10DESIGN_La Reserve Residences_Green Buildings Magazine_Issue4_2017

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Зеленые здания | Green Buildings



№ 4,

Кунсткамера хлебных чудес The Kunstkammer of Bread Wonders

Угол зрения на «геометрию танца» Angle of View on ‘Dance Geometry’

Сила дракона – в умной башне Шанхая Dragon’s Power – in the Smart Shanghai Tower

Образец жизнеспособного дизайна The Model of Sustainable Design







данные о проекте ЖК «ЗАПОВЕДНЫЙ» (LA RESERVE RESIDENCES) Расположение: Дубай, ОАЭ Заказчик: Swiss Property Архитектура: 10 DESIGN Руководители проектной группы (архитектура, мастер-план, ландшафт, визуализация): Тед Гивенс, дизайн-партнер; Барри Шапиро, партнер Площадь участка: 20 955 кв. м Общая надземная площадь зданий: 36,2 тыс. кв. м Высотность: 12 этажей Количество апартаментов: 230 Строительство: 2019 (планируется) ЗЕЛЕНЫЕ ЗДАНИЯ | GREEN BUILDINGS







прямая речь

КРИС ДЖОНС (CHRIS JONES), партнер 10 DESIGN: – Наш опыт в проектировании и строительстве жилых зданий в странах Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки позволяет нам создавать не только комфортные и умные жилые пространства, в которых жители могут наслаждаться высоким качеством среды, но и общины, приверженные здоровому образу жизни. ТЕД ГИВЕНС (TED GIVENS), Дизайн-партнер 10 DESIGN: – В рамках нашего проекта создается четко прорисованный террасный ландшафт, откуда открываются панорамные виды на залив Дубай-Крик. Здания расположены в самом сердце обширного оазиса, атмосфера которого навевает спокойствие и умиротворенность. Большой бассейн в центре сада окружен пышной зеленой растительностью, среди которой проложена кольцевая беговая дорожка и установлены тренажеры. Зелень поднимается вверх, на террасы, объединяя архитектуру с природой. Террасы дополнены серией дуплексов, образующих стеклянную арку на фасадах, которая символизирует русло реки. БАРРИ ШАПИРО (BARRY SHAPIRO), партнер 10 DESIGN: – Располагая 230 апартаментами, ЖК «Заповедный» предлагает различные их варианты с 1–4 спальнями как на одном, так и на двух уровнях. Апартаменты распределены по зданиям таким образом, чтобы инвестиции наших клиентов были бы максимально выгодными. Этажность каждого здания симметрично снижается в направлении одного из торцов, с тем чтобы уменьшить их масштабы и в то же время спроектировать дуплексные пентхаусы, что позволяет создать «каскадные» зоны вдоль южного фасада. Это уникальное сочетание дуплексов улучшает эстетику комплекса, одновременно повышая его стоимость.



илой комплекс «Заповедный» – это 12-этажные здания-близнецы общей площадью 40 тыс. кв. м, расположенные симметрично относительно друг друга. В комплексе предусмотрено все для комфортной жизни,



начиная от открытых террас, зон для активного отдыха и пешеходных маршрутов до беговых дорожек, бассейнов, тренажерных залов и обширных зеленых зон. Планируется, что его строительство завершится к концу 2019 года.

КОНТЕКСТ ЖК «Заповедный» будет построен в «Дубайском медицинском городке 2», в районе Аль Джаддаф. Из его окон откроются прекрасные виды на залив Дубай-Крик, заповедник дикой природы Рас-Аль-Хор и Дубайский водный канал. В этом уникальном месте появятся городские медицинские и международные образовательные учреждения. Находясь всего в 10 минутах езды от центра Дубая к западу и от Международного аэропорта Дубая к северу, участок также обеспечит доступ к быстро развивающемуся порту Дубай-Крик на востоке. 1 – Дуплекс с собственной открытой террасой на крыше 2 – План участка 3 – Большой бассейн в центре сада








Добавочная стоимость – это уникальные типы апартаментов

Линия развертки «Каскад» из дуплексов-пентхаусов

Стандартная секция

Добавочная стоимость Дуплексы-пентхаусы в торцевой части


Объемно-пространственное решение зданий формирует гармоничные отношения с участком. Каждое из них спускается террасами в сторону одного из торцов, что позволяет визуально уменьшить их размеры, а также спроектировать более просторные террасы для расположенных здесь апартаментов. Южный фасад зданий разделен на две части, развернутые под тупым углом друг к другу, чтобы создать «каскадные» зоны из двухуровневых апартаментов, или дуплексов. На этих зонах сделан особый акцент, что позволяет определить даже снаружи, что жилые помещения в них имеют уникальные планировки, но самое главное, что такой прием позволяет уменьшить масштабы зданий. К югу от участка застройки расположен природный заповедник Рас-АльХор (Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary), что делает жилой комплекс еще более привлекательным для покупателей. Находящиеся под охраной водно4 – Каскадная зона в торце здания 5, 8 – Зоны для отдыха в саду 6 – Зонирование здания по типам и стоимости апартаментов (диаграмма) 7 – Бассейн в окружении пышной зелени


болотные угодья являются местом обитания для многочисленных видов птиц, ракообразных, мелких млекопитающих и рыб, формируя сложную биологическую систему. Будущие жители комплекса смогут прямо из своих окон, выходящих на юг, видеть заповедник на фоне залива, а из окон на западной стороне – впечатляющий силуэт центра Дубая. А благодаря террасной структуре уменьшится масса зданий, и они не будут препятствовать полетам местных птиц.


