Hung Ching Chen 2015

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陳 弘 謦

Hung Ching Chen Portfolio 2015

書呆子小明 Ming the nerd

害羞的書呆子小明喜歡班上的小美很久了,這一天終於抓緊時機、鼓起勇氣 拿著情書像小美告白,沒想到 . . .

Shy little Ming have a crush on little Mei for a long time. When he finally pluck up his courage to confess his love to Mei, but…

小明 Ming 害 羞 膽 小 的 小 三 學 生, 雖 不 善 言 談, 但 是 成 績 總是名列前茅,手上桌上總是有著一堆書。

Ming is a shy little Boy and have great perfomance on every test at school. There are always lots of books around him!




小美 Mei 小明同班的女同學,非常愛漂亮,總是拿著鏡 子,只為了讓自己的雙馬尾永遠保持最佳狀態。

Mai is a classmate of Ming. Her mirror is always in her hand to keep her ponytail in good shape




場景與 教室物件設計

classroom & objects design

怎麼當個好學生: 睡覺的時候繼續假裝認真寫字!

How to be a good student101: Sleep and keep your hand writing!


Student gold rule : Don't cheat!

Oreo Get that Oreo!

胖胖、 小不點與高哥一行人走來路上, 突然從天上飛來一個巨大的 Oreo, 於是開心的拿著它蹦蹦跳跳玩耍, 沒想到一不小心掉進了水溝 . . . 正當他們 垂頭喪氣的時候,高哥發現他們後面有一台超大的 Oreo 販賣機 . . .

One day, Fatty, Little and Tall unexpectedly bumped into a huge Oreo and happily played with it. But Fatty accidentaly dropped the Oreo into the drain. . .While they were frustrated and sad, Tall found a gient Oreo vending machine. . .

這部動畫是由我的名字「陳弘謦」的諧音「橙紅青」衍生出來的,於是有了 橘色的胖胖,紅色的小不點與藍色的高哥。每個角色都代表著某一部份的我, 而他們最想要的東西,也是我最喜歡吃的 "OREO"!

This animation is derived from my name "Hung-Ching Chen", which is pronounce like "Orange, Red, Blue" in Chinese. As a result, there are Orange Fatty, Red Little and Blue Tall. One of each represent a cer tain par t of me and what they desire the most,Oreo, is my favorite snack

小不點 Little 好奇心與行動力十足!

Full of curiosity and energy!



胖胖 Fatty 無法抗拒美食,常常有鬼點子!

Crazy food lover, got tons of ideas



高哥 Tall 常常擺著一張撲克臉, 對事情常常沒什 麼反應,卻很有觀察力。

Often stand still with a poker face, but very observant.



由 於 胖 胖 有 彈 性 的 肚 子, 運 用 maya 節 點 與 密 集 的 骨 頭,做出平滑的擠壓與伸長效果。

Dealing with Fatty's belly is a complex part of this rig. I used maya node and lots of joints to make this smooth squash and stretch effect.


A flexible riboon arm in Little's rig make some carzy cartoony pose possible.

怪獸奇遇記 Monster & Me

天真活潑的小胖弟無意間發現了一本「怪獸圖鑑」,看著裡面各式各樣的怪 獸,期待著自己也能發現一隻擁有無比超能力的怪獸,於是小胖弟來到了森 林,尋找屬於他的超能怪獸。皇天不負苦心人,小胖弟真的遇見了一隻怪獸, 但這隻怪獸好像不像他想像中的那樣「超能」. . .

After cute little boy Mike read the "Handbook of Monster" ,which he accidentally found, he wanted to actually keep one. As a result, he set out to find his "super" monster in the forest. Surprisingly, He bumped into a real monster searching for food in the forest, but the monster seemed not "super" at all. . .

