1000 Watts Magazine Issue 43

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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

of Politics & Medical MariJuana 2016 PLUS: Strain Review: White Lion Emotional Cannabis Geoff Charles

$4.20 Series 6 | Issue 43 www.1000wattsmagazine.com

Bio Cup Canada Recap Fabulous Fall Recipes Executive Order 420 AND MORE...







Greetings Patients and Readers! (a few words from Uncle Henry)

My goal for 1000 Watts Magazine is to educate all on the fact that marijuana is a medicine. We here at 1000 Watts will continue to educate everyone we come in contact with that this is indeed the fact!! In Issue 42 we highlighted a patient who is a two time breast cancer survivor. After her mom (who is 87) had taken the time to read her daughter’s story, ”Fight To Win” she was amazed as to what cannabis had done to help her daughter overcome breast cancer. Having the education about medical marijuana changed her thought process!! Oh the power of “education”!!

The 1000 Watts Magazine Crew: Founders: Uncle Henry onekwattsmagazine@yahoo.com DJ Stone djstone@1000wattsmagazine.com

Office Manager: Lucy Watts lucy@1000wattsmagazine.com

Sales and Marketing: Katrina sales@1000wattsmagazine.com

Having this patient relay this to me has made me truly believe that what we are doing here at 1000 Watts is working!!! Getting people educated and getting cannabis awareness out is what my goal is and that is what 1000 Watts Magazine stands for :-)

e-Marketing & Creative Services:

Keep spreading the knowledge and awareness of cannabis.


We took a moment in this issue to look at the 2016 election, the state of medical marijuana and best of all a success story. We had an amazing opportunity to sit down with a young man named Aaron Mathew and his mom Holly. You may remember Aaron’s story that we covered when he first started his journey with cannabis as an alternative to chemo and radiation. We are now featuring Aaron’s story in this issue with an update as to where this inspirational family is today. Our regular contributors are back with some entertaining reads (Geoff Charles, Master Bong and John Dvorak). With Fall upon us, check out some great medicated recipes from Herb and Earth and our own Cindy Lou. Keep medicating and keep educating. This is going to be an important next couple of months!

Margo margo@1000wattsmagazine.com Victoria Lee vicat1000watts@gmail.com


Contributors to Issue 43: John Dvorak

Geoff Charles Master Bong Cindy Lou Herb and Earth Organics Shelly B Buddha Chronicles Victoria Lee Lucy Watts Mass Medical Strains JC Greene Jeff Donahue Shira Adler and Andy Kadison Very special thanks to The Stanley Brothers and everyone at Charlotte’s Web for their generosity in sharing their CBD oil samples to review. HUGE thank you and shout out to Trog for providing us with the incredible artwork for our cover and for our featured article (page 18). Check him out at @artoftrog. Copyright 2016 by 1000 Watts Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form. All designs and illustrations are property of 1000 Watts Publications (unless otherwise noted with permission from original author) and may not be used without prior permission. 1000 Watts Publications does not endorse illegal activity in any form. It’s up to you to know and follow your state’s laws. This publication is proudly printed in the USA.


Greetings Patients and Readers! (a few words from Uncle Henry)

My goal for 1000 Watts Magazine is to educate all on the fact that marijuana is a medicine. We here at 1000 Watts will continue to educate everyone we come in contact with that this is indeed the fact!! In Issue 42 we highlighted a patient who is a two time breast cancer survivor. After her mom (who is 87) had taken the time to read her daughter’s story, ”Fight To Win” she was amazed as to what cannabis had done to help her daughter overcome breast cancer. Having the education about medical marijuana changed her thought process!! Oh the power of “education”!!

The 1000 Watts Magazine Crew: Founders: Uncle Henry onekwattsmagazine@yahoo.com DJ Stone djstone@1000wattsmagazine.com

Office Manager: Lucy Watts lucy@1000wattsmagazine.com

Sales and Marketing: Katrina sales@1000wattsmagazine.com

Having this patient relay this to me has made me truly believe that what we are doing here at 1000 Watts is working!!! Getting people educated and getting cannabis awareness out is what my goal is and that is what 1000 Watts Magazine stands for :-)

e-Marketing & Creative Services:

Keep spreading the knowledge and awareness of cannabis.


We took a moment in this issue to look at the 2016 election, the state of medical marijuana and best of all a success story. We had an amazing opportunity to sit down with a young man named Aaron Mathew and his mom Holly. You may remember Aaron’s story that we covered when he first started his journey with cannabis as an alternative to chemo and radiation. We are now featuring Aaron’s story in this issue with an update as to where this inspirational family sales@1000wattsmagazine.com is today. Our regular contributors are back with some entertaining reads (Geoff Charles, Master Bong and John Dvorak). With Fall upon us, check out some great medicated recipes from Herb and Earth and our own Cindy Lou. Keep medicating and keep educating. This is going to be an important next couple of months!

Margo margo@1000wattsmagazine.com Victoria Lee vicat1000watts@gmail.com


Contributors to Issue 43: John Dvorak

Geoff Charles Master Bong Cindy Lou Herb and Earth Organics


Shelly B Buddha Chronicles Victoria Lee Lucy Watts Mass Medical Strains JC Greene Jeff Donahue Shira Adler and Andy Kadison

Very special thanks to The Stanley Brothers and everyone at Charlotte’s Web for their generosity in sharing their CBD oil samples to review. HUGE thank you and shout out to Trog for providing us with the incredible artwork for our cover and for our featured article (page 18). Check him out at @artoftrog. Copyright 2016 by 1000 Watts Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form. All designs and illustrations are property of 1000 Watts Publications (unless otherwise noted with permission from original author) and may not be used without prior permission. 1000 Watts Publications does not endorse illegal activity in any form. It’s up to you to know and follow your state’s laws. This publication is proudly printed in the USA.




www.ocannabiz.com AmAndA Conley

BrAnd & BrAnCh llP nAtionAl CAnnABis BAr

Alex Cooley

viCe President, solstiCe

Autumn r. KArCey

President of Cultivo, inC.

AlAn Gertner

founder, toKyo smoKe

BruCe linton

Ceo, CAnoPy Growth CorPorAtion

trACy ryAn Ceo, CAnnAKids

ChuCK underwood

founder, the GenerAtionAl imPerAtive, inC.

nAthAn mendel

founder & President, your Green ContrACtor (yGC)

doomA wendsChuh

Co-founder And Ceo of ProvinCe

dr. PAul roumeliotis

mediCAl heAlth offiCer & Ceo, eAstern ontArio heAlth unit

shABnAm mAleK

BrAnd & BrAnCh llP nAtionAl CAnnABis BAr

John PrentiCe

President & Ceo, AmPle orGAniCs

Courtney Betty

Ceo, timeless herBAl CAre

dAvid hyde

owner & PrinCiPAl ConsultAnt, dAvid hyde & AssoCiAtes

A Parents Perspective on CBD

by Shira Adler & Andy Kadison, Co-founders of T3 Synergy & MediaWellness Experts, Advocates & Educators


sk any parent’s group or social media forum if their kids are out of the box, sensitive, “classified” but highly intelligent, creative, with any type of diagnosis including: Mood Disregulation, Anxiety, Depression, Emotional or Sensory Sensitivity, Food Issues, Gastrointestinal issues, ADD/HD, Autism or Allergies. Almost instantaneously you’ll get a resounding chorus of “YES!” Then ask the following: Have you ever tried giving your kid CBD? We do, and guess what happens? Nothing . . . or rather, nothing but a deafening silence, “likes” freezing, and the sound of crickets in the room. We get it. It’s an odd question if you’re uninitiated. People outside of the industry just don’t know what CBD is, or why it matters. Explain that CBD is an ingredient in cannabis/hemp and the first worry is their kids may become stoners. In fact, when we introduce or discuss our CBD Aromatherapy line (Beyond-the-Spectrum Synergy Sprays), the first question we often get is: “If I use this will I pass a random drug test?” Paranoia runs deep in the heart of Main St. America when it comes to ANYTHING that has to do with the MMJ movement. After all, it’s hard to separate the word cannabinoid from cannabis in their minds and media, never mind our governmental agencies, aren’t helping dispel rumors or fear mongering.

industry already exploding with demand. Parents know their children best so EVERY parent should investigate what CBD is from a purely research perspective. Thankfully, there are many highly reputable institutions doing studies right now! Anecdotes are verifiable. If you have ever met a parent or know someone who knows someone whose child no longer suffers from Dravet’s syndrome or was a previously nonverbal autistic child, or suffered from anxiety and no longer uses standard opioid based psychotropics, then what else matters? Parents are honest about what works and what doesn’t regardless of the left footed tango being danced by media, Big Pharma and governmental agencies. Know the basics! CBD is the NON-psychoactive ingredient in cannabis/hemp and as such has the OPPOSITE effect of getting your child stoned. Further, in a large amount of medical marijuana cases, the THC is extremely low and grown specifically to create an entourage effect for the CBD to do its job. So, no, your child will not become an addict merely by using CBD or medical marijuana for an ailment, diagnosis or mental support. Begin the dialogue. The more parents share, among themselves and with their children, the greater the impact we can have on behalf of ALL of our children. And wouldn’t that be a beautiful thing?

