Poznoantična lamelna oklepa iz Kranja Late Antique lamellar armours from Kranj
V blesku kovinske oprave Gleaming in armour Tabora dveh vojská ležita krog drugega mesta, / v blesku kovinskih oprav … About the other city there lay encamped two hosts in gleaming armour … Homer, Iliada, spev XVIII, 509–510 (prevedel Anton Sovrè) Homer, The Iliad, Book XVIII (translated by Samuel Butler)
Kranj 2016
V blesku kovinske oprave Gleaming in armour
Uvodna beseda Foreword
Poznoantična lamelna oklepa iz Kranja Late Antique lamellar armours from Kranj Uredila / Editor: dr. Veronika Pflaum Avtorji besedil / Authors of the texts: dr. Milan Sagadin, dr. Veronika Pflaum, Anita Virag, Zoran Milič, Aleš Lazar
V blesku kovinske oprave Gleaming in armour Veronika Pflaum
Uvodna beseda / Foreword: mag. Marjana Žibert Podnapisi k slikam / Captions: dr. Veronika Pflaum, Anita Virag, Zoran Milič, Aleš Lazar
Jezikovni pregled / Slovenian copyediting: Judita Babnik Prevod v angleščino / English translation: Andreja Maver
Prevod citata o angonu iz stare grščine v angleščino / Translation of the quote on the ango from ancient Greek into English: Joseph D. Frendo Prevod citata o angonu iz nemščine in stare grščine v slovenščino / Translation of the quote on the ango from German and ancient Greek into Slovenian: dr. Veronika Pflaum in / and dr. Alenka Cedilnik Fotografije / Photographs: Gorenjski muzej (foto Tomaž Lauko, Zdenka Kramar); Narodni muzej Slovenije (foto Tomaž Lauko, Anita Virag, Zoran Milič); Arheološki biro, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. (foto Janez Rupnik); 3D ATA, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. (foto Aleš Lazar); družina Pflaum; Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije; mag. Miran Pflaum V oklepu / Armour modelled by: Borut Hafner Zemljevida / Maps: GeoPodobe, Vida Bitenc, s. p.
Odkritje Discovery
Milan Sagadin
Restavriranje oklepa Restoring the armour Anita Virag, Zoran Milič
Risbe / Drawings: mag. Jakob Klemenčič, računalniška retuša in montaža / computer retouch and montage: Aleš Rakovič, Idejološka ordinacija
Digitalno dokumentiranje Digital documentation Aleš Lazar
Prikaz lege poznoantičnih ostalin v Kranju / Locations of the Late Antique remains in Kranj: Idejološka ordinacija Grafični prikaz delov oklepa in šivanja / Schematic drawings of the lacing and the parts of the armour: mag. Miran Pflaum Oblikovanje / Graphic design: Dušan Grobovšek, Idejološka ordinacija
Lamelni oklepi Lamellar armour
Milan Sagadin
Tisk / Print: Tiskarna knjigoveznica Radovljica Naklada / Print run: 400 izvodov / copies Cena / Price: 8 eur Izdal in založil Gorenjski muzej, Kranj / Published by the Museum of Gorenjska, Kranj, zanj / for the museum: mag. Marjana Žibert, direktorica / director
© 2016 Gorenjski muzej Izdajo publikacije sta omogočila / Exhibition made possible with funding from: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in / and Mestna občina Kranj CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
Veronika Pflaum
904(497.4Kranj):623.445.1 623.445.1(091) 623.444.4(091) V blesku kovinske oprave : [poznoantična lamelna oklepa iz Kranja] = Gleaming in armour : [Late Antique lamellar armours from Kranj] / [avtorji besedil Milan Sagadin ... [et al.] ; uvodna beseda Marjana Žibert ; podnapisi k slikam Veronika Pflaum ... [et al.] ; prevod v angleščino Andreja Maver ; prevod citata o angonu iz stare grščine v angleščino Joseph D. Frendo, prevod citata iz nemščine in stare grščine v slovenščino Veronika Pflaum in Alenka Cedilnik ; fotografije Gorenjski muzej ... [et al.] ; zemljevida Vida Bitenc ; risbe Jakob Klemenčič ; prikaz lege poznoantičnih ostalin v Kranju Idejološka ordinacija ; grafični prikaz delov oklepa in šivanja Miran Pflaum]. Kranj : Gorenjski muzej, 2016 ISBN 978-961-6478-72-4 1. Vzp. stv. nasl. 2. Sagadin, Milan 3. Pflaum, Veronika 283714816
Zgradba oklepov Construction of the lamellar armours Izdelava modela oklepa Making the model of the armour Veronika Pflaum
Zgodovinsko ozadje Historical backdrop Milan Sagadin
V zgodovinski stroki velja, da je Kranj eno najstarejših slovenskih srednjeveških mest. Kot mesto je bilo prvič omenjeno v sredini 13. stoletja – leta 1256, ko je že imelo različne mestne pravice, svoj grb, številne sejme in svojo mestno oblast. A vzroke za tak razvoj in pomen mesta nad sotočjem Kokre in Save moramo iskati že stoletja nazaj. Pisni viri nam razkrivajo le to, kako se je naselbina imenovala, a arheološke najdbe nam odkrivajo veličastno zgodbo prastarega vojaškega, upravnega, gospodarskega in cerkvenega središča. Zato je lahko le tako pomembna naselbina postala mesto nove dobe. Eno novih, veličastnih zgodb Kranja oz. Karnija, kot se je imenoval v 6. stoletju, vam z razstavo V blesku kovinske oprave – Poznoantična lamelna oklepa iz Kranja in s spremljajočim katalogom pripovedujemo v Gorenjskem muzeju. Izjemno arheološko najdbo v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru – lamelna oklepa in ango, ki so bili odkriti leta 2005, vam tako predstavljamo požlahtnjene z muzejsko interpretacijo. V Gorenjskem muzeju si tako prizadevamo, da bi nova, veličastna zgodba prispevala k razpoznavnosti in identiteti Kranja, ki jo moramo graditi na bogati arheološki dediščini našega mesta. Nedvomno je razstava o lamelnih oklepih iz Kranja eden osrednjih slovenskih muzejskih projektov v zadnjem času. Specifično občutljivi materiali okoli 1400 let stare najdbe so bili velik izziv tudi za konservatorje–restavratorje Narodnega muzeja Slovenije in Gorenjskega muzeja. Občutljive kovinske lamele, nekdaj povezane z usnjenimi trakovi, pa so zahtevale tudi posebne mikroklimatske pogoje po konservatorskih posegih. Zato je podjetje Kambič laboratorijska oprema iz Semiča izdelalo dve vrhunsko dovršeni vitrini, ki sta prilagojeni vsem specifičnostim izjemne najdbe. Izjemen doprinos k skrbi in ohranjanju slovenske premične dediščine je tako tudi v samih vitrinah, ki sta v mikroklimatskem smislu trenutno najbolj dovršeni. Naj za konec dodam, da projekt ne bi uspel brez odličnosti strokovnjakov, ki so razstavo pripravljali. Zahvaljujem se avtorici razstave dr. Veroniki Pflaum in njenemu strokovnemu sodelavcu dr. Milanu Sagadinu z Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, ki je sodeloval tudi pri izkopavanjih, konservatorjem–restavratorjem Narodnega muzeja Slovenije in sodelavki Zdenki Kramar, ki je oklepa pripravila za razstavo. Zahvalo sem dolžna tudi oblikovalcu razstave Dušanu Grobovšku, ki je pri svojem delu upošteval veličino muzejskega predmeta, ter Hranilnici Lon in Zavarovalnici Adriatic Slovenica, ki sta projekt finančno podprli.
