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Malachite JSC:

hard workers, fighters and “movie stars”

Indo–Russian cooperation in shipbuilding Modular Tor–M2KM: latest SAM


7 (79). 2014

front line 2 Indo–Russian cooperation


in shipbuilding 6 Ilyushin turboprops General Director Valeriy Stolnikov

for Russian navy

Chief Editor Egor Dakhnov

companies & technologies

Deputy General Directors Dmitry Drozdenko Inna Illarionova

8 “Malachite” JSC:

hard workers, fighters and “movie stars”

Sales Director Ilia Kolikov

12 Modular Tor–M2KM

Executive Director Yuri Moschenskiy

Commercial Director Aleksey Leonkov

is the latest development of short

range SAMS


Marketing Director Anthon Voschevatov

14 Small Submarines:

Advertising Director Kristina Borodkina

22 The immediate

better to reconsider

Dear readers! In course of Euronaval 2014 Maritime exhibition, taking place in Paris, we are proud to offer you this special issue of ARMS, dedicated to Naval forces. From the times of Great Britain, being the “queen of seas”, the face of naval forces has significantly changed. Canon balls were replaced with homing missiles, boarding party gave its place to latest generation aircraft fighters and helicopters. What remains unchanged is that very unique atmosphere of being in open waters, the way man fights against unpredictable forces of nature with technology, experience and skills. We can equip submarines with nuclear power, but to get out to the sea in the first place it still requires bravery and exposure.

prospects for aircraft Project Manager Alexander Kolomiets

Valeriy Stolnikov

carrier program in China

Editors Irina Kachan Vladimir Karnozov Svetlana Samchenko Designers Arthur Yegorov Timofey Babkin Aleksey Pirozhkov Olesya Timofeeva

28 Republic of Korea on the verge of creating its own carrier–based aircraft 30 Gerald R. Ford – king of supercarriers 32 Japan: are carriers back to life?

Circulation: 5000 The magazine is registered in the Committee for Press of the Russian Federation. Certificate № 016692 as of 20.10.1997. Certificate № 77-15450 as of 19.05.2003. Any material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The editorial staff’s opinion does not necessarily coincide with that of the authors. Advertisers bear responsibility for the content of provided materials.

34 Chinese aircraft

carrier program.

Near–term outlook

Indo-Russian cooperation in shipbuilding, p. 2

40 Aircraft carriers of the Pacific and Indian basins

ARMS, 2014

ADDRESS A4 Press P.O. Box 77, Moscow, 125057, Russia Tel.: + 7 495 459 9072 Fax.: + 7 495 459 6042 E-mail:

retrospectives 44 The age of extensive


«Malachite» JSC, p. 8

front line

Indo-Russian cooperation

in shipbuilding

Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation (local acronym OSK) has a workforce of over 80 thousand employees. Its share of the global market for warships is 12%. The figure is to rise to 14% by 2018, according to the Kremlin’s command. The share of Russian presence in the market for commercial shipbuilding should also rise, from 0.55% to 1.8% accordingly.


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

front line ast year, the volume of new ships construction came to Rouble 189 billion. The respective figure for 2018 should be Rouble 380 billion. Russia gears up production of equipment for exploration of sea shelf areas. The respective orders for OSK amount to Rouble 6.5 trillion. According to the OSK development strategy, approved by the Kremlin by 2020 a total summ of Rouble 220 billion will be invested into technical renovation of Russian dockyards, including half of it from the state budget. Last year OSK demonstrated a positive financial result, with income rising by one-fourth. In the first quarter of 2014 the net profit exceeded by two billion Roubles. The rise came largely from the growing military orders. The share of Russian defence ministry orders in OSK’s 2014 production output amounts to about 70%. Today, Russian dockyards – OSK members carry out extensive modernisation programs in the interests of the Russian Navy. Ambitious programmes for production of the most advanced and powerful surface ships practically of all classes are being implemented. These range from the programs for renewal and development of strategic nuclear submarine cruisers. Besides, there is another program, targeting development of a powerful surface fleet, consisting of modern destroyers, frigates and corvettes. There is a separate effort on renewal of nonnuclear submarine groups, capable of providing effective protection of the country's sea borders. Fourth-generation strategic and fast-attack nuclear submarines for the Russian navy are being built in growing numbers. Modernisation programme of third-generation submarines of Projects 945, 971, 949, 667 and 636/877 is under way. Three Borei-class strategic underwater cruisers of Project 955, armed with Bulava nuclear-tipped intercontinental missiles are already afloat. Fourth hull is under construction and fifth, the Duke Oleg, was laid down on July 27, 2014. Earlier this year, the Russian navy accept-


ed the lead vessel of Project 885, the Severodvisnk. Two more such fastattack submarines, armed with long range cruise missiles, the Kazan and Novosibirsk, are under construction. On July 27, 2014 the largest builder of Russian nuclear powered submarines laid down two more, the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk. As the regime of sanctions tightens, with EU and US implementing one after another, the Russian government makes it a priority to further extend partnership with its trusted friends abroad. India has been the primary customer for

Russian military-industrial complex Aleksei Rakhmanov, since early 1960s. The two countries President of JSC have accumulated a substantial ex- "The United perience in making joint projects Shipbuilding fruitful. India was the first foreign Corporation" customer for the Soviet (and then Russian) shipbuilding industry that acquired warships built specially to be exported, designed to accomodate the specific requirements of the Indian navy. Even under highly dynamical political situation in the world, India and Russia have stayed together as far as military and technical cooperation was concerned. The scope of cooperation stretches 7(79).2014


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from delivery of off-the-shelf products to joint development of warships and their subsequent construction at Indian dockyards. Starting in 1961, India has been acquiring from Russia: missile and patrol ships, destroyers and submarines. From 1986 to 2000 India received 10 Project 877EKM dieselelectric submarines and thus became the biggest customer for this class of warships with OSK. From 2003 to 2013 six Talwar class frigates have been completed and now in service with the Indian navy. They became one of the most advanced and capable ships of this class in the world. So far, the most important achievement in the Indo-Russian naval cooperation has been successful fulfilment of major military contracts, unprecedented in the world’s history. Work on implementation of these has resulted in delivery of aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser Admiral Gorshkov. After refit and modernization it turned from the Project 1143.4 cruiser into INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier of project 11430. Besides, a fast6

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

attack submarine of the Project 971I, the Nerpa, now serves within the Indian navy under the name of INS Chakra. This is the second nuclear-powered submarine of the Russian origin to operate with the Indian navy on lease terms.“We are grateful to the Government of India for the trust, they put in the Russian shipbuilding industry”, says Alexey Rakhmanov, OSK president. “We have been made happy by a flow of positive feedbacks from our Indian partners regarding operation of this ship”. In his first conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the new Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi described INS Vikramaditya as "an excellent example of the cooperation between our nations". He called Russia as "the greatest friend" of India. OSK wants to perform so as to live up to such a high credit of trust, according to Rakhmanov. As far as INS Vikramaditya is concerned, the Russian side promises to provide first-class customer support throughout the entire lifetime of this ship. The Russian shipbuilders promise that the Project

11430 carrier can stay in service for forty years, provided with dock inspections, mid-life repairs, overhaul and modernization, timely carried out. Sevmash Dockyard, that turned the Project 1143.4 cruiser into the Project 11430 carrier, is to establish a permanent office in the city of Karwar so as to provide support and consultancy during the entire service life of the ship. Setting up joint ventures with Indian shipyards is an important direction of activities for Russian shipbuilding industry and defence industrial complex in general. Through these JVs, they intend to provide first-class customer support services to the Indian operators of Russian hardware. The Russians are ready to share their vast expertize in support of the warships, modernization of Indian shipyards on the way of their technical renovation and training of local specialists. In one more statement, OSK President says: “Considering the present high level of scientific, technological and industrial development of India, direct delivery of ships, built in the exporting country is becoming a thing of the past. India confirms the status of a leading naval power by developing indigenous fleet of nuclear ships. In this respect, our cooperation has inevitably evolved towards licensed construction of ships in India as well as execution of Indian R&D orders in ship design domain in Russia jointly with Indian partners”. India began building combat ships of the current generation in the eighties. Some of these ships had been developed by the Soviet design bureaus. They were outfitted with Russian weapons and equipment. Commissioning of INS Delhi destroyer (Project 15 designed by Severnoye Design Bureau) in 1997 was a great achievement for the Indian shipbuilders. For the Russian industry, INS Delhi became the first ship built abroad to acquire a number of state-of-the-art weapon systems that had never been exported earlier, such as Shtil antiaircraft system and Fregat-MA radar. The de-

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stroyer is armed with anti-ship missile system Uran-E. India was the first country to operate this new Russian missile system. The INS Delhi has been followed by INS Mysore and INS Mumbai. These Project 15 destroyers were commissioned in 1999 and 2001 respectively. Construction of a follow-on batch of three destroyers went with a highscale support from Russia. The lead ship of the Project 15A. INS Kolkata, went into service in July 2014. The Indian Government sanctioned construction of four more destroyers in 2009. These are being built to the further improved Project 15B. Building Khurki class corvettes of Project 25 is in full gear. These were developed by the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau as replacement to the long-service ships of Project 159E. Four of such patrol ships,

armed with P‑21/P‑22 anti-ship cruise missiles were delivered to the Indian Navy in 1989–1991. Then, another four ships armed with missile system Uran-E were built under modified Project 25A (Kora class). These were inducted in 1998–2004. With the involvement of Severnoye Design Bureau, India has developed a frigate of Project 17 to be built indigenously and fitted with Russian weapon systems Shtil‑1 and Club-N. Nevskoe Design Bureau, which had developed all Russian aircraft carrying cruisers, renders assistance to its Indian colleagues in development and construction of a Project 71 aircraft carrier. Russia is ready to assist India in its efforts on indigenous aircraft carriers, should the respective program progresses with more laid-downs. The design bureau is working on

the next-generation aircraft carrier for the Russian Navy. Russian shipbuilders, as well as all Russians, who participate in various bilateral projects, are grateful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the following words of appreciation. He said: "… Russia always stood side by side with India during the toughest moments and without demanding anything in return." According to Alexey Rakhmanov, OSK is ready to continue working with the Indian partners on these time-proven principles. He happily observes that “the Indian Navy officers and sailors describe characteristic features of the Russian naval equipment as – the most powerful weapons of the class, with high reliability and ease of maintenance and excellent sea-going qualities”. Arun Jaitley, the Defence and Finance Minister of the new cabinet, mentioned Project P‑75I among the key programmes, which implementation needs to be accelerated. This program calls for construction of six conventionally powered submarines with a foreign collaborator. One is yet to be chosen. Russia hopes for the right choice to be made, as it offers the Amur 1650. The Russian side is ready to meet all customer requirements including those, related to the technology transfer and involvement of Indian industries. In this regards, OSK president has said: “We examined Indian capabilities for the supply of associated equipment and found that a wide range of engineering solutions of Indian industries are of highest international standards. We know the achievements of Indian specialists in the field of electronic warfare systems as well as their valuable experience in the long-term operation of ships in tropical waters. This experience is highly valuable for Russia. Russian shipbuilders also possess state-ofthe-art technologies, and are ready to share them with our Indian partners. We are confident that the strategic cooperation between India and Russia is a guarantee of progressive development and security for both of our countries”.  Vladimir Karnozov 7(79).2014


front line

Ilyushin turboprops for Russian navy In a wake of deteriorating relations with the new regime in Kiev, Moscow reconsiders plans for a lightweight tactical airlifter that would replace the aged fleet of earlier-generation An-26 and An-72, as well as for the Il-114 passenger turboprop and its militarized versions. he Il-112 and “re-newed” Il-114 would share onboard systems and powerplants, making both projects more economically viable. Specifically for the Russian navy, Ilyushin has developed the Il114MP (suffix for “Maritime Patrol”). It can loiter for 8–10 hours 300km off base, carrying 1.5 tons of droppable acoustic buoys and depth charges. This version is outfitted with a modern search-and-attack set including a search radar, a magnetic anomaly finder, a thermal imager etc. The Il-114MP is intended to supplement and then replace the ageing Il-38. The Russian navy has plans to rework about thirty Il-38s into Il-38N version with the Novella-P-38 ASW set. Ilyushin holds an initial contract for five aircraft, first of which was delivered to the customer on July 15, 2014. Worsening relations between Moscow, the new regime in Kiev and the latter’s supporters in the West prompt the Russian government to take dust off the Ilyushin-114. The Kremlin favors this outdated, but home-grown design to Ukraine’s Antonov-140 in low-rate production



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

at Aviacor in Samara and Bombardier Q400NextGen being considered by Rostec for localization. Deputy prime-minister for military industrial complex Dmitry Rogozin (on EU sanctions list for the Crimean issue) acts the driving force behind the Il-114, often pitching it as a direct alternative to Rostec’s Q400 plan. A decision in favor of the Il-114 was made on September 9, when he chaired a big meeting of government officials with various ministries and industrial structures. “The meeting […] approved of Il-114 production restart. Ilyushin design bureau is ready to accept the work”, Rogozin commented. He stressed that the effort requires “a complete digitizing” of the original drawings after “a deep modernization”. President Vladimir Putin gave his personal approval for Rogozin’s initiative in August, with a rider that the government should evaluate “commercial worthiness” of such a project. Shortly, general manager Aleksei Gusev declared Aviacor’s intent to accept the work. The plant makes broadly similar An-140 under license from Antonov. As a Ukrainian design,

this 52-seat turboprop has fallen into disfavor in view of the deteriorating relations with the new regime in Kiev. The ministry for industry and trade initially spoke against the move on the ground of the Il-114, being outdated and not commercially viable. On September 9 the ministry was given two weeks to reconsider its earlier evaluation of the home-grown airplane and prepare a plan of supporting it. The Aviacor plant in Samara is not a member in Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation and instead run by the Russian Machines privately-held corporation. The owners and the Samara regional administration are ready to invest into the Il-114 project. The local authorities have promised “1–1.5 billion Rouble into Aviacor modernization”, according to Samara governor Nikolai Merkushkin. A great total of investments into the Il-114/ Aviacor project is estimated at 8–12 billion Rouble. Rework of the original drawings and their digitizing would take another 3–4 billion. After some hesitation, Ilyushin agreed rework of the Il-114 so as to refresh the aircraft, originally designed

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to a 1987 specification. First flown in 1990 and certified in 1997, the plane is to transport 64 passengers for 900km. Its superb loitering capability makes it attractive to the Russian defense ministry and thus creates ground for a larger production run. The biggest issue is the Klimov TV7–117S/SM turboprops. The Russian engine has demonstrated lower fuel burn than Pratt&Whitney Canada’s PW127H on the westernized Il-114–100 certified in 1999. But the Klimov’s motor has also showed lower reliability and on-wing lifetime in Il114 revenue service. The engine maker has many times reported about newer, more powerful and matured versions, including the TV7–117SM and Bogatyr for the Il-112 tactical airlifter now in development. None of these have so far gone into numeric production. The airplane can be powered by the PW127H (Il-114–100) or the TV3–117VMA-SBM1 (developed for the An-140), if political considerations are not taken into account. The Russian and Ukrainian turboprops have lifetime of 2–3 thousand hours against 7–12 for the Canadian ones. The Il-114 was developed in the late 1980s as alternative to Advanced Turboprop (ATP). British Aerospace offered it to the Soviet Union for local production in 1985. In the early 1990s, the airplane entered lowrate production at the TAPO plant in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan Republic. About twenty airframes have been built. Seven Il-114–100s with Canadian engines, US-made propellers, APU, avionics and interiors remain in revenue service with Uzbekistan Airways. These have re-

portedly shown annual utilization of 1,800 flight hours, barely sufficient to generate a profit. At speed of 480–500 km/h the Il114 shows 0.94–0.97 km per kilogram of fuel burnt, compared to 0.74 for the ATR72–600 and 0.68 for fasterflying Q400NextGen. Ilyushin’s empty equipped weight, at 16 tons, is 3 tons above that of the ATR72–600, resulting in twice shorter distances the airplanes can over with a full cabin. The Franco-Italian aircraft can seat up to 72–74 passengers in high density cockpit layout, while the Ilyushin can take only 64 (in a cockpit with similar dimensions) due to current certification restrictions. The big wing (81.9 square meters against ATR72–600’s 64) retards the plane in cruise flight but give it superb loitering capability at slow speeds, due to a record Cl/Cd ratio, up to twenty. Only one Russian airline – Vyborg – operated the Il-114 commercially, taking a pair of reworked aircraft, previously operated by Uzbekistan Airways. Revenue flights lasted from 1999 till 2010, when the company disbanded, leaving both aircraft parked at Pskov airport after TV7– 117S engines expired their lifetimes (several examples have logged little over two thousand FH each). The only TV7–117SM-powered airplane still operating belongs to Radar-MMS radar company, serving as a test-bed for radio-electronics. After cost overruns and slow progress, in 2010 the MoD shelved the Il112 in favor of less expensive An-140T. The latter is a ramp version of the 52-seat turboprop that the Aviacor plant in Samara makes under license

for airlines and governmental customers. The defense ministry has already acquired several An-140s out of a total order for twenty such aircraft. The customer supported Aviacor’s plans to develop An-140T jointly with Ukraine’s Antonov. Negotiations slowed down in late 2013, when Kiev began zooming off from Moscow. By now this interest has faded away; and Ilyushin has been ordered to resume the Il-112 project, so as to have two prototypes flying in 2018. According to local media, MoD has agreed to provide extra Rouble 8 billion (US dollar 222 million), thought to be enough for completion of design documentation and production preparations. Dmitry Rogozin has recently confirmed that the Il-112 and Il-114 are back, after talks on the An-140T had stalled. The aircraft will go into production at the VASO plant in Voronezh that is likely to discontinue An-148 68-seat twinjet manufacturing in the view of the political changes. VASO general director Sergei Yurasov confirmed that the talks on making a pair of Il-112 prototypes – one for ground testing, the other for flights – are ongoing. A handful of Klimov-powered Il114s served with Uzbekistan Airways (1998–1999) and Vyborg (1999–2010). Revenue flights have been terminated due to limited lifetimes and immaturity of engines and systems. The only TV7–117SM-powered airplanes still operating belongs to Radar-MMS company, which flies it as a flying laboratory for testing various radar antennas and associated systems.


