ANIMATION Taipei Film Awards
Taipei Film Awards
新光二 7/02 ( 四) 21:40 華山一 7/11 ( 六) 16:30 華山二 7/11 ( 六) 16:30
Competitions | Taipei Film Awards | Animations
Something Important 劉乃瑋 LIU Nai-Wei
因 為 那 些 重 要 的 事 Something Important
台灣 Taiwan / 美國 USA 2014 HDCAM Colour 7 min 如果說人生是一段漫長的旅程,到達終點時能記得的風景有多少? 這是一段追尋回憶風景的旅程,也是一齣自我療癒的人生故事。本 片以抽象拼貼的視覺風格和自我口說旁白的方式,表述創作者在一 次次忘卻回憶過程中體驗到的懷疑、掙扎,以及重拾自我,最終找尋 到最重要的生命經歷,並以此作為支持自身的力量來源。 Something Important presents the director’s personal journey of self-discovery woven as a tapestry of his memories. Using the abstract montage combined with hand-drawn elements and photos, Liu expresses his life experience filtered
2015 法國安錫影展
The Vending Machine
through time and remembrance.
台灣 Taiwan | 2014 | HDCAM | Colour | 7 min
陳柏宇 CHEN Po-Yu
自 動 販 賣 機 The Vending Machine
漆黑的世界,大地龜裂荒蕪。獨自行走於此的人,竟意外發現一臺自動 販賣機。然而,就在自動販賣機開啟消費意識的覺醒之後……
In the total darkness, the land is barren and full of potholes. Someone 2015 希臘科浮島動畫影展
accidently bumps into a vending machine whenwandering alone. However,
2015 雅典動畫影展
the vending machine quickly ignites people’s desire for consumption.
Competitions | Taipei Film Awards | Animations
Black Bear Moon 趙大威 CHAO Ta-Wei
黑 熊 阿 墨
Black Bear Moon
台灣 Taiwan | 2015 | HDCAM | Colour | 7 min 惠惠在搬家整理行李時,找到了爺爺心愛的黑熊紙鎮,同時也是惠 惠小時候最好的朋友⸺阿墨。爺爺總是把紙鎮收在玻璃櫃裡;惠 惠總是把阿墨當成玩伴帶在身邊,不論是洗澡、看書的時間,還是玩 起躲貓貓遊戲時。阿墨似是參與了惠惠所有的童年生活。 Set in Taipei in 2060, the nature and civilisation are both destroyed by the
2014 巴西伯南布哥動畫影展
uclear disaster. 8-year-old Laqi and 10-year-old Kliare bothers. It is a story
2014 高雄電影節優選
of the ravery and brotherhood they demonstrate just before the end of
2015 德國斯圖加特動畫影展
the world.
Butterfly Hunter
台灣 Taiwan | 2015 | DCP | Colour | 19 min
世界 首映
陳旻昱 CHEN Min-Yu
捕 蝶 人 Butterfly Hunter
完成自己的蝶畫,是捕蝶人家族世代相傳的使命。但,隨著環境變 遷,森林逐漸消失,蝴蝶數量也隨之減少。直到有一天,蝴蝶不再 出現,捕蝶人該如何完成自己的蝶畫呢?本片構想源自幾個曾經緊 密依附台灣的關鍵字⸺蝴蝶王國、捕蝶人、蝴蝶出口、蝶畫、棲地 破壞,與紫斑蝶(全球第二大遷移性蝶群)。 It’s a family tradition. The butterfly hunters have to finish their own pictures of butterflies. However, as time goes by, the environment has changed a lot and the forests are disappearing rapidly. As a result, butterflies are diminishing. So how can butterfly hunters complete their pictures?
台北電影獎 — 動畫片
Competitions | Taipei Film Awards | Animations
Close Circuit 施博瀚 SHIH Po-Han
關 / 愛 Close Circuit
台灣 Taiwan | 2015 | HDCAM | colour | 7 min 當一位媽媽將自己的成長 過程硬是「套用」在自己的孩子身上,會 發生什麼事?當你發現母親所期望的你,並不是你真正的自己,你 該如何面對?是壓抑自己,還是展現真我?不論如何,當忍無可忍 的時候,一場激烈衝突勢必爆發! A Russian doll mum gives birth to a Lego child but still raises him as a Russian doll. Years later, the Lego child realises that hecan never be the child his mother wants him to be. The tension between mother and son
2015 城市遊牧影展
finally erupts.
