Katalog razstave Miniature 2020

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Federation Internationale de l Art Photographique

No.: 2020/266 ČASTNI ODBOR / HONOURY BOARD Matjaž Rakovec, župan Mestne občine Kranj mag. Marjana Žibert, direktorica Gorenjskega muzeja Kranj Mirjam Drnovšček, direktorica Prešernovega gledališča Kranj Petra Mohorčič, ravnateljica Glasbene šole Kranj mag. Aljoša Brlogar, ravnatelj Gimnazije Kranj 2

MINIATURE 2020 10. Mednarodna razstava fotografij Kranj, november 2020


10th International Exhibition of Photography Kranj, november 2020 Organizator / Organizer: Fotografsko društvo Janez Puhar Kranj Slovenija Organizacijski odbor / Organizing Committee: Valerija Jenko, predsednica / Chairman, Andreja Teran, Boštjan Snoj, Damir Gizdavčić, Jože Cimperman, Lado Kraljič, Ludvik Mekuč, Matej Artač, Tine Založnik Žirija / Jury - Stane Vidmar, MF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija - Janez Kramar, MF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija - Andreja Ravnak, KMF FZS, EFIAP/p Slovenija Avtorja spremnega teksta / Introductory text: Igor Debevec in Valerija Jenko Prevod spremnih tekstov / Translation of Introductory text: Irena Markič Urednik / Editor: Valerija Jenko Oblikovanje / Design: Rudesign Priprava za tisk / Prepress: Rudesign Tisk / Print: Antus d.o.o. Naklada / Printing run: 300 izvodov / copies Kranj, november 2020 3

Mednarodna bienalna fotografska razstava »Miniature« pod pokroviteljstvom Fotografske zveze Slovenije in mednarodne fotografske zveze FIAP je postala tradicionalna razstava papirne fotografije, nepogrešljiva in kot taka ugledna v fotografskem svetu. Fotografinje in fotografi ste poslali skoraj 1000 svojih del. Svoja občutja ste prikazali v prosti temi in izzivu, ki ga ima kamen za fotografski objektiv.

The International Photographic Image Biennial Exhibition ‘’Miniature’’ under the patronage of the Photographic Association of Slovenia and the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) has become a traditional exhibition of paper photography, indispensable and as such respected in the world of photography. We have received almost 1000 works from you, photographers, showing us your feelings in a free theme selection and the challenge of capturing a stone on camera.

V uvodniku kataloga bienalne razstave Miniature izpred dveh let sem z zanosom zapisal, »Vidimo se na jubilejni 10. razstavi Miniature 2020«. Čeprav beseda miniatura v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika pomeni podrobno izdelana umetniška slika majhnega formata, se je žal v naše družabno okolje pretihotapila še ena miniatura v obliki korona virusa.

Although the meaning of the word ‘’miniatura’’, as stated in the Dictionary of the Standard Slovene Language, is a detailed small-format artistic painting, unfortunately another miniature in the form of the coronavirus has slunk into our social environment.

In kot je imel 19. aprila 1842, torej pred 178 leti, pogum in zanos Janez Puhar s svetovnim izumom fotografije na stekleni plošči, tako so prizadevni člani Fotografskega društva Janez Puhar iz Kranja, navkljub vsem omejitvam, ob upoštevanju vseh dodatnih zdravstvenih varnostnih ukrepov, pogumno in z zanosom uspešno izpeljali organizacijo mednarodne razstave Miniature 2020. Žiriranje fotografskih del ni bilo preprosto, saj ste avtorice in avtorji na tako majhnem formatu združili svoja umetniška hotenja z ustrezno vsebino fotografije. S svojo kreativnostjo ste prispevali pomemben delež k visoki kvaliteti razstavljenih del. Male fotografije so postala velika fotografska dela in navdih za vse, ki jim fotografska umetnost v teh časih pomeni žarek upanja za svetlejšo prihodnost. Letos žal ni slavnostne otvoritve v čudovitem ambientu Prešernovega gledališča. Kljub temu bodo male miniature v vsej svoji veličini predstavljene v razstavnih prostorih Mestne galerije v Kranju. V imenu Fotografske zveze Slovenije čestitam vsem avtoricam in avtorjem za njihova dela. Prizadevnim članicam in članom organizacijskega odbora Fotografskega društva Janez Puhar pa iskrena zahvala za odlično organizacijo in poklon ob vaši 110 - letnici društva. Korona in Covid 19 bosta z razvojem zdravil izginila na smetišče zgodovine, mednarodna fotografska razstava Miniature pa bo še dolgo med nami, zato vas že sedaj vabim na 11. Mednarodno razstavo »Miniature 2022«.