Vladimir Karnozov 7(79).2014


companies & technologies

“Malachite” JSC: hard workers, fighters and “movie stars”

St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" named after Academician N. N. Isanin is one of the leading design bureaus in Russia, developing submarines. Bureau, founded in 1948, was reorganized in 1974 by uniting SKB-143 and CPB "Volna" (CKB-16). Since then, the tasks of the enterprise are design, construction and maintenance of test of diesel and nuclear submarines, deep-technical facilities and manned submersibles. Unique underwater technology developed by "Malachite", for both military and civilian purposes, is popular all over the world. Among the projects the company there are ships - honest workers of the national economy and ships - defenders of the homeland, and even ... a movie star.

"Piranjia" project submarines


eing first to arm domestic submarines with missile systems by installing nuclear power plant and use of titanium alloy as the material of the body, designers of SPMBM "Malachite" radically changed the face of the submarine forces of the country. Since the 60s of the twentieth century Russian Navy submarine forces are ocean-based, nuclear-powered and multi-purposal. Experience gained has allowed "Malachite" submarines development team to create a unique school of designing multi-purposal submarines and deep-water technical means. Other achievements of the "Malachite" are not able to be published on pages of public media: many of the design bureau projects are subordinated to the interests of the state and the defense and security of Russia.


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

For Russia's navy the company has developed, among other things, unique submarines of small size, but huge possibilities. For example, a little number of submarines happen to become a hero … of a comedy movie. Moreover, a beloved and popular one. "Peculiarities of National Fishing" were starring small submarine 'Piranha' designed by "Malachite". "Piranha" submarine is more than an example of a specific design. Perhaps just saying that it's small will not be enough. It is very small. Perhaps it is has not yet been built a smaller one. Small size by the standards of a modern fleet size becomes an additional positive factor for specific operations, for which the "Piranha" was, in fact, created. By displacement, it is ten times smaller than conventional diesel submarines: length – only 28 meters, displacement – 218 tons, crew –

three people. Cruising capacity – up to 10 days. "Piranha" submarine crew consists of three officers: commander, navigator and two assistants (on electromechanical parts and electronic equipment). Apart from these, the boat can take on board up to six frogmen. Frogmen engagement can be made ​​within the depths of down to 60 meters and on-water. Being outside the boat, divers can use supplied electricity power, as well as to replenish the gas mixture in the respiratory devices. The "Piranha" is equipped with a special lock chamber. Secretive output of frogmen is made ​​in setting an underwater boat anchored by sluicing. Frogmen gather weapons and special equipment from the outer container, and proceed to carry out the assigned task. Returning to the boat is also carried out by the method of locking. Such a small number of crew is due to the fact that the boat itself is very highly automated. As the "Malachite" authors of the "Piranha" project say, submarine can be operated by only one person as well as fighter aircraft. That is, the boat is designed so that, if necessary, it would only need one pilot. One of the key advantages of "Piranha" is its quietness. It’s enough for the submarine to go underwater, and it becomes almost invisible: as they say, under the water it cannot be heard or seen. Submarine produces nearly no magnetic field at all, so finding it is a very difficult thing to do. Experts believe "Piranha" to be very promising and demanded submarine for accomplishing tasks of special operations. For example,

companies & technologies

Special forces submarine Sectional model of "Piranjia"

Exhibition model of "Piranjia" landing and reception of combat divers, carrying out intelligence operations, secret delivering to desired location of low-volume goods. "Piranha" is fully operational in shallow water, in waters of naval bases of the islands – in general, in those areas where it is narrow, shallow and there are a lot of objects that impede navigation. Among its armory there are torpedoes, cruise missiles and mines. And here submarine fully confirms its name – a small, but very "toothy"! In conditions, where a large boat will be immediately detected, "Piranha" and "Piranha T" can freely and secretly maneuver quietly and accurately perform their large and important tasks. History of the creation of this unique project of a submarine is rather difficult. Even in the second half of the 1970s, the Navy of the USSR issued the Leningrad

Special Marine Machinery Bureau "Malachite" specifications for the design of the first Soviet small submarine. According to the terms of reference, the boat had to be designed for use in the maritime theater with extensive shallow offshore areas, in a depth range from 10 to 200 meters. The submarine was supposed to be carrying out military tasks against the enemy and the able to conduct reconnaissance. To ensure these objectives a boat should be equipped with appropriate electronic equipment, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as diving equipment for specific tasks at depths down to 60 meters. And with all this demands, displacement of the boat boat should not exceed … 80 tons! Centuries of experience in naval shipbuilding shows that more the functions can perform one or another combat unit, the harder it is to "fit" necessary snap into a com-

Brief history of "Malachite" 1948 – establishment of a special bureau for submarine design; 1952 – working on the creation of the first Soviet nuclear submarine; 1954 – working on the first submarine armed with ballistic missiles; 1958 – working on the creation of the first submarines with titanium in the construction of load-bearing structures. Launching of the first Soviet nuclear submarine with a nuclear power plant – "Leninsky Komsomol" Project 627; 1961 – working on multi-purpose nuclear submarines; 1965 – working on a research submarine for various purposes; 1970 – working on a manned submersibles means of assimilation of the ocean; 1977 – working on a small diesel-electric submarines of 3d generation; 1989 – working on a hardware development of the Arctic shelf. 2014 – lifting the naval flag on the "Severodvinsk" – multipurpose nuclear submarine of 4th generation – Project 885 "Iasen"



companies & technologies

"Triton" small submarine a forefather of the project


pact volume of its structure. Simply put, from the time of Ushakov and Nelson to our days there is a working rule: more the ship can do in combat, so itself is bigger too! And this situation demanded multifunctionality and small sizes at the same time. Even though the job was that difficult, "Malachite" has done it with success. The ship turned out to be just twice bigger as originally intended …In the course of the number 865 project, referred to as conditional future boat it has been carried out a significant amount of experimental work, modeling and field tests, experiments on individual structures, devices and processes. Submarine production start took place at Leningrad Admiralty merger in July 1984. The length of the submarine – 28.2 meters, width – 4.7 meters, 3.9 meters average sediment, and on-water displacement – 218 tons. Body of the submarine was made of a titanium alloy and is intended for the immersion depth of 200 meters. Full underwater speed was 6.7 knots, on-water – 6 knots. Cruising underwater range with 4 knots speed reached 260 miles, on-water – 1,000 miles. Control room contained operating console, instrument racks and display facilities, and controls of major systems and other devices. Battery pit was housed under the deck. Closer to the keel from the attendant console were located an access hatch, periscope and a mine drawer complex radar. Central post was limited with a spherical bow bulkhead, which had a hatch in the

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

airlock. Porthole to observe work of divers, and gateway for transferring goods from the CR to the camera were located on the bow bulkhead. Locking systems for divers were also located there. From electromechanical compartment the central post is separated by flat aft bulkhead with a gas-tight door. Electromechanical compartment on amortized platform, disconnected from the pressure hull, contained diesel generator with power of 160 kW, propulsion DC motor with 60 kW power, pumps, fans, compressors and other equipment. Thanks to the twostage damping system in combination with noise absorbing coatings on the hull constructions, submarine has a minimum sound field. Electromechanical compartment in the campaign is only visited to check the status of. Screw, placed in the rotary ring nozzle, also served as the vertical rudder. Launching of the first "Piranha" on water took place in August 1986. In 1988–1990's Leningrad Admiralty Association (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards") transferred two midget submarines "MC‑520" and "MS‑521" Project 865 "Piranha" to the Navy. After completion of construction and testing (170 outlets in the sea done), both of the submarines became part of the Baltic Fleet. Two replaceable and technical crews were formed for each boat. Originally submarines were located in Liepaja in the brigade of submarines and, given their purpose, – basically, sabotage and intel-

ligence – were "living" secretly in a special hangar. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, bases in Latvia became unavailable, and submarines were transferred to Kronstadt. Usually, the main problem of small displacement submarine is low on-water navigability. Law of a submariner: caught in a storm – dive, or else problems are on the way! "Piranha" is practically free from this drawback: they germinate well on the wave, without extreme accelerations of hull "hold" pitching, and in rough weather its range of motion remains smooth, which is crucial for the comfort of the crew. Immersion depth of "Piranha" is down to 200 m, while the practical sailing without refueling time – 10 days. However, at the time of service, when the project became an operational "pennant" of fleet, came the "perestroyka" period with all its political and economic difficulties. As a result, in the first years of life, when put to study in detail of what the submarine is really capable of and time of identifying prospects for the development and modernization of the series, "Piranha" was not given due attention. The project became almost abandoned … Recently, however, with efforts of "Malachite", unique small-sized submarine "Piranha" has returned to an active service. We can say the project is undergoing a renaissance. Creation of "Piranha T" is a clear proof of that. "Piranha-T" is not very different by sizes, but with significantly improved performance characteristics. This submarine is a little bigger – up to 500 m, but the cruising range rose for up to 2 thousand miles. Electric motor power was increased to 250 kW power, and as a result, doubling its full speed up to 12 knots. Autonomy time rose to 20 days. The boat is designed for operations in coastal waters and in areas with shallow depths, such as the Caspian Sea. The main objectives of "Piranha-T" are: coastal protection, exploration of underwater environment, fighting against terrorist threats, setting minefields and landing groups for special purposes. "Piranha-T" is armed with four torpe-

companies & technologies do tubes. As a part of the ammunition there can be installed two missiles or torpedoes of 533 mm caliber, eight torpedoes of 400 mm caliber and four mines. These weapons can effectively operate in areas where great importance is attached for stealth submarines not only in acoustic features, but also by electromagnetic fields. The crew – three to five people. "Piranha-T 'can be positioned as a relatively cheap submarine. Its potential buyers may be considered countries with hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf, in need of protection and defense. Today "Malachite" offers its potential customers a whole family of submarines with standardized equipment and electronic weapons complexes. "Piranha" is the smallest among them, but larger submarines are available as well – with a displacement of about 1 thousand tons. "Malachite" JSC provides a complete set of submarines with specifications options by customer demands. But there are projects of civil purposes as well. For example, underwater gas transport with capacity of 150,000 m3. The vessel is designed for yearround export of liquefied natural gas from offshore production platforms. In case, the platform is located somewhere in the Arctic and the receiving terminal is, for example, in European port or on the coast of East Asia. "Malachite" gas transport get to destination point in any weather conditions – without icebreaker, because it will pass through the ice zone under the water, using the shortest path possible. Civil submarine can carry methane in liquid form – at temperatures down to minus 163 °C and with normal atmospheric pressure. Transportation of ethylene is available as well – at minus 104 °C. Operating subsea LNG transport would not require any changes to the existing system of transportation by sea. Devices to receive the goods from on-water and underwater LNG transport types are the same. The dynamics of the motion in the port becomes the same as that of an or-

"Piranjia" project submarine dinary tanker as soon as the submarine comes up. "Malachite" transport will have 6 cargo receiving devices, which means that time of its loading and unloading will be calculated by the same 10 hours, same, that time of the on-water ship of the same tonnage. But the power plant at the new LNG transport is nuclear. Actually to carry a nuclear engine – it's a big responsibility to the world around. To avoid accidents with serious consequences, unpredictable power compartment is securely protected by LNG transport own construction designs. When grounded, or in case of collision with a nearby boat dock or bulk, ecology of the region would not suffer. Safety of the crew is ensured as well: accommodation will be separated from the reactor compartment with cofferdam and between the cofferdam and the reactor there is also a layer of biological protection. The design of biological protection meets all local and international technical standards. KB "Malachite" developed unique equipment for the extraction of natural resources from the seabed. For example, since 2006, a floating base complex (FBK) "Taz" Project 20950 has been in operation providing drilling – part of a floating drilling complex (FDC) "Ob‑1". This is a set of drilling exploratory gas wells down to 2500 meters in semi-ice period means, at the limit of shallow water with depths down to 10 m. System can, for example, work in the Kara Sea or the Ob Taz Bay In addition to FBK, the FDC includes one not self-propelled ob-

ject: submersible floating drilling rig (SFDG) "Obskaya". It is a not selfpropelled vessel with ice strengthening of the body, with add-ons, storage facilities, equipment and systems to ensure the functioning of the rig itself and it’s crew accommodation. "Obskaya"is equipped with: Residential unit for 50 people;  Ship Crane, MASK DC  40/36 t‑26/30m;  Hardware complex of processing of drilling waste;  Warehouse for materials for drilling one well to a depth of 2500m;  Dynamic positioning system for anchor lines;  PBC rescue equipment, including place for handling crew with crane;  All types of communications systems, including satellite, to perform traffic control functions;  Bench and turning shop and welding station FBK and FDC both have independent power systems, which when executing drilling operations may be combined by a communication bridge. Its design has no analogue in the world, for the first time one mobile device is used for marine transmitting simultaneously in different directions of several liquid and gas materials, power and control signals. This invention received a patent № 2274580. Since 2007, communication bridge operates on a running drill in the Arctic and confirms the claimed superior performance.  Mikhail Melnikov 7(79).2014


companies & technologies

Modular Tor-M2KM is the latest development of short range SAMS

Antiaircraft missile system with fighting machine Tor-М2КМ on a wheeled chassis

Short range of Surface-to-air missile systems (SAMSs) are the last stand in Air Defense system of any country. In our days defensive potential and external aggression resistance of country are evaluated by availability of modern AD system and primarily by availability of short range SAMS. ntiaircraft missile system Tor-M2KM with modular combat and technical facilities is the latest development of JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol. It provides high reliability and effectiveness against active maneuvering air targets, gliding and guided aerial bombs, cruise, guided and antiradar missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, aircrafts and helicopters. This system is equipped with computer facilities and modern radio stations that allow to detect and process up to 48 targets, simultaneously track up to 10 targets with the highest level of threat and provide simultaneous engagement of four targets. Tor-M2KM is a modular system that provides for mounting of independent combat module(ICM) and technical facilities on any motor chas-



