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CONTENTS Airshows ILA-2014: aimed to achieve success

General Director Valeriy Stolnikov

in the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pending International Aviation

Deputy General Director Aleksey Leonkov

and Space Salon-2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Dmitry Drozdenko Chief Editor Vladimir Karnozov Redactors Evgueniy Lisanov

Global partnership Airbus in Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Russian weaponry still popular . . . . . 20

Vladimir Maksimovskiy Marketing Director Julia Voronova Iliya Kolikov Designers

Aircraft leasing Profitable growth for Ilyushin Finance Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Arthur Yegorov Aleksey Pirozhkov Timofey Babkin Associate Editor Translation Team Coordinator Ruslan Gubaidullin

Space activity New Russian Space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Constellation URSC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 LINES OF DEVELOPMENT

Photos in this issue Vladimir Karnozov, Marina Lystseva, open sources and courtesy of advertizing companies

of space activity Rocket and space corporation ‘Energia’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Circulation: 10000


The magazine is registered in the Committee for Press

MiG corporation prospects . . . . . . . 38

of the Russian Federation. Certificate № 016692 as of 20.10.1997. Certificate № 77-15450 as of 19.05.2003.


© AIR FLEET, 2014

Development is in progress . . . . . . . . 42

ADDRESS P.O. Box 77, Moscow, 125057, Russia Tel.: + 7 495 459 9072 Fax.: + 7 495 459 6042 E-mail:

Big boss talking Know-how leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46



aimed to achieve success in the future According to the collective opinion of both participants and onlookers, International Aerospace Exhibition and Conference ILA-2014 that took place in Berlin was quite operational and set not only on the colorful presentations and grand contracts but also on the confirmation of current projects and programs, the demonstration of firm presence on markets and marking the key vectors of development. The most striking was the scandal that happened on the 1st day of the exhibition, the organizers were quite embarrassed for that case to Russian participants. Even though, the exhibition begun with such an embarrassment, the shamefulness was not the main keynote of the ILA-2014. That was mainly because the Russian party did not foment a conflict. According to Russian participants, they went to Berlin with certain business aims that were accomplished. Turkey was the partner country of ILA-2014. It actively develops its aerospace industry aspiring to enter the elite of the world aviation industry.

ILA Berlin Air Show 2014 together with French Le Bourget, British Farnborough and Moscow MAKS is among the largest world air shows. The first air exhibition in Germany was held 105 years ago. In 30‑s of the XX century, the aeromechanics exhibitions were held widely. However, after World War II it was forbidden for Germany to develop the aircraft industry. In fact, one of the most advanced aircraft schools was destroyed. With great difficulties and huge financial expenses West Germans reconstructed local aircraft industry and in the end of the XX century even started to digest space technologies. After the joining of Western and Eastern parts of Germany the agenda was the revival of the Berlin airshow. Choosing the words more carefully, the rivals of Western Europe did not rejoice that fact. Nevertheless, Berlin ILA was held with Russian support. The historic case was a signed in 1994 agreement on the co-


operation between MAKS and ILA that gave the pulse of a sustained development of reviving the Berlin airshow. Ever since year after year ILA started to increase its ponderability and presentability. In 2004 it was signed an extra agreement of “Russia is a priority-oriented ILA partner”. This year ILA‑2014 on the space of 250 thousand square meters presented more than 300 civil and military-oriented aircraft including retro ones. According to organizer’s statistics, more than 1203 exhibitors from 40 countries took part in this airshow. No wonder that the largest exhibitor was Bundeswehr. ILA‑2014 paid great attention to space and drone issues. In this connection Russian space stands was a peculiar “flavor” of the airshow. Moreover, within the framework of ILA‑2014 was held the first international presentation of newestablished Russian United Rocket and Space Corporation (URSC) which in the

nearest future will integrate all Russian leading space enterprises. Among the exhibited ILA‑2014 novelties of global air industries was the Airbus A350XWB, its introduction into service is planned in the middle of this year, the Boeing 747–8 that is considered to be the longest passenger aircraft in the world and also Airbus E‑fan electric two-seat airplane that could gain momentum of 220 km/h by force of electronic batteries and is able to perform aerobatic figures. Besides, among the interesting exhibits in Berlin were the Boeing C‑17 Globemaster III and the Lockheed Martin C‑130 J Hercules military-transportation aircraft, as well as the Lockheed Martin F‑16 fighter, the Sikorsky UH‑60 Black Hawk and the AN‑64 Apach helicopters. All experts displayed a sincere interest to advanced PW1500G aircraft engine, presented on the MTU Company stand. According to the manufacturer, the fuel consumption of an engine is 15% less


than its predecessors as well as 15% reduction of exhaust fumes and 10% reduction of a noise. Within the frameworks of show program there were performed demonstration flights of Willfire‑2014 German Bundeswehr. 4 Tornado jet aircraft, 2 Eurofighter and 2 Northrop F‑5 fighters, 2 Sikorsky CH‑53 helicopters and the Airbus 310 MRTT military-transportation plane took part in it. Furthermore, Breitling aerobatic team for the first time appeared in the German sky on Aero L39 Albatros training planes and also Patrouille Suisse the famous Swiss squadron on the F‑5E Tiger II fighters with smoke tender units. Besides, there was an amusing air fight of 2 Tiger helicopters. Space aspect Stefan Grave the Head of the Berlin airshow said with peculiar honor about the ILA‑2014 space constituent part. According to him, the heightened attention to the space themes is the distinctive feature of the Berlin airshow because in competitive French Le Bourget and British Farnborough airshows such sphere was not so widely presented. In Berlin airshow about 15% of exposition was connected with the space, one third of the exhibition was the military equipment; the completion was the civil aviation. Even 15% of space themes are a very high rate. Besides, Russia took part in this sphere as nowhere else. By the way, one A I R   F L E E T


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Airshows Igor Chechikov, The United Industrial Corporation (OBORONPROM) Deputy Director General on foreign economic activity: “First of all, in Berlin we declared about two Russian sub companies, they are: United Engine Corporation and ‘Russian Helicopters’ corporation. Our target audience is our traditional partners mainly from Eastern Europe where Russian helicopter equipment is operated”. It was not planned to accomplish feats in Berlin, it was a conventional exhibition where we again wanted to present the structure of UEC and ‘Russian Helicopters’, to tell what enterprises are included and what production is manufactured there. Besides, in Berlin our side presented a number of new helicopters that are constructed with close collaboration with European companies. Particularly, it is the Mi-38 that will be in batch production in the near future. Also, we presented three engine types: SaM146, PD-14 and 117S”.

Arkadiy Gurtovoy, Experimental design bureau named after A. Yakovlev Deputy Director General: “We participate in ILA exhibitions since 1992, just after the exhibition renewal. Our relations with Germany are quite longstanding; we worked and work with “Airbus”. Irkutsk aircraft factory continues to manufacture separate components for A-320, the cooperation on new MS-21 helicopter program is also continuing. German enterprises take part in re-equipment of Irkutsk aircraft factory. This year “United Aircraft Corporation” presented Irkut and MiG corporations in Berlin. I suppose, that there were shown a great interest. I am sure that the active participation of Russian aircraft industry in ILA-2014have an effect”.авиационной промышленности в ILA-2014 года даст свои результаты».



of the most in-debate issues in ILA‑2014 lobbies was the question of Russian possible exit from International Space Station (ISS) program. The main trend of discussion was unique: it is necessary for politicians to find a decision that will help to maintain the ISS program in its current status-quo, inasmuch as Russian withdrawal could lead to its final closing. It was said that European countries negotiate with Russia for many years in the sphere of aerospace industry and expect the politically based finding of mutually beneficial continuation of their cooperation. In ILA‑2014 the whole pavilion #4 (with space of 1 500 m²) was allocated for space subjects. Among the largest exponents there were Russian Roscosmos and European Space Agency (ESA). According to organizers, all key European and German space projects including the most important satellite projects, sortie into space technologies, Universe research programs were presented there. A I R   F L E E T


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Awkward scandal Let’s turn to the first gay scandal. As mass media confirmed, ILA‑2014 organisers requested one of Russian Ruslans come to Berlin after its work in Afghanistan. Eventually it came and was the greatest exhibit item on ILA‑2014. However, it was emerged that Angela Merkel would open the exhibition on the back of the Russian airplane. Local officials were afraid of analogies and comparisons and demanded to displace Аn‑124–100 to the exhibition outskirts. In spite of the fact that such demand was quite strange (everything was coordinated in advance); Russian participants met the need of officials and displaced the plane. Moreover, that fact was the most quoted amid journalists of all countries, the most acrid remarks were passed by German mass-media. They incidentally focused attention on the fact that the Chancellor made a declamation on the background of the А‑380 and the А‑350 air liners. However, one of them was in the

Sergey Egorov, Electrostal ironworks OJSC Marketing Chief of Department “On Electrostal ironworks was created one of the best complexes of metal products deep processing in Europe. The consumers of our metal products are absolutely all Russian and Ukrainian engine manufacture enterprises. No one Russian aircraft flights without Electrostal plant metal. The purpose of our presence in ILA2014 is a search of new customers among leading European and world engine manufacture enterprises, more deep integration of our company to European economics. Even though our export is quite high and comes up to 20% from volume of production and goes to external marks. Germany, Italy, Eastern Europe and Ukraine are among permanent customers”. Восточная Европа, Украина».



Vladimir Barkovskiy, OJSC MiG Deputy Director General: “First of all, Berlin Air show is a European space for us. Due to large number of MiGs in Europe, mostly in Eastern Europe and not only there. Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and others actively use Mig-29 and MiG-21. MiG Corporation works for fighters flight performance maintenance almost in all projects. Regardless of the political situation it is worthwhile to work with manufacturer and developer of the aircrafts to provide safety exploitation, in this case it is MiG. In other words, nowadays the European Market is a MiG presence and exploitation zone”.


United Arab Emirates livery and other was in Qatar Air Company colouring. All in all, if German officials wanted analogies and comparisons they got its pennyworth. By the way, during the open speech Angela Merkel mentioned the high innovative potential of Turkish companies. Turkey was the partner country of ILA‑2014. Russia on ILA‑2014 As it was written by the world press, analysing the Berlin exhibition there was the paradox and awkward situation. The USA presses its European allies to strictly limit all negotiations with Russia. In turn, European business circles want the contrary that is to widen its connections especially in business sphere. However, they can-

not reject Washington instructions. Even though Angela Merkel did not mention Russia in the speech and Russian plane was taken away from cameras, ILA without Russian participation could not be considered as a full-fledged exhibition, only a European get-together. The joint Russian exposition of Roscosmos, United Aircraft Corporation, Russian Helicopters, United Engine Corporation was quite interesting in matter but unusually empty in comparison with ILA. It was a result of a political situation. Although some specialists came to the stand and there was a huge interest from common audience. For example, debates in a chalet of JSC ‘Information satellite systems’ the leading Russian enterprise named after M. Reshetnev were carried out from morn-

Airshows Vladimir Shirokov, JSC “MOTOR SICH” marketing Director “We participate in ILA international exhibition more than 10 years. This is a very comfortable space for negotiation with current European partners, to declare ourselves and present our production to potential customers. We actively work with European countries, we purchase our production to 12 countries. Today the quote of goods and services for European Union countries in the structure of enterprise production compose about 4-5% and we aimed to increase it. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria are among the partner countries”. ing till night. Svetlana Bashkova, the Head of the Communication Management Office of the enterprise said that the President of one of the leading European corporations specially came from Paris to Berlin to conduct an hour of negotiations with Nikolay Testoyedov, the Head of “Information satellite systems” enterprise. European partners esteem that company from Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk region) not only for purchasing its production but also for the help of Russian specialists to construct satellites. Siberian Engineering school is considered to be one of the best in the world. Within the framework of ILA‑2014 this enterprise signed an agreement with Airbus on further cooperation. The fact of the agreement signing is quite revealing. Dr. Thomas Wisenberg, the Deputy Director of German Space Agency, expressed its assurance that the cooperation in the sphere of high space technologies should be continued. In spite of the sanctions and some official boycott, it was found a chance to grandly celebrate two anniversaries: 20 years of ILA and MAKS air shows cooperation and 10 years of undertaking the agreement that Russia is a priority-oriented partner. Moreover, the initiator of a celebration was a direction of Berlin airshow. ILA organisers realise that the exhibition of aeronautic and space technologies in Berlin could maintain the international status only in case of Russian participation. A I R   F L E E T


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This time Russia did not bring manned flying vehicles to Berlin. And all first days the ILA‑2014 flight program began with amazing aerobatics of Poland AF MiG‑29. On the inner side of the Poland aircraft tail fin were painted portraits of heroes dead in fights with Germans in World War II. Also, there were inscribed names of heroes and life years. Such visual memory is really appealing. Czech Air Forces exhibited a number of the Mi‑8 and the Mi‑24V. One of the Mi‑8 aircraft was decorated with a Siberian tiger picture.

ILA‑2104 Air Show came to an end with two days of mass visits. One of the pavilions aimed solely on business audience terminated its activity but others continued their activity. It is worthwhile to mention that even in these days Russian stands were full of visitors. Common Berlins looked with great interest on our missiles, satellites, models of the MiG‑29 our best frontline fighter and new Yak‑130 training-fighting aircraft. A lot of people were fond of civil Superjet.  Valeriy Stolnikov, Berlin- Moscow



Pending International

Aviation and Space Salon-2015 Nikolay Zanegin: “Aviation and Space Salon at Zhukovsky is as a matter of fact a calling mark of Russia as a great aviation and space power”

Tu-144 at Maks-2007

Russian Space Shuttle Buran at MAKS-1999 On August 25, 2015 in near-Moscow town of Zhukovsky there is going to be regular 12th International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS) opened. The show is held under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation. MAKS is arranged by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Rostec State Corporation. The show is sponsored by Aviasalon, JSC. MAKS has traveled quite a long way and today holds one of the highest positions among largest world aviation fora. Deputy Director General of Aviasalon, JSC Nikolay Zanegin has told us about MAKS’s historical aspects, its unique character and future plans.



