20170915_10DESIGN_Jefaira Seafront Masterplan_Green Buildings_Issue2_2017

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Зеленые здания | Green Buildings



№ 2,

В поисках сущности места In Pursuit of the Essence of Place

Погружение вглубь… поверхности Deep into… the Surface

Артеноа с высоты птичьего полета Artenoah from a Bird’s-Eye View

Египетская культура в средиземноморском контексте Egyptian Culture in Mediterranean Context






прямая речь

ГОРДОН АФФЛЕК (Gordon Affleck), дизайн-партнер 10 DESIGN: – Чтобы создать по-настоящему устойчивое поселение, различные типы общественных и культурно-бытовых объектов взаимосвязаны между собой. Они очень четко определены и организованы вокруг открытых пространств, которые наполняются содержанием, благодаря продуманным программам и функциям.




астер-план египетского курорта Джефайра, находящегося на южном побережье Средиземного моря, включает застройку примерно из 10–12 тыс. жилых домов, полностью обеспеченных общественной и социальной инфраструктурой, а это школы и колледжи, академия спорта, бассейны, а также центр красоты и здоровья. Здесь предусмотрены и разнообразные объекты для обслуживания туристов, в том числе пристань для яхт, набережная, кафе, рестораны, торговые площади, гостиницы и конференц-центр.



УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ Для того чтобы создать по-настоящему экоустойчивое поселение, где предусмотрен широкий спектр различных пространств и услуг для удобства пользователей, все они должны быть взаимосвязаны между собой. Сервисы и области их применения четко определены и организованы вокруг открытых пространств, которые начинают работать благодаря заранее продуманным программам и функциям. Застройка организована таким образом, чтобы сосредоточить основные зоны активно-


сти в тех местах, которые были бы интересны всем пользователям без исключения, создавая точки притяжения и заряжая энергией. Ключевые объекты включают пристань с пешеходной набережной, где будут расположены кафе, рестораны, торговые террасы, отель и конференццентр, колледжи и школы. В центре

курорта планируется жилая застройка с высокой плотностью, где также разместят предприятия общественного питания, розничные магазины и ночные клубы. При этом все эти зоны будут связаны с парком, академией спорта с игровыми полями и бассейнами, клубными жилыми домами и центром красоты и здоровья.

1 – Спортивный парк (скетч) 2 – Вид на курорт с высоты птичьего полета 3 – Пристань для яхт и пешеходная набережная (скетч)

МАКСИМАЛЬНЫЙ КОМФОРТ В рамках мастер-плана спроектирована обширная сеть общественных пространств, которые доступны жителям

ПОЛ РОДЖЕРС (Paul Rodgers), дизайн-директор 10 DESIGN: – Мастер-план разработан таким образом, чтобы создать для пользователей точки притяжения и высококачественные пространства для активной жизнедеятельности по всей территории курорта Джефайра, заряжающие всех энергией.

и туристам и отличаются особенной атмосферой. Основными организационными элементами являются три ключевые взаимосвязанные зоны. Садовый променад. Вос хи ти тельный зеленый парк в самом центре курорта объединяет пять различных зон, находясь в которых, можно получить незабываемые впечатления: досуговый парк у озера, парки отдыха у ЗЕЛЕНЫЕ ЗДАНИЯ | GREEN BUILDINGS







о компании

10 DESIGN – ведущая международная компания, разрабатывающая проекты в области архитектуры, городского и ландшафтного дизайна и компьютерной графики. Студия работает на всех уровнях и в различных секторах: корпоративном, культурном, гостиничном, розничной торговли, образовании и жилищном строительстве. 10 DESIGN имеет офисы в Гонконге, Эдинбурге, Шанхае и Дубае, а приоритетным направлением бизнеса являются страны Азии и Ближнего Востока, в частности Китай, Малайзия, Корея, Мьянма, ОАЭ, Катар, Оман, Кувейт и Турция.

