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GIS TAIWAN 2014: Content 01 11 16

GIS TAIWAN 2014 01 03 05 09

From the Chief Director About GIS Taiwan 04 Advisors Annual Topic 07 Agenda Academic Sessions

Keynote Speech 11 Opening Speech 13 Closing Speech

Keynote Forum & Intensive Workshop

17 Economics 23 Politics 29 Education 35 Technology


Extensive Workshop


Action Project


43 EW17A-G

51 Leisure Industry 55 Entrepreneurship 59 Data & Analytics 63 Life Science 72 Supporters 73 Special Thanks 75 Host Team


From President of NTU Dear 2014 GIS-Taiwan Participants and Friends, Since 2009, the Global Initiatives Symposium has dedicated itself to connecting students from all around the world in providing opportunities for young students to express their ideas and viewpoints. As we are often presented with countless challenges in the dynamic and ever-changing 21st centur y, the cultivation of such capabilities as independent reasoning, innovative thinking, and collaborative communicating are now more pressing than ever if the young generation hopes to stand out in this society.

Pan-Chyr Yang

As such, the ability to “Stand up, Stand Out� is not so

President National Taiwan University

Under this initiative, the host team has again put

coincidentally the main topic for this year’s event.

together an exciting program featuring an impressive array of panels and speakers so as to inspire innovative thinking on a regional and global scale. It is my belief that the participation of more than 250 delegates along with the international speakers and mentors from all disciplines will bring about heated discussions, inspiration, and an abundance of innovation. In addition to hoping that the conference will provide you with an exhilarating experience, I also hope that you will enjoy your stay in Taiwan. President,

National Taiwan University


From Chief Director Of GIS Taiwan Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to 2014 Global Initiatives Symposium in expects to integrate regional and international visions of present and future leaders, to share their forward perception and create originative notion. Good ideas are of ten gone before they are seen and shown to the world. It is high time we turn hypothetical potentials into practicable plans. Therefore, Action Project is the step to lead to

Tsung-Wei Lin

feasible action after absorbing new information

Chief Director GIS Taiwan 2014

participants come up with may lead to real execution

from Keynote Forum and Workshop. Solutions that in corporations in the future. We are hoping that this symposium could be a global-visioned platform for both discussion of current issues as well as achievable solutions to the problems. Through the clashing of diverse opinions, we hope delegates could establish comprehensive perspective in their respective fields, and exert all the abilities learned to maximize the benefit they could bring to the society, to the country, and to the future generation of the world

Chief Director,

Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan 2014


Taiwan. Standing on the basis of Taiwan, GIS Taiwan




About GIS Taiwan Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan (GIS Taiwan) was established in the year of 2008 as a platform to serve youth from around the globe. As the very first and only annual international conference in Taiwan run by students, GIS Taiwan has taken giant strides in terms of both the number of participants and the topics covered ever since it was first founded. GIS Taiwan aims to offer an international dimension to the conference through our keynote forums, critical discussions/debates among peers, group projects, and cultural events. We seek to bring together talents from around the world to challenge each other and learn to be challenged. In addition, GIS Taiwan wishes that all potential solutions and ideas brought up during the conference to be practically implemented and carried out. As such, a new element called the “Action Project” has been integrated into this year’s conference. The project has been specially designed with the objective to encourage comprehensive understanding on global issues so as to explore relevant resources with regard to specific industries. With the hope of striving towards a better international community, we gather to pave the way for our and the next generation. We anticipate all delegates to come up with solutions to global issues while reaching out to their local and regional communities and to eventually make changes to our world.



Chen Ming-Shen

Kao Yeong-Chuan

Vice President for Aca-

Professor, Department of

Professor, Department of

demic Affairs; Professor,

Finance, National Taiwan

Physics, National Taiwan

Department of Electrical



Yuan Hsiao-Wei

Yeh Ping-Cheng

Professor & Chairman,

A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r,

School of Forestry and

Department of Electrical

Resource Conservation,

Engineering, National

National Taiwan Uni -

Taiwan University

Engineering, National Taiwan University



Chen Liang-Gee




Stand up, Stand out! ,14



Breakthrough Challenges between Generations Subtopics • • •

Detecting the Trends Sustaining Competitive Advantage Standing Out to Become Outstanding

06 How should we react to these changes? How should we actually “stand up”? Forums with like-

our world. Inhabiting a distinct, unpredictable and

minded people provide the best way to discuss such

complex environment, life is subject to changeable

problems with people from different fields, and, most

conditions. The world population reached 7 billion in

importantly, let us know we are not alone.