Ah, there’s the rub. There is an undeniable stigma which we, as parents, advocates, educators and co-founders of a CBD based business are seeking to change . . . one child at a time, starting with ours. Why? Because it’s a no brainer. If parents had an inkling of how significant a remedy CBD can be, or how beneficial it is for their unique/different/special needs/diagnosed/ sensitive/autistic child they would be banging down the doors to get some. The second big concern for parents: Legality. If uninformed or inexperienced parents visualize MMJ and its components as elicit, back alley businesses, illegal prescriptions offered through dirty downtrodden dispensaries. Third issue: Even if you’re mildly educated, it IS befuddling to discern where, how, and in what dosage should one administer any form of cannabinoids to our children. So if you or someone you know is a canna-curious about CBD, here are some things to consider: CBD is legal. It is a different cannabinoid than THC and though state regulations are in constant flux, that has more to do with the politics and Big Pharma trying to control an

Shira Adler & Andy Kadison are co-founders of T3 Synergy & creators of the Beyond-the-Spectrum CBD Aromatherapy Synergy Sprays. Their passion and purpose is to blend media, wellness and culture to create transformative shifts in the lives of anyone looking to improve their wellbeing.


How can I help? by Jeff Donahue, Freshleaf CBD.


s I am new to this industry I’ll give you a little breakdown as to who I am. I smoked cigarettes for 15 years and eventually decided to quit. The only way I could successfully quit smoking was with the use of an electronic cigarette. I was truly amazed after trying to quit so many times how easily I was able to do so. The electronic cigarette and eliquid I used allowed me to quit a pack a day habit that had lasted nearly half of my life. I needed to show the world how I did this! I wanted to help. So a few friends and myself started an e-liquid company and it was wildly successful. I was helping people quit smoking and essentially adding years to their lives. You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with medical marijuana? I’m getting there! Whenever an industry starts to hit the pockets of Big Tobacco and Big Pharmaceutical we are going to see backlash. The wild popularity of eliquid and e-cigarettes has done just that so the mighty hand of the FDA has swooped in and basically instituted prohibition. While I’m not jobless nor penniless at this time, I needed to find a new project before that actually happened. I had heard about CBD at a vape shop that was selling a CBD additive for eliquid and my interest was definitely peaked. I began doing some research into the product and the legalities involved. I was amazed at how many people were already using CBD for ailments that I knew personally. From my experience helping people quit smoking and being an advocate for the vape industry, jumping to this new industry was a natural fit! I love helping and educating people on products that can and will help them improve their lives. The idea of Freshleaf CBD was born. My colleagues and I researched the different ways to acquire CBD, the methods from which CBD is extracted, the different qualities of CBD available, and began researching companies selling it. We acquired some CBD isolate with lab results that met our standards and began putting the product together. Now I had read all of the benefits of CBD through different studies on the internet, but not until I saw it working first hand positively in someone’s life I knew I was truly blown away. One employee we have has carpal tunnel syndrome. Every morning she comes in and stops by my desk asking for a dose of Freshleaf CBD. Six drops and one hour later and she has no pain in her wrist. Nothing short of amazing! Another employee we have has some medical issues which require her to take sleep medication to cure her insomnia. The medication makes her groggy in the morning and she dislikes the medication very much. I offered her a bottle of Freshleaf CBD to try and help her sleep. One week later she no longer is taking the sleep medications and is sleeping through the night! Like I said previously, absolutely amazing! After attending the Boston Hempfest in September and meeting so many wonderful people who are advocating for


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

Freshleaf CBD booth at the Boston Freedom Rally in September 2016.

American citizen’s rights to utilize medical marijuana, I’m completely sold. Diving head first trying to do my part for advocating and educating consumers about the benefits of both medical marijuana and CBD related products has become my top priority.

Jeff shown here at the Boston Freedom Rally says top priority is “advocating and educating consumers about the benefits of medical marijuana and CBD related products.”

WHITE LION by Shelly B

This month’s review highlights White Lion, a Sativa dominant hybrid, which has now been added to my list of favorites! White Lion has been derived from an unknown strain combined with Lemon Larry (which is made up of OG Kush and Sour Diesel). An alternate name sometimes used for White Lion is White Vein Horn. This flower is a tan/green color and is earthy, fresh and fragrant. If you want a superb high that is energizing, uplifting and euphoric then this is a strain for you! It not only makes you at ease, but provides a nice body buzz, promotes creativity and gives you a positive mood elevation! You may even find yourself a bit more talkative than usual! These characteristics make White Lion a fabulous day time, social smoke. Because of these combined traits, White Lion is indicated for relieving anxiety, chronic pain, depression, loss of appetite, nausea, stress and ADHD. White Lion also lasts longer than most “Whites”. It only took one try for me to add this to my list of great daytime highs! Worth trying!


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43


The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release In the spirit of the Manhattan Project which took innovation and collaboration to unseen levels and helped the Allies win World War II, I am starting a program to fund research and development into all aspects of the Cannabis plant at an accelerated pace as we also end a Drug War that has negatively impacted millions. To address several significant societal issues, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, the creation of The Cannhattan Project is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Legalization. Under the powers given to me, I, Barack Obama, forthwith declare that the plant genus Cannabis, including but not limited to its divergent subspecies Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, is immediately legalized and removed from the schedule of controlled substances. Cannabis is now legal to cultivate, possess, transport, process, use, consume and sell by individuals 18 years of age and older. All treaties to which the United States of America is a party and which include undue restrictions on Cannabis are declared null and void. The Cannhattan Project is a “net zero” program that will not place any additional financial burdens on the American taxpayer. All programs created will be funded with money recouped from a reduction in law enforcement and incarceration expenses coupled with lower healthcare costs associated with increased use of Cannabis. I apologize for all of the prohibitionists that preceded me, and for not doing more to end prohibition during my presidency. I pledge to devote my remaining time in office to restoring Cannabis to its rightful place as the most utilitarian plant known to humanity. Sec. 2. Clemency/Expungement. All individuals currently incarcerated for any Cannabis possession charge will be immediately released. All other Cannabis convicts imprisoned for cultivation or distribution will be freed unless there are extenuating circumstances involving crimes of violence. The criminal records of all individuals released and of those who have ever been arrested for a nonviolent Cannabis offense will be expunged. Sec. 3. Reparations. The Cannhattan Project will make every effort to compensate people who have suffered as a result of prohibition. Free tuition, interest free loans, counseling on demand and financial remuneration for lost income will be available. Just as the G.I. Bill helped educate The Greatest Generation, the “MJ Bill” will assist veterans of the Drug War. The Department of Justice’s asset forfeiture program will cease and all monies confiscated without due process will be returned with interest. Sec. 4. Easing Catch-422 Restrictions. Cannabis


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

Executive Order #420 The Canhattan Project companies must have access to the same basic economic tools afforded every other business. As such, they shall henceforth be considered a part of mainstream American commerce and are now allowed to obtain loans, process credit cards and deduct business expenses. All interstate and international shipping restrictions are lifted. Insurance companies are required to cover medicinal Cannabis treatments. Testing positive for Cannabis will no longer result in the automatic loss of one’s job or government benefits. Law enforcement must now use quantifiable impairment tests to identify individuals operating under the influence. Requirements that industrial hemp crops contain less than 0.3% THC are removed. Sec. 5. Harm Reduction. It is only through compassion and education that we can beat the terrible scourge that is drug addiction. The Cannhattan Project guarantees immediate treatment on demand to be covered by all insurance plans. This applies toCannabis and other, more dangerous drugs such as opioids, alcohol and cigarettes. Sec. 6. Endocannabinoid Research. A cornerstone of The Cannhattan Project is intensive research into how the 85+ cannabinoids found in the Cannabis flower interact with the endocannabinoid system. Through The Cannhattan Project’s CannabisCurriculum, I am authorizing the granting of one hundred billion dollars for Cannabis research at all educational levels from K-12, undergraduate and graduate university studies, teaching hospitals and commercial grade research and development. The possibilities are endless as we work to utilize this very safe, effective and natural plant to its fullest extent. Cannabis helps many pediatric and geriatric ailments. The Cannhattan Project will ensure that society’s most vulnerable are provided with full spectrum cannabinoid therapy for pennies a dose. Sec. 7. Veteran Affairs. Our veterans fought for us and it’s high time we fight for them. Because Cannabis is so effective for treating severe brain injuries and Post Traumatic Stress, The Cannhattan Project will provide our veterans with Cannabis free of charge wherever needed, on the battlefront or homefront. Sec. 8. Indigenousness. Like our veterans, Native Americans have been mistreated and disregarded. The Cannhattan Project seeks to bestow respect to this proud People. Just as they used all parts of the buffalo to survive, Native Americans are again free to use the entire Cannabis plant as a Green Buffalo to produce numerous essential products including food, fuel, paper, clothing, building materials, biodegradable plastic, high strength composites and medicine. Sec. 9. Hemp. The Cannhattan Project will focus on

the myriad industrial uses of hemp to address several environmental and societal problems. To help kick-start the hemp industry, all new government buildings will have hemp incorporated into their construction whenever feasible. This includes hempcrete, hemp particle board, insulation and composite shingles in conjunction with hemp carpeting and upholstery to create comfortable, clean environments for government workers and the public they serve. All new government vehicles, including thousands of U.S. Postal Service trucks, will be made with hemp bio-composites and fueled with hempseed oil biodiesel or hemp stalk based ethanol. Hemp fiber will be used to create superconducting batteries which will supercharge the economy. U.S. currency will be printed on hemp paper. All government facilities and public schools will prominently feature healthy hemp foods and healing hemp based body care products.


Sec. 10. Reinvigorating Rural America. The Cannhattan Project will reverse the decades long erosion of America’s farming communities. Incentives will be given for growing, processing and manufacturing hemp locally. This will create a multiplier effect and self-sustaining, regenerative farming economies.

Secretary of Commerce: David Bronner

Sec. 11. Hemp for Victory Redux. The legacy of World War II’s Hemp for Victory campaign is still growing wild throughout the Midwest. Feral hemp will provide the germplasm of tomorrow’s hemp industries. The Cannhattan Project creates USDA bounty stations to pay patriotic Americans for locating feral hemp.