Q. Nikolay, there is perhaps no need to introduce MAKS… — Certainly. MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon has been telling its own tale for a long time now. All professionals in the world know perfectly well about it. Furthermore all crème de la crème of world aircraft industry repeatedly visited Zhukovsky and will come here again. There is no question about it. MAKS is one of the world's leading aviation and space exhibition areas providing comprehensive vision of priorities and achievements of aerospace complex not only in Russia but other countries. At the same time MAKS is the only show where one can see Russian prototype aircraft and weapon systems, experimental apparatus which for a variety of reasons cannot be shown abroad. Q. What do you think is the way the aviation show travels and what is its development concept? — So far eleven MAKS shows have been held and each of them left its mark in aviation and cosmonautics. Each of the previous shows introduced novelties by Russian aviation, space and defense complex including promising air planes, helicopters, rockets, avionics and research and development. MAKS’s efficiency is evaluated not only by quantity of agreements signed. Zhukovsky aerospace show is as a matter of fact a calling mark of Russia as a great aviation and space power. To know the way MAKS travels one should first define a starting point to get its history reviewed from. First of all we should recall all MAKS shows, see the corner-stones, the things that went without problems and points which required some improvement to be made; which ideas happened to be fruitful and what at first looked successful and right but for a variety of reasons took no effect. Q. Then let us start from the first MAKS shows. What were they? — As to the first MAKS shows I would call this stage a period of euphoria and high hopes. It concerned not only the show. Those times were specific. At that it were not only Russian participants who had the sense of euphoria but foreigners first of all. A I R   F L E E T


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It can be simply explained. In the past almost all Russian air and space industry and defense complex as a whole were completely closed. As a matter of fact there was no information about its products. None of foreigners saw them, except for some from a distance of 300 meters at a ceremonial parade. And

suddenly it all was revealed. It was possible to see nearby and touch Russian rockets, aircraft, air defense systems etc., peep into a nozzle and so on. Then western experts had a colossal interest in MAKS and everything that was exhibited. For example, one can imagine the commotion when at Zhukovsky show Russian



VM-T Atlant at MAKS-2005

Putin at MAKS-2007 opening ceremony

Russian Air Force MiG-25 at MAKS-2003

Sukhoi advanced civil aeroplane SU-80

cruise missiles were shown for the first time which could not be seen by anybody before. As a result foreigners saw at first hand that the potential of Russian aircraft manufacturing and defense industry with advances made back in Soviet times was really huge. MAKS became the main and at first the only area to clearly demonstrate it. Secondly, both Russian and foreign participants of Zhukovsky show were much interested in search for potential partners. Since today a production of new air and rocket type standard costs so much that hardly anybody can make it alone, even when it comes to a country. It is no secret that US alone created the F-22 ‘Raptor’ and broke their backs while implementing this project. World’s media sources have repeatedly written about it. Following which US President alongside with corporate managers traveled around dozens of countries to establish cooperation for F-35 aircraft. Since developments which had cost millions before and later their cost rose up to tens of millions, now cost hundreds


millions or even billions. Such projects can be managed only by means of big international cooperation. During the first MAKS shows there were high hopes for international cooperation where Russian enterprises, technologies and grounworks could find their niche. Q. To what extent successful were finally international agreements and contracts signed at first shows in Zhukovsky? — N.E. Zhukovsky Central Aero hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) in its time reviewed these documents execution. It emerged that among dozens of joint projects which had been much described in the past the very few were successful. There were different reasons for that. Russia was undergoing the hardest stage of Perestroika, i.e. transition to so-called market system. Certainly, under shocking therapy conditions majority of projects simply could not have been implemented not least because any project or any cooperation means joint investments.

Back then any consistent funding was out of the question. Then what attracted foreign participants to the first MAKS shows? Wish to occupy certain niches in Russian aerospace sector and become one of the creators of new equipment. An example of such participation is Sukhoi Superjet, where, as is wellknown, about 80% of cost accrues to foreign partners. Although it has been much criticized, the decision on the cooperation during a regional jet being created was proper. Even those problems involved in this project have taught our aircraft industry many things. And what is more, they taught us to work on joint projects, what to place our strategic stakes on, how to choose best partners, how to build up relations etc. As a result we have managed to create the aircraft… All pilots who flew Sukhoi Superjet, evaluate it as being very good. And passengers assure that it is not a penny the worse than 720, 318 or 727 air planes. At the same time the aircraft has its own new engine SaM146 being also a joint project,




Maks-2009 which made it possible to bring engine-manufacturing technological and experimental base up to date, have money invested in the industry and so on. Q. But this participation was profitable for them. There is no any benevolence… — Certainly. Therefore cooperation with Russian manufacturers was very attractive. And the third thing which attracted them was penetrating the civil aircraft market. Q. They succeeded in this regard… — Yes, they did. Today the main air fleet of Russian airlines consists of foreign-made aircraft. Q. By the way one can trace MAKS playing a role in all these projects… — MAKS, certainly, facilitated these contacts and contracts, helped attract attention and investments. It can be affirmed that MAKS has played its own certain role in all joint projects of Russian civil aircraft-manufacA I R   F L E E T


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turing industry. And it continues to do so like leading air shows of the world. Moreover MAKS has one more very important component. Our air show has continuously demonstrated that aircraftmanufacturing industry in our country is alive. MAKS show, as you know, has been always opened by the country leaders. This was a kind of confirmation that Russia had been, was, would be and should have been a great aviation power. Q. What do you think is MAKS’s distinctive feature in the context of other world’s aerospace shows? — MAKS like any other similar event consists of three components; they are business, exhibition and demonstration. One of the key concepts of Zhukovsky show is to demonstrate Russian high technologies and internal market openness to joint projects using advanced achievements of foreign partners. A considerable part of MAKS program is taken by conferences and symposia being

held on the highest level. But when it comes to something very special I suppose this is the third component. Zhukovsky aerospace show certainly leads the world in flight shows, mostly thanks to being held at M.M. Gromov Flight Research Institute area which is much familiar with flight regulations and safety requirements. Q. Is it a crucial point? — Yes, it is! We are thankful that MAKS unlike anywhere has an arranged flight system being completely safe just like during aircraft trials. Only here at MAKS, speed, flight altitude, speed vector direction of the aircraft performing flight demonstration and operational range are monitored on a real-time basis. Only MAKS has developed detailed flight instruction. There is no any other such eventful program and strict aviation safety in any airshow of the world like MAKS. So thanks to this MAKS program is absolutely complicated and spectacular. The





performances of our military planes and new aircraft play a key role in it. Q. Which exactly? — MAKS’s have been held parallel to appearance of thrust-vector-control (TVC) aircraft such as MiG-29OVT, Su-30MKI, Su-35… These aircraft made such complicated aerobatics that experts attending MAKS often could not understand how such controllability might be achieved. How can, for instance, and airplane stop in the air, stunt and perform tumbles which cannot be performed even by sporting airplanes at international competitions. This certainly affects the contract decisions being made. In addition the demonstration is a ballet in the skies and this is amazing. Q. Are you talking about aerobatic teams? — Including them too. We have a lot to be proud of in this regard. We are leaders among other air shows in terms of quantity of aerobatic teams. At the last MAKS show in 2013 we set up own Guinness record, i.e. one show had nine aerobatic teams flying. I suppose it will hardly be beaten. Aerobatic teams display not only air force capabilities of different countries but individual pilots as well. On the part of Russian armed forces there were presented at MAKS-2013 well-known teams: ‘Russkie Vityazi’ (Russian Knights), ‘Strizhi’ (Swifts), ‘Sokoly Rossii’ (Russian Falcons) ‘Berkuty’ (War Eagles). The team ‘Russ’ of Army, Aviation and Navy support NGO displayed the potential of aviation enthusiasts.


Maks-2011 The demonstration involved also a team of world champions ‘First Flight’, Swiss ‘Breitling’ being world’s number one among ‘Albatros’ pilots. Flight program of Chinese air force aerobatic team ‘1-st of August’ flying fourth generation fighters Chengdu J-10, first time abroad, has aroused public and experts’ interest. You know, when at Dubai airshow fly two aerobatic teams, the sponsors consider it a great piece of work. But when nine teams fly this is something very special. Nevertheless we had no single accidents. Unfortunately there was one tragedy during preparation stage. We lost the leader of ‘Russkie Vityazi’ team Igor Tkachenko. Finally, here is one more important point which seemingly lies beyond business. Any

country and people in fact need festivities. MAKS has surely become a nationwide aviation festivity. International air show in Zhukovsky is a top-performer in terms of attendance. MAKS is attended by up to 800 thousand visitors. It is a huge number! After all it may make future generations get busy in industry which creates such outstanding aircraft and become pilots to control these aircraft. By the way there is one more important MAKS’s feature which could be seen perhaps at ILA air show in Berlin as well. If you walk around ILA or MAKS pavilions you can see a lot of students there. These air shows like no other pay very much attention to youth programs. There youth-oriented pavilions are installed. At MAKS youth and children



Maks-2011 Q. Will there be any significant corrections made during preparation of the next air show at Zhukovsky? — Aviasalon, JSC being MAKS sponsor is sure to foresee the further development of the air show as an important tool of Russia being integrated to the world aerospace community and increasing internal and external cooperative relations. MAKS preparation and execution scheme has shown much enough and proven its sustainability. Therefore in the future the pattern of Zhukovsky air show is going to remain the same in general terms.

Maks-2011 program involves three age brackets from the youngest children to students. We pay very much attention to these youth programs that is seemingly non-traditional for the commercial event like the air show. This is also answering the question why the show is something special as foreigners say, highlighting its wide range first of all. This range includes business areas, air show, exhibition stands, working with young people etc. It is a large-scale activity. Q. Based upon the previous MAKS shows can you define the vector of future development? —With lessons and results of the past taken into account it is clear where to move further. It is absolutely obvious that in the future the A I R   F L E E T


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main concept of MAKS is going to remain national achievements, products and developments being presented. Russian production companies, design offices, research and development institutes, related enterprises, service agencies and others are still considering MAKS as the main area to introduce internationally their capacities, solutions and proposals. At MAKS and other air shows Russian manufacturers while having discussions with potential customers and buyers gained enough experience to present successfully their technologies and developments in professional manner. We learnt how to build up normal relations even in military area being very sensitive. One of the examples is BrahMos project.

Q. Do you think there the political situation has an adverse effect on next MAKS? — Even now we see that regardless of foreign policy situation and all possible ‘games of sanctions’ the next MAKS-2015 will be held at usual high level. Companies working with Russian aircraft industry say they will continue developing all joint projects. That is why we believe MAKS-2015 will be attended by not less companies than during the previous shows. Q. What aspects are going to be paid special attention to at MAKS-2015? — Now one of the main industry’s problems is not insufficient funds as it was during fledging years of the air salon but a necessity in highly professional team to execute each project, sectoral line. There are top-ranked specialists in Russia. But they should have teams of newcomers beside them. Unfortunately we lost much during Perestroika years. Therefore personnel training today is being paid plenty of attention to.



Maks-2011 Q. What can you say about would-be parameters of MAKS-2015? —MAKS pavilions area will gradually increase. The issue of a step by step replacement of the existing pavilions with newer ones is now being considered. There is every likelihood MAKS-2015 will be attended by not less participants than in 2013. In this regard there is one question we always raise. German Ministry of Economy has been always helping its companies participating in world largest exhibitions including MAKS. State-given funds are sometimes equal to 70% from the cost of participation! In our country, unfortunately, we can only dream of such assistance to enterprises. Moreover, when it comes to MAKS which gives a chance to Russian enterprises to establish multi-level contacts, create and further develop production cooperation and search for new business partners. The role of the air show as a generator of new alliances and fruitful ideas has been recognized worldwide. MAKS offers Russian manufacturers real possibilities in export, cooperation, investors search and so on. This is indeed a big state affair. 




Maks-2011 T-50 at Maks-2013

MAKS-2013 major results MAKS-2013 had over thousand companies represented including 287 foreign exhibitors from 44 countries among which were such world giants as Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, Siemens and others. The air show exhibits were deployed over an area of 19 385 sq. meters (indoor pavilions) and 7 352 sq. meters (outdoor sites). Besides, there were 97cottages with a total area of 9 300 sq. meters and a 140 000 sq. meters station. MAKS-2013 set up a record of scale of commercial activities. During the show leading companies have undersigned aircraft and component delivery contracts, memorandums of intentions and agreements for an overall amount of over $21.2 bln, significantly exceeding 2011 figures. Great number of bargains was made by Russian aircraft-manufacturers to deliver civil aircraft. In particular, the MS-21 stock of orders has added 82 vehicles; the Sukhoi Superjet-100 added 96 vehicles. The total price of the bargains exceeded $9 bln. In addition United Aircraft Corporation agreements with Russian Defense Ministry to maintain airworthiness are worth approximately $3 bln. Agreements of intention to purchase 100 Bombardier Q400 NextGen airplanes were signed by two Russian leasing companies. The bargains are worth $3.4 bln. Leasing companies have also significantly added to their portfolios. VEB-leasing and Ilyushin Finance Co (investment financial company) and air companies signed contracts and memorandums of intentions involving 32 MS-21, 6 SSJ-100 and 15 Tu-204SM (extra 5 airplanes as an option) for a total amount of over A I R   F L E E T


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$3.8 bln. Investment financial company has also undersigned number of agreements for the An-148/-158, Bombardier CS300 and Bombardier Q400 NextGen to be delivered. Totally in the air and at the station at MAKS-2013 there were presented 256 flying vehicles, among them 49 made by foreign companies. 116 aircraft flew over Zhukovsky including 60 airplanes and helicopters belonging to 9 aerobatic teams. 176 aircraft were shown at the station. Among Russian latest vehicles at MAKS-2013 much interest was aroused in the heavy Il-76MD-90А military transport, regional jet Sukhoi Superjet-100LR, helicopters the Mi-171А2, the Ка-62 powered by Turbomeca engines, the Mi-38 powered by ТВ7-117 engines. Public had much interest in the world biggest Airbus A380. MAKS-2013 official business program involved 70 events including International Aviation Congress held for the first time, research and practice conferences, seminars and round tables part of which involved international companies as well as presentations of various aircraft-manufacturing, aviation history and social sciences projects and programs. The business program has been attended by over 4 500 experts. The Show was covered by 3.5 thousand journalists from over 900 Russian and foreign media sources. Total number of visitors exceeded 350 thousand persons. During first three days the show was visited by about 70 thousand experts.


