1000 Watts Magazine Issue 42

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Mark Chavarria: “Way to Go FECO” Nique Pichette: “Fight to Win”


“Cannsas Seedy” by John Dvorak “The Grey Market of the Green Rush” by Mark Ward Also in this issue: MaryAnne McCabe Robert Platshorn Geoff Charles Master Bong Strain Review: “Nebula” Product Review: “The Chief Kit” Canna Recipes and more...


$4.20 Series 6 | Issue 42

Greetings Patients and Readers! (a few words from Uncle Henry)

The 1000 Watts Magazine Crew: Founders:

DJ Stone djstone@1000wattsmagazine.com Issue 42 is upon us already. What a jam packed issue we have here and what a pleasure to share these amazing stories with you! Our cover for this issue is a tribute to all athletes as well as those that participated in the 2016 Summer Olympics. We also wanted to note that the 2 big winners (Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt) have admitted to using cannabis which certainly didn’t seem to affect their careers!

Uncle Henry onekwattsmagazine@yahoo.com

Office Manager: Lucy Watts lucy@1000wattsmagazine.com

Sales and Marketing:

We also have our featured story which was written by Mark Chavarria who is a well known stuntman and is kicking cancer in the ass with his own regimen which includes Full Extract Cannabis Oil. Next, we have Nique Pichette who is also a cancer survivor and has an amazing story which has lead her to now be an entrepreneur on top of her already impressive resume of being an RN, ex-marine, body builder and Cannabis Nurse Navigator just to name a few!

Katrina sales@1000wattsmagazine.com

We have a tribute to James McShane which was written by Robert Platshorn (The Silver Tour). Robert also let us in on a protest that was organized in his home state of Florida against Publix supermarkets. Check out his story for the details. Our other patient story was submitted by MaryAnne McCabe and really sheds some light on the risks of prescribed meds. Scary stuff!


John Dvorak is back in this issue with a trip to a totally cool place which is very likely going to be in our future. Our regulars like Geoff Charles and Master Bong are back as well for their entertaining insights on life in general. Jasmine Rose, our Caregiver of the Month shares her thoughts on growing and Mark Ward from NORML gets political and contributed a very informative article on the dispensary and state politics level. We also have 3 really great canna recipes for you to try thanks to Herb and Earth as well as Team Feel Good. Jordan Medley from Potbotics shared the story of their unique app which you should totally check out and download and read their full story to see what this app can do. Dr. Gary Witman and Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq. are our medical and legal contributors. This issue is packed! Remember the Dab-A-Doo New England event is September 15 and tickets are available through eventbrite at dabadoo2016.eventbrite.com. Hope to see you there or at the Boston Freedom Rally. Take care.

e-Marketing & Creative Services: Margo margo@1000wattsmagazine.com Victoria Lee vicat1000watts@gmail.com


Contributors to Issue 42: Mark Chavarria Nique Pichette MaryAnne McCabe Robert Platshorn John Dvorak Jasmine Rose Dr. Gary Witman (Canna Care Docs) Geoff Charles Marc Ward Master Bong Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq. Jordan Medley from Potbotics Trip Yung Team Feel Good Herb and Earth Organics Shelly B. Buddha Chronicles Victoria Lee Very special thanks to the Joint Chiefs Supply Company for The Chief Kit. Copyright 2016 by 1000 Watts Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form. All designs and illustrations are property of 1000 Watts Publications (unless otherwise noted with permission from original author) and may not be used without prior permission. 1000 Watts Publications does not endorse illegal activity in any form. It’s up to you to know and follow your state’s laws. This publication is proudly printed in the USA.





Way to Go FECO; How This Schedule One Drug Saved My by Mark Chavarria Life


Publix Market Protest 6 Sports: Smoked Out 7 Caregiver of the Month 8 Potbotics 10 Strain Review 12 Product Review 13 Canna Recipes 38 Canna Care Docs 20 Master Bong 34 Geoff Charles 18 Deanna Clark 27


Cannsas Seedy by John Dvorak


Fight to Win by Nique Pichette


The Grey Market of the Green Rush by Mark M. Ward



with their customers. In an effort to persuade the popular chain to undo the harm to millions of potential patients the huge donation could cause, Florida’s major cannabis organizations have combined to show their dissatisfaction.

Protesting Publix in FL! by Robert Platshorn


undreds of medical marijuana supporters gathered at busy Publix supermarkets across the state to picket and protest an $800,000 donation by the Carol Jenkins Barnett Family Trust to defeat Amendment 2, Florida’s proposed medical cannabis amendment. The trust of Carol Jenkins Barnett, daughter of the founder of the Publix supermarket chain, has donated $800,000 to the Drug Free Florida group in an effort to defeat medical marijuana in the November election. Publix is not only the most popular supermarket in the state, it’s also where millions of shoppers, especially seniors, fill their prescriptions while they shop for groceries. Recent polls showing more than 77% of Floridians favor legalizing medical marijuana. Publix is clearly out of step

At 10am on Saturday August 13 The Silver Tour, NORML of Florida and Regulate Florida, picketed one of the busiest Publix stores in Broward county, as well as stores in Tampa, Orlando and several upstate locations, to urge Publix customers to do their weekly grocery shopping some place else. This was a one­day picket effort meant to send a financially driven message to Publix. According to Silver Tour founder, Robert Platshorn, who organized the protest, “Publix is a great chain. Most Floridians love to shop there, but they have to realize that medical marijuana is an important medicine, especially for the state’s huge senior population. If they fail to get the message we will be back. Again and again.” Platshorn and his partners believe that the one­day boycott will cost the supermarket chain much more than the $800,000 given to stop Amendment 2. The three organizations gathered the troops with their signs at the Publix on Peters Rd and University Dr in Plantation, to urge drivers to turn away and shop elsewhere for their week’s groceries. NORML of Florida Executive Director Karen Seeb Goldstein said, “ This is a matter of putting patients’ interests ahead of profits. I understand that when medical cannabis is available, Publix pharmacies may be negatively affected. A recent government report shows that states with medical marijuana have seen a drop in the sales of opiates, painkillers, and many other dangerous drugs that can be replaced with cannabis, which is safer. Where cannabis is legal as medicine, deaths from dangerous opiates are reduced by more than 25%”. Publix says her donation to the anti­pot group is personal and does not reflect company policy. Michael Minardi Chairman of Regulate Florida says “We want them to clearly state where they stand. Their customers deserve the truth.”


TICKETS: dabadoo2016.eventbrite.com


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

Sports: Smoked Out by Trip Yung

This week we have witnessed a lot of history being made at the 2016 Olympics in Rio. We saw both the world’s fastest man in water (Michael Phelps) and on land (Usain Bolt) dominate yet another Olympics bringing in a combined 6 gold medals thus far and an overall medal gold count of 30 spanning across the last 4 Olympic games. There is however one thing these two speedsters have in common. They have both spoken about their use of cannabis, Bolt as a youth and Phelps after a video surfaced in 2009 of him smoking out of a bong. The two, however, aren’t the only Olympic Gold medalists that are affiliated with Mary Jane. 1998 Snowboarding Gold medalist Ross Rebagliati tested positive for THC after winning the gold and Jamie Anderson, who took home the Women’s Slopestyle Gold at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, has also been linked to marijuana use. Marijuana is currently a banned substance by the Olympic Committee but that hasn’t stopped these superstar athletes from dominating the best athletes in the world dating all the way back to 1998. Furthermore, Olympic athletes aren’t the only athletes that have either been linked to or have openly admitted to using marijuana. Some of the top professional athletes right here in the United States have been affiliated with weed for decades going back to the seventies when NBA Champion and Hall of Famer Bill Walton was actually allowed to by his college coach (John Wooden) at UCLA to smoke marijuana. The list of athletes also includes NBA Champions, Super Bowl Champions and World Series Champions. This means that several of the top stars in professional sports are using marijuana and outside of the legal ramifications it doesn’t affect their level of play on the field, court, track or in the water for that matter. But let’s start in major league baseball (MLB) with 3 time World Series Champion, 2 time National League Cy Young Award winner, 4 time All Star and Babe Ruth Award winning pitcher, Tim Lincecum, who during his prime was one of the top pitchers in all of major league baseball. His coming out party so to speak took place in his home state of Washington during a traffic stop in 2009 where he was cited on misdemeanor marijuana charges. The National Basketball Association (NBA) also boasts several members of the marijuana club who are also elite NBA players. The most notable on this list include All Stars like Stephon Marbury who is an admitted pot smoker and more recently the Finals MVP and 3 time Chinese Basketball Association champion. Then, there is retired 4 time All Star and NBA champion Rasheed Wallace, who back in 2002 was stopped along with teammate Damon Stoudamire and cited for misdemeanor possession after almost 40 grams of marijuana was found in Stoudamire’s Hummer, which also smelled like weed, according to Washington State patrol officers that were on the scene. Then there is NBA Legend, Champion and Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul Jabbar who has

been a known smoker for decades. Jabbar however has a prescription for his marijuana out in California, which he’s been using for nausea – inducing migraine headaches that have bothered him for years. But the most noted NBA elite player is the Answer Allen Iverson. The one time league MVP, 11 time All Star, 2 time All Star MVP, Rookie of the Year, 4 time scoring champion and 3 time steals leader has also been associated with marijuana. Iverson’s connection to marijuana first came out in 1997 when we was arrested for the possession of a firearm and two marijuana cigarettes. The list goes on and on with a lot of your favorite players smoking a little weed. Moreover, the biggest athlete – weed story comes out of the NFL. Yeah, guys like future Hall of Fame Wide Receiver Randy Moss, Pro Bowl Quarter Back Michael Vick, Super Bowl Champions Marshawn Lynch and Santonio Holmes (also Super Bowl MVP) all have been linked to, and some admit their usage, but retired Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams is probably the most noted marijuana-using athlete. Williams tested positive four times for marijuana over the course of his career. He led the NFL in rushing yards in 2002 and made the Pro Bowl that same year. He was also a Heisman winner in college and retired from the NFL with 10,000 plus rushing yards and 66 touchdowns while averaging 4.1 yards per carry. All of this while elevating his mind with weed. He described his usage as a type of “psychotherapy.” Williams even cut his NFL career short after dealing with all of the failed drug tests. He would however go to California to get a prescription for medical marijuana. He has stated in interviews that marijuana helps him cope with his ailments better than other prescribed drugs. Since his retirement Williams has been an advocate for athlete marijuana use and has even been a part of opening a gym in San Francisco that will allow members to smoke weed while working out. As time passes, marijuana gains popularity and mainstream acceptance there will be even more athletes linked to weed. The problem now is that marijuana although legal for medical and recreational use in some states, is not legal throughout the country. Thus, it is still on the banned substance list throughout professional and college sports. However, as can be seen with the cases of the aforementioned athletes and the dozens that weren’t mentioned in this article, athletes can use marijuana and still perform at the highest level. It’s all person-to-person based but with Olympic Gold Medalists, NBA Champions, Super Bowl Champions, World Series Champions and even the occasional Heavyweight boxing champion of the world one can clearly see that you can use and still be great.


Our amazing caregiver this month is California based Jasmine Rose, a rising star in a male dominated industry. What is your name? Jasmine Rose.

How many years have you been a caregiver? 2 years.

How many patients do you currently have? Officially, 7 but I’m gaining practice.

What is your motivation for being a caregiver?

Healing people in any way that I can is my motivation. We should practice natural medicine. Herbs are the purest form to help us towards health. I love gardening and sharing organic plants and produce with everyone. There is such tranquility while you’re growing, knowing it’s going to help a lot of different problems for different people. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with people and problem solving to find a solution for better health and happiness. There are so many miracle stories where CBD and THC work their magic. Eating disorders, anxiety, stress, seizures, and pain are just a few conditions I’ve seen cured with cannabis.

State of your operation? California.

What do you use for nutrients? Why that product?

Seaweed makes the plants a richer darker green and can be used year round. The ladies love the boost of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous.

What would you say are your favorite strains? Why?

Girl Scout Cookies are a favorite because of their high THC and CBD ratio. Diamond OG and Skywalker OG are also favorites to grow and smoke because they are so potent and resistant to a lot of problems growers face.

What do you find to be the most useful piece of equipment you have purchased and why?

My four-wheeler! It’s so much easier to get around the property with buckets and tools. Plus my dogs love riding with me!


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

Jasmine Rose

What specific illnesses do your patients have? (please do not include names). How do feel that you have helped your patient’s illnesses/ailments?

One of my patients had several surgeries on her hand. She was reluctant to take pain medication for fear of the side effects. Pain medications can cause an inability to eat, vomiting, and nausea. My patient got her 215 and I was able to provide her with CBD vaporizer cartridges, a CBD salve, and flowers. The salve really targeted her joints instead of a pain pill influencing her whole body. Instead of being nauseas and drowsy, she can eat and focus normally. She now doesn’t have to deal with being even sicker than before and can focus completely on recovery.

Do you prefer to grow Indicas or Sativas? Why?