реки, образовательный парк и спортивный парк. Сеть пешеходных и велосипедных маршрутов соединяет и объединяет широкий спектр многофункциональной застройки, дома и кварталы, формируя оживленные, устойчивые и уникальные прибрежные районы. Пешеходная набережная. Группа из четырех взаимосвязанных, но различа-



ющихся по своему характеру зон расположена на живописном средиземноморском побережье: Панорамный парк (Panorama Park), Пляжный сад (Beach Garden), Террасный парк (Terrace Park) и Пристань для яхт (Marina). Каждая из этих зон максимально точно учитывает особенности существующего рельефа и еще более подчеркивает природную


красоту этих мест, достигая кульминации в зоне новой оживленной пристани и пляжа. Этот высококачественный ландшафт формирует уникальное место для отдыха и занятий физическими упражнениями, где можно получать наслаждение в течение всего года. Общественные парки. Коллекция комфортных зеленых пространств с

рекреационными зонами для жителей планируется во всех районах поселка. Здесь будут детские площадки, бассейны, места для барбекю, затененные площадки для занятий фитнесом, лужайки, сады и зоны отдыха. ПРИРОДНЫЙ КОНТЕКСТ Эта местность с удивительно красивой природой отличается разнообразным ландшафтом, включая песчаные пляжи, береговые скалы, уступы, равнины и холмы. Уникальная топография являлась ключевым фактором при разработке мастер-плана как жилых, так и общественных зон. Комфортные общественные пространства еще сильнее подчеркивают разнообразие участка. Между песчаными пляжами устроена пристань для яхт, клубные дома размещены на высоком берегу, а отели – в бухтах с великолепными панорамными видами на море и центр, террасами спускающийся к воде. И жилые дома размещены таким образом, чтобы использовать преимущества естественного рельефа. Из резиденций и апартаментов на набережной прекрасно видно море, а из домов в

парках, находящихся на естественных склонах холмов, открываются панорамы зеленых зон. ХОРОШАЯ ДОСТУПНОСТЬ Целую гамму ощущений предлагают пользователям три ключевые зоны, расположенные вокруг участка застройки, но хорошо связанные с ним посредством серии благоустроенных пешеходных дорожек и транспортных путей, обеспечивающих отличную доступность различных районов и кварталов. В то же время стратегия планирования выстраивается таким образом, чтобы очень четко разграничивать публичные и частные зоны. Это достигается путем зонирования территории в рамках мастер-плана и стратегии циркуляции, которая подразумевает наличие дорог различного назначения – общедоступных, проходящих через парки и сады, и локальных, которыми могут пользоваться только жители. При этом контрольных пунктов на въезде в жилые кварталы практически не будет, так как их естественные границы определяются самими транспортными маршрутами.

4 – Центральная часть курорта 5 – Рекреационный парк у реки (скетч) 6 – Террасный парк

данные о проекте

МАСТЕР-ПЛАН МОРСКОГО КУРОРТА ДЖЕФАЙРА (JEFAIRA SEAFRONT MASTERPLAN) Расположение: Египет Заказчик: INERTIA Properties Архитектор (разработка мастер-плана): 10 DESIGN Дизайн-партнер: Гордон Аффлек Дизайн-директор: Пол Роджерс Консультант по местным строительным нормам и правилам: Concord Consulting Group, Каир Ландшафтный дизайн: Can.X Design 3D-дизайн: SAN Площадь участка: 550 га Общая площадь застройки: 1,3 млн кв. м в том числе: – жилая: 1,0 млн кв. м – общественные и туристические объекты: 284,3 тыс. кв. м Жилая застройка: 10–12 тыс. домов



ENGLISH VERSION originally more than 200 lanes of the original Shikumen houses. The Xintiandi development had created a precedent case where local government, private companies and international design consultants formed a strong coalition towards development. The successful preservation and re-use of original urban fabrics which lead to the re-establishment of Xintiandi’s unique identity has since been adapted around the country as a strategy of urban renewal. XINTIANDI Location: Shanghai, China Site Area: 2.97 hectares Year of project development: 2002 WHERE ART AND CULTURE UNITE Xi’an was the eastern end of the famous Silk Road. The city served as China’s capital city for 11 dynasties over 1,100 years, when it developed into the political, economic and cultural center of China and an international metropolis where Chinese and Western cultures met. Wenyilu Road (Arts and Literature Road) in central Xi’an has a long history of housing numerous cultural facilities throughout the centuries. There exist old Chinese opera houses, a theater for local performing arts, the house of a renowned theatrical troupe, a traditional performing arts school and so on. The “Main Street of Eastern Entertainment” development concept was chosen for the redevelopment of this 95 ha area in remembrance of the city’s unique history. At the heart lies a distinctive international culture and arts square, spatially and functionally defined by its surrounding urban fabric which consists of existing and new theaters and museums. The proximity of the central square is characterized by its diverse cultural street which utilize the urban context to introduce cultural and tourism related businesses, cultural education, creative industry offices and residences. A central green median has been introduced to Wenyilu Road to establish a connection with other important green spaces within the city. Design guidelines based on historical aspects of Xi’an have been devised for buildings and the public realm, making this project distinctive from other developments. XI’AN PERFORMING ARTS ROAD Location: Xi’an, China Site Area: 51.8 hectares BUA: 1.71 million sq. m. Height: 24 -250 m Year of project development: 2011 GRAND URBAN AXIS In Xi’an’s long history that spans across dynasties and centuries, the



