bike trail, pedestrian path, and green corridors are introduced into deformation of the prototypes. PROJECT IN COLLABORATION WITH SHRUTI DABIR


NOISE POLLUTION Traffic related noise pollution accounts for nearly two-third of the total noise pollution in an urban area. Due to limited availability of land resources and finances, many highways and important roads are in the residential and commercial areas. Traffic congestions often occur due to mix use of lanes on roads. Lack of rule and designated street use paralyzing the traffic. In this project, berms are introduce to takcle issues mentioned above. While employing sound berms for its remedial purpose, we have also degsignated different usage for the berms to reduce pressure on the capacity of the road.

028: PROTOTYPING: SOUND STUDY CATALOGUE Drawing done in collaboration with Shruti Dabir

Road and Facade

Shadowed Noise

2ndary Reflection

Sink Berm

Primary Reflection Deflection

20m Road | Catalogue 1 Sound reflection study before berm application

The first catalogue explored the sound reflecition quality of the 20 meter road with the building height G+1, G+3, and G+6 individually. The first row of diagram in Catalgoue 1 illustrated the original sound travelling and reflecting patterns. The second row of diagram illustrated the three types of sound reflection level - orange line as primary sound reflection, which the original sound wave directly hits the building facade, blue line as secondary, which the sound wave does not hit facade directly but its reflection from hitting another surface, grey line as sound deflection, which the sound wave does not touch the building facade at all. The third row of the diagram explains reflections impacting opposite building. Our objective is to reduce majority of the primary sound reflection, increase sound deflection, and maximize the length between original sound souce and its collision point with the building facades.

20m Road | Catalogue 2 Sound reflection study before berm application

Catalogue 2 illustrated proposed berm solution for the exisiting noise condition. In the case of 20m road, due to the size constrain, sink berms of 2 : 1.5m is applied. The first row of diagram illustrated exisiting condition of sound pattern. Second row of diagram explained the change of sound reflection pattern after sink berm is applied. Third row of diagram explained the level of sound reflection. Comparing the 1st and the last row of diagram, one could see the that the concentration of sound reflection at the lower portion of the building has greatly reduced, while significant increases of deflection occured.

029: PROTOTYPING: SOUND STUDY CATALOGUE Drawing done in collaboration with Shruti Dabir

Road and Facade

Shadowed Noise

2ndary Reflection

Raised Berm

Primary Reflection Deflection

30m Road | Catalogue 3 Sound reflection study before berm application

Catalogue 3 explaines noise condition before application of sound berms on a 30m road. Majority of the 30m roads in the city of Surats are 4 lanes roads. In the above diagram, 2 lanes on the left are analized; whereas the 2 lanes on the right will assumed to be the mirror image of the the left. Similar to the Catalogue 1 and 2, first row of the diagram explains the original noise condition; Second row shows the primary, secondary noise level, as well as amount of deflection; Third row of diagram shows the reflection impact to the opposite building. In this catalogue, only one building height is shown. In catalogue 4 on the right , sound conditions with different building height and its solution is explained in more detail.

30m Road | Catalogue 4 Sound reflection study before berm application

Catalogue 4 illustrated the the proposed berm solution for the existing noise pollution on a 30m road. This road width is sufficient for different scale of raised berms applied to tackle noise condition with different building height. A steeper slope is required in order to maximize the travel distance between of noise source point to its collision point with the facade. While the slope of the berms creates primary influence in reducing or alternating the sound travelling pattern, the height of the berm directily impact the area of the noise shadow. Area covered by the noise shadow significantly reduced in impact of soundwaves.

030: PROTOTYPING: SOUND STUDY CATALOGUE Drawing done in collaboration with Shruti Dabir

Road and Facade

Shadowed Noise

2ndary Reflection

Sink Berm

Primary Reflection Deflection

60m Road | Catalogue 5 Sound reflection study for G+1 before and after berm application

In catalogue 5 and 6 illustrated explortation done through 60 m road. Catalogue 5 above focus on sound studies on the three lanes for G+1 condition. First row of diagram illustrated the original condition of sound travelling and reflecting pattern for the three different lanes. As shown in diagram, sound reflection from the first two lanes of the 60m road does not reach the opposite building due to the great distance in between. Hence, sound source from lane 1 and 2 would only cause impact on the building on its own side; whereas for lane 3, reflection could reach and impact on both of the building facade. The last row of digrams illustrated proposed berm solution for the existing noise conditon for the 60m road with G+1 building condition. A 60m road is sufficient for raised berm structure. Side berms of in the scale of 1.5:4:5 are introduced to reduced primary sound reflection hitting the building facade. Mid berm in the scale of 1.5:3.0 is also introduce to reduce soundwave generated by sound source from lane 3 hitting the opposite building. In the last berm solution diagram, sound hitting the opposite building from lane 3 source is completely deflected.

