GIS Taiwan

Page 1

GIS Taiwan 2014

2 About GIS Taiwan

3 Invitation from chief director

4 Symposium Composition

GIS Taiwan 2014

4 Core Element

5 Past symposiums

7 Speakers

11 Yearly Topic

15 Time table

17 Introduction to academic sessions

20 Sponsor us

21 Staff

22 Contact us



Why should you join GIS Taiwan?

Founded by a group of students from National Taiwan University in 2008, Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan (GIS Taiwan) is a conference held annually for students around the world. Concerning the swiftly changing world and the deepening interrelations among cultures, we welcome delegates to join our extensive discussions between generations and perspectives, here in Taiwan, in Asia.

■ Being a part of this world, we all care about what's going on around us, and GIS Taiwan invites you to discuss with us. ■ Taiwan represents the emerging Asia, we not only seek globalization, we also work hard to find stand points between Asia Aspect and Western society view points. ■ Beside from joining our overwhelming speeches and intensive discussions, don't forget to make friends from all over the world, try some delicious Taiwanese cuisine and attend field trip to explore this beautiful island.

INVITATION FROM CHIEF DIRECTOR Dear delegates, On behalf of the host team of Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan 2014, it is my great pleasure to invite you as one of the delegates of GIS Taiwan 2014, which will be held in Taipei. This year, we have our annual topic set as “Stand up ! Stand out!”in the hope that through participating in GIS Taiwan 2014 as delegates, all students would stand up to make a change, meanwhile stand out from the crowd to shine themselves. Also, we proudly introduce our new program, "Ac tion Project", which will not only help enhance the interaction and communication between different generations, but also provide delegates an opportunity to change the world by exchanging ideas with both fellow delegates and senior representatives from various industries. With honor and pleasure we hope you will attend GIS Taiwan 2014. Looking forward to seeing you!

Sincerely yours, Chief Director of GIS Taiwan 2014 Lin, Tsung-Wei


SYMPOSIUM COMPOSITION Annual Symposium D u r i n g t h e w e e k- l o n g s e m i n a r, influential scholars and mentors along with student delegates will gather to discuss, dissect and exchange experience on issues ranging from economics, politics, academic research, social culture and many more. Through the brainstorm of various keynote speeches, workshops, presentations and teamwork of action project, delegates will be able to find a chance to express and fulfill themselves amongst the different, diverse topics and issues. Last but not least, delegates will be distributed into groups to

come up with an action project along with a mentor. The best action project will be delivered to local foundations or businesses and will be put into action.


There w ill b e t wo waves of Pre Symposiums, the first wave coming up in December, and the Second wave coming up in April. Both bringing intensive discussions t o Ta i w a n e s e s t u d e n t s . We e x p e c t a globalized topics being fully discussed from Taiwanese aspects. Corresponding Taiwanese issues with global problems, we encourage initiative perspectives from our participants.

CORE ELEMENT ■ Located at National Taiwan University. ■ 300 delegates selected from a highly rigorous application process. ■ 100 prominent speakers. ■ Action project designed by experts and

highly recommended university students. ■ Negotiation and communication skills workshop led by young scholars. ■ Field trip. Open banquet. Closing party and more.



2012 Innovation and Change

What is the Catch Catching at Web?

Competition is the quintessential driving force for progress; however, the definition and boundaries of the term can become rather blurr y and ambiguous. The diverse and variet y of forms of competition needs to be examined in depth. We aim of stimulating new ideas, and finding possible ways of bilateral gains through competition.

It is through innovation and change not only of government administration, business management, s ci e n c e a n d t e ch n o l o g y, but also of the ar ts and humanities, that we come to reach the point of civilization we have achieved today.

The Internet has dramatically changed human lifest yles and societies, greatly alter i n g t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n of information in the past two decades. The term “Information Revolution� highlights not only the importance of information but also the Internet through which the information may ef f iciently spread. In the 21st century, Internet-based software and hardware such as cloud computing, tablet PCs, and smart phones have e vo l ve d a n d p r o g r e s s e d more rapidly than ever before, altering society in various dimensions and influencing the lives of all individuals.