ДИЗАЙН В жилом комплексе 230 апартаментов с 1–4 спальнями, включая дуплексы. В боковых частях зданий находятся квартиры класса «премиум», причем в 4-этажной секции, обслуживаемой отдельными лифтами. Это уникальное сочетание дуплексов эстетически придает комплексу более привлекательный облик, одновременно повышая его стоимость. – Дуплексы и большие апартаменты на первом этаже дополнительно распо-

лагают большими озелененными террасами на уровне земли. – Дуплексы в верхней части зданий имеют собственные большие террасы на крыше. – Дуплексы на средних этажах увеличивают количество апартаментов высокого класса. – Дуплексы в восточной и западной частях зданий расположены в отдельных 4-этажных зонах. – Типовые апартаменты равномерно распределены по зданию, и каждый выходит на южную сторону с видом на природный заповедник. Жилые здания и сад вплетены в единое целое, образуя необычную экокоммуну на берегу залива Дубай-Крик. Организуя комплекс вокруг большого сада, находящегося с южной стороны, архитекторы черпали вдохновение в окружающей природе и долинах вади (вади – русла высохших рек пустыни, которые во время сильных ливней заполняются водой). Вот почему тема воды стала определяющей, а большой бассейн в окружении пышной зеленой растительности – основным элементом сада. Еще одной важной составляющей концепции комплекса является фитнес. Через две садовые зоны проходит коль-

Дуплексы на средних этажах

Апартаменты с садами на нижних этажах











цевая беговая дорожка, вдоль которой размещены несколько станций воркаута для тренировок на свежем воздухе, а в каждом здании предусмотрены тренажерный зал и бассейн. Пышный зеленый оазис незаметно переходит в искусственный ландшафт, созданный по периметру участка с использованием засухоустойчивых растений и водосберегающих технологий. Такой прием, когда сразу за границами участка пейзаж больше напоминает пустыню, помогает еще больше подчеркнуть красоту сада и экоустойчивость, одновременно уменьшая потребность в 9 – Апартаменты на первом этаже 10 – Апартаменты с открытой террасой 11, 12 – Примеры дизайна интерьеров




орошении. Биологические особенности местности также позволяют охлаждать участок естественным образом по мере того, как воздушные массы перемещаются над водоемами и кронами деревьев. Более того, сад-оазис в виде больших зеленых террас поднимается наверх – на здания-близнецы, создавая места для встреч на открытом воздухе с прекрасным видом на залив Дубай-Крик. Эти садовые пространства, заполняющие собой весь комплекс, стали визитной карточкой проекта, что также нашло свое отражение в имитации на фасаде русла реки. Сформированное из стеклянных ячеек «русло» пересекает здания, выделяя более темным цветом большие квартиры и дуплексы на пер-

вом этаже, а также серию дуплексов, расположенных параллельно крышам дуплексов, находящихся выше. ЭКОУСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ ЖК «Заповедный» спроектирован для создания экоустойчивой общины, которая сможет максимально эффективно использовать энергию. Проект соответствует особенному климату Дубая и направлен на то, чтобы продлить как можно дольше период комфортных условий для жизни в течение года. Фасад. Формируя динамичный фасад в виде сплошных горизонтальных полос, которые переходят в террасы с местами для отдыха на открытом воздухе, архитекторы тем самым удлинили карнизы, обеспечив затене-

о компании

12 10 DESIGN – ведущая международная компания, объединяющая архитекторов, урбанистов, ландшафтных дизайнеров и визуализаторов, удостоенная многочисленных наград. В 2017 году престижную награду Cityscape Global Award в номинации «Лучший проект жилого здания средней этажности» получил ЖК «Заповедный». А в 2014-м этой же награды в номинации «Лучший проект жилого здания малой этажности» был удостоен амбициозный комплекс «Деревья» в Аль Барари (Ashjar at Al Barari). Мастер-план квартала «Седьмое небо» (Seventh Heaven) в Аль Барари также разработан 10 DESIGN. В ближайшее время ожидается завершение строительства жилого комплекса «Голубые воды» (Bluewaters Residences) на искусственном острове в Дубае, где установлено самое большое в мире колесо обозрения. 10 DESIGN является ведущим проектировщиком и дизайнером интерьеров и этого впечатляющего проекта.