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights: Michelle Alexander

Sec. 12. Reefer Gladness. Our government has spent billions demonizing marijuana and stigmatizing an entire class of Americans. The Cannhattan Project will help turn Reefer Madness into Reefer Gladness. Frequent smokeouts will be held on the front lawn of the White House and there will be epic Extravaganja celebrations on the National Mall in Washington DC every year on 4/20. The Cannhattan Project will also be sponsoring a series of festivals and hemposia across the country for celebrations and education. Sec. 13. Remembrance. We cannot move into the future without considering our past and those that paved the path upon which we now tread. We will build a hempen memorial that contains the name of every prisoner of prohibition, every victim of prohibition related violence, every patient that struggled to obtain their medicine and every anti-prohibition pioneer that selflessly fought for everyone’s rights. They will number into the millions, yet we must recognize them to illustrate the scope of the tragedy that is prohibition and to provide some closure. Sec. 14. Canna-Cabinet. For The Cannhattan Project to succeed, the right people must be involved. Eapen Thampy will coordinate reparations, Vivian McPeak will organize the Reefer Gladness campaign and Hempologist John Dvorak will continue to document The Cannhattan Project for posterity. I will also be appointing a Canna-Cabinet consisting of individuals committed to normalizing Cannabis use and building a multi-trillion dollar industry.

Vice-President: Connie Johnson Secretary of State: Ethan Nadelmann Attorney General: Jack Cole Surgeon General: Dr. Sunil Kumar Aggarwal Secretary of Health and Human Services: Jill HitchmanOsborn Secretary of Agriculture: Anndrea Hermann Secretary of the Veteran Affairs: Michael Krawitz Secretary of the Interior: Alex White Plume Secretary of Education: Chris Conrad Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development: Greg Flavall Secretary of Transportation: Rick Steves Secretary of the Treasury: Elishewa Shalom Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy: Rick Doblin Assistant Secretary for Aging: Robert Platshorn Assistant Secretary for Children and Families: Alexis Bortell Undersecretary for International Trade: Tony Budden Small Business Administration Administrator: Shawn Patrick House Director, Food & Drug Administration: Kevin McKernan Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons: Nora Callahan Director, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Michael Bourque Administrator, Drug Enforcement Agency: Tommy Chong Director, Central Intelligence Agency: Dr. Carl Hart Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency: Valerie Corral Supreme Court Justice (replacing A. Scalia): Judge James P. Gray Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers: Raymond Chico Chairperson, National Endowment for the Arts: Georgia Peschel Press Secretary: Tom Angell Chief of Staff: Joy Beckerman Hemp Poet Lariat [sic]: Doug Fine Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commision: Russ Belville Director, National Archives: Don Wirtshafter by John Dvorak



the magazine, I gladly accepted. I had heard many things about Charlotte’s Web Premium Hemp Extract Supplements by The Stanley Brothers, but had personally never tried any of their products. Through a generous offer from CW Hemp we were given full size samples of several of their products and divided them among our staff for review.


I personally sampled the Everyday Plus in Mint Chocolate flavor. The recommended dosage was two full droppers (approx 1 mL) two times per day. I incorporated the oil into my morning routine and on occasion I have to admit that I forgot the evening dose, but overall stuck to the suggested guidelines.

We met the Stanley Brothers at the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo in New York City this spring and that’s where we were first introduced to their hemp products. Of course, we had heard of the Stanley Brothers and their Charlotte’s Web hemp oils before this, but this was the first time we had actually gotten the opportunity to see and experience their product. After some discussion with the brothers, they were generous enough to send us a goodie box with the different products they offer for use. I was able to use and review Charlotte’s Web Everyday Advanced in the Mint Chocolate flavor. Although I didn’t care for the flavor of the oil, I didn’t let that stop me from using it. I picked up some clear capsules and just filled them with the recommended dose of 0.6ml. I started taking 3 capsules a day to see if I would be able to find some relief from the symptoms of my Crone’s Disease. I have been taking the oil for approximately 2 months now and have noticed less rumbling and fewer cramps than I had experienced before starting the oil. I have also noticed that I’m not running for the bathroom as often I did before I started taking the Everyday Advanced. The Everyday Advanced has definitely helped me. I plan on continuing with daily oil treatments and am hoping that in the long run, it will continue to help ease the impact that Crone’s has on my body. The Everyday Advanced can be taken at any time. Because it is made from hemp, you don’t need to worry about taking it in the morning or while you’re at work because you don’t get a “high” from it. - Lucy When I was offered the opportunity to participate in a hemp extract oil product review for the upcoming issue of


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

EVERYDAY PLUS HEMP OIL I loved the smooth texture of the oil and thought the subtle taste of the mint chocolate was very pleasant. I actually took the drops on my way out the door in the morning and loved the lingering minty flavor and silkyness of the oil. I didn’t experience any digestive problems or any other side effects. In fact, I wished there was more of it because I thought it would be great as a topical and wanted to rub it into my skin. I loved it! BUT to reiterate, I did not have any definite expectations from this product. One day out of nowhere a lightbulb went off! I was doing yard work and was moving freely in ways that I hadn’t in years. Suddenly my hips, back and shoulders seemed more fluid and relaxed. At this point I had probably been taking the oil for about 6 weeks or so. My conclusion is that there are very valid wellness

properties to this oil and I would think each case is very individualized. I experienced extremely positive results and would encourage patients to explore Charlotte’s Web for relief. - Margo

EVERYDAY HEMP OIL TOPICAL HEMP OIL GEL-PEN Recently, the Stanley Brothers from CW Hemp sent my fellow staff members and I some products to review. I was asked to review the Charlotte’s Web Gel-Pen. At the time I was reviewing it, I had a broken foot and still had to wear a walking boot. I was not taking any pain medicines for my injury so I was not comfortable. When I started to use the Gel Pen the first thing I noticed was how easy it is to use. It comes with 50 pre-measured gel applications so it takes the guess work out of everything, you know exactly how much to apply at a time. The first time I used it, it was in the morning and I realized that about 15-20 minutes after application I felt like new. At first I thought maybe it was just a coincidence, so I decided to use the Gel pen on my foot one night because it had been so swollen. I was shocked after I used it. The swelling in my foot had significantly decreased in about 15 minutes, then 20 minutes later there was almost no swelling in my foot at all. I couldn’t believe the difference it made. I was still a bit skeptical. The following night I decided not to use the product to see if the swelling would go down naturally after taking off my boot. So at the end of the day I took my boot off annddd…. Nothing! The swelling didn’t go down at all! The night after that I took my boot off, applied the Gel once again and my swelling went down to almost nothing! I really love this product and I’m so pleased with how well it worked for me. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has any sort of bone, tissue or muscle issues. I want to give a BIG shout out to the Stanley Brothers for letting us review these products. Thank you guys so much! They and their products are both awesome. I will definitely recommend these products to others.

I would like to thank the Stanley Brothers for allowing us to try and review four of their hemp extract products. I had the chance to try their Charlotte’s Web Everyday product. For an oil based tincture, I must say they did their best to try and make it better tasting but I personally did not like it. So, I went ahead and allowed a friend to use it. He has struggled with terrible arthritis in his knees and ankles. About a week after he started using CW he raved that it has helped him enormously. He wakes up feeling much better than he did before using Charlotte’s Web hemp extract and he even said that he has used less Naproxen as well. He had so many questions and absolutely loved it so I directed him to the website to get more information and I am sure he will definitely be in contact. - Trina Lynn

Helpful Information: What is Charlotte’s Web™ Hemp Oil? Charlotte’s Web™ is a whole plant hemp extract containing the entire range of U.S. Government patented cannabinoids. Charlotte’s Web™ was created using proprietary genetics developed by Colorado’s Stanley brothers. Classified as hemp and thus legal to ship to all 50 states, Charlotte’s Web™ contains THC levels of 0.3% or less. Does Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil ship to all 50 US States? Yes. CW™ Hemp proudly ships our Charlotte’s Web™ proprietary hemp extracts to all 50 States. The United States Farm Bill of 2014 classified industrial hemp as containing less than 0.3% THC on a dry-weight basis. Because Charlotte’s Web™ products contain less than 0.3% THC, we are allowed by U.S. Federal law to conveniently ship to your doorstep.

- Victoria Lee www.cwhemp.com


Emotional Cannabis by Mass Medical Strains


here is a lot more to this world than we understand. Cannabis is no exception. This beautiful plant has the power to heal and effect us on many levels; physically, mentally, spiritually. In addition to the measurable medical benefits, the plant effects us in profound ways. Even the everyday user can encounter powerful positive, mystical or eye-opening experiences from consuming cannabis, especially with the right set and setting. This herb has subtle variations on how it effects us, and a lot more is involved than the everyday person would imagine. Cannabis is a beautiful plant, with exceptional variety in appearance, aroma, effect, flavor, and potency. Although we now have laboratory testing to give us information on a plant’s terpenes and cannabinoid levels, which greatly influence the effect, one can easily find through experience that these lab results can’t accurately predict the end effect. Some strains measuring at 10% THC can actually invoke a more powerful high than one testing at 30% THC, for example. Even with all the measurable variables, some plants with similar numbers can have varying effects, because there is so much more that comes into play. As plants are living things, no two are the same. Even two clones grown in different environments can produce a very different flower, depending on factors like light cycles, temperature, humidity, light intensity, growing medium, stress, etc. Most of these can be learned about in grow research, so we’ll skip them. The point of this article is to introduce you to an underlying factor effecting t he character of the cannabis experience, which is the grower and their Intentions. Growing a plant is a beautiful thing. We start with a seed, and before we know it there is a huge plant before our faces, increasingly multiplying in size at an exponential level! The beauties of nature are almost unbelievable. Plants, as with all

life forms, have ways of communicating with each other and their environment. Although this may be hard for us to understand, because we know plants don’t have eyes or ears, and don’t speak to us with language. A plant’s communication system is much more subtle, but we know it is (more than) alive because it responds to stresses and to rewards. Read “The Secret Life of Plants” and find out how machines have been created to hook up to plants and measure their reactions and feelings. Not only do plants respond to simple things like being watered, attacked, etc. but they even feel emotions of humans, remember humans who have helped or hurt them before, and show an unexplainable emotional bond with their caretaker which can be measured even across the world when the plant’s owner thinks of the plant. Plants can actually read our minds! It is by this realization that it comes as no surprise that the cannabis grown by someone takes on some of their character, their energy, their intentions. A grower’s personality seems to actually effect the character of the high of their buds. A mellow, loving grower will grow mellow, lovely buds. An angry, uptight grower will often end up with buds with a more edgy character to their high. This goes beyond those grower’s strain preference, and every strain has countless phenotypes possible. Many of these phenos go beyond environmental situations which can be documented and measured, it really has to do with the grower’s emotions and intention. I’m sure cannabis found growing in nature without any human involvement would connect us with nature in a very deep way when consumed. If you grow your own cannabis, it will be best for you, better than if anyone else grew it. This is pure intention. If your cannabis was grown by someone else, who loves the plants, is happy around them, and knows they will provide good medicine for others, the flower will be very beneficial