I prefer Indica. Some of my favorite strains have beautiful spectrums of purple. It really just depends on what the demand for which medicine is. If I find a strain that tests high and is wonderful to smoke I’ll usually incorporate that in my garden.

What process do you use to grow? I prefer just natural outdoor grown by the sun. The buds

taste so earthy. I also have greenhouses year round for vegetables and plants for the cold season.

What type of lighting do you use to grow?

The sunlight is what plants love the best. To keep the medicine flowing year round light depravation is great. For light dep I usually use 1000 Watt Gavita High Pressure Sodium or HPS lights. Always step up the wattage from 600

to 1000 transferring from vegetation to blooming. You want to have the least amount of light while they’re smaller and increase from there. This ensures a 60 day harvest.

Do you grow from seeds or clones? Why?

I grow from both but I definitely prefer seeds because they’re usually healthier and stronger. You have to watch out for males when growing with seeds though. Clones are amazing as well because you literally get the same plant that you cloned from. I usually use clones in my greenhouse and seeds outdoors. Either way its a blessing to be able to watch tiny roots transform into huge trees.

What are the most difficult challenges you have faced as a caregiver?

Being a female in a male dominated industry. I definitely have to work hard to gain respect. A lot of people don’t take women as serious as men even if they’re sharing the same views. I’m not sure why society is still so sexist but I’m proud of the revolution that’s going on. America has become so much more open minded and I look forward to the changes happening. Also the stigma behind smoking weed and breaking through that preconceived notion. A lot of people view cannabis connoisseurs as “lazy stoners” or “drug dealers”. People making these assumptions haven’t witnessed what this plant can do!

Do you prefer hydro or soil? Why?

Hydro is a bit more complicated to set up and it’s a little touchy. It’s worth the extra effort because you can control the outcome. Soil is simple and a great way to be natural and really connect to the earth.

Do you flush your plants before you Harvest? And if so, for how long?

Yes. A lot of people only do it for a week but like to go for two weeks just to make sure.

How do you feel about Compassion Centers and Dispensaries?

I wish there were more of them! It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to help patients get the correct medicine. I love that everything’s tested so everyone knows exactly what they’re getting. If almost every store you walk into you can get prescription pills with mountains of side effects, it’s only fair that you can have access to clean herb as well.

“America has become so much more open minded and I look forward to the changes happening. “ @jasminesdreaming


Medical Marijuana Innovation Through Biotechnology by Jordan Medley, Potbotics Business Development Associatew


ver the last several decades, mankind has accepted the evolution of marijuana from a taboo illegal substance to a medicinal norm. Despite it’s increasing popularity, little research has been done to understand the underlying mechanisms behind marijuana and it’s relationship to the human body. Only recently have we discovered THC, which is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis. Two decades later, researchers discovered the endocannabinoid system; a series of receptors located throughout the body that helps maintain homeostasis, which only cannabis can modulate. When marijuana was first ingested, it was used by shamans and spiritual healers

to cure mental illness and even purify evil diseases that linger in the body. While there is a lot we now know about the “magical plant,” there seems to be an infinite amount of uses when applied to healing and medicine. With the advancement of cannabis industries catching up to the rapid evolution of technology, it seems for medical-facing marijuana tech companies such as PotBotics, there is no time like the present. PotBotics, the medical cannabis technology company that is innovating EEG brain scans, has just released the first ever, science-backed, medical marijuana app for Android and iOS that uses artificial intelligence to make highly personalized recommendations for patients. They have created a mobile application that recommends specific cannabinoid levels, compatible strains, and optimal consumption methods for patients based on their specific medical condition, as well as their tolerance towards cannabis. Due to the ever-increasing amount of cannabis strains that are being created, regulated, and introduced to the marijuana industry, it is easy to confuse what strain is best to medicate with and what effects each strain produces. Names like “Purple Haze” and “Sour Diesel” are no longer fun names to write pop songs about. PotBot’s goal is to eliminate the reliance on strain names, and instead, focus on the DNA composition of the plant. PotBot accomplishes this by showing patients the individual cannabinoid percentages

PotBotics’ mobile application doesn’t only help figure out which marijuana strain and consumption method will work best for a patient, it also helps patients find a nearby medical dispensary.


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

particular strains tend to average,and then explaining to patients how that cannabinoid profile will affect their condition. For patients looking to treat their nausea, PotBot helps patients decide on an antiemetic strain that can either suppress or stimulate appetite based on a plant’s genetics and THCV content. THCV (not to be confused with THC - which is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis) is a little-known cannabinoid that produces intense antiemetic and appetite suppressing effects in marijuana strains. In fact, THCV is so useful as an appetite suppressant/nausea reducing medication that patients have used medical marijuana to lose weight with surprising success. Most people who are unfamiliar with the medical marijuana industry are probably unaware of the various ways patients can medicate with cannabis, and the different effects each consumption method produces. Nowadays, smoking is no longer required to enjoy the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Patients in medical marijuana states now have access to oil extracts, tinctures, sprays, lotions, and even edibles - all of which produce different tangible effects that onset and last various amounts of time. Pairing the wrong strain and wrong form of ingestion can aggravate symptoms instead of relieving them, which is why PotBot makes sure to recommend an appropriate consumption method in addition to a list of compatible strains. Some forms of consumption, like eating edibles, can take hours before patients feel any form of relief, because unlike inhalation forms of delivery, ingested cannabis needs to be processed by the liver before any effects can be felt. This digestive process makes eating edibles a poor choice for those who want quick pain relief, but can be a preferred method for gently easing into a good night’s sleep. “Using cutting-edge technology, PotBotics is changing how the medical marijuana industry treats patients.” Fortune Magazine. PotBotics’ mobile application doesn’t only help figure out which marijuana strain and consumption method will work best for a patient, it also helps patients find a nearby medical dispensary. By turning on your phone’s location, PotBot automatically displays the closest dispensary to your area and provides directions to help you easily get there. PotBotics will soon be ready to implement dispensaries’ menus directly into the application, giving users real time updates about which dispensaries have their recommended strain in stock. “While others are looking to make marijuana stronger, PotBotics is looking to make it smarter.” - Newsweek The best part of PotBotics’ application is the potential it has for advancing the cannabis industry by furthering our understanding of how marijuana affects patients on an individual basis. PotBot enables users to “favorite” the strains that work best for their medical condition, enabling PotBot to draw previously unknown correlations about what strains and what cannabinoid percentages affect different types of patients. Before the end of the year, PotBotics plans

to roll out a dedicated patient collective section of the application that will enable patients to give in-depth reviews of how strains affected them, record a medicating session live in order to give a detailed analysis about how various consumption methods affect relief, as well as fill out detailed surveys. These new features help open the door to a better two way conversation that will dynamically improve PotBot’s recommendation engine. With this functionality in place, PotBotics aims to make PotBot the world’s most comprehensive medical marijuana research project of its kind. When asked about this goal, Jordan Medley, Head of Product Operations for PotBotics stated: “Right now, with just a few months in, we are already past 30,000 downloads, meaning that we have more users on our platform than there are registered medical marijuana patients in Israel. Our hope is that due to our medical-facing offering, we attract the dedicated type of user that really does care about advancing this industry for the medical marijuana patient community. A lot of marijuana apps out there have a much more recreational focus where users place a high priority on the flavor and smell of the strains that they’re smoking. We’re really trying to steer the conversation away from recreational and move towards a more sophisticated, medical-facing conversation that everyone takes seriously, because the feedback we receive and the data we collect will go a long ways towards helping define individual treatment plans for marijuana patients in the future.” While PotBot is making great strides in collecting qualitative data about medical marijuana, PotBotics’ other product, BrainBot, is helping capture valuable quantitative data that one day could help revolutionize individualized medical marijuana treatment. BrainBot, which is PotBotics’ electroencephalogram (EEG) device, measures a patient’s neural response to cannabinoids and cannabis strains, which can then be used to quantifiably determine the effectiveness of a patient’s medication and dosage. The EEG is coupled with a disposable headcap, removing the need for a specialized technician to be present for application onto a patient’s scalp. After a doctor examines a patient using BrainBot, the data is then read by a remote neurologist for a quickturnover assessment. This data will allow the doctors to fully understand the intricacies of the brain under different, specific variables. BrainBot addresses several critical challenges that clinicians face, such as: the prescribing of ineffective therapies complicated by significant side effects, poor client compliance during exhaustive trial and error phases, and unaccounted for medical conditions with adverse consequences to treatment plans. BrainBot solves these problems by providing unmistakable results that offer confidence in client assessment and improved client outcomes through an expert, boardcertified neurology network, and sophisticated data mining and predictive analytics. In addition to providing more accurate assessments for patients, BrainBot also boasts that


it is currently the smallest, most cost effective EEG available for clinicians. With more and more people opening their eyes to the benefits of cannabis, there has never been a better time for the medical technology industry to help innovate and advance our knowledge of such a complex, misunderstood plant. Due to the restrictive laws that have been put in place, we have yet to crack the surface about the various ways in which marijuana can improve the lives of patients throughout the world. Most medical schools still refuse to teach about the endocannabinoid system, despite being the largest system of receptors throughout the body.. As a result, we are forced to rely on companies such as PotBotics to step up to the plate and do the necessary research needed to legitimize the industry. Only time will tell what new innovations will result from products like PotBot and BrainBot, but it is safe to say that the future is brighter for those who seek the truth behind the secrets that cannabis has to offer.


David Goldstein (left) with Jordan Medley modeling the BrainBot EEG device. BrainBot, which is PotBotics’ electroencephalogram (EEG) device, measures a patient’s neural response to cannabinoids and cannabis strains, which can then be used to quantifiably determine the effectiveness of a patient’s medication and dosage.

by Shelly B

If you enjoy a smooth, calm, relaxing strain, Nebula is definitely worth a try. It gives an intense body and head buzz which helps incredibly with chronic pain without sending you into a dream state. Nebula makes you feel very chill, social, creative, happy and energetic along with a long-lasting euphoric buzz. This amazing strain, which some know as “Starcloud”, has a strong, potent, sweet smell with a honey/fruity taste. It is a bubbly, cheerful smoke that places you into an uplifting brain fog. This is perfect for daytime and social situations due to its “chatty” and complete nerve and body calming effects. There was not a downside that I could find with this medication! It is a fun, sweet-tasting smoke even for the veteran smoker. Basically, Nebula, is a strain to try thanks to its quick acting buzz from its Sativa side and a mellow Indica side allowing for an all day effect that lets you get things done.


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

The Chief Kit from Joint Chiefs Supply Company by The 1000 Watts Crew

Product Review: Joint Chief Supply Company-Chief’s Kit First, we’d like to send a HUGE thank you to all at The Joint Chief Supply for sending us the awesome Chief’s Kit! This kit is sent in a beautiful finished mangowood box that has a very old fashioned rustic look. Inside, to our surprise we found a lot of fun little treasures. These treasures consist of a grey slouchy beanie with a cool embroidered leather patch perfect for our New England winters (can also come in black). Two printed airtight glass jars that are great for storing your cannabis, a spectacular silver aluminum grinder with a screen to catch all that amazing kief, and two packages of hemp rolling papers including filters. We were also very happy to find six different colored tubes with pre-rolled cones in them for your travel needs along with a wooden stick to pack the cones, a nicely branded bamboo ashtray and a tray great for rolling joints. Lots and lots of goodies inside this box, all that we need now is some cannabis and a flame!! The Chief’s Supply Kit would honestly make a great gift for anyone who medicates with cannabis. If you like how this all sounds, be sure to go check out their website at www.jointcheifsupplyco.com. We would like to say that this kit is considered a true smokers delight!!

Use the promo code “WATTS15” and receive $15 off when purchasing your Chief Kit!!


Everything’s Up to Date in...

Although senior citizens make up only 14 percent of the U.S. population, they use over 30 percent of the nation’s prescription drugs. That’s why a key tenet of Cannsas Seedy involves eschewing synthetic pharmaceuticals and their laundry list of side effects that often seem as bad as the ailment they are addressing for cannabis, a safe, effective, inexpensive and versatile natural plant remedy. Drug overdoses are at epidemic levels throughout society and the incredible safety profile of cannabis makes it the best therapeutically active substance known. Every day there seems to be a new study showing how cannabis is being used to treat different ailments. New insight into the familiar (THC & CBD) and new fangled (CBN, CBG) cannabinoids is being combined with an understanding of the therapeutic benefits of the many terpenes contained in the cannabis flower. These all have a direct and positive impact on the inhabitants of Cannsas Seedy, young and old alike.

by John Dvorak


hat’s right, they’ve gone about as far as they can go! Set on 420 sprawling acres, Cannsas Seedy is the ultimate hemp friendly living community. The fastest growing demographic of cannabis users is people over 55. As such, every effort has been made to incorporate the healthy and environmentally beneficial aspects of cannabis hemp into a place that caters to senior citizens but also welcomes all ages. Our elders raised us and we owe it to them to treat them with dignity and respect as we make their golden years as healthy, stress free and fun as possible. Cannsas Seedy offers a full range of living accommodations, from fully independent living where you can cook your own meals and come and go as you please to 24X7 assisted living with medical attention and everything in between. As a vibrant, multigenerational living community, “youngsters” living in Cannsas Seedy will help with loneliness and instill a lively, youthful energy into the surroundings. This is not a one way street when it comes to interactions. There will also be an active counseling program with seniors sharing their business acumen with young entrepreneurs and providing life advice to those most in need.