Global partnership

Airbus in Russia

How to maintain and successfully develop the global partnership

Whilst stormy debates over possible economic sanctions related to Russia are taking place in the West, the representatives of Boeing, Airbus and ABB Group companies confirmed during the meeting with the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov, their readiness to continue cooperation with Russian partner-companies. The cooperation between Airbus and Russian companies has a more than 20 years history. Therefore, this activity has a significant importance for both sides.

At the meeting with Mr. Manturov, which took place within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) Jean-Pierre Talamoni, the Chief Executive Officer of the Airbus Group International confirmed the company’s readiness to develop in cooperation with Russian partners not only ongoing projects but also upcoming ones. Moreover, almost


all leading foreign companies display their readiness for the same cooperation. “Meetings with representatives of the leading Western companies have demonstrated that common-sense prevailed, and the long-term interests of the business overweighed the here-and-now political trends”, – pointed out Denis Manturov. “The partnership between Western and

Russian companies has been built-up for decades. Thus, everyone understands that to break these ties would be a great mistake”, – he added. Besides, in general the history and development of cooperation between Russia and Airbus company is worthy of special attention. For example, nowadays the main supplier of titanium for Airbus is Russian VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, which in turn is an integrated part of Rostec Corporation. The Russian Corporation provides 60% of the European needs in titanium. VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation manufactures and delivers titanium moldings for all Airbus aircrafts including А320neo, А350 XWB and А380. At the same time it should be mentioned that spare-parts for А380 landing gears are not produced anywhere else in the world. Besides, VSMPOAVISMA Corporation provides 40% of the Boeing needs in titanium. However, titanium is not the main subject. Russia is a principled strategic partner for Airbus both in commercial and industrial matters. This country has rich experience in aerospace industry, and it is

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one of the largest markets for civil aviation. So, let’s start from Airbus history and projects in Russia. Rapid advance In 1995 Airbus has opened its Moscow office aimed to solve a wide range of issues – from aircraft purchase and marketing to after-sales maintenance and repair, as well as implementation of cooperation programs with Russian industry. In 2003, in Moscow was established ECAR engineer center, which became the first design bureau created by Airbus in Europe outside the company’s area of activity. Engineer center is fully integrated into its manufacturing activity. Effective cooperation of Airbus with Russian air companies began in 1991. Just then the wide-body А310 became the first Western aircraft obtained Russian certificate and operated by Aeroflot Company. Aircraft replacement is carrying out constantly. So, during the last 5 years the number of Airbus airliners in Russian air companies increased twice and reached more than 270 aircraft. Nowadays Aeroflot Company is the largest operator of Airbus in Russia. Currently the company’s air fleet includes more than 110 aircraft. Other significant event of the last years became signing of contracts with Transaero and UT-Air companies, which traditionally considered as Boeing operators. So, UT-Air Company has signed the largest in Russia single contract on purchase of 20 А321 aircraft. At the same time Transaero Company became the first Russian contractor for the А380 and NEO aircraft after signing of contract on delivery of 4 А380 and 8 А320 NEO aircraft. The Airbus fleet in Russia mainly consists of А320 air liners. These aircraft are used by 10 air companies, which provide schedule and charter services. It characterizes the А320 aircraft family by unique adaptability to requirements of individual company, as well as flexibility to operation at wide airline network with respect to maximum profit gaining. Thus, 6 of 10 leading air companies – Aeroflot, S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines, Rossiya, UT-Air and Nordwind chose the А320 aircraft for their business activity. A I R   F L E E T


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Besides, Aeroflot Company has chosen the А330 aircraft in order to develop its long-distance airline network. High rate of fuel efficiency and operational reliability of the А330 aircraft, as well as maximum rate of unification with existed А320 air fleet allows to minimize the expenses for training of flight and technical staff. It is expected that in the coming years the Airbus fleet in Russia will continue to grow. The bulk of delivered air liners will comprise all types of Airbus aircraft including the А320NEO, double-decked А380, and next-generation А350 XWB characterized by high-efficiency. Large-scale cooperation For many decades Airbus successfully develops international cooperation with Russian aircraft industry; and both sides demonstrate the desire to build long-term and mutually beneficial partnership. During 20 years of joint work with Russian companies Airbus has developed a unique cooperation program, which includes all stages of aircraft development – from design to delivery of materials and production of components. Such a balanced approach to development of cooperation, which has no analogues at present day, promotes better integration of Russian and European industries. For many years Russian scientists and engineers make a significant contribution into development and improvement of Airbus aircrafts. The main partners of Airbus in the country are the following Russian leading research and development organizations – Russian Academy of Sciences, Central Aero hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM), All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), National Institute of Aviation Technologies (NIAT), the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), the Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University. As of today, Airbus has implemented more than 120 projects with participation of 1 000 Russian specialists. Joint projects were related to aerodynamics, advanced materials, manufacturing process, advanced design layout of airframe, uncon-

Denis Manturov

Jean-Pierre Talamoni ventional aircraft designs and mathematic modeling. Research findings were successfully used in some of company’s programs, such as the А380 and А350 XWB. Besides, it is expected that MACROS innovative software package, developed by Russian DATADVANCE Company will be used on Airbus aircraft. MACROS software allows to cut time for design works, as well as decrease the cost of works by 10%. ECAR in Moscow A special place in the history of cooperation belongs to Engineering Centre of Airbus in Russia. The ECAR engineering center was established in Moscow in


Global partnership А320

Sharklet Retrofit

March, 2013 as a joint venture of Airbus and Kaskol group of companies. Currently more than 200 specialists work on this venture. All of them are completely integrated in activity of Airbus Design Bureau. Russian specialists have already implemented more than 70 projects related to А320, А330/А340 and А380 programs. ECAR activity includes such important works as design of Airbus aircraft load-carrying structure and systems, the calculations of statistics and fatigue strength, resistance to damage, and serial production support. Participation of Russian engineers in current and perspective programs of Airbus Company allows to gain a unique experience, as well to improve qualification and make a contribution in aircraft-building industry. The ECAR actively participates in program for the installation of Sharklets fuel-saving devices on the А320 aircraft. In particular, Russian engineers have implemented design works, strength and fatigue


calculations of the А320 fuselage including its center-section, which is considering as one of the most complicated engineering elements. At present time the Center implements the same volume of works related to Sharklet Retrofit, which will allow to install the above mentioned devices on the А320 aircrafts. Under the A320NEO program specialists of ECAR provide calculations of centersection and fuselage with respect to its strength, as well as design and analyze the durability of fuselage systems. Besides, the Center participates in new project related to upgrading of the A321NEO Cabin Flex. It is a version of the A321NEO with increased PAX capacity (236 passengers). ECAR also actively participates in development of new-generation aircraft – the А350 XWB. Russian engineers provide design works related to longitudinal and orbital joints of the А350-900 fuselage panels, loading deck, cabin interior and systems installation modules including all

required calculations regarding reliability, as well as issue of certification reports. Made in Russia Nowadays Airbus is the only Western aircraft-building company, which orders some aircraft components from Russia. Russian aircraft companies actively participate in production of composite aggregates and units for А320, А380, А330/А340, and A350 XWB aircraft. So, within the framework of long-term contracts related to А320 program Airbus placed a number of bulky orders on Russian enterprises. The main partner in these projects is Irkut Corporation, which provides manufacture of NLG compartments,

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VSMPO-AVISMA vertical stabilizer pylons and flap rails. In August, 2013 at MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon Irkut Corporation has transferred the 500th NLG compartment for the А320 aircraft. Voronezh Aircraft Production Association (VASO) produces engine strut components for the А320. Currently every third aircraft of the А320-type is equipped with components produced by Russian enterprises. Besides that, Hamilton Standard-Nauka Company produces heat exchangercondensers for the А380 aircraft air preparation systems, as well as Gidromash Company produces flight control systems’ valve boxes for the A380, cases and driving cylinder rods for the А350 XWB. A I R   F L E E T


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As it was mentioned before, the Airbus key partner in titanium deliveries is Russian Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA, which provides more than 60% of company’s needs. Cooperation between two companies began in1990’s, when the first contracts on delivery of raw materials have been signed. Later the list of ordered items has changed significantly and included completed components with increased extra cost. Currently VSMPO-AVISMA delivers titanium moldings for all types of Airbus aircraft including the А320NEO, А350 XWB and А380. Russian titanium is effectively using for manufacture of the most important components of the aircraft, which may be affected most of all – gear legs, engine and wing

pylon elements. In 2009 Airbus Group (the former Airbus/EADS) signed with VSMPOAVISMA the largest and the most long-term (till 2020) contract in the history of cooperation between two companies. Another significant step on the way of mutual cooperation strengthening was the signing of agreement between Airbus and VSMPO-AVISMA in August, 2013 at MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon. Under the Agreement, VSMPOAVISMA and Airbus agreed to develop advanced titanium alloys, mechanical tooling of titanium items, widening of ordered materials list, and consider the possibility of titanium alloys reprocessing at VSMPO-AVISMA.


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Russian weaponry still popular During 2013 Russia delivered weapons to sixty five countries for a total of 15.7 billion dollars. According to his statistics, the United States was responsible for 29%, Russia 27%, Germany 7%, China 6% and France 5%. Speaking on the issue, Vladimir Putin said that Russia “remains one of the global market leaders, and keeps second place by the volume of shipments”. Last year, the export of Russian wares and services relating to the military technical cooperation rose by 3%, and exceeded US dollar 15.7 billion. “This is a bit higher than in 2012”, the Russian president stated.

The bulk of the Russian armament goes to foreign customers through Rosoboronexport, a dedicated governmental company dealing with arms exports. This vendor generated 80% of the grand total figure for 2013. Rosoboronexport interacts with more than 700 enterprises of the national military industrial complex and sells wares to over seventy countries round the globe. The share of equipment for air forces accounts for 38.3% of all shipments, and that for air defense 26.2%. The naval equipment share is 17%, and that for the army 14.2%. Rosoboronexport director general Anatoly Isaikin says that last year his organization set another record. It delivered weapons worth 13.2 billion dollars. In the period between the years of 2001 and 2013, the figure rose fourfold. The wide geography Russian developers and manufacturers took part in 24 international expositions and signed new contracts worth 18 billion


dollars. The grand total of the export arms backlog reached the record level, exceeding US dollar 49 million. In the course of 2013, various agreements regarding the military technical cooperation were signed with 89 nations. The geography of deliveries largely remained the same. China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Venezuela and Algeria have been the largest importers. Isaikin says that roughly the six takes 75% of all Russian arms exports. As of December 2013, the backlog of orders clinched by Rosoboronexport amounted to US dollar 38 billion. There are interesting developments between China and Russia. The trade and cooperation between the two big nations were boosted by the recent meetings of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. The new president of China is more prone to “Russian solutions” than his predecessor Hu Jintao. The Chinese air force and the navy air arm operate hundreds of Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 fighters. Over 300 original and

local copies are in PLAAF inventory. China continues taking additional Il-76 strategic airlifters from Russia in the form of overhauled aircraft taken from the secondary market. China also operates the S-300 series long-range surface-to-air missiles and locally manufactured long-range cruise missiles reverse engineered from the Soviet Kh-55. Recently agreed weapons sales with Russia include supply of S-400 surface-to-air missiles and Su-35 multirole fighters. Russian engines continue to come into China in big quantities. The AL-31F powers the Su-27/30 fighters as well as the indigenously developed J-10. The RD93 powers the FC-1 (JF-17) exportable light fighter and the J-21 (J-31) next-gen medium sized fighter. Although outdated, the D-30KP series turbofans continue to be supplied for the Il-76 airlifters and evolved Tu-16 (H-6) bombers. China relies heavily on Russian helicopters with hundreds of Mi-17 series in service and more coming off the UUAZ facto-

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ry in Ulan-Ude in a new version featuring a glass cockpit (similar to that first introduced on the Indian Mi-17V5 being supplied by Kazan Helicopters). It is interesting to note that the local industry takes the Mi-17 leading role for granted, not even attempting to create a competing design in this particular class. At the same time, it produces lighter and heavier helicopters in large quantities. Russia’s Kamov has been behind development of the Z-10 attack helicopter. One may guess that many other Chinese designs progressed well due to similar sorts of backing. Traditional customers Meeting between Iranian and Russian defense ministers in May this year ended up with their joint statement: “Russia and Iran will develop military and military-technical cooperation taking account of the current political situation in the world”. The Iranian armed forces operate a number of modern Russian air defense radars, naval strike weapons and precision-guided munitions. MiG-29 fighters, medium range surface to air systems are also there, including a customized Buk-M2, as well as modernized Kub and [extended-range] S-200Vs. Moscow has recently acknowledged that Russian-supplied smart electronic systems enabled Persians to “land” into their territory some advanced US unmanned air vehicles. These include the Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel and the Boeing/Insitu Scan Eagle. These were disassembled for reverse engineering. As a sign of gratitude, Iranian air force chiefs “gifted” a local copy of the Searcher UAV to Russian air force commander Gen. Victor Bondarev when he was paying a visit to Tehran in the autumn of 2013. Later, the Russian air force academy announced that 62 cadets are undergoing training in handling the Israeli Searcher Mk. II (or its local copy, the Forpost) and Iranian-made Scan Eagle UAVs. Big arms deals have recently been arranged between Moscow and Baghdad. First news came last year, when Iraq announced buying Mi-35M assault helicopters. Some of these were delivered in late 2013 – early 2014. Since then these helicopters have been used against the warfA I R   F L E E T


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ighters of the radical Islamic movements. In early July Iraq received a number of Sukhoi Su-25 attack aircraft (urgently bought from Russia to withstand the big offence by the radicals in the Mosul and Tikrit areas) and the first batch of earlier contracted Mil Mi-28N Night Hunter anti-tank helicopters Both Mi-35 and Mi-28NE are manufactured by Rostvertol company which celebrates its 75 anniversary since foundation this month. Egypt has asked Russia for a number of new weapons systems including the MiG35, currently the most advanced product from the famed fighter. The importance of the sales into Iraq and Egypt is that these two countries once used to be big importers of Soviet military equipment, and are now customers again. Prospects for RAC MiG The Indian navy signed the act of acceptance of the Project 11430 aircraft carrier at Severodvinsk harbor in November last year. In January the ship reached the Indian coast and dropped anchor at Karwar naval station. The completion of the related 5 billion deal – the cost of INS Vikramaditya and her aviation assets - brightens up prospects for more sales into India. New Indian contracts are being pursued by RAC MiG. The corporation is already working on a number of Indian projects. Mid-life upgrade on about seventy air force aircraft into MiG-29UPG version is in high gear at the factories in Moscow and Lukhovitsy. The manufacturer also holds a contact on supply of 45 ship-borne MiG29K/KUBs. The one is more than halfway through. The Indian air force and the navy express satisfaction with the performance of new and upgraded MiGs. Successful MiG-29K/KUB operations in India prompted the Russian navy to order 24 such aircraft for itself. Last November RAC MiG delivered four aircraft to the local customer. Ten more shall be delivered in 2014 and same quantity in 2015. Meantime, RAC MiG has won a new local order. The one is for sixteen MiG29SMT single seat multirole fighters. These are due for delivery by the end of 2016. The deal is valued at Rouble 17 billion.

