1000 Watts Magazine Issue 33

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I ns i deoft heEas tCoas t ' sr s t medi c alc annabi svaporl ounge


ATr i but et oHenr yAns l i nger


Yourmos tc ommon l egalands c i ent icF AQs .

2 4 0


Rec aps ,Revi ewsandPhot osf r om your f avor i t eCannabi sEvent s Cannabi sPat i entT es t i moni es .Rec i pes . St r ai nsf orPai n.Event s&Pr oduc tRevi ews .

www. 1000wa t t s ma g a z i ne . c om

$4. 20 S e r i e s5| I s s ue33

I t’ sal ways420ar oundt heUni t edSt at es,especi al l ynow wi t ht hecannabi smovement spr eadi ngl i kewi l dr equi t el i t er al l yand gur at i vel y-butcannabi spat i ent s,ent husi ast s andadvocat esar egear i ngupf or

4 2 0

f est i val s,educat i onalevent s, pr i vat epart i es, concert sandmor et ocel ebr at e t hegl obalcannabi shol i day420!

Ther ear esever almyt hsaboutt heor i gi nof420,f r om Gr at ef ulDeadt ot hel aw enf or cement ecodest oWal doSt eveandhi shi ghschoolcr ew,howeverwewantt oknow how youcel

br at e4/ 20.Wei nvi t eyout oshar eyour4/ 20moment sandexper i enceswi t hus t hr oughphot osandot hersubmi ssi ons,sogetoutt her e.

Getel evatedandstayi nf ormed!

AMes s agef r om FounderDJSt one

Spri nghascome!

Pl ant i ngs eas oni sf as tappr oac hi ngandwehavehada t oughwi nt erupi nt heNor t heas t .Iwentdownt oFl or i da t os uppor tBobbyTuna' sSi l verT ouri nTal l ahas s ee andl owandbehol dIgetar r es t edi nPanamaCi t yFl or i da l eavi ngt heai r por tbec aus eIs mel l edofmymedi c i ne. Is howedmyMMPc ar daswel lasmyf eder alpaper wor kt o t hepol i c eoffic er sbutt heywer ei gnor antoft hel aw! I nt heupc omi ngi s s ues ,wewi l lbef oc us i ngal otofour at t ent i ononFl or i da,s uppor t i ngc hanget her easwel last he ot hers t at est hatdon' thavemedi c almar i j uana. T el lusyours t or y. Letusknowwhat ' sgoi ngonwher eyouar es owec anhel pr ai s eawar enes s ands uppor tf ort hec aus eandt hepeopl et hatar ebei ngper s ec ut edf orus i ngc annabi sasmedi c i ne. ~DJSt one

Tabl eofCont ent s ELEVATEDCannabi sLounge i nPr ovi denc e,RI 12 NECCRec ap 22 Hi ghTi mesSanBer nadi noCup Wi nner s 28 Ful l yBakedRadi oAns l i nger T r i but e 30 Medi c at edHoneyRec i pe 34 St r ai nRevi ew:Bl i z z ar dBer r y36 Copy r i ght2015by1000Wat t sPubl i c at i on.Al l r i ght sr es er v ed. Nopar toft hi swor kma yber epr oduc edort r ans mi t t edi nanyf or m. Al l des i gnsandi l l us t r at i onsar epr oper t yof1000Wat t sPubl i c at i on ( unl es sot her wi s enot edwi t hper mi s s i onf r om or i gi nal aut hor )andma ynotbeus edwi t houtpr i orper mi s s i on. 1000Wat t sPubl i c at i ondoesnotendor s ei l l egal ac t i vi t yi nanyf or m. t ’ supt oy out oknowandf ol l owy ours t at e’ sl a ws . I Thi spubl i c at i oni spr oudl ypr i nt edi nt heUSA.

Achel oi s“Rel i eveYourPai nNat ur al l y”Fr eedom Lot i onandFi br o Bl astwi t hNour i Cel ™. Wri t t enbyAl ysonWat t s Achel oi shasawi devar i et yofpr oduct st hatar e avai l abl eonl i neatwww. achel oi spr oduct l i ne. com.I wasgi vent hePai nr el i evi ngFr eedom Lot i ont hati s ofaveryni cebutnott oot hi ckofat ext ur e.Thi s l ot i oncanbeusedt ohel pal l evi at epai nnat ur al l y byappl yi ngi tt opi cal l yt ot hear eaneeded.Some peopl ecannotswal l ow pi l l sandot her spr ef ert o usenat ur alr emedi est osol veanypr obl ems.I tcan al sohel pwi t hawi devar i et yofski ndi sor der s.I havepsor i asi sandam cur r ent l yappl yi ngi tt omy ski nandseei nggoodr esul t s.Fort hosewi t hback aches,spr ai ns, br omyal gi a,andart hr i t i s,i fyou wer et oappl yt hi sdai l yyouwoul dbeamazedat t heamountofr el i efyoucan ndf r om asi mpl e l ot i on. Upon r stgl ance,t hi spr oductr emi ndsmeof somet hi ngt hatwoul dsi tonashel fi nyourmedi ci necabi net ,behi ndt hemi r r ori nt hebat hr oom,or maybei ft her ear en’ tanyl i t t l eonesar oundyou coul devenl eavei tonanear byni ght st andf oruse bef or ebedt i me.I tcomesi nasi l vercont ai nert hat i sl i ght wei ghtandmadeofaheavydut ypl ast i c. i kel y,i tcanbedr oppedonceort wi cewi t hMostl outhavi nghar mt oyourt opi cal .Thel abel i ng coul dbebet t er ,howeverwhent hecont ai neri s openedi ti scl earwhati si nsi de.Thesmel lof or al gar densandcascadi ngwat erf al l si sl i keaf r esh mor ni ngi naj ar .Thel i ghtcol orandt ext ur er emi ndsmeofaSt .vi esl ot i ononecoul dpi ckupata l ocalCVSorRI TEAI D.I thasawat eryt ext ur ebut absor bsi mmedi at el yi nt oyourski nanddoesnot l eaveanygr easyoroi l yaf t er mat honyourski n.I t hassl i ghtsmel l sofpi neandt eat r eeoi lt hat comesoutasi tspr eadsagai nstyourski n. Dry, r oughski nf eel sr i vedandi nvi gor at i ng.Al t hough t hi scoul dbeusedatni ghtt i mei tdoesal sohavea goodopt i onofbei ngusedi nt hemor ni ng. 4

Myski nf eel sgoodandmoi st ur i zed,apartofme want st ocont i nueappl yi ngi tbecauseoft hesmel l . ongwi t hcont ai ni ngauni quemi xof or alscent s Al andessent i aloi l syoucanal so ndt hatt heFr eedom l ot i ononl yhasa3. 38MGofcannabi si nsi de.Thi s meansno,NOyouwon’ tbeget t i ngHI GHorf eel i ng anyt ypesofpsychoact i veeffect sf r om appl yi ngt hi s t opi cal .Howevert her ei sst i l lmedi ci nei nsi det hi s l ot i on,somakesur eyouar esmartaboutwher eyou l eavei t .

Al ongwi t hbei nggi vent heabi l i t yt ouset hei rFr eedom Lot i on,Iwasabl et ot ryt hei rFi br oBl astl ot i onwi t h Nour i Cel ™.Thi sl ot i oni samazi ngi thasamazi ngpr oper t i es.Achel oi swor kedcl osel ywi t hAdvancedTi ssue Sci ences,I nc.t opr oduceaoneofaki ndski ncar epr oductt hatai dsi ndel i ver i ngar ealr esul ti nst eadoft he f al sepr omi sest hatot herski ncar el i nesoffer . Thehuget hi ngt hatst i cksoutf ormeaboutt heFi br o Bl astt opi calwoul dbet hef act ort hati ssai dt ohel p r educest r et chmar ksandcanhel pr el i evepai n.Aspart ofmyj obi st odomodel i ngandpr omot i onaleventgi gs, Iam ext r emel yi nt er est edwhensomeonesayst heycan hel pr educest r et chmar ksandsomescar snat ur al l y.

Asweal lknow,manypeopl ehavebeenaf t ert hi s t ypeoft opi call ot i onf orqui t esomet i mesear chi ng f oranswer s.SoIdeci dedt ot aket hechal l engehead onandbegi nappl yi ngt hi st opi calt osomet i ny st r et chmar kst hatIhaveonmyt hi ghs.Weknow t hi s won’ tbeaccompl i shedover ni ghtbutatl eastwi t ha t wot of ourweekt r i alofappl yi ngt hi sl ot i ont hr ee t i mesadaycoul ddosomet hi ngmagi cal .

Thepr oductcont ai ns4. 25MGofTHCandat ot alof 2. 19MGofCBD,amor et hor oughbr eakdownoft he cannabi noi dspr ol ecanbef oundonl i neont hei r websi t e.I tal socont ai nst heNour i Cel ™,ant i agi ng t echnol ogywhi chi swor ki ngwi t hyourski nt ohel p boostheal t hyr ej uvenat i ont r ai t s.Iam exci t edt o havet heopport uni t yt ouset hi sl ot i onandt esti t outf orpat i ent st ouseeverywher e. I mmedi at el yasi ti sappl i edyoucanf eelt hesof t ness ofyourski ni ncr easi ng.Al t houghIwi l ladmi tt onot appl yi ngi tdi l i gent l yt hr eet i mesaday,Idi dappl yi t t wot i mesdai l y,oncei nt hemor ni ngandonceat ni ght .Thel ot i on’ seffectonmyst r et chmar kswer e sl i ght l ydi ffer ent .Ihi ghl ybel i evet hati ft hi si sdi l i gent l yappl i edandwasdonef orsi xt oei ghtweeks t henonecoul dde ni t el yseeadi ffer encei nt hei r ski nandwoul dagr eewi t hi tbei ngyoungerl ooki ng andi ncr easi ngl ysof t erovert i me.St r et chmar ksand scar swoul dst artt ol i ght enandl ookbet t erwi t hi n duet i meandr egul arappl i cat i on.

Iwoul dsuggestget t i ngsomeandt ryi ngi tf oryour sel f .I l ovet hebl endofuni queandor gani cher balmi xt ur es t heyuse.I tmakesf oragoodsmel lt hatgoeswi t hagr eat t opi call ot i on.I tbl owsmymi ndhow sci enceandt echnol ogyhavegi venust heabi l i t yt omi xcannabi sandagr eat ant i agi ngt echnol ogycal l edNour i Cel ™t oget hert o cr eat eaoneofaki ndpr oduct . Iwoul dsayt heseCO2i nf usedpr oduct smadebyAchel oi s ar et r ul ysomet hi ngspeci alandhavea1000Wat t s Magazi nePat i entAppr oval !Youcan ndt hem onl i neorat TheGar denoft heGodsCol l ect i vei nCal i f or ni a.Besur et o checkt hem outonl i neatwww. Achel oi spr oduct l i ne. com. Li kemanyot hergr eatcompani esi nCal i f or ni at heyhave t hei rpr oduct st est edbySCLabsi nSant aCr uz,Cal i f or ni a. St ayi nf or med!I fyouseeapr oductt hatst andsoutand yourar en’ tsur ei fi twor kscor r ect l y,wr i t et osomeone f r om ourmagazi neandwecanwr i t ear evi ew ont he pr oductsoyoucanknow whet heri t’ sgotour1000Wat t s Magazi nePat i entAppr oval .

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Alaska’s Legalizaton Leaves Residents in a Haze byPGone

Al askahasal waysbeenast at eofcont r adi ct i onswheni tcomest omar i j uanal aws.I nmany ways,ournort her nmostst at ehasbeenont hef or ef r ontofr ef or m;t hei rSupr emeCourtpr ot ect ed per sonalmar i j uanapossessi oni n1975,anda1998i ni t i at i vel egal i zedmedi calmar i j uana.Si nce’ 75,however ,st at el awmaker shavet wi cecr i mi nal i zedanypossessi onofmar i j uana.Sowhatexact l ywast hel aw? Now t hatmar i j uanacanbel egal l yconsumedbyadul tAl askans,onewoul dassumet her ei s nal l ycl ar i t y.Unf ort unat el y,not hi ngi st hatsi mpl e,especi al l ywheni tcomest omar i j uanar ef or m.The new l aw l egal i zesusebyadul t s21andol deri n“ pr i vat epl aces. ”I tdoesnot ,unf ort unat el y,speci f ywhat makesapl ace“ pr i vat e” ,sot heAl coholRegul at oryBoar dhasbeencal l edi nt odi scussanemer gencyr esponse.Al r eady,di ffer entdi st r i ct shavecomeupwi t hdi ffer enti nt er pr et at i ons.Thechi efofpol i cei n Anchor agehaswar nedpeopl eagai nstsmoki ngont hei rpor chesi ft heyl i venearapar k,whi l eatt he Nort hPol esmoki ngout door si sal l owedasl ongasi tdoesn’ t“ cr eat eanui sance. ” Anot heri ssuewi t ht henew l aw i st hatwhi l ei tal l owsAl askanadul t st ogr ow,possess,t r ansport , use,andgi veawaymar i j uana,t hel awswhi chcr eat ear egul at edandt axedmar ketwi l lnotgoi nt oeffect unt i latl east2016.Thi smeanst hatpur chasi ng,sel l i ng,orevenbart er i ngf ormar i j uanai si l l egalatpr esent ,whi chl eavespot ent i alcanni busi nessesi nl i mboandatr i skofar r est( Andobvi ousl ymakesl i f emor e di fficul tf orJohnQ.Pot smoker ) .Char l oGr eene,act i vi standCEOofAl askaCannabi sCl ubi samongt he r st t ot estt hel i mi t soft hesenew l aws,gi vi ngawaymar i j uanat opat i ent sandcl ubmember s. Fort unat el y,bot hoft hesei ssuesar et r ansi ent .Event ual l y,t hel anguage wi l lgetwor kedout ,busi nesseswi l lopen,andAl askansi nmostar easwi l l notbear r est edf orsel l i ngorbuyi ng.Thi si sst i l labi gst ept owar dendi ng pr ohi bi t i on,buti ti snotat ot alvi ct ory.Whi l ei ti sar edst at e,Al askai s knownt oencour agei ndi vi dual i sm andhaveanaver si ont ogover nment cont r ol ,soi t’ snotasi fi tcanbei nt er pr et edasat ur ni nr epubl i canopi ni on. Thef actt hatmar i j uanacanonl ybeconsumedi n“ pr i vat epl aces”i sabi tofas hort comi ng,andt hedel ayi nr egul at i oni sf r ust r at i ng.Pr ogr essi ssl ow,andwehave t obecar ef ulnott osacr icet oomuchi nt hei nt er estofpushi ngt hi ngst hr ough. Dur i ngachessl esson,amanwi sert hanmysel foncet ol dme,“Notal lf oodi sgood f ood. ”Congr at sshoul dbegi vent oAl askaandal loft hepeopl et her et hathave f oughtsohar dt or eacht hi spoi nt ,butl et’ sj ustr eal i zet hatt hewari snotyetover . Wemaybehungryf orchange,butwehavet omakesur ewedon’ tj ust swal l ow what everwe’ r egi ven.