As we get older, we develop more aches and ailments. Our systems begin to deteriorate and shut down. Cannabis can be used to rejuvenate and sometimes repair these systems, leading to a better overall quality of life. It’s no secret that senior citizens often suffer from more than one chronic illness. Known as comorbidity, this condition greatly complicates treatment due to dangerous interactions between pharmaceuticals. Cannabis is proving to be very effective in safely treating and/or preventing numerous conditions that involve almost every organ and major body system. This is due to the synergistic reaction of cannabis with the endocannabinoid system which has been described as a bridge between the mind and body. Rest assured that patients will not be left alone with a bong and a bag of dank to self medicate. Extensive counseling, monitoring and medical supervision will be provided to find the best cannabinoid combination to ensure that residents can handle or adjust to any psychoactive effects. Start low and go slow is the general rule of thumb. Just as cannabis can treat numerous symptoms, there are many delivery methods available. You do not have to smoke marijuana to receive its therapeutic benefits and you don’t even have to get “high.” Of course, if you prefer, firing up a fatty in your room while you watch Murder She Wrote or Bob’s Burgers is ok too! A great number of senior citizens suffer from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or other conditions that involve the brain and central nervous system. Studies are showing that cannabis stimulates the growth of new brain cells. It also contains compounds that have an anti-inflammatory impact that could help treat stokes and support the prevention of nerve cell damage that hinder people with Alzheimer’s. Nebulizers (cannebulizers) will be strategically placed throughout Cannsas Seedy for immediate treatment of epileptic seizures, strokes or other traumatic brain injury. Speed is of essence when it comes to issues like this and the sooner that cannabinoids can be introduced to the site of a brain injury the better. Cannebulizers will be placed next to the more common automated external defibrillators


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

(AEDs) which have also proven helpful in saving lives during emergencies. Another significant factor as we get older involves depression, loneliness from the loss of significant others and anxiety over the future. Cannabis provides an excellent source of stress relief and allows one to relax and enjoy the present with minimal negative side effects. It is also showing great promise in the treatment of PTSD which affects not only military veterans but anyone that has experienced a traumatic event. Steep discounts for living accommodations at Cannsas Seedy will be given to all former members of the US Armed Forces as well as veterans of the war on drugs. Arthritis, back problems, sciatica and other aches and pains are very common as we age. There are several ways that cannabis can help people deal with their pain. Cannabinoid lotions, creams and balms can be applied topically right where it hurts. They also help heal scars from

hip/knee replacements and other surgeries. Sublingual tinctures are easy to use and fast acting while edibles and medicated drinks are a tasty way to “take your medicine.� Vaporization is becoming more popular with people that would rather not smoke. If your pain is so extreme that you need immediate relief, the application of a high dose of concentrated cannabinoids should do the trick: a little dab’ll do ya! Cannabis is showing great promise in treating and even preventing cancer. It also helps with the nausea and appetite loss caused by chemo and radiation therapy. For those suffering from colon cancer, IBS or prostate problems, medicated suppositories are a possible treatment option. Amazingly, cannabis can also help with fibromyalgia, MS, neuropathy, diabetes, incontinence, restless leg syndrome, glaucoma, skin conditions and sleep disorders so you can rest assured that there is a cannabinoid with your name on it. A recent discovery shows the ability of cannabis to help


strengthen bones and heal fractures. This is very important for the large number of people suffering from Osteoporosis.

dry off in style with hemp towels, sleep on luxurious hemp/ silk sheets and snuggle up with a hemp fleece comforter.

Advances in our understanding of the human genome and the multitude of cannabinoid/terpene combinations has created a new branch of personalized medicine whereby specific cannabis strains are cultivated for individuals. Cannsas Seedy recognizes the potential of this by creating on-site greenhouses where patients can grow their own medicine which is therapeutic in its own right as it creates an amazing feeling of independence and gratification.

Diet is another very important component to an individual’s overall health and at Cannsas Seedy, you’ll have your choice of fresh fruits and vegetables coupled with a heapin’ helping of hemp! Cholesterol free, packed with protein, fiber and Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs), hemp is nature’s superfood. Shelled hemp seed is a tasty and fun way to pep up your breakfast cereal and oatmeal, hemp flour can be used for baking and hemp seed oil lends itself beautifully to salad dressings. Hemp power bars and hemp protein powder smoothies provide nutrition on the go and juicing cannabis flowers and leaves is a nonpsychoactive way to obtain many of this plant’s beneficial therapeutic properties. Hemp fed livestock produce high EFA eggs and meat with extra protein.

The primary goal of Cannsas Seedy is to improve the quality of life of its residents. Another complementary goal is to advance understanding of the endocannabinoid system and how cannabis interacts with it in beneficial ways. To help accomplish this, residents will have the option to become a member of the Cannabinoid History Team (CHT) where the results of therapies will be recorded and analyzed. Because of our government’s classification of marihuana [sic] as a Schedule I narcotic, research has been severely hampered. As opposed to the traditional practice of doctors telling patients how they should treat their ailments, the CHT will inform doctors of the many benefits of cannabis. No more anecdotal evidence here. The CHT will provide hard data that will stand up to scientific scrutiny and become the foundation for future research and therapeutic breakthroughs as we workbassackwards towards specific cures. As a way to include the entire plant-medicine community, Cannsas Seedy will feature a Phungus Pharm and Peyote Patch where micro (or macro) dosing with supervision and guidance are available. The positive effects of psychedelics on those with a terminal illness can be quite profound and beneficial. While extensive cannabinoid therapy and plant medicine are key components of what makes Cannsas Seedy unique, we’re literally building something here that’s much bigger. Many modern buildings contain materials that slowly emit/ off-gas toxins to the detriment of their inhabitants. This can be a cause of concern for senior citizens, many with compromised immune systems. That’s why the entire Cannsas Seedy complex is made with hemp and other natural materials like bamboo. Some buildings are framed with hemp-hurd particle board which is then filled in with hempcrete, a fire-resistant, pest-resistant and breathable substance that is also an excellent insulator. Other buildings are made with hemp-adobe bricks that have similar properties as hempcrete but are structurally stronger which allows for the construction of taller buildings. Hemp fiber matting provides much better insulation than scratchy, pink, petroleum based fiberglass. If you are so inclined, you can even design your own “cannabis cabana” which will be constructed to your specifications. In addition to cannabis construction materials creating a healthy exterior, all building interiors will use hemp to further reduce the negative influence of petroleum based products and pesticide laden cotton. Walk on soft and durable hemp carpets, greet each new day by opening your hemp curtains, prepare your meals on beautiful hemp composite countertops, sit comfortably on hemp upholstered furniture,


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If you don’t want to or are not able to cook for yourself, visit a community dining hall where everyone can enjoy fresh, healthy meals served using hemp plastic composite plates and utensils that are composted when they begin to deteriorate after 100 or so uses. Although taking care of your inner self is crucial, cannabis hemp can also smooth out life’s wrinkles in a myriad of ways. The humble hemp seed and cannabis root provide many benefits for various skin ailments and when combined with cannabinoids, an extra potent, yet non-psychoactive result is achieved. The EFAs in hemp seed oil act as emollients to moisturize and heal the body’s largest organ, your skin. Cannsas Seedy is literally awash in hemp body care products: soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lip balm, creams, lotions and salves that can be used to treat rosacea, psoriasis, eczema as well as burns, sores/scrapes, surgical scars and cancerous lesions. At Cannsas Seedy, enterprise is encouraged. Jobs are available in farming, cultivation, extraction, food preparation and other service related sectors. Over 200 acres are

devoted to growing general purpose cannabis hemp with varying cannabinoid content. The days requiring that hemp contains less than 0.3% THC will be a not so fond but increasingly distant memory as 10-12 foot tall plants produce an abundance of fiber, seed and multiple cannabinoids. At the Green Buffalo processing center, basic products like hempcrete and hemp fiber insulation are made onsite. Hemp seed oil is pressed and converted to bio-diesel or used in the kitchen. State of the art extraction facilities and testing laboratories ensure high quality, contaminant free medicine. Local businesses will sprout up to process excess raw materials into other useful products. As these products are produced and sold locally, money is spent over and over again locally, creating a multiplier effect and a true self-sustaining economy. That’s why cannabis hemp is, indeed, the Green Buffalo! Cannsas Seedy features “plus-energy” living by combining wind turbines, solar panels and geothermal sources with hemp seed oil biodiesel and compressed hemp hurd pellets for wood burning stoves. Excess electricity will be sold back into the grid to the benefit of residents. Cannsas Seedy modifies the modern day hempster’s mantra from “hemp, hemp, hooray!” to “hemp, hemp, today!” You will not spend your time at Cannsas Seedy counting down your final days in solitude. Rather, you’ll will have your choice of a wide variety of activities that will stimulate mind and body. Paper making classes will allow residents to turn hemp pulp into greeting cards, letters and painting canvases. Spin hemp fiber into twine for hemp jewelry or thread as you weave your own hemp fabric. The wheelchair / skateboard park contains ramps, embankments and even jumps for the more adventurous.

of Thievery Corporation and St. Germain while enjoying your favorite cannabis strains. Cannabis has long served as a social lubricant by bringing people together in a relaxed environment. Cannsas Seedy will provide numerous places to partake, including rooftop smoking vistas, vape lounges and cannabis cafes. If you get lucky and a little frisky, a coconut oil/cannabis mixture creates a literal social lubricant that is sure to please. The Sativa Spa will properly pamper you with a panoply of cannabis hemp products. Soak in a luxuriant hemp soap bubble bath, have a cannabinoid laden hemp seed oil massage or relax in the sweat lodge as you drizzle cannabis oil over the hot rocks and inhale the natural goodness. Extensive botanical gardens at the Soma Holistic Healing Center provide a beautiful and reflective place to contemplate life’s spiritual and philosophical mysteries. The wonders of the galaxy can be explored in the Carl Sagan planetarium and the Robert Mitchum theatre will screen movies and host live productions of canna-classics like the Caitlin County Hemp Wars, the Marijuanalogues and Reefer Madness. (Mitchum spent 2 months in jail in 1948 after being arrested for smoking a joint with some friends.) Shuttle bus service to the nearby Hemp Casino lets grandma get her slot machine fix. The Lyster Hoxie Dewey library, museum and conference center provides a place for people to participate in the ongoing Cannabis Curriculum, an effort to learn about and add to the research into all aspects of cannabis, hemp and its prohibition. Only by truly understanding this incredible plant can humanity hope to fully utilize its potential. Cannsas Seedy truly does auger well for the future. We hope you’ll join us there!

Because cannabis aids creativity, sessions in painting, sculpting, writing and composing will be held. The morning ritual dubbed “crosswords with Cole” will help keep your mind sharp as the Great American Songbook plays softly in the background. As it does for so many, music plays an integral role at Cannsas Seedy. You can live on Satchmo Avenue, named after Louis Armstrong, whose cannabis use was legendary. The Grateful Dome is an upside down geodesic amphitheater where jam bands will hold sway. The Willie Nelson Kicker Dance Hall helps increase everyone’s mobility and the headbanging Fugazi Fun Room is enclosed in soundproof hemp fiber so as not to disturb others. Visit the Amsterdam Coffeeshop and chill to the soothing strains




he Drug Enforcement Agency, a band of armed vigilantes, thieves, and extortionists, was placed into motion by the Oval Office criminal, President Richard M. Nixon. Their task is to combat, not stop, drug smuggling and drug use in the United States. To say they’ve failed miserably doesn’t even begin to describe the dereliction of their ascribed duties. Besides establishing corrupt underground empires with foreign and domestic drug smugglers, the DEA is not only on the take, but as with so many other agencies established by the federal government to enforce obedience under penalty of law, particularly incarceration, they haunt the both the civil rights as well as those guaranteed to all American citizens under the Constitution. Recently, this organized and badged criminal enterprise has announced they will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, abide by the opinions of the majority of the American people, to relinquish their determination to keep marijuana and other drugs under their purview, from the ridiculous classification of Schedule One narcotics. Forget the fact that marijuana isn’t a narcotic, these dolts remain stubborn in their imbecilic stance to keep the drug status quo the way it is, despite research to the contrary. Of course, as we all know, or should all know, in order to remove the veil covering this reasoning, we must follow the money trail. We must realize that thousands of jobs at the DEA are at stake should their position tilt even slightly off its idiotic axis. And what occupies most of their time? Not heroin. Just check out the runaway rate of addiction to heroin in Ohio. Not cocaine, some of which makes nightly trips up the noses of these faux guardians of the public good, but marijuana.

the DEA, to pledge allegiance to his fascist attempts to continue to deceive the citizens of the United States. Most of us alive at that time recognized this assault on our liberties. We continued to protest, to deny Nixon’s regime of its gruesome intentions. Eventually, this threat to the Republic was brought down in scandal and shame. But his legacy lives on in the DEA. Know this. Once the government establishes its own police force, which is what the DEA is, as is the FBI, it will never go away until the government crumbles under its own vanity and stupidity. It doesn’t matter how badly it fails in its mission. Again, look at the current heroin epidemic in Ohio, just the beginning of a nationwide plague the DEA is unable to curb. But marijuana? That’s an easy shot off the bow for these nefarious frauds. That and a treasure chest full of money confiscated under pretenses many defense attorneys object to openly, not to mention the houses, the cars, the boats, and the planes they’ve gathered up under the pretense of enforcing a law that most Americans are stunned to find out even exists, a law they snuck into the books by themselves. No matter that 1 in 8 Americans smoke weed everyday, or that enlightened state governments are authorizing recreational use as each month passes. The Feds are standing fast, belligerent guardians of a status quo that no longer exists. Of course that puts them at odds with its citizens. But that’s never stopped the Federal government. They can afford to ignore us at their peril. Because once we get fed up, we’ll get rid of them, unless of course they decide tyranny supersedes what’s left of the shreds of democracy. There’s a drug war alright. Us versus them. We’ll just have to see what draconian measures the Feds will take to preserve their charade.