The Russian air force already operates 28 MiG-29SMT fighters acquired in 20092010. “These aircraft have gained a good reputation among the servicemen as they have a much expanded arsenal of guided munitions to be used against aerial and ground targets”, RAC MiG director general Sergei Korotkov commented. Commenting on the MiG-29SMT order, deputy defense minister Yuri Borisov said: “this order shall make the manufacturer feel more secure and look into the future with greater hopes… the order shall also provide a good starting point for setting up production of the newer aircraft such as the MiG-35”. Talks on shipment of about forty MiG35s for the Russian air force are ongoing. If they come to fruition, a production run of about a hundred such aircraft can be envisioned. This shall open “a new perspective” for the manufacturer and help the Russian air force to better balance its fleet by way of additional lightweight fighters. The MiG35 is a land-based derivative of the MiG29K/KUB deck fighter with the PhazotronNIIR Zhuk-MAE active phased array radar replacing mechanically-steered Zhuk-ME. Even though the MiG-35 is a very much potent multirole fighter with its AESA radar and many other advanced systems and

Anatoly Isaikin 21

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weapons, it is often competing with less advanced but cheap MiG-29s on the ground of costs. “Everybody now calculates how expensive the operations over the whole lifetime would be. The hardware itself must be attractive, but it becomes even more attractive in the case it comes in a complete package with aftersales support. The latter also requires funding. That’s why everybody is calculating what the overall costs would be”, says RAC MiG director general Sergei Korotkov. “Fighters serve for 3040 years. Hence with, calculations should be made for the whole duration of the lifetime expectancy. Low operational costs,


maintainability and the ability to absorb changes easily is the key to customer’s purse”, he adds. Instruments to support sales In order to boost sales of Russian weapons worldwide, Putin advises arms sellers to use modern financial instruments. These include credits on commercial terms and under sovereign guarantees, deliveries of arms as means of payment of outstanding state debts, various offset schemes and packaged after sales support. Russian president noted that the nation’s leading OEMs have been persistently developing activities

on after sales support and modernization of earlier delivered weapon systems in service with armed forces of foreign countries. Among popular trends, there is one for creation of joint ventures in the client countries. Putin said that the results of 2013 “have proved once again that Russia is capable of developing and manufacturing most complex and modern military hardware that completes well in the global market. It is important that we do not stand still but multiply our efforts on renovation of the industrial base, introduction of advanced technologies, expansion of the scope of scientific research and development programs”. Rosoboronexport has been listening. The recently renewed company’s strategy calls for annual income of 13-15 billion dollars. To maintain sales that high, Rosoboronexport intends to be more active in using credit schemes under which the client countries can procure the weapons they want in a hire purchase. Isaikin says that commercial credits have tended to be used more frequently, and shall be used wider in relation to poor Asian countries and the Black Africa. Government-to-government deals involving loans will continue to be used, but Isaikin believes commercial credits are more flexible and easier to arrange, since largest Russian financial institutions such as Savings Bank, VEB and VTB “trust us more today than they used to”. As an example, Angola took a number of 18 Su-30K exIndian air force fighters that were stored at Baranovichi in Belarus – the deal was made possible through a commercial credit line opened by Russian banks. Barter deals continue to be attractive, when a foreign customer takes Russian weaponry in return for rights to explore oil fields or other natural resources of the client nation. Isaikin says barter deals “are rather workable”. In many cases, natural resources, especially fossil fuels, are in high demand, hence with, they can be turned into money rather easily. Rosoboronexport and a group of interested Russian investors are close to clinching barter deals with several countries, Isaikin insists.  Vladimir Karnozov

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Aircraft leasing

Profitable growth

for Ilyushin Finance Co.

Russia’s largest aircraft leasing company generated a profit of Rouble 206 million in 2013. About 59% of it was pocketed by Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC) shareholders. “Even though we had a number of complexities, the past year wasn’t bad for the company”, says IFC general director Alexander Roubtsov. The company’s strategy calls for acquisition of brand-new aircraft types and selling out some of the company’s aviation assets at good price should the market situation permits. Procurement of the most modern Russian types Sukhoi Superjet 100, Irkut MC-21 and Tupolev 204 series, as well as Canada’s Bombardier CS300 and Q400 are at the center of IFC strategy. Together with the An-148/158 family of regional jets, the aforementioned mainline airlines form a complete range of passenger jets going from 68 seats up to 250. Irkut MC-21 Numerically, the largest acquisition program is that of MC-21 next-generation narrow-body jetliners. At MAKS’2013 the lessor completed the chain of actions on firm-


ing up orders for fifty such airplanes. The PW1400G has been selected for the MC21 aircraft the lessor is buying. The airshow at Farnborough gives IFC, Irkut and Pratt&Whitney another opportunity to meet at the negotiating table. The work there will be focused on detailing earlier reached agreements and improve aftersales support programs being developed in the interests of airlines that are willing to operate the type.

Other important issues to be addressed at Farnborough meetings are to do with seamless entry-into-service. Roubtsov says: “There are some issues still remaining, first of all with Pratt&Whitney’s motors. These issues relate to the power-by-hour program P&W is offering. We find that there are some issues there to be clarified. We are not happy with the price formation and the volume of support from the side of the engine maker. At the same time, I believe that

Aircraft leasing

the ways of cooperation going in this direction exist and they can lead us to mutually acceptable terms”. Even though IFC has signed for P&W motors, the firm is also considering the PD14. This “alternative power plant” is likely to be a popular choice with Russian governmental structures and other customers looking for a completely Russian package. The PD-14 is being developed by Aviadvigatel design house for production at Perm Motor Plant (Russian acronym PMZ), both members in ODK, Russia’s United Engine Corporation. “IFC has indicated its interest in the PD-14. We have even agreed in principle on restructuring some debts PMZ had amassed before us as we were making advance payments for the PS-90A2 engines on the ways of writing them off in return for some work on the PD-14. This would be IFC’s contribution to the program in the form of advance payments for deliverable engine examples”.

The baseline PD-14 falls in the same class of thrust with the Pratt&Whitney PW1000 geared turbofan and the CFM International LEAP-X. Ilyushin Finance Co. believes this engine should be moved into a higher thrust category, at 16 tons against the current 14.5 tons. “There is no use to compete head-on against the newest western engines entering the market. In my view, the likelihood of the PD-14 being able to pave its way into the global market in the conditions of strong head-on completion is rather small. Huge investments are needed to compete successfully against GTF and LEAP. At the same time, no-one is making a modern engine with the thrust of 16 tons. The same can be said about an airplane similar in size to the MC-21-400”. The MC-21-400 is the largest family member with seating capacity up to 240250 passengers. Roubtsov carries on: “Should Russian OEMs manage to make a good engine in the given class and the airplane powered by it, and certify them with

EASA and FAA, they will create an attractive product. We ask Irkut and ODK for it. IFC is interested in the MC-21-400 powered by the 16-tonne PD-14 because there is some solvent demand for such a product. This airplane can go to airlines serving popular tourist destinations and low-cost routes”. Roubtsov adds that the Boeing 757 was a successful airplane with production run of over a thousand units. “There is a distinct market segment. I am talking of a Boeing 757-300 replacement. The issue is becoming even more interesting if we take into account the worldwide tendency of airlines seeking larger aircraft because of the slot restrictions in the airports etc. We advise Irkut to address the theme and insist the maker resume the work on the MC-21-400”. Bombardier C Series Ilyushin Finance Co. has been talking to ten airlines on the matter of the C Series. The lessor had placed order for 32 CS300s. At Farnborough’2014 meetings

Bombardier President and CEO Pierre Beaudoin and IFC general director Alexander Roubtsov A I R   F L E E T


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are arranged with the clients from Europe, Africa and Asia. Russia’s VIM-Avia and UTair have also indicated their interest. Ongoing negotiations with Bombardier are to clarify the delivery dates and the conditions of the deal in the context of one more delay caused by the recent engine failure on a flight test vehicle. While stating such a failure could be attributed to some errors made during the engine development phase (otherwise the oil would not have leaked and subsequently entered the hot section of the engine), Roubtsov hopes that the investigation into that case would not lead to major changes to the engine’s main parts. “We are seeking to correct terms of the core deal so as to take account of the repeated delays with the aircraft readiness. I think this mishap with the engine would bring about some more postponements. At this point of time it is difficult to predict the exact timing. I believe the postponement would be limited to several months”. In addition to the C Series, Bombardier Q400 is also of interest to the Russians. The big Canadian turboprop is considered for license assembly by the industrial giant Rostec. Local lessors IFC and Avia Capital Service have indicated their intent to order some aircraft. They are yet to reach a final agreement with Bombardier on this matter. “The main issue is price. We are still negotiating on it and seeking for some compromise solutions that would be acceptable for us and Bombardier”, Roubtsov says.


Regional jets Negotiations between Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) and Ilyushin Finance continue. At Paris air show 2013 the sides signed a framework contract for twenty Sukhoi Superjet 100s. Roubtsov says: “The core deal has been signed. But we have spent another year refining various documents that detail the contract. There are many issues relating to the after sales support and manufacturer’s guarantees. These negotiations have been hard, but we hope to complete them at the time of the Farnborough airshow”. The framework contact for twenty aircraft contains a firm order for five airplanes. IFC does have an airline client for these five. “We are about to complete all things to do with arrangement of the deal”. The Superjet has a factory layout of 98 seats at 32 inches pitch. Some way down the class ladder is the An-148/158 family of regional jets. These are seating between 68 (high-comfort business and economy class cabin for the An-148-100) and 97 passengers (the latter figure for the 158 model with single-class cabin layout at 30 inches pitch). IFC has placed order for twenty An-158s to be assembled at Antonov’s plant in Kiev, Ukraine. Besides, there is a framework agreement for 34 An148s with Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation and its VASO plant in Voronezh where the type’s second assembly line is set. Today, three IFC customers operate Antonov regional jets: Rossiya, Angara and

Cubana de Aviacion. Russian carriers operate a dozen of such aircraft on financial lease terms. “The pilots are in raptures about the airplane. They find the type pilot-friendly and reliable in operation. I believe the number of Antonov regional jets in our fleet will continue to grow”, Roubtsov says. Operating out of its main airport of Pulkovo near Saint Petersburg, Rossiya has been leading the way as far as utilization rates are concerned. Today, the An-148100 aircraft operated by this airline remain the most frequently flown of all regional jet types in the Russian jetliner fleet. Rossiya’s fleet leaders demonstrate 11 hour daily utilization in the high season and 9 in the low one. Angara amasses between 200 and 250 flight hours per airframe in a month. For the Siberian climate and the condition of local airports, Angara’s figures are good ones. The airline seeks ways to expand its An-148 fleet by taking additional aircraft via IFC and accepting ex-Ployet airframes through the leasing arm of the Savings Bank. This year IFC shall complete shipments of five An-158s contracted by Cubana de Aviacion. Deliveries began in the spring of 2013. At MAKS’2013 the second Cuban airplane was exhibited as the 50-th aircraft delivered by IFC to airline customers. “Our Cuban clients are very happy about the An-158 performance. They love the airplane, and their passengers do. We

