E12 results catalogue

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C O V E R : H ö g a n ä s w i nn i n g p ro j ec t : « Tw i n Pheno m en a »

PUBLISHERS EUROPAN SVERIGE Första Långgatan 12B SE-413 03 Göteborg Sweden Phone : +46 31 604160 Email : info@europan.se Swedish homepage of Europan www.europan.se E d i tors Mikael Frej - Europan Sverige Anders Holmer - Europan Sverige Marzia Bergo - Europan Sverige G raphi c d esign Lena Caussimon P rin t Elanders Sverige AB Mölnlycke 2014 International homepage of Europan www.europan-europe.com The Swedish Europan Secretariat is run by Unit Arkitektur AB Europan Sverige is a subsidiary to Sveriges Arkitekter

1968 I N T R O D U C T I O N

The final stages of the modernist project. The final result: a dystopian suburban landscape. Student barricades. The architectural intelligentsia feel worn out by a hermetically sealed power system of landlords, public clients and large established architectural firms. The central power awakens, wanting to offer different visions of the future to the public, than what was brought about by the modernist project. Something with a greater symbolic worth. This is why the protot ype of Europan was developed in France; to pave the way for new talent and ideas. The project yields results, with talent such as Jean Nouvel and Dominique Perrault brought to the fore. To d a y - 2 5 y e a r s a f t e r E u r o p a n s t a r t e d w i t h i t s c u r r e n t f o r mat, we find ourselves in the final stages of the automobile project. The final result: a city landscape that is dictated to by automobile traffic. Roads create both physical and social barriers and many cities are in transition from a purely a u t o m o b i l e b a s e d s o c i e t y t o a d i f fe re n t t y p e o f c i t y. Europan is the only competition format that has continued to be relevant over so many years. In Sweden, we have more areas of competition, suggestions and current implementation of previous winners’ work than ever before. The need for Europan as a driving force to prepare our cities for a changing world has never been greater than now



EUROPAN 12 16 c o u n t r i e s 51 s i t e s i n v o l v e d 5 sites in Sweden 176 2 e n t r i e s i n E u r o p e more than 2000 registrations in Europe 339 preselec ted projec t s 10 4 w i n n i n g t e a m s : 4 3 w i n n e r s + 6 3 r u n n e r s - u p 64 special mentions






















































MUNICIPALITIES Höganäs Mila sladic

head of planning department Höganäs has experienced a transformation from a fishing village, to a mining camp, to what it is today a modern industrial society. A transformation reflected in the slogan ”from coal to diamond”. The geographical position in the northern part of the Malmö – Copenhagen region also brings in the necessity to connect it the regional scale, as well as to find a profile within the region. The region, as a whole, is fast growing and so is Höganäs. Therefore the challenge is to meet this housing demand without putting quantity before quality. To develop a community that is attractive for living and with the possibility to profit from the markets in the region. Höganäs has a very strong potential to create attractive housing areas close to the sea and nature. It is surrounded by a dramatic coastline, the most fertile land in Sweden and even has a city beach. This, in combination with a lively city centre, should guarantee a steady development of the city and municipality. But planning is also about capacity. Capacity to implement. ”Therefore we hold a comparably big planning department with young and engaged staff. Our work reflects the engagement and belief in the future that we find in our citizens and politicians.” says Mila Sladic, the head of the Planning department. One of the key questions in Höganäs is the question how to deal with building on agricultural land. Is it possible to keep agricultural food production close to housing? Is it even possible to create a new type of housing in proximity to locally grown crops? A hedonistic living style with food production beyond the allotment garden? What do you consider important for the planning of the city of tomorrow? One of the main reasons for participating in Europan is to find a concept that can be built and developed in the course of time. We are also trying to avoid repeating the similar housing projects that you find all over Sweden.


kRISTINEHAMN KALLe alexandersson head of planning department

Kristinehamn is in a period of transition and the challenge is to be able to adapt to new conditions. During the post-war period until the 90s Kristinehamn was a small regional centre with a mix of large public institutions and large scale industries. Since then, many of the institutions have been closed and many of its industries have moved or shut down. However, at the same time an increase has been seen within small scale businesses and services. This development has been reflected in the demographic, with a steady decrease in population since the 70s. Recently this flow has stopped and now the population is growing again. The reason for this is that Kristinehamn has managed to connect to neighbouring regions predominantly through good train links, but also with the European highway E18. Kristinehamn can offer a lakeside location and a picturesque historic city centre. “People can now chose to live here and work either here or elsewhere.” concludes Kalle Alexandersson. What do you consider important for the planning of the city of tomorrow ? One important task is about connections. As a smaller municipality with attractive nature qualities, we must be connected so that people can live here and work in nearby regions. Then we can take the leap into a future where jobs are concentrated in fewer regional centres. The other task is to fortify local business to try to become an independent centre with our own local identity.

HAMMARÖ KARIN MANNER Hammarö municipality is an island in the biggest lake in Sweden, Vänern. Many of its 15 000 inhabitants work in the local hub Karlstad, which is less than a 15 minute commute away. Most people live in detached single family houses and there is a need to complement this type of living with other forms of housing. The competition site, which is a former hospital, stands partially empty and a concept that includes both housing and other kinds of functions was asked for in the competition brief. The municipality has tried previously to develop the area as a business hub with the support of EU. The outcome is some activities related to IT, such as computer servers and conference centre. The competition is the first step to introduce housing, as a part of a new scheme to create a new community. It is a task that both includes architectural skills and a vision to create a new identity for this kind of area. It involves a kind of place making. “How can the existing and partly vacant houses contribute to a richer

municipal architect

housing community?” asks the municipal head architect Karin Manner. Hence the competition site, Sätterstrand, is about introducing another kind of housing or another kind of living; a complement to what can already be found in the municipality today. “At this very moment we are trying to incorporate the new vision of the municipality in the new Strategic land plan. One of the challenges is to grow at the same time as we can guarantee untouched natural reserves. Also, how to avoid car dependency in the future in our municipality.” says Karin. What do you consider important for the planning of the city of tomorrow ? It is important for us to support the every day life of our citizens. In the future, we want to make it possible to manage the daily transport needs for everyone without the need to own a car. Also, the need to create places for meeting is pivotal for society.


Kalmar hanna olsson planning architect

Kalmar is one of the oldest cities in Sweden, a city that also wants to maintain its attractiveness in the future. Being situated more or less at equal distance between Stockholm, Malmö and Göteborg, it is positioning itself as a regional hub. This is achieved partly by developing Linnéuniversitetet as the knowledge centre in the region, and partly by promoting tourism. The competition site, Södra staden, is pointed out in the Strategic land plan as one of five designated areas for future growth. It is the coastal part of an archipelago landscape that has been subject to man made interventions for hundreds of years, and is again facing changes. “A great majority among researchers are convinced that the future climatic changes will affect our society drastically.” says Hanna Olsson at the planning department in Kalmar. It will include a rise of sea level that will be measured in meters. Land today belonging to the coastline will be transformed into islands. “It is crucial that in the future, the competence of the landscape architects is integrated in the planning processes, much more than today” states Hanna.


HANINGE PETER OLEVIK DUNDER chairman of the urban planning department

The centre of Haninge epitomizes the modernistic planning in Sweden, a planning ideal focused on separation rather than mixed use. But those days are over. People and politicians of today want an urban fabric, attractive to pedestrians and cyclists rather than cars. Adding to that, there’s an annual increase in population. With those wants and needs, developments are in great demand, these conditions that can be taken advantage of. Haninge is also part of the Stockholm region, that aims to be Europe’s most attractive metropolitan region. In addition to the central core, eight urban areas have been designated as regional cores, Haninge being one of these. “Haninge can make use of pre-existing infrastructure for new dwellings et cetera on land previously perceived as fully developed. We have great possibilities and responsibilities for sustainable development.” states Peter Olevik Dunder, chairman of the Urban planning committee. The aim in this competition is the transformation of such an area at the very centre of Haninge. The concept urban also implies a mix within the existing context. How could this new layer of ideology be superimposed on the site and at simultaneously stay true to the site’s history and identity?