O i l : A l a s k a nI c eT r i mR u nS h a t t e r i naC a s c a d eV a c u u m O v e np u r g i n g .

Hydr oHoneysQueenVi ct or i a& Hydr aJane pul l i ngsl absofbut anehashoi lext r act i ons E mo t e kL a b s t e c h n o l o g y : t h ei n d u s t r ys t a n d a r df o r q u a l i t ya n ds a f e t y .

O GK u s hO u t d o o r Nu gR u n


L et ’ sGetE l ev at ed! ByWay ne“ Kannabi sKi ng”Bur r i ni TheEastCoast’ sr stVaporLounge,apt l ynamed El evat ed,i scomf ort abl ynest l edami dt hehi st or i c st r eet sofPr ovi dence,RhodeI sl and.I ti saheavenl yencount ert hatmustbeexper i encedwhi l e you’ r est uckher eoneart h!Asyoust epupi nt o El evat ed,t hechi l lambi anceoft hevapel ounge get syouf eel i ngl i keyou’ r eaboutt odr apeyour sel fonCl oud9i nMedi calMar i j uanaHeaven.

But r stt hequest i onsr usht omi ndaboutt hef or mal i t i es.Youneedj ustoner equi r ementt oent er : YouMUSThaveaval i dMedi calMar i j uanapat i ent car d,f r om RhodeI sl and–oranyot herl egalMMJ st at e!Thenextst epi st opur chaseyourmont hl y member shi p.( I ' m st i l lwor ki ngoutdet ai l sofal i f et i memember shi p. )Atanyr at e,onceyou’ r ea member ,youenj oyal lt hepr i vi l eges.Eachvi si t consi st sofa$4. 20vaporchar get ocovert heexpenseoft heexhaustsyst em;youent erhavi ngal r eadybr oughtwi t hyouyourownmedi ci ne,and youcanbr i ngyourownset upt ooi fyoul i ke


A“ set up”woul di ncl udea r i g,at or ch,adabt ool–andadabr agi fyou’ r eadab snob! Ar i gi sacont r apt i on:Yout akeagl assbongand“ r i g”i t wi t hanai l ,ei t herquart z,cer ami c,ort i t ani um.Yout hen vapemar i j uanaconcent r at esont hatheat ednai lwi t ha smal lbl owt or ch,usi ngadabt oolt opl aceyourmedi ci neont hehotnai l . I fyoudon' thavear i gorat or ch,nopr obl em –youcan r entorevenbuybr andnew ones!Di dIment i ont hey r entoutENai l s–el ect r i cnai l s?Ther ear emanybene t s t ousi nganENai l ,myf avor i t ebei ngyoudon’ tneedt o l i ghtyourt or cheveryt i meyouwi sht odoadab,whi ch al l owsyout ot akeasmanydabsasyourl ungsdesi r e! Onceyouhaveyourr i g,t or ch/ ENai l ,dabber ,dabr ag, andmedi ci ne,now gocangochi l li nt hel ounge.Pi cka couch,chai r ,ort abl e.Li st ent ot hemusi c,wat chTV,pl ay vi deogames,r eadabook,orenj oysomef ood…i nessence,vapeandl ounge!Kevi n&Ray,El evat ed’ sowner s, makeyouf eelr i ghtathome.Theywantt hei rmember s– whoar en' tcust omer si nt hei reyes,t heyar epat i ent s– t ohaveapl acewher et heycanf eelcomf ort abl ewhi l e vapi ng.Andi ti sn' tj ustconcent r at es,ei t her–t heyhave hi ghendexpensi veandqual i t yvapor i zer sf orher bs.So budl over sanddabber sal i kehaveanew pl acet ocal l t hei rown:El evat ed.AndI*hi ghl y*r ecommendt hi supl i f t i ngexper i ence!

Caregi veroftheMonth Name:Eastcoasterdam

How manyyear shaveyoubeenaCar egi verf or ?8year s How manypat i ent sdoyoucur r ent l yhave?3Pat i ent s.Quadr i pl egi c,Epi l epsy,Art hr i t i s Whatst r ai nsdoyougr ow?Igr ow 2st r ai ns.Mr . EandBuckeyePur pl e syourmot i vat i onf orbei ngaCar egi ver ?Oneofmybestf r i endswaspar al yzedandbecameheavi l y Whati dosedupwi t hphar maceut i cal ssowemadeadeci si ont ogi vei tat ry.wewer eabl et ogethi m offhi smaj or nar csandabl et oweenhi m downoffofmet hadone.wej ustr ecent l ydr oppedanot hermuscl er el axerl ast week.edi bl esr eal l yhel phi m.Myot herpat i enti sawomeni nher50swhohassuffer edf r om epi l epsyf r om t het i meshewasl esst hen10.Shewason16pi l l sadayandwassuffer i ng60sei zur esamont h.Si nceget t i ng heroncannabi s,shenow hasdr opped10ofher16pi l l s( wor ki ngonmor e)andshei sonl ysuffer i nganavgof 2sei zur esamont hnow.herl i f ei scompl et el ydi ffer ent .wheni r stt ookhronasapat i ent3year sagoshe wasr eal l yl ooki ngi nr oughshape.shel ookedl i keaveryt i r edbeat endownper son.Shei snow l ooki ngvery al i veandvi br antandhappy.i t sapr et t yawesomet hi ngt owat chhappenf r om j ustaf ew pl ant swhi chil ove gr owi ng. Whatdoyouusef ornut r i ent s?Whyt hatone?IuseBot ani car eKI NDandBuddhas Tr eeaddi t i ves.Iuset heBot ani car eKI NDbecauseihaveal waysbeena Bot ani car eFar merandi t sal waysbeeneasyt ousewi t hmaxi mum out put.Iuse BuddhasTr eeaddi t i vesbecauseI ndt hem t obet hebestoutt her er i ghtnow. Theyar enotavai l abl ei nt heUni t edSt at esatt hi ssecondbutwi l lsoonbeon shel ves.I vebeenl uckyt oest abl i shagoodconnect i onwi t ht hecompanyandi havebeensuppl i edwi t hBuddhasTr eeNut r i ent sf ort hel astcoupl eyear s.They haveaSi l i ci caci d,aMet aBoost ,aFl owerst art erandaPKBoost erwhi chi sj ust amazi ng. Whatdoyou ndt obet hemostusef ulpi eceofequi pmentyouhavepur chasedandwhy?i t sobvi ousl ymyCl eanRoot sPl at f or ms: ) Whatpr ocessdoyouuset ogr ow?Igr ow i napr ocesscal l edDr ai nt oWast e.i usePr oMi xf ormymedi um. Doyougr ow f r om seedsorcl ones?Why?Igr ow f r om Cl onebecauseoncei f oundphenot ypesil ookediwant edt oper pet ual l ygr ow t hem Doyou ush?Absol ut el y.l i ket o ushatl eastf or2weeksbef or eharvest . How doyouf eelaboutCompassi onCent er sandDi spensar i es?It hi nki t sgr eat t her ear el ocat i onswhi chpat i ent scansaf el ybepr ovi dedwi t hmedi ci ne.



Hempseedcanbepr essedf ori t s hi ghl ynut r i t i ousveget abl eoi l ,whi ch cont ai nst hehi ghestamountof essent i alf at t yaci dsi nt hepl ant I fhemphadnotbeenmadei l l egal 80% ofDuPont’ sbusi nesswoul d havenevermat er i al i zed. Oneacr eofhemppr oducesasmuchcel l ul ose berpul pas4. 1acr esoft r ees.

byRobertPl at shor n Exposi nggr eedwi t houthumani t y!Evi lbeyond compr ehensi on!Ast oryneverbef or et ol d."Thi s booki st hemi ssi ngl i nkt ocannabi sl egal i zat i on" . I texposest hedi rt ycor r uptsel f servi ngsi deof t heant i mar i j uanapr opagandi st s.DARE,St r ai ght I nc,Part ner shi pf oraDr ugFr eeAmer i ca, SOS, Pr i vat ePr i sonCor ps,TheAl coholanddr ug I ndust r i es,Judgeswhosel lyourki dsf orcash, Cal vi naFay,Mel&Bet t ySembl er ,t heKevi nSabet , pol i t i ci answhoacceptt hebr i besi nr et ur nf orant i mar i j uanagr ant s.Peopl ewi t houtmor al sor consci encewhodel i ber at l yper pet uat el i esi n or dert ol i net hi erpocket swi t houtr egar dt ot he si ckort her ui noft housandsofAmer i cansi mpr i s onedeachyearf orapl ant .Fol l ow t hemoneyt r ai l r i ghtbackt oyourel ect edoffici al sandpol i ceor gani zat i onswhomakebust sf orbucks.Lear n aboutcr i mel abst hatonl ygetpai df orpr oduci ng posi t i vedr ugt est sandconvi ct i ons.Al lt hedi rt y l i t t l esecr et st heyt houghtyouwoul dneverl ear n.

I nanopenmar ket pl ace,hempwoul dhavesavedt hemaj or i t yof Amer i ca’ svi t alf ami l yf ar msandwoul dhaveboost edt hei rnumber s despi t et heGr eatDepr essi onoft he1930s. 1930smachi neryt ocut ,bal e,andsepar at et he berf r om t hehi gh cel l ul osehur d,andpr ocesshempi nt opaperorpl ast i cswas becomi ngavai l abl esocannabi shemphadt ogo. Dr .Wi l l i am CWoodwar d,aphysi ci anandat t or neyf ort he Amer i canMedi calAssoci at i on( AMA)t est iedt hatt he“KI LLERWEED, ” t hatwasbei ngdescr i bedt ot hemedi aI SMEDI CALLYKNOWNASCANNABI S. “Wecannotunderstandyet,Mr .Chai rman,whythi sbi l lshoul dhavebeenprepared i nsecretf ortwoyearswi thoutanyi nti mati oneventotheprof essi on. ”


Recapoft heGrandRal l yi nTal l y2015 TheGr andRal l yi nTal l ywasagr eatexper i ence.Theni ghtbef or et her al l y,t hecannabi scommuni t ygat her edt o l i st ent ol i vemusi c,enj oyabuffetoff ood,andal sot omeetandgr eetsomeofFl or i da’ sl eadi ngwar r i or si nt he cannabi smovement .Amongt hosel eader swer eWi l l i am R.Wohl si f er ,RobertPl at shor n,andl eadi ngl adi esKar en Gol dst ei n,Deput yDi r ect orofNORMLFl or i daandDai lAdel man,Execut i veDi r ect orofNORMLFl or i da. I ’ ver eadaboutt hecannabi sl eader shi pi nFl or i da,evenwat chedshortYout ube ser i esabouti t ,buti twasadr eam comet r uet o nal l ybet her esupport i ng t hecause,meet i ngt her ealf acesofmedi calcannabi si nFl or i da. l verTour ,l eadbyRobertPl at shor nj oi nedbyNORMLofFl or i da, TheSi Fl or i daCanandot heror gani zat i onsf r om acr osst hest at esuccessf ul l y gat her edpat i ent s,doct or s,advocat es,vet er ans,seni orci t i zensand mor et oTal l ahasseeonFebr uary10t h,2015.Toget herwi t hover300 ot hersupport er s,t heymetwi t hl awmaker s,andhel dapr essconf er ence t osupportacompr ehensi vemedi calcannabi sbi l l .