In the introduction to the catalogue of the biennial exhibition ‘’Miniature’’ two years ago, I wrote with gusto: ‘’See you in the 10th jubilee exhibition of Miniature 2020!’’

With the courage and zeal of Janez Puhar, who invented photography on glass 178 years ago, i.e. on 19th April 1842, the hard-working members of the Janez Puhar Photo Society Kranj have successfully organized the international exhibition of ‘’Miniature 2020’’ in spite of all the restrictions, complying with all the additional public health measures. Jurying photographic works was not easy, since you, the authors had combined your artistic volition with adequate photography contents on such a small format. Using your creativity, you have contributed a significant share to the high quality of the exhibited works. Small photographs have become great photographic works and inspiration for all who perceive photographic art in these times as a ray of hope for brighter future. Unfortunately, the ceremonial opening in the wonderful ambient of the Prešeren Theatre won’t be held this year. In spite of that, the small miniatures will be presented in all their glory in the exhibition area of the Town Hall of Kranj. On behalf of the Photographic Association of Slovenia, I congratulate all the authors on their works. I sincerely thank the hard-working members of the organizing committee of the Janez Puhar Photo Society for the excellent organization and I congratulate you on your society’s 110th anniversary. After the coronavirus and COVID-19 antiviral drug discovery, these viruses will become history, while the international photographic image exhibition ‘’Miniature’’ will stay here with us for a long time. Therefore I would like to invite you to the 11th international exhibition of ‘’Miniature 2022’’.

Želimo Vam veliko odličnih posnetkov, dobro luč in ostanite zdravi!

Wishing you many excellent shots and good light. Stay safe!

Igor Debevec Predsednik FZS

Igor Debevec President of the Photographic Association of Slovenia

Deseta bienalna razstava Miniature 2020

The 10th Biennial Exhibition ‘’Miniature 2020’’

Odkar smo leta 2001 v Fotografskem društvu Janez Puhar v Kranju začeli razmišljati o razstavah fotografij malega formata, smo priredili že deset mednarodnih razstav. Pobudo o razstavah fotografij malih formatov, sta prinesla v naše okolje Marko Aljančič in Janez Korošin. Od ideje, do dejanske realizacije je bilo potrebno premagati mnogo izzivov. Danes sta standardna formata fotografij 7x10 cm in 10x10 cm, s paspartujem 20x20 cm. Spomladi leta 2001 smo imeli prvo društveno razstavo malih slik - v pravih okvirjih. Selektor razstave je bil eden izmed idejnih vodij današnjih “Miniatur” - Janez Korošin. Leta 2002 smo se odločili, da izvedemo razstavo na mednarodnem nivoju, ter zaprosili za pokroviteljstvo pri Mednarodni zvezi za fotografsko umetnost (FIAP). Z razstavami “Miniatur” smo med fotografi po celem svetu pridobili ugled, s tem pa tudi Puharjevemu mestu Kranju in državi Sloveniji. Ob razstavi vedno natisnemo katalog, saj kljub digitalnemu času, v katerem živimo, menimo, da je natisnjen katalog dokument trajne vrednosti. Vztrajamo, da je vsak avtor, ki se je uspešno prebil skozi žirantsko sito, v katalogu predstavljen s svojo fotografijo. Letošnja razstava je bila kljub že spoštljivi tradiciji nekaj izjemnega. Pripravo pogojev sodelovanja in pridobitev pokroviteljstva FZS in FIAP smo uredili še pred izbruhom pandemije Covid-19. Soočiti smo se morali z dejstvom, da so mednarodne poštne pošiljke zamujale. Ne glede na to smo vsem avtorjem zagotovili, da so bila njihova dela žirirana. Zahvala gre predvsem organizacijskemu odboru, ki je uspešno usklajeval in reševal vse izzive, ki so se pri tem pojavili. Vsako leto poleg splošne teme razpišemo tudi nosilno temo razstave. Letos smo se odločili, da je to “Kamen”. Tema je bila izredno dobro sprejeta, saj je bil odziv odličen. Sodelovalo je 131 avtorjev iz 32 držav. Poslali so 490 fotografij na temo “Kamen” in 505 fotografij na “Splošno” temo. Žirijo običajno sestavljajo ugledni domači in tuji fotografi. Letos smo naredili “Covid-19” izjemo in k žiriranju povabili samo slovenske fotografe. Žirija je izbrala 101 delo na temo “Kamen” in 110 del na “Splošno” temo. Te številke pomenijo, da je letošnja udeležba precej višja od predhodne in to kljub svetovni zdravstveni krizi. Iz navedenega lahko sklepamo, da kultura v srcih ljudi še vedno živi, morda v teh težkih razmerah še bolj izrazito. To potrjujejo tudi nekateri avtorji, ki so sodelovali že na sedmih “Miniaturah”: Giuseppe Tomelleri (Italija), Leonid Goldin (Izrael), Luis Alberto Franke (Argentina), Milan Marković (Srbija) in slovenski avtorji: Anuška Vončina, Boris Godnič, Damir Gizdavčić, Dunja Wedam, Jakob Gnilšak, Janez Kramar, Lado Kraljič, Mojca Kraljič, Sandi Novak in Vasja Doberlet. Nagrajene in sprejete fotografije bodo razstavljene v Galeriji Mestne hiše, najuglednejšem razstavišču v Kranju. K izvedbi razstave so pripomogli: Fotografska zveza Slovenije (FZS), Mednarodna zveza za fotografsko umetnost (FIAP), Mestna občina Kranj in Gorenjski muzej Kranj, za kar smo jim iskreno hvaležni. Zahvaljujemo se tudi Prešernovemu gledališču Kranj in Glasbeni šoli Kranj za pripravljenost k sodelovanju, čeprav letos zaradi pandemije Covida-19 svečanega odprtja razstave ne bomo mogli izpeljati.