ние внутренних помещений от солнца. Конструкция фасада, включая двойное остекление из высокоэффективного стекла, помогает пассивно охлаждать здания и уменьшать солнечные блики. Анализ ветров. Жилые помещения хорошо проветриваются естественным образом северо-западными ветровыми потоками благодаря оптимальному расположению зданий относительно друг друга. S-образная форма зданий, обтекаемых юго-восточным ветром, создает турбулентный поток, улучшая тем самым вентиляцию всего участка и апартаментов. Анализ солнечной активности. Здания в основном ориентированы по оси «восток-запад», что позволяет уменьшить воздействие солнечного тепла на фасады и в то же время открывает будущим жителям впечатляющие виды на город и залив. Небольшое расстояние между зданиями обеспечивает им самозатенение и также уменьшает перегрев фасадов.

Использование дуплексной типологии улучшает условия пребывания на открытом воздухе, предусматривая для каждого дуплекса собственный тенистый сад и бассейн. Острые углы и ломаные линии балконов служат преградой для доминантных ветров, что создает большую разницу в атмосферном давлении, следовательно, увеличивает скорость перемещения воздушных масс вокруг зданий, обеспечивая отличную вентиляцию на всех уровнях. Дуплексная типология также значительно улучшает вентиляцию открытых пространств благодаря ветровым потокам, образующимся между дуплексом и расположенными выше апартаментами. После завершения строительства ЖК «Заповедный» будет способствовать поддержанию здорового образа жизни, что очень актуально для нашего времени, и предоставит будущим жителям все возможности для того, чтобы они могли наслаждаться высоким качеством среды проживания. ЗЕЛЕНЫЕ ЗДАНИЯ | GREEN BUILDINGS


ENGLISH VERSION MUSEUM GALLERIES Specially designed by Ateliers Jean Nouvel, the floors, walls and ceiling surfaces of the museum galleries reenforce the palatial dimensions of Louvre Abu Dhabi. The floor paving is made of stone modules framed in bronze: throughout the galleries, the choice of stone responds to the period of the artworks on show. The walls provide hanging flexibility: all subsidiary equipment may be concealed within special wall slots. Filtered natural light can be present in all the galleries, either from lateral windows with views onto the surrounding environment or through zenithal lighting. This involves the use of glass mirrors to capture sunlight and direct it into the gallery spaces while also scattering rays to avoid glare. There are 17 glass ceilings within the museum galleries. Each is made up of 18 different types of glass panels. In total, there are over 25,000 individual pieces of glass. These glass ceilings incorporate both natural and artificial lighting to provide an optimal lighting system for the artworks on display. The display cases were also specifically designed by Meyvaert in Ghent Belgium for Louvre Abu Dhabi. They incorporate state-of-the art materials and have been designed to adapt flexibly to the rotation artworks on display. To meet stringent environmental control requirements within the museum galleries, the design team developed a system which cannot deviate by more than one degree from 24 degrees centigrade or 5% humidity range. These guarantee exceptionally stable environmental conditions for artworks and visitors. Fire detection and suppression systems within the galleries require special measures in order to avoid damage to the artwork. Louvre Abu Dhabi’s collection spans human history, emphasizing exchange and shared human experience. The dialogue between artworks, manuscripts and objects in Louvre Abu Dhabi’s collection, from the most ancient to the most contemporary enables visitors to discover shared influences and intriguing connections between different cultures throughout history. The museum trail, highlighting universal themes and common influences, transcending geography, nationality and history, begins with prehistory, the birth of civilizations and the first great empires. It explores concepts such as religion, exchange across trade routes, voyages and discoveries, the role of the individual in history and contemporary themes related to the modern period and globalization. Notable artworks in the collection include one of the finest examples of a standing Bactrian Princess from the end of the 3rd millennium BCE, a 3,000 year old Middle-Eastern ЗЕЛЕНЫЕ ЗДАНИЯ | GREEN BUILDINGS


gold bracelet with lion’s head, an 1878 painting by Osman Hamdi Bey titled A Young Emir Studying, Paul Gauguin’s masterpiece Children Wrestling , the René Magritte painting The Subjugated Reader, an 1928 collage by Picasso titled Portrait of a Lady, nine canvases by contemporary artist Cy Twombly and the most ancient known photographic representation of a veiled woman. In the opening year, approximately 300 artworks from 13 key French institutions will be on display (see section below on partners for more details on the agreement) alongside the museum’s permanent collection. Artworks from around the world are showcased at the museum, with particular focus placed upon bridging the gap between Eastern and Western art. EXTERIOR ARTWORK COMMISSIONS Louvre Abu Dhabi has commissioned two internationally acclaimed artists to create sitespecific artworks in harmony with the iconic building. Italian artist Giuseppe Penone and American artist Jenny Holzer have worked closely with Louvre Abu Dhabi’s team and Jean Nouvel to develop sculptures and installations that reflect the universal stories of the museum. These are the first of a number of scheduled commissions for Louvre Abu Dhabi. (See General Factsheet for more details) RESTAURANT Designed by Ateliers Jean Nouvel, the restaurant at Louvre Abu Dhabi is made up of modular compartments. The intricate interior design takes inspiration from Arabic patterns, which have been engraved into Corian panels. The furniture, also designed by Nouvel, complements the light-filled interiors and panoramic views of the sea. Seven bespoke chandeliers hang over the seven VIP tables. CAFÉ Jean Nouvel’s design for the museum café is inspired by the Op Art (optical art) movement of the 1960s. From certain positions, the café seems entirely monochrome (white); from others, the café interiors are full of color, like an abstracted reflection of the local maritime environment and port opposite the museum. The floors, walls, ceilings and furniture have been designed specifically for the site by Ateliers Jean Nouvel. WAYFINDING Philippe Apeloig collaborated with Ateliers Jean Nouvel to design the signage of the museum. Text is in three languages, Arabic, English and French, and implemented in both Arabic and Roman script.