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

sis, semitrailers, trailers and other platforms of appropriate carrying capacity as well as in the stationary version. The ICM, which is equipped with all special-purpose equipment, computer system, radar and optical facilities, missiles, operators compartment, system of independent and supplementary power supply with own fuel range, life support system, conditioning system, is installed on the motor chassis and another platforms by three special-proposed, quick-disconnect brackets. Special structure of the brackets allows quick remounting of the ICM from one platform to another. Remounting of the ICM from one platform to another is performed by 25-tonnes crane and takes no more than 10 minutes. The only limitation - technical characteristics of platform must comply with the following requirements: for ICM

it's necessary to have a load-carrying capacity of any platform types of not less than 20 tonnes, width of not less than 2500 mm and length of not less than 7000 mm, for technical facilities like transporter-loader, maintenance workshop, group SPTA set, battery command post it's enough to have a load-carrying capacity of 8,5 tonnes, width of 2500 mm and length of 6000 mm. The ICM is not connected with the platform neither with mechanical drives or hydraulic drives nor with electric systems. It is equipped with gas-turbine unit (GTU) as its own power supply source, which provides electric power generation of required parameters and power. Time for starting operating mode of the GTU is not more than 60 sec. Total time for the ICM combat readiness is not more than 3 minutes. Electrostatic

companies & technologies transducer was implemented as supplementary power supply source for the first time ever. It transforms electric power of three-phase voltage 380 V and frequency 50 Hz supplied from external source to electric power of three-phase voltage 220 V and frequency 400 Hz. SAMS Tor-M2KM mounted on serially produced motor chassis of Indian company TATA Motors was shown on International aviation salon MAKS-2013. By this we shown to all world that Kupol has designed surface-to-air missile system, combat and technical facilities of which could be mounted on different motor chassis and on different platforms in accordance with customer's request. Furthermore there is possibility to mount the ICM on roofs of buildings and constructions, on difficult to access areas, on trailers and semitrailers, on railway platforms and even on low-tonnage vessels, which can carry a load of more than 20 tonnes. It allows to expand functionality of the system significantly, to provide air defense for different Armed Forces, important state, military and industrial objects, big cities (megalopolises), to provide reliable protection of the large sport events like Olympic Games or Football World Cup from air terrorists. If SAMS is placed within the city or within the territory of protected object, combat capabilities of the system will be limited because of a great amount of surface facilities, buildings, constructions, which are located in the operating area of radar facilities of the system and missile flight trajectories. Fully equipped independent combat module of SAMS Tor-M2KM has a weight of no more than 15 tonnes, that provides its transportation on an external load of МИ-26Т helicopter with high lifting capacity or its foreign analogues. In such way the ICM can be delivered and installed in the most hard-to-reach places: on highest elevation, on roofs of buildings and constructions, where the ICM will provide reliable defense of objects against all air threats, in range of 15 km killing zone. The process of lock-on and tracking of the targets in SAMS Tor-M2KM

is automated. Any of targets offered by vehicle can be selected for fire. When target is in the launch zone and surface-to-air missile (SAM) is ready, commander presses the button ПУСК (Launch). SAM is guided towards the target automatically and its combat part is exploded in the missile-target meeting point that provides reliable engagement of the air target. High accuracy and modern methods of calculation of guidance parameters in combination with special-proposed combat equipment of SAM provide high killing probability against all types of air targets. SAM module provides transportation, storage and launch of four surface-to-air missiles. There are two surface-to-air missile modules in each ICM. Transporting-loading module, facilities of maintenance and repair, group SPTA set and simulator, placed on unified containersbodies, can be mounted on motor chassis, on analogous chassis of the ICM or on any motor chassis, semitrailers and trailers in accordance with customer's request. SAMS Tor-M2KM is equipped with navigation system GLONASS/GPS developed by Russian company Navis. It determines location of system with high accuracy, at the same time it provides measurement of angle parameters of the ICM (roll and different planes). Now it's not necessary for crew to have geodesic skills, which were required during the previous generation of equipment. Tests of SAMS Tor-M2KM with modular version of combat and technical facilities mounted on motor chassis TATA of Indian production were undertaken at Kapustin Yar site of Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation in October-November 2013. All performance characteristics were confirmed during these tests, in particular, combat capabilities of target engagement on boundary of the killing zone of 15 km, targets with flight speed of 700 m/s and also targets with course parameter of no more than 6 km in range of 12 km. All-weather and day-andnight capability of the system and its running characteristics were confirmed. Besides, cooperative oper-

ation of group, consisting of ICM, transport-loading module 9Т244К, Kasta-2E2 radar in stand-by mode and battery command post RanzhirMK were checked during these tests. SAMS Tor-M2KM passed all tests honorably.

Tor-М2КМ in action Rearrange of Tor-M2KM from wheeled to truck chassis

Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant KUPOL, JSC Russia, Udmurtia, Izhevsk, Pesochnaya str., 3 Tel.: (3412) 72-5125, fax: (3412) 72-6819 E-mail: 7(79).2014



Small Submarines: better to reconsider ometimes small and extremely small (midget) submarines are referred to as “a weapon of the weak”. Although this “title” was invented and glued to the combat underwater means long ago, it has never been proved right. In fact, the most successful operations of these means were conducted by such maritime powers as Great Britain, Italy and Russia, and less successfully, Germany and Japan. None of the five could not be attributed to the class of the weak! Although the modern history did not see much progress in the domain of compact submarines, there are some signs that the market’s interest to them has been growing recently. The history shows that combat submarines can be employed ef-



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

fectively only when they are a part of the bigger, well structured and trained force with many multipliers and blessed with good intelligence. At the same time, most recent high technologies and the large experience amassed by the world-leading shipbuilding companies can lead to development of smaller, yet capable and affordable submarines with lowered maintenance and operating costs. Both large and small nations can benefit from having them in their navies. Specialists separate compact submarines into small submarines (SS) and extremely small (midget) submarines. These are totally different. In fact, they are in the classes of their own. They are different not only in terms of design solutions. In fact, they solve different combat tasks.

And these tasks have been specific for each of those submarines. Midget submarines have some rather narrow zone of application. They are for sabotage; stealth transportation vehicles for combat swimmers equipped with respective weapons. Besides, such submarines can be used for fighting enemy’s sabotage groups. They are meant to operate exclusively in restricted sea environment such as fiords, bays and naval bases, including those located in the mouth of a river. Small submarines (SS) are autonomous ships featuring relatively high endurance and capable of a wide variety of applications in war and peace times. They normally come with integrated weapon systems and can operate submerged for rather long peri-


ods of time. Generally speaking, small submarines can be useful in guarding the coastline of any nation, regardless of its geographical size and potential of national armed forces. These underwater combatants feature low signatures and high invulnerability, and thus can prove effective means of protection for naval bases in service with many nations. This statement is true in relation to a nation that is lucky to have a potent navy and a large merchant fleet. The statement is also true for a nation not so lucky, possessing only a small navy. In the latter case small submarines can indeed be rather effective “weapons of the weak”. The submarine is a means of effective deterrence. Any nation that has submarines for coastal water defense can enjoy benefits from this kind of possession. The very existence of such ships makes the nation’s adversaries treat it with a greater respect. Small submarines have a number of advantages over conventional submarines. Their low displacement makes them stealthy. Compactness enables submerged operations in swallow, littoral waters. Small submarines have tiny crew compliments. All this contributes to low operating costs. And yet small submarines can carry a wide variety of weapons systems and have rather long endurance at sea. Possible tasks include anti-shipping operations, mining, intelligence gathering and armed reconnaissance. Small submarines can be employed on transportation of special forces. In that application they should be more effective than conventional diesel-electric submarines as well as nuclear-powered ones, thanks to lower signatures. An interested nation can create a worthwhile grouping of small sub-

marines in a relatively short time and at a reasonable expense. Small submarines seem appropriate for many big and small nations in the Asiapacific, Arabian world, the Black Africa, Mediterranean, the area of Baltic and Black seas, South America and so on. The rather large geography of SS operations presumes that they may potentially have numerous potential customers. This gives a base to assert that SS can generate a high solvent demand in the global market. In theory, any firm with certain experience in development and production of compact submerged vehicles can try this market. But it might find it quite a tricky business. On one hand, there is an ever-present need for weight reduction and making the onboard systems more compact so as to keep the ship’s physical fields – and stealthiness – low. On the other hand, the submarine must comply with all requirements to operations in the open sea. She should carry potent information management and combat systems so as to detect and tract various sea targets at sufficient ranges. She should also have a sufficient weapons load, large enough to defeat coastal and sea-going targets. All this requires an innovative, nonstandard approach and respective design solutions. Weaponry Small submarines designed to operate in the littoral waters should have a universal set of weapons. When on a coastal defense mission, they can meet intruders of all sorts. Hence, the commander of a small submarine should be given some choice when selecting a suitable weapon. Traditional weapons in the form of

torpedoes and mines – these have been with the diesel-electric submarine since her birth – keep themselves popular even today. Rocket torpedoes – such as the Shkval, its clones and evolutionary products – can prove useful in certain environment. The recent addition is the missilery. Russia has developed a number of underwater-launched missile types. Some of them are cleared for export. Brahmos Aerospace, a joint IndoRussian joint venture, has developed and fire-tested a special version of the baseline PJ‑10 supersonic missile with underwater launch capability. This particular weapon is offered as the primary one for the exportable Amur 950 and Amur 1650 submarine designs from Rubin. The in-service Club-S enables the submarine in the submerged position to fire several cruise missiles types, including anti-ship (3M‑54E) and land-strike (3M‑14E). With that system having become available, the overall combat efficiency of Russianmade conventional submarines has substantially increased. This fact prompted India to made decision for modernization of earlier-accepted Project 877EKM submarines centering on adding the Club-S to their weapons arsenal. The respective rearmament program is being carried out at the Zvezdochka ship repair center during major overhaul. The next-generation design has even greater strike capability. Fully automated torpedo&missile complex loaded with 18 weapons, gives the Amur 1650 a respectful land-strike capability never previously seen on diesel-electric submarines of the given size. In that area the Amur 1650 has an edge over the compe1(73).2014



Project 865 Piranha

tition through her ability to commit devastating salvo strikes on land and seagoing targets. At the same time, the same Club-S and Brahmos can be fitted to small submarines and thus provide the navy planners with more affordable yet also very capable assets in terms of kinetic action against the adversary. Arming conventional submarines with powerful strike missiles makes them an effective means of deterrence, even for a small nation facing a conflict with more powerful adversary. Both the Club-S and BrahMos systems for submarine applications have land-strike missiles able to destroy such valuable targets as command centers, key objects of the air defense system such as radars and SAM sites, power generation stations, communication towers, fuel reservoirs. Most of those are within firing range of the small submarine’s missilery: according to some analysis, up to 80% of the world’s economic potential is located on the sea shore or close to it. Features The accumulator battery remains the best solution for midget submarines in the view of their limited capabilities to operate autonomously. The need to operate stealthy is also a factor. The best solution for a multirole small submarine seems to be the classic diesel-electric propulsion system coupled with the accumulator battery. Air-independent propulsion is also a possibility. Following a weighted approach is important in this field. Longer non-stop operations invariably lead to larger displacement of the submarine, entailing higher ac-


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quisition costs and operating costs (taking account of ground infrastructure). Even though Russia and some nations in the West have developed combat reactors, including those for spacecraft applications (just to mention the Legenda satellite system deployed by for the Soviet Union), the nuclear power plant does not seem a justified solution for a small submarine. First of all, it would be more difficult to keep the vessel reasonably small, as in the case with the classic diesel-electric propulsion. Sticker prices would go up, together with operating costs. Many nations would find it too difficult to maintain a nuclear-powered submarines, and also not suitable from the political point of view. There are also issues related to nuclear pollution and radiation. Both Rubin and Malachite have amassed rich experience of making titanium-hulled submarines. Today, titanium alloys remain ideal material for firm outer hulls of small submarines. It ensures lower structural weight and lower displacement. Titanium hulls withstand corrosion and hence with the hull is “forever young”. Compared to steel-hulled, submarines made of titanium are cheaper to maintain. Among disadvantages there are relatively high price for the metal and rather complicated manufacturing technologies for metal cutting and welding. Russia has mastered and perfected titanium technologies, which makes it possible to keep manufacturing costs down. Admittedly, steel remains the most widely used construction material for all sorts of submarines, including compact ones. It is likely to keep its positions in future. Polymeric materials can be used on midget submarines. The same is about small submarines – in this regard we can speak about certain structures, but not the firm hull. Small submarines are said to be most effective in restricted water zones. But what does “restricted” mean for them? The navy can set mission duration at 10, 20 and 30 days, with respective distances, taking account of rather small crew number (three to nine people) for a modern highly automatic SS design with dis-

placement less than 600 tons. The key question is: what are the combat tasks set before the submarine commander? Is he instructed to go far from the base and operate at a maximum distance? Or is he ordered to stay long in the vicinity of the home base? It seems that in most instances we will find the second option more often, because that sort of mission ensures the most effective employment for small submarines. Should the navy look for longer distances and endurance of intended missions, this would necessitate measures to provide appropriate level of comfort for the crew members. It would also entail an increase in fuel capacity and munitions load, leading to higher displacement, higher manufacturing and operating costs. The navies wanting to acquire modern compact submarines are faced with the necessity to work out a clear, well-based vision of strategy and tactics of naval operations. This will pay off well in development and manufacturing of suitable designs, as well as during their operational service. The manufacturers may need to know how much the customer is prepared to spend on submarine operations, including training, maintenance and operations. Otherwise it would be difficult to create a submarine best tailored to customer’s specific requirements. Both Russian design houses specializing in the submersible naval combatants are convinced that small submarines can find a place in the arsenals of many nations around the globe as a reasonably powerful, costeffective solution to their defense needs in the modern economic and military environment. Rubin There are two design houses in Russia that work on submersible combatants. Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering "Rubin" specializes in nuclear powered submarines able to launch intercontinental strategic missiles and also specializes in the diesel electric submarines (with displacement above a thousand tons). The Malachite design house (Joint Stock Company SaintPetersburg Marine Design Bureau


"Malachite") specializes in fast attack submarines, and also specializes in deep water stations. Another specialization of ours is to design the smaller diesel electric submarines with displacement of up to 700 tons. Both Rubin and Malachite have amassed the vast experience in the field of small and midget submarines. This gives them some advantage over less experienced manufacturers. Rubin has a long history of the mutually beneficial relationship with India. It started with the acquisition of Project 641I submarines in the sixties; one of them, INS Vagli served for 36 years before being decommissioned in 2011. Yet the best testimony of our fruitful cooperation is the fact that the core of the Indian navy’s submersible component is made up by Russian-built Project 877EKM diesel-electric submarines (NATO: Kiloclass) delivered in 1986–2000. Today, Russia is offering India its newest conventional submarine design, the Amur 1650 (exportable version of the Project 677 Lada), which is a generation ahead of the Project 877EKM. The novelty coefficient for her is 0.7. About two hundred R&D projects have been completed in frame of the respective effort. About 130 new examples of weapons and systems have found place on board of this submarine. It is interesting to notice, that the Amur 1650 is notably smaller than

the previous generation Project 877 (figures as given for the recently overhauled “Kaluga”), with standard displacement of 1765 tons against 2300 (2350 for Project 636.3 – most recent mutation of the Kilo class) and full displacement of 2700 tons against 3040 (3950). Higher automation enabled reduction in the number of crews from 52 to 35, whereas endurance (45 days), speed (20 knots) and weapons load (18 missiles and torpedoes) almost remained unchanged. This provides illustration for the general trend for reduction in displacement of newer submarines. In addition to the Amur 1650, there are two more interesting designs available. One is the smaller Amur 950 diesel electric submarine with full displacement of 950 tons. The other is a joint Russian-Italian design S‑1000. Italy and Russia have made decision to resume their joint project on the S1000 non-nuclear submarine after four years of suspension. After much consideration, Russia has agreed to give up an earlier position that the S1000 be armed with relatively expensive Russian weapons and onboard systems. Taking more foreign components aboard shall reduce the sticker price and thus make the new design more affordable. Besides, Russia’s arms vendor Rosoboronexport signals its read-

iness to join the team and organize a sales campaign for the S1000. The new submarine is expected to attract customers in Africa, the Arab world and Asia-Pacific. Although the S1000 is shrouded by secrecy regime, an insider told Russian journalists that the recent session of the Russo-Italian commission on cooperation in the militaryindustrial sphere centered on the matter of re-launching the project, aiming primarily at third countries as potential customers. In order to reduce the sticker price, Moscow has agreed to reduce the Russian share in the submarine’s systems from 50% previously down to 20%. The first victim falling to this decision is the expensive Russian weaponry. The tube-launched missiles of the Russian Club complex is no longer intended to equip the S1000. This system employs three types of missiles: the 91R antisubmarine, the 3M‑54 anti-ship and the 3M14 landstrike, with the later developed to defeat coastal targets of high value. Removing the Club will invariably entail a serious revision of the submarine’s combat system and associated onboard systems. Although the removal of the Club significantly reduces the submarine’s lethality, this is seen as a necessary measure to bring the costs down. From now on the S1000’s main weapon is the

Admiral Victor Chirkov, commander of the Russian navy; Dmitry Rogorin, vice-premier (deputy prime minister), responsible for military-industrial complex; Igor Vilnit, general director of the Central Design Bureau of Maritime Equipment "Rubin".