TheGr andRal l yi nTal l y,gavemeanopport uni t yt ohearmor et est i moni esof pai nandsuffer i ngbutal soheal t handwel l ness.Af t erl i st eni ngt oSenat orJeffCl emens speak,Ir eal i zedt hatt her ei saser i ousneedf orcannabi seducat i onamongl awmaker s.I ti snotagoodl ookf or l awmaker st obet hr owi ngar oundt er mst heydonotcompr ehend,l i ke“THC, ”and“ CBD. ”Whenl aw maker sl ackasenseofur gencyf orsaf eandl egalaccesst ocannabi smedi ci ne,i ti sasi gnt hatt heydonot under st andcannabi smedi ci neort hepeopl ewhor el yoni tt osurvi ve.Sot hi si sacal lt oeducat et hem! Event sl i keTheGr andRal l yi nTal l yserveasawayf oryout ogeti nvol ved.Theseevent sar eal soanoppor t uni t yt omeett hepeopl ewhoar e ght i ngt ol egal i zemedi calcannabi sf orsaf eaccessamongt hosewhor el yon t hemedi ci net osurvi veandf orabet t erqual i t yofl i f e.


Whatareyouwai ti ngf ortogeti nvol ved?Don’ tbe shy! Reachoutt odayandseewher eyoucangetst art ed: www. t hesi l vert our . or g www. NORMLFL. or g NORMLFl or i da@gmai l . com 3341SW 35t hSt r eet k,Fl or i da33023 WestPar 9543039254

"Wi t houti tpeopl ear esuffer i ng. Theycan' twal k,t heycan' tt hi nk. " Pamel aPai ge, Medi calCannabi sSupport er

"Thepeopl ear eei t hersupport i ngf ami l ymember sort hei rownabi l i t yt obeabl et ot r eat t hei ri l l nessest hewayt heysee t . " Senat orJeffCl emens,( D)LakeWort h

Ev ent heCO2weus ef ort heanal y s i si sar ec y c l edby pr oduc tf r om ot heri ndus t r i es .Thi smak esi ts i gnic ant l ymor e envi r onment al l yf r i endl yc ompar edt oot herl absandt hei r met hods .Weal s ous ePr epar at i v eSFCf ort hei s ol at i onand Whens omeones ubmi t st hei rmat er i alf ort es t i ng,i s pur ic at i onofi ndi vi dual c annabi noi ds , whi c hc ant henbe t her eami ni mum amountneeded? us edf ort hepr epar at i onofc us t om f or mul at i ons .Wear e (F l ower -1gr am Oi l 1gr am Edi bl eonedos ewat er1l i t er , us i ngavar i et yofot hert ec hni quesaswel l , l i k eXr a yF l uoet c . ) r es c enc eSpec t r os c opy( XRF)f ort heanal y s i sofhea vy tdependsont het es t i ngbei ngr eques t ed.I fi ti sf ort he I met al sandpl antnut r i ent s .Agai n, t hi st ec hni quer es ul t si n mor et r adi t i onal c annabi noi d, t er penepr ol i ng, weneed as i mi l arr educ t i oni nhaz ar douswas t egener at edc omhal fagr am.F orc onc ent r at es , weneedaboutaquar t er par edt oc onv ent i onal anal y t i c al met hodol ogi es( AAor gr am.Wi t ht hatamount , wec oul dal s oi nc l udet her es i du- I CPMS) .Wet r yt omai nt ai nas t r ongf oc usonbei ngasenal s ol v entanal y s i s( VOCs ) .F oredi bl es , wet y pi c al l ywoul d vi r onment al l yneut r al aspos s i bl e. wantt oanal y z eonedos e( onec ooki e, onec aps ul e, et c …) . F ormi c r obi ol ogi c al t es t i ng, t hatr equi r esmor emat er i al . Whati st hei mpor t anc eoft er penesi nc annabi smedi or owerorbud, i tr equi r esanaddi t i onal gr am, andf or F c i ne? oi l orc onc ent r at es , anaddi t i onal hal fgr am f ort hemi c r o- Theyar et hemaj orf ac t orf or a v orands c entofc annabi s , bi ol ogi c al t es t i ng.F oredi bl es , wewoul dneedanaddi butt heyal s oha v emanyt her apeut i cpr oper t i es .Ther e t i onal dos et odot hemi c r obi ol ogi c al t es t i ng. ha v ebeenabout120di ffer entt er penesi dent iedi nc anna-

Pr oVer deL absChr i s t opherJ . Hudal l a, Ph. D. F ounder / Chi efSc i ent icOffic er

Whathappensi fyou ndmol dorot hert oxi cc hemi c al s i ns omet hi ngyouar et es t i ng? I tdependsont hel ev el ofc ont ami nat i on, andwhatt he c ont ami nanti s .Ourmai nf oc usi soneduc at i ngc ons umer sandhel pi ngt hem bec omebet t eratwhati ti st heydo. I fwear ewor ki ngwi t haBHOpr oduc er , and ndhi gh l ev el sofr es i dual s ol v ent s , wewi l l wor kwi t ht hem t oopt i mi z et hei rpur gemet hodst opr oduc ebet t erpr oduc t s .I f we ndhea vymet al c ont ami nat i oni npr oduc t , wewi l l wor kwi t ht hec ul t i vat ort oi dent i f yt hes our c e, mos tl i k el y t hewat erors oi l s uppl y .I fwe ndpat hogeni cbac t er i a ( l i k eE. c ol i )t hatwoul dpr es entas er i ousheal t hr i s k, we woul das kt hes uppl i ert oquar ant i net hei rs uppl yunt i l f ur t hert es t i ngc oul dbeper f or med.

bi s , manywi t havar i et yofpr oper t i es .Somemodul at et he wa yourbodyr eac t st oTHC, andt her ef or eal t er sourbi ol ogi c al r es pons et ot hec annabi noi d.Somear eant i i n ammat or y , ant i mi c r obi al .Manypr oduc eac al mi ng, r el ax i ng t .Ther ehasbeengr eatr es ear c hl at el y , andwear e effec onl yr ec ent l ys t ar t i ngt oappr ec i at et hei mpor t anc eont he t er pene’ sandt hei rphy s i ol ogi c al i mpac twi t hourus eof c annabi s .

Whydos omec annabi soi lmedi c i ness par kwhi l eot her s s i mpl ymel t ? Goodques t i on.Nots ur eIknowt heans wert ot hat , butI woul dv ent ur ei thast odowi t ht heot herc ons t i t uent si n t heoi l .Wes eeMANYext r ac t st hatha v eupt o8, 000ppm but ane.Thatma yc er t ai nl ys par k !Butt heot herc ons t i t uent sf r om t hepl ant , l i k et hewax esandf at s , woul dc er t ai nl y Whati st hepr oc es soft es t i ng owervsoi lvsedi bl e? ha v eani mpac tont hebeha vi oruponheat i ng.Whi c hc onEac honeoft hes er epr es ent ss i gnic ant l ydi ffer ents ampl e s t i t uent sar epr es entwi l l beaf unc t i onofwhatmet hodwas mat r i c es .Sot hewa yas ampl ei spr epar edpr i ort oanal y - us edt oc onc ent r at eorext r ac tt hemat er i al , andwhat s i si ft hemai ndi ffer enc e.I neac hc as e, wedoas ol v entex - pos t ext r ac t i onpr oc es s i ngwasper f or med. t r ac t i onoft hes ampl et oc ol l ec tt hec annabi noi dsf or anal y s i s .F or owerandoi l s , t hi spr oc es si sf ai r l ys i mi l ar . DoesPr oVer det es tf ormoi s t ur ei n owermat er i aland F oredi bl es , i ti sawhol eot hers t or y .Ther ear es omany oi l ? di ffer entmat r i xc ons t i t uent s , l i k ef at s , s ugar sandemul s i- Wec ur r ent l ydonot , butwi l l bei mpl ement i ngt hats oon. er s .Dependi ngonwhi c hmat r i xc omponent sar et her e F r om as c i ent icper s pec t i v e, i ti sabi tdi ffic ul tt omeas ur e wi l l gui dehowwepr epas ampl ef oranal y s i s .Edi bl esar e t hemoi s t ur e.Mos tpeopl ewi l l heatt hemat er i al and t hemos tdi ffic ul ts ampl est ot es tbec aus eoft hi svar i abi l i - r ec or dt hewei ghtl os s , andt henc al c ul at ewhatper c ent age t yi ns ampl epr epar at i onmet hodsr equi r ed. oft heor i gi nal mat er i al waswat er .Howev er , t het er penes Doyouus edi ffer entmac hi nes / t ec hnol ogyc ompar ed t oot herl abor at or i esi nt her egi onorc ount r y? Y es , wear et heonl yl abor at or yi nt hewor l d( t hatweknow of )t hatus esConv er genc eChr omat ogr aphyf ort heanal y s i sofc annabi noi ds .Weus eas y s t em c al l edt heUPC2( Ul t r aPer f or manc eConv er genc eChr omat ogr aphySy s t em) .I t i sbas edonSuper c r i t i c al F l ui dChr omat ogr aphy( SFC) whi c hut i l i z esl i qui dCO2asourpr i mar ys ol v ent .Thi s t ec hni quer es ul t si naf as t ermor eeffic i entanal y s i s , and gener at es100t o500t i mesL ESShaz ar douswas t ec ompar edt oc onv ent i onal t ec hni ques .

wi l l bel os tbef or eanyoft hewat eri sr emov ed, s or eal l y , t hec al c ul at i onpr ovi deshowmuc hmoi s t ur eANDt er penes ar ei nt hepl ant( bec aus et hos ear ewhati sl os tonheat i ng) . Ther ear eot heri ns t r ument st hatwehopet ous et hatwi l l meas ur eSPECI FI CAL L Yt hewat erl os s , andwi l l noti nc l ude t het er penesi nt hatmeas ur ement .

Compa s s i onorCa pi t a l i s m I wa sa l wa y ss k ept i c a l a boutl a wsa l l owi ngs i c kpeopl et o obt a i nmedi c a l ma r i j ua naf r om c a r egi v er s , ordi s pens a r i es . I ts eemedt ome , t ha tamuc hs a nera ppr oa c hwoul dbet o l ega l i z et hi sa bs ur ds i t ua t i ona nda l l owt hes i c ka ndi nr mt o obt a i nt hei rpr oduc ta tar ea s ona bl epr i c ewhi l et hos ewho s i mpl ywa nt edt ous ei tf orr ec r ea t i ona l pur pos eswoul dpa y wha t ev ert her et a i l erc ha r ged. I ns t ea d, wenowha v edi s pens a r ybus i nes s est ha tc ha r ge t hos ewhoneedma r i j ua naf ort hei rmedi c a l c ondi t i onst he s a mepr i c eas t r eetdea l erwoul dc ha r gef ora nozofGol den Goa ti naba c ka l l eyHa i l Ma r yf orpr ot . $450. 00f ors el l i nga nounc eofweedt os omeonel i v i ngi n gov er nmenthous i ngwi t hnomea nsoft r a ns por t a t i ona nd l i v i ngoffamea ger l ydi s a bi l i t yc hec kt omei smor ec r i mi na l t ha ns omeguywi t haba gofhomegr ownhi ghgr a des a t i v a a c c ept i ngc a s hf orhi ss t a s h. Obv i ous l y , noneofusc a ndi c t a t et odi s pens a r i eswha tt hey s houl dors houl dnotc ha r gef orgr a ms , qua r t er s , orba ggi es ofAK47. T hedi c t a t esofc a pi t a l i s m hov er sov ert hes eoutt s l i k ehea v ybl a c kc l oudsofba da s swea t herdoest hes t a t eof Ka ns a s . L et ' sber ea l . Ca pi t a l i s ma ndweedc a nonl yl ea dt o boa r dr oomsoft hec onnec t eda ndt hepr i v i l eged. Aswi t h ev er y t hi ngel s e , moneya ndma r i j ua nai sami s t r es snott obe i gnor ed, es pec i a l l ywi t hhers i r enc a l l ofs uc c es sa nda c i ng t heAmer i c a nDr ea m. Mi l l i ona i r eswi l l bema deont heba c k soft hos ewhoha v eno mea nst ogr owi t , s howi t , a nds mok ei t . I t ' saweedf orGods a k es , t hes a mebunc hofba dboy shi ghwa yc r ewsl ev el t ot hegr oundi nmedi a nswi t hnoi s yweed wha c k er s . I t ' snotgol d, i t ' snotdi a monds , i t ' snotj ewel r y . I t ' s aweedt ha tgr owsa bunda nt l yev er y wher eonea r t hf r om Al a s k at oT a nz a ni a . I ' v er ec i t edt her ea s onweedwa sma dei l l ega l t obegi nwi t h a ndI ' m notgoi ngt or epea ti ta ga i ni nt hi sc ol umn. Y ou' l l ndt hos er ea s onsi npr ev i ousc ol umnsI ' v ewr i t t enf ort hi s ma ga z i ne . I twa s , howev er , ma dei l l ega l s oaf ewc i ga rs mok i ngol i ga r c hsc oul dha v et hei rc a k ea ndt hef r os t i ngont op ofi ta swel l . Mypi t c hi ss i mpl yt hi s . I fs omeoneent er sadi s pens a r ywi t h amedi c a l ma r i j ua nac a r da nddoes n' ta ppea rt oha v eapot t opi s si noragoodl egt owa l kon, c utt hem s omeov ert he c ount er na nc i a l s l a c k .