Among historians, Kranj is generally believed to be one of the earliest medieval towns in the present-day Slovenia. It was first mentioned as a town in the mid-13th century, more precisely in 1256, when it already boasted town rights, numerous fairs, a coat of arms and municipal authority. The prominence of the spot, located on elevated grounds overlooking the confluence of the Kokra and Sava Rivers, however, has been appreciated since much earlier, ancient times. Ancient authors only reveal the name of the settlement here, while it is the archaeological vestiges that tell us of this military, administrative, economic and ecclesiastical centre of Antiquity. It is this centre that paved the way towards the modern city of Kranj. A fascinating new story of Kranj, or Carnium as it was known in the 6th century, is presented to the public in the exhibition of the Museum of Gorenjska entitled Gleaming in armour – Late Antique lamellar armours from Kranj. The exhibition, accompanied by a catalogue, presents an archaeological find that is exceptional in Slovenia, but also in Europe – a pair of lamellar armours and an ango that were unearthed in 2005. Apart from displaying the objects, it also presents their history as far as the discovery and restoration are concerned, as well as their historical context. With this, the museum wishes to contribute to the cultural identity of the present-day Kranj and to its proper place in history that is certainly rooted in its rich archaeological heritage. The exhibition on the lamellar armours from Kranj ranks among the most prominent museum projects in recent years in Slovenia. It involved the expertise of the conservators–restorers from the National Museum of Slovenia and the Museum of Gorenjska, who dealt with the sensitive materials of the roughly 1400-year-old finds. The fragile metal lamellae, that had once been laced together with leather straps to make up the armours, required a careful hand of the conservators, but also specific microclimatic conditions after their work was finished. To create such conditions, the Kambič laboratorijska oprema company from Semič made two state-ofthe-art display cases, which in themselves represent a valuable contribution to Slovenian heritage preservation and presentation. The main contribution to the exhibition, however, was certainly made by all those involved in its preparation. For that, I would first like to thank dr. Veronika Pflaum, author of the exhibition, and dr. Milan Sagadin, our colleague from the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Regional Office Kranj, who also assisted in the excavations. I would further wish to thank the conservators–restorers from the National Museum of Slovenia, Zdenka Kramar from the Museum of Gorenjska who prepared the exhibits, Dušan Grobovšek for succeeding in conveying the significance of the finds through the design of the exhibition, but also the Hranilnica Lon savings bank and the Adriatic Slovenica insurance company for their financial support.
Mag. Marjana Žibert,
direktorica / museum director
Poznoantična lamelna oklepa iz Kranja Late Antique lamellar armours from Kranj
V blesku kovinske oprave Gleaming in armour 4
Veronika Pflaum
Leta 2005 je bil Kranj priča prav posebnega odkritja. Na vrtu Tomšičeve 38 so arheologi izkopali poznoantično vojaško opremo vojščakov najvišjega ranga iz druge polovice 6. stoletja – dva lamelna oklepa in kopjasto orožje, ango. Gre za statusne simbole tedanje družbene oz. vojaške elite – ango frankovsko-alamanske, lamelna oklepa pa bizantinske elite ter elite ljudstev pod njihovim vplivom in oblastjo. Ango je eden redkih materialnih dokazov prisotnosti Frankov in njihovih zaveznikov v sredini 6. stoletja na ozemlju Slovenije in v njegovem zahodnem sosedstvu. Lamelna oklepa pa izpričujeta močan vpliv bizantinskega sveta in močne vezi z bizantinskim cesarstvom, h kateremu je ozemlje osrednje Slovenije kot obrobje sodilo večino druge polovice 6. stoletja. Vse tri najdbe potrjujejo izjemno strateško vlogo Karnija, predhodnika Kranja, v poznoantični dobi. Lamelna oklepa pa nista izstopajoča najdba le zaradi svojega nekdanjega simbolnega pomena, temveč tudi zaradi svoje enkratnosti v evropskem ali celo svetovnem merilu. Sta dva izmed vsega skupaj sedmih skoraj v celoti ohranjenih lamelnih oklepov iz 6. in 7. stoletja, odkritih na širnem območju med Kavkazom na vzhodu in Španijo na zahodu. Malokateri med njimi pa nudi toliko zanesljivih podatkov za rekonstrukcijo zgradbe in nekdanjega videza kot prav oklepa iz Kranja.
The city of Kranj witnessed a very special archaeological discovery in 2005. In the garden of the house at Tomšičeva 38, archaeologists unearthed Late Antique military equipment of the officers of the highest rank, which comprised two lamellar armours and a lance called ango from the second half of the 6 century. These weapons were status symbols of the military and social elite of the time; the ango of the Franko-Alamanic and the lamellar armours of the Byzantine and associated elites, of the peoples under the Byzantine influence and rule. The ango represents a rare piece of material evidence for the presence of the Franks and their allies on and west of the territory of the present-day Slovenia in the mid-6th century. The two lamellar armours reflect the strong influence and ties with the Byzantine Empire, to which central Slovenia formally belonged in the second half of the 6th century as its northern border area. The three finds as a whole indicate a prominent strategic role of Carnium, ancient Kranj, in Late Antiquity. The lamellar armours are exceptional finds, not only because of the high standing of their wearers, but also because of their rarity both in Europe and the rest of the world. They are two of the altogether seven almost complete lamellar armours from the 6 and 7 centuries, which came to light between the Caucasus in the east and Spain in the west. Not all, however, provide so much information as to the construction and original appearance of the Late Antique lamellar armour as the two examples from Kranj.
Razstava V blesku kovinske oprave v gradu Khislstein The exhibition Gleaming in armour in the Khislstein Castle
Milan Sagadin
Mestna občina Kranj se je leta 2005 odločila za sanacijo dela obzidja na vrtu stavbe Tomšičeva 38, saj je grozilo, da se poruši na spodaj ležeče objekte. Poznavajoč situacijo z raziskav bližnjih parcel je Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območna enota Kranj, zahteval predhodni arheološki izkop ob temeljih obzidja. V sondi, ki je po dveh razširitvah dosegla velikost 12 × 16 metrov, je bilo pod temelji srednjeveškega odkrito še do tri metre visoko, dobro ohranjeno poznoantično obzidje. Pet metrov vzhodno od njega (globlje v notranjosti mesta) sta bili druga ob drugi ohranjeni dve fazi zgodnjeantičnega obzidja iz prvih desetletij po Kr. Prostor med pozno- in zgodnjeantičnim obzidjem je bil tlakovan z maltnim estrihom, ki ga je na severu omejeval dokaj nevešče grajen zid, vstavljen med obe obzidji, na južni strani pa temelji stavbe Tomšičeva 42. V nadaljevanju izkopavanj je bil del estriha odstranjen, pod njim pa odkrite poznoin zgodnjean- tične kulturne plasti, ki so prekrivale temelje zgodnjeantičnega pravokotnega obrambnega stolpa.
Izkopavanje oklepov Excavating the armours The Kranj Municipality decided in 2005 that the part of the city walls located in the garden of the house at Tomšičeva 38 should be restored, as it threatened to collapse onto the buildings below. Based on the knowledge of the archaeological remains in the immediate vicinity, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Regional Office Kranj, required rescue excavation to be carried out along the city walls on that spot. The trench, which measured 12 × 16 metres after two extensions, revealed Late Antique defensive walls surviving up to three metres high under the foundations of the medieval defensive walls. Five metres to the east in the interior of the town, archaeologists also found two parallel walls of the Early Roman defence system dating from the first few decades of the 1 century AD. The space between the Late Antique and the Early Roman walls was paved with mortar that reached in the north to a shoddily constructed wall inserted between the two defensive walls and in the south to the foundations for the house at Tomšičeva 42. Part of this mortar floor was removed in order to investigate the ground below, which revealed Late Antique and Early Roman layers covering the foundations of an Early Roman rectangular defensive tower.