Lebanese typographer Kristyan Sarkis created a bespoke Arabic typeface, Louvre Abu Dhabi Arabic, especially for the museum. This new typeface combines the classic Naskh style of Arabic calligraphy with Apeloig’s existing his Colvert Arabic font. For the Roman alphabet texts, Apeloig chose Frutiger LT typeface due to its clarity and readability for signage. The design of the pictograms responds to the museum’s architecture, particularly the abstract shapes created by the ‘rain of light’ filtering through the dome’s eight layers. Each pictogram is a combination of several of these shapes, creating silhouettes and objects. He also contributed to design the logotype. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The dome primarily acts as a shading canopy. The dome protects the buildings and outdoor plaza from the heat of the sun, improves comfort for visitors and reduces building energy consumption. This strategy allows visitors to circulate outdoors in a self-regulated ‘microclimate’ between the museum galleries, exhibitions, Children’s Museum, auditorium, open plaza, café and restaurant. Low-profile but effective passive energy systems naturally enhance the cooling of the buildings and optimize water usage. The design team has also employed passive design techniques to improve sheltered outside conditions. Visitors arriving at the museum and moving under the dome experience a gradual transition from an uncontrolled outside to a controlled inside environment. Passive design techniques use the natural form of buildings and inherent properties of materials to improve climatic conditions. Amongst the techniques that have been incorporated in the design are the following: – Solar shading effect of dome roof and self-shading of buildings. – Optimized roof perforations to allow daylight without excess solar gain. – Exposed thermal mass such as stone floor and cladding that can benefit from night time cooling. – Light-colored and reflective materials. – Highly insulated and air tight building envelope. – Highly efficient Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting and sanitary fittings. Together, these techniques achieve the following benefits: – 42% reduction in solar gain – 27.2% reduction in energy use – 27% reduction in water use Energy and water metering ensures resource efficiency, while leak detection flags any unintended water use.

Louvre Abu Dhabi’s design is targeting a LEED Silver rating and has achieved a 3 pearl Estidama Design Rating. FLOODING OF THE SITE At the beginning of the construction process, the museum was built within a dry dock. Construction of the dry dock began with the installation of a rock embankment, technically known as a revetment. This created a new, temporary coastline on the south-west corner of Saadiyat Island, which was then backfilled using sand pumped from the sea bed. Piles were then made from mixed-in-place concrete and inserted in an interlocking formation into the island’s bedrock. Together these a hydraulic cut-off wall to protect the structure from the sea. With the backfill drained, 503,000 cubic meters of sand were excavated. Then 4,500 piles were installed to form the museum’s foundations. This task was completed in 2010. In 2016, the first stage of integrating the sea with the site involved the shutdown of selected pumps. This allowed the water level to rise slowly around the museum’s basements located below the level of the seabed. During this process, the various shallow tidal pools which surround Louvre Abu Dhabi were filled with sea water. During the second stage the remaining pumps were shut down and sea water was pumped inside the temporary hydraulic cut offwall for six years. Continual inspections were carried out to ensure that no evidence of water ingress was detected within the basement structure. The third and final stage involved further pumping of sea water within the temporary walls and around Louvre Abu Dhabi, raising the water level to match the sea level. This was followed by the removal of the hydraulic cut-off wall and the final construction of permanent marine sea defences which complete the full integration of the sea with Louvre Abu Dhabi. The process of flooding the site was carried out in four carefully controlled stages and took approximately eight weeks to complete. WATERPROOFING The underside of the basement structure extends up to 10 meters below sea level. Waterproofing was a major design consideration. BuroHappold’s structural engineers designed a watertight concrete box structure surrounded by a double layer of re-injectable waterproof membrane. Further protection against corrosion of the embedded reinforcement is provided by an impressed current cathodic protection system.