What do you consider important for the planning of the city of tomorrow ? We have to attempt to predict of the future; what will the needs and values of tomorrow be ? How can we create a socially sustainable society ? This last question is pivotal for us, since public spaces are the realm or responsibility of us, the municipality. We have to create places where people can meet, socialize and interact with each other and their surroundings.

What do you consider important for the planning of the city of tomorrow ? “High population density, good logistics for people as well as goods and developments that contain mixed uses to create a city filled with life. If not 24/7, at least a city moving in that direction.” states Peter Olevik Dunder, chairman of the Urban planning committee of Haninge municipality.

L O C A T I O N H ammarö POPULATION 15 000 inhab. STUDY SITE 110 ha PROJECT SITE 20 ha SITE PROPOSED BY M unicipality o f H ammarö


OWNER OF SITE M unicipality o f H ammarö



ammarö is a neighbouring municipality to the local hub Karlstad, a city with 62 000 inhabitants. Although Hammarö has some local industry, it depends heavily on Karlstad. The constantly growing municipality lies on a beautiful peninsula that reaches out into the largest lake in Sweden, Vänern. Today most people here live in single family detached houses. The municipality owns little land and wants to find an alternative to the surface consuming suburban sprawl. The aim of the competition is to create an independent housing community with a clear ecologically and socially sustainable profile. Questions of energy, social interaction, services and new ways of living/working should be addressed. Also the slow growth must be considered ; the project will have to be developed in stages, but each stage must be able to support itself. The project should manifest a clear identity. Connections to the surroundings are also important ; access to the coastline, walking paths in the forests and along farmlands and maintaining existing natural qualities. Interventions must respect the scale of the site, and the existing buildings. The project site has several buildings. Some of them are empty; there is a restaurant, a kindergarten, a conference centre, smaller companies, and a server space for computers. There is a clear potential for denser housing to maximize the use of the existing buildings and infrastructure by reactivating these and using them as a complement to additional housing.


The proposals presented for this site are well focused in general in the targets pointed out by the municipality. Almost all of them take a position concerning what to do with the existing built heritage in Hammarö, which was a main goal here. Most of the answers given by the participants have to do with the analysis or re-reading of the existing architecture and the incorporation of some kind of prostheses that are thought to be able to create some synergy with what currently exists. This has been, in some cases, especially successful and innovative. This hybridization concerning existing architecture was better when the aim was not just re-use but to imagine a new pattern emerging from the old one. In this sense, the projects show how, in connection

with reality, one can also find the most brilliant imagination. The sensibility to give value to the existing resources is also a main target when we talk about adaptability, and how cities can be transformed through time just by adding things instead of erasing them. Most of the proposals tackle some other main issues, such as sustainability, ecology or energy in a very natural way. We can also point out some other groups of projects brought to the debate: the ones which were still linked to a kind of soft intervention dealing with low density and periphery or proposals looking for the recreation of a more intense city, but in most of the cases losing scale or identity, not taking into account any sensitiveness to pre-existing structure, not using their extensive potential.





he project considers time and heritage to be expressions of nature and life. The proposal will be divided into six phases, with a maximum flexibility and a progressive adaptation, depending on the natural growth rhythm of the new “community”. Urban Path : The fist step consists of the re-use of existing pavilions to start a social-economic regeneration of the area. We decided not consume rural soil, but to preserve forests and agricultural land. Strategic design plans to create growth around a closed street in the shape of a “Ring”, producing a new urban pathway with open public spaces and new stone flooring. In order to achieve a connection with the existing layout pavillons. We propose a tower dwelling typology, with integrated system of built links using existing pavilions on the ground floor. Along the external path, interchange stations keep cars out of the urban ring. New buildings offer different bioclimatic solutions and total flexibility in the adaptation to the environment.

Eco Path : The project defines strategies to preserve and regenerate the perennial landscape and strengthen the system of functional vegetation for sun and snow seasons, The Eco Path will be developed on the outward ring around the core urban. A complete ecological restoration would be necessary to produce the forest and to offer a visual and climatic protection for the new built area: a natural example of urban growth. A wetland trail will increase a natural progression and link the urban area to the lagoon, changing from a static to a dynamic landscape.


F E D E R I C O C O L E T T A ( IT ) H U G O V A R G A S ( MX )

CONTACT : f e d erico . colella @ hotmail . com w w w . f e d ericocolella . net

The Project takes advantage of the existing resources at the site adding simple but effective elements. Concerning the architectural aspects, the existing buildings are re-shaped, obtaining a new identity. At the ground floor level this reshaping includes the addition of some crystalline porches, which will be connected to the new urban-path. These porches are very specific in their spatiality depending on their function, but they will also act as social spaces. Spaces inbetween the public and the private realms. They constitute thermo dynamic and temperature regulators at the same time : a kind of protected street to increase social life and exchange. At higher levels the existing structures are complemented with towers of dwellings, increasing density on site. In this sense, the proposal works with the memory of the site and its values but also with their evolution considering this hybridization, with new elements, the key to produce new synergies and revitalized common urban spaces. At the territorial or landscape level the eco-path complements the urban-path and also includes social concerns: small community orchards for production are considered as an extension both of the social public exchange and of the housing units. On the other hand the eco-path has ecological concerns related to the restoration of the forest and the creation of a wetland trail. All together makes the proposal successful under the social, ecological, urban and architectonical point of view.









he main objective of “Satellyzing Hammaro” is to regenerate the whole site proposed by different interventions all throughout the area by a unique, global architectural proposal. After an extensive analysis of the site, we have set three different systems on which to act : the natural system, the architectural system and the infrastructure system. Our different actions will have the purpose of improving the situation of these systems. The actions to carry out will therefore be : preservation of the natural system, reactivation of the architectural system and connection of the infrastructure system. The mentioned systems will be formed of different “planets”, meaning each one of the elements of the site in which we are going to take part. The interventions made to these “planets” will be our satellites, producing changes on the preexisting “planets” and revitalizing the zone and its natural resources. On the one hand, the actions made in the natural system will be preserving the reeds and the tree corone and proposing new activities in the lake. On the other hand, in the architectural system, we will create different satellites acting on the preexisting buildings and introduce new functions, and we will create a new housing extension area close to the lake. Finally, we have two objectives in the infrastructural system: reconnect Karlstad and Hammarö and restructure the paths surrounding the lake, creating new ones.


The jury especially appreciates two aspects of the proposal. The first one would be the inclusion of the whole ecosystem into the design arena. The proposal is very sensitive to how humans inhabit this area but also how the cohabitation of humans and other organisms, like birds for example, function. In this sense the proposal deals with the places for exchange and mutual exploration between all the inhabitants, human or no. The second interesting point is the configuration of a catalogue of small interventions related to the nat-


ural, architectural and infrastructure systems, so they include at the same level nature, with a low level of anthropization, and man made environments, with a high level of anthropization, and the connectivity between them. Which also becomes a big target through direct experience and perception of the place or energetic concerns. As a consequence of these two aims, the project is really successful in relation to the lake. There, a soft infrastructure is created, a light path that allows the enjoyment of the area in a very respectful way

and with low investment. The already existing urban area is restructured with effective interventions in certain points, combining leisure with energy and new functions. But the jury points out some doubts concerning the zoning of the housing units and their situation, creating a sort of barrier near the lakeshore with a very repetitive housing typology which seems to be not in accordance with the rest of the criteria applied in the project.






daptable satellite-topia is achieved through coexistence with the forest. Therefore a new forest friendly dwelling type for housing the community is designed to give new contemporary identity to the space, but with minimal site invasion. This is achieved through stacking houses and creating vertical rows. New buildings work together with existing facilities combining private and public spaces into a community platform where interaction between inhabitants occur. Through time, sustainable mixed used clusters (neighborhoods) are created. When a new cluster is created (few vertical rows), the surrounding wild nature becomes cultivated nature, but remains nature nevertheless. A linear public space loops through the site and connects all the clusters.


