Meng Portfolio - Product Design

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Meng-Lin, Du

It is interesting for me to design.


e-mail / phone / +886 933 353 898

Education Background

2009-2012 / National Taoyuan Senior High School 2012-now / Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University


2D / Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom, Flash 3D / Solidwork, Keyshot office software / Microsoft Office, iWorks languages / Chinese, Taiwanese, English

Work Experience

2012 / Math Tutor Math Lecture Editor and Teaching Assitant in Shao Yang Cram School Class Representative Person in charge of Final Exhibition 2013 / Person in charge of Final Exhibition 2014 / Art Designer in Molecular Biomedical Informatics Webmaster in Student Association of Department of Industrial Design 1

Hosuehold Item Lightening Project

Matching Once Future



A way to save your space.


身為一個大學生,最稀鬆平常的事 不外乎是和幾個同學租一間房子外宿。 但租來的空間通常並不寬敞,Matching 便是為了這種較為狹窄的空間設計。 Being a college student in Taiwan, it is common for us to rent a suite and live outside, though the room space isn't enough at all. Matching is designed fo this kind of small space.

我想如果可以讓幾樣傢俱融合在一起的話,就能省下不少空間了。 If few pieces of funitures can combine together, then we can save space.


Matching 可平時可以被拆分成桌子和椅子兩個部分,桌子本身有一個大 容量的抽屜,抽屜的寬度足以放下一個筆記型電腦,跟大型的英文原文課本。 座椅的部分也有大容量的收納,平時可放一些雜物或不常用的物品。桌腳和 座椅扶手的折線可以完美地組合在一起,此時椅面成為新收納的一層空間, 可暫時存放一些物品。 Matching can seperate into table-part and chair-part, the table-part has a big drawer big enough to fit into a laptop and a pile of books. The chairpart also has a big storage. The table-part and chair-part can perfectly combine into one canbinet. The seat can change into a new shelf that can temporarily store things.


Look trough in the night.



「提燈」,一般台灣人聽到這個詞的時候理所當然會認為是「燈籠」。 但這次我所選的題目是西方的「提燈」。提燈對於西方人來說應該是相當熟 悉的事物,最廣為人知的故事就是萬聖節的起源,故事中也出現使用白蘿蔔 所做成的提燈。這次的目標是要將提燈從過去帶入現代,實現提燈的現代化。 When we heard ''lantern'' in chinese in Taiwan, taiwanese will thought of chinese lantern. Actually they are two different things. Western people are familiar with lantern, and the well-known origin is the story of Jacko'-lantern. There is a lantern made of radish appears in the story, too. My target is to bring lantern from past to present-which looks like the lantern going to the future-to modernize lantern.


思考如何簡化提燈的線條,以及重新確立材質的使用。 思考怎樣的線條足夠符合現代的簡約風格,卻又不失美感。 如何將提燈完全的現代化,卻同時保留提燈帶給人的感受。 How to simplize the face of the lantern? What kind of present material I'm going to use? How to modernize the lantern and maintain the beauty? How to bring the original feeling to people when totally modernizing?


因為原本是要使用全透明的燈罩,所以在燈泡的選擇上猶豫了很長時間, 也研究了不少就是提燈配上不同燈泡的組合,但最後還是捨棄了外形,改成 使用漸亮漸暗的 LED 燈泡,來達到燭火點燃跟熄滅的感覺,我覺得這樣比起 單純外形的相似還要更接近提燈的感覺。 I was going to use transparent lampshade and modeling lightbulb originally, but I gave up at last. I choose the LED lightbulb that can gradually brighten and extinquish to copy the feeling of the candlelight. I think that it is a better way to express the feeling of the lantern than only be lookalike.


在燈體的部分,因為系上從今年引進了 3D 印表機,而恰巧 3D 印表機所 能營造的塑膠感是我想要表現的一部份,所以就使用建模軟體和 3D 印表機 來完成燈體的部分,這部分在思考線路的接法還有避免成型時傾倒下了不少 功夫。 I use 3D printer to make the body of Once Future. Because the material "ABS" can actually bulid the plastic feeling and that is the feeling I want. Though I have spent a lot of time thinking of electric wiring plan and avoiding the model falling when Rapid prototyping by 3D printer.


Once Future 將舊式提燈的金屬線條金屬線條完全的去除,以半透明圓 錐狀的燈罩去取代原本方正的外形,讓外觀更柔和。顏色上選擇了純白色, 捨棄了原本提燈常見的鐵黑色,讓感覺輕了一點,比較不若以往的沈重,在 繁忙的現代城市中,可以帶給人放鬆的感受。在燈的選擇上,選擇會漸亮漸 暗的 LED 燈,在半透明的燈罩籠罩下,燈就像是燭火般,保留了提燈的特色。 I simplize the appearance of the lantern, and use the translucent conical lampshade to relpace the old square shade, making it looked soft. In the color respect, I give up the dark grey and change it into white. White brings the user a light feeling and makes people relax. I choose LED as the lightbulb, this kind of LED will gradually brighten and extinguish. When putting the LED bulb in the lampshade, it looks like the candlelight which maintains the character of the lantern.



Special Thanks

Charlie Yang Elisa Chiou Patrick Lu

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