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

for you as well. If you smoke cannabis grown by a greedy or uninterested grower, perhaps with synthetic fertilizer or in an industrial setting, there will be a noticeable difference in how you feel. Yes, you will still be getting medicinal benefits from compounds in the cannabis, but often times the bud will not leave you as happy and satisfied as you should be, you may even feel burnt out after the experience is over. The emotions felt by the plants carry over into the emotions they can effect in humans.

positive energy as possible. Smile at your plants. Think good thoughts. Grow with positive intentions, wholeheartedly with love, and you will be rewarded.

Another indication of the power of intention. A Japanese study placed different words written on glasses of water. The water was frozen and the resulting crystals examined under microscope. The water with words like Love and Peace formed beautiful designs, and the water with negative words formed ugly, erratic designs. Another study showed that two plants under the same conditions, one which is projected love and positivity flourished, while the one projected hate and anger was stunted and unhealthy. A recent example for me was transplanting six Star Pupil plants grown from seed, in a mini pheno hunt. When planting the seeds, I had named them each on their label. I name my plants all kinds of things. We have Phoebe, #2, The Best, Let’s See if She Smells like Sharpie, Rhonda, and Staplegun. I don’t see/read these labels often, so I don’t know which plant is which without looking. Anyways, I get to the fifth plant and I take it out of the 1 gallon pot to place into a 3 gallon. I immediately notice that the root system is incredible, more than double the amount of roots the rest had. Above ground, the plants were incredibly similar. I thought, hah, wouldn’t it be funny if this is the one I named “The Best”, and then I read the label, indeed it was. This reminded me of when I planted 6 Pineapple Fields regular seeds, and my friend wrote the labels for me. He wrote “Please be female” on one and buried that part of the tag. I ended up with 5 males and one female, and on taking out the tag I saw it was the only one he wrote that on. You can call it coincidence, but I don’t have the space to explain what I think of coincidences here… The 6th plant I went to transplant had an amazing root system somewhere in the middle between how the rest looked and how the best looked… it was seriously the one named #2. I got a wave of tingly cool emotion from my head down through my body at this moment, when I realized how unbelievably connected the subtle universe is. None of these things happened on purpose, just with the flow. Intentions cannot be false, you cannot lie to the universe. Who thinks the one with the corresponding name will end up smelling like a Sharpie when she’s done? Plants are a delicate part of life. The way something you consume effects you is greatly effected by emotions it experienced when it was alive. For example, that’s the reason kosher animals have to be slaughtered humanely, so the animal is not full of stress and shock when it dies. This way, your body is happier and healthier. You feel better from it. Same goes for consuming organic vs. conventional food, people report feeling happier and healthier from the more natural options. There’s nothing like homegrown food or medicine. Cannabis has subtle, yet powerful effects on our mind, and it is important to keep these in the most


Medical marijuana and election 2016


Aaron Mathew’s Success Story with Full Extract Cannabis Oil by Victoria Lee, 1000 Watts Staff Magazine Writer

Aaron Mathew looking great in August 2016 during an interview with 1000 Watts Magazine after his use of FECO. Photo credit: Melissa Fitzgerald from New England Grassroots Institute.


f you’re a dedicated reader to this magazine then you might remember a featured story we published last year about a brave young man named Aaron Matthew Bartlett who goes by Aaron Matthew. Aaron is from Massachusetts, he is 29 years old and his whole life has been struggling with a rare form of brain cancer. He’s had 3 brain surgeries, months of chemotherapy, 2 rounds of radiation, and has been on an enormous amount of pharmaceutical drugs. Throughout his struggle, Aaron’s doctors never once mentioned anything about medicating with cannabis. I spoke with Aaron and his mother Holly and they were very upset that the Department of Health doesn’t make information about medical marijuana accessible to the public. Aaron had to go through hell for over 20 years before he and his family decided it was time for him to try medicating with cannabis. To give you some background, Aaron was born with an

Astrocytoma (tumor) wrapped around the central artery that runs through the middle of his brain. Because of this the Astrocytoma could never be removed. Aaron had his first brain surgery when he was just 18 months old, then had another brain surgery along with radiation when he was 6 years old. Although the surgeries kept the brain tumors at bay for a while he was still on a ton of pharmaceutical drugs. Aaron first started getting seizures when he was only 5 months old. From the ages of 18 months old to 8 years old his doctors had him on massive amounts of Phenobarbital for the seizures. Later, Aaron found out that the Phenobarbital produced a side effect called Osteopenia (very low bone density) which caused him to get spinal fractures as a result of it. Not once did the doctors inform Aaron and his family about cannabis as a possible medication that would help his seizures, nor did they tell Aaron about the body’s endocannabinoid system which responds very well to cannabis. Aaron continued to have seizures so the doctors tried every seizure medication in the book. They decided to put him on 3000 mg of Keppra and 400 mg of Vimpat a day, both of which are used to help stop seizures but are extremely harsh on the body. He even had to get a special authorization for the Vimpat. The list of side effects associated with these two drugs are ridiculous but the doctors insisted on using them. Aaron says the seizure meds made him feel horrible and caused him to be in a constant fog. After Aaron’s second brain surgery, his tumor was at a standstill for about 20 years. His MRI’s were scheduled every 2 years as part of protocol because of his prior surgeries. Then in 2014 Aaron began having very bad headaches so he went back to the doctors and found out he had another tumor in his brain. When Aaron first received radiation at the age of 6 the doctors quickly mentioned that radiation may cause tumors 20 years later, but they never went into too much detail. They told Holly the radiation was the only thing that was going to save Aaron, so they did it. The doctors never went into detail about how sure this 20 year mark was, but when Aaron found out about his tumor in 2014 one of the first things the doctors mentioned was that it had been almost exactly 20 years since he had radiation. Then doctors told Aaron that he needed more surgery, chemo, and radiation, and if he did that he may last 2 years. Everything that Aaron and his family were going through was harsh on all of them and even with this surgery, the doctors wouldn’t guarantee him 2 years. They told his mother Holly: “Aaron may live 2 years, but in the meantime anything could happen, he could get hit by a bus”. It’s sad that with everything they were pumping through his body and with the surgeries, they basically told the family that it might not work. The doctors wanted to put Aaron on Temodar, a chemotherapy drug, which would make those 2 years an absolute living hell. The chemo would make him miserable, his body would become swollen and inflamed, he was in a lot of pain, and he would be sleeping almost 20 hours a day. During this time Holly was asking the doctors about alternative medicines and therapies. She even asked them about cannabis but the doctors didn’t want to talk about it, they just told her that cannabis would not help with anything. Holly said, “They shut you down so quickly when

you try to talk to them about it”. So, because the doctors told them surgery, chemo, and radiation were their only options, Aaron had another brain surgery in December 2014 as well as chemotherapy and more radiation. When all this was going on, no one ever mentioned that cannabis may help Aaron with at least his nausea from the chemo and radiation. In addition to these other treatments Aaron started using a Novacure which is a treatment that is supposed to basically “disrupt the cancer cells from duplicating”. It is put on a person’s head like a bandana with wires coming out connecting to a backpack. This treatment costs $22,500 per month and it has never been shown to shrink a tumor. It basically just stops the tumor from growing. It prolongs life but it is not a cure. The oncology department at Tufts Hospital told Holly: “We have never seen a tumor shrink because of Novocure but once people take it off the tumor grows”. Holly said a couple years back when the Charlotte’s Webb documentary came out her friend asked her to watch it, so she did and she thought it was very impressive but she “just couldn’t take that step because we were never cannabis people”. So Holly thought, “that’s great for that little girl - it’s a miracle, but with the false information we received from the doctors about cannabis, we just couldn’t take that step.”