Since we came up with the idea of organizing small-format photograph exhibitions in 2001 as members of Janez Puhar Photo Society Kranj, we have held ten international exhibitions. The initiative to organize small-format photograph exhibitions has been taken into our environment by Marko Aljančič and Janez Korošin. From the idea to the actual realization, we had to overcome many challenges. Today the standard photograph formats are 7x10 cm and 10x10 cm, and 20x20 cm including passe-partout. In the spring of 2001, we held the society’s first small photograph exhibition, using real frames. The exhibition selector was one of the masterminds of today’s ‘’Miniature’’ Janez Korošin. In 2002 we decided to hold the exhibition at the international level and applied for patronage of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). Holding ‘’Miniature’’ exhibitions, we have gained reputation among photographers worldwide, thus putting Mr. Puhar’s town Kranj and the state of Slovenia on the map. Holding an exhibition, we always have a catalogue printed, as in notwithstanding of our living in the digital times, we consider the printed version as a document of long-lasting value. We like the idea of including a photo of each author who has successfully passed the jury’s selection. In spite of the honourable tradition, this year’s exhibition was exceptional. We accomplished the preparation of participation conditions and gaining the patronage of the Photographic Association of Slovenia and the International Federation of Photographic Art before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. We had to face delays on international shipments, but in spite of that, we enabled works of all authors to be juried. Our special thanks go to the organizing committee which was successfully coordinating and solving all the challenges that it came across to. Each year, besides the General’ theme of the exhibition, there is also a selected one. This year it is ‘’A Stone’’. The theme was accepted extremely well, since the response was excellent. 131 participants from 32 countries sent us 490 photographs on the theme of ‘’A Stone’’ and 505 photographs on the theme “B General”. The jury usually consists of respected domestic and foreign photographers, but this year we made a ‘’COVID-19’’ exception and invited only Slovenian photographers. The jury chose 101 works on the theme of ‘’A Stone’’ and 110 works on the the ‘’General’’ theme. These numbers signify that in spite of the global health crisis, this year’s participation was much higher than the previous one. One can conclude that culture is still very much alive in people’s hearts, maybe even more in these difficult circumstances. This is proved by the fact that some authors have participated in as many as seven ‘’Miniature’’ so far: Giuseppe Tomelleri (Italy), Leonid Goldin (Israel), Luis Alberto Franke (Argentina), Milan Marković (Serbia) and the Slovenian authors Anuška Vončina, Boris Godnič, Damir Gizdavčić, Dunja Wedam, Jakob Gnilšak, Janez Kramar, Lado Kraljič, Mojca Kraljič, Sandi Novak and Vasja Doberlet. Awarded and accepted photographs will be exhibited in the Town Hall’s Gallery, the most prestigious exhibition hall in Kranj. The exhibition was actualised through the efforts of: the Photographic Association of Slovenia, the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), the City Municipality of Kranj and the Gorenjska Museum which have our deepest gratitude. We would also like to thank the Prešeren Theatre Kranj and the Kranj Music School for their willingness to cooperate, although the ceremonial opening of the exhibition won’t be able to be held this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Predsednica organizacijskega odbora razstave “Miniature” / Valerija Jenko