Pogled na ostanke poznoantične stavbe, tlakovane z maltnim tlakom in zamejene z zgodnjeantičnim obzidjem na vzhodu in poznoantičnim na zahodu (pogled proti vzhodu). Pod tlakom je viden zid zgodnjeantičnega obrambnega stolpa. The remains of a Late Antique building with a mortar floor and delimited in the east with the Early Roman and in the west with the Late Antique defensive walls (view towards the east). Under the mortar paving, archaeologists unearthed the wall of an early Roman defensive tower.
Z estrihom tlakovani prostor je meril 8,9 × 4,2 metra. V njegovem severovzhodnem kotu je bilo najdeno železno frankovsko kopje (ango), tik poleg njega pa manjša dela lamelnega oklepa, katerega preostali del je bil odkrit nekoliko južneje. Drugi, prav tako skoraj v celoti ohranjeni lamelni oklep, je bil odkrit v jugovzhodnem kotu istega prostora. Ob oklepih so bili najdeni še trije železni klini. Drugih najdb na estrihu ni bilo, v ruševinski plasti tik nad njim pa je bilo več odlomkov značilne poznoantične kuhinjske keramike, črepinje steklenih kozarcev na nogi in ravnega okenskega stekla. Ruševino je prekrivala debela plast žganine.
Kopjasto orožje, ango, ob odkritju The lance or ango upon discovery
The room with the mortar floor measured 8.9 × 4.2 metres. In its north-east corner, archaeologists found the head of an iron Frankish lance called ango and two small parts of a lamellar armour, with the remaining parts found further to the south. Another armour was found in the south-east corner of the same room. Excavations also revealed three iron pegs beside the armours. No other object was found lying on the floor, while the debris layer above it revealed several sherds of cooking vessels and glass footed beakers, all typical Late Antique artefacts, as well as pieces of flat window glass. The layer of debris was covered with a thick layer of burnt material, suggesting a fire.
Oklepa sta bila ob odkritju krhka in mestoma razlomljena, zato ju je bilo treba za dvig primerno utrditi. Dvigovanje je bilo posebej zahtevno tudi zaradi velikosti oklepov. The armours were in poor condition when discovered, at places also broken, and had to be reinforced before lifting. The considerable size of the armours made the lifting process quite a challenge.
Železna klina sta bila najdena v istem prostoru kot oklepa, ki sta bila morda nekdaj obešena nanju. These two iron pegs were found close to the armours that may once have been suspended from them. (Gorenjski muzej/Museum of Gorenjska, inv. št./Inv. Nos. KrK 6808, KrK 6809)
Restavriranje oklepa Restoring the armour Anita Virag, Zoran Milič
Železni lamelni oklep je bil ob odkritju močno poškodovan, razlomljen in tudi zelo fragmentiran. Površino železnih lamel je prekrivala debela korozijska plast. Na lamelah iz skoraj povsem propadlega tankega kovanega železa so se delno ohranile sledi usnjenih trakov, ki so lamele med seboj povezovali. Rja je prevzela obliko in strukturo usnja, te (psevdomorfne) ostanke pa smo z restavriranjem ohranili. Ostanke trakov smo lahko določili šele pod mikroskopom, saj s prostim očesom niso bili zaznani in prepoznavni. Z neselektivnim čiščenjem bi se lahko izgubila vsakršna sled o načinu vezave lamel. Zato smo postopno tanjšali težko odstranljive korozijske obloge na lamelah, pri čemer smo uporabljali različne mehanske tehnike, kot so peskanje, brušenje, krtačenje in poliranje ter obdelovanje oblog s suhim ultrazvočnim kladivcem različnih oblik. Za odstranjevanje kloridnih ionov, ki povzročajo korozijo, pa nismo uporabili običajnih postopkov, kot so izkuhavanje in kemični postopki, ker bi s tem ogrozili ohranjenost ostankov usnjenih trakov.
The iron lamellar armour was badly damaged and broken upon discovery. The surface of individual lamellae, that is thin plates of wrought iron, was covered with thick corrosion layers and the plates had almost completely disintegrated by the time they were unearthed. In spite of this, they revealed traces of leather lacing. These traces were not actual leather, but the rust that took on the form and structure of the laces (pseudomorphs); it was these traces that were preserved during restoration. They were not visible with the naked eye and could only be seen and identified under the microscope. As non-selective cleaning would remove them, the thick and hard corrosion layers were first slowly thinned by using a range of mechanical methods such as sanding, grinding, brushing and polishing, as well as using ultrasonic vibrating tools of various shapes. The corrosion-causing chloride ions could not be removed according to the standard procedures such as intensive washing-out and chemical treatments, as these could remove the traces of the leather lacing.
Vseh ohranjenih in restavriranih železnih lamel ali delov lamel je bilo 314. Z dokumentiranjem in označevanjem posameznih lamel smo se izognili morebitnim kasnejšim težavam pri sestavljanju oklepa. The excavations brought to light a total of 314 plates or their fragments that have already been restored. Each plate was carefully documented and marked during restoration so as to avoid problems in assembling the armour.
Kos oklepa pred (1, sprednja stran kosa), med (2, zadnja stran kosa) in po restavriranju (3, zadnja stran kosa). Pri čiščenju površine smo tam, kjer je bilo treba, razpokana in nestabilna mesta lokalno utrdili z epoksidno smolo (črne lise na srednji fotografiji). Part of the armour before (1, exterior side of the armour), during (2, interior side) and after restoration (3, interior side). The places where the metal was either cracked or unstable were locally reinforced with epoxy resin (black patches in the central photo).
Po končanih restavratorskih postopkih smo lamele posušili v vakuumskem sušilniku in jih zaščitili z lakom. Dodatno smo jih zaščitili z voskom, ki na predmetu tvori vodoodbojno zaščitno plast. Oklep hranimo v okolju s čim nižjo in stabilno relativno vlago zraka (0–10 %) ter stabilno temperaturo do 24 ºC. Restavriranje oklepa je s prekinitvami trajalo več let (2008–2014).
Once the restoration process was concluded, the lamellae were dried in a vacuum desiccator and protected with varnish. They were additionally protected with wax that formed a waterproof film. The armour is kept in an environment with a stable and lowest possible relative air humidity (0–10%) and a stable temperature of up to 24ºC. The process of restoration was conducted over several years (2008–2014), with interruptions.
Kljub skrbnemu hranjenju se je na nekaterih že restavriranih lamelah ponovno pojavila korozija kot posledica prisotnih elektrolitov in visoke vlage. In spite of carefully maintaining the appropriate conditions, some of the restored plates were beginning to show new traces of corrosion as a consequence of high humidity and the electrolytes present in the metal.
Na rentgenskoradiografskih posnetkih so vidni struktura in ohranjenost lamel ter položaj luknjic pod korozijskimi oblogami. The X-radiographs show the shape and damage of the plates, as well as the position of the holes under the layers of corrosion.
Digitalno dokumentiranje Digital documentation
Lamelni oklepi Lamellar armour
Aleš Lazar
Milan Sagadin
Integrirano trirazsežno (3D) skeniranje in fotogrametrija sta dragocena načina dokumentiranja občutljivih predmetov. Obe sodobni merski tehniki temeljita na brezkontaktnem načinu zajema podatkov. Iz podatkov meritev dobimo detajlni digitalni arhiv oz. virtualno repliko (t. i. fotorealistični 3D-model predmeta), ki jo lahko podrobno opazujemo na zaslonu. Na ta način se ob preučevanju izognemo prepogostemu prijemanju predmeta in njegovemu izpostavljanju neugodnim pogojem. Virtualno lahko tudi poiščemo stike delov razlomljenega predmeta. Vsi deli in delci konserviranega oklepa so bili dokumentirani na ta način.