* 此動畫為共同製作 ( 附圖皆為本人製作 ) 角色建模:陳弘謦 | 場景建模:陳亮宇 | 角色綁定 : 陳弘謦 | 貼圖:陳亮宇

小胖弟 Fatboy




怪� Monster




製作這部動畫期間, 由於時間 比較充裕, 努力嘗試了各種姿 勢的可能性, 每個鏡頭都會先 用紙筆嘗試畫出有好的剪影的 好姿勢。

Try to figure out the best guesture and silhouette for the character.

並且嘗試了更多更誇張更 戲劇化的姿勢與表情。

And try more dramatic gestures and facial ex pressions.

分鏡腳本 ( 節錄 )

Storyboard thumbnails

小糖果 Small candy

兩 個 小 糖 果 在 路 上 玩 耍, 黃 色 小 糖 果 發 現 了 一 顆 黑 黑 奇 怪 的 東 西, 在 好 奇 心 的 驅 使 下, 鼓 起 勇 氣 碰 了 它, 奇 怪 的事情發生了 . . .

Two little candy found a strange black bubble while they hang around outside. Out of curiosity, Yellow candy finally touched it, but something strange happened. . .

老師大聯盟 Big Teacher League

每個人都有自己特別的專長與能力,老師們當然也不例外 !

Everyone has their special ability, and so do our teachers!

Graphic Design 平面設計

好味 HOBBI Taste HOBBI,Tast Memory

以切塊醬瓜為概念,文字以俐落的切邊展現塊狀感,並以象徵醃漬的甕融入標誌。 禮盒設計上融入了傳統古早味的元素,醬瓜的包裝是放在門左右兩旁的甕,甕除了 傳達出濃濃的古早味與東方感,也象徵著醬瓜的醃漬與釀造。中間的門打開就成了 產品介紹與目錄,甕的上方兩個隨身包化成春聯。整個包裝一打開,呈現了一個傳 統社會 " 家 " 的面貌。

HOBBI is a food manufacturers that produce pickles cans.The design concept is inspired by a step of making pickles,"cut". To convey the concept and a sense of traditional Taiwan,the foundation of the logotype design is base on the traditional Calligraphy but the edge of it is very neat and straight,like it is cut by a sharp knife.

Branding 品牌識別設計


歐卡水族咖啡 Orca Have your Ocean in the city

以海洋水波為設計元素,深色系象徵著靜謐與高貴質感,作為這家獨一無二的咖 啡館的品牌視覺設計,優雅的傳達歐卡水族咖啡館所提倡的自由的生活態度。

Combine with coffee and Aquarium,ORCA wants to bring a new attatude toward life to the people living in the city.Take "Ocean" as a basic design element of this unique coffee shop. Put "Wave" into the logotype and turn the color of ocean into ORCA's major symbol.




* 本專案與林妤恒、李佳恩、王梓、陳亮宇共同製作

GIS 年度手冊 GIS Taiwan Annual brochure Stand up,Stand out

Editorial Design 編輯設計


封面設計以大會以及 GIS 的核心理念作為設計概 念, 用漣漪象徵著從小而大、 從內而外的新思想 與影響力。 內頁以章節、 演講場次與頁碼清楚標 注於頁面,讓與會者能快速找到需要的資訊。

A ripple occupied the most area of the cover of this annual brochure, symbolize the impact of youth in Taiwan base on GIS's core value:make the good impact bigger and bigger, from Taiwan to the world.

八分之一 one eighth From 1/8 to 1/2

封 面 設 計 向 乍 看 像 一 個 色 盲 測 樣 的 圖 案,1/8

T h e co n ce p t o f t h e co v e r d e s i g n i s b a s e

明顯地展示在封面上, 仔細一看才能看出隱藏

on "from 1/8 to 1/2".At the first sight , the

在其中的 1/2, 暗示成長是一個慢慢演進的過

number"1/8" come into view right away, but

程, 雖然不容易發現, 確確實存在。 而另一方

if you look closer, you would find 1/2 hidden

面用各種形狀拼貼出的封面, 也象徵著各式回

inside, It implies that growth would be a

憶一點一滴的累積, 有歡樂的紅與橙, 也有苦

subtle change in life, we might not notice, but


It do exists.