The jury appreciates the incorporation of a new way of living with a typology related to the poetical aspects of dwelling. It deals with the relation between inhabitants and their environment, also including the delight of dreams. What is it like to live in a forest? Can we include a piece of it indoors? And would be possible to extend the domestic realm into the territorial scale of the landscape? Far from an answer based on utopia, the project uses the existing buildings and, in synergy with them, creates a new world, that works with the anthropological understanding of place and nature, but also with energy and sustainability. The “enclosed street” inside the existing building creates structure for an open, functional universe.







he encouragement of start-up companies, research projects and the ability to foster development growth in an environment that stimulates innovation, entrepreneurship and co-operation. Built heritage is mixed. Its components work in a minimum degree of activation far from its maximum capabilities. The first entry of the pumping system is the ability to exponentially increase the flow of people, due to the attractive potential site for the region. A new paradigm of living in close relationship with the environment is proposed. Lake, reed and pollution in it as a starting point to generate a system of houseboats to potentiate natural resources used afterwards on the site. The causal system is open, complex and may result in an infinite number of combinations. The result is implicit in its evolution.


The proposal gives a new toolbox for urban processes. The authors combine “plug” strategies, adding new architectural elements to the existing buildings, which is a strategy already present in other proposals at the site but then they include innovative ideas with the “pump” elements: pneumatic and ephemeral functions, related to events and are able to give identity to the site. It would be a kind of curatorial understanding of urban processes through time. Adapting events to seasons without permanent decisions, but versatile ones. They combine these two tools with the “flow” ones, related to housing units. In total, they conform creative possibilities for future planning.


L O C A T I O N H öganäs POPULATION 8553 inhab. STUDY SITE 180 ha PROJECT SITE 24 ha SITE PROPOSED BY M unicipality o f H öganäs


OWNER OF SITE M unicipality o f H öganäs



öganäs is the main town in the municipality providing services to and communication with the adjacent smaller towns. It is also here that the future development of new residential areas is to be prioritized. Höganäs is a commuter town, where about 45 percent of total travel has a destination outside the municipality. The car is still the predominant means of transport and road 111 and 112 act as spines in the street web. The architectural characteristics in Höganäs can be divided into different types as a way to show how various buildings in the city relate to one other. Large clusters of similar building types can reveal a unique identity for a certain neighbourhood. In many cases, however, it is a sign of mono-functionality and the lack of diverse function and usage. Green areas are an extremely important component of the cityscape, affecting well-being and encouraging physical activity. The project site is relatively close to the center. Therefore, the area should not be seen exclusively as a commuter area with a focus on public transport opportunities, but also as an area for cyclists and pedestrians, with good connections to other areas. The competition task is to create a physical design proposal for a first construction phase of the project site and a more schematic proposal on how this area can grow further to the north. The city does not need a static master plan, but a scheme for organic growth over time.


Maybe one of the most interesting questions which Höganäs brought into the debate is how can a city adapt in its growth to agricultural conditions without destroying them? And how is the language of the kind of city, of the architectural spaces or the way of life attached to this? This is an intense research in urbanism and architecture and here the proposals have been able to give different answers but all of them revisiting old or opening interesting new debates. The consideration of a whole ecosystem, taking into account architectural but also living organisms, was presented as a tool that makes it possible to design for all the concerned. In some other cases, the isolation of the two realms was able to develop free areas where the systems could be maintained and

enjoyed. This isolation was made using geometrical patterns of organization or islands, or creating some kind of permeable borders. A few proposals worked with enhancing of the landscape by adding to the agricultural territory some other connections related to water or woodlands. In general a kind of permeability between agricultural land and city has been delineated and consequences related to society, energy, typologies, production or management of the land have been put on the table. It is one of the few sites where domestic typological concerns have also been taken into consideration. Open-ended processes were also depicted here, giving a rich vision about the future development, which will be implemented soon.




he international competition Europan 12 suggested the development of a residential area of about 24ha, in the city of Höganäs, Sweden. Under the slogan “Adaptable City”, an urban plan with long term vision was sought, sustainable and dense, that wouldn’t come into conflict with the small scale of the existing buildings, nor with the surrounding agricultural land. Twinphenomena proposes to generate new settlements in Höganäs thanks to the reconciliation between urban and rural. The project colonizes the territory through a strategy of densification over time. It also integrates the agricultural landscape in the voids of the urban fabric, always seeking a low footprint urban development. In order to achieve these goals, we propose a network of public spaces that manage their own “buildability” and a grid of productive gardens, to exploit the agricultural landscape. We define the rules that ensure its proper functioning (maximum “buildability”, relation between different scales of investment, maximum land occupancy, etc) and the guides for its subsequent management (centralization of ground floors, “buildability” exchange, community participation, etc) A dual linear narrative, urban vector / rural vector, deals with concepts of sustainability, identity or participation, as well as qualities of diversity, porosity and hybridization. Through this strategy, every concept of the intervention is transformed and developed towards the reconciliation between urbanity and agriculture.



arenasbasabepalacios . com estu d io @ arenasbasbepalacios . com COLLABORATOR : ALMUNEDA CANO (ES) PAULA FERNÁNDEZ (ES) K E R S T I N P L U C H ( AT ) ANA PRIETO (ES)




We could say that this is an example of how to do urban planning under the big concern of the adaptable city through time. It is a long term based proposal that focuses on relations an processes in the true sense. It is organised in stages and sequences. The system can have multiple outcomes, as the set of rules can be implemented with variation. The fabric is defined by the development and comparison, of the twin phenomena: urbanity and agriculture. Every parameter considered is looked at through this double point of view. We could say that the proposal is articulated following some hierarchical groups. First, urbanity and agriculture ; as a consequence of their interrelation, infrastructure, management, syntax, identity… all of them configure the rules to be able to write with the twin phenomena language. And finally the protagonists of the processes : individual actors, communities, public agencies or municipalities and developers, let’s say the writers. In this sense the proposal gives the alphabet and the grammatical rules for the right balance and syntax, but the implementation needs to be written. What is defined is the way how the different parts relate to each other, creating some specific lines : porosity, sizes, scales with different structures or nuclei of intensity and starting points. In addition, concerns about sustainability and low footprint are included. The final outcome is right in front of us, in the future.



ANNA WEBER (SE) C O N T A C T : anna w eber . se



rbedible emerged from the global food situation and the relationship between rural and urban – the food and city. We have lived in cities for thousands of years, yet food is the source of our existence and the cities we live in would not exist without farming. When the population is due to double in 2050, all the arable land on the planet will not be sufficient to cover our need for food. Yet the city appears to be independent from the land that feeds it. From a Swedish perspective, the relationship between the food and the city is most relevant in the province of Skåne, where the arable land of the highest quality is found and where it also gets exploited the most. To reclaim exploited arable land into food production again is nearly impossible. The current growing city is transforming its surroundings into hardscapes (arable land turned into buildings or asphalt), which is pushing the food production further away from the consumer. Höganäs is surrounded by two kinds of food sources; the arable land and the sea. Currently the city is giving its front side towards the sea and turning its backside towards the arable land. When the food source is in another country, the food making process is controlled by a few large companies and the consumer meets food in car-bound shopping malls surrounding the city. It is necessary to involve all steps of food production in our cities. Thus to increase food knowledge, we need to localize the food chain and to prepare for the future.



The project depicts an urban development arising from agriculture, farmland and food concerns. The starting point is a detailed and interesting study about food knowledge, global population problems, and isolation from nature. It is within that framework that the proposal is conceived. Together with this interest in food processes the project critiques our actual use of the land: we usually don’t take into account that the most valuable arable land should be used for this production, not to increase urban areas. As a consequence, the authors structure the territory following farmland criteria, creating a city, which also produces food. Urban and rural borders are erased. The outcome is a hybridized typology where food production is located at

the ground level and domesticity is situated over it. This together with the inclusion of some other functions like business offices unfolds a challenging arena. This co-existence of functions creates mutual benefits in economic, energetic, thermodynamical or health matters. What arises from this situation is a bigger concern about the whole ecosystem involved, and as a consequence a new community with different values is observed. Animals and plants are also inhabitants of the dwelling. Humans and nonhumans create links between them. A bigger awareness of the exploitation of land is generated. In addition, it has in educational concerns and tries to create a learning arena related to food production processes.






e have not designed a single sustainable Höganäs, but many sustainable Höganäses. First, the existing social fabric is interwoven with reinvigorated ecological dynamics. The result is a sustainable urbanity : a social-ecological landscape that restores the balance between urban consumption and production, and grounds all our spatial interventions. Second, we address the resilience of such sustainable urbanity over time. We do not design impositions, but rather spatial opportunities that nurture sustainable routines. We do not design compilations of pretentiously immutable sustainable technologies. We set Höganäs in motion towards a sustainable trajectory that is not resolved, but is adaptable and resilient.