Malachite general director Vladimir Dorofeev briefs dignities on the Piranha project


Black Shark torpedo developed jointly by Italy and France. Apparently, the removal of Club has been done on the insistence of the foreign partner. It is quite clear that this move goes in the opposite direction to that of the Russian practice. In his speech on 30 July 2012, Russian president Vladimir Putin stressed the need to equip newlyconstructed ships with modern long range rocketry. “It is exactly weaponry that always determined power and worthiness of combat ships in wartime”, he stated. Historically, the joint project was initiated at the initiative of Fincantieri, the largest shipbuilding firm in Italy, and Russia’s Rubin design house. The partners signed an agreement on the S1000 development in 2004. The work was done by Rubin, which developed the submarine to meet the requirements of the Italian navy. Draft design was ready in 2008, but at this point the program ran into financial troubles. It is understood that more recently the partners agreed on a new plan. That one calls for making the submarine less expensive. Among other things, this commands construction of the hulls in Italy (including the lead vessel, which had been meant to be constructed in St. Petersburg). It is understood that neither Italian nor Russian navies are interested in the S1000, so its marketing is now entirely focused on third countries. The

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

S1000 requires another two years before a lead vessel is completed. The S1000 has a relatively small displacement of 1,100 tons when submerged, and maximum speed in excess of 14 knots. It is intended primarily for operations in the tropical, shallow waters, among islands. The submarine has a relatively small hull with length of 56.2 meters and diameter of 5.5 meters, housing sixteen crews. If need, six men from special forces can be taken on board. The S1000’s main features are low cost, ease of maintenance and sufficient combat efficiency for the given displacement. Involvement of Rosoboronexport may boost sales, as this organization has a good reputation and connections in a number of countries that could potentially be looking for inexpensive submarines for coastal operations. It is believed that lack of submarine marketing experience with Fincantieri had led to no sales so far. It isunderstoodthatRosoboronexport has already started offering the S1000 to customers. According to Russian newspapers, the company has approached South African Republic. Egypt is named as another probable buyer. Potentially, the S1000 may be of interest to United Arab Emirates and Iraq, where both the Italians and the Russian have good connections. Further down in the line are some small countries in Africa and Asia-Pacific which lack experience of submarine operations but want to add

an underwater capability to their navies. For those nations that seek more capable submarines and ready to pay the higher price, Russia is offering the Amur 950. This submarine – a completely Russian product with no foreign involvement – is similar to the S1000, but has the added bonus of the Club. The Amur 950 has a displacement of 1,065 tons (submerged), overall length of 56.8 meters and hull diameter of 5.65 meters. It capable of a bit higher depth – 300 meters against 200–250 – and can move faster, making 20 knots under water. The crew is larger, 19 persons. The Amur 950 is armed with four 533‑mm torpedo tubes and ten vertically-positioned missile launch containers. A total of 16 weapons can be carried inside the hull. In marketing terms, the Amur 950 is positioned above the S1000. According to Rubin general director Igor Vilnit, the Amur 950 represents a low-cost alternative to larger conventional submarines which may prove more suitable for small nations, especially in the AsiaPacific. Malachite Whereas Rubin is well known in India for its diesel electric submarines, Malachite (Joint-stock company SaintPetersburg Marine Design bureau "Malachite") became famous thanks to Charka projects. Under governmentto-government agreement, a Russian navy nuclear powered, cruise-missile armed submarine K‑43 of the Project 670 was leased to the Indian navy and operated out of Visag naval station for three years, 1988–1991. In Indian service, the submarine with tactical number S‑71 covered 72 thousand nautical miles and performed five fire exercises with anti-ship missiles and 42 with torpedoes. The Russian commander captain first rank Alexander Terenov wrote a very interesting book about it entitled Under Three Flags. Today, he works at Malachite in the capacity of advisor to the general manager. In 2012 the Indian navy accepted its second nuclear powered submersible ship in its history. It also carries the name of Chakra, and for the reason of clarity is sometimes referred to as the Chakra II. The asset is on ten year lease for which the Indian

navy side is paying US dollar 900 million. In the Russian navy the ship is known as the Nerpa, a series hull of the Project 971 but modified to meet the customer specific requirements. With a length in excess of 110 meters, she can accelerate to 30 knots under water (compared to 26 knots for Chakra I) thanks to 190 MWt twin reactor. Nearly twice larger her predecessor, the Charka II is armed with the Club-S missile system. The company’s general director Vladimir Dorofeev comments: “The Malachite has mastered the whole cycle of the ship-borne nuclear reactor issues, the use of nuclear propulsion on ships. Starting with issuing specification to the designers and manufacturers of the nuclear reactors, and ending with utilization of the submarine though the whole of her lifecycle including withdrawal from active service. The competence we have in design, development and operational lifecycle of a nuclear-powered submarine is a complete one. To illustrate the point, I can say that our design house developed the first Russian nuclear powered submarine [back] in 1955.” In addition to nuclear powered, Malachite also develops diesel electric submarines of low displacement – more compact than such vessels from Rubin. During Cold War, Malachite engineers come with the design of very specific submarines tailored for deployment of special forces. Two such vessels were built in Saint Petersburg in 1984–1990 timeframe. The Project 865 Piranha-class ships had standard displacement of 218 tons and full displacement of 319 tons. They were specially designed to support highly secret missions conducted by special forces and operated in the Baltic Sea, famous for its shallowness. The hulls were made of titanium so as to reduce the electromagnetic fields and thus ensure stealthy operations. Termination of the Cold War and worsening economic situation forced the Russian navy to withdraw both submarines from service prematurely. They were scrapped in 1999. Below is that mister Dorofeev told journalists about those ships. “The Malachite design house developed the Piranha class. In the late

1980s, two ships were made in Russia, two diesel electric submarines with full displacement of just over 300 tons. Ideologically, this design was that of a compact submarine with the compliment of only three crew members. But still, with such a small displacement and crew numbers, these submarines could be used successfully for deployment of frogmen, special forces. These submarines were intended for use in the waters of inner, shallow seas, to deploy frogmen or special forces [into the territory of likely enemies], – and not only them, but also various containers and pods with special weapons or equipment, such as that for propelling the frogmen or for mining. After departing from the submerged submarine, that group of special forces would be deployed to the enemy shore, do their mission and get back on board the [submerged] submarine using the floodable airlock (Lock-out/Lock-in chamber). This way, the special forces would get

back safely. Besides, this type of submarine could also use torpedoes in self defense, – she carried two torpedoes. Deployment of frogmen and containers was being done when the submarine was [in] submerged [position], but still – without motion. It is like a sail-equipped ship staying still on the anchor, but under water [surface]. Release of frogmen and containerized weapons/equipment was done in that position manually, using special means of assistance to these operations – so that not much noise was generated. There were only two Piranha class submarines completed. One of their interesting features was that their hulls were made of titanium. Unfortunately, near to the turn of the century the Russian navy made decision to withdraw those submarines from active service. As of today, the Russian navy does not operate such submarines.” Malachite used the Project 865 as the base for development of some-

INS Chakra II

Cutaway model of Malachite perspective small submarine




China displays

Vladimir Nikitin, what larger submarines with displaceZvezdochka ment of up to 750 tons for a wide varigeneral director ety of applications. They were cleared for export, but is yet to find a launch customer. India expressed an interest. Negotiations on the matter took place earlier this century, with the last round of talks taking place two years ago. Under one possible scenario, ships would be constructed jointly by Indian and Russian dockyards. It is interesting to note that a scaled model of Project 865 submarine was on display at IMDS’2013. It attracted attention of Russian vice premier Dmitry Rogozin and the Russian navy commander Admiral Victor Chirkov. They were given a brief on the project and its possible development in future by Malachite general director Vladimir Dorofeev. Indian context India has the coastline of 7,516 km, the total area of the national exclusive economic zone occupies 2,305,143 square km (including 663,629 sq. km of the Andaman group of islands). In the view of the Indian navy operating beyond national waters, the operational zone geography is even greater. This is a big area to secure and defend. Modern compact submarines can provide a worthy compliment to the Indian navy’s underwater fleet represented by a dozen of “standard” diesel-electric submarines and a single nuclear powered Chakra II.  Vladimir Karnozov 22

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Perhaps the biggest surprise China made last year in the domain of exportable defense products was the demonstration of the S20 exportable U‑boat. Show participants from the world’s largest country certainly added a new dimension to AeroIndia’2013, IDEX’2013 and LIMA’2013 by participating in those exhibitions with stands. Wares on display included a scaled model of the S20 diesel-electric submarine, the first-ever submersible vessel from China specially developed for export. With this, PRC has (figuratively speaking) filed application to join the very narrow club of nations exporting conventional submarines, one comprising Germany, France and Russia. China goes after two other recent applicants, RoK and Spain. These have no export deliveries as of yet, but big plans relating to Type 209/1200 (built in partnership with Germany's Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems) and S‑80 designs respectively. LIMA’2013 held 26–30 March was the first air and maritime show on the holiday island of Langkawi, Malaysia, to have a Chinese exhibitor with a stand. During conferences and press briefings at LIMA’2013, Malaysian defense minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi touched on China several times. Answering a question whether Malaysian government and the military are concerned with growing Chinese naval might, and expanding presence, he answered: “They have been here ever since! We have lived with them by our side for centuries. We do not have issues with China”. This explains the fact that China Shipbuilding & Offshore Co. Ltd. (CSOC, actually received an invitation from the Malaysian side to take part in LIMA’2013. In other words, the Chinese industry is now a welcomed partner for Malaysia, so that collaboration programs between the two countries shall be considered a future possibility. CSOC is a subsidiary (export arm) of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), one of the two largest shipbuilding conglomerates in PRC with nearly a hundred enterprises with 300,000 workforce.

A CSOC spokesman told media members that “LIMA is very impressive and interesting” and that his company “enjoys the opportunity to exchange information”. CSOC will certainly take part in the next show on Langkawi in 2015, he added. A number of countries in the region already operate ships built by CSOC. The spokesman said that the company is offering to its traditional overseas customers and potential clients landing platform docks (LPDs), frigates, fast craft and submarines, adding that exportable versions are similar to the baseline designs already in service with the People’s Liberation Army’s Navy (PLAN). The builder declared its readiness to modify them according to a [foreign] customer’s requirements. Information available on the S20 remains scarce: the Chinese manning their stands briefed only invited guests. Graphics available on the stand indicated that the S20 can attack surface targets with “anti-ship missile”, lay “mines”, launch “torpedoes” (with no indication of intended targets) and release “frogman”. Nothing indicated the ability to launch the long-range CH-SS-NX‑13 ASCM or any other sort of land-strike missiles (which might be of interest to some potential customers, knowing that PLAN’s diesel-electric boats are land-strike capable). The scaled model itself was relatively schematic, with no cutaways. It indicated presence of six torpedo tubes in the nose section and seven-blade propeller in the tail with highly curved blades. In appearance, the S20 bears resemblance to the Yuan class or Type 041. The latter is believed to have an air-independent propulsion (AIP) system, most likely employing Stirling type of engines (which, again, might be of interest to potential customers). By US estimates, the Yuan class possesses a lower relative detectability than the previous Type 039. By noise characteristics, the Yuan is placed in between the Project 636 and the Type 039, according to Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).


exportable submarine Making an exportable version of and Indonesia. Naturally, this fact mo- Germany, Russia and France hope for the series produced Yuan does make tivates other countries in the region a big portion of orders. But they are sense, as this promises potential cus- to consider submersible assets for the to meet growing competition from tomer reduced costs, parts common- navies of their own. "These facts give within the region, notably from the ality and interoperability with PLAN a clear indication of ongoing arms Korean and Chinese manufacturers. assets. Currently, China is known to race in the region. We see a num- Viewed from this perspective, the have in series production only one ber of new nations coming to pos- presence of those at IDEX and LIMA diesel-electric boat, with 11 Type sess underwater capabilities and ma- with their wares on display makes 041 vessels completed in 2009– ny more considering such a move", – no surprise. The delicateness of the situation is says Andrei Baranov who leads the 2012 timeframe. The potential of the local industry exportable diesel electric submarine that, while offering the S20 for exhas allowed PLAN to keep a steady- operations at Russia’s Rubin subma- port, China continues to import state force of conventional subma- rine designer. There are quite a few Russian submarines. In addition to rines at roughly 50 units through- of disputed islands in the Asia-Pacific 12 Kilo class boats, the last batch of out this century. Construction rate waters. Submarines are seen as the which was accepted in 2006, PRC has has been about 2.2 per year in 1995– right argument in defending a small- recently ordered from Russia four 2012 timeframe, with PLAN intake er nation’s claims to these islands in submarines of the Amur 1650 derising to 2.8 with Russian-built Kilo the case when these are disputed by sign similar to the S20. This fact class included. Ever-growing poten- a larger nation with far bigger naval might give a third country seeking tial of the local industry leaves little forces. "Submarines are the sort of to procure submarines a base to bedoubt about PRC’s ability to deliv- weapons that can be successfully em- lieve that the Russian design is someer obligations before foreign custom- ployed in the region", Baranov insists. what more advanced. This, howevers if there will be some making deci- "There are indications that many na- er, will hardly produce a worthwhile tions of the region are going to buy affect on the S20 target market. Its sion in favor of Chinese submarines. Today, China is one of established submarines… and buy them in worth- core is likely to be made of traditionsubmarines operators, along with while quantities", he continues. For al clients for Chinese military equipother Asian nations – India, Pakistan, example, Bangladesh indicated its in- ment, the countries that receive help Iran, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and tent to follow the trend as well as from China or in other way dependant on PRC and motivated/inclined both Koreas. All of them continue Thailand. Philippines may also join in. Therefore, Southeast Asia is be- to buy “made in China” products. At building up their submarines fleets. Countries that recently added subma- coming a very perspective market for the end of the past year, Myanmar rines to their assets or having placed shipbuilding companies. Traditional expressed desire to acquire Chinese orders include Malaysia, Vietnam suppliers of such equipment in submarines.