2011. The wealth gap has broadened, more people are starving, and climate change had become significant. A s future leaders, there is no reason for us to disengage from the world. It is our duty and obligation to stand up. Yet, how could we react? Change brings challenge, and grants precious opportunities to

Under the topic "Stand up, Stand out!", we wish to learn about trends in information from around the world, to analyze the difficulties we face, and, subsequently, to seek possible solutions to these problems.

improve. With the information explosion, many new

We sincerely welcome delegates from all over the

ideas and possibilities are available thanks to the

world, and look forward to sharing ideas with you on

emergence of social media, mobile technology, and

how to brave these challenges.

dramatically lower costs associated with information gathering and exchange.

For more information please visit official website:


The world is constantly changing. Old standards are discarded and innovations adopted to better



Agenda 2014.7.14



9:00-12:00 Opening Ceremony

9:30-12:00 Keynote Forum

9:30-12:00 Keynote Forum

(Including Keynote Speech)

Lunch Time 13:30-14:00 Orientation 14:00-16:00 Action Project -Salon

13:30-16:00 Intensive Workshop

13:30-16:00 Intensive Workshop

Coffee Break 16:30-18:00 Action ProjectGroup Discussion

19:00-22:00 Opening Banquet

16:30-18:00 Action ProjectMentor Discussion

16:30-18:00 Action ProjectGroup Discussion





9:30-12:00 Extensive Workshop

9:00-12:00 Action ProjectPoster Exhibition


Lunch Time


12:00-16:00 Culture Experience (including Lunch)

13:30-14:30 Delegates Presentation

14:30-17:00 Closing Ceremony

(Including Keynote Speech)

16:00-18:30 Action ProjectMentor Discussion

18:30-20:30 Gala Dinner

19:00-22:00 Farewell Party



Academic Sessions Keynote speeches include opening speech and closing remark, and each will invite one

Keynote Speech

distinguished speaker who is famous in the country and abroad to address a two-hour speech. The speakers will start from their own professions to interpret the importance and main idea of our annual topic “Stand Up, Stand Out!” in their unique perspectives. In combination of special ideas and broad horizons of the speakers, delegates are able to think differently in various aspects and create their own explanation for the topic. Continuing the discussing atmosphere in Keynote Speech, Keynote Forum will focus on four specific topics: social innovation, citizen participation, higher education and medical

Keynote Forum

technology. There will be four speakers in each forum, and they are going to talk about their own specialties and experiences in different fields. Those speakers will provide all the delegates with innovative thinking threads, outstanding examples of cutting edge creations, and the most updated development progress. The following workshops will lead participants to build up their own models of thinking and realizing ideas. Intensive Workshop is the activity based on discussions and backgrounds of Keynote Forum in four specific areas. The speakers design different forms of workshops to make delegates

Intensive Workshop

understand and analyze the topic more deeply and precisely. Delegates can also interact with the speakers face to face, and gain knowledge through case study, strategy analysis, group proposals, scenario simulations and so forth. The speakers will lead delegates to connect international issues with personal experiences, and eventually bring ideals and goals into actions and realization. With the annual topic “Stand Up, Stand Out!” as the core, the four-area Keynote Forum as the branch, Extensive Workshop stretch its wings to approach a wider variety of fields

Extensive Workshop

including art designing, electronic business, social enterprises, environmental sustainability, and education innovation etc. We invite elites or professionals in different aspects to broadly introduce the ideas of various fields, without any restrictions or particular formats. Simultaneously, through the experience sharing and group discussions of delegates from different part of the globe, different thoughts and unique perspectives gather, interact, finalize, and generate new ones here.



Delegates present their essays to professors, and the professors will choose the top

Delegates Presentation

five projects which are both feasible and impressive. Those who are chosen will have the presentation to share their ideas with all the participants on the last day of the conference. Each will have five minutes to present, and there isn’t any restriction on topic, form, or structure for the presentation. Every delegate with exceptional ideas deserves the opportunity to spread them out, and their creativity can be realized on this stage.

Therefore, we set topics in four different fields; focus on the challenges a firm may meet,

Action Project

and have mentors to lead delegates during group discussions and meetings to find out the most practical action projects and try to accomplish them. The Action Project Exhibition will be held in the morning of the last day of the conference, and everyone who is interested is welcomed to join. In the exhibition, delegates will share with the audience their projects, and hope that the proposals will become the reference for relevant organizations in the future. Combining Data and Analy tics, Life Science and e-Health, Leisure Industr y and

Action Project: Exhibition

Entrepreneurship, delegates and their mentors will intensively discuss on their projects in specific areas. Besides of proposing to enterprises, delegates have better chances to present their ideas in the Action Project Exhibition, and create new sparkles through debate, analysis, and sharing. There will be professors and mentors judging for those projects, and choose the top 5 to honor them the award of Best Action Project. If you want to experience Taiwanese culture, you should definitely start with the

Opening Banquet

cuisines! The topic of the opening banquet of GIS Taiwan 2014 is Chinese New Year, and it aims at letting delegates to feel the beauty of Taiwanese culture through traditional music and folk sports performances. School authorities, enterprise leaders, and youth representatives are all invited to the banquet, and the interactions between youngsters and teachers are symbolic for passing on the experience from generation to generation.