031: PROTOTYPING: SOUND STUDY CATALOGUE Drawing done in collaboration with Shruti Dabir

Road and Facade

Shadowed Noise

2ndary Reflection

Raised Berm

Primary Reflection Deflection

60m Road | Catalogue 6 Sound reflection study for G+3 and G+6 before and after berm application

The same method is applied to study the 60m road with G+3 and G+6 condition. Catalogue 6 above focuses on the G+3 and G+6 condition and its side berm solution. Although mid berm structure is also applied in the above diagrams, the slope and height of the mid berm remain the same as its effectiveness applies to all building height. As for side berms, the slope of the berms increase as the building height on its own side increases. For G+3 condition, a 1:2 = 2.5m:5.0m raised berm is applied; whereas or G+6 condition, a 1:1.5 = 3.5m:5.25m raised berm is applied in order to achieve desired result.


Catalogue 7 Gerneric sound berm prototypes

After different exploration of noise pollution condition with its surrounding exisiting structure, as set of prototypes of berms are created to be inserted into areas where conditions correspond to the berm type. The first three row of diagram from catalogue 7 on the left illustrated the generic single berm type for each of the street width with its reponding building height. For 20m road, prototypes for the three corresponding building heights are the same due to its area constrain. However, the designed sink berm scale is suffcient to reduce noise to below pollution level for all three building height. From the 4th row on in the diagram ilustrated the combine result of single genric berm structure. Side berms are interchangable in size and scale according to the different building height given. Mid berm size remain the same for minimal sound barrier effects.

033: PROTOTYPING: SOUND BERM PROTOTYPE CATALOGUE Drawing done in collaboration with Shruti Dabir

Catalogue 8 Prototype Deformation In this final catalogue, deformation of the generic prototypes are introduced. The focus on the design of the sound berms were not only its remedial aspects but its potential to generate new forms of urban fabric. In the catalogue 8 on the right, different stage of deformation of the prototypes are illustrated. The original prototypes, shown in the first row of the chart, are simple slopes of three designated scale. From there, the regular deformation is applied according to the space allowance. Irregualr and situational deformation are higher forms of deformation that are applied according to the introducing additional function for each specific berm. In this project, 3 different types of additional functions - cycling path, pedistran trail and green corridor are added to ther berms. Deformation of prototype will depend closely on the existing condition on the road and its desire additional function. Since the prototypes are flexible, different part of the city can adapt the these structure according to its need to generate new forms of urban network within its fabric. In the following pages of this chapter, examples of berm application and deformation will be demonstrated through parts of city center Surat.


Berm Numbering Diagram Generic sound berm application


Berm Diagram Linear Berm Connection System Prototype Along with the identified berm system network, the linear portion is the focus on the first portion of the prototyping exploration. Sound berms are applied according to the mesh which identifies the number of berms inserted and its junction system when amount of sound berms inserted changes. The yellow trace under the green mesh is the proposed concept when generic sound berm prototypes are inserted in place.


PROTOTYPING DEFORMATION Proposed Netwoking of Deform Berms The four diagrams below are illustration of the proposed bundling network for the new funcional berms. The first requirement is that traffics can be travel through the main routes between berms. The red bundled lines shows the emerging and spliting route between berms. Then pedestrian and bike path are added in the network. Connection are made according to situation on site. The final diagram shows the combined network of the over all bundling traffic system. Deformation of berms are then transform according to the proposed network.

After the gerneric prototype analysis, the function of the sound berms are then transform into structure beyond remedial aspects. Three additonal functions are applied onto the berm structure. At this stage deformation of generic berms are generated according to the different designated purpose of the berms. On the drawing below, the yellow diagram is the proposed structure when generic prototype berms are inserted. Base on the first set of sections, berms are deformed according to space constrain and the proposed new function assigned. The blue diagrams on the right are the resulting deformed berm section and contour form corresponding to the degsinated usage.


Final contour illustration of with application of deformed prototypes of sound berms, with indication of traffic, cycling, and pedestrian network.


Networking Through Sound Berms Pedestrian and transportation network diagram


Final rendering of berm and bridge structure combined.


Final rendering of berm and bridge structure combined, with proposed traffic bundling network.


Final rendering of berm and bridge structure combined, with proposed traffic, bicycles, pedestrain trail bundling network.


040: PROTOTYPING: SOUNDSCAPE MODEL Model by Shruti Dabir and Winnie Zhiyun He

SOUNDSCAPE MODEL Material: MDF with laser cutter


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