The project works with the connection between humans and environments, in a frame where each of the parts can be more or less “wild” and grow in an intensely. The sustainability is understood here under spatial and temporal inputs and it has a strong interest in coexistence without domestication. It also works with a kind of archetypical nature, linked to romanticism. The authors, with a very theoretical position, deal with “harmonization”, an effect over the landscape similar to a snowfall but having the semi wilderness at your doorstep. This apparent contradiction is suggestive, as semi wilderness does not exist at the site… could it be a kind of synthetic semi wilderness ?


JURY M artin N O R D A H L

E lin O lsson

a rch i t ec t

L a ndsc a p e a rch i t ec t

O k i dok i Ark i t ek t er


M aria A u x ilia d ora Gà LVEZ PÉREZ

Arch i t ec t

a rch i t ec t

C i t y p l a nn i n g D i rec t or

G ĂĄ lvez +

a t T H E C i t y of L a ndskron a

W i eczorek a r q u i t ec t ur a

A n d ers S vensson

K atarina G run d sell

M artin R ein - C ano

Pl a n a rch i t ec t

a rch i t ec t

L a ndsc a p e a rch i t ec t

a t T H E C i t y of Go t henbur g


To p o t ek 1

EVALUATION CRITERIA Before beginning to work the jury receives recommendations from the European Association. First, the jury shall study the projects that do not comply with the rules and decide whether or not to disqualify them. During the first session, the jury assesses projects on basis of : - their conceptual content - the degree of innovation according to the Europan 12 theme : The Adaptable City, Inserting Urban Rhythms. Between the two sessions a European comparative analysis arises from the preselected projects and constitutes a material for a European discussion with site representatives and jury members. During the second session, the jury assesses projects on basis of: - the relationship between concept and site; - their relevance to the questions raised by the topic and in nd particular to the issues of sustainable development; - the relevance of their programme to the general brief for their ndcc specific site; - their potential for integration into a complex urban process; - the innovative nature of the proposed public spaces; - the consideration given to the connection between housing and other functions; - the architectural qualities; - the technical qualities. The jury writes a report giving the reasons for its choice of winners, runners-up and special mentions in relation to the requirements of the competition and the concerned sites.


C hairman of jury : P er Fre d rik von P laten

L O C A T I O N K rist I n E hamn POPULATION 19 000 inhab. STUDY SITE 67 ha PROJECT SITE 6 ha SITE PROPOSED BY M unicipality o f K ristenhamn


OWNER OF SITE M unicipality o f K ristenhamn



he Kristinehamn site presents a fantastic opportunity to direct the future evolution of this lakeside town centre. Once a harbor, crucial to the survival of the town this central park may once again play a pivotal role, in the creation of local identity. The central location, the beautiful river Varnan meandering through the site, and the wooden buildings of the old town on the other side, create great potential for the creation of a successful inner city park. The location of the site is very central. The site sits on a small peninsula with the river running on the eastern, southern, and western sides. The project site was once the location of the old city harbour. It is centrally located between the old town and a former industrial area. The southern part contains a park that has lost its purpose since the demolition of the public bathhouse. The northern part contains temporary parking areas, on old industrial areas. To the west there are housing areas, a sports arena, and the new harbour by Vänern, the largest lake in Sweden. One of the challenges is to create a good mix of functions, cultural and commercial, spontaneous and planned, in order to attract people of all ages at all hours of the day. The task of the competition is to create a long term plan for the site to be part of this development. It is important that the connections between the physical and mental connection, as well as between the city centre and the commercial area, as well as the connections between the project site and the city centre are developed and strengthened.


Concerning the adaptable city, this place has brought to the debate an interesting example. What kind of uses that the community already has can be implemented with small investments? Dealing specifically and mainly with public space, one of the main issues of this site, many proposals were able to answer this question. The considerations related to some informal urban spaces or voids of the city, and how they can be used to create a new identity of place or to reorganize the citizens movements, have been very rich. The proposals have tackled how to experience the city in an alternative way and how to bring new connections. A group of proposals dealt with a more hedonistic enjoyment of the area by using water as a program resource, producing small

topographic changes or bigger and more built interventions. In other cases, a more accurate acupuncture concerning squares, boardwalks or scenarios have been more subtly developed. One group has been dealing with economic dynamics in order to use the existing conditions of mixed use to bring the shopping mall as regenerator for a more intense city. And finally, some other proposals dealt with infrastructure, taking into account flooding problems, but also a whole ecosystem linked to a dynamic flow of water and trying to include identity and social exchanges. This last approach has been able to see in advance and successfully, possibilities in a broader field, increasing the complexity of the layers of urbanity.



WINNERS Responsive System


esponsive System emphasizes dynamic processes, resilience and adaptation through time, reactivating both cultural and ecological dynamics at the water’s edge, adapting to the fluctuations of the river and the lake. The project responds to a set of conditions – hydrological, urban, ecological – that characterize the city of Kristinehamn as it meets the river. Rather that proposing an isolated answer, the project identifies a system of urban voids that can be connected and activated within a responsive framework for ecological and urban change. The site becomes a fundamental point of implementation of design strategies, a dynamic filter for water that supports a wide range of urban functions. The transition from river to land is seen as a gradient from wet to dry, a gradient evident through time, movement, vegetation, and in changing water depth. The design integrates storm water management in the urban landscape, catalyzing ecological systems, environmental benefits and recreational qualities while maximizing permeability through the site, allowing for multiple access points, structuring new connections between the city and the port. Moving beyond engineering, Responsive System envisions a blue and green framework that enhances public spaces at different scales, making water fluctuation and circulation clearly perceptible.


M A R I O B E N E D E T T O A S S I S I ( IT ) I R E N E T O S E L L I ( IT ) V A L E N T I N A M I L A N I ( IT ) G I U L I A P O Z Z I ( IT ) G I U S E P P E C R I S P I N O ( IT ) CONTACT :

M.ASSISI@INOUTARCHITETTURA.COM w w w . inoutarchitettura . com COLLABORATOR : A N D R E A P O Z Z A N I ( IT )



Responsive system is one of the more complex and successful projects presented in this edition. It deals with the existing flooding problems at the site and include infrastructure as an opportunity to create urban identity and space, dynamic landscape and ecological diversity. It has a holistic vision and is able to work with the whole town context. The storm water management proposed integrated in the urban space simultaneously re-connects and reuses the collection of voids without identity, which are

scattered in the urban fabric. They will conform a new structure reconnecting city and port. The water, inserted in this clever way, right at the heart of the city will give a dynamic identity to the site as it includes water fluctuation as a main advantage. New social opportunities will arise in connection with this. Some parts will be flooded only seasonally and will allow specific functions in addition to the permanent ones. This ephemeral or time based articulation of the city events will also be supported by veg-

etation, enhancing the awareness of this urban ecosystem and its possibilities but also bringing oxygenation and purification to the water. A complex proposal that is successful under sustainable, ecological, urban and social concerns. It is a city where natural changes are also experienced in a hedonistic way. Time rises, in this way, as the definer of the urban planning, perhaps more than space.







ur story is not the result of a complete set of actions with a delimited range of time and space, but rather suggests a boundary, leaving room for the present to be continuously created in and out of time. Using the landscape as a unified background, we propose a demarcation that attributes a beginning and an end to the place. The project’s orientation and morphology refers to the existing landscapes, space, structures and networks. Aware of what is already there, we densify existing textures and accentuate through soft interventions the limits and character of the site. We propose a dispositif of activation, with minimal built structures, and a series of operative voids, places for action – where we left space for natural growth and development. We begin by sewing down the two river banks with a soft loop. The Loop/ Ring/Circle always holds a promise within. It becomes a form of understanding context – it is a dynamic structure that explains the centre and evolution of Kristinehamn. To be in the loop is a complex process which includes both the path/ journey and the regions/events that it crosses. By connecting different strategic points in the city it assures a continuous flow of people and events. But being on this path does not necessarily entail having a final destination – a closed loop is an infinite tribute to time.