Farewell Party

The Farewell Party provides delegates with a great opportunity to socialize with one another, because the five-day conference is not all about academic activities, but enjoy gourmet and culture at the same time. The Farewell Party ends GIS Taiwan 2014 in a perfect style.


GIS Taiwan is not only a platform for academic exchange but also a stage to take actions.



Keynote Speech:

Opening Speech With his engineering background, Dr. Alexander Schubert started his professional career at the Daimler-Benz AG in 1998 as Management Associate Trainee and switched during this time from engineering to Financial Services. After his first assignment as manager for regional controlling and strategic management in the regional office for Financial Services Asia/Pacific in Singapore, he returned to Germany and worked first as executive assistant for a member of the board of the DaimlerChrysler AG and then for the CEO of DaimlerChrysler Financial Services AG. After assignments as CFO for the Mercedes-Benz Financial Services companies in Poland and Japan, he formally started as Managing Director of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Taiwan Ltd. in Taiwan in May 2013. In this function, he is a member of the Executive Management Council of MercedesBenz Taiwan Ltd.

Alexander Schubert Managing Director, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Taiwan Ltd. [Experience] • CFO and Representative Director, Mercedes-Benz Finance Co., Ltd. (Japan) • CFO and Member of the Board of Management, Mercedes-Benz Bank Polska S.A. (Poland) • Executive Assistant to the CEO, DaimlerChrysler Financial Services AG (Germany) • Executive Assistant to a Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler AG (Germany)

[Education] • Ph.D., Numerical Fluid Dynamics, RWTH Aachen University • Diploma, Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University • Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Mechanical Engineering, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College.

Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Taiwan offers to customers to buy or lease a car from Mercedes-Benz or smart through innovative financial service solutions. Thanks to monthly installments instead of paying the whole car price at once, the dream of driving a MercedesBenz is getting more affordable and thus attracts customer segments, which normally might not have considered buying a car from Mercedes-Benz. Additionally, the company also offers comprehensive automotive insurance products. During his first year in Taiwan, Dr. Alexander Schubert was able to continue the close cooperation with Mercedes-Benz Taiwan and the Mercedes-Benz dealer network, which makes him a part of the proud team, which reached with Mercedes-Benz in 2013 for the 5th consecutive year the number 1 position in the premium car segment in Taiwan. Besides his professional achievements, Dr. Alexander Schubert graduated with an engineering degree from Dartmouth College and holds a doctoral degree in engineering from Germany’s renowned engineering university, the RW TH Aachen. Apart from that, he is engaged as Chairman of the Taipei German School Education Association, which is a non-profit organization founded by German companies operating in Taiwan, whose aim is to suppor t the German Section of the Taipei European School financially but also strategically.

Keynote Speech



TOPIC: Mercedes-Benz 128 Years of Innovation Taiwan at the GIS Symposium 2014. He will deliver

Friederich Benz, the founder of Benz & Cie, which

the opening speech to share aspects of the success

was the nucleus for one of the most recognized

stor y of Mercedes-Benz. Innovation has always

l u x u r i o u s b r a n d s i n t h e a u t o m o b i l e h i s t o r y,

been the key to success for car manufacturers and


is set to become even more important in future.

Back in January 29, 1886, Karl Benz filed

an application in Berlin for a patent for his threewheeled car. It is recognized as the first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. About one month later, Gottlieb Daimler, the founder of the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, developed a four-wheeled car based on a stagecoach. The companies of the two automobile pioneers merged in 1926 during the worldwide economic crisis into the Daimler-Benz AG. The company, which is today called Daimler AG, has had a profound influence on the automobile industry, setting up milestones based on continuous innovations. We w e l c o m e D r. A l e x a n d e r S c h u b e r t , t h e Managing Direc tor of Mercedes- Benz Financial Ser vices Taiwan Ltd., as a representative of the Executive Management Council of Mercedes-Benz

In his speech, Dr. Alexander Schuber t, will talk about success factors of Mercedes-Benz to become a world leading premium car manufacturer, and the drive to continue to search for new ideas and innovation at Daimler AG.