Trirazsežno (3D) skeniranje delov oklepa 3D scanning of the armour
Fotogrametrični posnetek kosa oklepa Photogrammetric image of a part of the armour
Integrated 3D scanning and photogrammetry are effective techniques of documenting and measuring objects that are in poor condition. Both are based on contactless data collection and provide us with a detailed digital archive, i.e. a virtual replica (so-called photorealistic 3D-model of an object), which can be viewed in detail on screen. This allows us to avoid moving and touching the object and thus exposing it to potentially harmful conditions, but also helps in reassembling broken objects. All the fragments of the conserved armour were documented in this way.
Pogled na 3D-model brez teksture (zgoraj) in na fotorealistični 3D-model (spodaj) kosa oklepa View of the textureless (top) and the photorealistic 3D-models (bottom) of a part of the armour
Detajl še ne konserviranega oklepa iz Kranja A detail of the as yet unconserved armour from Kranj
Lamelni oklepi / Lamellar armour
Lamelno obrambno orožje (oklepi in čelade) izvira iz vzhodnega Sredozemlja in z Bližnjega vzhoda. Najstarejše tovrstne najdbe so iz Egipta (15. stoletje pr. Kr.), uporabljali so ga tudi Hetiti (13. stoletje pr. Kr.), Asirci (9. do 7. stoletje pr. Kr.), Perzijci, Sasanidi in konjeniška ljudstva ob Črnem morju. Glede na številne variante v obliki lamel in konstrukciji ter izjemno široko razprostranjenost tovrstno orožje gotovo ne izvira iz enega samega centra. Uveljavilo se je predvsem kot učinkovita obramba pred lokostrelci, tako da so ga v obliki luskastih oklepov (lamele so v tem primeru zmanjšane na velikost lusk) uporabljale tudi posamezne enote v rimski vojski.
Lamellar armours and helmets originated in the eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. The earliest finds are known from Egypt (15 century BC), but they were also used by the Hittites (13 century BC), the Assyrians (9–7 centuries BC), the Persians, the Sassanids and the peoples of nomadic horsemen living along the Black Sea. The numerous variants in the shape of individual plates or lamellae and the construction of the armour or helmet, coupled with a very wide distribution suggests more than one production centre of this type of armour. It was particularly effective against the attacks from archers and was also used, albeit in an adapted form of scale armours (lamellae reduced to the size of scales), by the Roman army.
Bizantinska vojska je lamelne oklepe vključila v svojo opremo ob soočenju s pretežno konjeniškimi in lokostrelskimi vojaškimi enotami svojih vzhodnih sosedov v 6. stoletju po Kr. Oklepi, kakršne pozna Srednja in Zahodna Evropa, so večinoma proizvod bizantinskih delavnic. Z njimi so oskrbovale tudi Avare in ti so jih zanesli v Karpatski bazen ter Podonavje. Pri njih se večji ali manjši deli lamelnih oklepov pojavljajo izključno kot grobne najdbe. Med germanskimi ljudstvi Zahodne in Srednje Evrope so lamelni oklepi v grobovih predvsem statusni simbol najvišjih predstavnikov vojaške aristokracije in dokument njihovih stikov z Bizancem. Lamelni oklepi se kot naselbinska najdba pojavljajo le na bizantinskem območju. Večji kosi lamelnih oklepov so bili kot naselbinske najdbe poleg v Kranju odkriti še v Svetinji pri Kostolcu (Srbija), v Rimu in v Kartageni v Španiji. V drugih naselbinah so bile najdene le posamične lamele ali skupine lamel. Razen v Italiji, kjer se lamelni oklepi pojavljajo tudi v langobardskih grobovih, sta območji naselbinskih in grobnih najdb jasno ločeni. Lamelni oklepi v Evropi izginejo iz uporabe v 7. stoletju, v Bizancu pa so se uporabljali še vse do 14. stoletja.
The Byzantine army introduced lamellar armours into their equipment after encounters with the mainly mounted archers of their eastern neighbours in the 6 century AD. The armours recovered in central and western Europe were for the most part made in Byzantine workshops. These also supplied the Avars, who brought them to the Carpathian and the Danube Basins. Here, finds of lamellar armours only appear as grave goods. In the graves of the Germanic peoples in western and central Europe, lamellar armours are status symbols worn by the members of the highest echelons of military aristocracy and reveal their contacts with Byzantium. In settlements, lamellar armours only appear on the Byzantine territory. Apart from Kranj, large pieces of lamellar armours have been unearthed as settlement finds at Svetinja near Kostolac (Serbia), Rome and Cartagena (Spain). The lamellae from other settlement sites were found singly or in small numbers. With the exception of Italy, where lamellar armours can also appear in the graves of the Lombards, the areas where lamellar armours appear as settlement finds are clearly distinguishable from those where they appear as grave goods. Across Europe, lamellar armours ceased to be used in the course of the 7 century, while in Byzantium they continued to be worn until the 14 century. Lamelni oklep iz Kranja, datiran v drugo polovico 6. stoletja, se ni ohranil v celoti, saj manjka del desne polovice. Sestavljen je bil iz ozkih železnih ploščic – lamel. Lamele so bile z usnjenimi jermeni sešite v šest nizov, ti pa z enakimi jermeni nato obešeni drug na drugega. This lamellar armour from Kranj has not survived complete, as fragments of its right half are missing. It was composed of thin iron plates called lamellae. These were sewn with leather laces into six rows and the rows attached to another, also with leather laces. The armour is dated to the second half of the 6th century. (Gorenjski muzej/Museum of Gorenjska, inv. št./Inv. Nos. KrK 6775–KrK 6806)
Lamelni oklepi / Lamellar armour
V Sloveniji dele lamelnih oklepov poznamo s sedmih najdišč – utrjenih poznoantičnih naselij. Tam so zaradi odlične strateške lege nadzorovali ozemlje, ki je bilo v drugi polovici 6. stoletja obrobje bizantinskega cesarstva. Lamelne oklepe v teh naseljih lahko povežemo bodisi z bizantinskimi vojaškimi dostojanstveniki bodisi s pripadniki germanske družbene elite. In Slovenia, parts of lamellar armours were unearthed on seven sites, all fortified settlements inhabited in Late Antiquity. The strategic locations of these settlements allowed a good control of the surrounding territory that was the northern edge of the Byzantine Empire in the second half of the 6th century. The lamellar armours they yielded may be connected either with the Byzantine military elite or the members of the Germanic social elite.
Gradišče nad Bašljem Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu
Rifnik pri Šentjurju
KRANJ Gora nad Polhovim Gradcem
Sv. Lambert pri Pristavi nad Stično
Zidani gaber nad Mihovim
Skoraj v celoti ohranjeni lamelni oklep iz Kranja iz petih nizov lamel je v stanju, v kakršnem je bil odkrit. Deli oklepa, ki se močno prekrivajo, so se skozi stoletja zaradi korozije sprijeli v celoto. Vidimo stran, na kateri je oklep ležal na tlaku. Manjša kosa oklepa sta bila najdena posebej in sta že konservirana. Oklep je datiran v drugo polovico 6. stoletja. The almost completely surviving lamellar armour from Kranj composed of five rows of lamellae, prior to conservation-restoration. The overlapping parts of the armour gradually became stuck together by corrosion products. The side visible here was found facing the mortar paving. Two small pieces of the armour, dating to the second half of the 6th century, were found separately and have already been conserved.