Marijuana is why Nixon established the DEA. He considered weed to be a threat to the wool he was attempting to pull over the nation’s eyes. While his wife was a drunk and physically abused by Nixon ( they slept in separate bedrooms), Nixon was a raving paranoid, afraid everyone was out to get him. This guy had a baseball bat so far up his ass that he’d walk the San Clemente beach dressed in a suit, a tie, and dress shoes. At times he ate dog biscuits. Nixon was convinced that marijuana allowed people to see behind the curtain of the charade he so expensively concocted and protected using tax payer dollars to do so. Advisers told him marijuana allowed users to see the truth of what was really happening, to pull back the curtain and expose their minds and perceptions as to what was really going on in the country. He feared losing control of the sham the establishment expected him to uphold. The only way to do that was to establish a group of obedient thugs,


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Geoff Charles can be reached at charles@charlesunsensored.com.

Justification & Rationale for the Administration of Indica Type Medicinal Cannabinoids in the Treatment of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder by Gary B. Witman M.D. Medical Director, Canna Care Docs


oth the United States Armed Forces and the Veterans Administration are deeply concerned about war related post-traumatic stress disorder. While this complication of traumatic life experience has no doubt been a complication associated with war forever, it was only recognized and characterized as a distinct psychological disorder beginning with the Korean War. Since recognition, veterans of our armed services have been able to receive significant fiscal benefits as well as counseling. Despite the best of intentions, at no time has the suicide rate among veterans of our armed forces ever been higher. Ideally, these veterans should be able to receive that appropriate therapy which will allow them to re-enter the labor pool, be able to perform meaningful work, and once again, become tax payers. Canna Care Docs are specialists who evaluate many

previous veterans in six mid-Atlantic and New England states who are looking to obtain licensure for the appropriate utilization of medicinal cannabinoids for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. Presently, veterans who are being evaluated have fought in wars in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Bosnia, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Laos, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. They have seen colleagues die by their side and many of them have suffered the consequences of IED explosions. For those individuals injured in the Middle East, they are med evacuated to facilities in Germany where combinations of surgical and psychological intervention are immediately initiated. Veterans of the Vietnamese conflict experienced significant gratification through the usage of recreational marijuana as a method of reducing the consequences of their nightmarish experiences. Due to restrictions imposed

Although it provided relief for some veterans of the Vietnam War, restrictions imposed by the Food & Drug Administration (which has kept marijuana as a Class One regulated agent) these veterans found that it was necessary once stateside to obtain their recreational marijuana product illicitly,


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by the Food & Drug Administration which have kept marijuana as a Class One regulated agent, these veterans found that it was necessary once stateside to obtain their recreational marijuana product illicitly. Prior to 1932, nearly 40% of all pharmaceutical products manufactured and distributed in the United States were based upon hemp which is a part of the cannabis plant. It has taken nearly 80 years for the pharmaceutical industry and the Federal Government to re-explore the significant clinical benefits which may be obtained from the usage of cannabis. Canna Care Docs will be working in association with the psychopharmacology staff at the United States Veterans Administration Hospital in Jamaica Plain, MA to help isolate and identify that cannabinoid compound which will be able to best help those veterans who experience post-traumatic stress disorder. Currently, more than 80 cannabinoid compounds have been identified and isolated. Apparently, each of these cannabinoid compounds has unique clinical properties. The staff in Jamaica Plain shall be using high performance liquid chromatography to isolate and characterize each of the cannabinoid compounds. Subsequently, these agents shall be utilized in a prospective double blind clinical trial to help determine the most appropriate therapeutic agent to administer.

time is immediate and with a half-life of approximately 2.5 hours. When ingestion is the method of drug delivery, it is recommended that the agent be utilized and administered 45 minutes to 60 minutes prior to reaching peak serum and Cerebral Spinal Fluid levels. Ingestion is recommended at a starting dose of 20mg and with an anticipated half-life of 6 hours. Ingesting indica compounds is commonly in the form of edible confectionaries such as gummy drops, brownies, Tootsie Rolls, Rice Krispies, cookies, tinctures, oils and butter. To achieve statistical meaningfulness, it is anticipated that many more Veteran Administration facilities shall be accruing patients to participate in clinical trials once the pilot program initiated at Jamaica Plain has been completed. This may require up to four years. Canna Care Docs is deeply committed and thankful for the efforts which veterans have provided to defend the interests of our nation. Any veteran coming in to any of our multiple facilities is immediately provided with a monetary discount. Furthermore, four times a year certification and re-certifications of licensure cards issued by state Board of Public Health are provided to our veterans free of charge.

All of the cannabinoid agents may be released at a temperature below 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, there is no reason or benefit to smoking, which reaches temperatures above 1200 degrees, leading to the incineration of the plant material and inhalation of smoke. Furthermore, for those individuals who smoke nicotine and smoke marijuana, the increased risk of both small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung increases by 2500%. Recommended methods for the administration of the isolated cannabinoid compounds is through the usage of either vaporization or the ingestion of edible agents. For those individuals who adhere to a method of vapor, onset

About the author: Dr. Gary Witman is the Executive Medical Director of Canna Care Docs. He has previously served as an internist providing care to patients at the Veterans Administration medical centers in Davis Park; Providence, Rhode Island; and in West Haven, CT. His training was in internal medicine, pharmacology, medical oncology, and emergency medicine. He is the former program director in Clinical Oncology in the Clinical Investigation branch division of cancer treatment, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, and for more than 25 years served as night time directors in departments emergency medicine affiliated with Tufts University, Boston, MA. He is taught extensively in pharmacology in both the Yale University and Brown University Schools of Medicine.

Canna Care Docs Locations: MASSACHUSETTS: Fall River, Peabody, Seekonk, Stoughton, South Dennis, Worcester, Waltham and Northampton There is no reason or benefit to smoking, which reaches temperatures above 1200 degrees, leading to the incineration of the plant material. Ideally, consumption should be below 400 degrees and medicinal marijuana should be vaporized or ingested in edible form to maximize the release of all of the cannabinoid agents. When ingestion is the method of drug delivery, it is recommended that the agent be utilized and administered 45 minutes to 60 minutes prior to reaching peak serum and Cerebral Spinal Fluid levels.

CONNECTICUT: Hartford MAINE: Augusta, Auburn, Bangor, Biddeford DELAWARE: Wilmington MARYLAND: Takoma Park ARIZONA: Coming September 2016


Way To Go FECO; How This Schedule One Drug Saved My Life. by Mark Chavarria in collaboration with Victoria Lee, 1000 Watts Magazine Staff Writer

Kicking cancer’s ass with Full Extract Cannavis Oil (FECO). Photo by Nick De La Torre from the Houston Chronicle


y name is Mark Anthony Chavarria, I am an athlete, a 3 time cancer survivor, and this is my story of how cannabis has helped save my life. First I want to give you a little background about myself. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, was educated in a small private school system, and growing up I had a normal upbringing. I played sports and practiced martial arts, then after high school I went on to graduate from the University of Houston. After that, I decided to pursue my dreams as a stuntman. In 1994 I got my start in the stunt business working on the movie ‘Powder’. Since then I went on to do over 100 movies, music videos and TV shows. I have been a stuntman for over 20 years now and I have doubled many great actors such as Cheech Marin, Jay Hernandez, and yes even Matthew McConaughey (early in both our careers). I have


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fought on the big screen with Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren, Robert De Niro, Billy Bob Thornton, Kevin “Hercules” Sorbo and many more. Though I had fought many times on screen, what I didn’t know was that my greatest fight in life would be ahead of me. The road before me prepared me to fight, but I never would have thought I’d be fighting my biggest opponent ever, stage 4 colorectal cancer. The week before my diagnosis, I was working on “American Horror Story”. I had just finished working on “Olympus Has Fallen” and stunt coordinating a music video for Beyoncé. Everything was going great, I was on a roll, then a week later, the ultimate let down. Before we get to that let me back up a second, why did

Houston, Texas. In October of 2013 the doctors told my wife “Plan your affairs, he has less than a 16% chance of making it”. They told her even if I did make it I would have to get my ‘plumbing re-routed’ and wear a permanent colostomy bag. I was floored! I thought even if I did make it how would I live my life? If I had to wear a colostomy bag not only would I have to give up some of my very important organs, but I would also have to give up my career as a stuntman. There was just no way I was ready to except that as an option! My whole life flashed before me! I never felt that I was really going to die, but I knew the chances were probably slim to none, and slim just left town.

With wife Alyssa who urged the initial doctor’s visit which eventually led to a stage 4 colorectal cancer diagnosis.

I even go to the doctor in the first place? Well I’ll tell you why… I had been having problems for years but I ignored them and I was stubborn. There was blood in my stool, as soon as I ate I would have to run to the restroom, even if it was just a potato chip! My libido was low, I was tired all the time, and my lower back hurt. I literally would go to the restroom 10-15 times a day and nothing would come out. I chalked it up to diet and over training. I should have listened to my body but, men are stubborn, and I ignored it. Finally, my wife Alyssa said “Enough is enough!” She told me “If you don’t go to the doctor, I am going to divorce you!” I knew she was serious, so I went. I made an appointment to get a colonoscopy done. After the procedure, when I woke up I remember it like it was yesterday, and I will remember it until the day I die. I was waking up from the meds that put me under and my wife was helping me to change. She was in tears, like really upset, I asked her what was wrong, and she said “You have cancer”. I was in denial, I told her “No I don’t!” and she told me “Yes you do”. Again I replied “No I don’t!” I told her “You watch, I will beat this”. Right away the first thing I needed to do was to plant positive seeds in my brain. I told myself not to accept cancer because it can be a death sentence to most. I couldn’t let my wife down, there was just no way! This same cancer had killed her mom in just 6 months! Unfortunately, my cancer was so bad that the doctors told me in the next week or two they wanted me to start chemo and radiation right away. My wife Alyssa and I started doing research and meeting with all kinds of doctors. Alyssa was scared because her mom and dad both died from cancer. What made it worse is that her mom died from the same cancer as me, was diagnosed at the same age as me, and almost at the same time of year as me. The doctors tried to assure her that medicine has come a long way since her mom passed. Then, when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did. I was diagnosed at Stage 4 colorectal cancer, no chance of really making it. Once it starts to spread, you don’t have much hope because this type of cancer is the 2nd deadliest one out there. After being diagnosed they say you have less than a 20% chance of beating it on your best day, regardless of the fact that I was at the #1 cancer hospital in the world, MD Anderson, in

I felt like shit, the hospital was giving me all types of bad opiates. I say bad because they made me feel horrible! I literally had to take Hydrocodone and Oxycontin just to go to the restroom, #2, yes the pain was that bad. I had at least 70-80% blockage in my lower colon. I dreaded eating because I knew, coming out, it was going to be brutal. The opiates they were giving me were making me sad in addition to causing other problems, so the doctors just kept giving me more pills. They would give me one pill to offset the bad side effects the other pills were giving me, then they would give me another pill to offset that pill and so on. These opiates made me constipated and moody to say the least, and if that wasn’t bad enough they were messing with my head too. They even made me suicidal to the point that I had a gun to my head and wanted to end it all. Yes, the pain was that bad. I know it was the drugs that made me feel that way, besides the cancer. You don’t know hell until you go through what I did.

“ If I had to wear a colostomy bag not only would I have to give up some of my very important organs, but I would also have to give up my career as a stuntman. There was just no way I was ready to except that as an option! My whole life flashed before me!”