Editorial Design 編輯設計

2014 * 內頁編輯與班刊編輯團隊共同製作

菊石燉肉飯 究極料理-遠古料理 食譜設計 Ultimate cuisine look cook book

究極料理 - 遠古料理食譜設計。以詼諧的手法想像史前時代的高級饗宴在幾千年後 的現在要如何料理。使用遠古壁畫般的各種元素,並創造出遠古象形文字輔助作為 整體編輯設計的概念,並印製於粗糙紙上,再以手撕邊,創造出史前時代的氛圍, 讓人一打開食譜就有回到史前時代用著陶器生火燒菜的樂趣。

Imagine how to cook a prehistoric feast in thousands of years from now in a humorous way. The use of various elements like the ancient frescoes and ancient hieroglyphics create a atmosphere of Ancient times.The whole recipes printed on coarse paper, and shredded edges.











Editorial Design 編輯設計


啊 - 吃餅 Ah-Have a cake Eat all the cakes!

" 啊—吃餅 " 大甲奶油酥餅包裝設計。以活潑的改造奶油酥餅包裝禮盒,輔以俏皮 的品牌形象名稱。逗趣的大嘴表情與內裝的奶油酥餅合為一體,呈現出好吃到塞 滿嘴巴也不過分的畫面。外盒簡潔的設計並留一條細縫探出對話框,更讓人想摸 清這餅盒裡賣什麼藥!

"Ah-Have a cake" is a packge design project for the famous Da-Juia Cream cake. A funny big mouth face and the cream cake inside the package create a scenario of "I wanna it all of these, it's sooo delicious!"

Package Design 包裝設計


台北捷運圖 Taipai MRT Map Taipei Metro System Map design

以造訪旅客的觀點出發重新設計此地圖,將台北市 中心的區域放大並清楚標示捷運轉乘站與台鐵、高 鐵、公路客運、機場轉乘站,並運用黑底讓線路顏 色更鮮明,線路粗細與顏色都依照使用人次排序, 讓旅客能一眼找到重點捷運站。

Redesign Taipei MRT map due to the point of view of those who visit Taipei.The centre of Taipei city is bigger and the transfer station are easier to find on this map.

Map Design 地圖設計


澎湖旅遊地圖 Penghu Travel Map Travel, Food, Fun!

簡潔的插畫淺顯易懂的標示出澎湖各大景點的大略 位置比起文字說明更容易讓旅客理解,另一本澎湖 旅遊專刊則是由棉花糖先森帶領大家介紹了澎湖的 必吃美食。

The flat design illustrations clearly indicate

Map Design

the position of the most famous tourist spots



and all the must-eat food in Penghu.

┕ᡱᖇ✤◙ ℕ䄝㿥令⶜ᾜ劌撾懝▜䚱Ὶᾏ虇╗⪶╗檌䂎䠓䏰妲 虇拜ᾙㄽ愲䠓挻㷐虇拜⁏灋抌㞾儝☂蘼

ᠪ㦸 ⢷⋶⥄ⅎ⎸⛕〦染慠䠓⶞檟恙虇〦棱桥⶞虇╾㞾䢮 㣟⵵㜨◱蘼㵞╲抌劌▒⎿䂎䂎䠓㼆☂蘼

᎜ዷ᳷ᐫ 彷㼆⪶㯚ㄏ憩㮠╳㬤䠓彾ᾙ虇䄝㿥嗦▜䠓⁨⁉㔛⌿ 虇指指䚫䚫䠓䁚☂令⶜㞾ℕ䄝㿥ㅔ▒䠓䚫♐"

Logotypes Collection



哈魯 Haru!


夜 你有什麼毛病展

海報視覺標準字設計 活動主視覺標準字設計

Logotype Design





果醬女孩 JamGirl








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