50 km
(Gorenjski muzej/Museum of Gorenjska, inv. št./Inv. nos. KrK 6810–6813)
V celoti ali skoraj v celoti ohranjeni poznoantični lamelni oklepi so prava redkost. Poleg obeh oklepov iz Kranja doslej v svetu poznamo le pet takih primerov. Precej pogostejše pa so najdbe posameznih lamel oklepov. V Sloveniji so bile najdene na šestih najdiščih, utrjenih poznoantičnih višinskih naseljih. Lamele na fotografiji so z najdišč Rifnik pri Šentjurju (zgoraj) in Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu (spodaj), datirane pa so v drugo polovico 6. stoletja. Complete or nearly complete Late Antique lamellar armours are very rare finds. Apart from the two from Kranj, only five others have as yet been unearthed. Much more common are individual lamellae of such armours. In Slovenia, these were found on six sites, all fortified hilltop settlements from Late Antiquity. Lamellae from Rifnik near Šentjur (top) and Tonovcov grad near Kobarid (bottom), dated to the second half of the 6th century. (Pokrajinski muzej Celje/Celje Regional Museum, inv. št./Inv. Nos. PA 2626, PA 2624, PA 2625; Tolminski muzej/Tolmin Museum, inv. št./Inv. Nos. TM 22529, 23300, 23216)
Puščične osti s tremi krilci in z ojačano konico so novost v poznoantični oborožitvi. Lamelni oklepi so se morda razvili tudi kot prilagoditev na to izjemno močno in učinkovito orožje. Udarec take puščične konice je oklep sicer poškodoval, ni pa ga predrl. Puščične osti s tremi krilci in ojačano konico so v drugi polovici 6. stoletja uporabljali, tako kot lamelne oklepe, na območjih bizantinske nadvlade in vpliva. Puščični osti na fotografiji sta z najdišča Rifnik pri Šentjurju. Trilobate arrowheads with a reinforced tip represented a novelty in the Late Antique armament. Lamellar armours may even have been conceived as an answer to these very powerful and effective weapons, as such an arrowhead hitting a lamellar armour would damage, but not pierce it. Similarly as the lamellar armours, the trilobate arrowheads with a reinforced tip were used in the second half of the 6th century in the regions under the Byzantine rule or influence. Arrowheads from Rifnik near Šentjur. (Pokrajinski muzej Celje/Celje Regional Museum, inv. št./Inv. Nos. PA 2623, PA 495)
Med Kavkazom na vzhodu in Španijo na zahodu so bili na nekaj manj kot 80 najdiščih odkriti deli ali delci skoraj 100 primerkov lamelnih oklepov iz pretežno 6. in 7. stoletja. Na bizantinskem ozemlju gre večinoma za najdbe v naselbinah, pri ljudstvih na vplivnem območju bizantinskega sveta pa v grobovih. Na zemljevidu so označena evropska najdišča.
There are bits and pieces of nearly a hundred lamellar armours known thus far, dating mainly from the 6 th and 7 th centuries and found on almost 80 sites spanning from the Caucasus in the east to Spain in the west. Those from the Byzantine territory were mostly found within settlements, while the finds from the areas under the Byzantine influence came to light in burial contexts. The map shows the sites of lamellar armours in Europe.
naselbinske najdbe settlement context grobne najdbe grave context
Zgradba oklepov Construction of the lamellar armours Veronika Pflaum
10 × 30 cm Zgradbo oklepov smo rekonstruirali predvsem iz delov manj ohranjenega oklepa, ki je bil že konserviran. Oklep je bil sestavljen iz nekaj manj kot 270 ozkih kovanih železnih ploščic, t. i. lamel, ki so dveh dolžin – 10 in 17 cm. Glede na dolžino in število luknjic za usnjene jermene so lamele devetih različnih oblik. Razporejene so bile v šest nizov. Približno 18 krajših lamel je sestavljalo vrhnji niz, dolg približno 30 cm. Daljše lamele so bile razporejene v pet daljših nizov, dolgih dobrih 90 cm; v vsakem je bilo približno 50 lamel. Lamele so bile najprej z dvema trdnima šivoma s tankim usnjenim jermenom širine 2 do 3 mm med seboj povezane v niz, ta pa je bil nato obrobljen s širšim usnjenim trakom (širokim približno 3 cm), zapognjenim in prišitim čez njegov rob. Lamele v vrhnjem nizu so se med seboj prekrivale nekaj manj kot 1 cm, in sicer v desno stran, v preostalih nizih pa nekaj več kot 1 cm, in to v levo stran. Nizi so bili z ozkim usnjenim jermenom obešeni drug na drugega tako, da so se delno prekrivali od spodaj navzgor, vez med njimi pa je ostala gibljiva. Daljši nizi so se prekrivali približno 3 do 3,5 cm, krajši niz je bil prekrit približno 2 cm.
The construction of the two armours from Carnium was established primarily on the basis of the parts of the less well surviving armour that had already been conserved. The armour was composed of almost 270 narrow plates of wrought iron, so-called lamellae, measuring either 10 or 17 cm in length. Considering their length and the disposition of the holes for the leather laces, lamellae are of nine different shapes arranged in six rows. It is estimated that 18 short lamellae made up the top row measuring roughly 30 cm in length. Other five rows were presumably made up of 50 long lamellae, each measuring roughly 90 cm in length. The lamellae were first attached to one another with two 2–3 mm wide laces to form a row, which was then hemmed with a leather strap (roughly 3 cm wide) sewn across the edge. The lamellae in the top row overlapped just under a centimetre to the right, while those in the lower rows overlapped just over a centimetre to the left. Also overlapping were individual rows of lamellae, the row below covering the row above. The rows were loosely attached to one another with a leather lace. The longer rows overlapped 3–3.5 cm, with the upper one covering the top short row by 2 cm.
Skupna višina kovinskega dela oklepa je znašala približno 80 cm. Zgornji trije nizi so ščitili vojščakov trup do pasu, spodnji trije pa od pasu do skoraj kolen. Po analogijah in legi nekaterih lamel sklepamo, da srednji lameli v spodnjih treh nizih med seboj nista bili sešiti. S tem je nastal razporek, ki je vojščaku olajšal gibanje. Obseg oklepa je bil 90 cm, torej se na hrbtu ni povsem stikal.
The total height of the metal part measured around 80 cm. The upper three rows protected the soldier’s torso to the waistline, the lower three from the waist almost to the knees. The analogies and the position of some of the lamellae suggest that the central lamellae in the bottom three rows were not sewn together, which created a slit for better leg movement. The armour measured 90 cm in circumference, which meant that the two surviving ends of the armour would not touch at the back.
Ramenski del oklepa se ni ohranil. Verjetno je bil izdelan iz debelega usnja, ki je ščitilo ta del telesa. Prav tako nimamo podatkov o načinu spenjanja oklepa na hrbtu. Ker ob oklepu ni bilo pasnih spon, domnevamo, da ni bil spet s paščki, temveč zvezan z ozkimi jermeni.
17 17 × 91 cm
17 × 91 cm
Oklep so izdelali iz lamel devetih različnih oblik. Lamele oblik 7–9 so uporabili za zgornji, krajši niz, z lamelama 7 in 9 na robu. Spodnji niz oklepa so sestavili iz lamel oblik 4–6, pri čemer so na rob postavili lameli 4 in 6. Preostale štiri nize oklepa so sešili iz lamel oblik 1–3, na robu teh nizov pa so uporabili lamele oblik 1 in 3. The armour is constructed of lamellae of nine different forms. Those of Forms 7–9 were used for the short top row, with Forms 7 and 9 at either end. The bottom row was made up of Forms 4–6, with Forms 4 and 6 placed at either end. The remaining four rows in between were sewn up using Forms 1–3, with Forms 1 and 3 at either end.