President of the organizing committee of the exhibition ‘’Miniature’’ Valerija Jenko


Utrinki z žiriranja / IMPRESSIONS FROM THE JURYING PROCESS Letošnjo razstavo Miniature so žirirali: Stane Vidmar, MF FZS, EFIAP; Janez Kramar, MF FZS, EFIAP in Andreja Ravnak, KMF FZS, EFIAP/p, ki je v “Covid-19” situaciji nadomestila žiranta iz Bosne in Hercegovine. This year’s exhibition ‘’Miniature’’ was juried by Stane Vidmar, MF FZS, EFIAP; Janez Kramar, MF FZS, EFIAP and Andreja Ravnak, KMF FZS, EFIAP/p who replaced a juror from Bosnia and Herzegovina due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Žiranti in organizatorji pred začetkom žiriranja v Gimnaziji Kranj / The jurors and organizers before starting jurying at the Grammar School Kranj

Ocenjevanje fotografij / Evaluating photographs

Žiriranje v zaključni fazi / Jurying in the final stage

Končno odločanje glede nagrad / Final decision-making in awards

Najuspešnejši avtor razstave / the best author of the salon: FIAP modra značka in Zlata medalja Janez Puhar / FIAP Blue pin and Janez Puhar Gold medal

Robert Strahinjić, afiap, Slovenija NO SATISFIED








Tema A - Kamen / Theme A Stone;

Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FIAP

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal Janez Puhar

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FIAP

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal Janez Puhar

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FIAP

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal Janez Puhar

Jacky Martin, MFIAP, EFIAP/s, France Rock and Mountains 1

Sepp Köppel, Switzerland Eingefrorenes Herz

Simon Krejan, KMF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija Srečanje

Boyan Yurukov, Bulgaria Stone Street

Robert Strahinjić, AFIAP, Slovenija Krvave priče

Ingela Knutas, F2 FZS, Sweden Trullhalsar

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FZS

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Luis Alberto Franke, MFIAP, EFIAP/d3, ESFIAP, Argentina / Aridez y textura

Vasja Doberlet, MF FZS, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, Slovenija Kamen

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FZS

Miran Orožim, Slovenija Antelope Canyon

Milan Marković, EFIAP, Serbia K - 4

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FZS

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention

Stane Gortnar, F1 FZS, Slovenija Kamnita ulica 3


Jurij Kurillo, EFIAP, Slovenija Amonit 2

Primož Hieng, F1 FZS, Slovenija Soline 3 Risto Raunio, Finland Reynisfjara rocks

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Sandi Novak, MF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija Mikonos

Tema B - PROSTO / Theme B Free;

Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FIAP

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal Janez Puhar

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FIAP

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal Janez Puhar

Sandi Novak, MF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija Look

Igor Popović, AFIAP, Croatia Sea of passing time

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FIAP

Milan Marković, EFIAP, Serbia CB - 01

Elisabeth Aemmer, AFIAP, Switzerland Modern Art Vitra

Nicoll Francis, MFIAP, Belgium Laura a la gare 4

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal Janez Puhar

Beverly Hayes, United Kingdom Kingfisher Dispute

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FZS

Leonid Goldin, EIPAS, EFIAP, Israel Blue stairs

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention

Nik Bertoncelj, F1 FZS, SLOVENIJA Notes

Dejan Kokol, KMF, EFIAP, Slovenija Iron lady

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FZS

Alexander Ivanov, Bulgaria Desert breakfast

Neda Rački, EFIAP/d1, Croatia Old Days

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FZS

Pierfrancesco Baroni, EFIAP/d1, Italy Polka dot tie

Vasja Doberlet, MF FZS, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, Slovenija / Geometrija II

Albina Kosmač, Slovenija Portret

Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Častni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Vesna Mamula, EFIAP, Serbia Morning fog



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Zlata Medalja / Gold Medal FIAP Jacky Martin, MFIAP, EFIAP/s, France Rock and Mountains 1



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FIAP Sepp Kรถppel, Switzerland Eingefrorenes Herz



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FIAP Simon Krejan, KMF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija SreÄ?anje



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FZS Vasja Doberlet, MF FZS, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, Slovenija Kamen



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FZS Milan Marković, EFIAP, Serbia K-4