01 Keynote Speech OPENING SPEECH

“ The love of inventing never dies,� said Karl



Keynote Speech:

Closing Speech Since 2012, Ms. Paula Hannemann is head of the international petition platform in Germany. Under her leadership grew up from 60,000 to almost 2.5 million users today. For this achievement Europe’s largest daily, the BILD-Zeitung named her “Winner of the day.” She is a frequent speaker at large conferences where she speaks about how the web creates new forms of empowerment and par ticipation. She spoke

Paula Hannemann Head, Germany

at the Global Media Forum of Deutsche Welle, at the conference "Libertad de expresión, disidencia y demo cracia" of the M e xican Senate or mos t recently at the “World Forum for Democracy” of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. The Magazine “The


Hundert” lists her as one of the 100 most important

• Manager, Social Media and Online Campaigning, World Wide Fund for Nature • A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r, I n s t i t u t e f o r M a r ke t i n g a n d Communications (IMK, Berlin) • Freelance Communication Strategist

heads of digital Berlin. For the Huffington Post she writes “Incredible Stories of Change”. Chan g e.o r g is th e wo r l d ’s lar g e s t p e ti ti o n


platform — growing by more than three million

• Diploma in Communication and Business Studies, University of Fine Arts Berlin

new users a month, and empowering over 70 million users to start, join, and win campaigns for social change in their community, city and country. (http://

Keynote Speech



TOPIC: Scaling Social Change - How Millions of People Use to Change the World government or a corporation. We can no longer sit back and watch. We have to actively stand up

technology to empower anyone to start and win

and fight against the injustice we are faced with.

campaigns. People from all over the world use

Though individuals are powerless in the face of to s tar t user- generate d p etitions,

big governments and corporations, when people

rapidly organize, and collectively act. From local

with same concerns stand together, individuals

concerns to global issues, people are winning

become one unstoppable force that put the

campaigns. For example, this January, 40 German

government under pressure of public opinions.

au th o r s laun ch e d a c am p ai g n o n Ch an g e.o r g is the plat form that helps you f ind

to object to German government ’s sur veillance

people who advocate the same idea and “Stand

on telephone and Internet communication. Up

up! Stand out!”.

to now, over 80,000 people have signed up for th e p e ti ti o n . An oth e r si g ni f i c ant e x am p l e o n is the p etition that aimed to stop the “corrective rape” crimes in South Africa. With 170, 0 0 0 signs , th e S o u th Af r ic an g ove r nm e nt eventually agreed to set up a special group to prevent the crime. Eve r y day in n ews , we s e e p e o p l e f i e rce l y debate about or protest for certain social issues. Although those social issues seem distant from us, it is likely that one day we also become part of them, inf luenced by a decision made by the

Ms. Paula Hannemann, Head of Change. org Germany, in this speech, will talk about the intersec tion of entrepreneurship and ac tivism, addressing social problems by harnessing the power of innovative technology.

02 Keynote Speech CLOSING SPEECH is a global online platform with over 70 million users that uses disruptive


Keynote Forum

Keynote Forum :

教育東西觀: 當思路再度開啓

P 17

P 29

KF15A: Social Innovation

KF16A: Higher Education

Location: Sungreat International Convention Hall, B1

Location: Sungreat International Convention Hall, B1

Power of Youth: Invest in the Next Generation and Bring Power Back to Society

Collide and Sparkle: Education in East and West

IW15A1: Revitalization through social innovation IW15A2: Ethical Leadership IW15A3: Mentorship Network for High-Impact Entrepreneurs

P 23

KF15B: Citizen Participation

IW16A1: Science, Humanities, and Professionalism A Commentary on Higher Education and Society IW16A2: Liberal Education in Asia IW16A3: Justice X Law X Education: Learning Justice from Education P 35

KF16B: Medical Technology

Location: GIS NTU Convention Center, Socrates Chamber

Location: GIS NTU Convention Center, Socrates Chamber

Politics 2.0: Using the Internet to Participate in Politics

Connection between Future Technology and Life: Catch Up the Trend (Train) to Innovative Future with Interdisciplinary Cooperation

IW15B1: Online Democracy: Go Deeper into Parliament Watch IW15B2: Smart Voters: Understand Politics from Academic Perspective IW15B3: Mock Hackathon: Solve Political Problems through Collaboration

IW16B1: Biograph mMR:Combining Healthcare Technology and Marketing Strategy IW16B2: Next Generation Bio-System : Application of Microfluidics IW16B3: Connection between Doctors and Engineers



Keynote Forum:

Power of Youth

- Invest in the Next Generation and Bring the Power Back to Society


As the generation of Internet and globalization comes, how the world changes is beyond imagination. Following inf luences include the worldwide financial crisis triggered by the subprime mor tgage problem in the United States, global economic depression caused by Eurozone debt crisis, and the increase significance and severity of natural disasters, environmental pollution, resource distribution and so forth. The situations we are facing now have become more complicated than ever. In this ever-changing generation, people start to think about the possibility of developing economy and solving social problems at the same time. At the peak of capitalism, people run for the most advanced science and technology and develop the most efficient system for earnings in order to survive in the extreme competitive market. However, this k ind of blind pursuit of economic grow th sacrifices environmental sustainability, and leads to the larger gap between rich and poor. What we need now is a brand-new set of thinking mode and solutions different from the past, and to reconsider

Keynote Forum


the relationship between person and person. The

problems simultaneously. From then on, "society"

value of "social innovation" we expect to deliver and

and "enterprises" have been connected, and become

promote is the way to aggregate the collective social

the motivation to change the world together.

strength to solve important issues. We aim at building a platform for discussions and brainstorming, which enables people who care about this field to share ideas and create new sparkles.