The project is very effective in its strategies. To draw just one circle as a landmark to know that a place has been created: a field of action. It works with a kind of archetypal definition of space used from ancient times. It deals with the recovery of anthropological roots and rituals. It unchains a direct connection to the establishment of a link between man and territory. It is in this sense that the circle, even if it is not complete, is perceived: through the citizens’ own body movements and synchronism. It develops a kind of new urban choreography, enriching the movement possibilities and the way one relates to the environment in the city. The project also deals with the dynamics of the so-called “third landscape”,

provoking a variable, through time operational field, through the enhancing of some site qualities. The project also raises questions about a curatorial understanding of the urban space. The “circle” is ready to host the diverse functions that the citizens need, either as a bottom up process or as a municipal suggestion. It would be the visible arena for the citizens’ expression. An almost informal space which can be build and un-built for every event with low investment of effort and big engagement with the identity of the community. This proposal would give birth to spontaneity and celebration of life ; to instant implementations of multiple cities, broadening biodiversity, social exchange and imagination.


L O C A T I O N H aninge POPULATION 11 500 inhab. STUDY SITE 19 ha PROJECT SITE 5 ha SITE PROPOSED BY M unicipality o f H aninge OWNER OF SITE M unicipality o f H aninge G rosvenor Fun d M anagement - C ontinental E uropa S tena Fastigheter A B



aninge is located south of Stockholm, about 20 minutes by train. In order to solve the Stockholm region’s housing demand, Haninge has been found suitable, together with 7 other municipalities, to meet that demand, primarily due to the railway connection to Stockholm. The project site area is the result of consistent car based planning ideals. It has a wide street running through it from north to south. West of the street there are six tall free standing apartment buildings. Behind the buildings the ground slopes down to the railway tracks. On the other side of the tracks lies the beautiful lake, Övre Rudasjön, and further beyond the lake a pristine natural landscape. This area is disconnected from Haninge by the railway. South of the apartment buildings lies the commuter railway station and next to it, a lot where a new bus station is planned. The competition task is to propose designs for buildings and landscape within the project site that can contribute in the development of a modern city centre. Can the parkway, Nynäsvägen, be transformed into a vibrant city street by placing buildings along it ? How can pedestrian and bicycle traffic be improved ? There is a need for housing, and smaller locales and shops at street level. The large shopping centre today turns its back on nynäsvägen. How can commerce be attracted to this side of the facade, to open up and populate the street, and keeping it alive even after the centre closes at night ? Can the parking lots with all the movement going on be used as a positive resource in a future development ?


This site raised, to the Europan arena, an especially difficult questions. In general there were no projects able to answer all of them, but there were a collection of interesting initiatives able to open the field of possibilities. Here the creation of urbanity at the human scale was one of the main targets together with a kind of sensitiveness to nature and the lakefront, creating connections in the east to west direction. The site was a wonderful laboratory test about adaptability : how to get a second opportunity for another kind of city when some levels of urbanity have collapsed ? In general, the participants understood that this has to be made in stages, changing gradually the predominance of the car and giving room to more pedestrian domains and

a more human scale. A few open urban planning tools, arose between the more successful projects : rules of the game to be able to provoke a change in the system. The combinatorial related to these rules is a great catalogue for future interventions in these kind of car dominated areas. The car lot was the urban basic unit and the starting point for something else. Some other proposals dealt with the problems in a more conventional way, focusing their intervention in the variation of typologies and scales and this line of work was also successful in some cases ; when prejudices gave place to imagination. Just a few, dealing with urban space, were trying to reconstruct a rich taxonomy of city places.





hrough a well considered balance of elements such as parks, housing, commerce and parking, the proposal aims to create an urban environment that is distinctly interesting, contemporary and friendly. With the objective of creating a win-win for all parties, the social and economic incentives are governed by the principal of giving back to society in terms of social qualities, while also creating a sustainable economic model. Flexible, yet distinctive, rules will be the basis for this long-term social, economic and cultural development. The large scale of old Haninge determines the new areas, a smaller scale is used to diffuse it. When shifting between these modes, we can utilize the most from the program and offer a delicate web of commerce, offices, healthcare, education, recreation and parking. This generates an urban environment that is flexible and vibrant in terms of ownership, typology, scale, activity, economy and social structures. Parklife will increase the amount of parking spaces, as the car will remain important for the future development of Haninge. The new parking areas are well linked to commerce and dwellings but are relocated from street level to make room for a new lively city street. An environment with exciting encounters is created where there was previously ugly, unsafe and unwanted space. The different layers of the city are made visible and are integrated with the rest of life, parklife.



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This project walks on a thin line between conventionalism and the invention of a new city, at least in the western Nordic context. The main interesting points are related to intensity and the mix of uses that are characteristics of urban life. They try to use the existing and not successful dynamics, dealing with them without prejudices, simply playing their role. Because of this reason the use of the car is even increased and the economical profit of the operation is one of the points. But following this strategy the proposal reaches a very interesting and innovative question : the stacking up of dif ferent functions and owners in a three dimensional way, recently allowed by Swedish law, following a four rules series gives birth, with that unprejudiced

way of working, to an urban reality which is especially vivid. In this city you could find a 24 hour environment where parking and sports, leisure and housing is mixed in a creative way. This creativity is a kind of heuristic toolbox, which seems to have more and more suggestions for the future use of the urban spaces. The four rules are concerned with ownership so it won’t be possible to build a whole block by the same investor as one developer can build only two units maximum, but also with height, size and combinatorial possibilities. This will give birth to a diverse city as regards urban space but also a diverse economy. A better explanation of the parklands and the connections to the lack would have been appreciated.







he Nynasvagen road is the main parkway of Handen district, leading to the bus and train terminal. The issue is how to awaken the potential public spaces that this urban axis represents. Two main facts are heading the project : road infrastructure creating a physical barrier and a significant number of parking lots to be kept. To reduce the impact of this road, we propose to split it into two, which results in strong enlargement of the central reservation. The existing parking lots are moved in this new central island. New pedestrian movement is created by inhabitants and retail customers. As crossing becomes more frequent, pedestrian uses make use of the road infrastructure. The parking lots are organized into a simple and rigorous pattern served by the two sides of Nynasvagen road. This grid is the basis for the development of new functions on the island itself. Regular and temporary uses can spread in these parking lots. According to need, more permanent uses could be settled down on the island and benefit from the daily flow of people. The new buildings would be conceived to deal with the car park units on the ground. The shape of the island allows adaptation of the project regarding the involvement of the land owners. We also imagine that the need for parking will reduce during the process and that other elements of city life could eventually replace the parking lots themselves, using the grid as the primary structure for a future development.



The proposal works directly with the main problems at the site: cars and urban life. The goal is to intervene in the infrastructure creating an island amid the dif ferent sides of the circulation. Through the organization of this island, in a first step as a group of parking lots, little by little this fabric will be able to change into a more complex urban situation. On top and in between the car lots, some other functions appear, the road is seen as a reserve for urban ground and facilities. The interesting point is that the car is not considered a barrier for social exchange but an opportunity for new functions and city life. All new functions are car based but they can also work with a low presence of cars… the car is a kind of instant city programmer. Some examples are “living garage

extra room”, connecting car and domesticity ; “drive in cinema”, mixing car and leisure ; or “car market ” where the car is used as storage house… etc. On the other hand the creation of a strip is very smart, it will give identity to the place, which is exactly what is currently lacking, and turns around the direction of the movement in the area to go inside the island, as it is also now an interesting place to be. The proposal lacks some concern about the natural lakeshore and the general connectivity of the town. A further development of the possibilities concerning the rules to build in this site would have been appreciated. How would be the urban planning rules including parking lots, facilities and housing ?


krankhan d le . w or d press . com as d isan d ers d ottir @ hotmail . com COLLABORATOR : MICHAEL FEDAK (SE)




an we build a city that reflects the plurality of our hopes and relationships? Haninge is an abstract gesture, a simple and misleading division of life into constituent parts. It lacks the diversity of thought and intention that accrues in vibrant cities and places. We propose a catalogue of interventions: some dramatic, some less dramatic, that aim to stir up the neatly packaged functions of today’s Haninge. Five sequences of public spaces cut through the existing regimented linearity of Nynäsvägen and open up the restrictive confines of today’s shopping center. Each of these sequences has a distinctive character; the Nature Bridge, the Market Town, the Colour Canyon, the Market Garden and the Enchanted Forest. These sequences form a frame of public spaces between which the hopes and desires of individual actors can be constructed.