WAVE BREAKING AND STORM PROOFING During the design process, BuroHappold’s marine engineers carried out extensive hydrological studies in collaboration with the wave simulation laboratories at Wallingford in the UK. Louvre Abu Dhabi is protected from the open sea by a number breakwaters, the designs for which were based on the Wallingford studies and which were constructed as part of the marine works sub-contract. Approximately 280 marine piles as well as concrete breakwaters, tidal pools and a specially designed ‘wearing wall’ system protect the museum from the effects of maritime traffic, the Gulf’s weather and any threats from the sea. The museum’s wearing wall is made from precast units of ultrahigh-performance concrete. Each unit is four meters high and weighs about 10 tones. The special concrete material protects the museum from the effects of waves and enables the units to resist outward bending forces. This is a key consideration during a receding tide when rapidly falling water pressure can create a suction-like effect on the museum’s cladding. The pedestrian plaza is set at four meters above mean sea level. It is equipped with closed balustrades to protect visitors from wave action during severe storms. LOUVRE ABU DHABI Location: Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE Architect: Ateliers Jean Nouvel Partner Architect: Hala WARDE (HW architecture – Paris, FR) Artistic Commission: Jenny Holzer, Giuseppe Penone Project Managers: Jean-François Bourdet, Stefan Zopp Construction: Damien Faraut, Athina Faraut Museography / FF&E: Anna Ugolini Design / Interior Design: Frédéric Imbert, Sabrina Letourneur Computer Renderings: Artefactory (Eric Anton), Jugulta Le Clerre (HW), Clément Oudin, Raphael Renard Graphic design: Rafaelle Ishkinazi, Clovis Vallois ENGINEERS: Concept Design: ARUP Schematic Design: BuroHappold, Transsolar Façades: Andrew Snalune Construction: BuroHappold CONSULTANTS: Museography: AJN / Renaud Pierard Graphic design, signage: Philippe Apeloig, Kristian Sarkis Lighting Design: 8’18” Scenography, multimedia: dUCKS scéno

Landscape: Michel Desvigne, Jean-Claude Hardy Interior Design: Eric Nespoulous / JND Acoustics: Studio DAP Cost Consultant: MDA Consulting Seismic: Setec Models: Jean-Louis Courtois Construction contractors: Joint venture between Arabtec Construction LLC, San Jose SA and Oger Abu Dhabi LLC MUSEUM BUILDINGS Total: 55 individual buildings Permanent Galleries: 26 individual buildings External building’s façade: 3,900 panels (20m2 average format) made of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). Built up Area: 97,000 m2 All Gallery Spaces: 8,600 m2 Permanent Galleries: 6,400 m2 Exhibitions: 2,000 m2 Children’s Museum: 200 m2 Auditorium: 420 m2 / 250 seats Programme: Permanent exhibition galleries, temporary exhibition galleries, children’s museum, auditorium, storage, conservation building, restoration workshops, public spaces, administration building, restaurant, café, boutique THE DOME IN FIGURES Diameter of the base of the dome: 180 meters Circumference: 565 meters Highest point of the dome: 40 meters above sea level and 36 meters above ground floor level Interior dome elevation: 29 meters above ground-floor level Number of permanent piers holding up the dome: 4 Total weight of the dome is 7,500 tones (weighing almost as much as the Eiffel Tower) which is broken down into the following: – Dome steel structure: 5,200 tonnes – Inner and outer cladding, perimeter rim: 2,000 tones – Gratings, walkways, mesh and misc. items: 300 tones Distance between the 4 permanent piers holding up the dome: 110 meters Total width of the dome: 7 meters with all the layers Distance between the layers: 80mm Number of ‘stars’ that form the dome’s eight layers of cladding: 7,850 Dimensions of largest ‘stars’: 13 meters in diameter and 1.3 tones in weight Total percentage of perforation of the dome: 1.8% KEY FIGURES FOR THE DOME CONSTRUCTION Number of super-sized elements that compose the dome: 85

Weight of each super-sized element: up to 50 tonnes The construction of the dome structure:10 months The construction of the dome: approximately two years Maximum number of workers constructing the dome at the same time: 800 KEY CONSTRUCTION FIGURES Number of scaffoldings used during construction: 120 Lifting weight capacity of super-sized cranes used on site: 1,600 tones Height of 1,600 tons-capacity crane: 230 meters Number of trucks used to transport the crane: 90 trucks The underground service tunnel that will connect Louvre Abu Dhabi, Zayed National Museum and Guggenheim Abu Dhabi: over 1 km in length Jean Nouvel, founder and director of Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Pritzker Prize laureate: “…After several years of studies and construction, guests will be able to enter this place of light, this revelatory meeting place of a number of planetary cultures beyond the seas and centuries. It is an architecture that is protective of its treasures, it is homage to the Arab city, to its poetry in geometry and light, and, under the large cupola, it is an evocation of the temporalities which inexorably punctuate the hours, days, and the passing of our lives.”


La Reserve Residences: in Harmony with Natural Environment (p. 68)


La Reserve Residences project represented by Swiss Property and 10 DESIGN won the prestigious Cityscape Global Award for Best Residential Mid to High Rise Project (Future) on 11 September 2017 at Dubai Conrad. With a vision to promote a wellbeing community, La Reserve Residences is set within a global health and wellness destination – Dubai Healthcare City Phase 2, the world’s largest healthcare free zone.