Tang Dynasty was outstanding in its glamor, representing the unprecedented heydays of both Xi’an and China. Even though Xi’an has turned into a modern metropolis of 6 million people, it continues to celebrate its unique history through reinterpretations of Tang aesthetics in contemporary architecture. Dayanta (“Big Wild Goose Pagoda”) is one of only two Tangdynasty pagodas that still stand in Xi’an. Originally built during the Tang Dynasty in 648 to store sutras and statues brought from India, the seven stories tall (64 m) pagoda towers over the surrounding landscape. Developing the 150 ha area around Dayanta into a cultural and urban complex for commerce, sightseeing, and lifestyle, the area will house multiple commercial buildings, hotel, service apartment, and cultural facilities, which will be constructed in multiple phases. In order to achieve an organized pedestrian network connecting areas in all phases, the design team proposed an iconic 60 m wide by 1.2 km long central pedestrian axis along Yanta South Road that makes a rhythmic spatial sequence towards the existing Pagoda. By improving the existing road pattern, implementing a new transit system, and creating a series of plazas with main social activities along the axis, the master plan seeks to create a walkable city in respect of the original urban scale and character of the region. Integration of culture and the history of Chinese Buddhism became the main design drivers for the architectural approach. Building designs strive to establish a contemporary reinterpretation of the Tang style by incorporating the delicate curved roof forms and geometry of the period while also emphasizing horizontality in response to the grand urban scale. XI’AN BIG WILD GOOSE Location: Xi’an, China Site Area: 150 hectares Year of project development: 2006 ART IN THE WATER – WATER IN THE ART The Gold Coast City Council competition to design a new cultural precinct at Evandale was a 2-stage competition at the end of which Nikken Sekkei’s entry was awarded 2nd prize. Nikken Sekkei partnered with landscape architects Earthscape (Tokyo) and art museum managers Mori Art Museum (Japan) to form the core team. The jury’s evaluation: “Nikken Sekkei’s striking design reflects the ‘web of water’ which defines both the Gold Coast and surrounds the cultural precinct site. The web is incorporated, both dramatically and subtly, into the submission’s landscape and built forms.

Most spectacularly, a grand ‘water stage’, with dimensions of 195.9m Ч 195.9m, celebrates the founding year of the Gold Coast in 1959. These twin references, of the city are founding date and the ubiquitous presence of water-shimmering, flowing, falling-celebrate the site’s location and its coastal character. They come together in a bold and arresting landmark statement. Centrally located, the water stage links three landscape zones; nature park to the north, water front to the north east, and the civic field to the south west. A series of smaller landscapes are created as sub-divisions of these three primary zones, such as a rain forest, grass land, water garden and indigenous garden. Dual approaches from a Chevron Island green bridge deliver visitors to either ground-level or to the elevated water stage. The five senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste are engaged across the site. The water stage doubles as a multi-purpose performance venue and promenade, offering arresting views of the city skyline and hinterland. Depth of water is cleverly controlled, ranging from only a few centimeters deep to dry, providing opportunities for small and large performance spaces to emerge. It also mirrors a typical ‘Queenslander’ roof, offering protective shade to the central amphitheater below. Both the New Arts Museum, in the form of small, separated pods, and the Living Arts Centre are also partially nestled below the water stage. In the Living Arts Centre the existing building is retained and enhanced, with two theatres connected by a shared stage accommodating up to 1,800 people. At night, its wrapped fly tower, protruding through the water stage becomes a digital screen for outdoor cinema or illumination. A holistic approach is taken to precinct programming, with the whole site treated as a museum. The covered amphitheater provides opportunities for mixed programming, with potential for audience viewing both under and on top of the “Water Stage.“ GOLD COAST CULTURAL PRECINCT COMPETITION Location: Gold Coast, Australia Site Area: 16.9 hectares Year of project development: 2013


Egyptian Culture in Mediterranean Context (p. 20)


10 DESIGN is the Master Planner for the Jefaira development, overlooking the enchanting shores of the Mediterranean on the Egyptian North Coast. The site of 550 hectares stretches 3 km along the seafront with natural beaches and cliffs forming a unique topography. INERTIA Properties’ vision for the project is to create a world class residential and tourism community that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. The ultimate goal is to design a vibrant urban environment with a network of public areas, celebrating the Egyptian culture together with the Mediterranean context.