First Launch
台灣 Taiwan | 2014 | DCP | Colour | 14 min
王尉修 WANG Wei-Xiu
七 點 半 的 太 空 人 First Launch
小剪刀,年僅四歲半,從小立志成為太空英雄。今天是她第一次上 幼稚園的大日子,沒想到真遇上外星人來襲的大危機!當不速之客 來到家門前,小剪刀搖身一變,成為神奇的太空女孩,展開一場穿 梭於現實與幻想之間的激戰! Little Scissors is a little girl who always dreams of becoming a space hero. Today is her first day at preschool, and they’re attacked by the aliens! Will
2014 金馬影展
she be able to defeat them? An incredible fantasy is unfolding before our
2015 鹿特丹影展
Competitions | Taipei Film Awards | Animations
王世偉 Vick WANG
台灣 Taiwan | 2015 | DCP | Colour | 12 min 一場以台灣為時空背景的後現代奇幻冒險故事。2060 年的台北,此 時的文明與自然因為核災而不斷衰退。片中主角是八歲大的Laqi、十 歲的哥哥Kli,以及不時伴在Laqi 身邊的守護者巨獸Hemmu。故事描 繪他們在世界末日前夕所發展出的堅毅感情羈絆。 Set in Taipei in 2060, the nature and civilisation are both destroyed by the
2014 巴西伯南布哥動畫影展
nuclear disaster. 8-year-old Laqi and 10-year-old Kliare bothers. It is a
2014 高雄電影節優選
story of the bravery and brotherhood they demonstrate just before the
2015 德國斯圖加特動畫影展
end of the world.
The Perfect Magic
台灣 Taiwan | 2014 | DCP | Colour | 5 min
陳旻昱 CHEN Min-Yu
理 想 魔 術 The Perfect Magic
魔術師的表演任務,必須超乎觀眾的期待,但一位失敗的魔術師呢?影 片描述一位在茫茫人海中尋求掌聲的魔術師,在現實中無奈地不斷遭 遇挫折、受到打擊。失望的他,即將決定放棄表演魔術,卻在此時發生 了不可思議的事情……
A magic show is expected to surprise the audience. A magician who longs
2014 魔幻動畫展
for the audience’s applause is overwhelmed by a sense of frustration. Just
2015 金穗獎學生類最佳動畫獎
as he is about to give up, something incredible happens…
台北電影獎 — 動畫片
Competitions | Taipei Film Awards | Animations
The Reward 紀柏舟 CHI Po-Chou
暖 冬
The Reward
台灣 Taiwan | 2014 | HDCAM | Colour | 3 min 一個成功的企業家回首來時路,彷彿在寒冷的冬天裡,看見自己年 輕的影子。於是,他決定要做一件事……
When a successful entrepreneur looks back at his career, he seems to catch sight of the reflection of his younger self in winter. 2015 城市遊牧影展
Therefore, he decides to do one thing…
台灣 Taiwan | 2014 | DCP | Colour | 19 min
張耀升 CHANG Yao-Sheng
在一間西服店中,父親為了阻止奶奶繼續干擾自己的生意,將奶奶軟禁 在閣樓上,不甘獨居在閣樓的奶奶執意下樓而摔落身亡。到了守靈的夜 裡,一片寂靜之中,閣樓上突然傳出裁縫機運轉的聲音,一家人嚇得不 知如何是好。此後,父親的精神狀態越來越不穩定,到處說看到奶奶的 鬼影…… In a tailor shop, Father wants to stop Grandma disturbing the customers so he removes the ladder leading to the attic where Grandma lives. However, insisting on coming down, she falls and dies from the injuries. After that Father is going mad as he sees her ghost following him everywhere…
Taipei Film Awards