The immediate prospects

for aircraft carrier program in China

If the Indian media, commenting on the transfer of the, the "Vikramaditya" aircraft carrier (formerly "Admiral Gorshkov") to Indian Navy in 2013 stated that "it is - a moment of pride for the country", the nongovernmental media and online community of neighboring China accepted this news rather negatively. the same time, a number of "independent Chinese experts" were skeptical about the combat capabilities of the new Indian aircraft carrier as compared to the Chinese "Liaoning" ship (which came into operation in late 2012) are quite critical. According to them, "Indian aircraft carrier without an escort in the form of warships, equipped with powerful air defense systems, such as American "Aegis" system, has only a limited military value" (also stating that the



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

PLA Navy ships already have similar ships). Chinese independent experts believe that although the Indian Navy has years of experience in using aircraft carriers, but it never included strike or multipurpose compounds. According to the Chinese, the United States can theoretically sell India the latest E‑2D Advanced Hawkeye AWACS, equipped with AESA, which adds electronic scanning to the mechanical rotation of the radar in its radome, that the combat capabilities of the Indian Navy can "grow

significantly". However, according to experts from China, E‑2D aircraft can not be based on aircraft carriers, not having take-off catapults. Thus, the "Advanced Hawkeye" (if making appearance in Indian Navy) can be placed only on the coastal air bases, which significantly limit operational range of the Indian aircraft carrier group. At the same time, the calculations showed that in the presence of crosswind, E‑2D aircraft or a similar unit can take off from the Indian aircraft carrier, equipped with take-off ramp.


However, Chinese experts believe that "Americans probably do not seek any significantly increase the potential of the Indian Navy." Independent experts noted that with no AWACS on "Vikrimaditya" aircraft carrier, it will not have sufficient situational awareness, "which has a negative effect on its combat potential." Concerning qualitative composition of the aviation wing of the "Vikrimaditi", Chinese experts believe that the MiG‑29K is "markedly inferior" on its combat characteristics compared to similar Chinese shipborne J‑15 (Su‑27K) fighter, as well as to American Boeing F/A‑18E aircraft. In their opinion, it concerns the range and duration of flight and payload of aircraft units. It is pointed out that the Chinese "Liaoning" aircraft carrier has a slightly larger displacement than the Indian AV "Vikramaditya" (total displacement of 45500 compared to 59500 tonnes). It carries J‑15 fighters, "which have a takeoff weight of up to 30–35 tonnes, while the MiG‑29K weights no more than 20 tons". In addition, "Liaoning" currently has it’s defense group being formed, including the major destroyers of 052D type, equipped with a powerful air defense long-range system (which, according to the Chinese experts, are not available in India). However, giving a comparative assessment of the combat capabilities of "Vikramaditya" and "Lyaoina", it

should be remembered, that in fact the difference between the specifications of carrier-based fighters of India, United States and China are not as significant as it is represented by some "experts". According to official data, carrier-based fighter MiG‑29K has a normal takeoff weight of 18,600 kg, maximum takeoff weight of 24,500 kg, operational range of 2000 km and an extended range (with three fuel tanks) of 3000 km. Being heavier (empty weight 14800 kg, normal takeoff weight of 21,400 kg), F/A‑18E fighter has a maximum takeoff weight of about 30,000 kg, operational range of flight without fuel tanks of 2,000 km and a range with three external fuel tanks of 2850 km. Characteristics of the aircraft J‑15 are not known, but its prototype Russian fighter Su‑27K (Su‑33) has an empty weight 19600 kg, normal takeoff weight of about 30,000 kg, maximum takeoff weight of 33,000 kg and operational flight range of 3,000 km. The maximum speed of the MiG‑29K, F/A‑18E and J‑15 are, respectively, 2200, 1900 and 2300 km/h. In this case, the MiG‑29K is already tested aviation complex (which is preparing to go into service), while the J‑15 so far – just a good platform on which it is planned to be established a full combat system (as the Chinese themselves acknowledge, it will happen no earlier than 2020). The

prospect of developing a new aircraft carrier-based version of J‑31 is even less certain. Arguments of no AWACS aircraft India has, can be as well considered as groundless. The Chinese do not have it too (although works in this direction are in process, shown up results are, apparently, not coming soon). In the meantime (and for the foreseeable future), the only fully operational AWACS aircraft in India and China is the Russian Ka‑31. China continues (though not so rapidly as expected until recently by many experts) to develop their "aircraft carrier" power. This is evidenced by posts falling in the media lately. So, according to some "source in the Central Military Commission of the PRC" (which became public knowledge in November 2013), China is planning to build two new aircraft carriers with non-nuclear (most likely – boiler turbine) power plant in the shipyards in Dalian and Shanghai (Changxing island) accordingly in 2014 and 2015. In accordance with the "program of the Central Military Commission of China", in the 2020s, it is supposed to form a three aircraft carrier groups (one group for each fleet). Chinese Navy fleet includes three branches: "Fleet of the North Sea" (headquarters in Qingdao), "East Sea Fleet" (headquarters in Ningbo) and "South Sea Fleet" (headquartered in 7(79).2014



Zhanjiang). Each of these fleets today incorporates surface ships, submarines, naval aviation and coastal defense units. "South Sea Fleet," moreover, obtains two Marine squads. Two promising Chinese aircraft carriers (known in the West as «Type 001A») are improved versions of the first Chinese "Liaoning" aircraft car26

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rier (55000 t, «Type 001", a former heavy aircraft carrier "Varyag"). It is assumed that these "pure Chinese" aircraft carriers (as well as their "semiSoviet" prototype, «Type 001"), will be equipped with flight-finishing gear and take-off ramps. Number of units, they are ably to carry is estimated at 40–45, that practically does not differ from that of "Liaoning".

According to the same source in the Central Military Commission of China, General Directorate of the Ministry of Defence Procurement China has already signed a contract with China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation for the construction of «Type 001A» aircraft carriers. The total contract value is estimated at nine billion dollars. Earlier (in September 2013), quoting the General Director of the Chinese shipbuilding group, Jiangnan Shipyard Group, it was reported that a new Chinese aircraft carrier "will be much more powerful than the Japanese helicopter carrier" (probably meaning DDH‑183 "Izumo", having a total displacement of 27,000 tons). Its cost is about three billion dollars. And the cost of the entire aircraft carrier group (with the wing and escorts) is estimated at $ 16 billion. It should be noted that the total production area of shipyard in Shanghai is 560 hectares. On the territory of this enterprise there are three slipways lines, four dock stations, and several indoor and outdoor

navy outfitting berths. The plant is able to build ocean-going vessels with displacement of up to 80,000 tons. It is suggested that the Ministry of Defense of China currently has not yet decided whether the basis of the aviation groups of new aircraft be carrier-based fighter J‑15 (non-genuine version of the Su‑27K), or the new generation aircraft J‑31 (a kind of semblance of American fighter F‑35), which have allegedly properties stealth. It is expected that a final decision on the particular type of Chinese Navy aircraft will be made only after China will begin construction of the second and third aircraft carriers. China's first prototype ship-based aircraft, J‑15, was built by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), made ​​its first flight on 31 August 2009. And in early December 2013 the Chinese media reported that the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation conducted mass production of this type of fighter. By the beginning of December 2013 there were already nine experimental aircraft J‑15 units (including seven operational, with tail numbers 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556 and 557) and four production aircraft (tail number 101, 102, 103 and 104). It is assumed that the total number of J‑15 aircraft of the first production batch may reach 12–15 units. In addition, the assembly shop has already six to eight units of next production batch. It is estimated, that by 2015 China will have a total of 35 carrier-based fighters like J‑15. In the same year, the official adoption of J‑15 is expected. Nowadays, China is testing the J‑15 aircraft aboard the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" with different configurations of missile and bomb armament. There has been recorded flight of fighters with four "air-air" missiles of medium-range PL‑12, shortrange CBC PL‑8B missiles (created in China on the basis of the Israeli SD "Python‑3"), anti-ship missiles YJ83K, as well as Russian-made "airair" SD of medium-range R‑27. In addition, the J‑15 aircraft flying with mock of 500 kg bombs (on the inner underwing pylons). It is planned that in 2014 air forces will begin testing J‑15 fighter on the practical application of airborne weapons.

Specifications of J-31 aircraft Crew

1 person


11.5 m


16.9 m


4.8 m

Wing area Empty weight

40.0 m2 17500 kg

Maximum M value


Operational range

1250 km

Takeoff distance

400 m

Path length

600 m

Trainer version of the fighter made ​​ its first flight in Nov. 3, 2012. In addition, according to the media, it is planned to create two more modifications J‑15 – carrier-based aircraft with electronic warfare means and tanker aircraft. As stated by the Chinese television company "Shenchzhen TV" in December 2013, it is expect-

ed that within the next three – five months tanker aircraft based on the J‑15 fighter would have it’s first flight. It is reported that the aircraft will be equipped with outboard refueling unit of (Chinese) development and production, designed in a way resembling the Russian ORM. According to some experts, highvolume Chinese shipborne fighter of 7(79).2014



new generation (it is possible that they will be not J‑15, driven to "serial condition", but modification of stealth aircraft J‑31) can be put into service after 2020. And until that time, J‑15 will be a major aircraft for the training of Chinese pilots, flying from the deck of an aircraft carrier. In addition, a relatively large J‑15 can be an excellent platform for creating custom aircraftcarriers based aircraft systems. Meanwhile, land-based fighters J‑11B and CF J‑11BS (close relatives of J‑15 that are based on Russian Su‑27SK and Su‑27UB, manufactured in China under license under the symbol of J‑11) have not yet reached full combat readiness, as in their design it is not fixed a number of defects, identified previously (probably similar "childhood diseases" continue to "torment" J‑15 as well). First flight of J‑11B took place in 2006, and then a full-scale pro28

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duction of these machines started. However, by April 2009, the People's Liberation Army had a total of 16 aircraft of the J‑11B/BS type. By April 2010 fleet of these fighters could be increased by 21 units, and by March 2011 – by 25 units (14 of them, appear to be intended to shore-based aircraft of PLA Navy). According to unofficial sources, based mainly on the satellite photos of J‑11B/BS aircraft on the factory parking lot at the airport in Shenyang, currently is built less than 62 fighters of this type. However, the actual amount of released J‑11B/BS is obviously somewhat smaller, assuming that some of the planes could be pictured by the satellite twice. It should be noted that in 2011 SAC Aircraft Corporation still continued serial production of 3rd generation fighters – J‑8F. This fact may indicate, that Chinese-made air-

craft of the new generation J‑11B/S and J‑16 (Chinese unlicensed version of the Russian multifunctional Su‑30MK2) are not yet able to completely replace the obsolete J‑8F. According to experts, the J‑16 program is currently in the process of testing and debugging. They believe, that the shortage in China's modern heavy fighters and difficulties with the deployment of their largescale mass production causes PLA Air Force interest upon Russian "4 +" generation aircraft Su‑35. Another contender for the role of the Chinese perspective ship-based aircraft is Shenyang J‑31, which is superficially very similar to the American multi-role fighter of the 5th generation Lockheed Martin F‑35 (JSF). First flight of J‑31 took place on 31 October 2012. According to some reports, it is currently built two experimental aircraft J‑31 units. The aircraft made ​​in normal aerodynamic scheme with two-keel vertical tail in its layout differs from the F‑35 with only sludge plant, consisting of two Russian RD‑93 (export version of the RD‑33 engine, applied to the MiG‑29). It was reported that on serial aircraft units it is planned to install new Guangzhou Chinese WS‑13 engines, having similar specifications with RD‑93. Several sources reported, that if heavy (empty weight – more than 20 tons) J‑20 aircraft was ordered by the PRC Ministry of Defense, the J‑31 program is an initiative focused mainly on the external market. On December 30, 2013 Chinese media company Sina Corp said that in the near future there will be significant changes to the configuration of the J‑31 aircraft, in order to increase its capacity for strike missions. It is expected that the upgraded fighter would apply not only to the export market, but take place in the PLA Air Force, becoming an intermediate type between light bomber JH‑7 and heavy bomber H‑6 (Tu‑16). And in the PLA Navy, J‑31 can complement (or replace) the multi-role Su‑30MK2 fighters, comparing favorably to them with much lower level of radar visibility. At the beginning of 2014 there was an information in Chinese Internet,

navy the source of which is supposed to be employees of the 601 th Research Institute of SAC (Shenyang) or Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It also indicates the presence of the PRC project tactical strike aircraft that was created on the basis of J‑31 fighter. Network presented computer-generated images of the aircraft based on the airframe of J‑31. It should be said that it is in the Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, where full-scale mock aircraft J‑31 was built, first demonstrated in 2010. Modification of the J‑31 with a longer fuselage (computer-generated image of which was "laid out" on the Internet) can be a bit of a variation on the theme of Chinese FB‑22 – an increased variant of unobtrusive Lockheed Martin F‑22A fighter (FB‑22 program was discontinued in the second half of the last decade). Twin-engine aircraft with an increased length fuselage is assumed to perform the "longitudinal triplane" balancing scheme (ie, as with canards, and with the usual GO) and provide a double vertical tail surfaces, like the feathers of the original J‑31 fighter. Wing of trapezoidal shape (straight sweep of the leading edge and the back – but the back) should have an area slightly larger than J‑31 fighter has. Increased size of the power machine should allow it to form a glider more capacious fuel tanks that would allow greater flying range than the J‑31. However, the width of the fuselage (compared with the original glider) appear to be unchanged. The computer image of the aircraft (it must be said, very schematical) is missing cargo cabin doors, but on a number of pictures, it is depicted with a supersonic anti-ship missiles YJ‑12, located in the central ventral node of external suspension. Sizes of J‑31 aircraft in new modification are, in all probability, only slightly larger than the size of J‑15 ship-based fighter and give it an opportunity to be places on the elevators of the Chinese "Liaoning" aircraft carrier. This allowed a number of experts to suggest the possibility of using a new modification (provision-

ally called J‑31M) as a promising carrier-based fighter for PLA Navy. It is assumed that the aircraft, based on the "Liaoning", as well as on subsequent Chinese aircraft carriers (the prototype of which is a Soviet heavy aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov") shall have shortened take-off board and improved landing systems. As a result, more severe (than the original J‑31 fighter) carrier-based J‑31M aircraft will require more powerful engines: RD‑93 (2x8300 kg/s) or WS13 (2x8600 kg/s) applied to land-based version of J‑31. It is known that the Russian "Klimov" JSC developed a modification of the RD‑33MK engines with a thrust of 9000 kg/s. In addition, according to unofficial Chinese sources, China is able to develop an improved version of the WS13G engine, having thrust of 9500–10000 kg/s. The original version of the turbofan, WS13

(WoShan‑13), is taking flight tests aboard the FC‑1 fighter from 2010. As the main shock weapons of Chinese carrier aircraft is called a new supersonic anti-ship YJ‑12 missile, equipped with air-ramjet engine, which experts attribute to the same class with the Russian 3M55 and 3M80 anti-ship missiles. Officially, the characteristics of the Chinese missiles were not disclosed, but it is known, that the YJ‑12 has a length of about 6 m and a body diameter of 550– 600 mm. Range of YJ‑12 is estimated at 150 km with start at low altitude and 250–300 km at high (previously media claimed tht the maximum range of this RCC reaches 400 km). It is assumed that YJ‑12 carries a warhead weighing 200–250 kg. It is believed that, in spite of its relatively small size, one YJ‑12 missile can damage or sink on-water enemy warships with medium displacement.  . 7(79).2014



Republic of Korea on the verge of creating its own carrier-based aircraft The Government of the Republic of Korea is considering equipping its navy with two light aircraft carriers by 2036. This is motivated by the strengthening of naval power of its neighbors: South Korea, China and Japan (including through the construction of aircraft carriers). Development of Korean light aircraft carrier was launched in 2013, according to the representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Korea, and is currently on the "intermediate stage". lthough there is no clear specification for a new ship yet, we hope, that the light aircraft carrier in South Korea would still be able for construction in the next two decades" – said the representative of the Ministry of Defense of Republic of Korea recently, who did not want to identify himself. In the context of work on the creation of South Korean carriers, it can be considered plans to build a second amphibious assault ship (AAS) of the «Dokdo» project, equipped