One day Aaron was working at Shaws Market with his Novocure on when he met a man named Luke who was also wearing a Novocure. Luke was 2 years older than Aaron and he had a very similar condition. He had done everything Aaron had done. Luke told Aaron that he was using cannabis to treat his condition and some of his glioblastomas (aggressive tumors) were shrinking! Knowing Luke and seeing his success made Aaron want to look more into using cannabis. So Aaron and his mom looked into it a bit but every time they would bring up using cannabis to Aaron’s doctors, they didn’t want to hear about it. Then, last September when the tumor started growing back, Aaron got his report that the Novocure wasn’t really working and that’s when they panicked. Aaron and his mom started getting serious about wanting to use cannabis. Holly told us: “There was a lot of confusion, we didn’t know what we were doing, and we didn’t know where to go, and we had no idea where to start”. They were researching it as much as they could and came across a company that produces CBD products. Holly spoke with the people at the company, told them about Aaron’s situation, and they told her using CBD might help. This company had a financial aid program for patients in need which, if approved, would help assist patients in buying/ paying for their CBD products, so Aaron applied. They waited months to get approved for the financial aid. While waiting, Holly studied cannabis more and more. Then, right after Aaron was approved and received his CBD tincture Holly realized the CBD tincture they had been waiting for might be the wrong type of medicine for Aaron’s condition. Unfortunately, there is not enough easily accessible information out there about cannabis and some people don’t realize that CDB works for certain things and THC works for others. Holly said, “People need to know what’s available and it would have been very nice if someone at the hospital had talked to us”. The doctors told Aaron and his mother that after the chemo and radiation the tumor might start to grow in a year. Unfortunately, it didn’t even take a year. The tumor started growing just 9 months after surgery. At this point Aaron had been through 3 brain surgeries, several months of chemo, and 2 rounds of radiation, along with tons of other drugs and nothing was working. The tumor was a grade 4 Glioblastoma which is the most aggressive form of brain cancer and it grows rapidly. So, once again, the doctors told him all they could do was more surgery, Gamma Knife radiation, and more chemo too. Not once did anyone tell Aaron and his family that he would be eligible for the state administered MMJ program. Aaron has had a lifelong relationship with his neurosurgeon, who’s been in his brain 3 times and he just continued to tell Aaron that cannabis wouldn’t work.

Aaron wearing his Novocure device during the same time he was being treated with chemo and radiation. Photo credit: Melissa Fitzgerald from New England Grassroots Institute.


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

Aaron and his parents faced a choice when doctors wanted to do another brain surgery on him. They told him if he did not do the surgery he would only have a short time to live. A friend gave Holly the number for Mike and Melissa Fitzgerald (the owners of New England Grass Roots Institute). They met with Aaron and his parents, listened to their story, and found out that Aaron waited months for the CBD tincture only to find out that CBD was the wrong

medication for him. Mike advised them to have Aaron go on a high THC concentrate called Full Extract Cannabis Oil otherwise known as FECO. or RSO. The following Monday after they met was the day the doctors wanted Aaron to get the 4th surgery so this was a big decision for Aaron and his family. They decided to opt out of the surgery, stop the chemo and radiation, and start Aaron on FECO. Holly said “when we first met with Mike and Melissa we left with hope, we went from coming in and thinking we don’t know what to expect, to leaving actually having hope”. Aaron and his parents told the doctors he was going to try FECO instead. The doctors were not supportive at all and basically told them they were making a mistake. Aaron started on ¼ gram FECO per day and quickly moved up to 1 gram. He had an MRI scheduled 6 weeks after he started using the FECO. In this 6 weeks Aaron was shocked at how much better he felt, he was in less pain, he was happier, and he was getting his appetite back. After he got his results from the MRI everyone was amazed. His tumor had shrunk 55% in just a 6 week span of time. Aaron and his mom told us this was the first time doctors actually asked what he was doing. Aaron has been going to many of the same doctors his whole life. Holly was upset that this whole time when she was fishing for information on alternative medicine that not one doctor she asked told her anything about cannabis as a potential medicine. Holly said, “How much can doctors really care when they won’t even give it a try, they would rather slice open someone’s brain.” Talking about cannabis to the doctors is like “pushing on a door that says pull”, until the laws change doctors won’t acknowledge it. Once Aaron started using cannabis the inflammation he had from all of the chemo, radiation, and other drugs/ treatments went away. Holly said “cannabis took all of the inflammation out of his body, I know it was the cannabis; that was the only thing we were doing different”. Aaron lost 50 lbs using FECO and those 50lbs were from all the inflammation he had. In addition, Aaron’s seizures even stopped. After Aaron had been on the FECO for months he asked the doctors to come off of the seizure drugs. Holly says, “Although they don’t want to acknowledge that cannabis does anything, when they suggested it the doctor said ‘well he is on cannabis, so yeah let’s wean him off of the seizure meds’ and since they weaned him off he hasn’t had a seizure since.” 4 months ago Aaron came off tremendous amount of seizure medication including the 3000 mg of Kepra a day and 400 mg of Vimpat a day. They dropped the dose every 4 days until he was off of it completely. The cannabis stopped Aaron’s seizures! Even after the doctors saw this they still wouldn’t admit that cannabis has any medicinal purposes, however, they did start bringing it up in their meetings. Melissa stated that, “People are desperate for information about cannabis and they don’t get the right information” as she talks about the many people that contact her and Mike on a daily basis requesting information about cannabis. Mike and Melissa petitioned outside of Tufts Hospital last year for Aaron. They wanted to find out why a lifelong patient wasn’t given any information and could not have access to the Department of Health’s program listing. Every

day when Mike was petitioning he went into the hospital to fill out sheets they have for questions that people want answered. They said they were there on behalf of Aaron and they want to know why there is no information given to their terminal patients about their state’s MMJ program, but Tufts wouldn’t answer the question. Mike was Aaron’s caregiver giving him cannabis oil, shrinking his tumor, he should have been able to get information, they should have answered these questions for him. Mike says he would have loved to have a private conversation with the doctors because he deals with people suffering who need cannabis on a daily basis, but doctors don’t want to hear about it. Aaron’s last MRI was Aug 10, 2016. The MRI showed small shrinkage and they didn’t know if it was scar tissue or a tumor. Tufts went from 2 months to 3 months in between MRI’s which a huge step for Aaron, it is the first time they’ve extended it in a while. Aaron got up to 1 ½ grams of FECO a day and since then had 3 MRI’s cycle through before they started lowering the dose. Holly told us, “Who cares if he’s high, he feels better, and he’s not in bed puking all day like he was on the chemo and radiation.” After the 3rd MRI Aaron’s dose of FECO was lowered to ¼ a gram a day which still replaces all of his seizure medications. Aaron says, “it’s crazy to think that cannabis worked and something the doctors have been doing for so long just doesn’t work, since I’ve been off of everything I feel 1000 times better.” Holly stated, “It would be very nice if there was an advocate at the hospital because there are thousands and thousands of people dying of cancer every day who are never given this option and they certainly should have access to the information”. Holly also lost her mother in law last year from cancer and what she went through was horrific. If she knew about cannabis maybe she wouldn’t have had to go through what she did. If more people knew about it then maybe they could use it preventatively every day. People take supplements everyday preventatively, it’s the same thing, it’s a plant. The doctors know cannabis is a better medicine, but they won’t advise people to use it. “If the surgeon doesn’t do surgery he doesn’t get paid, if the oncologist doesn’t get to give you chemo and the radiologist doesn’t get to burn you, they don’t get paid either, if the pharmaceutical company doesn’t get to give you seizure drugs then they’re going to be out money too and nobody wants to lose money here I think that’s what its ultimately about,” Holly said. These doctors and government officials keep saying there’s not enough research and evidence about cannabis but there’s more research and evidence on cannabis then there is on most pharmaceutical drugs. “We were blessed to have been able to find this information” Holly said, but unfortunately most people don’t even get the chance. Mike asked Aaron if you got to talk to your doctor in a personal way what would you say? Aaron stated, “I don’t think I would even be able to sit down with the doctor at this point, if I were to give another person in my situation advice I would tell them forget what the doctors say and use cannabis.” Aaron’s struggle to get information would have been so much easier if the doctors had mentioned anything about cannabis to them. Aaron and his family were never


cannabis people but when cannabis came into the picture it wasn’t negative because of everything else they tried. “It’s easier to turn to cannabis when they tell you this is it and this is the end.” Holly has 3 other children and they had never talked about cannabis before Aaron needed it, but the family was very supportive. Cannabis has given them hope. One of Holly’s other children even did a project on it in school. For the longest time they listened to their doctors because doctors are supposed to be smart. They wanted to believe that the doctors wanted to help Aaron and make him feel better, but when they talked about helping Aaron with cannabis, the doctors wouldn’t acknowledge it. Aaron is going to continue his fight, and he will continue to use FECO. Aaron said in the future he is interested in nutrition. When people live in the hospital for cancer, the hospitals assign you a nutritionist but Aaron said they never gave him good nutritional advice. Since then he has become very interested in learning about nutrition and might possibly want to work in the nutrition field one day. Aaron is not the typical medical marijuana patient; he has never smoked cannabis, he chooses to medicate using tinctures, butter, oil, and salve, and he will continue to medicate in this way. Aaron and his family feel that more people should learn about cannabis so they won’t have to go through what Aaron went through.

Please help support Aaron at:


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

The BAD:

Scott Bettano, CEO of Social High, loses custody of his two due to the nature of his app.

process that only supervised visits with their mother should be granted. A letter documenting her irresponsible behaviors, poor judgement, and angry and emotional responses to issues signed by Dr. Craig-Bray is included as an exhibit to this release. In September of 2014, Judge Peter Digangi granted temporary sole physical custody of the children to their father Scott Bettano. Amidst concerns of substance abuse and questions of mental stability surrounding their mother, the judge ordered Ms. Belanger be granted supervised visitation only. After a full year and a half without executing visitation, the court appointed specialist Dr. Craig-Braya was submitted. Despite the report given by the specialist, Justice Peter Digangi has decided the appropriate course of action is to uproot the children from their schools and home, allowing their mother to move them two (2) hours away from their family. They will reside in a house that is owned by Marcus Hytonen who is Ms. Belanger’s fiancé (an unrelated man that the children have no current relationship with). Scott Bettano is worried about the welfare of his children due to Mr. Hytonen being recently released from prison in the summer of 2015 after serving four (4) years for trafficking in cocaine.