In consequence, the core value of this forum is "power of youth", which includes three major elements: ac tions, business management, and social inf luences. We invited speakers devoted

During the alternation of generations, the youth

themselves in this area all over the world to share

equipped with creativity is undoubtedly the main

th e ir e x p e r i e n ce s a n d s to r i e s . Yo u th A llia n ce

actors to change the future. Problems of modern

focuses on cooperation between NGOs and social

society emerged, so ideals should be realized in

enterprises; Entrepreneurial Training for Innovative

no time. Through resource integration and past

Communities (ETIC) aims at nurturing young social

experiences, we are able to stand out from clichĂŠd

entrepreneurs; Endeavor targets on reducing risk of

styles and initiate the pattern for this generation

start-ups, and constructing the social networking

e xcl usi ve l y. O n o n e h a n d , yo u n gs te r s d evo te

for young entrepreneurs in developing countries.

themselves to social enterprises and NGOs, and give

These outstanding speakers will discuss with all the

feedback to the local community. On the other hand,

participants how they revive regional economies,

governments provide human capital cultivation

create the regenerative cycle of entrepreneurial

programs and establish relating organiz ations

system and generate power through connecting

to match funds, mentors and ac tors. Owing to

influences of youth and social innovations.

innovations in operating mechanism, it is feasible to run business via self-sufficiency and solve social




Social Innovation LECTURERS

Chen Dung-Sheng

Koumei Ishikawa

Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University

Manager of Research Division, Entrepreneurial Training for Innovative Communities (ETIC)



• Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Minnesota

• Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies



• Managing Director, Taiwanese Sociological Association • Member of Advisor y Committee, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica • Consultant, Ministry of Education Advisory Office

• Business analyst of Accenture • Elected as global shapers community member by World Economic Forum 2011


[Introduction] With the academic background of electronic engineering,

Doctor Chen from the Depar tment of Sociology at

information engineering, and environmental science, Mr. Koumei

National Taiwan University focused on Organization, Urban

Ishikawa served as an business analyst of Accenture in Texas,

and Political Sociology in his early research. In recent years, Dr.

Barcelona and Tokyo during 2009 to 2010, and later joined ETIC

Chen concentrated on trans-disciplinary education and social

as the manager of research division. The division was in charge of

innovation. He hoped to extend communication and interaction

designing training programs, developing business strategies, and

among elites from different fields through higher education, and

evaluating social influences in order to expand the scale of young

solve the problems by thinking of mutual benefits.

social entrepreneurs in Japan.

In order to fur ther deliver the idea and realize social

ETIC is a non-profit organization (NPO) aims at cultivating

innovation, Dr. Chen started the course of "Innovation and

young social entrepreneurs in the country, and established the

Design of Socio-economic Organizations". Students of that class

platform between youth and both for profits and none profits

come from seven different colleges, and deeply involved in the

through long-term internship, which brings future leaders

discussions and analysis of current phenomenon and future

broader perspectives and entrepreneurship. ETIC also provides

problems from various perspectives. These students are also

incubation programs for social entrepreneurs since 2001. In this

planning business models to make their projects to operate in a

forum, Mr. Koumei Ishikawa will share with all the delegates how

long run. In this forum, Dr. Chen will lead all the participants to

ETIC combines the power of youth and social innovation to revive

have deeper discussions and idea exchange with both speakers

local economy, establishs regional industries, and creates the

and delegates.

regenerative cycle of entrepreneurial system, with the core of solving the problem from the root.

Keynote Forum



Prakhar Bhartiya

Tanvi R. Vattikuti

Co-founder, Youth Alliance (India)

Manager, Asia Pacific, Endeavor Global


• Bachelor of Engineering at Uttar Pradesh Technical University

• Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Romance Languages, New York Univeristy

[Experience] • • • •

Consultant, NIIT Foundation Fellow, Teach for India Selected for “MaD Asia”in HongKong Speaker of “National Conference on Social Entrepreneurship” at Xavier School of Management • Speaker of “Teach For All” conference in London


[Experience] • Business Development at • Strategic Planning and Communications at BRAC USA • Sales, Marketing, and Business Development at Initiatives for Development Foundation

[Introduction] Ms. Tanvi Vattikuti, a graduate of New York University, has

Mr. Prakhar Bhartiya, graduated from Uttar Pradesh Technical

extensive experience working on livelihood development from

University, established Youth Alliance in his junior year. Before

a global perspective. At Endeavor, Tanvi has worked closely with

he became the founder and CEO of Youth Alliance, he had been

entrepreneurs in countries such as Turkey, Argentina, Egypt,

a fellow with Teach for India and served as a full time teacher in

Indonesia, and Malaysia and in a wide variety of industries

under-resourced areas. Prakhar has also worked as a consultant

like technology, food and beverage, and financial services.