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are negotiating on two-three additional aircraft”, Roubtsov says. He expects “clarification” on the matter during Farnborough’2014 air show. Today, Antonov’s plant in Kiev continues working on next airplanes in frame of the big IFC order. Deliveries of freshly made airplanes are set for late July – early August and October-November this year. Legacy platforms IFC-owned Il-96-400T widebody freighters previously operated by Polyet airline are prepared for conversion from the factory’s configuration into a multirole aircraft version. These are to be employed by Russian governmental structures on roles similar to these being played by the similarly-sized Airbus A330 in service with governmental structures in Europe. One Ilyushin quad from IFC’s fleet has been already contracted. Two more are in the process of being contracted. Aeroflot and IFC have agreed on transfer of two used Il-96-300 quads previously operated by the Russian flag-carrier as part of a broader agreement in regard to Vladivostok Avia. The latter operated six Tu204-300 twinjets on lease from IFC before becoming part of Aeroflot with subsequent cancellation of revenue services under the code of its own. “The agreement has been approved by shareholders of Aeroflot and our company. I hope to finalize the deal shortly”, Roubtsov says. After overhaul and mid-life modernization the big Ilyushins will go to an airline already operating the type. Meantime, Ilyushin Finance Co. is selling Tu-204-300s formerly operated by Vladivostok Avia to Russian industrial giants and governmental bodies. The first pair is to be handed over to a public sector company shortly. “Another couple is being negotiated on. The two remaining aircraft shall also be sold out”, Roubtsov says. The lessor has so far placed about twenty Tu-204/214 family twinjets with Transaero, Red Wings, Cubana and other airlines. Russia’s second largest airline Transaero has once demonstrated high utilization rates for the Tu-214, at about 400 hours with best machines in a month. Today, this airline operates a trio of Tu-214s A I R   F L E E T


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and a couple of Tu-204Cs on lease terms arranged by Ilyushin Finance Co. IFC is ready to place order for the newly-certified Tu-204SM. It can be arranged in case the Russian government approves of setting up a special airline to serve the air routes between Crimea and mainland Russia. “The Tu-204 looks like an ideal aircraft to serve the routes to the tourist destinations on the Black Sea coast”, Roubtsov comments. Red Wings has already opened services into Crimea on the Tu-204-100. “We are working closely with the new owners and management of this airline so as to improve efficiency of their operations. They have been performing well in the summer season, mostly on scheduled routes. This

summer season will show us the ways to go. My apprehension is the following one. If the decision for the government-controlled airline is made, the Red Wings may well serve as the base for it”. The Russian government considers setting up a special airline for Crimea. It would provide affordable transportation of passengers – mainly tourists from Russian cities up north. “The Tu-204SM would be the best fit for it”, Roubtsov says. Should the government make a decision, IFC would be happy to take up the opportunity and resume taking freshly made Tu-204s from UAC’s Aviastar-SP factory in Ulianovsk.  Vladimir Karnozov

Alexander Roubtsov (IFC), Vladislav Filyev (S7) and Kirill Budanov (Irkut) 27

Space activity

New Russian Space

Roscosmos and United Rocket and Space Corporation to optimize and reform the industry In March 2014, Russian vice-Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin declared the beginning of large-scale changes in Russian Space Industry. According to his opinion shared by the state authorities during the recent years there appeared a strong need in rocket and space management being optimized. Several reform versions were proposed three of which were introduced at the meeting headed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. After analyzing the proposals and taking into account successful work of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Dmitry Rogozin in summer 2013 proposed the industry reformation project by way of creation of ‘United Rocket and Space Corporation’, JSC with 100% shares owned by the state.

The first among the versions under consideration proposed strengthening administrative role of space agency with the agency status retained. The second version envisaged creation of ‘Cosmoprom’, JSC involving all industry’s enterprises. The third one proposed Roscosmos being transformed into State Corporation like Rosatom. The winner version of reformation Russian space industry involves division of functions: Roscosmos shall form state policy and be a customer and United Rocket and Space Corporation (URSC) shall be the general contractor and concentrate on state orders execution. This project was recognized as the most optimal version of rocket and space industry reformation at Military and Industrial Committee under Russian Government held on November 04, 2013. As soon as after


one month Russian President approved the Concept of URSC creation proposed by Dmitry Rogozin. On March 05, 2014 United Rocket and Space Corporation, JSC was registered. In April this year Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to have the Corporation enrolled in strategic enterprises list. Dmitry Rogozin said it would take approximately one year and a half to have United Rocket and Space Corporation established. The joint corporation will combine developers and manufacturers of main types of rocket and space facilities. According to the concept URSC is to be based on ‘Research and Development Institute for Space Instrument Engineering’, JSC. The Corporation shall include almost all leading space industry enterprises. However Roscosmos shall retain its functions of being

a federal inspection body of executive power. Furthermore Roscosmos shall retain the sectoral Тresearch and development institutes and ground-based space infrastructure facilities. The main task of the Corporation being established is necessity to ensure long-term competitiveness of Russia in terms of space products and services. According to the plan United Rocket and Space Corporation shall include both civilian space-oriented enterprises and military ones. In March 2014, Igor Komarov was appointed to the post of Director General of the Corporation. Now some words about the new director. In 1986, Igor Komarov graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in economics. After 5 years of military service he held executive positions in financial

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institutions as well as in ‘Norilsky Nikel’, JSC and ‘Rostechnologii’ State Corporation. Prior to being appointed to the post of Director General of United Rocket and Space Corporation Igor Komarov was deputy head of Roscosmos and earlier he ran AutoVaz where together with his team reconstructed the automobile plant. Experience of successful management of huge enterprises enables Director General of the Corporation solving the most complicated problems regarding establishing United Rocket and Space Corporation. Igor Komarov is a bearer of one of the most well-known and valuable awards in the world, Legion of Order. At the rewards ceremony held in French Embassy in Russia the French ambassador Jean de Gliniasty highlighted Lada Niva cars manufactured at AutoVaz plant had been operated underground during construction of English Channel railway tunnel, having shown perfect results. On April 15, 2014 a meeting of directors of Russian largest rocket and space industry enterprises was held hosted by United Rocket and Space Corporation. The meeting was attended by Russian vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Chairman A I R   F L E E T


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of Russian Government military and industrial Committee Andrey Klepach, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Chairman of Supervisory Council of URSC, General Director Igor Komarov and Head of Federal Space Agency Oleg Ostapenko. At the historical meeting the common cooperation parameters, near tasks and promising priorities were defined. Since United Rocket and Space Corporation is being created as a commercial organization to be profit-oriented, long-term efficient and business stable, Igor Komarov has assigned the main task to have global competiveness of its products increased. The meeting participants defined main tasks for the next years, they are improvement of production system, increase of efficiency of manufacturing and labor, development and introduction of sectoral system of quality control on all stages of products life cycle, continuous development and increase of human resources, financial soundness of enterprises. United Rocket and Space Corporation has been created to control rocket and space industry enterprises shares of which are contributed to the Corporation. The

Corporation also should make evaluation of enterprises capabilities to go public. Currently they are all Federal State Unitary Enterprises (FSUE). Thus, the Corporation shall have 100% shares of almost all production enterprises of the industry. Along with strategic tasks it is necessary, for instance, to execute the governmental command to reform the leading enterprises. For example United Rocket and Space Corporation in cooperation with Roscosmos and agencies concerned are developing a complex program of strategic reformation of FSUE Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. The work is being carried out under Dmitry Medvedev’s order. The reforms should help Khrunichev Center become a modern and competitive capable of producing goods of required quality according to schedules established by the State. Successful problem solution of Khrunichev Center is going to substantiate availability of the Corporation, joint financial and science and technical resources of which will ensure more efficient activity in any complicated critical situations.  Irina Kachan


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of the United Rocket and Space Corporation Igor Komarov: “We create a modern globally competitive rocket and space industry of Russia”

As a result of comprehensive Russian space industry reform, the United Rocket and Space Corporation (URSC) has been created to unite almost all leading space enterprises of the country. The URSC will be comprised of organizations the shares in which are owned by the Russian Federation including 10 integrated structures consisting of 48 enterprises and 14 independent rocket and space industry organizations. 100% of URSC shares are state owned. Igor Komarov, CEO of the United Rocket and Space Corporation, in his exclusive interview told us about the principles of creation of the new corporation, its missions and vectors of sector development.

Q. Mr. Komarov, how do you think, which were the main reasons for creation of the United Rocket and Space Corporation? Why the state would not accept the situation “as it used to be” anymore? The need for reform is long overdue. First, the customer’s and manufacturer’s functions should be segregated. Second, there are problems in manufacturing and technological processes. This leads to increased number of contingency situations and rescheduling of finished goods delivery. It is necessary to change management and production techniques and methods. That is why Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, has decided to comprehensively reform the rocket and space sector of the country. The URSC must carry out the industrial reform - to shift technologies to the new level of development, to employ efficient financial tools, to involve promising and talented specialists.


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“Russia is a global professional on the world

space market; that is why the principle of this reform is quite clear. Each enterprise of the sector should be modern and efficient, work under the strict plan of collaboration and manufacture competitive products„ Q. How do you understand Vladimir Putin’s words about the need for comprehensive reform of the Russian space sector? I have already answered. I would like to add that Russian President sees the result of reform not only in transition to new quality and new technologies, but what is more important – in new breakthrough ideas and in strengthening the position of Russia as one of the leaders of so-called “Word Space Club”. Q. On what principles and platform Russian space enterprises are consolidated into the United Rocket and Space Corporation? The corporation was registered in the beginning of March this year. Now we study problems of enterprises to make a “road map” and develop a certain program for each “integrator” of the sector. The reform has a unified platform: the state as a customer should be completely satisfied with the quality and manufacturing time of the products essential for the country. Russia is a global professional on the world space market; that is why the principle of this reform is quite clear. Each enterprise of the sector should be modern and efficient, work under the strict plan of collaboration and manufacture competitive products. Q. What will be structural, functional and organizational differences of the United Rocket and Space Corporation from already existing UAC, UEC and DSE? We have different scopes of activities but we are similar in many ways. The main task of industrial corporations is efficient management. A I R   F L E E T


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Q. In your opinion, what unique competencies of Russian rocket and space industry are most important for its development and growth? Russia, like every great space nation has a full range of competencies necessary for the development and manufacture of spacecrafts, for creation and launch of carrier rockets into space from our territory. And in some areas, such as man-related astronautics and liquid propellant jet engines, Russia is a global leader. Nowadays, our partners outstrip us in creation of onboard equipment based on electronic components with special features which allows them to work in outside space. Besides, we fall behind in technical equipment of enterprises, in production and management techniques and methods. Therefore, the efficient work of corporation has become a key element for the reform of the sector. Q. What should be done in the first place to increase Russian rocketspace industry enterprises products global competitiveness? Work with people and modernize technological chains - that’s what is needed to manufacture quality products in due time. Those whom I invited to work in the Corporation have experience in solving such problems, and we have started to employ necessary tools for entering the “new era” of Russian space.

Q. Will there be a “revision” of industrial programs and projects? If it is positive, what criteria will be a ground for assessments and decisions? There is a “Russian space activity for 2012-2013” program approved by the Government. The subprograms comprised in this program contain targets, markers, priorities and projects. The state-run program is developed by the Government; its implementation is controlled by Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), and the Corporation must achieve set targets. That is why we should speak not about the projects revision but about the most efficient ways of their implementation - in due time, with proper quality and for declared money. The mission of the Corporation is to concentrate resources in key projects, and not to dilute them. Q. Could you clarify your words about the necessity for bringing the scaling and unifying of production and quality management programs on the URSC enterprises in line with the generally accepted global standards? Indeed, the current Russian approach to creation of space systems differs from the way our colleagues work in other countries. In many ways we rely on the methods that had been worked out in the Soviet Union. Digital design and probation technologies are insufficiently employed in creating of an item, which leads to an extremely long cycle of its creation. The industry unification at the level of functionally similar components and assemblies is underdeveloped: each enterprise makes everything for themselves - from screws to tools. Production facilities were engineered

“The Corporation works according to the State

Space Program purposes. Target setting is determined by the Russian Government and Federal Space Agency„ 31

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“We should speak not about the projects revision but

about the most efficient ways of their implementation - in due time, with proper quality and for declared money. The mission of the Corporation is to concentrate resources in key projects, and not to dilute them„ in Soviet times with a view to rather different – many times bigger - volume of production, and today this leads to unacceptably high level of overhead costs. These tasks should be gradually solved by restructuring of productions. Q. According to the Decree of Russian President there are two years for taking all steps to create the Corporation. Could you tell about the key stages of this work? The legal procedure is as follows: in the first place, stocks of shares of those enterprises which are joint stock companies shall be transferred to the Corporation. And Federal State Unitary Enterprises (FSUE) are to be reincorporated as jointstock companies before transfer of their shares to the URSC, which will obviously take more time. According to the Decree of Russian President, all procedures should be completed in the middle of 2016. Q. What instruments of influence conferred to the United Rocket and Space Corporation will be the most efficient for coordination of Russian space enterprises’ work and improvement of the situation in the sector? The URSC will manage the industry enterprises according to generally accepted corporate procedures – Boards of Directors, Governing Boards of companies – CEOs and Management Boards. These instruments are efficient around the globe if those who manage companies are professional managers having experience of working in large companies producing expensive products in longstanding projects. The main mechanism is to create a likeminded people group of the URSC managers and directors of manufacturing enterprises united with the common idea of Russia’s leadership in Space.


Q. On what principles the URSC will develop its cooperation ties with partners from other countries? The laws of global economics are the same for all countries and for all industries. The world is transparent and it is impossible to exist without efforts coordination with foreign partners, particularly, in such a capital consuming industry as space industry. Our enterprises continue cooperation with most foreign partners. The cooperation is beneficial for all parties and, certainly, it will continue. Q. Will and to what extent the model be changed by the enterprises consolidated by the corporation in respect of their international contracts performance? Now it is early to speak about that I do not consider this necessary at this stage. Q. Are the current foreign economic cooperation programs expected to be adjusted due to the creation of the URSC? The United Rocket and Space Corporation is an off-taker of the reform. The government of Russia sets all missions; it is the government that determines the policy of foreign economic activity on the whole. I do not see a necessity to reconsider a vector of cooperation.

station on the Moon etc.), in your opinion, should be continued and even activated, and what programs should be stopped according to objective reasons? I repeat the Corporation works according to the State Space Program purposes. Target setting is determined by the Russian Government and Federal Space Agency.