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

with a through flight deck, in the craft carrier having continuous flight modification as the carrier of aircraft deck and docking chamber capable with short takeoff and vertical land- of receiving two LCAC hovercraft ing AV‑8 type "Harrier" or (in a possi- and underdeck hangar for up to 10 UH‑60 helicopters. Length of the ble run) F‑35B «Lightning» II. After entering the fleet in 2007, ship – 200 m, width – 32 m, depth – the first AAS "Dokdo", designed 6.5 m. Korean AAS is capable of and built at the shipyard Hanjin transporting 720 people and up to Heavy Industries in Busan, Republic 40 units of equipment (including of Korea, became the third owner six tanks). Diesel power plant (four of "full-fledged" amphibious assault medium-speed diesels with turbo ship with a helicopter armament in 16 RS2.5 STC by "CEMT Pilstik" comthe world (after the United States pany with total capacity of 41600 liand France). With full displacement ters) provides AAS with full speed of 19300 tons, "Dokdo" is an air- of 23 knots. Defensive weapons

navy systems of "Dokdo" includes two 30‑mm seven-barreled guns "goalkeeper" and close-fight SAM – RAM. In comparison to the American and French AAS ("Mistral" type), "Dokdo" is not oriented to participate in overseas interventions, but actions in the coastal waters of Korea. The South Korean Navy is planning for the long term to have three such ships, positioning them as a flagship units formed by three naval battle groups. It is important fact that some time ago, the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) has proposed to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to choose for the construction license of AAS the «Dokdo» type and not «Mistral». USC representatives argued that the South Korean AAS is one of the most preferred as the best price/quality option, and by prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation with the Republic of Korea in the field of shipbuilding. According to the Korean media, there are three possible options for creating aircraft carrier groups, currently being considered in the Republic of Korea Navy. The first option provides implementation of the aforementioned plan for the construction of the second ship of the «Dokdo» type in the configuration with the take-off ramp length of 17 m, providing the possibility of carrying STOVL class aircraft (short takeoff and vertical landing). In this case, the landing area of the flight deck is supposed to be covered with a special heat-resistant coating of urethane. It is alleged, that the ship such as "Dokdo", equipped with a take-off ramp, can be transferred to Korean Navy before the end of 2019. Aircraft units with short takeoff and vertical landing (both new and previously has been in operation) can be purchased in the United States, the United Kingdom or Spain. In accordance with the second option, the Republic of Korea can built amphibious docking ship with the possibility of basing STOVL aircraft (by type of Spanish ship Juan Carlos). Finally, by the third option, the South Korean Navy would replen-

"Goalkeeper" SAM

UH-60 helicopter

Spanish "Juan Carlos" ship ish with light (30,000 tons) aircraft carriers, made according to the Italian ship of the same class Cavour, able to take up to 30 aircraft units on board between 2028 and 2036.

It should be said, that the acquisition of carrier component would become a logical step in the evolution of the fast-growing Navy of South Korea.  Vladimir Ilyin 7(79).2014



Gerald R. Ford – king of supercarriers

On november 9, 2013 in Newport News (Virginia) at the "Newport News Shipbuilding» (Newport-News Shipbuilding) shipyard, there was a solemn ceremony of launching the first American nuclear aircraft carrier of the new generation CVN-21 ("the carrier of the XXI century") "Gerald Ford» (CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford). The traditional bottle of champagne on board the ship broke Susan Ford Base (Susan Ford Bales), daughter of the 38th president of the United States, Gerald R. Ford, whose name was given the aircraft carrier. eginning of the construction of "Gerald Ford" aircraft carrier was officially announced on 16 January 2007, although cutting of steel for this ship was started on 11 August 2005. Laying ceremony of the aircraft carrier (or, as the Americans say, "christened") was held on 13 November 2009. It was planned that CVN‑78 will replace US Navy world's first nuclear "Enterprise» (CVN‑65 Enterprise) aircraft carrier, bred in the reserve in December 2012. (This ship was in active service for 51 years). It is planned that the CVN‑78 "Gerald Ford" will be presented on the acceptance tests in 2016, and in 2017 it will be adopted by American fleet. Besides CVN‑78 it is planned to build two more



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ships of the same type – CVN‑79 "John Kennedy" and CVN‑80 "Enterprise." Their foundation is scheduled for 2014 and 2018, launching respectively for 2018 and 2022. And commissioning – for 2020 and 2025. New aircraft carriers should be replaced by the ships of the "Nimitz» (Nimitz-class) earlier construction type. In the long term, it is scheduled to lay eight more aircraft carriers such as "Gerald Ford." Feature of CVN‑78 is, in particular, is the installation of four General Atomics EMALS electromagnetic catapults, made ​​on the of linear motors basis (all aircraft carriers of the "Nimitz" were equipped with traditional steam catapults). As a result, for one day "Gerald Ford" aircraft carrier should provide 25% greater number of entry of the aircraft

than the "Nimitz" aircraft carrier type. Electromagnetic catapult is designed to provide a better "control" of the process of aircraft take-off, smaller burden on both the aircraft and their crews, the ability to take-off at a wide range of speeds of the ship and its rate (relative to the direction of the wind), and special (low power) modes of launching UAV. As a result of the transition to new catapult should be achieved reduced number of personnel for aircraft takeoff (up to 25%). It is estimated that during the 50 years of operation of "Gerald R. Ford", due only to the transition from steam to catapult catapults type EMALS, it is expected to achieve total savings of four billion dollars. In January 2014, the annual Director, Operational Test, and Evaluation


(DOT&E) report said that critical ship systems including the EMALS, Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG)), a new dual-band (DBU – Dual Band Radar radar AN/SPY‑3, as well as new armament aircraft lifts to ensure its supply to the flight deck. AAG systems are developed and supplied by "General Atomics" company. Synthetic rope tension in them is regulated by an electric motor that will provide a smoother running at aircraft landing, as well as the absence of extreme loads on the cable, brake hook and aircraft glider. Ship is implemented with an improved system of storage and feeding of ammunition and other supplies with double height storage. Loads rise from the cellars to the main points of processing and assembly located below the flight deck, where are applied directly to the deck by special high-speed lifts. USS CVN‑78 "Gerald Ford" has a total displacement of 101,600 tons (according to other sources – 122,000 tonnes), which is practically equal to the corresponding parameter of the "Nimitz" aircraft carrier. Total length of the ship – 337 m, the width on the flight deck – 78 m, the width of the hull – 41 m,

depth – 12 m. Configuration of the carrier provides it a reduction in its radar signature. Superstructure island is shifted to the aft part of the ship. The crew of "Gerald Ford" – 2500– 2700 people. In addition, the carrier takes on board 2480 of the aviation group crew, and about 70 staff. Compared with the previous generation of aircraft carriers CVN‑78 has changed internal layout and configuration of the flight deck. Rapid reconfiguration of the internal volume when installing new equipment is ensured. To reduce the weight of the number of sections of the hangar it has been reduced from three to two, and the number of lifts – from four to three. The flight deck is equipped with an 18 refueling and arms supplying points for based aircraft units. "Gerald Ford" has two new watercooled nuclear reactors, such as A1B, capable of working without having to replace the core for over 50 years. It should be noted that the A1B is the first nuclear reactor, which does not require refueling for all the service of an aircraft carrier. Capacity of the new reactor compared to reactors A4W, installed on the aircraft carriers of the previous generation, is increased by 25%, and the complexity of maintenance reduced by 50%. The energy system of the ship is capable of producing up to 250% more power than previous generation power plants of aircraft carriers. The aircraft carrier is equipped with four main leading four propellers units. Full speed of "Gerald R. Ford" – 30 knots. Aviation group, headquartered aboard CVN‑78, should include more than 75 aircrafts (maximum capacity – more than 90 aircraft). Among them – the carrier-based Lockheed Martin F‑35C «Lightning» II and Boeing F/F‑18E/F «Horn» II fighters, electronic

warfare Boeing EA‑18G «Growler» and AWACS E‑2D «Advanced Hawkeye» aircraft, multipurpose Sikorsky MH‑60R/S helicopters. Tiltrotor V‑22 "Osprey" can be based on the ship too. In the future, the carrier must obtain reconnaissancestrike shipborne UAV developed in the framework of the UCAS-D program. While alleging that the carrier "Gerald Ford" would be capable of providing 160 aircraft flights every day for more than 30 days with a short-term increase in the frequency of flights up to 270 per day, some experts questioned this, arguing that the CVN- 78 real "performance» will be slightly different from the respective "Nimitz" values (120/240 flights per day). Defensive weapons of "Gerald R. Ford" includes small/medium-range Raytheon RIM‑162 ESSM SAM with two vertical fixed PU 32 missiles each. Close-contact systems include anti-aircraft Raytheon/Ramsus RIM‑116 RAM missiles and two 20‑mm six-barreled anti-aircraft "Volcano"/"Phalanx" gun machines. It has been reported that in the future aircraft carrier can be equipped with laser weapons of self-defense. The ship is equipped with Raytheon AN/SPY‑3 radar, as well as "surround review» VSR S‑band by "Lockheed" radar. Six fixed blade type antenna phased arrays are placed in the island superstructure. The cost of an "Gerald Ford" aircraft carrier (excluding the cost of the aviation group) is estimated at 12 billion 829.3 million (as of 2014). Of these 3.3 billions account for research and development works. And the cost of the first three aircraft carriers of the "Gerald Ford" type should be 38 billion 41.9 million dollars (an average of 12.68 billion per ship).  Viktor Khudoleev 7(79).2014



Japan: are carriers back to life?

On August 6, 2013 in Yokohama a ceremony was held to launch Heisei-22 helicopter carrier being the biggest battleship in post war history of Japanese Navy. The ship having gained tactical number DDH-183 was named Izumo. The ceremony was attended by Japanese government members. It was declared the “ship will carry nine helicopters”, though according to unaccredited information, Izumo may carry 14 aircraft (both on deck and in hangars). It should be noted that the Yokohama ceremony was underway amid deterioration of territorial disputes between Japan and China over Senkaku isles in the East China Sea. he decision to build a new aircraft carrier was made by Japanese government on 27 of January 2010. The helicopter carrier was laid at IHI Marine United shipyard on January 27, 2012. In October 2012 IHI Marine United obtained a contract to build the second ship of such type scheduled to launch in January 2014. Izumo is formally classified as helicopter carrying destroyer (DDH), though it has the dimensions similar to WWII Japanese carriers. Heisei‑22 project aka 19 000 is the further development version of Harun helicopter-carrying destroyer. It is noted that the main task of the new helicopter carrier is to guard and defend ship forces and units, fight submarines and being used as a command ship. Though Izumo is supposed to carry 14 SH‑60JК Sea Hawk helicopters however according to some experts the ship theoretically may carry short-takeoff and vertical landing air-



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planes, for instance, Lockheed Martin F‑35B Lightening II. SH‑60J helicopters are produced under US license by Mitsubishi Company. There is also an anti-submarine version of SH‑60JК (SH‑60 К, having been produced in Japan since 2005 and capable of carrying two anti-submarine torpedoes Мк.46), as well as search and rescue SH‑60J. Besides, Heisei‑22‑type helicopter carrier is capable of taking in and delivering to landing area up to 4 000 (up to 5 000, according to other information) troops or up to 50 trucks.

The carrier defensive weapons include close-in objective air defense missile system Raytheon Sea RAM Mk.15 Mod.31 with two 11‑container guided launchers and two six-barreled 20mm Mk.15 Phalanx automatic guns. Conspicuous is the fact that Izumo has no VLS pits equipped with either air defense or anti-submarine missiles. Meanwhile it should be noted that Izumo helicopter-carrying destroyer has become the first world’s ship to have the newest Sea RAM Mk.15 Mod.31 air defense missile sys-

Izumo main characteristics: Standard displacement

19 500 t

Full displacement

27 000 t


248 m


(flight deck) 38 m


7.5 m

Full speed about

30 knots

Air unit strength

14 helicopters


470 men

navy tem. The system includes RIM‑116 antiaircraft missile with all-up weight of 73.5 kg based on AIM‑9 Sidewinder airto-air missile. The non-stabilized roll missile equipped with on-board compound homing system (passive radar or infrared) is capable of destroying air targets at a distance 500–10,000 m and altitude up to 4 000 m. The maximum speed of targets destroyed is 700 m/s. The carrier has one helicopter elevator on the starboard side directly behind the island structure. The ship’s erections obviously use radar stealth technologies. Izumo COGAG power plant includes four General Electric LM 2500 internal-combustion turbines driving two propeller screws. The power plant total power is 112,000 hp (82.4 MW). Izumo is supposed to enter service with Japanese Navy in March 2015. The helicopter carrier’s cost is estimated as $1.2 bln (earlier on the amount of $1.04 bln was declared). Let us recall that Izumo was the name of the Japanese armored cruiser built in England in 1900. It participated in Russo-Japanese war (fought in Tsushima battle, received 12 hits), WWI and WWII. It was sunk by US aviation in 1945. Currently Japanese Navy have two unrivaled helicopter-carrying destroyers, they are DDH‑181 Hyūga laid on May 11, 2006 which entered service on March 18, 2009 and DDH‑182 Ise, laid on May 30, 2008 which entered service on March 14, 2011. These ship equipped with through flight decks and two helicopter elevators each have a standard displacement of 13,950 t and full displacement of 18,000 t. Length is 197 m, flight deck width is 33 m, draft is 7 m, power of COGAS power plant (four General Electric LM 2500 internal-combustion turbines) is 100,000 hp. The full speed is 30 knots. It should be said that these are the first post war Japanese aircraft carrying ships having through flight deck and island structure. The ship’s names are traditional for Japanese Navy. Hyūga and Ise were the names of battleships built during WWI (laid in 1915) and converted into aircraft-carrying battleships in1942–1943. Hyūga and Ise were reported to carry up to 11 helicopters on flight


MCH-101 deck, however their organic aircraft weapons include only three SH‑60JK and one MCH‑101 helicopters. Furthermore it is entirely possible that the ships of such type could carry short-takeoff and vertical landing airplanes, if necessary. Every Hyūga-type aircraft-carrying destroyer is equipped with 28 Мк.41 underdeck vertical missile launchers basically using 16 medium-range ESSM antiaircraft missiles and 16 ASROC antisubmarine missiles. Close-in objective air defense system includes six 20mm six-barreled ‘Phalanx’ guns and antisubmarine defense involves two onboard 324 mm torpedo launchers. Raytheon RIM‑162 ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile) air defense missile system commissioned in US Navy in 2004 is the evolved Sea Sparrow system. RIM‑162B singlestage missile (suitable for MK.41 VLS) with semiactive radar homing and midcourse radio-operated correction capabilities has all-up weight of

280 kg, warhead weight of 39 kg and maximum range exceeding 40 km. The missile speed is close to М=4 and peak G is up to 50 units. One antiaircraft missile is worth $0.8 million. It should be noted that the only aircraft which could be (even theoretically) anyway (granted the ship is refitted) based on Japanese helicopter-carrying destroyers are AV‑8B Harrier II and F‑35 В Lightening II fighters. However Japan is not in possession of and not planning to buy these STOVL-class vehicles, while the Japan Self-Defense Forces officials expressly rule out the possibility of helicopter-carrying destroyers being used as carriers. Nonetheless the equipping of Japanese helicopter-carrying destroyers with STOVL aircraft would rank them together with the foreign lightweight carriers such as Italian ‘Giuseppe Garibaldi’, Spanish ‘Príncipe de Asturias’ or English ‘Invincible’.  Vladimir Ilyin 7(79).2014



Chinese aircraft carrier program. Near-term outlook

If Indian media sources while commenting Vikramaditya (the former ‘Soviet Union Fleet Admiral Gorshkov’ heavy cruiser) being transferred to India considered it a ‘moment of pride of the country’, nongovernmental media sources and internet-community of the neighboring China took this news rather in a negative way. eanwhile some independent Chinese experts have skeptically evaluated and criticized the combat capabilities of the new Indian carrier compared with the similar Chinese Liaoning ship commissioned in the end of 2012. According to their opinion “the Indian carrier has a limited combatant value without being escorted by battleships equipped with powerful air defense systems equivalent to US Aegis-type system”. It also was emphasized that Chinese Navy has already been in possession of such type ship. Chinese independent experts assume that though Indian Navy has many years of experience in aircraft carriers operation but it has never had carrier strike force or multipurpose units. Chinese have an opinion that the USA theoretically can