This project gives life to a very specific planning of every part of the site and it is very suggestive in the catalogue of urban situations that it is able to show. Perhaps there are even too many. But, looking at them not as a project but as collection of experiences, the configuration of these characteristic areas is a challenge concerning the possibilities of imagination about how our cities could be. It deals with a sensitive taxonomy of urban units : the “coloured canyon” or the “enchanted forest ” are examples of this. It is appreciated that these strategies include the lakeshore and try to reorganize in an ambitious way the urban space in multiple perceptive or more specifically haptic dimensions.





ites such as this one usually provoke strong reactions, and calls are often made for their total destruction. The very same impulse, one of disregard or even disgust for the existing, is exactly what the modernist planners acted on in the 60s, when historical Handen was demolished to make way for what is there today. The planners’ insistence on a tabula rasa was probably their biggest mistake, and it is something we want to avoid repeating. In its total flatness, the site could be read as a perfect clean slate, ready to receive just about anything that the planners of today could imagine. But the white lines on the ground, even though they have negligible mass, actually constitute a significant cultural heritage, and they became the foundations on which this project was built.


More than a lot explore the possibilities of an urban development and planning based on the car park unit. Small investors and small-scale business and public spaces are included within their framework, giving the proposal a sense of democracy and participation.. The urban process here is open-ended and it would need the continuous interaction of the municipality. Even if the lot unit maybe too small, the proposal unfolds a strong conceptual position, that can take advantage of the existing situation and conforms a transition to another kind of city, where almost every citizen can be an important agent. The outcome is a very creative set of situations with cohabitation of dif ferent functions.




L O C A T I O N K almar POPULATION 63 505 inhab. STUDY SITE 2168 ha PROJECT SITE 127 ha SITE PROPOSED BY M unicipality o f K almar


OWNER OF SITE M unicipality o f K almar



Kalmar is part of the Kalmarsund region which together with Växjö, Oskarshamn and Karlskrona creates an attractive employment market region. The region’s population is growing; one of the driving forces is the newly formed university. Linnaeus University was formed in 2010 as a merger of Kalmar and Växjö Universities. The university is a driving force for regional development attracting both businesses and an educated and highly-skilled workforce to the region. This is one of the reasons Kalmar needs more housing. The local landscape of archipelago, culture, meadows and buildings create the unique character of the region. The project site is limited by several factors; parts of it will be underwater in the future due to the predicted rise in sea levels. The question is how these areas can be developed for housing or recreational functions and still adapt to the new conditions. Other areas have very unstable ground due to ice age deposits of clay and detritus. European highway no. 22 divides the project site into two separate areas. This road will be converted, speed limit will be reduced and the road will be reclassified as a local city street with carrying capacities designed for different modes of traffic. The aim is, among other things, to show how the neighborhood can double the number of inhabitants and how the service and green structures can be developed in order to strengthen the specific seaside character. The task is to find a new structure and design that can suit the specific values in the area: Kalmar has a beautiful nature landscape along the whole coastline. The city is not looking for a static master plan but rather a strategy to develop the area in stages, adaptable to changes that may arise underway.


Kalmar adds another important issue in relation to the adaptable city. How can be the city adaptable to climate change considerations? How to imagine an urban space, which will be flooded in the future ? And how to re-adapt the archipelago and urbanity ? These questions have given the opportunity for an array of clever and fresh visions of the site. Most of the proposals have taken advantage of the privileged area related to the bays and fjords, the sea and the archipelago, but also the woodlands in between. Maybe due to this , the typological richness is bigger here than in other places. The typologies have had the task of absorbing the rising of the water level and in accordance with that some of them become fortresses, some other are elevated

with legs, some other include high-rise buildings or some other groups conform archipelagos of communities or collections of small cells. In these cases a beautiful imagination of dwelling has been developed. But it is also interesting that this last kind of intervention, has been able to resist the temptation about poetics of natural areas and has been working just with the untouchable landscape. The new housing development in this last case is related to the consolidation of the existing fabric, near the road 25, not trying to look for something related to the landscape but creating a strong urban position from where one is able to explore the preserved area whenever it is desired.




ntervention in Kalmar is proposed from economic, social, environmental and cultural sustainability, through urban development based on density and complexity, giving priority to the conservation of the environment and the territory. This proposal is reasoned from : No construction, as respect for the territory and areas of high environmental value that constitute the identity of Kalmar. Consolidating and protecting landscapes and existing voids, through a restructuring of communications, which redefine the main road as an integrative element: rural urban. Minimization, with criteria of minimal impact: energetic, environmental and visual of new constructions. A model of accurate intensive urbanism as opposed to an extensive one. Complexity of the urban grid and in consequence enrichment of social links, through the diversification of uses and types. Reuse of spaces and existing infrastructure, reviewing and optimizing them. Densification of the existing frame without getting away from human scale. Proposal of polycentric development, with the creation of new centers. For a real sustainable city, we would need to talk about one based on less energy needed by the system and more urban complexity.




The winning project in Kalmar ask the question posed by the municipality once more. The proposal focuses in the densification of the already existing areas along the road instead of proposing new developments. Re-using and densification are the main tools. The background of this decision is to keep the natural environment and wetlands untouched and to occupy the voids which exist in the urban fabric. These voids are analysed: the ones with woodlands are preserved and the rest are occupied with housing and commercial functions, making the road not a barrier but a social exchanger. Just as the border of the wetland is a pristine natural area to be enjoyed once you leave the city behind you. The project is very successful in its restrains, working in favour of the more sustainable city, the compact city, and taking care of the ecosystem. The project also concerns itself with urban space related to city life in the area, that is why the “road 25” is now considered “street 25”. Its scale is reduced and a more vivid exchange between citizens is created. New nodes are equally created, but following the philosophy of the project: big changes will not be made at once, but little by little through the total connection to reality and using its tools. The final outcome shows a dif ferent city growing from the existing one and with more diversity and awareness about the surroundings. Blocks, semidetached houses, shops, living areas and protected woodlands, everything working to fit the human scale, are some of the pieces of the new development in Kalmar







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he main idea is an adaptation of its spatial and social aspects, including the existing natural conditions and probable scenario adjustment. Each topic is specified at regional or local level. Voronoi diagram is a method of spatial subdivision. The regional level layout is based upon nature: native terrain preservation and emphasis, changing landscape adaptation, rural nature maintenance. Simultaneously, it is supported with some built environment principles: zone planning proposals, water transportation spots, waterfront-parallel land transportation system, business areas, agricultural hubs, existing housing expansion, regional service network. The social aspect of the proposal brings: an age based housing profile with 1 500 dwellings and pro-community nest type habitation. Analogical spatial setup at the local level is once again is inspired by nature. It is reflected in self-adaptation to the water level rise scenario, waterfront public use and archipelago structure preservation. The layout concept is as important as some built environment proposals: clear zoning, native terrain based housing, maximum 200 inhabitant urban cells, topography-based urban interior, densification of the transportation network, pedestrian and automotive route integration and finally common space as a public square and a water harbor. At this level the social aspect is emphasized by not only 380 dwellings and natural new communities, but also by large scale open fields.