The Master Plan contains 10,000 to 12,000 residential units, supported by a comprehensive and diverse range of community facilities including schools and colleges, a sports academy, swimming pools, and a health and wellness center. Extensive tourism facilities are provided including marinas with promenade cafes, restaurants, retail spaces, hotels, and a convention center. BE SUSTAINABLE In order to create a truly sustainable development, a wide range of amenity spaces and uses are provided those are interconnected and synergetic; uses define and are organized around outdoor spaces which are activated by program and functions. The development is organized to focus key activity areas in locations the benefit the whole community and create energized places and destinations throughout. Key uses include a Marina with promenade cafes, restaurants, retail terraces, Hotel & convention centre, Colleges and schools, a Downtown high density residential, live/work area containing plaza cafes, restaurants, retail and nightlife all connected to the parkland, a Sports academy with playing fields/pools, residential Clubhouses and a Health and Wellness centre. PROVIDE EXCELLENT AMENITY The development provides a vast network of public areas that are accessible to all residents and have distinct atmospheres and character. The 3 key interconnected character areas that are the main organizational elements for the development are as follows: The Garden promenade. An exceptional central green parkland heart connects 5 different experi-

ence zones; the Leisure lake park, the recreational river parks, the education park and the sports park. It provide a network of pedestrian and cycle routes connecting and bringing together a broad range of mixed use programs, homes and neighbourhoods, creating a vibrant, sustainable and unique new coastal community. The Waterfront promenade. A group of 5 connected but distinct experiences located on the spectacular Mediterranean coast; The Panorama Park, the Beach Garden, the Terrace Park, the Marina and the Beach Garden. Each experience is a direct response to the existing topography and reinforces the sites natural beauty culminating in a bustling new public Marina and beachfront hub. This high quality landscape forms an invaluable recreation and exercise space for all to enjoy, all year round. The community parklands. A collection of vibrant amenity zones and neighbourhood hearts that contain leisure and recreation areas for the residents. There are spaces for playgrounds, swimming pools, BBQ areas, outdoor fitness shade areas, lawns gardens and relaxation zones. Theses spaces are located in every neighbourhood.

neighbourhoods. However the planning strategy means that there is an extremely legible distinction between the public and private realms. This has been achieved by clear master plan zoning and a circulation strategy that creates a hierarchy of roads, routes parks and gardens for either public access or residents only. Control points are minimized as natural thresholds are defined by the routes and roads themselves.

BE NATURAL AND CONTEXTUAL The site of the development features outstanding natural beauty and a wide and varied topography including beaches, cliffs, flatlands, terraces and hills. This unique topography is a key driver for the organization of the whole master plan both in terms of the residential neighbourhoods and the nonresidential amenity. The external amenity spaces are located to support and reinforce the variations in the site; the marina is located between the beaches, the clubhouses are located on the clifftops and the coves with panoramic vistas and the hotels overlook the beaches and downtown terraces towards the ocean. The residential is also organized around and takes advantage of the natural topography; the waterfront residential is organized to take advantage of the sea views, apartments have panoramic views to the ocean, the parkland residential is located on the natural hillsides to take advantage of views and vistas out to and through the garden promenade.

Gordon Affleck, Design Partner at 10 DESIGN: “In order to create a truly sustainable development, a wide range of public amenity areas are provided with strong interconnections; these amenities are clearly defined and organized around outdoor spaces which are activated by programs and functions.”