Q. What perspective programs of space industry including those directed at the distant future (for example, a flight of a man to Mars, a

Q. From your point of view, how far is it acceptable in the work of the URSC to use principles of public and private partnership? What examples

“It is impossible to exist without efforts coordination with foreign partners, particularly, in such a capital consuming industry as space industry„

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of the risen funds usage and the performance of investments. Q. What instruments to increase Russian space investment prospects are most efficient? I do not consider that in the coming years there is a necessity for the Russian rocket and space industry to widely involve foreign investments. Foreign customers pay to our enterprises for rendered services and manufactured products. The higher level of service will be the better quality products will be manufactured, the more money the sector will have. Including foreign partners. The prestige of the industry is in its efficiency, its worthy labor conditions and in good salaries of those who work at these enterprises and those who create new devices. That is our aim.

“The main mechanism is to create a likeminded

people group of the URSC managers and directors of manufacturing enterprises united with the common idea of Russia’s leadership in Space„ and proposals in these directions you could name? There is a great example: not long ago, on July,19 the first private satellite called “Aurora” was launched. It is a real public and private partnership and I am sure it will develop.

Q. How the URSC will raise investments for the industry projects? Space activity is a State prerogative. That is the State that will possess all Russian rocket and space enterprises, that is why the Corporation will cooperate with A I R   F L E E T


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Sberbank, VTB and Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs. We will certainly invite investors, but in the first place it is necessary to reform the sector and create required conditions. Q. In what ways will the URSC solve topical issues of sector underfunding? After 2004-2005 the situation with underfunding is not so severe, as it was before. We will raise funds as I said, but these funds will be returnable. Besides, it is important to increase the effectiveness

Q. During the URSC presentation in Berlin you said that “the reform will be completed and have an effect after serious changes of each enterprise”. Could you tell more details about it? That is what we do now. The first steptype program of reforming will be presented by the Corporation to the Government of Russia in September this year. It is developed for the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Fast changes are needed to be made at this strategically important enterprise. Q. How serious will staff reorganizations be due to industry reorganization and the creation of the URSC? People are the key factor in many cases. And the changes should be made, first and foremost, in the approach to their work, to the principles of cooperation inside the company and between enterprises. I hope that we achieve understanding and efficient work with the majority of directors. We have a common mission and should perform it together. We create modern global competitive space and rocket industry of Russia, an organism that works like clock-work and achieves strategic goals set by government.


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LInes of deveLoPment of sPAce ActIvIty

rocket And sPAce corPorAtIon ‘energIA’

Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation ‘Energia’ has been involved in rocket and space activities since 1946. During that time a team of long-range ballistic missiles designers was established headed by S. Korolev being chief designer of rocket and space systems and founder of practical cosmonautics. The enterprise became a founder for almost all lines of national rocket and space technologies. Today RSC ‘Energia’ is a leading Russian rocket and space enterprise, head company on pilotcontrolled spacecraft systems. The enterprise is engaged in production of automatic rocket and space systems (launch vehicles and interorbital transport) as well as different purpose high-technology systems for non-cosmic use. RSC ‘Energia’ Chairman Vitaly Lopota, General Designer, Russian Academy of Science corresponding member, doctor of science, professor has told about the enterprise activity.


Space activity A new generation transport spacecraft near the Moon Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation ‘Energia’ is currently involved in three lines of activity. Pilot-controlled space systems The Corporation is a Russian leading enterprise on pilot-controlled spacecraft and systems. This line is in many respects a determinant for the enterprise and industry as a whole. In this regard works on modern and promising transportation systems are being done; Russian systems are being created and delivered for ATV-type European supply craft. Besides, integration of these systems and facilities in Russian segment of International Space Station (ISS) including ATV-type craft being integrated in it is carried out. The enterprise has near-term plans to continue construction of Russian segment of ISS. Within next five years it is to be equipped with multi-purpose laboratory module ‘Nauka’, node module and scientific and power module. ‘Nauka’ module will have wide range of scientific equipment using universal workplace technology. The node’s module main task is to cre-

ate on Russian segment of space station additional docks to receive new modules and transport ships. Scientific and power module should provide Russian segment with its own high power supply necessary for power-consuming studies. Besides, it will have additional and more advanced life support systems as well as additional scientific equipment for space experiments. Since ‘Space Shuttle’ program came to an end the only vehicle delivering


Multi-purpose Laboratory Module (MLM) – scientific and applied research Pressurized volume … 70 m3 Number of generic working stations for payloads outside ……….… 13 inside ……………. 20 Node Module (NM) – visiting vehicles and modules accommodation

Science Power Module (SPM) – power supply, life support and scientific researchs

Pressurized volume … 14 m3 Number of docks (ports) total ……………….… 6 for vehicles, modules …………… 5

Pressurized volume ………….. 80 m3 Average electrical power ………. 15 kW

New modules to augment Russian segment of ISS in the second half of this decade A I R   F L E E T


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crew to International Space Station are modern transport pilot-controlled craft 'Soyuz TMA-M' made by RSC ‘Energia’. It also produces modern transport craft ‘Progress M-M’ which alongside with US Dragon, Cygnus, European ATV and Japanese HTV is involved in delivery of different cargo to International Station. At the same time unlike US and Japanese crafts Russian and European transport ships can deliver fuel and gas to the station. They have another important distinctive option for being capable of automated self-contained docking at Russian segment of the Space Station being redundant thanks to remote operating control mode. Russian ‘Soyuz TMA’ and ‘Progress M’-type crafts continuously are developing from flight to flight due to modern, advanced equipment and instrument available, new software for control systems being introduced. During next two years new series ‘Progress MS’ and ‘Soyuz MS’ crafts shall replace the old ones. They are more reliable, have wider capabilities and improved operational characteristics. This is caused by transfer to modern element base with a production managed in Russia. These spacecrafts unlike ‘Progress M-M’ and ‘Soyuz TMA-M’ are equipped with a new single command and telemetric system replacing radio system ‘Kvant-V’ as well as new rendezvous and docking system ‘Kurs-NA’ and


Space activity pilot-controlled spacecrafts AND LAUNCH VEHICLES for space exploration

Launch mass ………… 16 tons Crew …………………… up to 7 Payload ………………. 500 kg

Launch mass ………… 20 tons Crew …………………… 4 Payload ………………. 500 kg

(up to 3 000 kg for cargo modification)


Upper stage, launch mass 60-70 tons

for low Earth orbit

Tasks: Crew and/or payload delivery to low Earth orbits and return to Earth, including commercial projects (transportation services, space tourism, etc.) 16 tons

Russian and international space exploration programs

80-90 tons

Launch vehicle payload

Versions of new generation pilot-controlled crafts and their launch vehicles EXPANDABLE MODULE

Launch with “Soyuz-2” launch vehicle

V total ~ 100 m3

Hard part of the module V = 19 m3

Inflatable part of the module V = 80 m3

V is for Volume

One of the possible versions of expandable modules for orbital station others. Besides, the craft compartments are to be equipped with additional protection system against space debris and micrometeorites. To increase failure resistance docking mechanism and sealing are to be equipped with backup electric motors. The new crafts will have a new LED lamp and satellite naviga-


tion system. Their solar batteries have increased energy-conversion efficiency due to more efficient photoelectric transducers available. To increase reliability of crafts and station approach location of docking and position finding engines has been changed. The new location pattern will

ensure approach and docking even with one of the engines failed and guarantee a craft descend with any of two engines failure. The crafts are getting wider capabilities due to modern communication and direction finding system, command radio link system which will use satellite data transfer channels. During the previous years of century XXI world cosmonautics has made a significant step forward. Other countries and private companies are entering pilot-controlled space flight world market. At the same time RSC ‘Energia’ creates promising, high quality and dependable long-range pilot-controlled spacecrafts capable of reaching the Moon, Mars, asteroids as well as low earth orbits (flight to station and self-contained missions). The previous projects experiense is being used to develop these spacecrafts. It also includes spacecraft-borne equipment and software certified after ‘Soyuz TMA’, ‘Progress M’, ‘Progress MS’ and ‘Soyuz MS’ flights. A long-range pilot-controlled spacecraft requires a launch vehicle having capacity of not less than 80-90 tons at low earth orbit. At the same time its payload shall include a 20 ton pilotcontrolled craft and 60-70 ton upperstage rocket delivering the craft to a departure trajectory. A low orbit 16 t pilot-controlled spacecraft will need a middle class launch vehicle. It must be noted that in both cases the launch vehicles should be certified for pilotcontrolled flights. Pilot-controlled spacecraft test flights are to commence in the second half of this decade. RSC ‘Energia’ is carrying out a number of design studies, sometimes with foreign partners. A project of Space Stationmaintained unmanned automated spacecraft ‘OKA-T’ is being developed which is to be used for space-based technological experiments in self-contained flight. A expandable module to dock orbiting station is being considered. For a longer period there are proposals for a new orbiting station based on achievements of Russian segment of International

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Space Station as well as interorbital tow craft equipped with electrojet propulsion engines for long space flights and on the high orbits. A due attention is paid to a pilot-controlled interplanetary travel system to fly to Mars as well as establishing interplanetary infrastructure. automatic space systems Alongside with pilot-controlled flights the projects of different purpose automatic space systems are being implemented. Based on RSC ‘Energia’ universal space platform and own experience with satellites ‘Yamal-100’ and ‘Yamal-200’ there are works performed involving automatic spacecrafts including telecommunication satellites, remote sensing satellites, multi-purpose automatic spacecrafts.

Automatic spacecrafts for space communications and remote earth monitoring

Systems and means of interor‑ bital transport With regard to rocket systems and interorbital transport means RSC ‘Energia’ performs works on DM-type upper-stage rockets used for launch vehicles ‘Proton’ and ‘Zenit’ to deliver ‘Glonass’ satellites and commercial automatic spacecrafts. RKK ‘Energia’ has created modern modifications of DM upper-stage rockets for middle and heavy classes launch vehicles. They are constantly being improved. RSC ‘Energia’ is focused to search the newest technological solutions which will ensure further Solar system exploration and development of space activities in near-earth space. The Corporation is looking to comprehensively cooperate with all concerned Russian and foreign partners being in possession of sufficient resources and advanced technologies.

S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation ‘Energia’, JSC 141070, Lenin str., 4A, Korolev, Moscow region, Russia E-mail: Fax: +7 (495) 513-86-20, +7 (495) 513-88-70 Phone (President office): + 7 (495) 513-72-48 A I R   F L E E T


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MiG corporation prospects

MiG fighters are well known all over the world. MiG (part of United Aircraft Corporation) product range includes modern interceptors, multi-purpose battle planes including newly developed unified fighters MiG-29К/КUB, MiG-29М/М2 and newest MiG-35, trainer facilities and lightweight common-purpose aircraft. Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG designers intensively work on new generation aviation equipment both pilot-controlled and unmanned. Within the frameworks of Kazakhstan-hosted KADEX-2014 Exhibition we talked to MiG Director General Sergey Korotkov.

Q. Sergey, may I take this opportunity to ask how you evaluate MiG corporation participation in KADEX-2014? — First of all I would like to say that the exhibition itself has become larger and more presentable, number of participants and exhibits shown has significantly increased. It is all witnessed by large number of visitors. It is not the first time we have taken part in KADEX which is of great importance. Kazakhstan was and is still a traditional partner in terms of aircraft deliveries. Today The Republic of Kazakhstan operates MiG-29 and Mig31 successfully upgraded and repaired by us. We surely understand that since these aircraft have a certain lifecycle new modern projects should be negotiated.


Q. MiG-35, for instance? — Yes, it is. That is why we have presented MiG-35 here for the second time. This aircraft flew here last year and this year as well. Furthermore MiG-35 did not show stunts but real fighting capabilities, i.e. interception, air-to-air and air-to-ground work etc. According to Kazakh pilots’ opinion the aircraft deserves only highest marks. Therefore I think this KADEX also was a success for us. We have shown and proved the specifications stated of the aircraft in conditions of Kazakhstan. Everything is all right… Q. Is MiG-35 being promoted successfully?

— It is. This is just our exhibition work. First we had a stage of presentations and now there are flight demonstrations practically proving the fighter’s perfect characteristics. Q. As far as I know Kazakhstan is much interested in this fighter? — We think the same. It is understood that high-technology aviation equipment is expensive therefore the requirements to purchase negotiations are very high and the negotiations are hard. Of course, customers try to take account of everything and they have a certain fear of misunderstanding. That is why sometimes a single parameter may be discussed many times and considered in many aspects.