2 0

I faguywhol ook si ngr ea ts ha pe , i naBr i oni s ui twi t ha c a r dt ha twa si s s uedt ohi m bec a us ehec ompl a i nedof s omes or tofpha nt om l owerba c kpa i n, c ha r gehi m wha ty out hi nki sgoodf ory ourbot t om l i newhi l ea l l ev i a t i ngt he na nc i a l a gonyoft hos ewhoc a nba r el y s c r a pet oget herenoughl oos e c ha nget ogr a bagr a mf ort hene x tf ourda y sofpa i n r el i ef . Y ouk nowwha tI ' mt a l k i nga bout , es pec i a l l yi f y ou' r ebehi ndt hec ount er . As kt hem wha tt heyneed ma r i j ua naf or : pa i n, gl a uc oma , ora nyoft heot herphy s i c a l c i r c ums t a nc esa l l owedundermedi c a l ma r i j ua na l a ws . S ugges tas t r a i nt ha t ' l l wor kbes tf ort hei rc ondi t i on. Af t era l l , y ou' r et hee x per t . I ft heyc hoos eas t r a i n t heyenj oy ,ne . L ett hem buyi tbutdon' tf or gett hey mi ghtbehea dedba c kt oas ui t eofc or por a t ec l os ed door swher et heyc a nbr a gt ot hei rbuddi eshowc ool i t i st obea bl et ogetov eront hema ns i mpl ybygr oa ni ng a boutt hedi s c omf or ti nt hei rl owerba c k . I gues swha tI ' ma s k i ngi sc ompa s s i ona t edi s c r et i onon t hepa r toft hos eofy oubehi ndt hec ount er . Poor peopl edon' tl ookwel l a ndt heyc a n' ta ffor dt odr es sl i k e J a mesBondorwea rga ngba ngernec k l a c es , get el a bor a t et a t t oos , ora doptas wa gger . Andt heyc er t a i nl ydon' ta ppea rt obei nc ha r geofs i gni ngoffona l oa nt oaF or t une500c ompa ny . Compas s i oni sgoodkar ma. I tc omesa r oundi nwa y s y ouc a n' ti ma gi ne . Ca pi t a l i s mi sj us ta not herwa yt opr ov i demoment a r ys a t i s f a c t i ona ndel us i v edes i r e . Af t er t woweek s , whent hel ea t hers ea t sha v ey oura s si mpr i ntdownpa t , aF er r a r i i sj us ta not herf ourwheel ed wa yt obr ea kt hes peedl i mi ta ndi mpr es sy ourf r i ends f orl i t t l emor et ha ni tt a k esy out or ol l upa nddr i v e a wa y . I t ' sy ourc hoi c e . Asa l wa y s , dowha t ' sbes tf ory oubut don' thur tot her sbydoi ngs o.

byGe of fCha r l e s


LegalBudAdvi sor y

1000Wat t swi l l behav i nganew f eat ur ef or yourl egal ques t i onsandi nf or mat i v eans wer s . St aymedi c at edandkeepr eadi ng!

Wha t Y ouNeedT oKnow: At t or neyMi c ha el Ma l oneyQ&AWhatar es omeoft hemos tc ommonc as esyour epr es entt hati nvol vec annabi s ? I t y pi c a l l ygeta s k eda boutl i c ens et oc a r r yr ea r msa ndpr oba t i ona r yi s s uesr ega r di ng t es t i ngpos i t i v ef or T HC( des pi t eha v i nga nMMJr ec ommenda t i on) .E mpl oy mentdr ug t es t i ngi sa not hert opi ct ha t ' sr a i s edda i l y . Myc r i mi na l c a s esr unt hega mut :S i mpl ypos s es s i onw/ i nt entt odi s t r i but et oot her s c a ughtw/ mul t i pl ef ul l dumpt r uc k s . Ar et her emanypat i ent swhoar ebei ngpr os ec ut edduet opos s es s i ng/ pur c has i ng/ gr owi ng medi c i newi t houtper mi s s i oni nt hi sr egi on? Y es , t her ea r es t i l l at onofpa t i ent sbei ngpr os ec ut edbutI ha v edeni t el ynot i c edac ha ngei nt hepol i t i c a l c l i ma t e . As i def r om af ews el ec t" c ons er v a t i v e"l oc a l c our t s , I ' v ewi t nes s edpr os ec ut or s ' a ppr oa c hr ehowt oa ppr oa c ht hes e c a s ess hi f tt owa r dst hel ef t . Howc anpat i ent s ndoutaboutnewl aws whent heyar enotal waysupt odat eor publ i c i z edongover nmentoďŹƒc i al webs i t es ? T hes t a t el a wsgov er ni ngmedi c a l ma r i j ua na a r eof t engov er nedbya na r r a yofs t a t ea genc i esa nda c t or s .T hes er ul esa ndr egul a t i ons a r ec ons t a nt l yc ha ngi ng. I ' v ea s s i s t edc ompa ni esa ndi ndi v i dua l si n v eemer gi ng( a ndes t a bl i s hed) medi c a l ma r i j ua nas t a t esa ndk nowhowt owor kw/ i nt t hec on nesoft heDHS , DHHS , et c .


P A C RE by@Mr sCI B Ihadt hehonorofbei ngapartoft he r stNew Engl andCannabi sConvent i on.I twashost edi n Bost onatt heHi st or i cCast l eatPar kPl azaon Febr uary21stand22nd.Uponar r i vi ngt ot he venue,Inot i cedt hatt hest r eet swer eNOT oodedwi t hl i tj oi nt s,t i edyecoat s,l i tbl unt s,or anyonet ryi ngt ogeti nmyf aceaboutsel l i ng somemedi ci nei nanyf or m: ower ,t i nct ur e, edi bl eet c.I nst ead,t hecannabi scommuni t ywas r eadyt oshar et hepr oduct sandservi cest hey havei nst or e. Ont he r stdayoft het r adeshow,t heweat herwas col dbutt hi sdi dnotst opt hepubl i cf r om maki ng t hei rwayt ot heevent .Fol kst r avel l edf r om Pennsyl vani a,NewYor k,New Jer sey,t heWestCoast wasi nt hehouse,Fl or i daandbeyond.Peopl eofdi f f er entgener at i onsal lgat her edt ol ear nandconnect t ot hecannabi si ndust ry. Ont heseconddayoft heNew Engl andCannabi s Convent i on,i twassnowi ngi nt hemor ni ng,andhad beensnowi ngt heni ghtbef or et oo.Peopl ewhoat t endeddayoneshowedupagai nf oranot herr ound ofpanel i st sandexci t i ngpr i cesf r om t hedi ffer ent vendor s.Iwasexci t edt osee al otofnew at t endees whoshowedupf ort heseconddayoft heNew Engl andCannabi sConvent i on.I nvest or sandst art ups al i ke,wer ewal ki ngi nt hecr owdl ooki ngf ornew busi nessvent ur esandpart ner s,whi l et hegener alpubl i c enj oyedl ear ni ngaboutt hewi der angeofpr oduct s andservi cest hatar eemer gi ngi nt hecannabi si ndust ry,bot hr ecr eat i onalandmedi ca


Myf avor i t epartoft heeventwast hateveryonewho wal kedt hr ought hedoorwasl ear ni ngsomet hi ng new aboutcannabi s.Fr om bout i quest affingagenci es,t ot heNew Engl andGr assr oot sI nst i t ut e, Pat i ent s,Car egi ver s,Ent husi ast s,Doct or s,Educat or s, Mot her s,Fat her s,Si st er s,Uncl es,Gr andmas,and Gr andpas,t heNew Engl andCannabi sConvent i on gaveEastCoast er sanopport uni t yt omeett he mover sandt heshaker soft hei ndust ry.Thr oughout bot hdaysoft heshow,t her ewer epaneldi scussi ons wi t hel ect edoffici al s,r epr esent at i vesf r om advocacy or gani zat i ons,busi nessowner s,andmor e.Thedi scussi onsr angedf r om how t ogr ow medi ci ne,t o l egali ssuesandconcer ns,andhow t obr eakf r ee f r om t hei deat hatpossessi ngcannabi si sacr i me, evenwhenyouhaveyourmedi calper mi ssi ons/ r ecommendat i on. Iam r eal l yl ooki ngf orwar dt owor ki ngt oget her wi t ht het eam att heNew Engl andCannabi s Convent i on.Ii magi nemor ecr owds,mor eeducat i on,andabi ggersenseofcommuni t yf ort he convent i onst ocomei nRhodeI sl and,Mai neand Massachuset t s.

TheNew Engl andCannabi s Conventi on

i scomi ngt oRhodeI sl andMay16t hand 17t h! THENEW ENGLANDCANNABI SCONVENTI ON HASEVERYTHI NGANDEVERYONEYOUNEED TOKNOW TOGETI NVOLVEDI NTHEFI ELD. Over50I ndust ryboot hs,twodozenexpert speaker s&panel s,andofcour seaf ul lr ange ofr et ai l er soer i ngt hel at estSmoki ng, Vapi ng,Gr owi ng,andst or i ngaccessor i es!

TI CKETSONSALENOW! $25f oradaypass $40f orbothdays!

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Buyti cketsonl i neat:newengl andcannabi sconventi ons. com NECannaCon Sponsor edBy

Rol l UhBowl Revi ewby@Mr s CI B

I fyouhaveanact i vel i f est yl eandar e l ooki ngf orawat erpi pet hatcan ti nyourpocketwi t hout br eaki ng,t heRol l UhBowli syourdi scr eetsol ut i on. Thei ndest r uct i bl epi ecei sr eadyf orar i pofsome ower swhenyour emovet heband,at t acht he downst em wi t hbowland l li tupwi t hal i t t l ebi tof wat er .I fyouar ei nt ooi l ,t hebowlcanbechangedi nt oapi ecet hati sdabr eadyi nl esst han10seconds, i t spr et t ycool ! Rel easedi nt hemar ket pl aceonApr i l20,2014,t he Rol l UhBowlwasi nvent edbyaMont ananat i veand out dooradvent ur eent husi ast .Now undert he l eader shi pofCEOAsht onJones,youcan ndSmokyBubbl esat asmokeshoporupcomi ngcannabi seventnearyou. I ti si mport antt onot et hatunl i kegl asspi eces,t heRol l UhBowl shoul dbecl eanedwi t hsoapywat erorwhent hedownst em andbowlar er emovedi tcanbeputi nt hedi shwasher . pl eRol l UhBowlhasqui ckl ybecomeaf avor i t eaccessory Mypur wi t hi nt hecannabi scommuni t ybecauseIhavebr okenmor e t hanmyf ai rshar eofgl asspi eces.It r avelof t enf orwor k,so havi ngapi ecet hatwi l lnotbr eakandi snotsuperobvi ousi s gr eat .Now t hankst oRol l UhBowl ,Iam abl et ohavesmokybubbl esanywher e. St ayt unedasSmokyBubbl esmakeshi swayi nt oyourbagand aci t ynearyou!

www. r ol l uhbowl . com 24

As kaHy d r oHo n e y Q.How doIt el li fcannabi sormymedi ci nei sr eady t obeharvest edandwhent ost artt hedryi ngand cur i ngpr ocess? A.Youwoul dwantt ogetami cr oscopeorj ewel ry scopet hatcanmagni f yupt o20Xormor e.Thi swi l l enabl eyout oseet het r i chr omesont hecol asor headsoft hepl ant s.Youwantt ohaveami l kyamber col or .Whent het r i chr omesar eani ceambercol or t henyouknow youar er eadyt ost artharvest i ng.I f anyt hi ngf ol l ow t hegol denr ul eandal wayswai t t hr eet o vedaysaf t eryout hi nkyoushoul dharvest t oharvest . Q.Whatar et hebasi ccat egor i esofcannabi s? A.Ther ear ef ourmaj ort ypesofbr eedsofcannabi s. Thesei ncl udeCannabi sI ndi ca,Cannabi sSat i va Cannabi sAf ghani ,andCannabi sRuder al i s. Cannabi sI ndi cai sgoodf orar el axi ngpai nr el i evi ng heavysedat i vecouchl ockhi gh.Cannabi sSat i vai s goodf oranener get i ccer ebr alhi ght hati sr ecommendedf oradayt i memedi cat i on.Cannabi sAf ghani i sgr eatf orhashmaki ngandot hert r ueKushst r ai ns. I thaspai nr el i evi ngqual i t i esandcont ai nsahi gher l evelofcannabi noi dcont entver sust heot hercat egor i es.Cannabi sRuder al i s,al soknownasAut o Fl ower ,i sast r ai nt hatwi l lbegi npr oduci ng ower andbudsaf t ersi xt osevenset sofl eavesst artt o gr ow. Now t her ear epl ent yofdi ffer entst r ai nsi nexi st ence, howevert hesef ourmaj orgr oupsar et hebasi csof t hecannabi spl antandhaveal lbeencr eat edand gr ownbycr ossbr eedi ngandcr eat i ngHybr i ds. Thehybr i dpl anti sapl antt hati sami xt ur eofami ni mum oft wodi ffer entcat egor i esofcannabi sabove easer et ocr eat eanew st r ai nandnew genet i cs.Pl