in NIIT Foundation, which aims at being the path-breaker of the

T hrough a rigorous sele c tion pro cess, Endeavor sele c t s

global society in youth empowerment and employability training.

the entrepreneurs with the greatest potential to scale their

He firmly believes in the power of youth, and it made “Service

businesses, creating millions of dollars in revenue and thousands

before Self” his signature. Upon his achievement so far, Prakhar

of jobs in their communities. Through the help form Endeavor,

has an ultimate goal in his life: to shift the course of Indian politics

these entrepreneurs eventually become role models in their

from caste based politics to developmental politics.

local communities for future generations of entrepreneurs. At

Youth Alliance runs different leadership programs in both

Endeavor, Tanvi is responsible for cooperation with Endeavor’s

urban and rural spaces to increase participation from the youth.

offices and entrepreneurs in Asia as entrepreneurs moving

For the future plan, Prakhar wants to create an ecosystem in

through the selection process as well as providing strategic

colleges in order to encourage youngsters to initiate the change.

services to Endeavor Entrepreneurs.

Therefore, he is currently formulating a one-year program called “Onus – Social Change Lab“, a leadership program aims at creating, nurturing and sustaining the culture and attitude of proactive change-making minds in Universities.

20 KF15A Social Innovation LECTURERS




15A Intensive Workshop

Revitalization through Social Innovation Koumei Ishikawa / speaker After the disastrous earthquake and tsunami happened in Japan in 2011, the country started to reexamine the damage and harm caused by the excessive promotion and overdevelopment of capitalism. ETIC implemented the "Disaster Recovery Leadership Project" after the earthquake and recruited young people with ability and creativity to go into disaster-stricken region to reconstruct those areas with social innovative method. Mr. Ishikawa will introduce how this project combines youth power and social innovation together to revive regional economies, then further create the regenerative cycle of entrepreneurial system and generate power through connecting influences of youth and social innovations. After the speech, Mr. Ishikawa will hold a discussion. Participants will be asked to team up and figure out how to create an effective revitalization project based on their experiences and the idea of social innovation for Tohuku. After these discussions, every team will have a short presentation and Mr. Ishikawa will give some advice and conclusions.

Keynote Forum



Ethical Leadership

Mentorship Network for High-Impact Entrepreneurs

Prakhar Bhartiya / speaker

Tanvi R. Vattikuti / speaker Endeavor is a global nonprofit organization that leads the high-impact entrepreneurship movement since its

a personal level, identifying and empathizing with

establishment in 1997. High-impact entrepreneurs, those

people from various backgrounds and communities has

with the biggest ideas and most scalable businesses,

become increasingly difficult for today’s youth. Keeping

are widely recognized as the key drivers of long-term

in consideration the fact that empathy is one of the core

economic growth, creating jobs, prosperity, and a culture

values at the heart of Youth Alliance, we conduct an in-

of innovation and investment. However, high-impact

house session on empathy which aims at embedding

entrepreneurs are able to change their countries and

the seeds of empathy, tolerance and understanding in

the world but facing barriers in growing their business,

the participating individuals towards different sections

which Endeavor tries its best to help them to overcome.

of the society.

Endeavor has set the standard for selecting, mentoring,

The objective is achieved through the a Social Identit y activit y which is a role -playing exercise wherein each individual impersonates a person whose life is completely different from his or hers and tries to understand deeply the conditions and circumstances faced by the person by imagining a series of situations and anticipating the person’s response to such situations. We believe that in the modern world we need leaders who are empathic and are able to lead from this mindset.

and accelerating entrepreneurs with the greatest potential for impact. During the intensive workshop, our speaker, Ms. Tanvi Vattikuti, will talk more about the Endeavor models, and then separate delegates into 3 to 4 groups to have interactive exercises. Delegates will experience how the Endeavor models work, and how this organization cultivate young social entrepreneurs and assist them to become the high-impact people in their community.