Sergei Korotkov landing his fighter on the deck of the "Vikramaditya" It is normal, in such a way all similar kind negotiations are held. Q. Exhibitions are just convenient to show an aircraft and its capabilities… — Yes, it is convenient. We have successfully performed our program at KADEX. Within the Expo frameworks one can not only describe but really show all characteristics of MiG-35. Although there is much work beyond the expo. Each exhibition certainly bears costs. Real aircraft participating in exhibition are very expensive but we understand we must show our product as it is. Generally speaking, it is a common practice of international aviation business. And indeed potential customers are more attentive when they can touch a product. A I R   F L E E T


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Skat Q. You have said this equipment was expensive. Nevertheless, Russian fighters are anyway cheaper being equal or better than foreign counterparts? — Yes, they are cheaper. Sometimes the difference is three or four times. Q. As a matter of fact it is the best combination of price and quality? — Yes, in general. Today everybody is able to count, and understand that we have not only attractive equipment but


also attractive after-sale conditions since they bear certain costs too. Q. What are the special aspects of after-sale maintenance done by MiG Corporation? — We perform after-sale maintenance by ourselves. This is a separate largescale issue we pay a lot of attention to today. It is also expensive. An aircraft should be operated within 30-40 years, so operational cost during this period is surely very high. If, for instance, it is

not seen when having one aircraft but when you have a fleet of 300 units everything should be counted in a very serious manner. People get more scrutinous when reviewing characteristics and look for less expensive operational costs. Today we prove these characteristics to Kazakh partners. Furthermore, they wanted to come to see our production process. We have agreed upon list of experts to visit our enterprise. We are going to show them the modern production facilities where aircraft are being


Assembly shop Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, Joint Stock Company has become the first national aircraft-manufacturer which within single legal structure combined designated companies ensuring all elements of aircraft lifecycle, i.e. from concept development, detail design, prototype manufacturing and their trials to marketing, mass production and technical assistance during operation as well as aircrews and engineering staff training. Total amount of MiG aircraft built at national manufacturing facilities is 45 000 units including 11 000 vehicles for export. Abroad over 14 000 MiG fighters have been released under license. MiG airplanes have protected skies of over 40 countries. Among them are such famous fighters as MiG-15, MiG17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29 and MiG-31. MiG Corporation is an official head contractor of Russian Defense Ministry. MiG aircraft make a body of Russian fighter aviation. Russian government effects special-purpose funding for Corporation’s areas of priority. Russian government has delegated MiG Corporation the power of independent foreign trade activity in the context of military products. Furthermore efficient marketing agreements and many years of relations with the Russian largest arms exporter Rosoboronexport enable MiG efficiently working almost in any market in the world. built and the base station where we perform flight tests. Q. What outside procurements are the most essential for you today? — We are negotiating different markets procurements. For instance, in South African region we have old relations with a number of countries intensely operating MiGs and we are now engaged in repairs and upgrading of these aircraft. Since, let me repeat, the lifecycle deadline is around the corner, they also beA I R   F L E E T


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gin to ask us about MiG-35. We present this aircraft and by doing so promote it to those markets. In Eastern Europe we have a good situation too. MiG-29, for instance, have shown themselves perfectly in Slovakia. We have upgraded them and now they are guarding Slovakia being NATO member. Q. What can you say about new generation aircraft development? — We are certainly engaged in it. Within state-run arms program frameworks

there are discussions of new aircraft systems capable of accomplishing modern tasks for air force. We are surely involved in it. We are in possession of an engineering center being at the cutting edge of frontier science. Properly speaking, this is its main purpose. Certainly, we are involved in developments in cooperation with other enterprises too. For instance, with ‘Sokol’ in Kazan we have signed an agreement on cooperation within new aviation system production frameworks. So, we are working!



Development is in progress

Advanced projects and programs of united Russian engine-building industry

Russian United Engine Corporation (UEC), which is an integrated part of United Industrial Corporation ‘OBORONPROM’ and Rostec State Corporation, is one of the world leaders in development and manufacturing of aircraft engines. Enterprises-members of the Corporation which unites more than 85% of all Russian engine-building industry produce engines for military and civil aviation, space programs, as well as various energy projects. The most advanced programs of the Corporation are related to SaM146, 117S, PD‑14 and AI‑222-25 engines.

Director General of the JSC United Engine Corporation V. Masalov says: “In 2014 the UEC production output will increase by 18% in comparison to 2013, when the figure was 158.8 billion rubles. As to the organizational structure of the Corporation, military, commercial, industrial and helicopter engine divisions have been formed, but it is too early to say that they have made successful progress in taking the challenges they are facing. One of the main problems today is lack of effective cooperation between the enterprises and we must get things moving first of all. Gradually, we’ll cope with it; there is no doubt in it. Launch of new programs is a good sign. LRIP of the VK-2500 engine is simultaneously under way at UEC’s several plants and this is just an example of emerging internal cooperation between Klimov, Salut and UMPO enterprises. Also, if there are enough orders, we intend to continue the VK-800 helicopter engine program, where we have laid the suf-



ficient groundwork. It means that success of the Corporation activity directly depends on its new projects and programs”. SaM146 – the joint project of Rus‑ sia and France The SaM146 engine is an innovative development of Russian NPO Saturn, JSC and French Snecma Company, designed at joint venture Power Jet S.A. on the principles of strategic partnership, coinsurance, and distribution of works at all levels including design, manufacture, marketing, purchase and after-sales maintenance on fifty-fifty basis. The engine has been certificated by EASA and АR MAC in two versions – 1S17 and 1S18. SaM146 is an integrated power plant designed for next-generation regional and short-distance aircraft Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100). Two-shaft and double-flow turbojet engine SaM146 is designed according to framing scheme with single-stage fan, threestage low-pressure compressor, six-stage high-pressure compressor, annular combustion chamber, single-stage high-pressure turbine and three-stage low-pressure turbine. The power plant includes engine nacelle with reverser which makes the work of technical staff easier. Besides, it is equipped with Full Authority Digital Engine Control system (FADEC). Russian NPO Saturn is responsible for development and manufacture of fan and lowpressure compressor, low-pressure turbine, final assembly of engine, its testing and delivery to customers; meanwhile French Snecma Company is responsible for development and manufacture of high-pressure compressor, combustion chamber, high-pressure turbine, accessory gear-box, automatic control system and power plant integration. In 2003 the SaM146 engine was selected for RRJ (SSJ-100) project. Bed tests of the first full-size engine began in July, 2006. Flight tests on Il-76ll flying laboratory were held in December, 2007. The first flight of SSJ-100 equipped with SaM146 engine was performed on May 19, 2008. For base version of SSJ-100/95 aircraft is used the SaM146 engine with thrust power of 6 962 kg(f)/7 660 kg(f) – in reserved thrust power mode. A I R   F L E E T


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PD-14 Serial delivery of engines has begun in 2010. Use of serial SSJ-100 aircraft equipped with serial SaM146 engines began by Armavia Company in April, 2011; Aeroflot Company – in June, 2011; Lao Central (Laos) – in February, 2013; Indonesian Sky Aviation – in December, 2012 and Mexican Inter Jet – in July, 2013. By July, 2013 the total time of engine use in commercial purposes exceeds 50 200 hours – it means that the number of cycles is more than 32 000. The turbojet 117S engine The high-temperature two-shaft turbo-jet engine 117S with afterburner and thrust vector control is an advanced version of AL31F engines designed for multi-role, generation 4+/4++ fighters, such as Su-35S. In comparison with basic AL-31FP engine the thrust power of advanced engine is increased by 16%, and equal to 14 500 kg(f); its operational life is increased by 2 times. The perfect characteristics of engine with non-changed dimensions (only fan diameter was changed from 905 to 932mm) and weight have been reached by use of upgraded high-effective low-pressure compressor with increased air-flow and efficiency, turbine with increased reliability and improved cooling system of blades, as well as engine control system with integrated into aircraft control system digital controller.

The engine is equipped with +/- 16° variable-angle nozzle installed with angle of 20° to the plane of symmetry of the engine, that provides the aircraft with super maneuverability and controllability at all ranges of velocity including near-zero and negative speeds of flight, as well as beyond stall angles. According to its geometrical parameters, attaching points and location of accessory gear-box, the 117S prototype corresponds to AL-31F and AL-31FP engines, that will allow its use for upgrading of all existed Su-27 and Su-30 aircraft after insignificant upgrading of engine nacelle and some equipment. The 117S prototype tests began in 2003. Its flight tests were performed on flying laboratory in 2004. The first flight of Su-35 equipped with the 117S engine was performed in February, 2008. The engine serial deliveries are provided by Ufa Engine Industrial Association (UMPO) since December, 2008. The 117S engines are installing on Su35S fighters purchased by Russian Air Force and offered for world market. The advanced PD-14 engine The project of development of advanced PD-14 engines is performing and financing in accordance with the Federal Target Program (FTP) ‘Development of civil aircraft in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period till 2015’.



117C The main task of this project is development of unified high-efficiency gas-generator; and after its creation, development of competitive on the world market aircraft engines with thrust-power from 9 to 18 t(f), as well as ground engines with power from 6 to 16 mW. The advanced PD-14 aircraft engine will be the base engine oriented for the most significant part of commercial aviation – short/ medium distance aircraft with seating capacity – 130-180 passengers. It will advance the best up-to-date Russian rivals and compete the perspective foreign engines of the same type, such as: CFM56, V2500, PW 1400G, RВ285-70, Leap Х including engines entering the operational service in 2016-2017, according to the criteria of aircraft profit (Тable 3). There was a significant improvement of main parameters during the PD-14 development. For example, bypass ratio was improved by 2 times, the gas temperature before turbine – by 100K; the total compression index – by 20%; the decrease of specific fuel consumption – by 12-16%. The PD-14 is a two-shaft double-flow turbojet engine with direct fan drive and separate overflow from secondary and inner flows. The PD-14 base engine with thrust power of 14 ton is developing also for the MS-21-300 aircraft designed by Irkut Corporation.


The PD-14 engine is to meet high competitive requirements of Irkut Corporation which displayed a sincere interest to foreign engine PW1400G (developed by U.S. Pratt & Whitney Company) as alternative engine for MS-21-300 aircraft. In order to provide the competitive ability of engine, the most advanced constructive solutions and technologies have been used during design works, such as compact highefficiency gas-generator and light boardless wide-span fan. Among the most advanced (unique) technologies used in design of engine: • titanium hollow fan blade technology (by UMPO). It allows to decrease the weight of each element by 30%, that in turn decreases the total weight of engine by 8-10%; • manufacture of single-crystal turbine blades from new-generation alloys and generation-two ceramic protective coating (on German ALD equipment operating at Perm Engine Company). It allows to increase the gas temperature before turbine up to 2 000 K; • manufacture of engine nacelle elements and engine from polymeric composite materials (comprises up to 65% of engine nacelle weight). It allows to decrease the total weight of power plant by 7-8%; • other technologies (16 ‘key’ technologies).

The principal issue of PD-14 project is use of advanced Russian engineering materials and alloys (14 new materials). The Company in cooperation with specialized organizations: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) and Central Institute of aviation Motor Development (CIAM) conducts works on development and qualification of new alloys and creation of data base of materials’ engineering characteristics, required for design works and following certification of engine. Besides, up-to-date laboratories have been created, as well as schedule of works on samples testing and data-base filling was developed and implemented. Alongside with the MS-21, the PD-14 engine is considered for Russian-Indian project of Multi-role Transport Aircraft (MTA), as well as for engine replacement on Il-476 transport aircrafts. Design and technological back-log along with new materials, developed during design works on the PD-14 engine, will be used for high thrust-power engines (from 25 to 35 ton) designed for widebody short and medium-distance aircrafts; engines for combat aviation and helicopters; industrial gas turbine plants and gas turbine power plants. The AI-222-25 engines for light aircraft It is a two-shaft double-flow new-generation engine designed for Yak-130 operational trainers and other light combat aircraft. This engine is equipped with two-stage low-pressure axial compressor with operating disks designed under ‘Blisk’ technology, eight-stage high-pressure compressor, annular combustion chamber, single-stage high/ low-pressure cooling turbines and convergent exhaust nozzle common for both contours. Besides, it is equipped with Full Authority Digital Engine Control system (FADEC) with hydro-mechanical units of new type. This engine was developed by IvchenkoProgress Company (Zaporizhia, Ukraine). Bed-tests of the first AI-222-25 began in 2003. Flight tests of AI-222-25 integrated with Yak-130 aircraft engine were conducted in 2004. Official tests have been performed in 2008. Serial production of engine for Yak-130 ordered by Russian Air Force,


as well as for export is provided by Gas-Turbine Engineering RPC ‘Salut’ in cooperation with Motor Sich, JSC which in turn is responsible for delivery of gas-generators. AI-222-25 is the first new-generation engine in 2500–4200 kg(f) class aimed for advanced and upgraded operational trainers, combat-trainers and light combat aircrafts. This class also includes the AI-22225F engine. Maximum thrust power, kg(f) Specific fuel consumption (when peak-load conditions), kg/kg(f).h Air consumption, kg(f) By-pass rate Pressure increasing rate in compressor Мах gas temperature before turbine, K Length, mm Fan diameter, mm Dry weight, kg

2,500 0.64 49.4 1.18

1,471 1,960 624 440

When talking about perspectives of the engine’s deliveries the Head of Corporation pointed out, – “Cooperation is very active in traditional for United Engine Corporation business regions and I hope it will evolve. For example, it involves export engine deliveries as part of MiG and Sukhoi fighters. Today the list of export aircrafts is strengthened by the Yak-130 trainer. The first contract on delivery of these aircrafts to Algeria has been completed, and thus the number of orders for AI-222-25 engines is increasing within the framework of military and technical cooperation». Other projects Mr. Masalov also mentioned other projects of United Aircraft Corporation, – “UEC is a prime contractor for the advanced engine Mk 30. We are now in the detailed design phase, which includes already manufacturing of certain components and tests and this stage will be completed before the end of this year. Lyulka R&D Center is the leading designer in this project, while Salut and UMPO are responsible for manufacture. Works are in progress according with the schedule, though there are some complicaA I R   F L E E T




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tions with control systems being developed by NPP “Temp” named after Korotkov, but they can be overcome. In order to prepare the manufacturing of advanced branded engines, we intend to use the experience of cooperation gained during the manufacture of the legendary AL-31F engines: Salut will be responsible for the “hot” section of the powerplant, while the manufacture of the “cold” part, final assembly and testing will be assigned to UMPO. According to the schedule, the first engine prototype will be available in 2017, whereupon we will proceed with the official tests. As a part of the delivery contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for 96 engines designed for the Su-35 aircraft before 2016, batch production of the 117S engines is under way. As for the engine for the PAK FA (T-50) fighter, it is being developed in two phases. The first phase is Item (Mk) 117. Twenty-four test engines have been manufactured to date and are undergoing tests, including flying tests on board of T-50 aircrafts. These engines have accumulated over 4,000 hours in total. The second phase is Item (Mk) 30. As I’ve said before, this engine is now in the detailed design phase. In 2015, we'll begin work on the ‘demonstrator’ engine technology”. Another program is related to strategic aircrafts, including the Tu-160. Upgrading of

the Tu-160 aircraft has been included in the State Armament Program (SAP)-2020. Within the framework of this program the Customer – Russian Ministry of Defense has selected the generation-two NK-32 engine for the project’s power-plant. Now UEC is working to restart manufacturing of the engine (designated as Item (Mk) “R”) and, if the contract, which terms we are actively discussing, will be signed, we are going to initiate the manufacture in 2016. It is also necessary to conduct qualification testing of these engines, because the product was not in production for a long time. The serial manufacturing of these power-plants will be provided by Kuznetsov, JSC in Samara. UEC is also involved in export programs with China and India. For example, Salut is the only supplier of AL-31FN engines with bottom-installed gearbox for Chinese J-10 single-engine fighters. This is indeed a fairly large mid-term program. In 2013 under another contract we began deliveries to China of AL-31FN Series III engines, which differs from the previous versions by increased thrust power and installation of FADEC developed jointly by Salut Design Bureau and Topaz (Kishinev). UEC receives appeals from the Chinese Armed Forces to upgrade these engines to the AL-31FN Series IV configuration. At the same time UMPO provide deliveries of AL-31FP equipment sets to India under a license contract.