I was at the mercy of the system… That is, until my wife did some research about cannabis. She asked me if I would be opposed to trying cannabis oil and smoking medical marijuana. I said “Sure why not, what else do I have to lose besides my life”. So, by December of 2013, I started using Full Extract Cannabis Oil also known as FECO and I was smoking cannabis. Once I started taking the cannabis oil I never looked back! Right away I started feeling better, my mood changed rapidly, I went from sad to happy, and no, I’m not even exaggerating. My appetite went up, my sleep got better, and for the most part I was no longer in pain. I had 8 weeks of radiation along with months of chemo and chemo pills. The doctors were going to give me as much as my body could handle until it killed me. That seems to be their protocol at the hospital that was treating me, the place I believe to be the worst hospital in the world, North Cypress Medical Center. They were horrible, it was so bad the doctors would show up hours late, even for surgeries. So, after I finished my chemo, radiation, and other treatments I fired both my oncologist’s at North Cypress.

started making workout videos for other cancer patients to inspire them. When I was first diagnosed I Googled cancer workout videos and found there were none. It’s easy for people to say “Hey go workout, don’t sit around like the doctors want you to.” But being the patient it’s like “Dude, I’m stage 4 colorectal, I just did 8 rounds of chemo, tons of radiation, and I’m taking chemo pills among other things, you don’t know how I feel.” Well now I can say yes I do, I am that guy, and I know how you feel. If I can do it, so can you!

Once I started taking the FECO the tumors were shrinking greatly and most important, not spreading. I literally felt like I was, for lack of a better word, pooping these tumors out. Not to be graphic but what was coming out wasn’t ‘the brown stuff’. I did so much research on this fascinating cannabis medicine and I found that this feeling was completely normal. What was coming out was because the FECO was working. I was amazed at my overall change. I was feeling much better so I began working out like crazy. I also

What I didn’t know is that this cancer is serious, it wants to kill you with a vengeance. It is literally like ‘The Terminator’, it will not stop until you are dead. It came back almost a year later but the interesting part was that this time they thought it was in my lymph nodes and in my liver again. I said no more chemo! I decided to just juice my vegetables and take my FECO. The doctors told me that all they would do is a liver ablation which is just an in and out surgery where they burn it off the liver without cutting me open. So I juiced and took the oil, then, my lymph nodes were back to normal and there was nothing in my colon. BAM! Done again! I beat it for a second time. However, this second time was very tough for me because now my father was diagnosed also, with the same cancer as me. He had the same symptoms as me, and he ignored them for years. Unfortunately, his cancer was worse. It was in his colon, liver, lungs, brain, it was everywhere. The doctors gave him 6 months and he lasted three.

Moving forward, I proved all the doctors wrong! I transferred to MD Anderson in 2014, because I needed one more big surgery, the resection of the liver. I basically killed all the tumors in my colon. When I had a checkup, the doctors said “I see nothing in the colon!” I was in tears. I was like “doc, there are a ton of tumors in my colon”, he said “nope, I see nothing”. I ran out into the hall in tears and hugged my wife, Alyssa and I were amazed! I had my surgery which was the removal of 20% of my liver, the only place the tumor still was, and surgery was the best option, no more chemo. So, I beat it with flying colors and moved on.

In November of 2015 I buried my father. Colorectal cancer is very simple meaning that 40% of the folks that get it don’t respond to chemo and usually go in 3 months while the other 40% last maybe 5 years and I know plenty of both of those cases. As for me, if I beat it, it has to be nothing short of a miracle from the man upstairs. A miracle from the same man upstairs who designed our bodies with the endocannabinoid system that this plant, cannabis, works so well in.

“ I was amazed at my overall change. I was feeling much better so I began working out like crazy. I also started making workout videos for other cancer patients to inspire them. “


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Two days after I buried my father I was supposed to leave the country because my best friend was directing a film. It was always in the cards that when he directs, I wanted to be there. It was a pact we made September 11, 2001 when we drove to LA. I was having a sharp pain in my side, and again, my wife said please go to the doctor before you leave, just in case. Well guess what? Yes, cancer was back again, madder than ever before. It was in my liver again and they thought in my colon as well. When I say every time they ‘think’ it is in the lymph nodes, colon etc., they don’t really know. So that was their excuse to say chemo, more chemo!!! What this also told

surgeon said “Mark, chemo doesn’t kill cancer!” Finally he admitted it! He was saying what I already knew!!! Then, in July 2016 I was stunt coordinating the new Netflix series “One Mississippi”, with another cancer survivor named Tig Notaro. Days later I had my surgery, another resection of the liver. I told the doctor for the last three months I juiced, took the FECO, ate organic, gluten free, and worked out 6-7 days a week. I trained like this was the fight of my life. The doctor said he “could tell, that is why since your surgery in 2014 your liver has 100% regenerated and you are leaving the hospital 2 days early!” Well I may not hold a PhD but I do have a bachelor’s degree in Arts from the University of Houston, and I found a cure for cancer! There is so much data out there on it. I know I am one of many thousands of folks who have cured their cancer, crohns disease, shingles, arthritis and numerous other diseases with this plant.

Mark’s quarterly cancer checkup. “ I’m going to put my money where my big mouth is! I said I am just going to juice, take my FECO, and train like I’m training for a big film. I just had to prove a point to these doctors.”

me was that my surgeon didn’t get enough ‘margin of error’ or the chemo never really worked. In November 2015 I was back on FECO as well as one of the strongest chemo’s out there, 5FU. This third time was the worse, the chemo they gave me was horrible. So bad I would throw up 4-5 times in a day while hooked up to the pump. Why would I do the chemo and radiation again? What I do know is this, my cancer is aggressive and I have lost too many friends and family members from this man made disease. So with my cancer, I want to fight it with all I have available. It’s just like warfare, would you go into battle with just a pistol? No, you would probably want an AR, grenades, a knife, bazooka, etc. Get the point? Until we really figure out safe treatment methods for certain aggressive cancers, like colorectal, pancreatic, leukemia, cancers that start in the eye, and other very rare cancers there is no cure for them. There is no cure because there is no money in a cure. So what I did do was up my dosage of FECO, up to a ½ gram, to a full gram every day no matter what. After chemo, each time, a day or two later I was back to working out, training others and working on more movies like “Straight Outta Compton”, “One Mississippi”, “Jack Reacher 2”, and the most recent “Wolverine 3”. What was fascinating this time was that I finally had enough. In March of 2016 I told my doctor ‘No more chemo!’ He said ‘’Mark if we don’t, the cancer could spread and surgery will have done us no good”. I told him I’m going to put my money where my big mouth is! I said I am just going to juice, take my FECO, and train like I’m training for a big film. I just had to prove a point to these doctors. Even my

Ok, you may be asking yourself “If the FECO worked, why did your cancer keep coming back?” The reason is because I did experiments, reckless and stupid as they were, they were simple in point, to prove a fact. A fact that my doctor at MD Anderson whom, after the first time, discovered that there were no more tumors in my colon. I told him it was because of the FECO and he said “Too bad no one will fund that research about your FECO.” One thing I will tell you guys is don’t ever challenge me! Don’t ever try to prove me wrong because if you do, you just opened Pandora’s box! Folks that know me, know that I take after my grandfather who was so darn stubborn and always did things his way. I am so glad I inherited that trait. I realized that when I didn’t juice, stopped taking the FECO, and had a bad diet; i.e. fast food, sodas, store bought meats and veggies (all of which have tons of chemicals in them), the cancer would come back each time. So what I proved is this: food and stress cause cancer. In my case I cleaned up my diet, juiced, took the FECO, and was cured the first time. When I went back to my old eating habits the cancer would come back and when it did I repeated my healthy regiment of FECO, juice, and healthy foods and I was cured again, every time. Now it took me 3 years and 16 rounds of chemo to figure it out but I did. My insurance has paid out almost ¼ of a million dollars just in chemo. On top of that, radiation, bad drugs, surgeries, acupuncture (for my neuropathy from the chemo), along with many other things have cost me almost ½ a million dollars and that doesn’t include my copays, parking, etc. Not to mention the doctors that don’t even show up and I never see, yes, they still bill my insurance company, and hope I won’t say anything. Well guess what, I did. You see people have to realize that these doctors, they work for you, not the other way around. I pay their bills, they don’t pay mine. This is a billion dollar biz, and I am a small fish in it, who cares if I found a cure. Follow the money trail people! Just like Dr. Garret told me at MD Anderson before I fired him, “Why tell folks to change their diet if it cures cancer, then we would be out of a job, what would we do?” It’s absurd, I’m telling you, I just can’t make this stuff up! Over the past 3 years I have only worked a few days total, and it’s an insult to me when I am scraping the bucket not to


lose my house, to keep my lights on, etc., that these doctors have no consideration. They show up late, but not just a little late, on average they show up an hour, to two, or three hours late. My father, who was fighting cancer with me at MD Anderson, was so upset at the tardiness of the doctors and the pain he was in while waiting, he just decided to go home and die, and that is no lie. This kind of thing is extremely unacceptable! I fired my last oncologist at MD Anderson, because he was late….. Again! I’ve had enough of these doctors taking advantage of people who are sick and people who are running out of time. It’s completely inexcusable!

Balboa, and My Wife Saved Me”. I will change the world, already have. I’ve been breaking stereotypes people have on cannabis users, proving doctors wrong, and helping many sick people in the process. What is the price on knowing you helped save someone? It is priceless. My goal is to leave the world a better place than which I entered it. I await the future to see what happens, and will take on any challenge and even cancer if it comes back, I have beat it three times, wanna go for round 4? Links for the Documentary: https://twitter.com/waytogofeco https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/way-to-go-fecodocumentary#/ Mark Chavarria Stunt Links: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0154459/?ref_=fn_al_ nm_1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKVbdVXcKs8 Mark Chavarria’s other articles: http://www.chron.com/life/article/Stuntman-MarkChavarria-put-his-body-on-the-line-1607422.php http://hightimes.com/culture/hollywood-stuntmanclaims-cannabis-oil-cured-his-stage-4-cancer/ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ironmanterminator-stuntman-claims-cannabis-5847961

Picture taken at the 2009 World Taurus Stunt Awards, Paramount Studios.

Now that my name is out there on the web and stories of me being saved by this plant are being published, hundreds of folks write me every month asking me how I did this, where did I get it, how much did I take, what strain, high CBD or THC, etc. I now consult with folks that don’t want to do this research, and no, I do not get them the FECO, I just point them in the right direction. People who I got to start taking the FECO are still alive and beating their cancer. A couple of emails brought my wife and me to tears. One lady read my story that was published in High Times magazine by Mike Adams and did the same protocol as me, now she thanks my wife and me for sharing our story and says every day she gets to spend with her mom she thanks us! Another lady, who read my story did the same, moved to Colorado, the doctors at MD Anderson told her she would die in 6 months, and she proved them all wrong too. She told us a year later, 7 of her 9 tumors were dead and the last two were dying and she is forever grateful to us. Its stories like this that convince me that this isn’t just ‘snake oil’. The DEA wants to keep it a schedule one drug for a reason, we need to follow the money trail folks. What I am working on now is my documentary, “Way To Go FECO’’ is the current title, aka “How Hollywood, Rocky


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Photo taken from website: cannabishealme.com. “I will change the world, already have. I’ve been breaking stereotypes people have on cannabis users, proving doctors wrong, and helping many sick people in the process. What is the price on knowing you helped save someone? It is priceless. My goal is to leave the world a better place than which I entered it. I await the future to see what happens, and will take on any challenge and even cancer if it comes back, I have beat it three times, wanna go for round 4?”


Why Can Hemp Seeds Be Imported But Not Other Edibles? by Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq.

We have heard the benefits touted of toasted hemp seeds, which are rich in amino acids, and how they make a delicious and healthy addition to a salad. So for those living in states where marijuana and products derived from it remains illegal, or even where its legalized for limited medicinal purposes, you may be wondering how these hemp seeds manage to make it to our supermarket shelves and not other hemp consumables? The answer is simple. The seeds are non-viable and incapable of germination, which means no new plants can be grown from them as they are for all intents and purposes “sterilized.” The seeds also contain zero THC which is the determining factor that makes a hemp product intended for human consumption eligible for importation in to the US or not. Products containing THC are considered a Schedule I Controlled Substance and there is no minimum quantity of THC that is permitted in an imported product unless it has either been given the status of an exempted article, or permission to import has been obtained.

the auspices of a medical marijuana argument. Needless to say, with the rapidly evolving state level codification of relatively open market cannabis laws, much of which is in direct contradiction with the DEA’s position of marijuana being a controlled substance, those aiming to foster economic opportunities from commercial use of the plant are left in a precarious haze of regulatory uncertainty due to conflicting laws. Even with the narrow allowance the DEA acknowledges in its Statement of Principles on Industrial Hemp published on August 12, 2016, given its statement and findings on maintaining marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, also published on August 12, 2016, it is pretty evident that the DEA does not intend to expand its definition of marijuana to meet the liberalized state laws which permit marijuana cultivation and the production of goods from such a yield. That being the case, I submit we can anticipate that authorized activities involving use of the plant will remain unclear for the near future and recommend that if you want to play it safe, that authorizations be obtained by the DEA for hemp related commercial activities where it is not evident that it falls into one of DEA’s recognized permissible activities. For more information on these or other hemp laws, you may contact the author of this article, Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq. at deanna@clarkespositolaw.com

Clark-Esposito Law Firm, P.C. A Professional Corporation 42 Broadway, Suite 12-128 New York, NY 10004 917.528.4838

It should be noted that even where a hemp product contains 0.3% or less of THC, this does not create an automatic approval for an edible import containing THC to enter the U.S., nor for any farmer to cultivate hemp so long as its THC levels are not above 0.3%, as both activities require registering and obtaining authorization from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in order to lawfully engage in them. In an effort to expand the use of hemp with a THC level of 0.3% or less, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) together with the Kentucky Hemp Industry Council submitted a petition in June 2016 for the removal of “industrial hemp” from the list of controlled substances, which is a term of art narrowly defined under a law addressing the legitimacy of industrial hemp research. It is defined as “the plant Cannabis Sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.” This had last been attempted by HIA in 1998, the result for which, was a negative decision nearly 3 years later at the end of 2000. Not more than 6 weeks after this recent petition was made by HIA, in August 2016 the DEA denied a separate petition initiated by another party to reschedule marijuana under


We are grateful to share these patient stories with you and hope you are inspired as much as we were. Thank you to Nique Pichette, MaryAnne McCabe and to Robert Platshorn for sharing his personal tribute to James McShane.