In a world where we are closely connected at a virtual level and yet extremely disconnected at



Keynote Forum:

Politics 2.0

- Using the Internet to Participate in Politics


Having developed for over five decades, the Internet has already become indispensable in our daily life. We not only need it. We are also influenced by it. From communication, purchase to media, the Internet has made our lives completely different. Amazon and Taobao changed the way we purchase things. Long-lost friendships are regained through Faceb o ok , and news was re de f ine d by citizen journalism websites. Though many things in our daily life have been changed by the Internet, the politics always seems to be unchangeable. However, recently, the Internet also started to influence traditional politics. In Arab Spring, for example, people were mobilized online, and social me dia websites such as Faceb o ok and Twit ter provided easy-to -use plat forms for ac tivists to organize movements and broadcast their ideas. Moreover, Arab Spring has also revolutionized how break ing news is rep or ted. Twe et s about the revolution replaced local mainstream media and provided the world with more instant, direct

Keynote Forum

Citizen Participation FORUM INTRODUCTION

and independent information. The same went for

project aiming to provide more organized information

Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011 and Sunflower

about MPs for voters. Mr. Gregor Hackmack is the co-

Movement in Taiwan in 2014.

founder of Parliament Watch, an online platform that

Another e xample of internet changing the

enables citizens to interact and communicate directly

traditional political order is the petitioning website

with MPs. Mr. Kao Chia-Liang, co-founder of, is

We the People in the United States. We the People,

dedicated to promoting information transparency to

launched by the White House, enables citizens

help citizen have a better understanding of how the

to petition the current administration's polic y

government works. Mr. Cheng Kuo-Wei, a famous blogger

experts directly. In the past, there was only one-

and editors of several important online media, has rich

way communication between voters and politicians.

knowledge and experience in new media in the Internet

Voters had to accept every policy the government

era. These outstanding lecturers will discuss what and

made, and MPs had no way to know what voters were

how the Internet has changed in politics and how citizens

thinking. We the People offers a chance of mutual

participate in society using the Internet.

communication. Because of the Internet, public opinion becomes more important in shaping future policy. The core value of this forum is "citizen participation in an Internet era". In the forum, we have invited four lecturers renowned in this field. Dr. Liao Da-Chi, both the host and the lecturer, is the principal investigator of iVoter, an academic online




Citizen Participation LECTURERS

Liao Da-Chi

Gregor Hackmack

Professor and Director, Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University Principal Investigator, iVoter Project




• Fulbright Visiting professor, Hoover Institute, Stanford University

• Democracy Award, National Democratic Institute (2013) • Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum (2010) • Ashoka Fellowship (2008)

(Aug. 2006- Jul. 2007) • The President of the Taiwanese Political Science Association (Feb. 2005- Feb. 2007) • Visiting Scholar, the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica (Mar. 2000- Sep. 2000) • Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Michigan (1999/09-2000/02)

[Education] • Ph. D. in Political Science, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

[Introduction] Dr. Liao Da-chi is Professor of Graduate Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Kaohsiung, and a Party Review Committee member of Ministry of Interior, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (2010~). From 2004 to 2006, she served as the president of Taiwanese Political Science Association. She edited two books, American Policy in Asia Pacific Region After

[Education] • Master, Political Sociology, London School of Economics (LSE)

[Introduction] M r. G r e g o r H a c k m a c k b o r n i n 197 7 i s c o - f o u n d e r o f, an independent platform which gives German citizens the possibility to ask public questions and receive public answers from their members of parliament over the Internet. More than 90 percent of all members of parliament participate in this online dialogue. Storing more than 160,000 citizen questions and more than 140,000 answers, it is the biggest voters' memory in the world. In addition, displays the voting behavior of MPs as well as their outside earnings. The platform has been successfully exported to Luxembourg, Austria, Ireland, France, Greece and Tunisia.

9-11 (2002), and Democratization, Globalization, and the Role

In 2008, Mr. Hackmack received the Ashoka Fellowship for

of Local Councils (2006, in Chinese); and published more than

social entrepreneurship. He was appointed Young Global Leader by

50 refereed journal articles so far. She was in charge of Socio-

the World Economic Forum in 2010 and received the “Democracy

Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH), National Contact Point

Award” from the National Democratic Institute in 2013. He is one

of European Union 7th Framework Program that was sponsored

of the three initiators of a successful referendum campaign for a

by National Science Council from 2010 to 2013. In recent years, she

more direct electoral law as well as a transparency law in his home

has been devoting significant time to study ICT (Information and

state Hamburg. In April 2014 he published his first book on how to

Communication Technologies) in society, and also cooperated

restore trust in politics.

with European University Institute (Florence, Italy) to set up

Mr. Hackmack holds a Bachelor degree in International

the iVoter website ( as a communication

Relations and a Master degree in Political Sociology both from the

platform between Taiwanese voters and legislative candidates

London School of Economics (LSE).

for the 2012 election. This effort was then published into a book entitled as “iVoter: A Record of Taiwan’s Internet Democracy” (2013, in Chinese). Currently, she is experimenting how online meetings between ivoters and district-elected legislators may enhance the quality of democracy. She received her Ph.D in Political Science from the University of Michigan in 1990.