La Reserve Residences, totaling circa 40,000 sq. m. GFA, is composed of a pair of symmetrical twin buildings (B+G+11+Roof). The development provides holistic amenities from open terraces, outdoor activity areas and pedestrian trails, to running tracks, pools, gyms, and expansive greens for recreation. Construction is expected to be completed by Q4 2019. CONTEXT LA RESERVE will be located in Dubai Healthcare City Phase 2, Al Jaddaf Dubai. It will overlook Dubai Creek, Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, and the widest stretch of Dubai Water Canal. The unique site is cultivated by urban healthcare facilities and international schools nearby. Only a 10 minute drive to Downtown Dubai to the west, and the Dubai International Airport to the north, the site also provides quick access to the emerging Dubai Creek Harbour Development toward the east. The building mass was designed to create a harmonious relationship with the site. The building profile steps down towards each end to reduce the overall scale of the building and create larger roof terraces for the units. The mass is divided into two parts along the south side to create a ‘cascading’ zone of duplex units along the facade. This zone is expressed on the facade to identify a unique planning aspect of the building within, but most importantly, helps break down the overall scale of the building. The Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary is the development’s primary attraction located to the south. This biodiverse and protected wetland is home to a large species of birds, crustaceans, small mammals and fish, providing the residents of LA RESERVE with uninterrupted priceless views of the estuaries and lagoons against the dramatic backdrop of Downtown Dubai, which stretches out toward the west. The stepped mass of the buildings reduces the overall mass of the building to respect the flight paths of local birds. DESIGN Featuring 230 units, the development offers a unit mix of 1 to 4 bedrooms in both simplex and duplex typologies. Flanking the extremities of the towers are premium duplexes housed within a four storey zone, which are directly serviced by their own elevator lobbies from the basement. This unique mix of duplexes aesthetically enhances La Reserve Residences’ canvas, while offering greater value. – Duplex and large units on 1/F capitalize on large private terraces on G/F. – Duplexes at top of buildings steps allow large private roof terraces.






Dragon’s Power – in the Smart Shanghai Tower (p. 76)


The concept of the energy tower The Power Long was developed for Shanghai by RA+D team led by Professor of architecture Richard Moreta. The Power Long, Shanghai: “Drone-Car Tower” clean up air and river pollution while generating renewable energy. Welcome to the “Super Green Building”. – Duplexes within the middle of buildings maximize number of high end units. – Duplexes at the east and west ends enjoy an exclusive zone within the lower 4 floors. – Typical units are equally distributed across the south with views to wildlife. The garden and towers of LA RESERVE are woven into an integrated whole, forming an extraordinary natural environmental commune, perched at the apex of Dubai Creek. Organized around a large south facing central garden, the design takes inspiration from the surrounding oasis and desert wadis of the region. A large pool forms the focal point of the garden surrounded by a lush green planted edge. A jogging loop weaves its way through the two garden zones. Fitness is a key component of the development. Multiple workout stations are located along the fitness trail. Each building has a gym located adjacent to the pool. This lush green oasis-like center gently transitions into a xeriscape landscape along the peripheral edges of the property; the more desert like outer edge helping to highlight the garden heart and sustainably reducing irrigation requirements for the development. The biological terrain also allows air to naturally cool as it passes through the leaves of local flora, and over water bodies. The oasis garden flows up onto the twin towers in the form of large green terraces, establishing outdoor gathering spaces with expansive views of Dubai Creek. These floating garden spaces become the signature feature of the project, mimicked through the façade in the form of a river-like embodiment. Composed of a glass slot, the ‘river’ is pulled through the building and is organized as a series of duplex units running in parallel with the rooftop


duplexes above, and large scale single units and duplexes at the ground floor. SUSTAINABILITY LA RESERVE is designed to create a sustainable residential community, maximizing energy savings. The project responds to the distinct climate of Dubai, and strives to elongate the comfortable conditions of the year. Façade – Forming the dynamic façade of the towers, solid horizontal bands that encompass balconies for private outdoor seating, also performs the function of extended eaves providing solar shading to the building. Together with doubleglazed assemblies with high performance glass, the façade design helps to passively keep the towers cool and reduce solar glare. Wind Analysis – North-West Wind: Residential area is fully ventilated with buildings optimally spaced out for free wind flow. South – East Wind: S-Shaped buildings layout allows turbulent wind flow, improving ventilation throughout the site and residential units. Solar Analysis – Buildings are mostly oriented along the EastWest Axis, minimizing overheating on facades while also optimizing views towards the city and river. MLP scheme establishes proximity between buildings to take advantage of overshadowing and minimizing the amount of solar exposure on facades. The creation of a duplex typology improves outdoor conditions, allocating shaded private garden and swimming pool to each duplex. Sharp corners and broken balcony lines facing dominant wind directions allow higher pressure difference from one corner to another, creating more important air velocity fluctuations, meaning better ventilation at any level. The cre-