Scott Bettano, CEO of Social High ( a mobile app) shown here with his children Manii and Dasanii who were abruptly removed from their home by MA Probate and Family Court Justice Peter Digangi. Because of the subject matter in which Mr. Betanno’s clients communicate on his app is primarily marijuana related, the judge has decided that he should lose custody of his children.


robate and Family Court Justice Peter Digangi has ruled that the two young children of Scott Bettano, the CEO of Social High- A mobile app for cannabis enthusiasts, be abruptly removed from their stable home due to his position operating a cutting edge social media tech experience for consumers of marijuana. His popular application allows individuals to communicate and share their experiences with like-minded individuals in a safe space for expression and the exercising of their first amendment rights to freedom of speech. Because of the subject matter in which Mr. Betanno’s clients communicate on his app is primarily marijuana related, the judge has decided that he should lose custody of his children. In an unexplainable turn of events Justice Digiani has ruled instead that custody be returned to their mother against the better judgement of Laura Craig-Bray, Ph.D., a specialist appointed to facilitate the reunification of Lauren Belanger with her minor children, Manii and Dasanii. Dr. Craig-Bray made a recommendation that due to concerns with Ms. Belanger’s behavior throughout the reunification

Throughout the trial, Justice Digangi expressed his concerns over Mr. Bettano’s activism in the cannabis reform community and his work to normalize cannabis in our society. Due to his role as founder and CEO of a mobile app focused on cannabis, and his advocacy for both medical and adult use legalization of marijuana, Scott is being discriminated against, and his children are being used as pawns to express the political and social beliefs of the Justice. It is no coincidence that this abrupt change in the Justice’s ruling comes just days after the incredibly successful Boston Freedom Rally, of which Social High was a major sponsor advocating for the passage of Question 4 this November that would legalize cannabis for adults over 21 in the Commonwealth. It is of great concern when families are torn apart because of an individual’s intolerance with the growing acceptance of cannabis in our society. This case cuts to the core of major issues faced by parents who choose to support cannabis reform and an end to the disastrous policies of cannabis prohibition that have decimated families for decades. “It is unacceptable to think that we are still dealing with these archaic decisions by Justices who choose to use their power to separate children from their loving father because of his choice to operate a small tech startup focused on social media for cannabis consumers,” said Mickey Martin, Director of Parents 4 Pot, a 501c3 supporting parents who are discriminated against for cannabis.” We are hopeful that Justice Digangi will do the right thing and allow Scott to continue to provide Manii and Dasanii with an amazing home and caring environment to grow and thrive.” Show your support and petition Judge Peter Digangi on www.change.org. The petition was started by Marsh Sutherland (Former COO & Co-Founder at Social High).


Charlo Greene, former TV reporter faces up to 54 years in prison.


The political insanity of the 2016 election and how it will impact medical marijuana.

Photo courtesy of peoplesdailyng.com

Charlo Greene who infamously said, “F**k it, I quit!” on live TV is now facing a potential 54 years in prison for her Alaska Cannabis Club operation.


harlo Greene made headlines in 2014 when the then 26-year-old memorably quit her TV reporting gig on air while announcing her intention to push for the legalization of marijuana in Alaska: She said, “F--- it, I quit,” before walking out of view. But as the Guardian reports, her ensuing off-screen plight has been largely ignored, even though she faces more than a half-century in prison. That’s because Greene, whose legal name is Charlene Egbe, isn’t just a cannabis advocate but the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, which she created on April 20, 2014, a full six months before Alaska voted to legalize the adult use of cannabis. In other words, she was receiving “donations” for marijuana through club “memberships” before it was legal to do so. Police raided the club twice and detectives made several undercover purchases, and though Greene wasn’t directly involved in them, state prosecutors are charging her because the club is registered under her name. She’s pleaded not guilty to charges of “misconduct involving a controlled substance,” and the original indictment listed eight offenses that amounted to a possible 24 years in jail. The Guardian broke the news to Greene that six offenses have since been added, raising the total to 54 years. In the Weed Blog, Greene calls this a “modern-day lynching,” and tells High Times that she hopes the cannabis community rallies behind her. “I need help more than ever,” she says. “Now that I could lose the rest of my life because of cannabis, it feels like the people I fought for have abandoned me.” (Alaskans can’t smoke weed in public.)


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43



s an American citizen, I usually don’t pay too much attention during election time. I know that this is wrong and it’s probably because of people like me that our country is in the state that it is currently in. For some reason or other (probably all the fascinating ways that Trump and Clinton find to degrade each other), I have been paying more attention than usual this election season. I must say that I am truly disgusted with the campaign that is currently going on. Let me explain. It seems to me that the only thing the candidates are concerned about is making the other one look bad. I actually sat through the first Presidential debate and am still amazed that my television is in one piece. Why are these candidates not speaking on our countries actual issues but instead are focusing on who did or didn’t do something? Why are they still harping on the fact that Trump has yet to release his tax return (which I didn’t realize was a requirement to run for office) and the fact that Clinton sent out e-mails through her personal account? Why aren’t we focusing on why our Police Departments have gone rouge? Why our citizens are revolting? Why our country is broke and in such a financial hole? Do I need to bring up health care and social security? These are just some of the issues that should be discussed and debated over not personal

e-mails or personal tax returns. Clinton likes to bring up that Trump pays no taxes. Well, he probably doesn’t. Good for him. If our government sets up laws that will benefit a taxpayer, why not take advantage of them? If “We, the people” have an issue with big corporations not paying taxes, the only people we can blame is ourselves and the people we elected into our government because we have allowed them to put these laws in place to be taken advantage of. I brought up social security because by the time I get to retirement, there probably won’t be any social security left and I’ll probably need to work until the day I die of a massive heart attack or just pure exhaustion. But here is my question on that… why are our leaders, who are supposed to set an example, not on social security like the rest of the country? Why is it that they have a great pension plan that they receive even if they just serve a short year term while “We, the people” pay in our whole lives hoping there may be something there for us when we come of age? The same goes for healthcare. Obama put “Obama Care” in place while he was in office so that every citizen could “afford” to have health care. Well, how does he know what “We, the people” can afford? After all, don’t forget that if you don’t have health insurance, you get penalized when you file your tax return and this year, the penalty will be outrageous for the working middle class households. Great way to help the American citizens Obama! But he doesn’t really care about that because once he leaves office, he and his family will have their health insurance paid for the rest of their lives. Guess who will pick up those costs….that’s right, “We, the people” will. As candidates in this election, why are they not stepping up and saying “NO! Enough is enough!” Why is no one saying that these specialized plans will be done away with and that all politicians and government officials will be just like “We, the people” and have to be on social security and “Obama Care”? Why are they better than you and me? Why do they deserve more than you and me? Obviously, if our plans were any good, they’d already be enrolled or contributing to them but yet, here we are….struggling to survive and make ends meet while they live the high life off of our hard work, sweat, and tears. I could go on and on and on about all the changes that should be made that would benefit not just us as citizens but also as a country. Unfortunately, the only way I would be able to make a change would be to have Trumps fortune to spend on the awareness of these issues and as a middle class citizen, I sure as hell don’t have the funds to make a difference. Which brings up another issue I have with elections, have you ever noticed that the only people that run for office are the ones that have tons of money? And yet, they still milk whatever they can get from the cows (you and me). Now, the real reason I started this article was to showcase where each candidate stood on marijuana issues. Do I think that they will reschedule marijuana or even legalize it? Absolutely not! Why, you ask? Because if they reschedule it or even legalize it, they lose control over us. The way it stands now, they have us by the balls. You see, our

wonderful government knows that marijuana is a beneficial medicine. They know because they, or “We, the people” (because remember that WE actually own) the patent on marijuana. Why would our government have gotten a patent if they actually believed that it had no medicinal value? They wouldn’t. But again, if they made it legal or rescheduled it, they would no longer have the support or money they currently get from Big Pharma nor would they be able to collect all the fees, court costs, etc., that they currently receive from putting us through the judicial system and they would further get sued from all the prisons that would no longer profit from our imprisonment for marijuana convictions. Now, Trump has neither spoken for nor against marijuana legalization or rescheduling. Trump hasn’t actually spoken directly about much of anything in this election but he did recently state that he opposes legalizing and regulating marijuana for adult use. He has also stated that he thinks this should be a state issue and should be left up to the states. But where does that leave us federally? Up Schitts Creek, if you ask me. We could still be punished for the use of or for even just having it on you federally. When it comes to Clinton, the only thing she has said is that the states need to be supported that have or are moving toward medical marijuana or legalization for recreational use. She has also expressed support for more research into the medical benefits of marijuana. My question to her here would be: If we already have the patent, then we already know the medicinal benefits so why would she waste taxpayer money to conduct more research? Could it be so that Big Pharma can profit? I would say that the answer to that would be a big YES! Lastly, she is also in favor of removing marijuana from the Schedule I of drugs to Schedule II which will allow Big Pharma to conduct their “research”. Has anyone heard of Gary Johnson? Johnson is New Mexico’s former governor and is running under the Libertarian Party. Now, you may not have heard much about him because he doesn’t have the same funds available to him that the Republican and Democratic parties have. After doing some research on Johnson, it seems that he supports both legalizing and regulating marijuana for medical and adult use. He has expressed his support for legalizing at the federal level, removing it from the federal drug schedules and allowing the individual states to legalize and regulate marijuana for medical and adult use. Not to mention that he served as CEO of a medical marijuana business before stepping down to run for the Presidential office. Lastly, do you know who Jill Stein is? Again, probably not because she too does not have billions of dollars to spend on a smear campaign. Jill Stein is a licensed physician and is also the nominee for the Green Party. Dr. Stein supports legalizing and regulating marijuana for medical and adult use nationwide. She believes that it’s time to take marijuana off the black market, end crime and violence related to marijuana trafficking, stop wasting money and ruining lives by prosecuting victimless crimes, reduce prison populations, increase tax revenue, allow sick people their medicine, let


farmers grow marijuana and hemp, and give responsible adults their freedom by legalizing it. Now, will I be voting in this year’s elections? Probably not. I’m still upset over the Bush-Gore election in 2000 and still believe that our vote doesn’t really matter and our government will do whatever it takes to get their cronies in place. But for those of you that still believe you can accomplish something with your vote, I implore you to do your research. Don’t just take the word of our news media’s because they get paid too. Look into it yourself. Also, marijuana shouldn’t be your only concern in this election. Although it’s an important subject matter and an important issue for our country, there are other more important or just as important matters that need to be considered in this election. Unfortunately, if I was to delve into it all, I would be writing for weeks if not months and this issue would be closer to a couple of hundred pages instead of our current amount. Again, I just ask that you do some research and educate yourselves on who these people are that want to run our lives. So, who will you vote for….Dumb or Dumber?