17 × 45 cm
17 × 45 cm
17 × 45 cm
17 × 45 cm
17 × 45 cm
17 × 45 cm
81 cm
The shoulder part of the armour has not survived; it was probably made of thick leather. We also lack clear evidence of how the armour was attached at the back. No buckles were found beside the armour, which suggests that it was laced together.
91 cm Sledovi usnjenih jermenov, s katerimi so bile lamele sešite v nize, in usnjene obrobe nizov na sprednji (levo) in zadnji (desno) strani dela oklepa. Traces of the leather laces that held together individual lamellae and rows, as well as the straps used to hem the rows of lamellae on the exterior (left) and the interior (right) sides of the armour.
Shematski prikaz kroja kovinskega dela oklepa, sestavljenega iz nizov lamel (zgoraj). Ti so bili povezani v oklep tako, da so se prekrivali od spodaj navzgor (spodaj). Schematic drawing of the design for the metal part of the armour constructed of rows of lamellae (top), which were attached to one another so that the row below covered the one above (bottom).
Izdelava modela oklepa Making the model of the armour Veronika Pflaum
Model lamelnega oklepa je izdelan po najdbi manj ohranjenega, že konserviranega oklepa iz Kranja. Izdelan je iz sodobnih materialov z uporabo sodobnih tehnologij – lasersko izrezanih ploščic iz železne pločevine debeline 1,25 mm ter strojno narezanih trakov in kosov različnih dimenzij iz surovo strojenega nebarvanega govejega usnja. Oblika naramnega dela in način hrbtne vezave temeljita na domnevi, druge podrobnosti so razbrane z arheološke najdbe. Oklep, ki tehta 12 kg, je zaradi svoje zgradbe izjemno trden in hkrati zelo gibljiv. The model of a lamellar armour is made on the basis of the less well surviving armour that has already been conserved. The model is made of modern materials and using modern technologies; laser-cut plates of 1.25 mm thick sheet iron are sewn together with machine-cut laces and straps of rough-tanned undyed cattle hide. The shape of the shoulder part and the binding at the back is presumed, as no remains of them were detected during excavation. Its construction makes for a very strong armour, but at the same time one that allows easy movement. The armour weighs 12 kg.
Prikaz poteka usnjenih jermenov, kot je bil ugotovljen iz ohranjenih sledov. Leather lacing of the armour as revealed by the surviving traces.
Železne lamele so bile z usnjenimi jermeni in trakovi sešite v oklep. The iron lamellae were sewn into an armour using laces and straps of leather.
Izdelava modela oklepa / Making the model of the armour
Pogled s sprednje in zadnje strani na model oklepa v visečem stanju The front and the back of the model of the armour
Zaradi gibljivih vezi med nizi lamel se oklep lepo zloži sam vase. The loose joints between the rows of lamellae allow for the armour to be neatly folded.
Preizkus oklepa je potrdil, da se pri gibanju oklep odlično prilagodi različnim položajem telesa in ne deluje togo. The test of the armour confirmed its excellent adaptability to the different postures of a body in full movement.
... Sedaj Frank v boju vrže ta ango. ... ... Now your Frank throws this ango of his in the midst of the fray. ...
Bizantinski pravnik, pesnik in zgodovinar Agatias (ok. 532–ok. 580) iz Mirine v Mali Aziji je napisal zgodovinsko delo Historiae, ki obravnava čas vladavine bizantinskega cesarja Justinijana I. med letoma 552 in 559. V njem je med drugim podrobno predstavil podobo angona in slikovito opisal, kako so ga Franki uporabljali v boju:
Agathias (roughly 532–580), a Byzantine lawyer, poet and historian from Myrina in Asia Minor, wrote Historiae that deals with the time between 552 and 559 under the rule of the Emperor Justinian I. In it, he offered a detailed description of the ango and a very vivid account of how the Franks used it in battle:
»Angoni so kopja, ki niso niti zelo majhna niti zelo velika in jih po potrebi lahko uporabljajo tako za metanje kot tudi za suvanje v boju iz bližine.
‘Angones are spears which are neither especially short nor especially long, but can be used both as javelins and, if need be, as thrusting weapons in close combat.
Večinoma so povsem obita z železom, tako da je videti le malo lesa, komajda konec držaja. Zgoraj na konici kopja štrli na obeh straneh, neposredno iz okovja, nekaj ukrivljenih bodic kot upognjeni trnki, pri čemer so konci obrnjeni navzdol. Sedaj Frank v boju vrže ta ango. Če zadene telo, potem konica seveda prodre vanj in niti ranjeni niti kdo drug ne more z lahkoto izvleči kopja. To preprečujejo zalusti, ki se zapletejo v mesu in povečajo bolečino, tako da mora sovražnik, četudi ni bil smrtno ranjen, zaradi tega umreti. Če, nasprotno, ango obtiči v ščitu, odtlej visi z njega in ga je treba skupaj s ščitom vihteti naokrog, pri čemer se konec držaja vleče po tleh. Zadeti pa ne zmore kopja niti izvleči – to preprečujejo zadrte zalusti – niti ga odsekati z mečem, ker je les zaščiten s kovinskim okovjem. Brž ko Frank to opazi, urno postavi nogo na konec držaja in pritisne, s čimer obvlada ščit in ga potisne k tlom, roka nosilca pa se povesi in razkrije glavo in prsi. Nato lahko nezaščitenega nasprotnika z lahkoto pobije, bodisi z udarcem s sekiro na čelo bodisi z vbodom z neko drugo sulico skozi grlo.«
They are almost entirely encased in iron so that very little of the wood shows through and even the spike at the butt end of the spear is partly concealed. At the top of the spearpoint, presumably on either side of the spear-head itself, curved barbs project and are bent round, not unlike fish-hooks. Now your Frank throws this ango of his in the midst of the fray. If it strikes any part of the body then the point goes in, of course, and it is no easy task either for the wounded man or for anybody else to pull out the spear. The barbs prevent it, sticking to the flesh and making the pain more agonizing, so that even if it should happen that the enemy has not been mortally wounded he still dies. If it pierces a shield then it remains attached to it with the butt-end trailing on the ground. The man whose shield has been hit is unable to pull out the spear because its barbs are embedded in his shield. He cannot hack it off with his sword, either, because the interposing layers of iron prevent him from getting to the wood. As soon as he perceives this the Frank puts his foot out suddenly and stepping onto the butt weighs the shield down, so that the man holding it loosens his grip and his head and chest are left unprotected. He then makes short work of his defenceless victim either striking him in the front part of the face with an axe or driving another spear through his windpipe.’
Agatias, Hist. 2.5.5–8
Agathias, Hist. 2.5.5–8
(iz/from: Agathias, The Histories (translated with an introduction and short explanatory notes by J. D. Frendo), Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae II A, Berlin – New York 1975)
Zgodovinsko ozadje Historical backdrop Milan Sagadin
Izjemnega pomena za datacijo in ugotavljanje zgodovinskega konteksta kranjskih oklepov je spremljajoča najdba frankovskega kopja, angona. To je ekskluzivno orožje frankovskih in alamanskih vojaških elit, njegova razprostranjenost kaže na povezavo s frankovsko-alamanskim območjem ob zgornji Donavi in v Porenju. Kombinacija bizantinskega lamelnega oklepa in angona je poznana le na frankovsko-alamanskem območju. Osebe, opremljene z lamelnim oklepom in angonom, so bile po svojem statusu v neposrednem razmerju s kraljem in so zasedale strateško najpomembnejše utrdbe.