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sell India the newest E‑2D-type (im- experts say that without an early proved Hawkeye) ship-borne ear- warning aircraft Vikramaditya carrily warning aircraft equipped with er will not have sufficient situation all-round looking radar with ac- awareness “that will adversely aftive phased array antenna follow- fect its combat capabilities”. As for qualitative composition ing which Indian Navy combat capabilities may ‘significantly increase’. of Vikramaditya air wing Chinese However according to Chinese ex- experts assume that MiG‑29K fightperts’ opinion E‑2D aircraft cannot be ers by performance “are much inbased on carriers not having takeoff ferior” to the similar Chinese J‑15 catapults. Thus, ‘improved Hawkeyes’ (Su‑27K) ship-based fighters and US (if in Indian Navy) will be stationed Boeing F/A‑18E ship-based aircraft. only on ashore air bases significant- It especially concerns range and enly limiting operating range of Indian durance as well as delivered ordnance. It is said that Chinese Liaoning carrier group. Meanwhile according to estimates, carrier has a bigger displacement in case of a head wind E‑2D-type or than Indian Vikramaditya (full disany other aircraft equipped with in- placement is 45,500 and 59,500 t recreased power turboprop engines is spectively). It carries J‑15 fighters capable of taking off from Indian car- “with a takeoff weight of up to 30– rier with a ski-jump. However Chinese 35 t, while MiG‑29K does not exassume that “US perhaps do not any- ceed 20 t”. Besides, Liaoning screenhow intend to have Indian Navy ca- ing group is being formed includpabilities increased”. Independent ing large 052D-type destroyers


equipped with powerful long-range so going to enter service with Russian posedly to be formed (one group for air defense system, which is not avail- armed forces, while J‑15 is still just each Chinese fleet). Let me remind able in India, according to Chinese a good platform based on which you that Chinese Navy includes three an appropriate combat aircraft sys- fleets; they are Northern Sea Fleet experts. However making a compara- tem is going to be created and test- headquartered in Qingdao, Eastern tive evaluation of Vikramaditya and ed. The Chinese themselves agree it Sea Fleet headquartered in Ningbo Liaoning operating capabilities it will be done not earlier than 2020. and Southern Sea Fleet headquarshould be kept in mind that indeed An outlook for J‑31 ship-based ver- tered in Zhanjiang. Each of the fleets there is no so significant difference sion being developed is much more today includes surface ships, submarines, naval aircraft and coast defense between Indian, US and Chinese uncertain. The same groundless are specula- units. Besides, Southern Sea Fleet has ship-based fighters performances as it imagined by some ‘experts’. tions about a ship-based early warn- two Marine brigades. Two advanced Chinese-made carAccording to official data by Russian ing aircraft which Indians do not Aircraft Corporation MiG, MiG‑29K have. Chinese do not have it either, riers known in the West as ‘Type ship-based fighter has a normal take- though there are works in this re- 001A’ are a bit improved version of off weight of 18,600 kg, maximum gard under way, the results are seem- the first Chinese Liaoning aircraft takeoff weight of 24,500 kg, practical ingly too far distant. In the meantime carrier (55,000 t, Type 001, the forrange (without external fuel tank) of and in the short-term as well the on- mer Varyag aircraft-carrying heavy 2 000 km and ferry range (with three ly ship-based aircraft capable of ear- cruiser). It is assumed that these ‘allexternal fuel tanks) of 3 000 km. A ly warning tasks both in India and Chinese’ carriers as well as their halfsoviet prototype Type 001 will be heavier F/А‑18E fighter (operation- China is a Russian Ka‑31 helicopter. China continues to develop its equipped with arresters and skial empty weight is 14,800 kg, normal takeoff weight is 21,400 kg, ‘carrier force’, though not so fast as it jumps. Their ‘aircraft-carrying capacmaximum takeoff weight is about has been recently assumed by ma- ity’ is estimated as 40–45 vehicles, 30,000 kg) has a practical range (with- ny national and foreign analysts. that has no actual difference from out external fuel tanks) of 2 000 km This is evidenced by recent media Liaoning capabilities. According to the same ‘source in and ferry range (with three tanks) reports. Thus, according to some of 2 850 km. J‑15 performance is ac- ‘source in Chinese Central Military Chinese Central Military Commission’ tually unknown but its prototype, Commission’ which went public in Chinese Ministry of Defense Main Russian Su‑27K (Su‑33) fighter has an November 2013, China planned to Directorate for Procurement has empty weight of 19,600 kg, normal set about manufacturing of two already concluded a contract takeoff weight of about 30,000 kg, new aircraft carriers equipped with with China Shipbuilding Industry maximum take-off weight 33,000 kg non-nuclear (seemingly boiler-and- Corporation to manufacture Type turbine) power plant at Dalian and 001A aircraft carriers totally accountand practical range of 3 000 km. MiG‑29K, F/А‑18E and J‑15 maxi- Shanghai (Changxing island) ship- ing for $9 bln. Earlier, in September 2013 as mum achievable speeds are equal to yards in 2014 and 2015 respectively. According to ‘Program of Chinese quoted by Director General of 2 200, 1 900 and 2 300 km/h respectively. Meanwhile MiG‑29K is a tried Central Military Commission’ in Jiangnan Shipyard Group, it was and tested aircraft system which is al- 2020’s three carrier groups are sup- said the new Chinese aircraft carrier

Ка-31 PL-12



navy The following J‑31 characteristics were announced: Crew Wing span

11.5 m


16.9 m


4.8 m

Wing area Empty weight

F/А-18E 38

1 person

40.0 m2 17 500 kg

Mach number capability


Practical operating range

1 250 km

Take-off roll

400 m

Landing roll

600 m

would be “much more powerful than on a certain type of the main ship- timated that by 2015 China will have Japanese helicopter carrier”. It must based aircraft in Chinese Navy will had totally 35 J‑15 ship-based fightbe the helicopter carrying destroyer be made only after China has com- ers. The same year J‑15 is expected DDH‑183 Izumo with a full displace- menced building the second and the to enter service with Chinese Navy officially. ment of 27,000 t which is meant. Its third carriers. Currently China is carrying The first Chinese developapproximate cost is $3 bln. While the cost of the whole carrier group in- ment prototype ship-based air- out Liaoning-based testing of cluding air wing and screening ship is craft J‑15 built by Shenyang Aircraft J‑15 with various missile and bombCorporation (SAC), made its first flight ing stores configurations. Thus, sevworth $16 bln. It should be noted that the total on August 31, 2009. And in the begin- eral records have been made of shipproduction space of Shanghai ship- ning of December 2013 the reports in based fighters flying equipped with yard is 560 ha. There are three build- Chinese media sources appeared PL‑12 medium range air-to-air mising ways, four dock stations as well as that Shenyang Aircraft Corporation siles, PL‑8B heat-seeker-fitted short several covered and open fitting-out was performing a serial production range missiles (made in China based berths. The plant is capable of manu- of this type fighter. By the begin- on Israeli ‘Python 3’ guided missile), facturing ocean-going vessels with a ning of December 2013 nine devel- YJ‑83K anti-ship missiles as well as opment prototype aircraft J‑15 have Russian-made R‑27 medium-range displacement of up to 80,000 t. It is assumed that for the time be- been available including seven ‘op- air-to-air missiles. Besides, J‑15 airing Chinese Ministry of Defense has erating’ tail numbered 551, 552, 553, craft flew with 500 kg ballistic bomb not yet made up its mind of wheth- 554, 555, 556 and 557 and four pro- mockups mounted on internal uner the air groups of the new carriers duction aircraft tail numbered 101, derwing stations. There are plans in 2014 to start J‑15‑based operational would apply J‑15 ship-based fight- 102, 103 and 104. The total number of J‑15 aircraft trials of air weapons. ers (Su‑27K unlicensed version) or The fighter-based two-seat operathese ship would carry new genera- of the first production batch is extion J‑31 aircraft (something like US pected to be 12–15 units. Besides, tional trainer made the first flight on fighter F‑35) being allegedly stealth. there are already 6–8 units for the November 3, 2012. In addition to that It is assumed that the final decision next batch in assembly room. It is es- according to media sources there are plans to create two more J‑15 versions, they are electronic and tanker ship-based aircraft. In December 2013 Chinese TV broadcaster Shēnzhèn TV reported that a J‑15‑based tanker was expected to perform the first flight within the next three-five months. The aircraft is said to have an external refueling unit “developed and produced in China” resembling Russian UPAZ (refueling unit) by structure. Some experts have an opinion that the Chinese large-series shipbased fighter of a new generation (it may happen that it will be

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J‑31stealth ship-based version but there are not more than 62 these two prototype J‑31have been built not J‑15 ‘run in series’) may enter ser- class fighters that have been built by now. The twin vertical tail aircraft in its vice after 2020. And before this time by now. However a true number of J‑15 is going to remain the main ‘fly- J‑11B/BS released is obviously a bit arrangement differs from F‑35 oning school-desk’ for Chinese pilots to smaller. It is assumed that some air- ly by having a power plant includlearn how to fly deck-borne aircraft. craft could have been shot twice by ing two Russian RD‑93 engines being export version of RD‑33 used on Besides, a quite big J‑15 may be- satellite. It is worth noting that in 2011 SAC MiG‑29. The plans were reported to come a perfect platform for special purpose ship-based aircraft systems Aircraft Corporation was still pro- equip the production aircraft with ducing 3‑rd generation J‑8F series. It new Chinese Guangzhou WS‑13 ento be created. Meanwhile J‑11B and trainer can be evidence that new Chinese- gines having characteristics close to J‑11BS ground-based aircraft being made J‑11B/S and J‑16 of a new gen- RD‑93. Some sources reported if a J‑15’s first-degree relatives based on eration being unlicensed version Russian Su‑27SK and Su‑27UB pro- of Russian multipurpose two-seat heavy (empty weight exceedduced in China under license in- Su‑30MK2 fighter are still not capa- ing 20 t) J‑20 was produced under dexed J‑11 are still not fully com- ble of fully replacing the out-of-date Chinese Defense Ministry order, then J‑31 project was independent and bat ready due to some remaining J‑8F. According to experts’ opinion mainly focused on the external marstructural defects discovered earlier. Perhaps the similar ‘child diseases’ J‑16 program is undergoing testing ket. On December 30, 2013 Chinese and tuning now. They think shortare still troubling J‑15. The first flight of J‑11B was car- age of modern heavy fighters and media company Sina Corp reportried out in 2006 followed by a difficulties in their large-scale mass ed that in the near future there were mass production. However by April production determine Chinese Air plans to have J‑31 configuration con2009 People’s Liberation Army of Force interest in Russian Su‑35 air- siderably changed in order to expand its strike capabilities. China had had only 16 J‑11B/BS-class craft of generation ‘4+’. The upgraded fighter is assumed Another contender for Chinese aircraft. By April 2010 the amount was increased by 21 units and by advanced ship-based fighter is a to be capable of claiming not onMarch 2011‑by 25 more units, 14 of prototype operational demonstra- ly export market but also taking up which were seemingly designed for tor Shenyang J‑31 externally re- a position in Chinese Air Force by sembling US 5‑th generation mul- becoming an intermediate type beChinese Coast Air Force. According to unaccredited sourc- tipurpose Lockheed Martin F‑35 tween light JH‑7 bomber and heavy es mainly relying on satellite pho- (JSF) fighter. The first J‑31 flight Н‑6 (Tu‑16) bomber. While in Chinese tos showing J‑11B/BS positioned was carried out on 31 of October Navy J‑31 will be able to supplement at Shenyang airfield factory station, 2012. According to some reports (or replace) multipurpose Su‑30

Chinese Liaoning ship





J-15 МК2 fighters with the advantage of being better radar stealth. In the beginning of 2014 in Chinese internet the information emerged which as assumed could be sourced by employees of SAC 601 Research and Development Institute (Shenyang) or Shenyang Aeronautic and Space Navigation University. It also shows J‑31‑based tactical strike aircraft project being available in China. The internet presents computer images of the vehicle based on J‑31 airframe. It should be noted that it was Shenyang Aeronautic and Space Navigation University which produced a full-scale J‑31 mockup shown in 2010 for the first time. A modified extended fuselage J‑31, a computer image of which was shown in the internet, may be something like a variation of FB‑22 being an increased in size bomber version of Lockheed Martin 40

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supersonic missile YJ‑12 mounted on central underfuselage station. New upgraded J‑31 is little bit bigger than ship-based J‑15 fighter so it can be located on Liaoning carrier elevators. Thus some experts assume the possibility of the aircraft provisionally named J‑31 М being used as an advanced ship-based fighter of Chinese Navy. It is assumed that aircraft based on Liaoning and the pending Chinese carriers, the prototype for which is the aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser ‘Soviet Union Fleet Admiral Gorshkov’, should have shorter ski-jump and landing range. As a consequence the heavier (than basic J‑31) shipbased J‑31 М will require engines which are more powerful than reheated double-flow turbofan RD‑93 (2x8 300 kgf) or WS13 (2х8 600 kgf), used on ‘ground-based’ J‑31. It is known that Russian Klimov, JSC has developed an upgraded RD‑33MK version with the thrust of 9 000 kgf. Besides, according to unaccredited Chinese sources there is an improved version of WS13G engine undergoing a development stage with a thrust of 9 500– 10 000 kgf. This turbofan engine parent version WS13 (WoShan‑13) has been operationally tested onboard FC‑1 fighter since 2010. A new supersonic anti-ship YJ‑12 missile (Russian anti-ship 3 М55 and F‑22 А stealth fighter. FB‑22 program 3 М80 missile class according to sciwas stopped in the latter half of the entists) equipped with a ramjet engine is considered as a main strike previous decade. The extended fuselage twin en- armament of Chinese ship-based gine aircraft is to have ‘longitudi- aircraft. The Chinese missile charnal triplane’ configuration (both with acteristics have not been officially foreplane and horizontal tail) and reported. However it is known that be equipped with twin vertical tail YJ‑12 length is about 6 m and body like J‑31 aircraft. A tapered wing diameter is 550–600 mm. Range of being swept back on leading edge YJ‑12 is estimated as 150 km after and swept forward on trailing edge low height launch and 250–300 km should have an area a bit bigger than after high height launch. Earlier on J‑31 wing. The increased dimensions some media sources reported the of the strike vehicle will enable fitting anti-ship missile to have 400 km the bigger capacity fuel tanks en- maximum range. YJ‑12 is assumed suring longer operating range than to carry 200–250 kg warhead. It is J‑31 has. However the fuselage width considered that despite its relativecompared with the basic airframe ly small dimensions one YJ‑12 is capable of making ineffective or sinkhas obviously remained unchanged. The introduced computer image ing a mean displacement surface being, by the way, quite sketchy, has ship.  no cargo bay doors but in some pictures it is shown with one anti-ship Vladimir Ilyin






Aircraft carriers of the Pacific and Indian basins 42


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navy On November 16, 2013 Russia transferred a multipurpose aircraft carrier ‘Vikramaditya’, the former aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser ‘Soviet Union Fleet Admiral Gorshkov’ to India. The ship transfer ceremony was held at Sevmash shipyard (Severodvinsk). On the Indian side the transfer agreement was signed by a commander commodore Suraj Beri and by Igor Sevastyanov, Deputy Director General of Rosoboronexport on the Russian side. The ceremony was attended by Dmirty Rogozin, Russian VicePrime Minister and Arackaparambil Kurien Antony, Indian Defense Minister. he negotiations of India to purchase ‘Soviet Union Fleet Admiral Gorshkov’ ship commenced in 1994. On January 20, 2004 in New Delhi Russia and India undersigned an inter-governmental package agreement on granting the hull of the aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser to India subject to repairs and modernization under project 11430 at Sevmash shipyard (Severodvinsk). The document envisaged the ship to be equipped with Russian-made aircraft group based on 16 multipurpose ship-borne fighters MiG‑29K/KUB and ship-borne helicopters Ka‑27 and Ka‑31. Besides, Russia undertook obligations to train Indian crew as well as to create the aircraft-carrier station infrastructure in the Indian Ocean. According to media sources the original amount of the contract was worth $1.6 bln. Within two years India delivered to Russia about $460 million and in January 2007 completely stopped payments under the contract. In 2007 Russia announced repairs and refitting did not meet the deadline and stay within the costs stated. This was followed by a set of long and difficult negotiations resulted in a subsidiary contract having been signed on March 12, 2010 under which the total amount for the ship modernization came to $2.3–2.9 bln, according to different estimates. After refitting and rearmament the project 11434 aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser has become actually the base for a new ship with some certain characteristics, according to Russian shipbuilders, even superior to the stated ones. The ship’s length was increased up to 283.5 m, and width (flight deck) up to 59.8 m. Normal displacement was 38,000 t, total displacement – 45,500 t. The ship personnel strength is about 2,000 men. Vikramaditya aircraft carrier is reported to have traveled at a full-speed of 29.2 knots.