membert hatal lbudandmedi ci near emadeup

di ffer entuni quepr ol est hatwi l laffectt hehuman bodyi nmanydi ffer entways.TheHydr oHoneyt eam al waysr ecommendskeepi ngast r ai nj our nal .Thi si si mport antbecauseasyoumedi cat ewi t hdi ffer entst r ai ns youwantt obeabl et or ememberwhathashel pedi n t hepastandwhathasnot . Q.Whatar et heot heral t er nat i vewayt omedi cat ei nst eadofal wayssmoki ngmycannabi smedi ci ne? A.TheHydr oHoneysal waysagr eewi t hmedi cat i ng wi t hmul t i pl eopt i ons.Al t houghsmoki ngandi nhal i ng yourmedi ci nei sal waysl ovel yandol dschool .Wesupportor ali ngest i onandvapor i zi ng,bot hoft heseopt i onscanhaveaheal t hyposi t i veeffectont hebody. Manypat i ent sf ai lt or eal i zet hatyoucanachi evet he medi ci nalval ueandbene tf r om t hi snat ur alher b wi t houtsmoki ngi t .Thi si ncl udesbuti snotl i mi t edt o t hef ol l owi ng: Ti nct ur escomesi nt wof or ms.Al coholorGl ycer i nt i nct ur ear et heopt i onsavai l abl et opat i ent s.Thi scanbe donef ai r l yeasi l yandusesasi mpl ei nf usi onpr ocess. Onewoul dsi mpl euseaneyedr oppert omeasur eout t hecor r ectdosageandt hensi mpl esqueezet het i nct ur eunderyourt ongueandl eti tabsor bi nt oyour bl oodvessel s.Oi lI nf usi ons( Concent r at es)ar egr eatf or vapor i zi ng,andcanbeusedt oi nf usebut t er s,oi l sor anyt ypesofhi ghf atsol ubl ef oodi t em.Pl easebe smart ,r emembert hatal t houghconcent r at esar egr eat , t heyar est r ong! ! !Rangi ngf r om 5085% THCcont ent . Pl easeal waysvapor i zewhensi t t i ngdownandst art smal l .Al i t t l er eal l ydoesgoal ongway.Theot herki nd ofwayyoucanhaveorgetyourmedi ci newoul dbe t hr oughedi bl es,ormedi cat edt r eat s.Thi scanbedone byusi ngyourt r i m orconcent r at edoi li nf usi ons,hash, et c.andheat i ngi toverl ow heatf ormul t i pl ehour s unt i lasmuchoft heTHCandcannabi scomeout . Edi bl escant akeupt o2hour st ot akeeffect .Pl ease bewar eandeatr esponsi bl y.

Letusknow how youl i ketomedi cate! ! !


2015SoCalHi ghTi mes Medi c alCannabi sCup

Bhogar tExt r ac t sev en

by: MadDabber710

br oughtadi r t bi k er amp. I ts eemedast houghev er y v endorwasgoi ngal l outt omak et hi sanunf or get t abl e

unwasr i s i ng, s hi ni ngt hr ought hec anopyoft heRedThes

ex per i enc ef oral l oft hepat i ent s .

woods , andpeaki ngi nt omyt entasIs t ar t edt owak e. I f oundmy s el fl ooki ngupi na weatt hebr eat ht aki ngbeaut y

I twasSat ur da yandt heCupopenedathi ghnoon, or

oft heRedwoodf or es ts ur r oundi ngme. Myj our neyt ot he

c l os eenoughf ors t onert i me. Hundr edsuponhundr eds

SoCal Hi ghTi mesMedi c al Cannabi sCupwasofft oanun-

ofs mok er s , dabber s , pot heads , andc annabi sc onnoi s -

bel i evabl es t ar t . Af ewmor ni ngdabs , ac hangeofc l ot hes ,

s eur sgat her edout s i deoft hegat esoft heNat i onal

andbac kont her oadheadi ngs out ht owar dsSanBer nar di -

Or angeShowEv entCent erf ort hei rc hanc et oex per i -

no, akaSanBur nadoobi e, andwhatwoul dt ur noutt obe

enc et hephenomenonknownast heHi ghTi mesCanna-

anamaz i ngs t ar tt ot hi sy ear ' sCannabi sCups .

bi sCup. TheNOSEv entCent erhadt woent r anc esopen t ot hepubl i c , agener al admi s s i onl i ne, andaVI Pl i ne.

Iar r i v edi nVeni c et heSat ur da ybef or et heCupandf ormy r s tv eda y si nSout her nCal i f or ni a, Is t a y edi nanapar t -

Ti c k et sf ort heev entr angedf r om $60f oraoneda y Gener al Admi s s i onpas supt o$1, 500f oras pec i al VI P

mentj us tbl oc k sa wa yf r om t heVeni c eBeac hBoar dwal k.

pac kagef ort heweek endt hati nc l udedal l s or t sof

Theweat herwasamaz i ngc ompar edt owi nt eri nPor t l and,

goodi es . Onc ey ouent er edi nt ot hegat ey ouhadt o

OR. Sunwass hi ni ng, t emper at ur ewasi nt hemi d-t o

pi c kupy ourwr i s t bandf ort heda y / week endandt hen

hi gh70s , andy ouc oul ds mel l t heoc ean, al ongwi t hour

geti nl i net ogety ourmedi c al wr i s t bandi fy ouhad

dabs , i nt heai r . Theda y sl eadi ngupt ot heCupwer el l ed

y ourPr op215medi c al c ar dorr ec ommendat i on. The

wi t hc at c hi ngupwi t hf r i ends , t aki ngi nt hes i t es , c anna-

Gr eenDoc t or swer eev ent her et ohel ppat i ent sget

bi s . . . anddabs , l ot sandl ot sofdabs .

t hei rr ec omendat i onsont hes poti ft heyneeded. Onc e y ouhady ourmedi c al wr i s t bandy ouc oul dt henpr o-

Wepul l edi nt oourhot el i nSanBur nadoobi eThur s da y

c eedt ot heMedi c at i onAr ea, andt hati swher emos t

ev eni ngandbet weent hes ol douthot el s , al l oft hec anna-

peopl ewant edt obe.

bi sat t i r e, andt hatwonder f ul ar omawe' r eal l s of ondof , t her ewasnomi s t aki ngt hatt heCannabi sCupwasi nt own.

Uponent er i ngt heMedi c at i onAr eawewer egr eet edby

Hundr edsofv endor smadet hei rwa yt ot heev entf ora

mul t i pl er epr es ent at i v esofvar ousboot hshandi ngout

c hanc et or eac ht hemas s eswhi l et hous andsofpeopl ean-

adv er t i s i ngoffer i ngs ampl esofal l f or msofc annabi s ,

t i c i pat edt heopeni ngoft he r s tofmanyCupss c hedul ed

t hemos tpopul ars eemi ngt obedabs , ac onc ent r at ed

t obehel dt hi sy earac r os st hec ount r yandbey ond.

f or m ofc annabi sext r ac t . Wi t ht hatbei ngs ai d, t her e wasde ni t el ynol ac kof ower s , medi bl es , oranyot her

TheCupwashel datt heNat i onal Or angeShow( NOS)Ev ent

f or m ofc annabi sy ouc oul dt hi nkof . L i k emos toft he

Cent eri nSanBer nar di no, t hes amel oc at i onasl as ty ear ' s

Hi ghTi mesEvnet sI ' v ebeent o, v endor swer et hr owi ng

SoCal Cup. Wal ki ngar oundt heNOSEv entCent eronF r i da y ,

outal l s or t sofs ur pr i s est ot hec r owds . Att hef arendof

t heda ybef or et heCup, al l owedmet ogetani deaofhow

t hel otDabs t i xwass et upwi t ht hei rt wos t or yboot h

bi gt hi sev entwasgoi ngt obe. . . HUGE! I twasl i k ewat c hi ng

andl i k emanyt i mesbef or e, t heyhadanamaz i ng4: 20

as mal l c i t ybei ngbor noutoft hebl ac k t op, onl yt hi st em-

gi v ea wa y . Dabs t ar swal k edar oundt oal l t hev endor s

por ar yc i t ywasbei ng l l edwi t hal l oft hebes tpr oduc t s ,

pi c ki nguppr oduc t st oaddt ot hegi v ea wa yandat4: 20

mer c handi s e, andmedi c i net hei ndus t r yhast ooffer . Ther e

i twason! Dabs , pr er ol l edj oi nt s , s hi r t s , hat s , r i gr ags ,

wer eov erahundr edt ent ss etup, mul t i pl es t ages , and

andev enabunc hofDabs t i xVapor i z erKi t swer eal l


t hr ownoutt ot hehugec r owd. Dabs t i xwas n' tt heonl yboot hdoi ngamas s i v e4: 20gi v ea wa y . VaderExt r ac t swental l outwi t ht hei rboot handhad af ul l s t ages etupwi t hmul t i pl eper f or manc est hr oughout t heweek end. Theyga v ea wa yov erapoundofdabst ot he c r owd, t os s edoutal l s or t sofmer c handi s e, dabbedout c ount l es speopl e, andendedupt aki nghomeac oupl er s t pl ac ewi ns , i nc l udi ngt hec r owdv ot edc at egor y , Bes t Boot h. Ther ewer emanynewnames , c ompani es , andpr oduc t s r epr es ent edatt hi sy ear ' sSoCal Cupal ongwi t hal age numberofwel l knownc annabi sent i t i esandc el ebr i t i es . Cannabi sr oy al t yT ommyChongmadet het r i pandc oul dbe s eendoi ngphot osandaut ogr aphsf orf ans . Ev env endor s c omi ngf r om outofs t at eandac r os st hewor l dwer eeager t os har et hei rpr oduc t s . Smok eBox . c om c ameal l t hewa y outf r om Chi nat os howot hei rnewhi ghends mok er ' s boxf ort het r a v el i ngs t oner . L oc al s eedc ompani eswer e t her eal ongwi t ht hewel l knownnamesl i k eT GASubc ool Seeds , L oudSeeds , andMT GSeeds , j us tt onameaf ew. Thegl as s , l i k eal wa y s , di dn' tdi s appoi ntwi t hbi gnames l i k eHi t man, Nex us , Pul s e, andmanyot hergl as sc ompani ess howi ngot hei rl at es tandgr eat es tc r eat i onsof wor kabl ear t . I fatanypoi nty ouwer ef eel i ngov er wel medbyt hec opi ousamount sofc annabi s , al l oft hel oudnoi s ef r om c ompet i ngboot hs , andev ent hebac k -i ppi ngdi r t bi k esat t hemot or c r os sr amp, y ouc oul ds t epi ns i det heCi t r us Bui l di ngt ot henonmedi c at i ngar eaandc hec kout boot hsf ornonpr ot sl i k eNORML , NORMLWoman' sAl l i anc e, TheHumanSol ut i onandmor e. Semi nar swer ehel d i nbot ht heCi t r usBui l di ngandt heOr angePa vi l i onwi t h ex per tpanel ss har i ngi nf or mat i on, newandol d, f r om ac r os st hei ndus t r y . Var i ouspeopl ec oul dbes eendoc ument i ngt heev entf ort hos ewhoc oul dn' tat t end, i nc l udi ngr adi obr oadc as t sf r om Cannabi sNet wor kRadi o t hr oughoutt heweek en

Hi ghTi mesSanBer nadi noCannabi sCupWi nner s Sat ur da yni ghtt heOr angePa vi l i onwashomet ot heRi c k Ros sConc er tandanot hers mok e-l l edHi ghTi mess how wi t ht hec r owdl i ght i ngupal ongwi t hRos sdur i nghi sper f or manc e. Byt heendofda yone, Iwass ur et hi swast he

BestSati vaFl ower

bi gges tCannabi sCupSoCal hads eent odat e.

1stPl ace|MangoTangobyEl ement al Seeds

Sunda ywer et ur nedt ot heev entr eadyt ot ak ei nt he nal da y . VI Ps , nowwi t ht hei rwr i s t bands , hadnol i neatt heVI P

2ndPl ace|LoudBer ryFl owerbyLoud SeedsSL

ent r anc eashundr edsofpeopl egat her edonc eagai nat

3r dPl ace|Tangi ebyDr .Gr eent humb

t hegat esoft heNat i onal Or angeShowEv entCent er . I twas da yt wooft hi samaz i ngev ent , anec es s i t yf ort hos ewho wantt ot r yt ot ak ei nev er yboot hands i t et os ee, andt he v endor swer es howi ngt hec r owdspl ent yofl ov ei nt he wa yoff r ees ampl es , r aes , andmor emas s i v egi v ea wa y s . Ther ewer emus i c al per f or manc esofal l t y pesgoi ngonat manyoft heboot hsandout s i des t agesf ormos toft he s ec ondda y . Ihadt hehonorofbei ngoneoft hos eper f or mer satbot ht heDabs t i xs ec onds t or ys t ageandt he

BestI ndi caFl ower 1stPl ace|KosherKushbyGr eenwol f LAandKushCompany 2ndPl ace|Lor axOGbyLor axLabsf r om CannaSut r aCol l ect i ve 3r dPl ace|Dr .K' sPar i sOGKushbyCal i Nat ur alCol l ect i ve

Smok ebox . c om boot h. Ast heda y ' senddr ewnear , peopl e wer emaki ngs ur et oc as tt hei r nal v ot esf orBes tPr oduc t ,

BestHybri dFl ower

Bes tBoot h, Bes tVapor i z er , andBes tGl as sbef or et he nal

1stPl ace|Wel l nessOGf r om t heW. E. E. D. i nSt udi oCi t y

v ot i ngwasc l os ed. Manyv endor swer emaki ngl as t mi nut e deal sbef or ec l os i ngupandheadi ngi nf ort hea war ds . The t i meev er y onehadbeenwai t i ngf orwasher e! I twast i met oheadbac ki nt ot heOr angePa vi l i onf ort he 2015SoCal Hi ghTi mesMedi c al Cannabi sCupAwar dsCer emony . Compet i t or sands pec t at or sal i k el l edt hepa vi l i on wai t i ngt os eewhowoul dbet henextwi nner soft heHi gh Ti mesCannabi sCup. Wi t hnewc at egor i esandmor eent r i est hany ouc oul di magi ne, t hi swasgoi ngt obeav er y er c ec ompet i t i on. Thea war dss t ar t edwi t hBes tBoot hgoi ngt oVader Ext r ac t sf ol l owedbyBes tPr oduc tal s ogoi ngt o VaderExt r ac t sf ort hei rBongdom.