The legalization of marijuana has continued to move to the forefront over the last several years. Many true believers in legalization are questioning if this topic will finally emerge in the national election as well as the state election. Up until this point, the legalization in Colorado and Washington, as well as the states that currently support medical marijuana, were determined at a state level. Because the legalization was determined at a state level, we still have issues on how it is perceived by law at a national level. This creates questions among users and medical patients when they are traveling to states that do not have legalization. New national laws, such as medical usage, personal usage, and criminal penalties are necessary in order to create continuity between our national and state governments. When will we finally have marijuana usage emerging in the national election? Although so much has been done, the national parties are still too timid and concerned about creating a political wedge in this year’s election. It is very probable that


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

in the election of 2020 and the election of 2024, marijuana legalization will push forward, becoming a primary issue on the national ballot. The majority of Democrats are in support of marijuana legalization. It is almost certain that Democrats will eventually embrace the issue. With the election being so tight between candidates, neither Clinton or Trump seem to be willing to address the topic head on because of the concern that they may lose votes. Clinton supports medical usage, but believes that additional research is needed to fully understand the use of marijuana with illnesses . As far as recreational use, she wants to continue monitoring Colorado and Washington to determine the outcome of legalization in these states. Clinton does believe in taking a step toward liberalization, including weaker criminal penalties. If legalization were to become a primary topic, Clinton is concerned that her view would alienate certain voters. If she were to take a stance to support legalization she may gain support with younger, independent, and male voters which would add to the strength she carries with women. The concern she faces is losing a large population of older voters who still oppose legalization. The Democratic Party believes that making a firm stance in support is dangerous and may cause Clinton to lose votes. With the majority of Americans supporting the legalization of marijuana, Trump might find himself losing a large portion of support by taking a stance against legalization. Trump fully agrees with medical marijuana but feels very strongly against recreational use. He has not been very clear on a stance and sometimes delivers conflicting and confusing messages. He believes that Colorado has large problems as a result of legalization. However, in contradiction, he has said that if a state votes for legalization, then he would support them. In the future, if the Republicans continue to offer a mixed message concerning marijuana legalization, they risk losing votes from millennials. If Republicans remain opposed, legalization could emerge as a large cultural issue in the next election and they may find themselves on the losing side. Legalizing marijuana for both medical and recreational use is slowly finding its way to becoming a national issue. With our current candidates, it seems as if all laws will remain on the state level until there is no other option than to take a stance. On the national level, it is probable that either candidate will create changes in the liberalization and adjust the current criminal penalties to be more reasonable. With both candidates supporting medical use, we may find additional states coming on board. Over 23% of young Americans have stated that they will be more likely to vote if marijuana legalization is on the ballot making it inevitable that it will reach the national level.

RIGHT TURN AHEAD by Geoff Charles

Many of the governments of the world, including our own, are making sharp turns to the far right wing of political philosophy. They are doing it by allowing violence to be wrought upon innocent and unarmed people by the police state and by allowing roving bands of thugs to dictate social policy and decide who shouldn’t be allowed to be in their country. They use the excuse of refugees and immigrants in order to justify cruelty and repressive treatment of people in violation of existing law. Politicians want to turn their backs on these movements while they wait to see what direction the masses will move in order that they can step in front of that movement to achieve power and political clout. I’m reminded of this especially because of what’s taking place in the Philippines. President Duterte, a vicious strongman and dictator, is murdering users of marijuana and other mood and mind altering drugs in order to “cleanse” the country of people who object to his authoritarian rule. As Hitler condemned and used the Jewish people as scapegoats to convince the German people that Germany would be financially and morally better off without these people, Duterte is determined to commit genocide. First the drug users and dealers, and after that, the opposition to his rule. Tyrants, dictators, and other authoritarian assholes, such as the Governor of Maine, use lies, deception, and genocide as a way of usurping power. Backed by the beverage industry, Paul LePage is deceiving the citizens of Maine by spreading lies about the “danger” of using marijuana, saying that use of weed is 3 times more likely to cause people to use Heroin and other addictive drugs.

I’m shocked when I hear some of the prices for marijuana sold at so-called dispensaries that actually cost more than prescription medications. These dispensary owners are no different than other greedy capitalists. Making money off sick people. That’s why I support recreational use of marijuana. It’s why most people want it in the first place. Grow your own, smoke your own, and take the capitalists out of the equation. I knew a guy who grew some of the finest marijuana I’ve ever smoked from weed he found growing in a ditch near his parents lake home. He refined the genetics, never paid for seeds, grew it outdoors. Never cost him a dime. And he gave it away to friends. Never charged them a nickel. Never expected anything from them except their ongoing friendship. He was never busted, never tracked by the authorities, and never ratted out by anyone. He’s still doing it today. His kids are following in their dad’s footsteps. Tyrants want to abolish any and all drugs that cause people to question authority. That’s why it’s important that unlike other countries, particularly those in Europe, we avoid making a right turn to fascism. We can do this by being more involved politically, economically, and socially. We can turn off the goddamned television and start educating ourselves. Read books, interact with like-minded activists. Spread the word that we will no longer accept being “owned” by those most able to afford it. It’s your future. It’s time for you to drive your destiny and avoid making the sharp right wing turns that others seem to be doing. And never forget. Authority is always the antithesis of freedom.

Marijuana is not an addictive drug. Psychologically or physically. Cannabinoids do not attach themselves to the human central nervous system. Alcohol does. So does nicotine. Not pot. Authoritarians vehemently oppose mind altering substances such as marijuana because they allow the human mind to explore other levels of consciousness, often revealing the true motives of those in power who seek to dominate them both politically, socially, and economically. In an altered state of consciousness, lies, like those from the bloated lips of authoritarian worshippers such as Paul LePage and supporters of Donald Trump, are revealed to the seekers of truth and wisdom, two important ideals that are often hidden in a consumer driven, capitalist economy and political system. We’re told that going into debt in order to live the socalled American Dream, house, kids, family, is honorable and worthy of pursuit whereas in fact, we’re contributing not to our dreams, but to those of others seeking to achieve wealth on the backs of those who can least afford it. Think about that. The poor actually provide the wealth for the richest 1%.

Geoff Charles can be reached at charles@charlesunsensored.com.



Legends Valley Music Festival August 26-28, 2016 by JC Greene

YouTube. The event also included a music performance stage as well as a vendor area and information to assist patients. We all had camped there so the Cup went on into the night at the campground. Life is good. I yelled, “I am proud to be Canadian!” in this really hard Boston accent. People yelled back, “Damn straight you are!” :-) The music lineup was epic: Sublime with Rome, The Sheepdogs, Dirty Heads, Bif Naked and Antipolitic, a band my boss and mentor Matt Harvey is the lead singer in. There were two stages. The main stage was set up for VIP access during the show on stage. Epic! Sunday’s award ceremony was done by Mr. Leahy and Randy of The Trailer Park Boys. I ran onstage and put a joint in Mr. Leahy’s mouth, LOL! They also gave us a shout out.


was shocked when I received a call to go to this huge event which happened on August 26-28 this past summer in Cowechan Valley, British Columbia. I work for BC Bud Depot as VP of wholesale operations but I had never been to the headquarters or to even to the BC part of Canada and I was amped to meet the rest of the staff and family. I knew this trip would be special! First, a huge shout out to Santiago Gomez, Bio Cup Founder, as well Matt Harvey, CEO of BC Bud Depot and CoFounder of the Bio Cup for pulling together an epic event. The trip started with a ferry ride with Bobby and April Black. I fell in love with Canada on this ferry ride. I had a blast with Bobby and April (Bobby was also a celebrity judge at the event). An upcoming episode of “Blazzin’ with Bobby Black” covers this huge event. We met up with Mr. and Mrs. Crockett of Crockett Family Farms, who by the way, said they would NEVER miss this event. We started the judging. May I say “Canada, YOU got it goin’ on!” The judges were Santiago, Big Mike from Smoker’s Guide, JB, Remo, Bobby and I. Judging was blind and anonymous and we all worked very hard to determine the outcome (see Smoker’s Guide, Urban Remo and Bobby Black’s podcast on


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

Then act 2. They gave awards to our winner. They came by our BC Bud Depot booth to say hi and eating cheeseburger classics! All of the paid 11,500 attendees with the biggest of smiles made the event a huge success. Santiago has already asked me to be a celebrity judge in Barcelona, Spain at the Bio Cup in June. I accepted. Read about it only in 1000 Watts Magazine!

Master Bong's Biggest HI TS!

1. They are generally disposable


hen was the last time you were eating something and thought to yourself... I bet I could smoke out of that!?! These are the thoughts that come rushing to my head when I’m out and about in the world grubbing on dank munchies!