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FZS Stane Gortnar, F1 FZS, Slovenija Kamnita ulica 3



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal Janez Puhar Boyan Yurukov, Bulgaria Stone Street



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal Janez Puhar Robert Strahinjić, AFIAP, Slovenija Krvave priÄ?e



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal Janez Puhar Ingela Knutas, Sweden Trullhalsar



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Jurij Kurillo, EFIAP, Slovenija Amonit 2



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Luis Alberto Franke, MFIAP, EFIAP/d3, ESFIAP, Argentina Aridez y textura



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Miran OroĹžim, Slovenija Antelope Canyon



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention PrimoĹž Hieng, F1 FZS, Slovenija Soline 3



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Sandi Novak, MF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija Mikonos



Nagrajena dela na temo A - Kamen / Awards for theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Risto Raunio, Finland Reynisfjara rocks



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FIAP Sandi Novak, MF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija Look



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FIAP Igor Popović, AFIAP, Croatia Sea of passing time



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FIAP Milan Marković, EFIAP, Serbia CB - 01



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal FZS Nik Bertoncelj, F1 FZS, SLOVENIJA Notes



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal FZS Neda RaÄ?ki, EFIAP/d1, Croatia Old Days



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal FZS Albina KosmaÄ?, Slovenija Portret



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Zlata medalja / Gold Medal Janez Puhar Elisabeth Aemmer, AFIAP, Switzerland Modern Art Vitra



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Srebrna medalja / Silver Medal Janez Puhar Nicoll Francis, MFIAP, Belgium Laura a la gare 4



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Bronasta medalja / Bronze Medal Janez Puhar Beverly Hayes, United Kingdom Kingfisher Dispute



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Leonid Goldin, EIPAS, EFIAP, Israel Blue stairs



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Dejan Kokol, KMF, EFIAP, Slovenija Iron lady



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Alexander Ivanov, Bulgaria Desert breakfast



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Pierfrancesco Baroni, EFIAP/d1, Italy Polka dot tie



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Vesna Mamula, EFIAP, Serbia Morning fog



Nagrajena dela na temo B - PROSTO / Awards for theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

ÄŒastni znak FIAP / FIAP Honourable Mention Vasja Doberlet, MF FZS, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, Slovenija Geometrija II





Elisabeth Aemmer AFIAP Switzerland Kosztolányi Bence Hungary Emil Božnar AFAIP Slovenija Gyorgy C. Varni Hungary Željko Car AFIAP Croatia Gerald Chamberlin EFIAP United Kingdom Branko Dežman Slovenija Vasja Doberlet MF FZS, MFIAP, EFIAP/p Slovenija Janos Eifert EFIAP/b, ESFIAP Hungary Luis Alberto Franke MFIAP, EFIAP/d3, ESFIAP Argentina Leonid Goldin EFIAP Israel Bob Goode EFIAP/b United Kingdom Benjamin Goričan Slovenija Stane Gortnar F1 FZS Slovenija Stojan Gorup KMF FZS, EFIAP/s Slovenija Beverly Hayes United Kingdom Primož Hieng F1 FZS Slovenija Dusan Ignac EFIAP Slovakia Alexander Ivanov Bulgaria Dare Jazbinšek Slovenija Valerija Jenko F1 FZS Slovenija


Naslov dela/Title of work - Kat. A


Botta Kirche Steine im Fluss Wings Brez razlik Stones Stone decoration Stone Bird Stone Eggs Kaskade v barvah Kamen GOLD FZS Kuža Narava umetnica Stone-hearted man Aridez y textura HM FIAP Punta Sakoneta Playa de La Arnia On the old wharf Evening Flight Miracle Stone Dream of Man Stone Wall Jama Kamnita ulica 1 Kamnita ulica 3 BRONZE FZS Kamnita ulica 4 Polished 04 Slaters Bridge Soline 3 HM FIAP Before the storm Al-Siq Fear and faith Bivak Pod Mostom vzdihljajev Ledeno jezero

Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone - Miniature 2020

Ime/Name Priimek/Surname Država/Country Ingela Knutas Sweden Dejan Kokol KMF, EFIAP Slovenija Biserka Komac Slovenija Sepp Köppel Switzerland Albina Kosmač Slovenija Roland Kraft Germany Miran Krapež MF FZS, EFIAP/p Slovenija Simon Krejan KMF FZS, EFIAP Slovenija Jurij Kurillo EFIAP Slovenija Tanja Likeb Slovenija Binca Lomšek Slovenija Milan Marković EFIAP Serbia Rok Markun Slovenija Jacky Martin MFIAP, EFIAP/s France Miha Mekuč Slovenija Drago Metljak KMF, EFIAP/b Slovenija Serhii Miroshnyk Ukraine Ken Murphy AFIAP United States Ali Nejatbakhsh Esfahani Iran Ivan Nemet Croatia Sandi Novak MF FZS, EFIAP Slovenija Miran Orožim MF FZS Slovenija Nevenka Papič AFIAP, KMF Slovenija