The ship’s air wing includes 30 aircraft. The aircraft-carrier is equipped with modern on-board systems and machinery, aviation communications and control system, ski-jump and arrester, navigation and radio systems. Before this the heavy cruiser had carried Yak‑38M vertical-takeoff-andlanding aircraft so it had had no special takeoff and landing equipment. Sevmash industrial association has committed itself to carry out a war-

ranty service within 20 years. The life of Vikramaditya in Indian Navy is estimated as 35–40 years. Currently the Indian aircraft carrier does not have any air defense weapons. However according to an Indian Navy official on arrival to India the ship is going to be equipped with AK‑630 six-barreled 30‑mm automatic guns which are manufactured in India under Russian license. In the future (not earlier than 2016)


Aircraft carrier Viraat 7(79).2014



ship-based fighter Tejas II

IAI Barak 8 44

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

the ship will be equipped with improved India and Israel-made Barak‑8 anti-aircraft missile system. It should be noted that IAI Barak short-range anti-aircraft missile system has already been used by Indian Navy. A modernized Viraat aircraft carrier is equipped with this kind of weapon (16 antiaircraft missiles are located in two vertical launchers containing eight units each). Besides, these anti-aircraft systems are mounted on Kolkata, Delhi and Rajput-type destroyers (16 missiles in each vertical launcher), Shivalik-type frigates (32 missiles in each vertical launcher), Godavari and Brahmaputra-type frigates (24 missiles in each vertical launcher). Barak‑8 is an improved extended range version. As previously reported the purchase of Barak antiaircraft missile system by India was accompanied by a corruption scandal in 2006. As a result Indian Defense Ministry established an independent committee to control the system being purchased. On November 30, 2013 the ship left Russian territorial waters to travel to India and on 7 of January 2014 it arrived at Karnataka shore. The integration process of the new aircraft carrier into Indian Navy is expected to take 3–4 months. Indian Navy intends to deploy the new ship in a recently-built Karvar naval base (south of Mumbai) on a permanent basis. It is assumed that in 2014 Vikramaditya aircraft carrier will replace the outdated Viraat aircraft carrier, the former English HMS Hermes commissioned in 1953 and put into Indian Navy service in 1986.

The first Indian-made aircraft carrier Vikrant (project 71) was laid at Cochin shipyard in November 2006. On August 12, 2013 the new ship was launched officially. The ship design process involved Russian (Severnoe Design Office), French and Italian experts. Vikrant has a bit smaller size than Vikramaditya (standard displacement of 37,500 t, length 252 m). By its architecture it is close to Russian catapult takeoff and arrester-assisted landing aircraft carriers. Like Vikramaditya it applies three arrester wires. The ship has a canteddeck and two outboard elevators on the starboard side. According to the project Vikrant is capable of carrying an air wing consisting of 12–14 MiG‑29K fighters and several helicopters including Ka‑31 airborne early warning helicopter. In the longer term the aircraft-carrier may carry Indian lightweight shipbased fighters Tejas II (LCA-Navy), however its completion date is constantly rescheduled therefore in the near future Indian Navy will content only with MiG’s. Vikrant gas-turbine power plant with a total power of 80,000 hp applies two shafts and should ensure full speed of 28 knots. It was assumed previously that the first Indian-made aircraft carrier would be commissioned in 2015, however later the date was rescheduled to 2018. It is fair to assume that Vikrant will really enter service with Indian Navy in 2019–2020. Thus, India will be the first Asian country to receive a true home-made aircraft carrier. In the much longer term the Indian Navy is going to have Vishal aircraft carrier, the plan for which was announced in 2011. The 65,000 t full displacement ship is expected to be built in India at Cochin shipyards. The new aircraft carrier is said to have a feature of being equipped with nuclear power plant and takeoff catapults (steam-powered apparently). It was reported previously that Vishal might be laid in 2014 and commissioned in 2025. However considering the task complexity and traditional Indian ‘impromptness’ these dates are in doubt.  Vladimir Ilyin






The age of extensive confrontation Who and where in Russia was engaged in development of the missiles against aircraft carriers and nuclearpowered cruisers

Vehicle-mounted missiles of the C-75 Dwina air defense system equipped with surface-to-air missiles


The history of our domestic defense-and-technical developments counts lots of little-known pages including those related to the miraculous achievements in NIOKR area and advanced technologies development. Thus, for instance, not everyone knows that the national heavy engineering giant – “Uralmashzavod” – for the purposes of the State’s defense power enhancement has distinguished itself not only in the area of tanks, self-propelled guns and field artillery construction, but it has participated in development and creation of missiles against nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers. Whereas, Uralmash’s designers and technologists have solved a lot of sophisticated engineering and technological tasks.

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

retrospectives Objective military and defense needs ithin the second half of the fifties of the previous century, the new generation of submarines has appeared in the world and characterized with high velocity, self-guided ballistic missiles able to precisely hit the ships and any other targets at long ranges. Therefore, the submarine force has become much more menacing than it previously was. Because a single submarine could devastate vast territories using its missiles with nuclear warheads, to destroy a city or an industrial area, to inflict the irrecoverable damages to transport infrastructure apart from the military facilities. In this case the military designers (by the way, on both sides of the “iron curtain”) have commenced their active work on counter-weapons against the occurred threat. In the other words – how to destroy such powerful and dangerous submarines. The first effective anti-submarine was created in USA. On May 1, 1962 the American destroyer has launched the anti-submarine missile ASROC in Pacific Ocean. According to the documents, the missile has flown 3650 m, then ran into the water and the warhead of about 1.5 kilo ton has successively exploded at the depth of 200 m. That was enough for destruction of any submarine. In the same year the anti-submarine weapons system ASROC was commissioned in US Navy. The new missiles were able to carry either self-guided torpedoes or depth charges with conventional and nuclear charges. ASROC’s range of fire was up to 11 km. However, the simple engineer’s supposition states: the nuclearpowered submarine could be destroyed using the missiles launched from the torpedo tubes of another submarine. In early sixties in USA they were developing the anti-submarine missile SUBROC launched from the conventional 533 mm torpedo tube. The idea of American engineers was like that: after being launched from the torpedo tube


at a safe distance from the friendly submarine the engine is started, the bottom cover is detached, and the self-guided missile continues its movement towards the enemy submarine: first – under the water as a torpedo, and after escaping from the water – as a missile with hypersonic speed to the set target. At the reference path point the reversible engine is started by the command of onboard control system, and the charge itself is detached from the missile. So “delivered” nuclear depth charge continues its flight along the ballistic path following it using the aerodynamic stabilizers. After submersion the charge is exploded at the preset depth. Casualty radius of the charge explosion with TNT equivalent from 1 to 5 kilo tons shall be equal to 5-8 km, maximum flying distance is 56 km. The SUBROC missiles were expected to be used in submarines of Thresher type, and then Permit and Sturgeon types. However, Soviet engineers kept pace with these activities. On October 13, 1960 the Soviet Council of Ministers has adopted the resolution on development of the first “Snowstorm” missile system of “submarine-air-submarine” type. Its construction was assigned to “Uralmashzavod” by that time acquired the extensive industrial experience, but it was unlikely related to missiles construction.

“Uralmash” is reconstructed Construction of any sophisticated machine of a new type requires at least two component parts – wellselected design bureau and production capacities able to implement the designers’ ideas. On February 13, 1958 Victor Krotov has become the Director of “Uralmashzavod”, and previously worked as the Director of Sverdlovsk Engineering Works



retrospectives “Urals” being the first computer in the Middle Urals. For missile subassemblies production (first of all their bodies welding) the two shops were reconstructed. Saying more: in spring 1962 the new huge building for experimental missile production was commissioned at the Works, and the laboratories for altitude chambers and missile test equipment were constructed nearby.

named after M.I.Kalinin. He came to “Uralmashzavod” from the position of the Head of Defense Industry department of Sverdlovsk Sovnarkhoz (National economy council). It seems the top positioners have come to the decision that the Uralmash’s production and processing services will also participate in the missile armament construction. The more so, because the well-experienced “defense expert” was nominated as the Director. And shortly after his nomination the additional capacities were brought (or truly returned) into “Uralmashzavod”, namely the defense-purpose plant No.9 together with OKB-9 in due time detached from the Works. At once the new defense-purpose line appearance was appreciated at the Works. Modernization of artillery production has started; at the same time the capacities for missile construction were provided. As far back as 1959 the long-term preserved engineering building for OKB-9 was completed (previously the designers worked terribly squeezed on the fifth floor of the Works managerial building). The new building has accommodated the then technological wonder – electronic computer 48

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

First missiles of “Uralmashzavod” “Uralmashzavod” has started its “missile” topics with the booster engines (powder boosters) PRD18 production using the third-party drawings, and the engines were designed for the newly commissioned ground-to-air missiles S-75 “Dvina”. Of course, the new business was not very easy: according to veterans, the defective welded seams were initially detected, but welding experts of the Works have solved all the issues quite operatively and the engines were constructed in series. By the way, the final assembling of “Dvina” missiles was organized next door, at the Engineering works named after M.I.Kalinin. And soon Uralians discussed in whisper the certain combat result of their work: on May 1, 1960 the American reconnaissance aircraft was defeated over Sverdlovsk, and the missile pieces were marked with OTK mark of Kalinin works. Two Uralmash work-

ers were awarded that time with decorations: V.V.Krotov, the Works Director, and P.G.Kopysov, the foreman of the shop where PRD-18 was constructed. The upgrading of tactical “Vulture” missile of “ground-to-ground” type created in Moscow-region Kaliningrad (now Korolev) was the first independent work of OKB-9 designers in the area of missilery. Uralmash engineers were assigned to revise the missile design and to replace the liquid engine with the solid engine, with modernization of ballistic characteristics and creation of new nozzle set. The experts of OKB-9 have successfully completed the engineering side of the task, but the missile production was transferred to another plant due to unavailability of sufficient production capacities at the Works at that time. “Onega” experience Somewhile Uralmash armorers used to deal with jet-driven Army “Onega” system with solid guided missiles. It was the first experience of independent construction of a missile with above-ground equipment. The implemented work was gigantic. It should be mentioned that on the basis of a shop the new sections were organized within the shortest possible terms: the section for solid engines production, for aluminum welding, for plating, for machining of such materials as titanium alloys, molybdenum, graphite

retrospectives and even tungsten. For the purpose to obtain the calibrated geometry of thin-walled engines’ bodies a lot of equipment for thermal processing, welding and machining was delivered and a portion thereof was acknowledged as inventions in terms of its specifications. The extrusion technique was tested for the first time, namely the cold straightening within the special mold through creation of high hydraulic pressure inside the cylinders. The method was later used while producing any other missiles, as well as that at Motovilikhinskie plants for tubes production for the “Grad” rocket systems. The special milling machine for body elements processing and the test stands for vibration resistance tests of the assemblies and missile itself were developed by their own efforts. They have suffered a lot with the technology for application of light but efficient thermal insulation coatings. The dual “Onega” launchers were mounted on tracked and wheeled chassis, and the design has later become the primary one for the similar machines designing at the other plants. The missile itself was equipped with inertial control system, in the modern terms it was rather bulky and not very reliable. After the missile completion it was tested on the firing range Kapustin Jar. But all works related to the missile system were terminated under the resolution of USSR Government because the similar “Moon” system was concurrently under development at the other plant and the latter system had displayed more reliable results. At the same time the Uralmash project of the solid rocket probe MR12 appeared to be very successful. The rockets and launchers were tested in different climatic conditions and have played very important role in operations with air sampling in course of nuclear explosions at high altitudes. In 1966 the MR-12 rocket (at that time the project was transferred from “Uralmashzavod” to ZiK) was exhibited at VDNH of USSR and it was awarded with Golden medal. The rocket was so good that the French government has ad-

dressed to the USSR Government for its joint use. Several years together with French experts the MR-12 rocket used to be launched for the upper atmosphere research in the Northern latitudes (including those on Heisa Island), in Southern aquatic areas of the World ocean and at the equator. “Snowstorm” for “Salmon” Underwater missile system (PRK) “Snowstorm” has become the latest Uralmash product of missilery. The system was developed by analogy with the American SUBROC, but it was multipurpose one – it could be effectively used for aircraft carriers defeating since they are almost impossible to be hit by conventional torpedoes since they are covered with a fleet. Uralmash designers have created the missiles of two calibers: 533 and 650 mm (“Snowstorm-53” and “Snowstorm-65”). “Snowstorm-53” was 8.2 m long and represented the analogue of the American SUBROC missile, and “Snowstorm-65” was 11.3 m long. The helical self-guided small-scale torpedo was used as the warhead with the charge of the ordinary explosive and effective range of 8-10 km. Officially, the chief designer of “Snowstorm” system was F.F.Petrov, but the main volume of engineering developments was produced under the leadership of his deputy Nicolay Kostrulin. For operative res-

olution of any technical issues in course of “Snowstorm” construction the Director of Uralmashzavod has timely (for three months) relieved chief engineer Pavel Malkov and chief technologist Yuri Kondratov of all other works. It should be noted that, according to the eyewitnesses, the leaders worked at the missiles by 14-16 hours a day together with all other workers. Yuri Kondratov was surprised with the following picture: at the section




of steering parts some workers were milling the steering parts profiles from the solid plate of pure tungsten using the carbide tool hardly


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

“biting” into the material. It was extremely labor intensive operation, and each missile had four parts like that one. The chief technologist of Uralmashzavod told Fedor Petrov: “The plate could be used for production of tens thousands of tungsten-containing cutters. Why couldn’t we make the steer of the ordinary or alloyed steel and to coat it with tungsten, and we have a number of coating techniques?” And in several days the designers have created the latticed steering gears, and two steers instead of four ones. They became easier for production in welded option made of profiled strip bars, whereupon the technologists have learned how to coat them with heat-resistant materials. The experts have selected the original heat-resistant materials, and the engine nozzles were molded in die molds. “Uralmashzavod” was given the firing range in Crimea for the missiles testing, near Feodosiya. The field was fenced with barbed wire, the torpedo tube was installed for the missiles launching, and the han-

gar for storage and assembling of the missiles was constructed. First launches were not very successful, but then the missiles had followed all commands. However the test program was not completed – in 1964 all missile tasks were transferred from “Uralmashzavod” to ZiK together with production and laboratory bases, designers and technologists participated the “Snowstorm” project. Nicolay Kostrulin has become the deputy chief designer of ZiK Veniamin Lyuliev in marine programs and had completed the “Snowstorm” program. On August 4, 1969 RPK-2 “Snowstorm-53” with 81R missile was commissioned in USSR Navy. The missiles were mounted even on the very modern submarines of 671RT project “Salmon”. Later on, under the leadership of Nicolay Kostrulin the effective missile systems were developed: RPK-6 “Waterfall” and RPK-7 “Wind” with longer range of fire, with the deeper launch depth, and the self-guidance systems. Yuri Sokolov

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