The find that sheds important light on the date and context of the two armours from Kranj is the Frankish lance or ango found in their vicinity. It is an exclusive weapon of the Frankish and Alamanic armies, the distribution of which reveals connections between the Kranj area and the Franko-Alamanic region along the Upper Danube and the Rhine. The combination of Byzantine lamellar armours and angones has only been documented in the Franko-Alamanic region and the men wearing such armour and equipped with an ango are presumed to have had direct access to the king and were thus stationed in the strategically most important posts.
Kranjsko najdbo morda lahko povežemo s konkretnim zgodovinskim dogajanjem. Frankovski kralj Teodebert (534–548) se je po letu 546 v pismu cesarju Justinijanu pohvalil, da njegovo kraljestvo sega od severne Italije in Panonije, preko Donave do Severnega morja. Frankovski zavezniki Alamani so obvladovali predvsem južni del tega kraljestva. Alamanska oz. frankovska prisotnost sredi 6. stoletja v Kranju je dokazana tudi z bogatimi grobovi v Lajhu. Razrušenje in požig trdnjavice, v kateri sta bila najdena oklepa, najlaže povežemo z napadom Bizantincev (ali Langobardov v njihovi službi) na frankovsko posadko (ali alamansko posadko v frankovski službi), o čemer priča tudi – očitno – izstreljena puščična ost s tremi krilci, ki ima poškodovano konico.
The finds from Kranj may represent the remains of actual historical events. Some time after 546, the Frankish King Theodebert (534–548) boasted in a letter to the Emperor Justinian that his realm reached from northern Italy and Pannonia across the Danube to the North Sea. Having said that, the southern part of this realm is believed to have been controlled by the Alamans, Frankish allies. Apart from the ango, the Alamanic/Frankish presence at Kranj in the mid-6 century is also proven by the graves at Lajh. In view of that, the destruction and fire in the building where the armours and the ango were found can most probably be ascribed to an attack by the Byzantine army (or Lombard army in their service) of a Frankish (or Alamanic) garrison. Additional evidence of an attack may be seen in the trilobate arrowhead with a damaged tip, which is clear proof of its use in battle.
Lamelna oklepa in ango so enakovreden naselbinski pendant bogatim (»zlatim«) ženskim grobovom na velikem grobišču v Lajhu. Med naselbinskimi najdbami so ostanki orožja sicer redki, vendar na velik strateški položaj Kranja opozarjajo tudi vojaški grobovi, najdeni v Lajhu. Osem grobov z meči in še dodatnih trinajst grobov z različnim drugim orožjem se pripisuje bojevnikom. Vse te najdbe, pripadajoče različnim germanskim ljudstvom in staroselskim Romanom, govore o velikem pomenu Karnija v 6. stoletju po Kr. Ta pomen je naselbini omogočil nepretrgano preživetje tudi še v zgodnji srednji vek in naprej.
The lamellar armours and the ango are among the rare finds of weapons and military equipment within the settlement, which have their counterparts in the cemetery, more precisely in the rich (‘gold’) female burials from Lajh. This cemetery also revealed burials of soldiers, which confirm the considerable strategic importance of Kranj. Eight burials were of men with swords, while thirteen revealed other weapons. These finds, attributed to various Germanic peoples as well as the indigenous Roman population, tell of the great importance of Carnium in the 6 century AD. This importance ensured continuous existence of the settlement to the Early Middle Ages and into the present day.
Dolga železna ost kopjastega orožja, ki se je imenovalo ango, je bila nasajena na lesen držaj, celotno orožje pa je merilo vsaj dva metra. Gre za specialno orožje frankovske družbene elite in hkrati njen statusni simbol, uporabljali pa so ga od konca 5. stoletja do skoraj konca 6. stoletja. Zunaj območja frankovskega kraljestva so angoni redke najdbe. V poznoantični Karnij je ango morda prišel sredi 6. stoletja, ko so Franki za kratek čas prodrli vse do ozemlja današnje Slovenije. The long iron head of a lance-like weapon called ango was attached onto a wooden shaft, with the whole weapon measuring at least two metres in length. It was a special weapon of the Frankish social elite and its status symbol, in use from the late 5th almost to the end of the 6th century. Outside the Frankish Kingdom, angones are very rare finds. One such ango may have been brought to the ancient Carnium in the mid-6th century, when the Franks briefly penetrated eastwards as far as the present-day central Slovenia. (Gorenjski muzej/Museum of Gorenjska, inv. št./Inv. No. KrK 6807)
Poznoantične ostaline na območju Kranja: Late Antique remains in Kranj: zidovi cerkve in osmerokotne krstilnice walls of a church and an octagonal baptistery obzidje defensive walls steklarska delavnica glass workshop zidana stavba, kjer sta bila najdena oklepa stone building where the two armours were found ruševine stavbe s freskami debris of a house with fresco decoration ostanki lesenih hiš remains of wooden houses grobišče na ledini V Lajhu cemetery at Lajh grobišče pri podrti šmartinski cerkvi ob Savi (križišče Iskra) cemetery at the torn-down church of St Martin along the River Sava (‘Križišče Iskra’ site)
(prirejeno po/adapted after: Timotej Knific, Judita Lux, Kranj z okolico v pozni antiki – zapis geografa iz Ravene in arheološki podatki, Kranjski zbornik 2015, 29–41, slika 3)
Zgodovinsko ozadje / Historical backdrop
Glavno orožje pomembnejših germanskih vojščakov so bili dolgi železni dvorezni meči, spate. Najdbe mečev iz bogatih grobov v Lajhu v Kranju so datirane v drugo polovico 6. stoletja. The main weapon of the Germanic military officers was the long double-edged iron sword, the spatha. These were also found in the rich burials at Lajh in Kranj, dating to the second half of the 6th century.