Naslov dela/Title of work - Kat. A


Sotebonde Trullhalsar BRONZE FDJP Geometry Loneliness Ključavnica brez ključa Zentralfriedhof Eingefrorenes Herz SILVER FIAP Ruj Vitra Zlata gora Srečanje BRONZE FIAP Valovanje Amonit 1 Amonit 2 HM FIAP Šepet Klif A - 20 A - 21 K - 4 SILVER FZS Vučje 14 Sledi v pesku Rock and Mountains 1 GOLD FIAP Ajdovska deklica In the tower There is a living forest Arch and Milky way So. Dakota Badlines Worker White Desert Mikonos HM FIAP Antelope Canyon HM FIAP Obstacle The bow

Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone - Miniature 2020





Helmut Paul Germany Plamen Petkov AFIAP Bulgaria Liljana Petruša Slovenija Juergen Poell EFIAP7b Germany Dragan Prole EFIAP/p, MF AUFBiH Bosnia and Herzegovina Erfan Rabiei Dastjerdi Iran Neda Rački EFIAP/d1 Croatia Risto Raunio Finland Ivana Sancandi Italy Anton Savov ESFIAP Bulgaria Robert Strahinjić AFIAP Slovenija Jasim Suljanović EFIAP Slovenija Viktor Šmid F1 FZS, EFIAP Slovenija Juri Tanzi Italy Basil Titov EFIAP Belarus Dimitris Toussimis EFIAP Greece Alojz Vogel Slovenija Drago Vogrinec F1 FZS Slovenija Georg Winkens Germany Boyan Yurukov Bulgaria Mahdi Zabolabbasi AFIAP Iran Tine Založnik Slovenija

Naslov dela/Title of work - Kat. A


Antelope Walkway The Ships Morning colors By the old house Suedeifel 2489 mc Roma 11 Lonely Cave White Sculpture False freedom Hvitserkur stone Reynisfjara rocks HM FIAP Reynisfjara stone Stones and oxide Diagonal between soft and hard Varuha časa Steber življenja Hope Krvave priče SILVER FDJP Grad Fosil Sprehod David#2 David#3 Old Sreet Starcase Stone Close-Up Na valovih Erozija Rock formation Stone creek Stone street GOLD FDJP Afghanestan Oseka

42 Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone - Miniature 2020


Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Helmut Paul, Germany - Antelope

Branko Dežman, Slovenija - Kaskade v barvah

Binca Lomšek, Slovenija - Klif

Biserka Komac, Slovenija - Ključavnica brez ključa



Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Emil BoĹžnar, AFAIP, Slovenija - Brez razlik

Alojz Vogel, Slovenija - Na valovih

Stojan Gorup, KMF FZS, EFIAP/s, Slovenija - Polished 04

Drago Metljak, KMF, EFIAP/b, Slovenija - In the tower



Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Dare JazbinĹĄek, Slovenija - Bivak

Ali Nejatbakhsh Esfahani, Iran - Worker

Gerald Chamberlin, EFIAP, United Kingdom - Stone Eggs

Erfan Rabiei Dastjerdi, Iran - White Sculpture



Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Ivan Nemet, Croatia - White Desert

Benjamin GoriÄ?an, Slovenija - Jama


Ivana Sancandi, Italy - Stones and oxide

Gyorgy C. Varni, Hungary - Stones


Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Liljana PetruĹĄa, Slovenija - By the old house

Roland Kraft, Germany - Vitra

Plamen Petkov, AFIAP, Bulgaria - Morning colors Anton Savov, ESFIAP, Bulgaria - Diagonal between soft and hard



Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020 Dimitris Toussimis, EFIAP, Greece - Stone Close-Up Miha Mekuč, Slovenija - Ajdovska deklica

Jasim Suljanović, EFIAP, Slovenija - Grad


Juergen Poell, EFIAP7b, Germany - Suedeifel 2489 mc


Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Juri Tanzi, Italy - David#3 Nevenka Papič, AFIAP, KMF FZS, Slovenija - The bow

