Guy Debord believes “In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, life is presented as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has receded into a representation.” More precisely, our participation in society, as well as our perception, is modified and even dominated by the presented spectacle. In the modern world, we are imposed a transparent but impenetrable curtain by the ubiquitous media, all surviving, producing, and living in a bubble wrapped by the spectacle. Also, our observation of the world through the medium invariably includes the process of proliferation of the spectacle.
This makes architecture a dilemma. While architecture itself is supposed to be a medium for conveying information, modern people use the medium to perceive architecture. If Ceci tuera cela was just a rant in the imagination of Hugo at that time, architecture today has long been regarded as a pictorial commodity in a two-dimensional world without depth. The belief of fighting against shallowness has prompted me to rethink architecture and its design.
As an architect, instead of falling into an excessive admiration for images, I choose to become a critic of the medium in this media age. For me, design is not a form of fawning over audience or a catharsis to the ego, but a reflection of the real world. This has led me to experiment constantly: how to give space a temporal shift; how to dig out some new anecdotes from old myths; how to awaken the thirst for knowledge in a place of chaos; how to use a gentle mockery to remind the crazy crowd.
The works in my portfolio are different in their forms of expression and approaches, but they all point to the same theme:
the pursuit of architectural authenticity in this media age.
Static Travel
Location: California
Individual Academic work
A Vacation Cabin for A Train–manic Oct- Nov 2022

Instructor: Shengrui XU
Upon the mountains and the sea, traveling by train always gives people the feeling of traveling through time and space. The train, a “space container”, also brings different feelings of use. Walking down the aisle of the carriage, there is a finely divided functional space on one side and a landscape divided by windows on the other.
This house was designed for a train fanatic. After countless train trips, he settled here with his collection of model trains. And this house has a dream about trains together with him. The moment of returning home is still the moment he embarked on his travel. A static travel.
Concept: Spanning Time and SpaceFunction
Space prototype: train carriage
Blurring the boundaries of home and journey
The static travel means that everything he has to think about the train does not change with the time and space, that experience about the speed, about the surrounding scenery, will keep growing in this do residence.
And the form of a carriage separates function from flow, creating a unique spatial quality.
Transformation of Space
The starting point for the design of this whole house is the flexible transformation of the carriage space.

Follow and divide the Function
Reorientation by landscape Re-integrate the window opening

La Conchita, California
34°21'50''N 119°26'53''W
Mountains, Ocean and Railways
The site was chosen to overlook the entire town, with views of the trains running along the coastline and surrounded by a rich and diverse landscape.
Generation of Space
The house forms a fluid experience and yet strictly divides the functions, a tribute to the spatial pattern of the train.
Stationary train

And how to describe a train?
Is it that sense of speed of the shuttle? Or the kind of walking by the window that brings countless changes of scenery? Or simply the exhilarating surprise of suddenly bursting out of the ground?
The entire program is gently placed in the terrain, and there is always a moment when one feels the subtle connection to train travel.

Unfolding of space
Unfolding the entire residence to get a continuous flow of use, with functions lined up on one side and facades with views on the other

Centralized functions
The functions in the residence are arranged in groups according to their relevance

The logic of spatial unfolding
Multiple Axis
The axis of the residence is arranged according to the different elements so that the landscape and windows, actions and aisles all echo each other.
Continuous façade
The window openings that create every moment the occupant walks in the house is a movement relative to the external scenery, creating the feeling of change
Circulation Elevation
Structure Analysis
Roofing to lapover top flange of vent flashing

Waterproof membrane
Roof deckng
50 mm Smooth stained cedar siding (Wui compliant)
Continuously liquid applied Weather resistive barrier
R21 closed cell spray Foam insulation
Continuously liquid applied Weather resistive barrier

15mm GYB BD Applied
Additional Finish
400mm Concrete Mat Slab
Crushed Rock Covered filter Fabric
Post Applied Waterproof
Filter Fabric
Drain/protection Bd
Based on the characteristics of the site, the building structure is built with light wood structure02