2ndPl ace|Or angeCooki esf r om TLC Col l ect i ve 3r dPl ace|2010Gr i zzl yGenet i csf r om Gr i zzl yGenet i csandPat i ent sPr emi um Col l ect i ve

Hi ghTi mesSanBer nadi noCannabi sCupWi nner s BestCBDFl ower

BestNonSol ventHash

1stPl ace|V. C. D. C.f r om Moxi eSeeds& 1stPl ace|Bl i ssf ulWi zar df r om Ext r act s I ncogni gr ow Far ms 2ndPl ace|Vi t ami nCBDf r om Gr ower s 2ndPl ace|Cooki esandCr eam Gui l d Cubant echDrysi f tf r om Exot i c 3r dPl ace|VeganBuddhaMi l agr of r om Genet i x Gr eenwol fLAandVeganBuddha 3r dPl ace|Gl ueki eMonst erf r om Tr i chomeHeavyExt r act sandt he BestSati vaConcentrate

Sour ceGenet i cs

1stPl ace|RedDr agonf r om Dabbl i ci ousExt r act s 2ndPl ace|SpaceJackf r om Apot hecaryCol l ect i veandI mper i al Ext r act s

1stPl ace|LemonWal kerOGf r om Gol dCoastExt r act s 2ndPl ace|LemonWal kerOGf r om Gol dCoastCol l ect i on 3r dPl ace|Cr ownOGf r om Pi ssi ng Excel l ence

1stPl ace|LemonBananasf r om Dabbl i ci ousExt r act s 2ndPl ace|Banangi eKosherf r om Gr eenwol fLAandDabbl i ci ous

Pur eJoyCol l ect i ve 2ndPl ace–Om Edi bl esMedi cat ed LavenderEpsom Sal t sbyOm Gr own


3r dPl ace–Sext i vaVagi nalSexual EnhancementOi lbyI nnovat i ve 1stPl ace–VaderExt r act s r act i ons 2ndPl ace–BReal/Dr .Gr eent humb Ext 3r dPl ace–Apot hecary420

Ext r act s 2ndPl ace-Ki ngpenbyGr eenwol f LA 3r dPl ace-Kur upt sMoonr ocksby Kur upt sMoonr ock

BestEdi bl e 1stPl ace–ReefJer kybyBad sh Ext r act s&Heal t hyHeal i ng 2ndPl ace–Cr èmeBr ûl ée50mgby Beezl e' sCr eamerywi t hBeezl e Ext r act s 3r dPl ace–Cal iHi ghThai ' dI ceCr eam byBeezl e' sCr eamery

BestGl ass 1stPl ace–Vader adeByEvolGl ass 2ndPl ace–NexusGl assHal oby

BestHybri dConcentrate

1stPl ace–HoneyPotBearBal m by

Al lFemal eCol l ect i ve

3r dPl ace|Pi neappl eLemonadef r om Gr eenwol fLA,LoudPackExt r act i ons, BestProduct andDabbl i ci ous 1stPl ace-Bongdom byVader BestI ndi caConcentrate

BestTopi cal

NexusGl ass 3r dPl ace–Pl at i num Bar r el Recycl erbyPul seGl assxBi gPi zzl e BestVapori zer

BestCBDEdi bl e 1stPl ace–350mgCBDFr eshMi nt Br eat hSpr aybyBhang 2ndPl ace–CanapaCBDPi zzaSauce 120mgby Summi tHeal t hRemedi es

3r dPl ace–B. A. M. F.CBDBarbyThe 1stPl ace-710Ki ngPenbyKi ngPen& W. E. E. D.St udi oCi t y 3r dPl ace|LemonCooki esf r om Moxi e Gr eenwol fLA Seeds&Ext r act s 2ndPl ace-Cl oudV|Cl oudV 3r dPl ace-Moxi e-Seeds&Ext r act s| OgonebyOGPen


ATri butetoHenryJ. Ansli nger Agr oupofr a di ohos t sf r om NewJ er s eyt ookc a nna bi s a wa r enes st oawhol eot herl ev el a st heyur i na t ed, s mok ed weeda ndi mi t a t eds e x ua l a c t sont hehi s t or i c a l gr a v es i t eof Henr yJ . Ans l i nger . Agr oupofr a di ohos t sf r om NewJ er s eyt ookc a nna bi s a wa r enes st oawhol eot herl ev el a st heyur i na t ed, s mok ed weeda ndi mi t a t eds e x ua l a c t sont hehi s t or i c a l gr a v es i t eof Henr yJ . Ans l i nger . OnMa r c h7, 2015t hegr oupofhos t sl edbyE dF or c hi on k nownmor ei nf a mous l ya st he“ NJWeedma n” , wer e c ohos t edbyL ef t yGr i mes , Ka nna bi sKi ngBur i ni a ndgi r l f r i endS a r a hS ens i mi l l a . T hegr oupdr ov ewha ti sk nowna s t he“ WeedMobi l e ” t oHol l i da y s bur gPr es by t er i a nCemet er y i nBl a i rCount y , Penns y l v a ni a , US A, homet ot hegr a v es i t e ofUni t edS t a t es r s tDr ugCz a r , Henr yJAns l i nger . T he hr t eehos t s , whoa r ec a nna bi sa c t i v i s t sa swel l a smedi c a l c a r dhol di ngpa t i ent s , a r epa r tofa nonl i nec a nna bi st a l k r a di os howc a l l ed“ F ul l yBa k edRa di o” . F ul l yBa k edRa di o’ s whol eobj ec t i v ei st odr a wa wa r enes st owa r dst henec es s i t yofc a nna bi sl ega l i z a t i on. Nowwhywoul dagr oupofa c t i v i s t swa ntt odef ec a t eont hebur i a l gr oundsofs uc haU. S . hi s t or i c a lgur e? T houghi twa sU. S . Pr es i dentRi c ha r dNi x onwhoc oi nedt he phr a s e“ Wa ronDr ugs ” , i twa sHenr yJAns l j ngerwhooffic i a l l ydec l a r edt hec a nna bi spl a ntaps y c hodes t r uc t i v e dr ug. Pr i ort oHenr yJ . Ans l i ngerbei ngt heUni t edS t a t es r s tdr ugc z a r , c a nna bi swa swi del yus eda nda c c ept ed a c r os st hewor l da smedi c i newhi c hc oul dha v ebeena c qui r edt hr oughaphy s i c i a n. Uponhi sa ppoi nt menta st he r s tc ommi s s i onerofU. S . T r ea s ur yDepa r t ment ’ sF eder a l Bur ea uofNa r c ot i c s , Ans l i ngerma dei thi sl i f e' smi s s i ont o out l a wdr ugs ; c a nna bi si npa r t i c ul a r . Wi t hi nhi sunpr ec edent ed32y ea r si nhi sr ol ea sc ommi s s i oner , Henr yAns l i ngerma na gedt odi s pel a nymedi c a l benet sa s s oc i a t ed wi t hc a nna bi s . S uc c es s f ul l ydoi ng, Ans l i ngers oonma dei t

ac r i mi na l offens et obec a ught i npos s es s i onofa nypa r toft he c a nna bi spl a nt , a l l t hewa ydown t ot hes eed. “ Hewa st hema nbehi ndReef er Ma dnes spoi nt soutt he“ NJWeedma n” E dF or c hi on. Hec ont i nues bys a y i ng, “ Hel l , I ' m mor ea s ha medt ha tpeopl e , es pec i a l l yAf r i c a n Amer i c a ns , don' tk nowwhoHa r r yAns l j ngerwa s ! Hewa ss uc ha r a c i a l pr i c k ! T her ea s onI s a yes pec i a l l yAf r i c a nAmer i c a ns , i sbec a us ewea r ea l mos tt i mesf ourt i mesmor el i k el yt obea r r es t ed t ha nourwhi t ec ount er pa r t s . Andnott os oundl i k et her a di c a l r a c i s t , ev er y onek nowst ha tt heWa ronDr ugsi st a r get edt owa r d peopl eofc ol or . Butt heydon' tt ea c hy out ha ti ny ourHi s t or ya nd D. A. R. E . c l a s s es . ” Mr . F or c hi onma ybev i ewednega t i v el ybys omebutheha sdedi c a t ed20y ea r sofhi sl i f et owa r dc a nna bi sl ega l i z a t i on. Onet hi ng t ha tc a n' tbedeni edi snumber s ; a ndt hef a c toft hema t t eri st ha t des pi t et hef a c tt ha tc a nna bi si sus edequa l l yt hr oughoutr a c es , Af r i c a nAmer i c a nsa r edi s pr opor t i ona t el ya r r es t ed. Amer i c a ’ spr i s on s y s t emsa r eov er r unwi t hnonv i ol entpet t ydr ugoffender sma i nl y f r om mi nor i t yl l edc ommuni t i es . Rec ent l ywhi s t l ebl owera ndr e t i r edDeput yMa r s ha l l , Ma t t hewF ogg, f or mer l yoft heUni t ed S t a t esMa r s ha l l S er v i c es , r el ea s edas t a t ementonhowhewa sor der edt os t a youtofwhi t enei ghbor hoodswheni tc a met odr ugi nv es t i ga t i ons . Ra c i s m ha sa nda l wa y swi l l bet i edt ot heWa ron Dr ugs . Dur i nghi sea r l yy ea r sa sc omi s s i onerHenr yAns l i nger , us edpr opa ga ndat her a c i a l a t mos pher eofJ i m Cr owt opr omot ehi sa nt i c a nna bi sc a mpa i gn. Ans l i ngerha v ebeenquot edt hr oughouthi s t or y e x pr es s i nghi sr a c i a l di s pl ea s ur e . “ Reef erma k esda r k i est hi nkt hey’ r ea sgooda swhi t emen. ” “ …T hepr i ma r yr ea s ont oout l a wma r i j ua nai si t seffec tont hedegener a t er a c es . ” T hos ea r eonl yt woofma nyquot esf r om Ans l i ngerbutt hemos t

ofma nyquot esf r om Ans l i ngerbutt hemos ti nf a mous quot ef r om t hedr ugc z a rt ha tpos s i bl yl edt ot hec r i mi na l -

“ I fy oua s kmehegotwha thedes er v ed! ” a ddsKa nna bi sKi ng

i z a t i onofc a nna bi swa st ha tf ol l owi ngquot e;

Bur i ni , whoi sa l s oaNewJ er s eymedi c a l c a nna bi sc a r dhol der

“ T her ea r e100, 000t ot a l ma r i j ua nas mok er si nt heU. S . a nd

a ndr a di oc ohos t .

mos ta r eNegr oes , Hi s pa ni c s , F i l i pi nos , a ndent er t a i ner s . T hei rS a t a ni cmus i c , j a z za nds wi ng, r es ul tf r om ma r i j ua na

NewJ er s ey , whoma ypos s i bl yha v et heha r s hes tmedi c a l c a n-

us e . T hi sma r i j ua nac a us eswhi t ewoment os eekr el a t i ons

na bi sl a ws , ha swi t nes s edav er yl a c k a da i s i c a l a ppr oa c hf r om

wi t hNegr oes , ent er t a i ner sa nda nyot her s . ”

i t sl egi s l a t ur et oi mpr ov et hepr ogr a mf ort hepa s t6y ea r s . T he s t a t e ’ sgov er nor , Chr i sChr i s t i e , ha v ev owednott or el i nqui s h hi sgr i ponNewJ er s eymedi c a l c a nna bi spr ogr a m.