FIGHT to WIN by Nique Pichette MSN, RN Cannabis Nurse Navigator


t has been 33 months since I have been in remission from my second battle with breast cancer. I would like to believe in some rational way that it has to do with the fact that I am a cannabis patient. I would like to think that in my own mind of minds, this once frail body and soul, would not still be in remission today if it wasn’t for the ongoing prophylactic use of medical marijuana. I have learned through this journey, that the positive energy and lifestyle that one creates upon learning of a diagnosis such as cancer, can ease the journey when fighting a serious and debilitating illness. For me, this also included my sessions in the gym. As I reflect while I sit here and write, I am forced to recall the negative impact that this choice had on my personal life and professional career. As a registered nurse, I knew that medical marijuana was a Schedule I substance. I knew that this could cause significant conflict for me in my professional life as a nurse. But what I also learned though, was that there comes a time in life where you have to stand up for what you believe in. Prior to starting cannabis, I had lost at least three of my homecare patients to cancer. To my understanding none of them had used medical marijuana as a treatment option. I helped them when they were in pain, vomiting, crying and eventually dying. I have helped numerous amounts of patients in my career die. Not once had I ever considered or had heard of medical marijuana as a treatment option. So I started the process on myself. Steven Placek helped me through the process of legally obtaining a patient card and my caregiver Chapman Dickerson was my saving grace. My bald scalp and my frail body needed another option. Medical marijuana gave me my life back. That was in 2013. My workouts in the gym became stronger. Did I forget to mention that I physically trained through my treatments


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MODEL: Nique Pichette MUA: Amber Lynn Weinberg HAIR: Amber Maree IMAGES: europa photography, LLC Kim Sajkowicz Mat

as well? Alternative therapy has always been a part of my lifestyle. The gym became my best friend. I had a young trainer who made it necessary for me to make it to the gym, and the medical marijuana minimized the pain, nausea, and body image insecurities I struggled with while battling the big “C”. Now I was living in two worlds where medical marijuana was prohibited. As a medical professional and as a physical fitness geek. I was terrified of what would happen to me if “they” found out. As I write this today I struggle to figure out who “they” are. I have learned that throughout this thing called life, we have triumphs and tragedies. I have learned that more than anything in this world, our common denominator is “opinions”. We ALL have an opinion about one thing or

I have been in remission for 33 months. My cancer came back in 18 months the first time. I did not use cannabis. After breaking down the statistics appropriately, I only had a 4% chance of being blessed again with cancer, but I was.

MODEL: Nique Pichette MUA: Amber Lynn Weinberg HAIR: Amber Maree PHOTO: Tevin Moye, Gifted Eye

another. I have learned to try to walk in the shoes of my fellow human. I have learned that perceptions can ruin friendships, employment options, marriage, and even child rearing. But what I have learned, is who I have become today. Nique is a woman who has endured a multitude of life tragedies. A woman who has contemplated, on many occasions, the purpose to keep breathing. Nique has daily struggles of “survivor’s guilt” and purpose. The constant through all this has been my use with medical marijuana, cannabis. I am no longer on any prescriptions medications. I refused Tamoxifen due to the hormonal driven chaos that was flowing through my body. I train at the gym five days a week again. I am an aspiring entrepreneur, creating the cannabis nurse navigator position in nursing within my non profit Holistic 2 Healing, Inc. I was given this amazing opportunity with my acceptance into the program Entrepreneurs For All. My goal is to train nurses; RN’s, LPN’s, and CNA’s to become competent in cannabis nursing with the assistance of Northeastern Institute of Cannabis. To assist other cannabis patients, their caregivers, and their treatment team of the medical benefits of this plant and how to use it effectively without judgement. My personal trainer is very well aware of my inclusion of cannabis (medical marijuana) in my training program. The benefits of cannabis in my training aides me in sleep, faster recovery time, and less body aches from the side effects of lifting weights. It has helped to keep my history of bulimia and anorexia at bay while I prepare for yet another day on the stage of competitive bodybuilding, in one venue or another. So, as you read this, I’m sure that you will all have an opinion. Some of those who have met me might like me, some may not. But the common thread that we all have is an opinion. I will just end here with the fact that as of today

Looking amazing at the NPC Competition.

In my opinion, cannabis has saved my life. Thank you for the opportunity to share a piece of my journey with you Uncle Henry. You can follow more about my story at www.niquewear.com, and our new website coming in October 2016, www.holistic2healing.com. Carry on Marine… ~ Semper Fi

And as my dad would say, “It’s a good life if you don’t weaken.”


A personal journey through Anticholinergic Syndrome by MaryAnne McCabe


n January 1996, I had a stroke. It was caused by Doxepin, an anti-depressant that is also used for neurological purposes. It was known to have the capacity to cause strokes, and for that reason I was also given Clonodine, an antihypertensive. It didn’t work. The stroke also left me with a residual seizure disorder for which I was given Dilantin. When I left the hospital, the discharging physician told me that I may not always have seizures or need the medication. After a short time my seizures began to increase and so did my dosage of Dilantin. It was then that I began using marijuana medically because I had begun to present with the symptoms of diabetes. The neurologist just wanted to change my medication. My primary care doctor, although I had given him a family history as well as my medical history, which pointed to the fact that I was predisposed to Gestational Diabetes, and had been tested for it in my mid-twenties because my babies were large, which is an indicator, tested me for diabetes on more than one occasion, but the tests always came back negative. After 911 I stopped using cannabis because of the increased legal implications. That was twelve years ago. During that time a pharmacist helped me to figure out that the Dilantin was the cause because it catalyzes by elevating blood sugar. I stopped taking Dilantin. Although I began to practice holistic health, using food as medicine, I still had not resumed using marijuana, even though the symptoms of diabetes persisted, including bladder weakness due to using a wheelchair. I began to use a wheelchair when the Dilantin caused my balance and leg strength to diminish due to the side effects of causing conditions known as Nystagmus and Ataxia as well as rapid weight loss. I have begun using marijuana since it was legalized for medical use this year. I take two or three puffs an hour before bed three or four nights a week. It has already had a positive effect, and I’m hoping that with a prescription I may one day walk outside again. Anticholinergic Syndrome is a condition that is little heard of and can have a wide range of side effects, some that can be anywhere from treacherous to deadly for some people who take certain medications, both prescribed, and over the counter in addition to the anticholinergic effects of street drugs and herbal products as well. Anticholinergic Syndrome is poisoning caused by an overdose of medications that possess anticholinergic properties of which there are over six hundred compounds, and at least one hundred and thirty six documented prescribed, and overthe-counter medications that have been cited as capable of producing an anticholinergic reaction. This syndrome


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is a drug induced cognitive impairment that can facilitate the brain’s loss of mental faculties and that can mimic Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, causing memory loss, confusion, slurred speech, and a variety of other cognitive impairments in brain function that can have a profound effect, resulting in diminished attention span, loss of vocabulary and language, as well as other brain functions. In a report by Ryan C.W. Hall, MD, Richard C.W. Hall, MD, and Marcia J. Chapman, medications with anticholinergic properties that are prescribed to older patients should be done cautiously because the elderly have decreased cholinergic reserves, and are prone to dementias, vascular, multi-infarct, and Alzheimer’s in addition to other conditions that are often worsened by anticholinergic medications. Due to their decreased cholinergic reserve older persons are more susceptible to the side effects, which include cognitive decline, impaired homeostatic regulation, and delirium. They are also at a higher risk for developing an anticholinergic toxicity syndrome. It is often the additive effects of these medications that lead to acute anticholinergic toxicity. The degree of anticholinergic toxicity can range from minor cognitive impairment, to more severe symptoms like acute agitated delirium wit hallucinations, hyperthermia, coma, death. Diagnosing anticholinergic toxicity depends on recognition of its symptoms, and knowledge of the various processes affected by the neurotransmitter/hormone acetylcholine, and an understanding of the potential additive anticholinergic effects of various medications. Acetylcholine, a crystalline derivative of choline is an enzyme that catalyzes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve synapses, increasing the speed of a chemical reaction. For example, Dilantin has been known to Serious toxicity can potentially occur when doses are increased or when other medications are started or stopped (due to drug interactions. Common symptoms of Dilantin toxicity may include dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, and rapid eye movements. Dilantinin can also induce hyperglycemic effects in some people who take it, and may cause depression, and increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or

behavior, while anticoagulants such as Cumidin, can cause hypothermia. Medications used to treat chronic conditions cannot stopped, or prevent potential life-threatening conditions frequently cause strong anticholinergic effects, such as antiemetics, antispasmodics, bronchodilators, antiarrhythmics, antihistamines, analgesics, antihypertensives, antiparkinsonian agents, corticosteroids, skeletal and smooth muscle relaxants, antiulcer drugs, and psychotropics. In 1988 the US Department of Justice published a report that stated, “Nearly all medicines have a toxic, and in some cases, potentially lethal effects. But cannabis is not such a substance. There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabisinduced fatality. In practical terms, cannabis cannot induce a

lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity.� Cannabis is a vasodilator which is why if you smoke it, your eyes get red. A vasodilator is a medication or substance that relaxes the muscles around a blood vessel, which allows the blood vessel to dilate. Vasodilation means that the blood vessels expand, resulting in the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, in both the large veins, large arteries, and smaller arterioles, and capillaries, thus in addition to delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your brain and bodily tissues more efficiently and expediently, it also eliminates toxins more efficiently, such as the resistant bacterial afflictions Staphylococcus Aureus. Cannabis also has muscle-relaxant properties which are beneficial in the treatment of the symptoms of numerous diseases and disorders that are congenital as well as acquired. This is why the stiffness and contraction associated with conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, strokes, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, and paralysis and spinal cord injuries, and Associated Sensory Neuropathy caused by accidents. In clinical applications cannabis researchers have found its use to be beneficial to people who suffer from a variety of afflictions of which the most commonly known include the treatment of nausea, vomiting, premenstrual syndrome, Anorexia Nervosa and unintentional weight loss, lack of appetite, and insomnia, as well as asthma diabetic glaucoma and the disabling side effects of the chemotherapy used in cancer treatments. In more recent studies, findings imply that cannabis, and cannabis based medicines could be beneficial in the treatment of other medical infirmities such as Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Migraines, and Fibromyalgia. Preliminary findings also indicate that cannabis-based drugs could prove useful in treating a plethora of other conditions. The list of conditions that have been improved by the use of medical cannabis is astounding including the amyotrophic effects of diseases like Lou Gehrig’s disease. While many psychoactive drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen, cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties, and as a result is being used with encouraging results in the treatment of the debilitating effects of psychoactive disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and its usefulness in treating alcohol abuse is being considered. From sickle-cell disease, a genetic blood disorder that primarily affects African Americans, Latinos, and those of Mediterranean origin to Tourette Syndrome, the list of physical maladies and disease that respond positively to treatment with cannabis seems endless and is growing. In a controlled study of cannabis in the treatment of Tourette syndrome, researchers found that patients being treated with Marinol, a synthetic version of tetrahydrocannabinol which is the main psychoactive chemical found in cannabis, showed that the patients had a beneficial response without serious adverse effects, while other studies have shown that cannabis did indeed have a favorable effect on Tourette patients. Case reports found that cannabis helped reduce tics.