ation of a duplex typology highly improves outdoor ventilation with wind channeling between duplex and underneath the “raised” apartment blocks. La Reserve Residences promotes a healthy living community which addresses today’s lifestyle challenges and enables residents to enjoy an elevated quality of life. LA RESERVE RESIDENCES Location: Dubai, UAE Client: Swiss Property Site Area: 20,955 sqm Design Team: Ted Givens, Design Partner, Barry Shapiro, Partner Site Area: 20,955 sq. m. GFA: 36,198 sq. m. (above ground) Number of Storeys: 12 Number of Residential Units: 230 Scheduled completion: 2019 Chris Jones, Partner at 10 DESIGN commented on the award: “Our experience in the design and delivery of residential developments throughout the MENA enables us to create not only comfortable and smart living spaces but also a healthy living community which addresses today’s lifestyle challenges and enables residents to enjoy an elevated quality of life.” Ted Givens, Design Partner at 10 DESIGN said: “The development creates a bold terraced landscape offering expansive views out over the Dubai Creek. The buildings are nestled into the heart of an expansive bucolic oasis. A large pool defines the center of the garden surrounded by a lush green planted edge, with a jogging loop weaving its way through the wellness focused landscape. The garden textures are pulled up over the buildings fusing the architecture

with nature. The terracing is amplified by a series of duplex units that sweep though the center of the twin towers forming a glass arc across the facades, symbolizing water flowing through the landscape.” Barry Shapiro, Partner at 10 DESIGN added: “Featuring 230 units, La Reserve Residences offers a unit mix of 1 to 4 bedrooms in both single floor and duplex typologies. The unit distribution is strategically arranged to capture the most value for our client’s investment. The building profile steps down towards each end to reduce the overall scale of the building and at the same time create duplex penthouses. In addition, the mass is divided into two parts to create a ‘cascading’ zone of duplex units along the southern facade. This unique mix of duplexes aesthetically enhances La Reserve’s canvas, while offering great value.” ABOUT 10 DESIGN 10 DESIGN is a leading international partnership of Architects, Urbanists, Landscape Designers, and CGI Specialists. In 2017, La Reserve Residences has won the prestigious Cityscape Global Award for Best Residential Mid to High Rise Project (Future) at Dubai Conrad. In 2014, 10 DESIGN’s Ashjar at Al Barari in Dubai also won the Cityscape Award for Future Residential Low Rise. Set within the same Al Barari masterplan is Seventh Heaven which is also conceived by 10 DESIGN. Following this is the much anticipated construction completion of Bluewaters Residences in Dubai, home to the largest observation wheel in the world. 10 DESIGN is lead design architect and as well as interior designer for this exciting project.

It’s already a reality: Drone cars have been in experimental tries, and they’re going to change how we shape our lives. So, architect and urban designer Richard Moreta has come with the “Drone Car Tower” concept (first conceived by RA+D was the Moscow Tower in 2015 with a similar concept), to respond to the future demand that our cities will have and as he explain: Changing the Traditional Master Plan bi-dimensional lay out, for a new tridimensional Vertical Master Plan of Urban planning. Already the crown jewel of the United Arab Emirates gets to claim bragging rights as the first city to unleash flying passenger drones, and also officials in Nevada are seeking the FAA’s approval on flying passenger drones, so it looks like we are going to have this product sooner than expected. A ‘drone-ready’ condo tower for Shanghai has been already designed by the TEAM RA+D – and it’s construction maybe will be faster than we think. The Drone Car Tower, that looks like a futuristic condo building, is an inhabitant monument that represent the “Chinese Dragon”, with landing pads along its vertical central core to accommodate Drone car pads. The location will be by the Huangpu River at the Pudong District, Shanghai. The Smart Super Green Building Shanghai, will be a new symbol to the City of Shanghai, the Power Long. Under a relatively low budget of USD 600 Million, its construction is projected between 2018–2020 in agreement with Pat Lin Managing Partner with Prestige Group of Companies, Singapore. Characteristic of the “Super Green Building”: 1. City Inhabitant Monument of Shanghai. This building is aimed to produce a subtle sense of Chinese beauty and spirituality with the