Wha t ' sc r a z yi st hef a c tt ha tf or30pl usy ea r sAmer i c aa l l owedonema nt oi mpos ehi sopi ni onst odi c t a t et hel a ws ofwha t ' ss uppos edt obet he“ gr ea t es t ” c ount r yi nt he

“ Wet a k et hes a mev owt owa r dst hel ega l i z a t i onofc a nna bi s .

wor l d. Wha tba fflesmemos ti st ha ta l mos tac ent ur yi nt o

Hewon' tbeGov er norf orl ong. ” S a y st heNJWeedma n.

c a nna bi spr ohi bi t i ont hes el a wsa r ebei ngr es pec t eddes pi t ebei ngunj us t , i na c c ur a t ea ndbl a t a nt l yr a c i a l ” s a y sF l i p, T heF ul l yBa k edc r ewwa st he r s tt oa c t ua l l yr ec or dt hi ss t unt , t hee x ec ut i v epr oduc erofF ul l yBa k edRa di o.

butt heywer eonespr i ora ndwi t hi nhour smor ev i deosa nd phot osha v es ur f a c edofpeopl epa y i ngt hei rownt r i but et o

“ Ans l i ngeri st he# 1r ea s onf orwhyI ha v ebeena r r es t eda s

Henr yJ .Ans l i nger , Amer i c a ’ sr s tdr ugc z a r .

ouc a nc a t c ht heNJWeedma n, L ef t yGr i mesa ndKa nna bi s wel l a smi l l i onsofpeopl es i nc et he1930’ s . I fi twer enotf or Y c a nna bi spr ohi bi t i onI woul dnotbev i eweda sac r i mi na l ”

Ki ngBur i ni ev er yMonda ya t1pm ea s t er nonF ul l y Ba k edRa -

c hi mesi nMr . F or c hi on.

di o. c om

T oL ef t yGr i mes , r a di oc ohos ta ndNewJ er s eymedi c a l c a nna bi sc a r dhol der , t hi swa sawa yofv ent i nghi sa nger . “ I ' v e beenont hef r ont l i neofNewJ er s eyf ory ea r s . I ' v es eenc hi l dr endi ea ndf a mi l i esr i ppeda pa r ta l l bec a us eofapl a nt , a ndt ha ts houl dnotbet hec a s e! Weha v eonl yonema nt o t ha nkf ort ha t . ”

E v e ry M o n d a y

T heF ul l yBa k edc r ewwa st he r s tt oa c t ua l l yr ec or dt hi s s t unt , butt heywer eonespr i ora ndwi t hi nhour smor e

v i deosa ndphot osha v es ur f a c edofpeopl epa y i ngt hei r



ownt r i but et oHenr yJ .Ans l i nger , Amer i c a ’ sr s tdr ugc z a r .

Y ouc a nc a t c ht heNJWeedma n, L ef t yGr i mesa ndKa nna bi s

Ki ngBur i ni ev er yMonda ya t1pm ea s t er nonF ul l y Ba k edRa di o. c om. .

o n F u lly b a k e d ra d io .co m & H a m ilto n ra d io .n e t ch .2 3 1

K i c k i n g C o l i t i s t o t h e C u r b byCr ewRy an K i c k i n g C o l i t i s t ot h eC u r b S t a t ebys t a t ev ot er sc l ea rt hei rhea dsa ndv ot et ol ega l i z e

I t ol dmyga s t r onol ogi s ta l l a bouthowIna l l yf ound

medi c a l ma r i j ua na . T hi sopensnewdoor st opa t i ent swi t h

s omet hi ngt ha thel ps . Hewa se x c i t edf ormya dv a nc esa nd

mi nort oc hr oni ci l l nes s es . Peopl es uffer i ngwi t hba c kpa i nor

ha ppyI s t udi edt hes ubj ec tbef or eha ndbutc a ut i onedme

c a nc erha v eanewt r ea t menta v a i l a bl et ot hem. Asaper s on

a boutwher eI getmys uppl ya ndt heda nger sofpes t i c i des

wi t hac hr oni ci l l nes s , I mor et ha nr ej oi c edwhenMa s s a c hu-

a ndot herugl yt hi ngsI c oul dbei nha l i ng. Her ec ommend-

s et t sv ot edt ol ega l i z emedi c a l ma r i j ua nai n2012a ndt he

edI getmy s el famedi c a l c a r da ndapr operc a r egi v er .

door si topenedf orme .

Medi c a l Ma r i j ua naha dj us tbec omel ega l i nmyhome

Bef or eI c a ne x pl a i nhowI ’ v ebenet t edf r om ma r i j ua naa sa

t s a t eofMa s s a c hus et t sa ndI wa nt edt ot a k ef ul l a dv a nt a ge

t r ea t mentl etmes t a r twi t ht hedi s ea s e . I n2006, I wa sdi a g-

ofi t . Howev er , l ega l i z a t i oni snotl i k eal i ghts wi t c h, di s -

nos eddur i nghi ghs c hool wi t hul c er a t i v ec ol i t i s , a na ut oi m-

pens a r i esa ndc a r egi v er sc a n’ tj us tpopupov er ni ghtun-

munedi s or dert ha tc a us esi na mma t i oni nt hec ol on. Af t er

f or t una t e

bei nghos pi t a l i z edf oramont h, t hegooddoc t or sa tt hec hi l -

Get t i ngmymedi c a l ma r i j ua nac a r dwa saf a i r l ypa i nl es s

dr en’ shos pi t a l s entmehomewi t hac oc k t a i l ofpr es c r i pt i ons

pr oc es s . Af r i endofmi newhos uffer sf r om aba c ki nj ur y

t ha tmor eorl es sk eptmyi l l nes si nr emi s s i on. Unt i l 2010, I wa s

r ec ommendedapl a c ec a l l edCa nnaCa r eDoc s . I c hec k ed

hi tha r dwi t hmyi l l nes st houghtt obebr oughtonbys t r es s

t hem outonl i newi t hr ev i ewsa nds uc ha ndwa sha ppy

f r om c ol l ege , wor k , a ndl i f e . F ort hr eey ea r sI s penti na ndout

wi t hwha tI s a w. I wa l k edr i ghti nt ot hec l i ni c , noa ppoi nt -

ofhos pi t a l swi t hf a t i gue , e x t r emewei ghtl os s , ma j ora bdomi -

mentneeded, a ndt a l kt ot hedoc t ora boutmypr ol onged

na l c r a mps , a ndt hec ons t a ntneedt obenea rar es t r oom. I

i l l nes sa ndhowI bel i ev eI woul dbenetf ur t herwi t hma r i -

wentf r om onepr a c t i c et oa not herbei ngpok eda ndpr odded

j ua na . Hea gr eeda nds entmeonmywa ywi t ht hepr oper

t hens entt ot hepha r ma c yf oranewmi xofmedi c a t i on. Att he

doc ument st os ubmi twi t ht hes t a t eonl i ne . Af ewbut t on

s a met i meI wa s ght i ngoffs ur geonswi t ht heot herha nd

c l i c k sa ndI wa sonmywa yt ogetmyper ma nentc a r d.

whowa nt ednot hi ngmor et ha nt opopmyc ol onoutofme ,

I a m apr oudMa s s a c hus et t smedi c a l ma r i j ua napa t i ent ,

butonc ei t ’ souti tc a n’ tgoba c ki nwa smyt hought sont he

butbei ngav er ybus yper s onoft oda y , I ha v eac a r egi v er

s ubj ec t . I t r i edav a r i et yofdi et sa nde x er c i s et ohel pnotonl y

whogr owsonmybeha l f . I gett oov er s eet heent i r eoper a -

t oi mpr ov emyc ondi t i onbuta l s omyl i f e . T hi shel pedbutmy

t i ona ndwa t c hmypl a nt sgr owf r om s eedst ot r ees .I

da yt oda ywa ss t i l l as t r uggl e . L i t t l edi dI k nowt hea ns wert o

c hos emyc a r egi v erbec a us ehea l s os uffer sf r om s i mi l a rdi -

mymedi c a l qua nda r ywa sal ea f ygr eenpl a ntpa c k edi na

ges t i v et r a c ki s s ues . I t ’ sr ea s s er t i ngt oha v eac a r egi v er

bowl .

wi t has i mi l a ri l l nes sbec a us ewea r ebot hs t r i v i ngt owa r ds

I c ont i nueda t t endedc ol l ege , notl et t i ngc ol i t i sgett hebet t er

s i mi l a rhea l t hgoa l s .

ofme , a nda smos tpeopl ewi l l t el l y ouc ol l egei swher eone

Medi c a l ma r i j ua naha sdr a s t i c a l l yi mpr ov edmyl i f ea nd

us ua l l yf ul l ye x pl or est heus esofma r i j ua na . Onc a mpusa

mov i ngf or wa r dI hopemor epeopl ec a nbenetf r om i t

f r i ende x pl a i nedt omet ha tma r i j ua naha dnumer oushea l t h

t hewa yI ha v e . I c a ns t r ongl yr ec ommendi ta saf or m of

benet sa nddi dmor et ha nj us thel pi mpr ov eagoodt i me .

t r ea t mentf ora ut oi mmunedi s or der sa swel l a sdi ges t i v e

Al wa y sopent onewmedi c i na l t her a pi es , I l ook edf ur t heri nt o

t r a c ki s s ues . Mor epeopl es houl dl ookf ur t heri nt oget t i ng

ma r i j ua naa saf or m oft r ea t mentf ormy s el f . I s mok edmor e

amedi c a l i dc a r df ort hems el v esoral ov edonea nds eei f

r f equent l ya sI e x pa ndedmyk nowl edgeons t r a i ns , met hods

i tc a nbebenec i a l .

ofc ons umpt i on, a ndot herpott opi c s . Ma r i j u a n ahel pedme ga i ns omeoft hewei ghtI ha dl os s ; i ta l mos tc ompl et el ya bol i s hedmya bdomi na l pa i n, a ndr educ edt hei na mma t i oni n mys y s t em.

C a n n a b i si nAc t i o n Shar eyourphot oswi t husf orac hanc eatbe i ngpubl i s he di nanupc omi ngi s s ue !www. 1000wat t s magaz i ne . c om

QueenVi c t or i a , Hy dr o Honeyc hec k soutt he Ca s c a deVa c uum Ov en .www. Ca s c a de T ek . c om

S t udent sa tNewE ngl a ndGr a s s r oot sI ns t i t ut enet wor k a nds ha r es t a r t ups , e x per i enc ea ndmor edur i nga br ea ki nbet weenWomen’ sGr owa ndHol i s t i cHea l t h Cl a s s. AtNewE ngl a ndGr a s s r oot s I ns t i t ut es t udent sl ea r nhow t oc r ea t es a l v esi na ddi t i ont o l ea r ni nga boutc ur r entpr oduc t si nt hema r k et

S ena t orMi l l er( DDi s t . 28, Cr a ns t on, Pr ov i denc e) a nd Repr es ent a t i v eS l a t er( DDi s t . 10, Pr ov i denc e) di s c us s ed t hel egi s l a t i ondur i nganewsc onf er enc ea tt heS t a t e Hous ewi t hv ol unt eer sofRegul a t eRI

Mel i s s aF i t z er a l d, CoF oundera ndi ns t r uc t ora tNew S ha nel L i nda y , CoF ounderofF i r s tWa t er s i gn www.r s t wa t er s i gn. c om

E ngl a ndGr a s s r oot sI ns t i t ut es ha r i nga na r t i s t i ci nc ens ehol dera nda s hc a t c herwi t hHy dr oHoney , Al y s onWa t t s


Me d i c a t e dHo n e yF r o maP a t i e n t I k nowal a r gea mountofpeopl et ha tl ov eadel i c i ouss poonf ul ofhoneyt o goi nt hei rt ea , ormor ni ng dr i nk . Ha v i ngaj a rofmedi c a t edhoneyi sbenec i a l . I nt hi si nf us i onI s i mpl y i nf us eds omer ened

I ngr edi ent s : 1L Bof T r i ma ndPopc or nnugs( F r es h F r oz en, a ndwel l c hopped) 10OZofr enedc oc onutoi l

c oc onutoi l wi t ht het r i ma ndpopc or nbudst ha tI ha dbeengi v enf r om a r ec entha r v es t . I us edaf r es h

2L BSofHoney

f r oz enmi x t ur ea ndt hec ol ora ndt a s t ei suni quea ndwonder f ul .

Suppl i es :

Di r ec t i ons :

Cr oc k potwi t hL OW t emper a t ur es et t i ngs

S t a r tbyma k i ngs ur ey ourt r i ma ndpopc or nnugmi x t ur ei spr oper l yf r oz ent o gett hema x

RubberS pa t ul a

a mountofmedi c i ne . F i nel yc hopupy ourf r oz ent r i ma ndt henl oos el yt os st hec hoppedupmi x t ur et oma k es ur ei t ’ snotc l umpi ngt oget her .

Gl a s sMa s onJ a r Ca nv a sba gwi t hadr a ws t r i ngc l os ur e ( Mi newa sav er y neba gs oI wa sa bl et o ma k es ur enol ea f

Hea tupy ourc r oc kpotwi t ht hel ows et t i nga nds c oopt hes ol i dc oc onutoi l i nt ot hec r oc kpot , I a ddeda boutt woc upsofwa t ert ot hec r oc k pott oo. T hi s hel pswi t hma k i ngss ur et hemi x t ur edoes n’ tbur norov er hea t .

ma t er i a l wentt hr ought omy na l pr oduc t )

Onc et heoi l wa sf ul l ymel t edI a ddedt hec hoppedupmi x t ur et ot heoi l a nd t ur nedt hehea tupf r om 150degr eest oa bout190205degr ees . Wi t ht he mi x t ur es i mmer i ngI wa sa bl et os eehowt hehea thel pedf or mt hebondbet weent hec a nna bi sa ndoi l .T hewa t erhel pedwi t hr emov i ngt hec hl or ophy l l c ol ora nd a v or .

WoodenS k ewer s

RubberBa nds

I l eti ts i mmerf ora bout45mi nut est o50mi nut esa tmos ta tt hehi ght emper a t ur e .