Bombelek proposal works with adaptability in two ways, the spatial one and the social. The project structures territory and communities with the help of a geometrical pattern. This pattern, almost the same in every part becomes something unique, as the territory is diverse in every location. Inside the embraced areas valleys, floods or slopes configure a specific demarcation in which to live. The eventual flooding of the area would work in favour of the housing type proposed. This demarcation localizes a point in the geography and produces a specific sense of place. The communities developed around these areas of landscape enjoy a part of vast land related to a human scale. So, the first point in social adaptability is that this geo-

metric arena creates a first step of interaction inside every cell, but afterwards each cell is also interacting with the one beside, creating new relationships through time in dif ferent groups of connections. The rest of the wetlands and woodlands are given a soft structure producing a strong identity for the area. In general, what the project produces is an interesting imagination related to how to live in a natural area. First just marking pieces of landscape and progressively, through an appropriation process, making stronger connections between collectivity and nature. The depiction of the collection of communities reveals an attractive poetic of dwelling linked to the everyday life little events.






limate change and consequent landscape transformations are reshaping our waterfronts. The project for Kalmar finds its meaning in the reading of these phenomena and establishes a resilient relation between urbanity and nature. The in-between landscape connects a new development and an existing one with the natural landscape. As the water level rises, the character of the landscape will change and it will slowly transform over the next 100 years into a new waterfront. Around the landscape park, three unique and strongly defined parts are created. Together with the existing neighborhood they form a stronger relationship to Kalmar, both spatially and cognitively. The proposal uses boundaries as the key element for negotiating relationships between private and public space. Clear boundaries between landscape/neighborhood, blocks and plots create a framework that allow different kinds of housing typologies and individual buildings, and provide high quality public space. The variation of plots in each block gives multiple possibilities for development, as some blocks might be fully built at once; others might only be developed to a certain degree, leaving room for densification over time. Just as the conditions of the landscape will change due to geology and climate, conditions for buildings will change due to economical fluctuations and cultural influences. The success of Rinkabyholm is about creating a resilient configuration that releases the qualities of the whole site, rather than emphasizing only one of its capacities.


Three new strongly defined neighbourhoods are proposed with several in between landscapes amongst them. Compactly designed, mixed use and variation are the models for these neighbourhoods. Even if the new settlements lack a greater specificity in their outcome, they are linked on another level to the area. We can say that they connect with the “doit-yourself ” culture and in that sense the stronger point is that it is not exclusivity that gives social diversity to the place. The project also concerns itself with designing a hypothetic waterfront, which would work as green front in the transitional years. The proposal, in this sense, is working with the creation of permeable limits. Limits to delineate nature from city, water

from earth and community from public space. The dif ferent stages of the implementation proceed in this manner: first to define the borders, later on consolidate the whole neighbourhood. In some sense, the authors work with the idea of available reserves, clearly distinguished from the rest. In addition to this conformation of city islands, the goal is to increase connectivity so the whole network of trails is enhanced, developed and transformed cleverly. The point seems to be working with the quotidian and simple things. A city made out of ordinary everyday life events. The proposal is consequently not about giving a special identity to the place, but about enhancing a simple way of living.





hen the national psyche and the borders of countries becomes less interesting and important, the citizens start to make their own definitions of how they see themselves and what they want to belong to. This has led to a Europe that can be seen as one large country. With so many people that can easily move and communicate, a new market for people to join in physical settlements has been created. Settlements created for a common passion. These new dedicated settlements can be built anywhere in Europe even in the far distant Kalmar region. These settlements can also be architecturally more extravagant and utopian than architecture erected to please a local crowd. We have designed five forts where common love in a specific subject has been the main driver of the design.


The project exercises a critical and cynical approach to our society and to the Europan competition in a clever and humorous way with a dose of romanticism and fantasy. It could be read as a collection of laboratory tests where the conditions are taken to the limits. But this fresh explosion also gives the outcome of fascinating facilities and kinds of collective or isolated public spaces, working with virtual relations and hyperbolic depictions of our society. New and innovative re-readings of reality are produced. Paradoxically, it is possibly one of the most realistic proposals. The resulting taxonomy of typologies enriches the possibilities of the existing playing field.



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ur proposal is built upon 10 strategies : Increase density of uses in the border of the new street ; Locate voids inside the dense green area of the proposal ; Insert housing units minimizing ground area occupation and maximizing density with the construction of slender towers ; The approach to the towers far from the main street is done by reusing the existing paths so there is no need to build new streets ; Among the towers several paths join them; Why towers? As it is desired to reduce the impact of the proposal, the towers seem to be perfect as they have more density in less ground space ; The towers have a wide range of dwelling types to fulfill the different needs of the future inhabitants ; Compact housing means compact infrastructure and service layout ; Free ground floor for gardening ; The proposal will create an attractive seaside with an iconic landscape.


This proposal deals with tower typology in an attempt to implement an enjoyment of the landscape based on horizon observation and minimum occupation. The slender high rise buildings are located in clearings in the woods, creating an alternative “wood” complementary to the existing one. Towers are mix-use but are mainly dedicated to housing. At the lower level, a platform creates a sense of community in an individualistic spatial configuration. The process also considers stages, with quick and clean construction through prefabricated pieces. It is one of the few proposals dealing with height, giving inhabitants a privileged position. The extreme slenderness seems dif ficult to be implemented without changes.


EUROPAN IN NUMBERS population municipalitie s






KiSa LERUm E10 mORa öStHammaR HOLma, maLmö NORRKöpiNg E11 NYNäSHamN SimRiSHamN HammaRö HaNiNgE HögaNäS E12 KaLmaR KRiStiNEHamN


89.000 =


32.000 52.000 =

60.000 61.000 74.000 =


gamLEStaDEN, gBg E8 VaRBERg NaCKa tjöRN E9 UppLaNDS VäSBY



118.000 485.000


54.000 =

15.000 38.000

site ar ea (m2)

UmEa BLaCKEBERg, StHLm E2 jöNKöpiNg




39.000 20.000 21.000

LiNKöpiNg SUNDBYBERg E4 tROLLHättaN 130.000

28.000 19.000


jäRFäLLa KaRLSKRONa E6 Växjö


24.000 6.600 25.000

20.000 40.000





30.000 22.000 9.000

38.000 25.000 38.000

15.000 25.000 24.000

81.000 64.000

POPULATION In the recent cycles many smaller municipalities have participated.

HELSiNgBORg KRiStiaNStaD E7 gaRDStEN, gBg gamLEStaDEN, gBg E8 VaRBERg



45.000 30.000 60.000 60.000 40.000

NaCKa tjöRN E9 UppLaNDS VäSBY KiSa LERUm E1 0 mORa öStHammaR HOLma, maLmö NORRKöpiNg E1 1 NYNäSHamN SimRiSHamN HammaRö HaNiNgE HögaNäS E1 2 KaLmaR KRiStiNEHamN

70.000 80.000

40.000 30.000 30.000


90.000 80.000





200.000 240.000


SITES AREAS The trend has been towards larger and larger site areas. This goes together with the competition´s change of focus from mere housing to urban planning.



FEmaLE no of persons

UmEa BLaCKEBERg, StHLm E2 jöNKöpiNg



19 13 12 8 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2


2 2 1 1 1 1

No of pr oposal s 6 14 10




Strategic landplan (ÖP) Extended strategic landplan (FÖP ) Program for detailed development plan (PLANPROGRAM detailed development plan (dEt ALJPLAN) Building pr oject



32 28


mORa // E10

22 26





21 20

gamLEStaDEN, gBg VaRBERg E8 NaCKa tjöRN E9 UppLaNDS VäSBY





KiSa // E10 NORRKöpiNg // E11


UppLaNDS VäSBY // E9

25 29

18 12

NaCKa // E9 22

öStHammaR // E10 KiSa LERUm mORa E10 öStHammaR

33 34 33

HOLma, maLmö NORRKöpiNg E11 NYNäSHamN SimRiSHamN HammaRö HaNiNgE HögaNäS E12 KaLmaR KRiStiNEHamN


NYNäSHamN // E11

36 26

tjöRN // E9

39 48

LERUm // E10

26 25 25 20


NUMBER OF PROPOSALS On average 33 proposals/site is handed in. The most popular site has been Karlskrona (E6), with 67 proposals.The E12 most popular site was Kalmar, with 49 proposals.

maLmö // E11 SimRiSHamN // E11

IMPLEMENtAtIONSthe m ap shows the status o f the processes of the winners fr om E9, E10 and E11.