BE PERMEABLE AND LEGIBLE The 3 key character areas of the development provide a multi layered user experience offering a wide variety of experiences. These experiences are located around the site but are connected through a series of landscaped pedestrian and vehicular connections which allow for excellent permeability through and across the various areas and

JEFAIRA SEAFRONT MASTERPLAN Location: Egypt Client: INERTIA Properties Masterplanner: 10 DESIGN Design Partner: Gordon Affleck Design Director: Paul Rodgers Consultants: Local Consultant: Concord Consulting Group, Cairo Landscape Designer: Can.X Design Visualizer: SAN Site Area: 5,500,000sqm GFA: – total: 1,309,553sqm – residential – 1,025,303sqm – public and tourism facilities – 284,250sqm Residential: 10,000 to 12,000 units

Paul Rodgers, Design Director at 10 DESIGN: “The master plan is designed to locate highly active spaces where the community will benefit most, thereby creating energized spaces and destinations throughout Jefaira.” ABOUT 10 DESIGN 10 DESIGN is a leading international partnership of Architects, Urbanists, Landscape Designers, and CGI Specialists. The Studio works at all scales and sectors including corporate, cultural, hospitality, retail, education, and residential. 10 DESIGN has offices in Hong Kong, Edinburgh, Shanghai, and Dubai. The studio has built its business on Asia and the Middle Eastern markets, with work including projects in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, Myanmar, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, and Turkey.


Artenoah from a Bird’s-Eye View (p. 26)


Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, the Barcelona practice of Benedetta Tagliabue and Enric Miralles, announced that they had the winning concept for a new biodiversity park in Rehau, Germany. With support from the Rehau city council, citizens, and organizations like the Federal Nature Conservation Agency, the biodiversity center is proposed for a site at the Green Belt in the forest landscape of the Neuhausen district. Home to only 70 inhabitants, the district is projected to attract up to 80,000 visitors once the new center is built.

The jury chaired by the famous German architect Amandus Sattler, working in Munich, voted in favor of the EMBT project at a private meeting by selecting it from the nine other architectural firms from all over Europe. ARTENOAH OF NOAH’S ARK The winning design for the biodiversity center Artenoah, will be built in the middle of a series of highlands. The landscape is defined by dense forests, small urbanizations, agriculture and pasture areas. On a site visit, architects watched the birds directed by group intelligence, collecting a flock and overflowing the plateau of the site. Architects projected the lines of the birds’ movements on the agricultural site of the Wagnersberg and redrew them in the proposal. Starting with these lines they developed their masterplan and a complete concept of a undulating building surrounded by a series of thematic outdoor spaces, so that the structure can blend in with its remote landscape. After climbing up the hill, visitors will first meet the restaurant with the famous Franconian food, which offers views to the nature park Fichtelgebirge from its terrace. Once they enter the foyer of the building, visitors will enter the exhibition area by crossing a kaleidoscope, introducing the visitors into a world of biodiversity. A green roof integrates the building in the landscape and invites the visitors to climb up and discover the sculptural approach of the building. The building follows an ecological concept, which will be part of the exhibition. The building volume is compact, orientated to the south and follows the 2000-yearold scheme of the ‘sun house’ by Socrates – concept of passive solar building design. Socrates said: “Now, supposing a house to have

a southern aspect, sunshine during winter will steal in under the verandah, but in summer, when the sun traverses a path right over the heads, the roof will afford an agreeable shade, will it not?” The goal of the project is to focus on the biological diversity and to bring it together with the sociocultural values. This point brings us back to the initial concept, the group intelligence in different habitats, which architects found by observing the birds flow over the plateau. ARTENOAH REHAU Location: Rehau, Germany Client: Municipality of Rehau (Germany) Architect: Miralles Tagliabue EMBT Project Director: Stefan Geenen MEP Engineering and sustainability consultant: Bollinger + Grohmann Gross floor area: 81.000 sqm Year of project development: April 2017


Hardberger Park: There Is a Place for Everyone (p. 30)


The previous issue of the Green Buildings magazine informed you about the Rules of Resilient Design developed by American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) as online guidance. The main goal is to help people, both now and in the future, better protect themselves from weather surprises and natural disasters through landscape design. This article deals with effectively manage water resources, especially in drought area.

Increases in global temperatures and the volatility of precipitation, which are linked to climate change, are two critical drivers of drought. Drought affects human society, impacting food and water security. Drought can impact an entire country, as what occurred in the dust bowl era in the United States, or regions and communities. The economic impact of prolonged drought is enormous: The impact of California’s ongoing drought to agriculture as of 2015 is $2.7 billion in losses and counting. But so is the impact on livelihoods.


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