2. Light weight 3. Easy to use every time = SUCCESS The common response was that it was spice and of course

We were in Los Angeles and (Ellay Gourmeigh) blessed me with some medicated Takis while we were at Jerrk Ks birthday party. Those guys have some dank medicated nerd ropes that are perfect for the stoner with a sweet tooth. I was eating the Takis the next day and BAM... The Taki Pipe became a vision that would soon be a reality. (Definition of Taki: mexican chip rolled up with flavoring).

whatever flavor Taki you choose will be predominant. But the second response was that they had never thought of smoking out of a Taki before. I love sharing ideas with people that can inspire then to get their MacGyver on. That plus an event = perfect opportunity to commit a random act of kindness! So if you are ready for the Taki pipe in your life, grab a bag. Find a nice Taki you like. Pack a small nug and FIRE UP! The Taki Pipe, its simple and you can eat it too. Until our next adventure... PEACE, Master Bong Of course we get chiefing out of the Taki Pipe while we were in LA, BUT THE REAL ADVENTURE took place in Seattle at the Hempfest! SHARING IS CARING & WE BLESSED THE FANS WITH FIRE! We must have met 30 people at the event and smoked all of them out creating a everlasting bond between the Taki Pipe and Hempfest. These people will always remember the year they smoked out of a Taki Pipe. I would say that doing devices that take 1 step to make are by far the funnest to share with fellow smokers at a event for a few reasons:


The crisp air and falling leaves turn us to all things PUMPKIN. Check out these amazing Fall recipes from our friends at Herb & Earth as well as an indulgent canna treat from our own Cindy Lou for a chocolate toffee easy-tomake delight!

herbandearth www.herbandearth.com

cheese, spices, and half of the chopped sage. Whisk until the sauce is smooth, and add additional salt and pepper to taste if desired. 4. Combine the sauce and the pasta and toss to coat. Top with remaining sage, and Parmesan. Serve immediately.

Pumpkin & Sage Fettuccini INGREDIENTS: 1 tbsp medicated unsalted butter 1 tbsp all purpose flour 2 cloves minced garlic 2 cups cannabis infused milk 1 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling) 3 ounces cream cheese, cut into chunks, room temperature 1 tbsp chopped fresh sage leaves, divided 1/2 tsp kosher salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg


Pumpkin & Cinnamon Cream Cheese Bread

1. Cook pasta according to package directions, strain, and set aside.


2. In a large saucepan, melt butter. Add the flour, and whisk constantly, until turning light brown and nutty smelling. Add in the garlic and cook 30 seconds. Slowly pour in the milk a few slashes at a time, stirring constantly over medium high heat. Boil and cook while whisking (8-10 minutes) until cooked down and thickened.

1 large egg

Pinch ground cayenne pepper 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, for serving

3. Remove pan from heat and add in pumpkin, cream


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

1 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup liquid-state cannabis infused coconut oil (canola or vegetable may be substituted)

7. Allow to cool for 10 minutes in bread pan, then turn out onto wire rack to cool completely before cutting. Enjoy!

Ritz Cracker Toffee Submitted by Cindy Lou

INGREDIENTS: Approximately 1 sleeve Ritz crackers ( crackers should cover pan in single layer) 1/2 cup canna butter 1/2 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups chocolate chips 1/4 cup sour cream (Greek yogurt may be substituted)

chopped almonds for topping (optional)

2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp cinnamon


1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1. Preheat oven 400 f

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

2. Layer crackers in pan in single layer

1 cup all-purpose flour

3. Melt canna butter and butter in saucepan over medium high heat.

1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda pinch salt, optional and to taste (Cream Cheese Filling) 1 large egg

4. Add brown sugar 5. Bring to boil, continue boil for 3 minutes. (edges will be bubbling) 6. Pour butter sugar mixture over crackers.

1/4 cup granulated sugar

7. Bake for 6 minutes, add chocolate chips evenly over cracker/sugar bake for another minute, spread chocolate chips evenly.

3 tbsp all-purpose flour

8. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.


9. Place in refrigerator, after 10 minutes, cut toffee into small squares.

1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour one bread pan. In a large bowl, combine first 10 ingredients, through nutmeg, and whisk to combine.

10. Return to refrigerator to finish cooling and harden completely.

4 ounces softened brick-style cream cheese (lite is okay)

2. Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, optional salt, and fold with spatula or stir gently with a spoon until just combined, taking care to not overmix, set aside. 3. Turn about two-thirds of the batter out into the prepared pan, smoothing the top lightly with a spatula and pushing it into corners and sides as necessary, set aside while you make the cream cheese filling. 4. For the filling; In a large bowl, add all ingredients and whisk to combine. Alternatively, mix with a hand mixer. 5. Evenly pour filling mixture over the bread, smoothing the top lightly with a spatula and pushing it into corners and sides as necessary. Top filling with remaining pumpkin batter, smoothing the top very lightly with a spatula as to not disturb cream cheese layer and pushing batter into corners and sides as necessary. 6. Bake for about 48 minutes or until the top is domed, golden, and the center is set, and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, or with a few moist crumbs, but no batter.



Early 20th Century Hashish smoking very popular throughout the Middle East. 1915 - 1927 Cannabis begins to be prohibited for nonmedical use in the U.S., especially in SW states...California (1915), Texas (1919), Louisiana (1924), and New York (1927). 1920 Metaxus dictators in Greece crack down on hashish smoking. 1920s Hashish smuggled into Egypt from Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Central Asia. 1926 Lebanese hashish production peaks after World War I until prohibited in 1926. 1928 Recreational use of Cannabis is banned in Britain. 1920s - 1930s High-quality hashish produced in Turkey near Greek border. 1930 Yarkand region of Chinese Turkestan exports 91,471 kg of hashish legally into the Northwest Frontier and Punjab regions of India. 1930s Legal taxed imports of hashish continue into India from Central Asia. 1934 - 1935 Chinese government moves to end all Cannabis cultivation in Yarkand and charas traffic from Yarkand. Both licit and illicit hashish production become illegal in Chinese Turkestan. 1936 Propaganda film “Reefer Madness� made to scare American youth away from using Cannabis. 1937 U.S.: The Marihuana Tax Act is passed, making it illegal to buy, sell, barter, or give away cannabis without paying a transfer tax. This is the first federal law in the U.S. regulating the possession and sale of cannabis. Declared unconstitutional in 1969 in U.S. vs Timothy Leary. 1938 Supply of hashish from chinese Turkestan nearly ceases. 1940s Greek hashish smoking tradition fades. 1941 Indian government considers cultivation in Kashmir to fill void of hashish from Chinese Turkestan. 1941 - 1942 Hand-rubbed charas from Nepal is choicest hashish in India during World War II. 1945 Legal hashish consumption continues in India. 1945 - 1955 Hashish use in Greece flourishes again. 1950s Hashish still smuggled into India from Chinese Central Asia. 1950s Moroccan government tacitly allows kif cultivation in Rif Mountains. 1962 First hashish made in Morocco. 1963 Turkish police seize 2.5 tons of hashish.


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43


GreenBroz is a world leader in harvesting solutions for the cannabis industry. We provide end-to-end solutions; whether preparing your flower with our CannaGin, trimming your harvest with our line of Dry Trimmers or using the Alchemist, our solvent-free trichome extraction machine... ...we bring you full circle.

1. E A S I LY PR E PA R E . Designed to save time and labor hours, this productive bud removal machine offers variable speeds and four automatically adjusting doors for different stem sizes.

C A N N AG I N 215

2 . G E N T LY T R I M .

D R Y T R I M M E R 215

3 . PU R E LY S I F T The Alchemist is our solvent-free trichome extraction system. A variable run time fits your specific needs and the 130 stainless steel micron screen provides the perfect option for this machine to be used as a dry-sift or with pulverized dry-ice.

Our Dry Trimmers produce a hand trimmed quality and operate on three key principles; they’re quick, quiet, and gentle on your flower. The patented blade design and gentle rolling action provide a very tight finish, while protecting the purity, potency, and natural curves of your flower. Built with foodgrade material, our trimmers are easy to load, operate, unload, and clean.

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520 471 1576 bjacobson313@gmail.com

CANNA CARE DOCS 495 Central Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 781 382 8053

CORRY & ASSOCIATES 600 Seventeenth Street Suite 2800 Denver, CO 80202


1196 Rt. 28 S outh Yarmouth, MA 02664 508 760 5823

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GREENLEAF COMPASSION CENTER 1637 West Main Road Portsmouth, RI 02871

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KUSHLEY ORGANIC PRODUCTS 222 Boston Post Rd Waterford, CT 06385 kushley.com 860 710 8607

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6775 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028 323 819 8036




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IRIE TRADING POST 2406 Putnam Pike Chepachet, RI 02814

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2948 Hartford Ha Ave. Johnston, RI 02919 401 415 0983



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6680 Alhambra Ave. Suite 147 Martinez, CA 94553 925 309 7110 parents4pot.org

PUFFINS SMOKE SHOP Attleboro, MA 508 639 5754

Lincoln, RI 401 475 3150 puffinssmokeshop.com

511 Lancaster Street Leominster, MA 01453 978 227 5405 thekingsgreenhouse.com





1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 43

402 Main Street Wakeeeld, RI 401 363 9866



380 Jefferson Blvd Unit E2 Warwick, RI 02886 401 889 3990 Toll Free 844-878-6648 (844-8SUMMIT)


451 Winthrop Street Taunton, MA 028701 508 824 1599

THOMAS C. SLATER COMPASSION CENTER 1 Corliss Street Providence, RI 02904 401 274 1000


1201 Fall River Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508 336 4443 trubloomzhydroponics.com




1825 & 2017 Ocean Front Walk Venice, CA 90201 6510 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028

WILLITS MEDICAL CARE CLINIC 350 Creekside Drive Willits, CA 95490 707 459 3594


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