20141001_10 DESIGN_Seventh Heaven at Al Barari_LP Luxury Properties

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Hong Kong, China 中国香港 Singapore 新加坡 Malaysia 马来西亚 Thailand 泰国 China 中国 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Philippines 菲律宾 South Korea 韩国 Japan 日本 India 印度 Dubai (UAE) 阿联酋 Australia 澳大利亚 New Zealand 新西兰 Europe 欧洲 USA 美国國 Rest of Asia 亚洲其他地区 Rest of World 世界其他地区

HK$80 S$12 M$28 B300 RMB100 RP60,000 P390 W11,000 ¥900 Rs450 AED33 A$11 NZ$14 EUR10 US$12 US$10 EUR10

9-10月刊 september/october 2014


See this property on page 94 关于此房产详见本刊第94页

9-10月刊 september/october 2014

Fall 秋之灼华 Flare Feature 专辑 | Côte d'Azur 蔚蓝海岸线 Creator 零距离| Tham & Videgard Property Special 资讯特辑| OCT Suhe Creek 华侨城苏河湾 FOCUS 热点聚焦| Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯

dubai property |

资 讯

Oasis in Dubai 迪拜的城市绿洲


ubai-based developer Al Barari has commissioned Hong Kong-headquartered 10 Design to masterplan and design phase three of Seventh Heaven. The project was announced after 90 per cent of the Seventh Heaven’s phase two units, also designed by 10 Design, sold out within two days in February. The master plan consists of a 50-hectare park setting with residential villas, resort hotel, commercial district and community facilities. The 157 apartments, garden and sky villas offer views of the desert and the Dubai skyline beyond, and are defined by generous cantilevered terraces to provide self shading under the harsh UAE sun. It is slated for completion by 2016.

www.10design.co; www.albarari.com

拜发展商Al Barari聘用总部位于香港的10 Design进 行“第七天堂”项目第三期的规划与设计。该项目第二期 也是由10 Design负责设计,其90%的单位在今年2月的 两天之内即告售罄。随后,该公司公布第三期计划,根据总体规划, 第三期由一个占地50公顷的公园(该公园中建有住宅别墅)、度假宾 馆、商业区和社区配套设施组成,其中的157套住房、花园与空中别墅 均可眺望沙漠风光以及迪拜城市美景。宽敞的悬臂式阳台可提供遮 阳功能,遮挡阿联酋灼热的阳光。该项目计划于2016年竣工。


www.10design.co; www.albarari.com

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