Tanja Likeb, Slovenija - Šepet



Sprejeta dela na temo A - Kamen / Accepted Works Theme A - Stone; Miniature 2020

Viktor Ĺ mid, F1-FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija - Fosil

Valerija Jenko, F1 FZS, Slovenija - Ledeno jezero

Zeljko Car, AFIAP, Croatia - Stone decoration





Elisabeth Aemmer AFIAP Switzerland Peter Aemmer AFIAP Switzerland Pierfrancesco Baroni EFIAP/d1 Italy Janez Beguš F2 FZS Slovenija Kosztolányi Bence Hungary Nik Bertoncelj F1 FZS Slovenija Andrea Candolini AFIAP Italy Penny Chadwick Australia Gerald Chamberlin EFIAP United Kingdom Constantinos Charalambous EFIAP/s, ESFIAP Cyprus Potse Chen Taiwan Jože Cimperman Slovenija Gràcia de la Hoz MFIAP Spain MF FZS, MFIAP, EFIAP/p Slovenija Vasja Doberlet Ban Duong United States Janos Eifert EFIAP/b, ESFIAP Hungary Francis Nicoll MFIAP Belgium Luis Alberto Franke MFIAP, EFIAP/d3, ESFIAP Argentina Damir Gizdavčić F1 FZS, AFIAP Slovenija Leonid Goldin EIPAS, EFIAP Israel

Naslov dela/Title of work - Kat. B


Glas und Stahl Modern Art Vitra GOLD FDJP Vitra Deutsche Bank Le Quatre Temps Vitra Designemuseum At night in the park By bicycle and on foot Polka dot tie HM FIAP The old woman and the pigeon Ujet Stars Ljubljana 01 Maja Neža KB01 Notes GOLD FZS Villach Congress Center Yachts at anchor Leaf Face Red Chair Together for ever Time Vortex Kolo Clara Rocio Sebastià Geometrija I Geometrija II HM FIAP Pasti Convict Lake Predawn Dual Consciousness 3. Laura a la gare 4 SILVER FDJP Reflection 4 Jirafa bebiendo La cascada Osmice Black limousine Blue stairs HM FIAP Women’s Pain

Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE - Miniature 2020


Ime/Name Priimek/Surname Država/Country Bob Goode EFIAP/b United Kingdom Stane Gortnar F1 FZS Slovenija Franz Hammer EFIAP-s Austria Beverly Hayes United Kingdom Garry Hayes United Kingdom Dušan Ignac EFIAP Slovakia Alexander Ivanov Bulgaria Dare Jazbinšek Slovenija Valerija Jenko F1 FZS Slovenija Aleš Klabus F1 FZS Slovenija Biljana Knebl EFIAP/b Croatia Ingela Knutas Sweden Dejan Kokol KMF, EFIAP Slovenija Sepp Köppel Switzerland Albina Kosmač Slovenija Lado Kraljič AFIAP Slovenija Miran Krapež MF FZS, EFIAP/p Slovenija Simon Krejan KMF FZS, EFIAP Slovenija Franjo Lavrinc Slovenija Vinko Lavtižar KMF FZS, EFIAP Slovenija Vesna Mamula EFIAP Serbia Milan Marković EFIAP Serbia Rok Markun Slovenija

Naslov dela/Title of work - Kat. B


Trouble Behind Against the Flow The Race is On Kurjača Twist51 Golden Tree Frogs Long Jumper Kingfisher Dispute BRONZE FDJP Harvest Mouse Winter time Desert Breakfast HM FIAP Tired Wings Yin and yang2 Dva Med oblaki Linije Rdeči Ballet Slippers Guldstekel All alone Iron lady HM FIAP Not knowing On a train In der Kunstschule Portret BRONZE FZS Cvet pozimi Duel Večerna melodija Popotnik Povratek. Prebod Blue bar Morning fog HM FIAP The boy at the window CB - 01 BRONZE FIAP Time for a cigarette Zvezdna noč