Ob železnem meču so bili v grobu odkriti tudi deli srebrnih in železnih okovov nožnice meča. Grob z grobišča v Lajhu v Kranju je datiran v drugo polovico 6. stoletja. One grave from the Lajh cemetery in Kranj revealed an iron sword and parts of the silver and iron edge binding of the sword’s scabbard. The grave is dated to the second half of the 6th century. (Narodni muzej Slovenije/National Museum of Slovenia, inv. št./Inv. Nos. R 671, S 672, S 637, S 647)
(Narodni muzej Slovenije/National Museum of Slovenia, inv. št./Inv. Nos S 1762, S 1763, S 671)
Nekateri vojščaki so bili v drugi polovici 6. stoletja oboroženi tudi z lokom in s puščicami. Tul s puščicami so si obesili na železen kavelj. Verižni preplet iz železnih obročkov je verjetno del verižnine, ki je bila obešena na zadnjo stran t. i. rebraste čelade, da je varovala vojščakovo zatilje. Vse najdbe so iz grobov v Lajhu v Kranju. Some soldiers from the second half of the 6th century were armed with bows and arrows, with the quiver holding the arrows suspended on an iron hook on their person. The mail of iron rings is probably part of the neckguard of a so-called Spangenhelm type helmet. The objects are grave goods from the cemetery at Lajh in Kranj. (Narodni muzej Slovenije/National Museum of Slovenia, inv. št./Inv. Nos. S 769, S 1761, S 3717)
K opremi germanskega vojščaka druge polovice 6. stoletja je sodil tudi okrogel ščit, ki je imel na sredini sprednje strani železno ščitno grbo, na zadnji strani pa ročaj s podolgovatim okovjem. Poleg meča in ščita je vojščak uporabljal tudi sulico. Vse najdbe so iz grobov v Lajhu v Kranju. The Germanic soldiers from the second half of the 6th century were also equipped with a spear and a round shield that had an iron boss on the outer and a bar with a flanged handgrip on the inner side. The objects are grave goods from the cemetery at Lajh in Kranj. (Narodni muzej Slovenije/National Museum of Slovenia, inv. št./Inv. Nos. S 670, S 875, S 1048, S 703)
Pripadnice najvišjega sloja karnijske družbe so pokopali z dragocenimi predmeti. V grobu Germanke, ki je živela v sredini 6. stoletja, so bili rožen glavnik, okrasni zaponki iz zlata in srebra, zlat jermenski zaključek, zlata igla, bronast obroček, zlate niti pajčolana in deli železnega noža z zlato oblogo ročaja. Najdbe so z grobišča Lajh v Kranju. The female members of the highest social class in Carnium were buried together with their valuables. A Germanic woman living around the mid-6th century, for example, was interred with a horn comb, two brooches of gold and silver, a gold strap end, a gold pin, a bronze ring, gold threads from her veil and parts of an iron knife with a gold-covered handle. These finds are from the cemetery at Lajh in Kranj. (Narodni muzej Slovenije/National Museum of Slovenia, inv. št./Inv. Nos. S 1782, S 1772, S 1773, S 1765, S 1764, S 1783, S 1768, S 1765)
Pozlačena okrasna zaponka z vloženimi poldragimi kamni je iz enega najbogatejših ženskih grobov, odkritih na grobišču v Lajhu v Kranju. Pokojnico domnevno alamanskega rodu so pokopali sredi 6. stoletja. This gilded brooch with inlaid semiprecious stones was found in one of the richest female burials of the Lajh cemetery. The deceased, presumably Alamanic in origin, was laid to rest in the mid-6th century. (Gorenjski muzej/Museum of Gorenjska, inv. št./Inv. No. KLa 1543)
V blesku kovinske oprave Gleaming in armour Poznoantična lamelna oklepa iz Kranja Late Antique lamellar armours from Kranj Razstava Gorenjskega muzeja / Exhibition of the Museum of Gorenjska, zanj / for the museum: mag. Marjana Žibert, direktorica / director
Grad Khislstein 28
4. 12. 2015 – 4. 12. 2016
Khislstein Castle
4 December 2015 – 4 December 2016 Vsebinska zasnova razstave in vodenje projekta / Concept and management: dr. Veronika Pflaum Strokovni sodelavec / Exhibition consultant: dr. Milan Sagadin, Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območna enota Kranj Prostorska zasnova razstave, oblikovanje razstave in vitrin / Design & art direction: Dušan Grobovšek, Idejološka ordinacija Izdelava vitrin / Display cases: Kambič laboratorijska oprema, d. o. o. Izdelava razstavne opreme in tisk panojev / Exhibition fixtures and display panel print: Mizarstvo Andrej Svetelj, s. p. Grafit, d. o. o. Zevnik, d. o. o. Pisci besedil razstave / Authors of the texts: dr. Veronika Pflaum dr. Milan Sagadin, Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območna enota Kranj (Odkritje / Discovery, Lamelni oklepi / Lamellar armour, Zgodovinsko ozadje / Historical backdrop) Anita Virag in / and Zoran Milič, Narodni muzej Slovenije (Restavriranje oklepa / Restoring the armour) Aleš Lazar, 3D ATA, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. (Digitalno dokumentiranje / Digital documentation) Jezikovni pregled / Slovenian copyediting: Judita Babnik Prevod v angleščino / English translation: Strokovno prevajanje Andreja Maver, s. p. Prevod citata o angonu iz stare grščine v angleščino / Translation of the quote on the ango from ancient Greek into English: Joseph D. Frendo (iz / from: Agathias, The Histories (translated with an introduction and short explanatory notes by J. D. Frendo), Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae II A, Berlin – New York 1975) Prevod citata o angonu iz nemščine in stare grščine v slovenščino / Translation of the quote on the ango from German and ancient Greek into Slovenian: dr. Veronika Pflaum in / and dr. Alenka Cedilnik, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta Razstavljeno gradivo so prispevali / The objects on display kept in: Gorenjski muzej Arheološki biro, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. Dolenjski muzej Narodni muzej Slovenije Pokrajinski muzej Celje Tolminski muzej Konserviranje in restavriranje predmetov iz Gorenjskega muzeja / Conservation and restoration of the objects kept in the Museum of Gorenjska: Anita Virag in / and Zoran Milič, Narodni muzej Slovenije
Sestavljanje konserviranega oklepa, skrb za predmete in priprava oklepov za razstavo / Assembling the restored armour and preparing the armours for exhibition: Zdenka Kramar Fotografije / Photographs: Narodni muzej Slovenije (foto / photo Tomaž Lauko, Anita Virag in / and Zoran Milič) Arheološki biro, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. (foto / photo Janez Rupnik) Gorenjski muzej (foto / photo Tomaž Lauko in / and Zdenka Kramar) 3D ATA, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. (foto / photo Aleš Lazar) Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Dunaj / Vienna Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije družina Pflaum / Pflaum familiy Scena / Scene: risba / drawing mag. Jakob Klemenčič skeniranje / scanning HiFi ColorStudio, d. o. o. računalniška retuša in montaža / computer retouch and montage Aleš Rakovič, Idejološka ordinacija Zemljevida / Maps: GeoPodobe, Vida Bitenc, s. p. Prikaz lege poznoantičnih ostalin v Kranju / Locations of the Late Antique remains in Kranj: Idejološka ordinacija (prirejeno po / adapted after: Timotej Knific, Judita Lux, Kranj z okolico v pozni antiki – zapis geografa iz Ravene in arheološki podatki, Kranjski zbornik 2015, 29–41) Grafični prikaz šivanja in delov oklepa / Schematic drawings of the lacing and the parts of the armour: mag. Miran Pflaum 3D-skeniranje in fotogrametrični zajem angona in delov oklepa / 3D scanning and photogrammetric images of the ango and parts of the armour: Aleš Lazar, 3D ATA, MAGELAN Skupina, d. o. o. Izdelava modela oklepa / Armour model: dr. Veronika Pflaum mag. Miran Pflaum DZ, Delavnica usnjene in tekstilne galanterije, Uroš Zaplotnik, s. p. Galma, d. o. o. KOPS PRO, d. o. o. Priprava časopisnih člankov o odkritju oklepov in angona / Newspaper articles on the discovery of the ango and the armours: mag. Barbara Kalan Helena Rant Igor Kavčič, Gorenjski glas Arhivski posnetki Dokumentacije TV Slovenija / Archive footage of Dokumentacija TV Slovenija: produkcija TV Slovenija / TV Slovenija production, kolaž posnetkov / collage of the footage Maja Bahar Didović Pedagoški program / Educational programme: Magda Zore Stiki z javnostmi in promocija / Public relations and promotion: Jelena Justin Tehnična služba / Technical support: Stane Perčič Razstavo sta omogočila / Exhibition made possible with funding from: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in / and Mestna občina Kranj Sponzorja / Sponsors: Hranilnica LON, d. d. ADRIATIC SLOVENICA Zavarovalna družba, d. d.
Domišljijska podoba dveh germanskih vojščakov z elitno vojaško opremo in orožjem iz sredine in druge polovice 6. stoletja. Najdbe delov take opreme in orožja v Kranju poznamo iz grobov karnijskega grobišča v Lajhu in naselbinskih plasti Karnija. Drawing of a pair of Germanic officers wearing the elite military equipment and weapons of the mid- and second half of the 6th century. The militaria such as those depicted were actually found in the graves of the Lajh cemetery and in the settlement layers of Carnium.