”Delta-x” Winner in Europan 11 Ebba Hallin and Pelle Backman Project site www.delta-x.se Delta-x is one of the more intriguing Europan winners in recent years. The site is a product of modernistic thinking, which is commonplace in Sweden. Vast generic lawns surround the strict housing slabs Planning regulations dictate: separation, not mixing. The winning project questioned the structure of ownership and the right to take initiative. All land, alongside the street network and sanctuaries for wildlife, is divided into small properties, spanning between 50 to 2000 square meters. The planning code for these plots is proposed to be Universal, meaning that the initiative taker decides if it will be an orchard, a tea house or a shoe shop, as long as he or she complies with law. The small-scale structure, which enables a number of smaller players, is central to the project and questions the mono structure of ownership, currently typical for these areas. The project also refers to a major tendency in Europe today to move from top-down planning procedures to bottom-up. The driving force for this tendency is mainly economic in south-


ern Europe, whereas it is typically ideological in the northern latitudes. Some events have already taken place within the existing plans for the area and a plan program has been worked out together with the winners. If this dance of bottom-up and top-down initiatives can be brought to a conclusion, Norrköping will receive vast numbersof planning delegations from all around Europe. Would you say that your project is political? If so, in what way? Yes, what urban planning projects would not be? Wind turbines? Motor ways? Nature reserves? In our project, many different manifestations fit side by side in a kind of direct democracy. Every piece of land is a means of realizing somebody’s imagination. Our project wants to include many different wills.



”Entré” Winner in Europan 9 Liisa Gunnarson, Peter Morander and Maria Pettersson (photo)

A majority of the inhabitants of the island municipality of Tjörn commute by car to Göteborg on a daily basis. The municipality had the ambition to increase the percentage of commuters travelling by public transport. Hence the needs for a new travel centre; a structure that could include a variety of functions such

as an information centre for visitors, waiting room et cetera. Also a place to park your car and change to bus services. This infrastructural node will be an important part of creating an identity for Tjörn, as well as a pronounced entrance to the island, simply because it is the first thing that you see when arriving on the island. The winners proposed a realistic solution that has been subject to further development since the competition. One of the team members was employed by the municipality for 10 months to refine the project and create an action plan. This has been done in close collaboration with the traffic planning department, since it is, in the end, much of a traffic problem. Workshops have been part of the process to hear opinions of the citizens and bring in new program needs. As it stands, a plan program has been worked out, that also includes nearby housing, and a detailed building regulation plan is predicted to gain legal force within the coming year. Some construction work has been carried out; a new bus stop and connecting traffic solutions.

The completed project in Östhammar is the result of a process that changed direction from the initial plan. The initial plan for the competition, with a hotel as the crucial centrepiece, turned out to be too big and too risky for this small municipality, located slightly over one hour north of Stockholm. It was not possible to find investors or developers to finalize the project. Östhammars ambition, to give the city a closer relation to the sea, included an upgrading of the public spaces along the waterfront. Lotta and Martin were awarded an honourable mention for their proposal ”Östhammars strandlinjer”, which included an idea for the city park Sjötorget. The city of Östhammar commissioned Lotta and Martin to develop their ideas about the city’s historical shorelines further and include a new plan in their proposal. The finalized work includes an upgraded park with new activities programmed, new planting, two major public squares and new buildings for commerce. The now completed project is based to a large extent on the competition proposal. The new park was inaugurated in June 2013 with over 2000 of the city’s population present. Your project is now built; are you satisfied with the result? We are really happy that the project is completed in its entirety and that most parts are of very high quality. We are particularly pleased that the project has already had a positive impact on how the residents use the space.

In what way has the first prize helped you in starting your own business? “After winning I decided to start my own practice. The first prize has brought a lot of attention; also having a first reference project is crucial for getting new projects. And not least, the prize money created an economic platform initially.” says Maria Pettersson.



”Östhammars strandlinjer” Honourable mention in Europan 10 Lotta Wersäll and Martin Styring


”Green grid” Runner-up (shared) in Europan 11 Karin Kjellson, Malin Dahlhielm and Anna Edblom


”Greenish village” Runner-up (shared) in Europan 11 Johan Ahlquist, Urban Skogmar and Carlos Martinez Malmö is an exception in the Swedish Europan context. Whereas many of the site participants in Europe are private housing developers that are about to develop an area, the Swedish sites are typically made available at the initiative of the municipality; mostly at very early planning stages. However, the clients in Malmö were MKB (a municipal housing company) and Riksbyggen (a co-operative economic association), both housing developers. The competition area in Holma, an strip of emblematic residue after modernistic planning, is currently profiting from the upgrading of several urban areas. It is now even named Holmastan – the Europan City. The jury chose to select two runners up instead of one winner, which lead to the two teams working in parallel after the competition. The whole Holma area is in an early planning stage and a commissions for a pre study has been given to the winners.

Many housing areas, belonging to the modernistic heritage, face a transformation ; what are the lessons learnt so far from Holma? Johan Ahlquist, Urban Skogmar and Carlos Martinez : Our experience so far is that the prospects of Holma to develop as a community are good. Partly because Holma already has a green profile and partly because the construction of the City tunnel and development of the nearby Hyllie Holma have begun. Karin Kjellson, Malin Dahlhielm and Anna Edblom : To zoom out and find connections outside the actual area. That we focused on the larger scale in our competition proposal has encouraged the city of Malmö to take a broader view. In the end, it will link Holma much better to the neighbouring districts.


”Derivé” Winner in Europan 10 Marco Pusterla and Jesús Mateo The municipality of Lerum, at comfortable commuter distance from Göteborg, could be said to be very representative of the competition area of Europan today. Since the urban cores of all economic regions in Scandinavia experience problems, due to different reasons; to meet the housing demands the actual growth of these urban cores is found in the neighbouring municipalities, such as Lerum. They can typically never match the urban pulse of the region’s city core and therefore specialize in housing quality, to create the most attractive housing in the region. Lerum wanted to develop an area in Europan 10 predominantly for housing, blessed with a waterfront to give this new area some extra bling. The winning project, by Marco and Jesús, dealt, amongst other things, with the relationship to nature in a way that won favour with the


jury. After the competition they got a commission from the municipality to refine their proposal. The design has since led to a plan program ”Aspedalen och Aspevallen”, that has been politically ratified. The current status of the process is that a detailed building regulation plan is being worked out and the first meetings with the housing developers and the winning architects will take place in the near future. Which was the main idea in your proposal and has it survived the process? The project Derivé consists of an ensemble of strong characters in a beautiful place. The buildings are kept together and the nature is left untouched in order to maintain its characteristics. This idea has been the launching platform for the discussions thus far. It is a flex-

ible structure that can adapt to coming changes and we believe that it can make it all the way.

DELTA MED OMRADE I E 13 AN M ÄL TÄV LIN GSOM R AD E T ILL E13 D e s v e n s k a o m r å d e n a f ö r E u r o p a n 13 v ä l j s u t l ö p a n d e f r a m t i l l o k t o b e r 2 0 14 . E u r o p a n S v e r i g e k o m m e r a t t delta med 5 tävlingsområden. Redan nu går det bra att komma in med förslag på områden. V EM K AN D ELTA Eu r o p a n v ä n d e r s i g t i l l k o m m u n e r, k o m m u n a l a bostadsbolag eller privata utvecklare i behov av i d é a r b e t e i p l a n p r o ce s s e r. EUR O PAN G ER T ILLGAN G T ILL Ett komplett arrangemang av en arkitek ttävling. Kunskapsutby te med exper ter och representanter för a n d r a s t ä d e r i Eu r o p a m e d l i k n a n d e f ö r u t s ä t t n i n g a r. Problem och möjligheter diskuteras i två olika forum i Europa, som ni kan delta i. Det första i Pavia, i Italien där de olika tävlingsområdena diskuteras. Ett stor t material med innovativa lösningar från svenska och europeiska arkitekter och stadsplanerare. Ett vinnande tävlingsförslag som kan föras in i en for tsatt realiseringsprocess. EUR O PAN - SA FUN K AR D E T V å r e n 2 0 14 : a n m ä l a n a v t ä v l i n g s o m r å d e S e p t 2 0 14 : F o r u m o f C i t i e s a n d W i n n e r s , P a v i a - I t a l i e n O k t - d e c 2 0 14 : U t v e c k l i n g a v t ä v l i n g s p r o g r a m A p r i l 2 0 15 : T ä v l i n g s s t a r t f ö r E 13 N o v e m b e r 2 0 15 : F o r u m o f c i t i e s a n d J u r i e s Intresseanmälningar: info@europan.se Frågor till sek retariatet: A n d e r s H o l m e r 0 31 - 6 0 416 3 M i k a e l F r e j 0 31 - 6 0 4161 Huvudman : Sveriges Ark itek ter C l a e s L a r s s o n t Te l 0 8 - 5 0 5 5 7 7 4 0 claes.larsson@arkitekt.se


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