Strategy Under Competition





Emergence of New Giants: Evolution or Revolution

Challenges and Opportunities, the Global Economy in the Transition Phase

That Wall Street is the biggest financial center of the world and that English is a universal language are evidence of the dominance by western countries. Recently, with the impact and damage it has caused to developed countries, the latest financial crisis has offered a chance for developing countries to obtain economic prosperity and influence. China, for instance, currently overtakes Germany and the US as the world’s biggest exporter. The enormous trade deficit its cheap products have posed to other nations has brought on international boycott; Chinese authority’s refusal to let RMB appreciate has triggered great condemnation. It is apparent that with rapid economic growth and new gained diplomatic power come new challenges for developing countries.

As the old saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way." A decade ago, the world once pondered the potential issues we would encounter at the coming of the millennium. Now, another rigorous challenge, the financial turmoil commencing since the second half of 2007, lies before us while all international actors are trying to find a way out. It is our responsibility, as individual members of the global village, to acknowledge, record and analyze, great events long the course of human history. We envisage that these acknowledgements, records and analysis would define the problems, and generate the most adequate solution.


Last name In Alphabetical order

Barry Lam 林百里

the founder and Chairman of Quanta Computer


Charles Tsai

The founder of the Global Youth Fund

Chang, Yi-Ming 張以明

Chief Strategy Officer of Pak Lee Foundation

Chian, Fu 錢復 1

Ex. Ministers of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan(R.O.C)


Hsu, Chih-Chang 徐志漳

General Manager of Ruentex Industrial Limitid

Hsu, Kuang-Jung 徐光蓉

Professor of Department of Atmospheric Sciences, NTU

8 3

Jhon. M. Leitner

Professor in Soeul National University Justin O’Connor Professor in the Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology


Kuo, Ming-Liang 郭明良

Dean of College of Life Science, NTU

Kuo, Wei 郭位


President, City University of Hong Kong

Hsu, Yu-Jen 徐毓仁

Lee, Chiu-Chung 李取中

Founder of TEDxTaipei

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Big Issue Taiwan

Huang, Jau-Hsiun 黃肇雄

Lu, Shih-Wei 陸詩薇

Founder of Cyberlink

Hope Ong


Corporate Affairs Director in Microsoft Taiwan

Joseph Tzeng 曾煥哲

Founding Managing Director of Crystal Ventures

Jan, I-Chien 詹益鑑

Co-founder & Partner of appWorks Ventures

Sirilaksana Khoman

Adjunct Professor of Economics at Thammasat University and Advisor to the Commissioner at the National AntiCorruption Commission

Full-time lawyer of Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan

Dr. Michael Braungart


Professor Dr. Michael Braungart is the founder and scientific CEO of EPEA Internationale Umweltforschung GmbH, an international environmental research, and consulting institute headquartered in Hamburg.

Ming, Chu-Cheng 明居正

Professor of Despartment of Political Science, NTU

Peng, Wen -Jeng 彭文正 Professor, Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University


Steve Day 戴勝益

chairman of Wowprime Corp.

Shaw, Daigee 蕭代基

Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica

Dr. Ted Chang 張嘉淵 6

Vice president and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in Quanta Computer Inc.

Timmy Yip 葉錦添


Oscar winner of Best Art Direction for his work on Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Vinod K. Aggarwal


Professor in the Department of Political Science at UC Berkeley, and the Director of the Berkeley APEC Study Center (BASC)

Vivtor Shen 沈上謙


Senior Technical Solutions Consultant at Google

Wang, Chung-Ho 汪中和

Research Fellow of Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica sor of The Graduate Institute of Journalism, NTU


Wu, Hsueh Liang

Professor of Department of International Business


Wei, Te-Sheng 魏德聖

Director of Cape No. 7 and Seediq Bale, Winner of Golden Horse Awards

Wu, Yu-Shan 吳玉山

Distinguished Research fellow and director of the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica

Xie, Ming-Fan 謝明汎

Genera Manager of Prince Construction Company

Yang, Pan-Chyr 楊泮池


President, National Taiwan University

Yuan, Hsiao-Wei 袁孝維

Former Dean for International Affairs, NTU



STAND UP! STAND OUT! Break through Challenges between Generation

The world has been ever-changing. However, it seems that the complexities are about to confuse the fixed order of the world; our life is not as certain as before, but exposed to unpredictability and predicaments. The world population had reached 7 billion in 2011, leading to an increasing number of starvation. The wealth gap has been deteriorating, and climate change issues have become non-negligible. We can’t stand idly by and need to stand up. But how to react to problems around? The changing world provides not only challenges, but opportunities as well. Multiple pieces of information flood into our daily lives, provoking not only new thoughts, but the action for changes. Meanwhile, social media and mobile technology are making ideas spread quickly; the cost of transferring thoughts are at an alltime low. Correspondingly, individuals will stand up.


Subtopic 1: Detecting the Trends How to summon up courage? How to actually "stand up"? It requires surpassing courage and support. Hence, what a forum can do is to provide opportunities to discuss the problems with people from different fields and, most importantly, to connect and let us know we are not alone. Under the topic "Stand up, stand out!", we will detec t the trends around the world, analyze the difficulties we face, and, subsequently find possible ways of solving the problems. We sincerely welcome delegates from diverse areas to conduct brainstorming and break through those challenges between generations. Since science and technology advance rapidly in recent decades, the whole new world comes to be a “global village” and we are unconsciously forced to live in an era full of changes. Thus, the capability of “creating trends” becomes more and more

critical among all trades and professions. ■ Politics and government administration: officials need to observe the situation and problems of their administrative divisions more carefully to establish good policies, improve the efficiency of work and maximize the welfare of modern society. ■ Business and economics: Entrepreneurs are under fierce competition and exposed to unavoidable market influences. Accordingly, corporates and managers must be sensitive to market trends and put their company in a leading position. ■ Agriculture and food security: Farmers and gardeners are exposed to changes in climate and economic conditions. Characteristics in crops, flowers, and fruits need to be analyzed to fit environmental changes. If they have sharp eyes for the p r op e r tie s that ar e at tr a c ti ve to th e ir customers, they can find a new economic

value and increase profits on agricultural products. â– Medical science and pharmaceuticals: Doctors and pharmacists need to observe the physical conditions of patients to find out how epidemics affect others and causes diseases . Researcher s may invent new medicine and vaccines to prevent the spread. Fur ther more, the ad vances in moder n medicine is closely related to health of all human beings. In a nutshell, it is really important for indi-viduals in every walk of life to sensitively detect the trends. In this symposium, we have opportunities to learn different concepts from lecturers and delegates from around the world--by interacting and discussing with them, we can cultivate the capability of caring and analyzing current events. Correspondingly, we have more abilities to stand up, stand out and break through the challenges!

Subtopic 2: Sustaining Competitive Advantage We are living in a modern and open societ y. Ever ybody has chances to step forward and fulfill their goals. Apart from realizing opportunities, it is necessary to improve ourselves to sustain competitive advantage. Not only does the professional knowledge play a crucial role, but it is also indispensable to be one-of-a-kind. Only with the accuracy of vision and creation of advantage can individuals and corporations develop and stay extraordinary. Take IBM as an example. IBM, one of the oldest companies in PC industr y, was founded in 1911. In the past, IBM was well-known for its hardware development and adoption of edgy IC techniques.

However, technology keeps changing. New companies, such as DELL and Oracle, were chasing behind. Despite the fact that IBM had become the leading company in the industry, it had no choice but to make some changes. Since 2000s, IBM has started to put more stress on software development and customer ser vice. At the same time, IBM integrated their hardware and software businesses and managed to lower the cost of production. The mature and complete supply chain and the determination to break through not only consolidated IBM’s position in both computer hardware and IT industry, but they also helped IBM stay strong, against all odds.