Big boss talking

Know-how leader

NPO ‘Technomash’ – scientific production association is an efficient solution for complicated issues of defenseoriented production.

Among several hundreds of Russian enterprises making up an absolute ‘technological elite’ of defense industry Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) ‘NPO Technomash’ occupies a special position. The undeniable fact of the world industry being ever more technology-dependent is perfectly proven by activities of this unique company, which is a parent enterprise of Russian Federal Space Agency ‘Roscosmos’ to implement Federal Space Program in terms of technologies as well as a member of International Association of Space Activities Participants (IASP). It also takes part in state scientific and technical programs in behalf of defense industry and Russian Defense Ministry. Technomash Director-General Dmitry Panov has told ‘Airfleet’ magazine about today’s principles and strategic development vectors of the leading enterprise.

Q. Dmitry, what do you think is the historical mission of FSUE ‘NPO Technomash’ in technological evolution and improvement of national defense industry? – Our enterprise’s mission can be indeed called a historical one. At that, we have a long history full of achievements. It has been involved in defense-oriented ‘business’ for more than 75 years now, first in the USSR and then in Russia.


In the beginning we had mastered production of large-caliber cartridges. At the same time within a very short period we created the complex of production technologies and special equipment with tools to make them being mastered in the fastest way at cartridge-manufacturing plants of the country. Officially the Institute was involved in rocket industry in

1946 when according to Decree of Council of Ministers of the USSR the research and development technological institute 40, the predecessor of FSUE ‘NPO Technomash’, was involved in development and introduction of A‑4 (V‑2) rocket technology. Since this moment the intense formation and continuous evolution of the institute as a powerful research and development center working to

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strengthen national defense capacity has begun. The experience made the enterprise the leader in efficient solutions for integrated mastering of the most complicated production technologies and the leading company in defense production engineering processes automation. This was the most important mission of our enterprise on the stage of national rocket and space industry being formed and developed. The experience of mastering the production of the newest rocket and space equipment was immediately spread in aviation and other high technology sectors of defense industry. Thereafter, our enterprise also absorbed advanced experience of aviation, ship-building, nuclear, electronic and instrument-making industries. I think that it would be correct to call this activity a framework interindustrial and interdisciplinary coordination of open processes of military industrial complex high technology production being created. At the same time these processes are quite sophisticated and innovative because the products must be able to meet competition on the world market including space one. Q. Which traditions of Soviet research and production as well as design school do you think are the first and the most successfully developed by Technomash? – Since the USSR times our enterprise has been continuously following the principles of systemic approach in national rocket and space industry based on special-purpose planning methods. Our scientists and production engineers follow the time-proved principle of advance creation of technological support, the so-called ‘back log’. On the one hand it allows maintaining high rates of production technologies development and required flexibility of advance creation of technological support to produce the modern equipment. On the other hand keen A I R   F L E E T


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“The experience made the enterprise the leader in ef-

ficient solutions for integrated mastering of the most complicated production technologies and the leading company in defense production engineering processes automation. This was the most important mission of our enterprise on the stage of national rocket and space industry being formed and developed„ and above all fast reaction to innovations in sectors like engineering, instrument-making and materials science have been ensured. These traditions in their time helped our enterprise for instance create one of the first digitally-controlled mechanical processing machines. Today these traditions ensure well-timed production and introduction of special high-automated engineering equipment fitted with adaptive (intellective) programmed numerical control. Alongside with built-in non-destructive control means including vibration monitoring systems adaptive numerical control devices ensure eliminating almost all defects in production of rocket and space and other defense high technology equipment. The richest technical scientific and management potential of the enterprise, ‘school’ provided by the first Soviet minister of rocket industry S. Afanasiev, creative work of the Institute’s leaders and scientists such as five Soviet and Russian state prizes and Russian government prize winner in science and technology academic K. Kasaev, doctor of science; Russian government prize winner A. Vasin, doctor of science and many others as well as support by the active head of Russian Federal Space Agency O. Ostapenko are the basis for security. The previous years’ experience has provided us with a base for further development. Q. What new scientific production capacities of Technomash do you think

are the most important for the industry being strategically developed? – In view of obligations towards the industry and Roscosmos experts of Technomash being the head science and technology institute today monitor almost all large enterprises involved in rocket and space equipment production. The results of such a global monitoring make it possible to condition the existing and active production facilities manufacturing all products range. Recommendations are being made for optimal cooperation and specialization of production based on computer simulated production methods. An innovation here is a comprehensive approach towards analyzing and forecasting the alternatives with equipment being located in different enterprises and different production specialization systems. Another new type of scientific production activities may change strategic plans of development of national rocket and space industry over medium and long period. This is a scientifically substantiated division of engineering processes for large scale space equipment (payload) into consistent ground-based and space stages of production. Just imagine a situation when specially prepared compact work pieces of long large-scale solar batteries, antennas, optoelectronic surveillance devices (telescopes) etc. are being created on ground. All these work pieces are combined in special cartridge units and sent to space along


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with space robotic production units metallurgy for defense industry and aboard spacecraft or orbital platforms. engineering and metal working techThe second production stage is implenologies? mented in automatic mode by means – Majority of metallurgy probof robotic production units in open lems in industries like rocket producspace upon ground-based commands. tion, aircraft construction and shipThus, our experts are planning to building are common for our produccreate in space huge-size bearing tion engineers. Rocket and space structures made of ultra-light and comequipment imposes high requirements posite materials. Such products may on quality and mechanical perforhave geometrical dimensions tens or mance. Increased mechanical perforhundreds times exceeding dimensions mance required a technology system

“FSUE ‘NPO Technomash’ is a leading Roscosmos

enterprise to implement Federal Space Program in terms of technologies and thanks to this beginning from 2006 the funding has been stabilized. However I think that funding of research and development works on technologies is insufficient„ of modern and advanced launch vehicles compartments carrying payload. Advantages are evident. First, one should not worry that rocket and space work pieces combined in cartridges will get damaged by overloads and vibrations at launch phase. Secondly, the cartridges with work pieces and robotic units proper can be carried in cargo compartments quite small in size mounted currently on medium launch vehicles. Thirdly, space-based production stages of large-scale equipment performed in unmanned manner and in environmentally friendly conditions of microgravity and high vacuum using free solar energy may appear more economic than ground-based production of similar large-scale collapsible structures. It is no fantasy. This is a reality of national strategic development of competitive new generation space technologies over next 15–20 years. Q. What is the particular role of Technomash in development of national


to produce necessary parts. Thus, the following technologies were created: thin-walled casting; bulky dispensable pattern casting; directional solidification vacuum casting. Under present-day conditions of rocket and space technologies (especially high power propulsion systems for new generation launch vehicles) development the traditional metallurgy and metalworking technologies cannot be used to enable production of reliable geometrically-complex vanes for high-speed turbines. That is why our enterprise in cooperation with aircraft building companies addressed a problem of mastering laser-based powder metallurgy. It is usually called 3D-printer technology by foreign experts. These technologies are very promising not only in ground-based but space production as well. 3D-technology may appear to be crucial to clean space debris. Instead of ineffective sinking, burning or ‘burying’ of tons of debris in space it can be efficiently used for repairs and production in space. I mean the concept of space

debris being processed into metal nano-powders, transformed into granular secondary raw materials to ensure space-based metallurgical production processes of equipment. Q. What is the historic role of Technomash in development of national missiles and radar equipment? – Since the very beginning of rocket and space industry and up to now defense-oriented production has been prevailing in scientific and production activities. As a leading technological institute Technomash was responsible for welltimed and advancing technological support of missiles to be produced at industry’s enterprises. Unique production technologies for individual missile types were constantly sought, created and improved. To adapt these technologies to certain conditions teams of development engineers from among our employees were created. On the spot they solved all technological problems at preproduction and launch stage as well as ensured training and transfer of skills to the local engineers and production managers. Then the production was technologically audited and deviations from directive technologies to prevent production defects were monitored. The majority of well-known rocket and space industry products used experience of our engineers at nearly all (about 100) enterprises. When necessary new production technologies were introduced in allied industries. As to space-based radar facilities our enterprise mainly was involved in technological solutions for basic bearing structures installed on largescale and special antenna systems. In particular, our production engineers have developed a production system to manufacture ultra-light phased array reflectors made of composites. All these technologies are used to produce national radar observation

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the majority of technological risks concerning selection of optimized technological solutions for most of products of this giant project. Over 300 manufacturing technologies were created which ensured the required products being manufactured in due time. Now similar technological work is a project on manufacturing ‘Vostochny’ space center in Amur region and deep space exploration projects. Our scientists and experts take part in these projects. The survey works initial stages basically prove our role as a leading technological institute in rocket and space industry.

Assembly and welding unit for ogival bases spacecraft. We continue to improve similar technological processes and special-purpose equipment to produce advanced large-scale high-resolution radar facilities. We are going to make our old foreign competitors surprised with unusual technological solutions and productive innovations. Q. What do you suppose are the most prominent achievements of the enterprise as a key research and developA I R   F L E E T


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ment institute and engineering center for national defense? – Our peak achievement in production of equipment for large-scale space projects during USSR period may be considered the industrial engineering of ‘Energia-Buran’ system. Our enterprise worked like a single mechanism simultaneously on all key directions of preproduction engineering. The works commenced at the very early design stages that helped avoid

Q. What are main functions and tasks of Technomash in the context of Roscosmos and key federal target-oriented programs? What space programs and projects does the enterprise participate in? – In the end of 2012 the Russian Federation Government approved state program on ‘Russian space activity for the period of 2013–2020’, involving six tasks to be solved including maintaining spacecraft orbit groups; creating promising launch vehicles and upgrading the existing ones; creating scientific and technological reserve for advanced rocket and space equipment being developed. Increase of Russian rocket and space facilities competitiveness to ensure strengthening of the country’s defense capability, development of own space exploration programs and further intense activity on international space-oriented market are of key importance for whole industry. As to our enterprise this task is in close connection with introduction of basic and critical technologies as well as dynamic development of own experimental facilities. Among Technomash priorities are creation of defense-oriented spacecraft and pilot-controlled flights as it was before. The planned research and development works have begun to end till 2015 which would create scientific and technological


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CNC gang tool (model SVO 30) for shaping operations with wafer profile on the rings of the diameter up to 3000 mm basis for national rocket and space industry breakthrough in 2016–2020. Q. What promising space programs are of the greatest importance for you? – With the existing programs taken into account including Federal Space Program for 2006–2015, the research and development works for 2013– 2017 have the following priority technological developments: creation of advanced pilot-controlled transport system capable of landing a man on the moon and supporting its further exploration; creation of space facilities to meet scientific needs including ‘Spectr’-mounted space observatories, ‘Luna-Glob’ and ‘Luna-Resurs’ craft; ‘Soyuz‑2V’, ‘Angara-A5’ launch vehicles; ‘Glonass-K’; new generation


pilot-controlled transport craft; scientific and energy unit; upper-stage rockets including oxyhydrogen heavyclass ones. According to our own and expert estimates within the next five years research and development works volume will increase more than twice as well as their structure will change. Sectoral research and development will see annual increase of work volumes regarding application of new advanced materials for rocket and space industry products improving first of all their dependability. Q. What research and development works are the most important and promising for you? How are they funded?

– All technological ranges which our enterprise deals with have their most important directions. These are, for instance, friction welding, technological audit and monitoring enterprise technologies state, creation of special unique engineering equipment, development and introduction of highperformance cutting modes etc. FSUE ‘NPO Technomash’ is a leading Roscosmos enterprise to implement Federal Space Program in terms of technologies and thanks to this beginning from 2006 the funding has been stabilized. However I think that funding of research and development works on technologies is insufficient. Q. How does the enterprise develop professional standards projects? To

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Rolling mill for high-precision rotary draft of thinwalled axisymmetric solid drawn covers (model SRV-1200) what extent is this segment important for the industry as a whole? – Our enterprise has created a multi-functional scientific and technical center for standardization, certification, quality and metrology which works successfully. There are works on professional standards creation. In 2013 four professional standards were developed. They ensure unification of requirements to experts training and make their qualification objectively assessed possible. Here I would like to emphasize the following. On the one hand manufacturing technologies and automation facilities today develop so fast that the existing standards do not meet the in-


novations. So they must be redeveloped or even replaced. On the other hand some standards were created in advance, for instance, such as computers. Therefore during 70’s‑90’s our predecessors had enough troubles with these standards and were not very popular due to lack of computers and software. Today we are amazed by the then designers’ far-seeing capability and see in their development a perfect outlook for modern high-technology rocket and space production and other defense-oriented goods. Such prominent technological potential will be finished by us by any means in the context of modern situation. We will try to bring it to service

for rocket and space as well as military industrial complex as a whole. Q. To what extent is direct cooperation with foreign companies essential? What examples of partnership would you like to tell as the most successful? Do you enjoy cooperation with Dassault Systems? – It is early to talk about cooperation with foreign companies. Integration of foreign-made technologies in production of rocket and space facilities is necessary. However so far the process is slow and mainly includes purchase of modern technological equipment. Now we are mastering software by Dassault Systems. According to the results to be a decision on further cooperation will be made.

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