“Hey Pally!” Remembering James “Jimmy Mac” McShane. by Robert Platshorn


hen 1000 Watts Magazine asked me to contribute a story on senior cannabis use and it’s benefits, I quickly agreed. Since I founded the Silver Tour to pioneer senior outreach in the cannabis community, it seemed a cinch. After all, I’ve met or heard from literally thousands of seniors who credit marijuana with saving their lives or curing a slew of ills that plague seniors. I can’t tell all their stories. Truth be told, I know very few of them on a personal basis. So I’ll tell you about a very special human being who, thanks to wonder weed, I got to know very well. James M. McShane! #1 Stones fan, Navel hero, pot smuggler, Maitre d’ par excellent, Founder of Purple Sage Collective, tireless activist, generous to a fault, and friend to all. Jimmy Mac died of bone cancer just short of his 70th birthday last July. I had met Jimmy a few times at Cannabis events, where I was signing books and raising funds for The Silver Tour. He always stopped by to tell me how much he loved The Silver Tour and to contribute some bucks. We were friends on Face Book, but I never paid much attention to his activities. I was saddened when his Face Book page showed photos of Jimmy in hospital clearly dying with a brain cancer the size of a golf ball, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. That was almost four years ago. A few weeks after he entered the hospital to die, I got a phone call from an exuberant Jimmy Mac calling from his home in Palm Springs California. “Hey Pally. I just kicked cancer in the ass. And I did it with the oil. I want to tell my story to the world. I figured you’re the only guy in America that can get my story on TV.” At the time my TV show, “Should Grandma Smoke Pot?”, was airing on a dozen TV stations in nine states. Back in those bad old days, no station wanted to air a show that portrayed medical marijuana in a positive light. It took me a year to convince stations to air Grandma. I had great reservations about trying to get a station to air a story that clearly was saying that cannabis cures cancer. I was happy for Jimmy, but tried to beg off. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. A week later, Jimmy showed up at my apartment in West Palm Beach with his all his medical records, Xrays, MRIs, doctors diagnosis etc. They all clearly showed that Jimmy had pancreatic, lung cancer and a huge Glioma (brain cancer). More recent tests taken after he began self treating with cannabis oil, showed the cancers almost gone. His doctors credited his dramatic recovery to the monster chemo pills they gave him as a last desperate ploy to provide a dying man false hope. When J


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Jimmy Mac in a shot from his WHDT television interview speaking about his use of cannabis oil to cure his many types of cancers.

Mac showed them the untouched pill bottle and told them he was self-treating with hash oil, they reversed course and declared that they must have been miss-diagnosed all three types of cancer. I arranged a TV shoot with my Co-Producer, Walter J. Collins, the man who edited and co-produced Should Grandma Smoke Pot?. An interviewer from WHDT-TV asked the questions. It was aired over 200 times on WHDT, the most powerful station in FL. You can see Jimmy tell his story in his own words on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=DcGlXzUwjtk. He was so proud of that interview. You can see in the TV show, he was still recovering but the picture at the top shows him two years later, a recovered man with two hot cougars. That was Jimmy! He loved the ladies and they were crazy about Jimmy Mac. He and I traveled together working the cannabis shows for three happy years. We shared rooms on the road and I stayed at his house in Palm Springs twice. When we walked the business district or visited a store, everyone greeted Jimmy with a hug. His smile could light up a black hole. They called him “the real mayor of Palm Springs. All through these years he preached the gospel of weed. He spent his own limited funds for the materials to make his RSO and shipped it all over the country to dozens of patients in need. Doing so without regard to payment, legality or personal risk. They must have loved him at the post office, because they never questioned all the packages going out with fagazy return addresses. When we walked into a restaurant, the owner would appear in minutes and was greeted by Jimmy with his bright smile and a “Hey Pally hows it going?”. Whenever we returned to his apartment, we’d find some little gift left for Jimmy by one or two of his ladies. And he never let them down. Nobody dressed for the ladies like Jimmy Mac. Sharp as a tack to the last day. Cannabis gave him back more than three years of a full vibrant life. As far as I know, Jimmy had no living family, but no one ever had as many well deserved friends. We were all his family. When it was clear that bone cancer had quickly spread all through his body and he only had a month or two left, the ladies descended on his condo and saw that he never spent a minute without company and comfort.

Two years after his television interview and after treating himself with cannabis oil to cure his cancer.

Cannabis gave Jimmy back his life for four wonderful productive and fun filled years. Yeah! That’s pretty damn great. I have to stop somewhere so here is what a few people from all over the country had to say about my Pally. “I am still having a difficult time accepting he is gone, he was so full of kindness, love, and life. This World is a much sadder place without him in it.” “I met Mr. Jimmy in cyberspace. I was floored by his zest for life and irrepressible courage. He was a awesome guy far ahead of his time and humble about his gifted ways. He no doubt loved all of you.” “Jimmy was a complete stranger to me who was willing to help me with rso, we had many talks over the phone. I just got back to Facebook only to hear of his passing r.i.p. jimmy “ “I miss you pally , but I know at last you are pain free and once again rockin’. I’ve never known anyone to take such a gigantic bite out of Life like you Jimmy. You always remind me how important it is to have fun while you can ! It goes by fast. Love you brother - Jay -”

RIP Pally! A well earned salute to our hero 1947-2016 James M McShane USN. Arrived in Bridgeport, Connecticut - Departed in Palm Springs


Legal Weed: The Grey Market of the Green Rush by Mark M. Ward


n regards to the legal cannabis industry in much of the country, there is still a seedy market; no pun intended. Initially the affluent protected their markets from being made obsolete by cannabis. The lesser percent have taken the upper hand from the cartels and they now form the laws and create regulations. Consequently, they are the only individuals and “corporations” that are able to comply with legal cannabis regulations. Hence the wealthy control the effects of supply and demand, and thus the market. Aspiring canna-businessmen and canna-businesswomen are finding that they are forced to jump through preposterous hoops (regulations, codes, taxes, $$$$), so the average person cannot take part in dispensing, cultivating or any other facets of the industry. Most banks will not lend to a cannabis business so the use of “private investing” and older money is prevalent. “It is ridiculous how impossible it is trying to get bank funding of a canna-business.” says Scott Bettano, CEO and Co Founder of Social High, the cannabis social network and app. “Hell we couldn’t even get a bank account on the east coast.” This can be comparable to how the Mafia, or so called “corporations” cornered the market with gambling and casinos in Las Vegas. This is why states such as Rhode Island have law makers trying to tax patients on each plant they grow, to further isolate the market as they disguise it as reform. This will drive this market solely into the hands of major corporations or major crime. “When Medical marijuana is over regulated to the point where the average patient is priced out, we are forcing those who seek it back into the underground market where it is sold exclusively by those who are willing to break the law. Some of these individuals will also have other products available, including drugs that are far worse than marijuana.” -Tony Jones, Libertarian Party of RI. But, how is this currently possible? How is this still happening? It’s been about 80 years since American newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst built the nation’s largest newspaper chain and paper mills run on timber, which were threatened by the hemp industry. It’s been the same amount of time since Hearst used his papers and position as a platform to scare the nation by slandering cannabis with racist propaganda and by calling it by the scary Mexican and misleading title “marijuana”. Does the Mexican scare sound familiar to modern politics? Why is this known travesty of American history still comparable to the corporate smokescreens backed by the federal government


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

As the sign reads: “Marijuana saves lives, minds and hearts.”

today? The correlation is that we are still allowing corporations to take or give us the allowance of this natural right of a plant, and our opinions are still affected or spoken over by the loud whims of the more well-off lower percent. With these barrages of laws and regulation we are taking gardens from the gardeners and giving them to the governors. Mom and pop could save the farm and help some people feel good in the process, but they can’t afford to re-vamp, or they are too close to a school zone. Apparently one doesn’t do much farming in a silk suit do they? Patriot Care is a Massachusetts based company that has licensing for cannabis facilities in Boston and Greenfield, and now have both a dispensary and cultivation facility in Lowell. The company is directed by CEO Bob Mayerson, who would know much about big business, as former president and chief officer at Eastern Mountain Sports and tending financial roles in Pepsi and Staples. Patriot Care’s Lowell facility joins Ayer, Brocton, North Hampton and Salem as the only cities in Massachusetts with facilities supplying medicinal cannabis to patients. Patriot Care will be opening a Boston facility as early as late spring and one in Greenfield will be finalized over the summer. They have also made an agreement with the city of Lowell including such stipulations that it will pay $25,000 for every dispensary that uses their cultivation centers products. It would make sense that legal recreational cannabis would dismantle and negate such large investments these companies put into medical cannabis. Activist and model Brianna Morrel elucidates as to why Patriot Care has lobbyists that work hard to prevent this. “Patriot Care has associations with the anti-legalization campaign in Massachusetts.” According to Morrel, “Patriot Care has vowed to never become a recreational dispensary even after legalization. Their board has also voiced support for Michael Flaherty’s zoning bill which would restrict how

closely dispensaries can open to one another. Patriot Care’s lobbyist, Daniel Delaney, has filed an anti-legalization effort (supposedly on his own accord) dubbed “Safe Cannabis Massachusetts”. Delaney also has a second connection to Safe Cannabis Massachusetts through Greg Czarnowski, an outsourced contractor, who is the owner of the domain registered to the anti-legalization group. ”Once more, the very same markets that risk losing capital are the one’s creating and disseminating false information. Big business is fueling and maintaining wrongful prohibition, laws and enforcement with their power and pull of big pockets.” However, there are two sides to be played and big taxes to be paid, so the government allows states the illusion that they make their own choice. At the same time, we allow federal cannabis laws to stand by principles created after a model which suggests that cannabis has no medicinal value. A model created by individuals who incidentally hold a patent for medicinal cannabis. We are told that we are given the right to medical cannabis in some areas, but we are not given cannabis healthcare. Furthermore, a patient’s license to use medical marijuana from one state is not always recognized by other states, even if the state also legally recognizes medical cannabis. These divide and conquer techniques still pad the biggest pockets. Phillip Morris USA’s CEO Clifford Fleet owns the cigarette companies as well as all of the medications and tools to quit using tobacco, so even if you quit he still he doing ok. As a result, those big pockets that are not getting totally side winded by cannabis and who don’t gain on both sides of the legalization coin are getting smarter, and they realize prohibition just isn’t doing it for them. Many cannabis businesses halts and pitfalls are due to extremely inappropriate and disproportionate taxes, intended to keep the industry in the hands of big business and politicians and not free to the public market. I asked cannabis entrepreneur and medical grower Aleena Harney to reflect on this topic, “I was from New Hampshire, where the top 1% controls the government and makes it difficult for the everyday person to make money with cannabis legally or illegally. It’s a corrupt system. They tax it, pass ridiculous laws and constrict who can produce weed and sell it, especially if you want to do it legally. When I was in Washington, it was a disaster trying to get my license as a commercial medical grower. You have to do so much paper work, have back ground checks and they had unbelievable restrictions on how I had to grow, which limited the amount I was allowed to sell. The taxes were not worth doing it legally because you can’t profit when you’re limited on how much you could produce and sell because regulations on plant to product ratio do not make any sense. If you grow one plant and it’s more than the limited weight when ready to harvest, they consider that illegal, so you can’t even harvests fully grown plants without it being illegal even with a card. The system lets the rich produce all the money because they can afford the high prices of the tax and the card set up, so only commercial growing of big business works. I ended up stopping because it’s just not worth it. And people wonder why everyone does it illegally? I had over 100 plants because I had employees, but I stopped after

the first year because I didn’t make any money. My limit was about 150 plants, and I had to pay more if I wanted to raise the limit. I ended up losing money in the end because I couldn’t keep up with the taxes.” Kevin Cintorino of Elevated Vapor Lounge in Providence states, “It wasn’t taxes or regulations that did us in, it was due to Elevated, or any lounge for that matter, being the final step that a patient would have to pay for after obtaining a medicinal marijuana card and paying for medication since Elevated was b.y.o.m. (bring your own medicine). When you take all things considered, by the time real nonrecreational using patients had received their cards and paid for pricey medication they did not have the funds to pay for an inexpensive membership in order to socially utilize this medication in a non-hidden setting. Also, there was a difficulty because patients with medicine weighing even a small amount over what they are legally allowed to have were afraid to come in due to being investigated. All of the members that I had dealt with were accountable and within their legal limits at all times, but either way this is predominantly an older and responsible crowd we are dealing with who are typically patients 40 years old and up.” When asked questions about his feelings on patients legal plant count vs. allowed end medicinal product ratio in Rhode Island Cintorino states, “This also a bit messed up, that’s why Massachusetts allows 10 oz. on hand. You do not merely get 2.5 oz. from 24 plants. If a patient is properly growing healthy plants, they will receive more than 2.5 oz. of usable medicine, beside the fact that they have to be very precise while taking down these plants due to the fact that a plant can easily yield over 3-5 ounces wet weight, unusable product, which then needs to dry and be cured but can easily be confused by law enforcement as usable medicine which makes the patient worry over their legal limit during their harvest.” During a little pow-wow with Phil Hardy of The Hardy Consultants, Hardy and I got to talking about actual patient help and our ideas about true activism, “Like you, I have assisted patients with needs ranging from help making automated gardens and with garden care, to individuals who are just initially trying the medicine and learning how to roll a joint. But you don’t see the dispensaries doing that. Do you see representatives of Patriot Care in Massachusetts or from the Rhode Island’s Thomas C. Slater Compassion Center at any NECC events (New England Cannabis Convention)? If they do show up they are just checking it out. They are not at a booth as part of the community and making it known, you don’t see the people that run these dispensaries on the DPH stairs rallying and fighting for patient rights. Would it make more sense as an activist to take money and pump it into lobbyists with anti-pot campaigns, or to donate that money to organizations like Parents 4 Pot? Now what would it make sense for big business to do?” The Journal of the American Medical Association in Internal Medicine published research in 2014 following 13 medical cannabis states over 11 years showing that cannabis could not only help the pharmaceutical dependency


epidemic by treating withdrawal symptoms of opioid dependency, but also by lowering overdose related deaths in states with medical cannabis by 25%. A plant that could cure and treat cancers, mental and emotional ailments, alleviate nerve pain disorders, and help individuals ranging from hospice patients to children with seizures is being withheld and manipulated. This is the same plant Holland has found that over 40 years of adult use has not raised consumption among adolescents, and in fact, Holland boasts half the underage cannabis use rate reported in the US. The current situation is that we are taking away the medicine from healers, and putting it in the hands of kings where it has no right to be.