Subtopic 3: Stand Out to Become Outstanding We're not so sure about ourselves when it comes to being different. Differences due to nature, luck or other predetermined fac tor s in many cases demand a sense of s ympathy, af fec t ation, or even love just to be kindly tolerated. What about b ein g dif ferent in way s of p ercei v in g , thinking and understanding things in our societ y? Branches of specializations are being continuously defined. Authorities regarding certain fields of interest abound. Furthermore, there is an atmosphere that treasure globally unified values. Wise and foresighted men can be fearful of revealing themselves to the society. Oppressed or undiscovered talent might be insecure about

their "abnormity". The histor y-proven tr uth is , distinguished people are essentially different in their opinions and actions from rest of the crowd. They stepped out, worked hard and smar t, and then truly accomplished something from higher value with partners who shared the same vision. The courage and willingness are themselves remarkable. Possibly and hopefully af ter finding the strength and pride to be different, the gifted will then bring about changes to help make a better world.

AGENDA 2014.7.14





Keynote Forum A

Keynote Forum B


Opening Ceremony


Opening speech

Lunch Time 13:30-14:30





Intensive Workshop A

Intensive Workshop B

Action Project Salon

Coffee Break 16:30-18:00



Action ProjectMentor Discussion

Action ProjectGroup Discussion

Action ProjectGroup Discussion


Opening Banquet




Action ProjectExhibition


Extensive Workshop

Lunch Time 13:30-14:30

Delegates Presentation 13:30-16:00

Company Visit /Field Research


Action ProjectGroup Discussion


Closing Speech


Closing Ceremony


Action ProjectMentor Discussion


Dinner with mentor of action project


Farewell Party

2014.7.14 - 2014.7.18 G IS Taiwan 2014



A.Here we elaborate the framework of the symposium and a detailed schedule of the entire symposium. we will introduce keynote speech speakers, entrepreneurs, and professors who will participate in the five-day symposium. To let delegates have more ideas toward our annual topic. B.The opening Ceremony is a brief introduction of GIS goals and visions. We will also take this time to introduce keyspeakers. Here we will give further insights to GIS and what we stand for.Goal

Keynote Speech

Creating a platform for delegates to bring new ideas, speakers will establish the main theme and raise interest in particular event. The speakers will combine his/her fields to provide deeper insights into the key factors in breaking through and help delegates build up background knowledge for further discussion in the following programs.

Keynote Forum

This year’s topic is how to break through and stand out in this competitive society. Covering these topics: Higher education, Economics, Politics, Media, and Technology. Each forum will have two entrepreneurs or scholars and a host. Speakers will share views and discus between them the problems involved. Discuss previous topics much more deeply and widely. Share opinions with speakers.


Intensive Workshop

There will be 8 separate workshops at the same time on day 2 and 3. You choose one topic to participate in. Led by professor or an entrepreneur approximately 40 people will share their views. Be inspired but become inspiring.

Extensive Workshop

Specialists such as economics, media and political science, will speak all workshops and share their ideas related to the topic in terms of their fields. They are going to provide delegates with the current developing trend and some actual cases to illustrate the idea of “Stand up! Stand Out! “

Delegates Presentation

During the symposium, delegates will respectively present the top six essays selected by a committee of specialties. Each delegate will be given 10 minutes to share their essays and ideas and 5 minutes for Q&A, with no restriction to the format of presentation, nor the tools or methods.

Action Project Salon

To report the current situation in their industries and raise problems in their enterprises we have Top enterprises, foundations and relative organizations from the fields of economics and management, politics, society, technology and environment. Choosing the field you are interested. Get the chance to get an answer for your solution then represent it in the: Action project Exhibition, on the last day of the symposium.