Dragon theme. It studies the relations between the symbol and dynamic community that develop around itself. 2. To decrease Shanghai’s traffic congestion, it will be the First Drone-Cars Docking Station and Parking along the building structure. 3. Vertical Forrest with the capacity to accommodate 50,000 trees and shrubs, plus 180 CO2 Extractors along its core. Turning the CO2 into Ionodize condense air and every hour expel the air from the chimney at the top with concentration clouds inform of clouds and with the LED spotlight create the effect of fire in the air, that will be expel in numbers every hour agree with the number of the hour at the moment, creating the first smoke and chromatic clock for the reference of the Shanghai community. 4. Recycling Water Plant. UV Disinfection for Wastewater will be thru ultraviolet (UV) disinfection treatment over chemical chlorine disinfection, as UV is safe, environmentally-friendly and costeffective. 5. Vertical Electrical Power Plant based on renewable energies Solar Power (along at the top of the Upper Podium), Wind Power (along its body), Hydrokinetic Power (at river installation) and Geothermic Power (underground at lower podium). 6. Water River Biology Laboratories. 7. New Park and “Botanic Garden Four Seasons” with the re-creation in each season and its biosphere. 8. Multi Use Building for a convention center, commercial, hospitality and residential uses. 9. LIVE-WORK-TRAIN-FUN lifestyle installation for the Shanghai International Business Center. 10. Permaculture Field along the Vertical Garden will be the technic to implement at its hanging gardens. You wouldn’t need to buy your own drone car, you’d simply order a ride with a taxi app and it will be at your balcony! Definitely, rigorous safety standards will be applied, both for the building as also for the increase in air traffic around other buildings. In the future, roller design corridors could slide down when a inbound vehicle is approaching. The future is here, and the Drone Car Tower is born! Arch. Richard Moreta from the Bauhaus University from Germany and with his RA+D TEAM, explained their vision for a New Skyscraper Super Green for modern China: “A Symbol in architecture is not only a part of the architecture itself, but also work as an inhabitant monument. This design is not only a symbolic to the traditional Chinese culture, but also a practice of new technologies attempting to high-

light super green building techniques in terms of time and space”. This high-rise is situated in the most prosperous economic center of Shanghai that is developing at an exponential speed. A new neo-traditional Chinese aesthetics emerge with the symbolic statement. This building is aimed to produce a subtle sense of Chinese beauty and spirituality with the Dragon theme. It studies the relations between the symbol and dynamic community that develop around itself. A twisting, smog-eating tower is projected for Shanghai China. Inside, it will hold 100 floors multiuse tower. This futuristic building is helping tackle air and water pollution – thanks to plants and water treatment installations. The skyscraper’s facade, roof, and balconies will contain 50,000 trees and shrubs – nearly the double amount found in New York’s Central Park. The plants are projected to absorb 520 tons of carbon dioxide per year. The 100,000-square-foot structure, a double-helix twisting 90-degrees from base to top, is modeled on a Dragon Shape. The tower will be a multiuse building. Residents will have a stunning view of Shanghai from their terraces. Other amenities will include a garage and a fitness center – both naturally ventilated and lit. WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Recycling water plant for the treatment of the floating garbage in our rivers and decontamination plant (oil separation) of our river water for provide potable water to the population of Shanghai and depollute the water that will transit thru the mega filter. The SMART POWER LONG at its river’s installations and equipment to will be able to collect and reprocess plastic that is often ingested by birds and fish causing their demise. A large fence will circle the structure underwater around his diameter to capture all the plastic that floats its way. The plastic will be recycled within the structure and processed into plastic to be able to clean our rivers and to be returned as a raw material to the industry as well as the wood, metal, textile and other debris collected. The project objective is to collect the garbage of river and purify its water through an ingenious system of mega-filters that work in this sequence: a) Separation of solids and distribution agree with recycling criteria. b) Water purification by extracting dangerous chemicals, potabilization process for local consumption (5%) and redistribution to the river (95%) after decontamination process. c) Recyclable waste is processed.

POWER LONG Power plant complex that would provide renewable energy to the city of SHANGHAI and it will likely begin with a 32 MW vertical wind power turbine plant at its tower, and under the river the residential-hotel-office facilities will have an installation of 50 current hydro kinetic power turbines in the river for the fast moving water, that will produce and additional 47 MW, capturing the power of the string of the river just as wind turbines capture energy from air movement. They had been conducted extensive research by environmental agencies to ensure that the turbines would not harm fish or aquatic life. The SMART POWER LONG is a new prototype for vertical master plan layout wind farms that could be a more efficient way in minimizing our footprint in the horizontal dimension in our planet, applying instead a “Vertical Master Plan” for future development than traditional farms that they have a negative impact in the quality of life and affecting the ecosystem due the among of river land that they take for theirs installation. It was designed as a solution to a series of problems that affect the community of Shanghai. The superficial area is the public area with residential-hotel-office tower multi use, offices, commercial and entertainment facilities. Attached to the modules structure, there are a series of modules or terraces that are used as geoponic greenhouses, solar panels and wind turbines are part essential in the energy production. The bottom part or root of the SMART POWER LONG is comprised for the underwater installations, and power station that harvests geothermal energy and includes a subterranean water purification plant. The SMART POWER LONG will be 100 percent sustainable building that will produce energy through wind, solar, geothermic and hydroelectric systems. A Premium on land multi use, residential-hoteloffice with superficial and under water installations, commercial center and residential quarters. PROFILE Richard Moreta, an American architect with extends experience doing architecture in 5 continents, is known for his greenery-filled buildings. Moreta’s other projects include a masterplan to revamp an industrial zone in Ciudad Station Central in Durango, Mexico as well as the Grand Cancun International, Smart Moscow Tower, Smart Grand Baku between other international projects. He sees the new tower as a small step toward a more sustainable future. The SMART POWER LONG will be the triumphant push to grow into the future,


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