Reproduce Tradition
New Car Factory for New Industry
Location: Berlin, Germany
Individual Academic work
June-July 2021
Instructor: Nero HE, Kaiho YU
Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg will be the most advanced high-volume electric vehicle production plant in the world. The Gigafactory product technologies and production methods will be cutting edge: The most powerful Battery Systems as well as high-performance Drive Units and Power Electronics. A new dimension of Casting systems and a most efficient Body-Shop, leading to a high level of vehicle safety. This studio will set the site in Berlin-Brandenburg taking its current infrastructure, by using flatness as a production structure and prefabricated architectural components, it will reorganize the spatial planning and the overall circulation by integrating the movement of workers as well as different scales of robots.
Concept: The logical connectionThe Blue Banana*
A discontinuous corridor of urbanization in Western and Central Europe, with a population of around 100 million.

Days Gone
The major industrial belts in Europe have shifted from the blue banana to new industrial regions**, which, coupled with Germany’s strong automotive industry base, makes the location of the emerging automotive industry more favorable to Germany.
Prepare for Giga Factory
Multinational TESLA wanted to design a car factory in Berlin-Brandenburg that would be most in line with modern technology and development patterns, which coincided with Fiat's design philosophy a hundred years ago.

Car ownership in Italy and Germany per 1000 inhabitants, 1920–2020***
An Automotive Giant in Europe
Italy has only one major car manufacturer: Fiat Group, it provided Italy with the basis for the automotive industry and the very advanced pro duction model of the time, which gave Italy an advantage in the automotive industry through out the 20th century

Integrated Production Innovative Approaches Popular Products
Learn from Lingotto Factory

The Lingotto Factory represented a fascinating window to tomorrow of that time: everything in timeless, dazzling motion. It also represented the most advanced productivity at that time, and new factorie could also learn more from it.

** Taylor, paul. (2015, March 15). No More Blue Banana, Europe’s Industrial Heart Moves East. Reuters.
*** Oldenziel, Ruth, and Adri A. de la Bruhèze. "Contested Spaces: Bicycle Lanes in Urban Europe, 1900-1995." Transfers 1, no. 2 (2011): 31-49 - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate

To understand this factory, we need to start with its production model. The plant is divided into two parallel buildings, each five stories high and one-third of a mile long, with runways that sit on top of both buildings like the decks of a ship. It was so large that it hosted the most efficient automotive industry of its time, as well as its signature production logic. Underneath the huge ring is the production process that is built around it.

Main space for processing
A Serialized Assembly Mode

The traditional automotive industry invariably utilizes a sophisticated assembly line production, and such a production model has a distinctive characteristic: serialization . This has been the case for nearly 100 years and has become the main logic of the automotive production industry.

Test track R&D Center Office
Test track
Dismantling of the original factory and then reorganization Dismantling of existing factories and then reorganization with a view to converting the Serialized Assembly mode to the Hierarchical Assembly mode

A Hierarchical Assembly Mode
The streamlined production model, while improving productivity to a certain extent, is ultimately limited by a linear production logic. If a Hierarchical production model is used, it can reduce the efficiency that is reduced by waiting for products from the previous level.
Function Distribution
The Generation Process
*Detailed explanation on the next page
Chassis Assembly and Test track Model 1 Chassis Assembly Body Assembly & Print Test track Model 2 and Final Checking Body Assembly & Print 1930s FIAT 2020s TESLAThe process of reorganization is the extraction of the patterns in the building, which comes from the understanding of the characteristics of each chunk of the original plant, and then reprojecting the patterns onto the chunks to form a "reset" with connections.

Linking of functional logic

After the upcycling, the building is still integrated according to the logic of car production to meet the needs for car production
Giving Architectural Elements

The pattern creates more combinatorial patterns on a three-dimensional level, which allows the architectural elements to be quickly attached to the boxes.

Architectural Transformation
The patterns will eventually return to the architectural level, where the already integrated blocks will change according to their own qualities to make them more functional building blocks.