S t a r ts c oopi ngt heoi l mi x t ur ei nt ot hegl a s sj a r w i t h t h e c a n v a s b a g a s a s c r e e n . D o t h i s u n t i l t he Ne x t , l owert het emper a t ur et oa bout140-160degr eesa ndl ett hemi x t ur e j a r i s l l e d w i t h t h e o i l / w a t e r mi x t u r e . Y o u w i l l s i tf ora bout16hour s , per i odi c a l l ys t i r r i ngt hemi x t ur eev er yhourort wo. Y ou i c ei ta l r ea dys epa r a t i ngi nt hej a r . wi l l bea bl et onot i c et hegol dengr eenhuet ha tt hec oc onutoi l ha st a k enon. not T hewa t erhel psa i dwi t h us hi ngoutt hegr eenma t t era nd a v or . Wheny ou l l t hej a ra bout¾oft hewa yy ouwi l l ha v et os t opa ndt henr emov et her ubberba nd I fy ou ndy ourwa t eri sev a por a t i ngj us ts i mpl ya dda not herc upt ot he a ndus i ngapa i rofgl ov es , KE E PI NMI ND: t hi si sa n c r oc k potwhenneeded. e x t r emel yhotpr oduc t ! ! ! ! ! T heoi l s houl dr es embl eabea ut i f ul gr eens ha de , i ti snowt i met os t r a i nt he mi x t ur e . Us i ngt hec a nv a sba gI pl a c edi tov ert het opoft hegl a s sj a rs oi twa ss t i c k i ng i ns i det hej a ra boutonei nc h. F ol dt her es toft heba gdownt oc ov ert heout s i deoft hej a ra ndt henba c kup. T hi s f or msat y peofl i pf ora nymi x t ur et ha tmi xov erow. S ec ur et heedgeoft he ba gwi t har ubberba nd.

Y ouwa ntt os t a r tt or i ngt heba gouta nds queez e i tt ogett her es toft heoi l mi x t ur eoutoft hepl a nt ma t t er . I fy ou ndt hepl a ntma t t ert oohots i mpl yus et he bot t om oft wol i t t l epl a t est opr es st hemi x t ur eout oft hepl a ntma t t er . I s i mpl yt os s edt hel ea fma t t er i nt hec a nv a sba gl oos el ya ndus i nga not herc r oc k potI br ewedaqui c kc a nna bi st eabyus i nga not herc r oc k potI br ewedaqui c kc a nna bi st eaby a ddi ngwa t ert ot hec r oc k pota ndput t i ngt he c a nv a sba gi ns i de . I l eti ts i tf oraf ewhour sont he l owes ts et t i ngt ogeta ny t hi ngr ema i ni ngmedi c i ne outoft hel ea fma t er i a l s . Y ouwi l l ha v et oc ont i nuet hes t r a i ni ngmet hod unt i l t hec r oc kpoti sempt y . T hi sc oul dt a k emul t i pl egl a s sj a r sdependi ngonhowmuc hoi l a nd wa t erwa si nt hec r oc kpot . Us i ngt owoodens k ewer sI pl a c et hem i ns i det he j a ra l ongt heedgea ndpl a c edt hej a r si nt he f r i dgef oraf ewhour s . T hec oc onutoi l wi l l r et ur n t oi t ss ol i ds t a t ea ndt hewa t erwi l l r ema i nal i qui d.

Onc et hi sha ppenss i mpl yr emov et hewooden s k ewer sa ndempt yt hewa t eroutoft he bot t om oft hej a rbutt ur ni ngi tups i dedown. Nowr et ur nba c kt oy ourwa s hedc r oc k pota nd empt yt hea mountofhoneyy ouwa ntt oi nf us e i nt ot hemi x t ur e . I a mi nf us i nga bout2L BSof honey .S ett hec r oc k pott oa r ound180degr eesa ndl ett hehoneymel tdown. Ne x ta dd t hec oc onutoi l t ot hemel t edhoneya ndl et t hem mi xt oget herr ea l l ywel l . Af t era bouta nhoura t150180degr ees , i ti sa l l bl endeda ndmi x edwel l t oget hert hehoney t a k esont hemedi c a t edgr eens ha de . Nowus i nggl a s sma s onj a r s , s c oopt hemel t ed honeyi nt oj a r sa ndl eti tc ool f oraf ewhour s . Y ounowha v es omedel i c i ousmedi c a t ed honeyt oa ddorma k ewha t ev ery oul i k e!

NewE ngl a ndGr a s sRoot sI ns t i t ut e i sha v i ngt hei rSECONDANNUAL419PARTYon SundayApr i l 19t h, 2015.

Comeonouta ndmeety ourc a nna bi sc ommuni t y ! Vendor s ! Ra es ! Pr i z es ! F ood! F un! Mus i c ! Comec hec koutJ oeS a mboa ndt heGoonz , our419pa r t y ba nd! 2pm t o10pm -ba nda t6pm! NewE ngl a ndGr a s sRoot sI ns t i t ut ei sl oc a t eda t 1456Ha nc oc kS t , Qui nc y , Ma02169 www. gr a s s r oot 420. c om

St r ai nName:Bl i zzar dBer ry Revi ewedby:Al ysonandMr s.CI B Gr ower s:Tar aJane,Hydr aJane,andMi ke

Thi sst r ai nwasgr owni nhydr oponi csandhas r esul t edi nyi el di ngadel i ci ousf r ui t ydanky pungentar omat hatl eavesyournosewi t ha t wi t chi ngt i ngl e.

Theappear anceofor angehai r si sdomi nat easaf ew l avenderl eavesandhuespeekedout .Thet r chr omes appearl ayer edandgaveoffacryst al l i nel ookt ot he ower s.The ower swer egooeyandl ef tt hatpungent cl eangasl i kesmel lar oundf orasmal ll i nger .Thet ast eoft he ower swer edel i ci ousandt het hi cksmoke t hatwasadel i ci ousmout hf ulofawonderf ulpar ent albr eed. i t yoft hi smedi ci newasveryhi gh.I thasanamazi ng usht hatmakesf ort hecl eanpungentsmoke. Thequal Whi t eashi sappar entt hewhol ewayt hr ough.Youcanf eelt her el axi ngeffect soft hebudt akeoverasyou gett owar dst heendoft hej oi nt .I teffect sofheavyeyel i dsandar el axi ngcer ebr albodyhi ghbecomei mmedi at e.Al t hought hi si sahybr i dst r ai n,Iwoul dst r ongl yputi ti nt heI ndi caDomi nantHybr i dcat egory.The f eel i ngofmunchi esandt hedesi r ef orsweet scr eapeduponmysel fandMr s.CI B.Wi t hi n20mi nut eswedeci dedongi vi ngt hi s ower ,Bl i zzar dBer ryaqual i t yr at i ngof4outof5.Wel ovet hel ongl ast i ngeffect sand t hebur nabi l i t yoft hi sst r ai nandpart i cul ar ower .Wef oundour sel vessmoki nganot herj oi ntl at erandanot heraf t ert hat .Wheni ndoubt ,smoket womor e.


CannabisChemistsPetiti on Ameri can Chemi cal SocietyforProfessi onalDivisi on Onemi ghtt hi nkt hatt hi si st oospecicofadesi gnat i onf orasepar at epr of essi onaldi vi si on.Iwoul d, however ,ar guet hati ti sar api dl yexpandi ngpr of essi onandt hatwef acemanyi ssuesspecict ot hei ndust ry.Ast hemedi calmar i j uanaandr ecr eat i onal cannabi si ndust rygr ows,i tpr omi sest opr esentmor e andmor ej obsf orchemi st si nqual i t ycont r oland qual i t yassur anceposi t i ons. Theobj ect i vesoft hi sdi vi si onshal lbet opr ovi de net wor ki ngopport uni t i es,ment or i ngr el at i onshi ps, andupdat esont echnol ogy,i ndust ryandpubl i c pol i cy.Thedi vi si onwi l lal sopr ovi desupportf ori ndi vi dual snew t ot he el di nt hef or m oft r ai ni ngand schol ar shi ps.Last l y,t hedi vi si onshal lpr ovi deapl at f or mf orcannabi spr of essi onal st odevel opst andar ds andpr act i cesi na el dwher esel f r egul at i oni sessent i alf ort hesuccessofavent ur eandoft hei ndust ry. I ndi vi dual swhowoul dbei nt er est edi nt hi sdi vi si on maybei nt hecannabi si ndust ryasanal yt i calchemi st s,wat erchemi st s,f oodchemi st s,agr ochemi st s, ext r act i onchemi st s,f or mul at i onchemi st s,nat ur al pr oduct schemi st s,orphar maceut i calchemi st s. I ti swi seandur gentt odevel opt hi spr of essi onaldi vi si onbecauset her ei sanemer gi ngi ndust ryt hati s desper at ef ort hesupportt hi sdi vi si oncanpr ovi de. Cur r ent l y,mor et han25compani esexi stf ort hesol e pur poseofanal yzi ngcannabi sf orpr oducer s,vendor sandconsumer s.

I ti sessent i alf ort hegr owt hoft hecannabi sanal ysi si ndust ryandt hequal i t yofmedi ci nespr ovi ded,t hatyoung pr of essi onal sbemadeawar eoft hel egi t i mat eandl ucr at i veopport uni t i esi nt hi s el d. Youar ewel comet of orwar dt hepet i t i onont opot ent i al l y i nt er est edpart i esorsendmeanemai lat ezr a. pryor @gmai l . com wi t hquest i onsorconcer ns.

~Ezr aPryor OwneratEZChem Consul t ancyI nc. CH3 OH

S t r a i nsf o rP a i nviaFullyBakedRadio’sPhil&Phil i








Doy ouha v et r oubl ef al l i ngas l eep?Howaboutdi ffic ul t ys t a y i ngas l eepors t i l l f eel i ngf at i gued? Af t erwaki ngupi nt hemor ni ng, c hanc esar ey ouandev er yot herhumanbei nghasf el tt hes y mpt oms ofwhati sknownasi ns omni a. Howev er , ac c or di ngt onumer ouss ur v ey sonl y30% ofAmer i c ansac t ual l ys ufferf r om c hr oni ci ns omni a. Whati sc ons i der edc hr oni ci ns omni ay ouas k ? Chr oni ci ns omni ai sc ons i der edl ongt er mi ns omni al as t i ngov ers i xmont hs . Ther ear et woki ndsofi ns omni a: ac ut eandc hr oni c . Ac ut ei ns omni aus ual l yoc c ur sf r om ani l l nes sormedi c at i onandenvi r onment al f ac t or sl i k enoi s e, l i ghtorc hangei nr oom t emper at ur e; unl i k eac ut ei ns omni a, c hr oni ci ns omni ahast odeal wi t hheal t hi s s ues . I s s uesl i k eas t hma, depr es s i on, anx i et y , c hr oni cs t r es saswel l aspai n anddi s c omf or t . L ac kofs l eepi smor ec ommont hant hec ommonc ol d. Somema ybel i ev es l eepi sov er r at ed, es pec i al l y f ort hos ewi t has t r ongmot i vat edwor ket hi c . Y ouknowt hos ebus ybeeswhot hi nk8hour sofs l eep t ak esa wa yf r om t hem ac c ompl i s hi ngt hei rdr eamswhi l ei nf ac ti ti st heoppos i t e! Chr oni ci ns omni ac anal t erone’ smoods , t r ai noft houghtandener gydr as t i c al l yc aus i ngmor edamage t oone’ sheal t hes pec i al l yi ft hatper s ons uffer sf r om hear ti s s ues . I fy ouar eany t hi ngl i k emegoi ngt os l eepi sani mpos s i bl et as kwi t houtaf r es hdos eofTHC. Her ear es ev er al s t r ai nst hatwi l l s ur el yhel py ouc at c hs omez ’ sdur i ngt hos es l eepl es sni ght s . ft her ewasaMountRus hmor eofc annabi ss t r ai nSourDwi l l wi t houtadoubtha v et hats pot . Thi s I s at i vai saspot entasi ts mel l s ! Af ewt ok esandi mmedi at el yy ouwi l l f eel anal l -t i mec er ebr al hi ght hat l eadsmanys mok er si nt oas edat i v es t at e; c al m enought ogety out hats l eepy ouc r a v ef or . Gr andDaddyPur p( I ndi c a) : l ooki ngf oraf r ui t f ul s t r ai nt hatdel i v er sani nt ens eeuphor i aandani nc r edi bl ebodyhi gh?Wel l , l ooknof ur t her . Donott ak eGDP’ ss mel l f orweaknes s . Y oudon' tneedt oc ount s heepwi t ht hi ss t r ai n; j us ti nhal eandenj oy . Gi r l Sc outCooki esi st heoffs pr i ngofOGKus handDur banPoi s on. GSCi sani ns omni ac ’ sbes tf r i end, del i v er i ngan i mmedi at ebodyhi ghwhi l et aki ngy out oa bl i s s f ul euphor i a. I t ’ snowonderwhyt hi ss t r ai nhas wonnumer ousa war ds .


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Iam sogr at ef ulf ort hepeopl et hathavehel pedt omakeal loft hi spossi bl e.Ther ear e f art oomanyandi fIst art ednami ngt hem al l ,I ’ m af r ai dt hatIwoul dl eavesomeoneout . Fourandahal fyear s…. andwehavecomet hi sf art hankst ot heeffort sofmany. Keepupt hegr eatwor k!West i l lhavehal foft hecount ryt ogo! ~DJSt one

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