Mark M. Ward is an activist. He will petition, protest, and lobby for immediate change in marijuana regulatory policy, and for the adult access to safe, quality Cannabis. “I work to move public opinion sufficiently, to legalize responsible cannabis use of adults and serve as an advocate to assure access to safe, quality cannabis.”


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

Master Bong's Biggest HI TS!


hat’s up all my creative smokers? Master Bong here with you guys live and direct for another fun filled story / adventure of my life. Some sort of a reenactment you could say, if we were on the History Channel. What I want to do this month is share a time in my life when I was ALWAYS looking for something new to do and smoke out of, smoke with, or a smoke spot.

This was also a time in my life when I was more on a budget and therefore didn’t necessarily have extra money to go buy a new bong, new pipe, or a new vaporizer. There also comes a point in your smoking career where you just want to switch it up and stay creative. I feel it is important to always challenge yourself and to get out there and try new things because if you don’t try anything new, how do you know what you like or don’t like in life? For what you want for or don’t want from life?

This story is from when I was in my college days, freshman year, where everybody loves to get smoking and especially out of something new and creative. I feel that partaking in Mary Jane the exact same way every time you smoke can get a bit dull so if you’re ready to switch it up let’s get started.

Puffs as opposed to regular Cheetos, he laughed and replied that’s some MacGyver shit right there. That’s when I knew for sure we had a winner and we’re about to embark on something new, something great, something adventurous that could potentially change our lives forever. I can remember the session like it was yesterday. We broke down the Ken’s Grandaddy Purple and rolled up a joint as well as broke a little down into smaller nuggs for the Cheeto Puff pipe. I proceeded to find a small twig on the ground that was very skinny and would work perfect for hollowing out our cheeto puffs. Then I went in and carefully made sure that I cleared the center of the cheeto puff so that we would have some nice air flow and be able to get our chief on easily and effectively. I would definitely say that when making any bong or pipe, making sure that it is airtight is the biggest challenge and will give you the best results if done right. This will also create a more enjoyable and pleasurable smoking experience.

It was a very long Saturday by the time we got around to getting some food and munchies. We have been running around smoking all over the bay in some very beautiful scenic spots. And well, I wanted to hit one more of the most amazing and beautiful views in the Oakland/Berkeley Hills called Grizzly Peaks. We were with a few friends that were from out of state and had never smoke there before so I felt it was only right that we combine a new smoking spot with a new smoking device!

We finally got to the perfect spot to get our chief on and the fun times began. We started off by smoking the joint, then killing the doobie and then in one of the Cheeto Puffs which worked perfectly. Followed directly by getting our second Cheeto Puff and packing a bowl for each person to try out and get a fresh green hit. The view was breathtaking, the session was amazing, the company was perfect, and the conversation was intriguing. What more could you ask for from a beautiful Saturday in the bay?!? When going through life remember that what you see is only the radar screen and that is a very small aspect of what is really going on off the radar screen. Be sure to stay open to all the possibilities life has to offer because no matter what your life may look like right now, know you have the power to shift your reality and create the life you choose to live. It can be as simple as manifesting a beautiful Saturday with friends and new experiences or as complex as finding your partner. Just know that all of the greatest things in life are off the radar screne, so stay positive, stay focused and always live that #HighLife This is Master Bong signing over and out my fellow MacGyvers. When we stopped to grab our munchies I had the ping and a light bulb went off in my mind... I should grab a bag of Cheetos Puffs because I know we can hollow one out and use it as a pipe or a doobie destroyer. When I walk up to the cash register and let the teller know why I chose Cheeto



Green Goddess Ganja Hummus Adapted from Hapa Nom Nom Food- This healthy spin on traditional hummus is a yummy way to medicate while using up fresh garden herbs! Feel free to sub and customize the herbs to you’re liking, and local availability!

Recipe courtesy of Herb and Earth Organics.

INGREDIENTS: * 1/2 cup water * 15 ounces frozen shelled edamame * 1 avocado * 3 garlic cloves * 1/2 cup parsley * 3 tablespoons chives * 1/3 cup lemon juice * 1/3 cup tahini * sea salt * 2 tablespoons pine nuts * 3 tablespoons medicated olive oil

DIRECTIONS: 1. Add the water and edamame in a small saucepan on high heat. Bring to a boil and cook uncovered for 1 minute. As soon as all the edamame is thawed turn off the heat. 2. Combine water and edamame from the pan into a food processor or blender. 3. Add the medicated olive oil, avocado, garlic, parsley, basil, tarragon, chives, lemon juice, tahini,1 teaspoon of salt and a dash of pepper. (The herbs in this step can be subbed with whatever herb combo you like or have on hand!) 4. Process until smooth- about 2 minutes. 5. Add a little water to thin out the mixture of desired- 1 tablespoon at a time until you reach the desired consistency. 6. Toast the pine nuts, if desired. Do this by tossing them around a dry saute pan on medium-high heat carefully, for about 1 minute. 7. Allow the hummus mixture to cool to room temperature and top with roasted pine nuts. Serve with veggies or pita chips for dipping. Eat. Enjoy. Repeat!



1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42


Cotton Candy Fudge INGREDIENTS: * 1 1/2 cup pink vanilla cotton candy sugar * 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar


Recipes courtesy of Team Feel Good.

* 1/2 cup cannabis infused coconut oil * 2/3 cup heavy cream * 2 cups (12 oz bag) white chocolate chips * 7 oz jar marshmallow creme * 1 1/2 teaspoons cotton candy flavoring oil DIRECTIONS: 1. Line an 8x8 square pan with oil and spray lightly with nonstick spray. Set aside. 2. In a heavy saucepan, combine both sugars, heavy cream, and butter. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Keep on a low boil for several minutes, stirring constantly, until mixture reaches 234 degrees on a candy thermometer. 3. Remove from heat and stir in white chocolate chips and marshmallow creme until melted and smooth. Add candy flavoring oil and stir to combine. Pour mixture in pan and spread evenly. Top with sprinkles or rock candy.

Cranberry Carrot Cake Cookies INGREDIENTS: * 1 cup quick oats * 1 cup all-purpose flour * 3/4 teaspoon baking soda * 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon * 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg * 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger * 1/4 teaspoon salt * 1/2 cup cannabis infused coconut oil

2. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Fold in the carrots and cranberries. Cover and chill the dough for at least 30 minutes. 3. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or a Silpat. Drop 1 heaping tablespoon dough onto prepared baking sheets. Bake for 9-12 minutes, or until set on top. After baking, let cookies cool for at least 5 minutes and then place on wire racks. Then when cooled store in air tight container in the fridge or freezer .

* 1 large egg, room temperature * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 1/4 cup honey * 1 cup finely grated carrots * 1/4 cup dried cranberries DIRECTIONS: 1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the oats, flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the cannabis infused coconut oil, egg, and vanilla. and honey until thoroughly incorporated.


19th Century


Hashish production expands from Russian Turkestan into Yarkand in Chinese Turkestan. 1809 Antoine Sylvestre de Sacy, a leading Arabist, reveals the etymology of the words “assassin” and “hashishin” . 1840 In America, medicinal preparations with a Cannabis base are available. Hashish available in Persian pharmacies. 1843 Le Club des Hachichins, or Hashish Eater’s Club, is established in Paris. after 1850 Hashish appears in Greece. 1856 British tax ganja and charas trade in India. 1870 - 1880 First reports of hashish smoking on Greek mainland. c. 1875 Cultivation for hashish introduced to Greece. 1877 Kerr reports on Indian ganja and charas trade. 1890 Greek Department of Interior prohibits importance, cultivation and use of hashish. 1890 Hashish made illegal in Turkey. 1893 - 1894 The India Hemp Drugs Commission Report is issued. 1893 - 1894 70,000 to 80,000 kg of hashish legally imported into India from Central Asia each year. 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act is passed, regulating the labelling of products containing Alcohol, Opiates, Cocaine, and Cannabis, among others. The law went into effect Jan 1, 1907.


1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42


GreenBroz is a world leader in harvesting solutions for the cannabis industry. We provide end-to-end solutions; whether preparing your flower with our CannaGin, trimming your harvest with our line of Dry Trimmers or using the Alchemist, our solvent-free trichome extraction machine... ...we bring you full circle.

1. E A S I LY PR E PA R E . Designed to save time and labor hours, this productive bud removal machine offers variable speeds and four automatically adjusting doors for different stem sizes.

C A N N AG I N 215

2 . G E N T LY T R I M .

D R Y T R I M M E R 215

3 . PU R E LY S I F T The Alchemist is our solvent-free trichome extraction system. A variable run time fits your specific needs and the 130 stainless steel micron screen provides the perfect option for this machine to be used as a dry-sift or with pulverized dry-ice.

Our Dry Trimmers produce a hand trimmed quality and operate on three key principles; they’re quick, quiet, and gentle on your flower. The patented blade design and gentle rolling action provide a very tight finish, while protecting the purity, potency, and natural curves of your flower. Built with foodgrade material, our trimmers are easy to load, operate, unload, and clean.

A LC H E M I S T 215

SC H E D U L E YO U R L I V E D E M O TO DAY ! W W W.G R E E N B ROZ .CO M | 8 4 4 - D RY-T R I M


543 Bryant Street Denver, CO 80204



1450 Fulton Rd. Suite 205 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 harvest-more.com

7 Turner Street Warren, RI 02885 401 480 7659



201 E. Liberty Street Second Floor Wooster, OH 446912 231 219 0154 highly-educated.com

520 471 1576 bjacobson313@gmail.com

CANNA CARE DOCS 495 Central Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 781 382 8053

CORRY & ASSOCIATES 600 Seventeenth Street Suite 2800 Denver, CO 80202


1196 Rt. 28 S outh Yarmouth, MA 02664 508 760 5823

EMERALD CITY GARDEN 4990 Pacheco Blvd. Martinez, CA 94553 925 957 6203



GREENLEAF COMPASSION CENTER 1637 West Main Road Portsmouth, RI 02871

401 293 5987 GROW RI

184 Admiral Kalbfus Road Newport, RI 02840 401 619 0776 growri.com





KUSHLEY ORGANIC PRODUCTS 222 Boston Post Rd Waterford, CT 06385 kushley.com 860 710 8607

LA FUMO PIPE lafumopipe.com lafumopip


679 Washinton Street Attleboro, MA 02703 508 915 6115 masshydro.com

6775 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028 323 819 8036




MAINE, MASS, CONN htgsupply.com

IRIE TRADING POST 2406 Putnam Pike Chepachet, RI 02814

JB CLEANING INC. 2555 GAR Highway Swansea, MA 508 677 1800


2948 Hartford Ha Ave. Johnston, RI 02919 401 415 0983



375 Putnam Pike #13 Smithheld, RI 02917 organicgrowhut.com


6680 Alhambra Ave. Suite 147 Martinez, CA 94553 925 309 7110 parents4pot.org

PUFFINS SMOKE SHOP Attleboro, MA 508 639 5754

Lincoln, RI 401 475 3150 puffinssmokeshop.com

511 Lancaster Street Leominster, MA 01453 978 227 5405 thekingsgreenhouse.com





1000 Watts Magazine Series 6 | Issue 42

402 Main Street Wakeeeld, RI 401 363 9866



380 Jefferson Blvd Unit E2 Warwick, RI 02886 401 889 3990 Toll Free 844-878-6648 (844-8SUMMIT)


451 Winthrop Street Taunton, MA 028701 508 824 1599

THOMAS C. SLATER COMPASSION CENTER 1 Corliss Street Providence, RI 02904 401 274 1000


1201 Fall River Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508 336 4443 trubloomzhydroponics.com




1825 & 2017 Ocean Front Walk Venice, CA 90201 6510 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028

WILLITS MEDICAL CARE CLINIC 350 Creekside Drive Willits, CA 95490 707 459 3594


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