52 Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE - Miniature 2020

Ime/Name Priimek/Surname Država/Country Peter Marxer Liechtenstein Krešimir Mehičić MF HFS III Croatia Miha Mekuč Slovenija Drago Metljak KMF, EFIAP/b Slovenija Serhii Miroshnyk Ukraine Seyed Shahabeddin Montazeri Iran Ken Murphy AFIAP United States Sandi Novak MF FZS, EFIAP Slovenija Miran Orožim MF FZS Slovenija Nevenka Papič AFIAP, KMF Slovenija Plamen Petkov AFIAP Bulgaria Igor Popović AFIAP Croatia Dragan Prole EFIAP/p, MF AUFBiH Bosnia and Herzegovina Neda Rački EFIAP/d1 Croatia Risto Raunio Finland Robert Strahinjić AFIAP Slovenija Juri Tanzi Italy Enzo Tedeschi Italy Basil Titov EFIAP Belarus Giuseppe Tomelleri MFIAP, EFIAP/d3 Italy Dimitris Toussimis EFIAP Greece Drago Vogrinec F1 FZS Slovenija Anuška Vončina EFIAP, F1 FZS Slovenija Georg Winkens Germany Mahdi Zabolabbasi AFIAP Iran Tine Založnik Slovenija

Naslov dela/Title of work - Kat. B


Diagonal Sculpture Čustvena The fall in the water 1 Lemongrass Smoke Where Did Mom Go Look GOLD FIAP Sestanek Timelessness Foggy Morning 2 Minimalism 13 Stained world Sea of passing time SILVER FIAP Homecoming Old Days SILVER FSZ Stranger Puffin with fishs Jutro na Zelencih Beautiful Tuscani III Geisha No satisfied Ti proteggo io Nature 2 Nature 4 Hats The big tide nr 1 Geometrical Breskvov nasad Pot k svetlobi Svet po kapljicah Stairs Sructure Pedant Snake

Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE - Miniature 2020




Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Aleš Klabus, F1 FZS, Slovenija - RDEČI

Ban Duong, United States - Convict Lake Predawn

Anuška Vončina, EFIAP, F1 FZS, Slovenija - Svet po kapljicah

Peter Aemmer, AFIAP, Switzerland - Deutsche Bank



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020 Constantinos Charalambous, EFIAP/s, ESFIAP, Cyprus - Together for ever Biljana Knebl, EFIAP/b, Croatia - Ballet Slippers

Bob Goode, EFIAP/b, United Kingdom - Against the Flow Andrea Candolini, AFIAP, Italy - Villach Congress Center



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Drago Vogrinec, F1-FZS, Slovenija - Pot k svetlobi

Damir Gizdavčić, F1 FZS, AFIAP, Slovenija - Osmice

Giuseppe Tomelleri, MFIAP, EEFIAP/d3, Italy - The big tide nr 1

Dragan Prole, EFIAP/p, MF AUFBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Homecoming



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Franz Hammer, EFIAP/s, Austria - Twist51

Janos Eifert, EFIAP/b, ESFIAP, Hungary - Dual Consciousness 3.

Ken Murphy, AFIAP, United States - Where Did Mom Go

Garry Hayes, United Kingdom - Harvest Mouse



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Enzo Tedeschi, Italy - Nature 2

Georg Winkens, Germany - Stairs Sructure

DuĹĄan Ignac, EFIAP, Slovakia - Winter time

Franjo Lavrinc, Slovenija - Povratek



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Basil Titov, EFIAP, Belarus - Hats Miran Krapež, MF FZS, EFIAP/p, Slovenija - Duel

Jože Cimperman, Slovenija - Kolo Tine Založnik, Slovenija - Snake



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Janez Beguš, F2 FZS, Slovenija - Ujet Gràcia de la Hoz, MFIAP, Spain - Clara

Serhii Miroshnyk, Ukraine - Lemongrass


Lado Kraljič, AFIAP, Slovenija - Cvet pozimi


Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Penny Chadwick, Australia - Yachts at anchor Mahdi Zabolabbasi, AFIAP, Iran - Pedant

Potse Chen, Taiwan - Time Vortex Peter Marxer, Liechtenstein - Diagonal



Sprejeta dela na temo B - PROSTO / Accepted Works Theme B - FREE; Miniature 2020

Seyed Shahabeddin Montazeri, Iran - Smoke

Krešimir Mehičić, Croatia - Sculpture


Rok Markun, Slovenija - Zvezdna noč

Vinko Lavtižar, KMF FZS, EFIAP, Slovenija - Prebod

Kosztolányi Bence, Hungary - Stars

Tema A / Theme A

DrĹžava / Country Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Chile Croatia Cyprus Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iran Isle of Man Israel Italy Liechtenstein Serbia Slovakia Slovenija Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vietnam



Tema B / Theme B











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Statistika / Statistics - Miniature 2020


MINIATURE 2020 / Organizacijo razstave in tisk kataloga so omogoÄ?ili: MINIATURE 2020 / The organization of the exhibition and the printing of the catalog were made possible:




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