Responsible for testing and performance tuning of new vehicles, with a huge ceiling for natural light to shine on any instrument
Research center for debugging the production logic of plants using the latest technology and materials
Responsible for the validation of new vehicle technologies and experimental assembly for testing in R&D centers

Concept: Fusion of functions

The Fusion

A Learning Center in a Fragmented Community

Location: Wuhan, China
Individual Academic work

Nov 2022-Jan 2023

Instructor: Lei PENG
The community center is located in a complex location where clusters of rural migrants form the old town and intersect with the construction of the new town. Both groups had to face a common problem: the education of their children. The children of the migrant population did not qualify for urban schools, and with an elite high school ironically on the edge of the site, I wanted to create an Fusion within the site that would allow a diverse range of children to enter and give them a sense of the joy of learning versus the complexity of the city.
Formation of Hankou Central District
As an industrial town, the city has developed a unique "zoning" construction pattern

The number of Nongmingong (migrant workers) and their children in the total urban population
Market Economy, Class Divisions
The expansion of commercial activity has transformed the traditional industrial city into a complex environment
The wealthy and privileged classes produce wealthy settlements and, accordingly, educational resources are concentrated towards them

This urban village has been standing in the city for 20 years, and the interior of the untouched area is in disarray
Urban Renewal & Educational Reform

The first school-age children are arriving in the urban village, while urban renewal activities are slowly starting
Contradiction, Boundary, Symbiosis
This is a venue full of contradictions, contradictions between people, contradictions between events and events, and contradictions of information abound.People around the area covet the site and want to make the best use of it

Recognized as an "aristocratic school" in the area, with a large amount of educational resources going to it
The temperament of Learning
Observing the learning patterns of various types of children in the midst of cities and urban villages, I have compiled two different learning paths, one from spontaneous exploration of the surrounding environment and the other from direct education from the outside world, both of which have unique cognitive effects, which I would like to integrate in the architecture.
Hover Box
Facing with a complex and crowded site underneath the building, one solution is to raise the building as high as possible to leave enough space for activities in the north and south areas, and the learning space is divided into several zones in the high sky to meet the corresponding learning atmosphere respectively. The activity space is then below the main space, forming a transparent box for theresidents to use

First sort out all the architectural elements required for the function and select the dominant architectural elements
Interaction Space
Select two learning spaces and their special modes of interaction
Architectural elements Spatial Location

Determine the relative position of the space and the connection points
Revisiting and reproduce the space connection to the site
Choice of treatment for suspension sandwich

Sectional Perspective scenes & Structural analysis

To maximize the floor space, the building uses trusses to raise the main space and increase the activity space by means of suspension
1500mm x 1500mm
30MM Roofing products from metal sheet
30MM Roof support slats
20MM Vapor barrier
40MM Phenolic foam thermal insulation layer
150MM Mortar layer
100MM Reinforced Metal layer
60MM thick 1: 3 Cement and mortar leveling course
30mm Phenolic foam thermal insulation
20MM Impact sound insulation layer
50MM Sound insulation ceiling
50MM Glued laminated wood ceiling
200MM Ceiling joist
10MM Floor cladding layer
20MM Cement mortar leveling layer
20MM Foam glass insulation layer
15MM XPS insulation layer
20MM Impact sound insulation layer
200MM Concrete surface
Shaped metal plate
Aluminum hanging board
Metal hanging plate
Rubber gasket
100x100MM Universal square steel Beam
Curtain wall fasteners
Curtain wall frame drainage
Glass curtain wall
300x460MM Universal H-Beam
Fire-retardant coating
Anodized aluminum sheet with medium graininess of cladding Matte stainless steel 6000K strip light White metallic paint Exterior: Woven metal mesh ceiling + plastic cladding insulating tempered glass Strengthened laminated glassFamous for 15 minutes
“Internet Celebrity” Architecture Study

Location: N/A (Shanghai,China)
Individual Academic work
Feb- Apr 2022
Instructor: Feifan MA
We live in an age of rapid decay. The Internet and the new mass media have turned public life completely upside down, creating a unique picture of cyberspace. For architecture, the process of public perception of architecture through hands-on experience has become experiencing through media, which makes the way of public perception of architecture very special. This study will start from Guy Debord’s theory of “the Society of the Spectacle”, a historical overview and analysis of the present cyber architecture, and finally an ironic design.