Action projectMentor Discussion

During the discussion, a mentor from relative industries will tutor each action project group. The mentors introduce the current situation and raise some problems or possibilities in the industries to stimulate delegates to figure out your own action project. The mentor will give suggestions from relative experiences to make program more practical.

Company Visit / Field Research

It is time for real visit to enterprises to interview with company owners and search for more effective information. Now verify research your research and meet with company managers to discuss relative topic or possible solutions for action project. After company visit, delegates can gather more resources from field research. Have innovation through real visit and discussing with residents.

Action Project Exhibition

The time has come!! Present your achievement by posters and to share opinions from various aspects.Combine ideas from these experiences to discover a creative and practical way for the youth to stand up and stand out. Top five programs will be selected by professors and mentors and will be honored in the closing ceremony.

Closing Ceremony

Thanks will be given to speakers, sponsors and team efforts the awards will be handed to the top solutions. The closing ceremony is not the end of the discussion or thoughts, but the beginning of the stage of taking actions to change the world.





Official participants in the symposium (including social events, keynote speeches, sessions, workshops) Opportunity to deliver Speeches in Opening and Closing Ceremonies ■ 1 full-page colored advertisement in symposium handbook ■ 300-word Sponsor introduction on Global Initiative Symposium 2014 website ■ Sponsor name and logo in symposium handbook, conference hall, publicity film, projection screen ■ Certificate of Appreciation

■ 1 full-page colored advertisement in symposium



handbook ■ 250-word Sponsor introduction on Global Initiative Symposium 2014 website ■ Sponsor name and logo in symposium handbook, conference hall, publicity film, projection screen ■ Certificate of Appreciation

■ 1 half-page colored advertisement in symposium



handbook ■ 200-word Sponsor introduction on Global Initiative Symposium 2014 website ■ Sponsor name and logo in symposium handbook, conference hall, projection screen ■ Certificate of Appreciation

■ 100-word Sponsor introduction on Global Initiative



Symposium 2014 website ■ Sponsor name and logo in symposium handbook and conference hall ■ Certificate of Appreciation

STAFF Organizing Committee

Executive Directors Tsung Wei Lin Yu-Chih Hsu Tien-Chi Wang

Division of Academy Ting Yu Lin Lu Hsin Hwa Su-Kuan Chu Lee Tzu En Shen Shih Hsiang Lin Kuan Heng Sun Yu Hui Kuo Wei Ting Chen Tse Yu Chen Yen Chu Chen Sz Chi Yu Jing Iu Robin Pilling

Division of Project Proposals Pei-Hung Chang Neng-Hung Cheng Pei Hsuan Lin Chih-Hsien Chu Wen-Lin Lee Ya Yun Lee Chia Yu Chang Chuang cheng-hsiang Chan Ya Chen Rou Chee Lin Tsai Wan Ting Yu-Xin Hsieh Chin Ting Kuo Li Po Chun Wu Hsu Hua

Division of Public Relations Che Wei Chang Chieh-An Sun Chin Wang Sz-Ying Wu Po-Jung Wu Juhwa Lee Yuchen Wong Chia-Yi Lin Yung-Yu Chi Wei Che Kao Chi Chun Hsu

Yu Han Chen Ling-Yu Yang Sin-Yi Yang Yip Yan Yi Liru Wang

Division of Admissions and Strategic Marketing Shao Hsuan hsu Chih-Chao,Shen Peng tzu-fan Yu-wen Chen Wang Chia-rong Shen Li Wu Chuang Le Kuo An-Yi Lee Wan-Ju Da Xi Xiang Po Zou Chen Wei Jim Haung Chieh-Fan Hsieh

Division of Design Yuan Yun Ting Yi Jung Shih Bing-Hsun Wu Hsing Ying Chen Jun Jia Huang Han Fang Hsiao Chao Shu-Pei




Address Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan (GIS Taiwan), Division of Student Activity, Office of Student Affair, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan(R.O.C)

GIS Taiwan website

GIS Taiwan facebook fanspage

GIS Taiwan


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