Keynote Forum



Cheng Kuo-Wei

Kao Chia-Liang

Director of Content, Association of Digital Culture, Taiwan

[Experience] • Volunteer author and editor, Global Voices Online in Chinese (2006-present) • Director of Community Management, IM TV, Taiwan (2007) • Proje c t Manager of NomadGre, Mongolian and T ib etan Foundation, Taiwan (2008-2010) • Director of Content, Chief Editor of,, Association of Digital Culture (2010-present)


[Introduction] Mr. Kao Chia-Liang is the co-founder of, an online community that advocates information transparency and strives to develop social participation platforms for the public. After participating in 1997 International Olympiad in Informatics, Information Engineering, National Taiwan University and has been

• Master of Telecommunication at National Chung Cheng University

active in domestic and international open source community.


Afterward, he moved to London and started his career in the software engineering field. Currently as software development

Mr. Cheng Kuo-Wei is a volunteer author and editor of

consultant in Socialtext Inc. and Industrial Technology Research

Global Voices Online (in Chinese) and the Director of Content of

Institute in Taiwan, Mr. Kao says he likes to program and take hot

Association of Digital Culture, Taiwan (ADCT). Global Voices Online

spring baths at leisure.

is an international blogger network that curates and amplifies minority voices online. In 2004, worried about the monotonous news environment in Taiwan, he started translating articles on Global Voices Online, which later on encourages more and more people to become voluntary translators to provide diverse voices in Taiwan. ADCT is a non-profit organization aiming at better connection between digital divides, with important projects such as,, Puncar and Usaviah. Mr. Cheng is also currently the Chief Editor of and PanSci. tw is an online platform in Taiwan that aims at the popularization of science. With over 800,000 visits per month, has become the most important source of scientific knowledge for the public. is a platform focusing on the exchange of charity information. He was the director of community management in IM TV (2007), an online video uploading and sharing service. From 2008 to 2010, he served as the project manager of the in Mongolian and Tibetan Foundation, Taiwan. NomadGreen is a Mongolian Environmental Citizen Media website and a citizen journalist training project. Mr. Cheng KuoWei received his bachelor's degree at Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, National Taipei University and his master's degree at Department of Telecommunication, National Chung Cheng University.

Starting from 2012, has made profound and ongoing contributions to Taiwan society. Based on one simple idea: taking a hand-on, open-source and public-spirited approach, combines best practices from free software, civic media and social activism into an active community around information transparency. is also active in social movement by providing technical supports and establishing platforms to integrate information. hopes that their collaborative process will inspire more people to identify the issues they care about and use the cooperative space to develop the strength to overcome feelings of powerlessness.

KF15B Citizen Participation LECTURERS

Mr. Kao entered the Department of Computer Science and




Citizen Participation INTENSIVE WORKSHOP

15B Intensive Workshop

Online Democracy: Go Deeper into Parliament Watch

Gregor Hackmack / speaker Starting from 2004, Parliament Watch has greatly influenced the politics in Germany. By giving German citizens the chance to ask MPs questions and receive answers from them, Parliament Watch has become the biggest voters' memor y in the world and helped to improve the democracy in German. Moreover, it has established a sustaining business model and helped start Parliament Watch in Ireland, Austria, Luxemburg, Greece and Tunisia. In this workshop, participants can directly interact with the co-founder of Parliament Watch, Mr. Gregor Hackmack. After questioning and discussing with Mr. Gregor Hackmack, participants will know more about how Parliament Watch works, how it attracts voters and MPs to use the service and how it adapts to different political environments.

Keynote Forum



Smart Voters:

Mock Hackathon:

Liao Da-Chi / speaker

Kao Chia-Liang / speaker

Understand Politics from Academic Perspective

Solve Political Problems through Collaboration The online community, organized in 2012, has contributed a lot to Taiwanese society using the

science in Taiwan. By asking citizens and legislators sixteen

Internet. More than thirty projects were launched, and

questions about their attitude toward important issues in

workshops and hackathons were held. In hackathons,

Taiwan, iVoter helps citizen to identify legislators who share

programmers, designers and projec t managers

similar views with them and thus make the right decision

collaborate intensively on software projects which

in the election. Moreover, iVoter is also working on holding

often aim to improve our society. Participants are

online meetings between voters and legislators.

required to finish the project under limited time, and

In this workshop, participants can know more about

the time limit can be hours or a day.

iVoter by directly interact and discuss with the principal

The concept of hackathon will be used in this

investigator, Dr. Liao Da-Chi. However, being a smart voter

w o r k s h o p. I n t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e w o r k s h o p,

is not just about knowing the opinions of legislators, but

participants will be given political problems we face

also understanding how politics works and political issues.

nowadays as missions. Under the guidance of Mr.

Dr. Liao Da-Chi, also a professor and the director of Institute

Kao Chia-Liang, participants have to collaborate with

of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, will

each other and try to find an innovative solution. In

guide all participants to understand current political issues

the workshop, participants can learn more about the

from an academic perspective.

spirit of, adopt the spirit, and develop their own projects.

KF15B Citizen Participation INTENSIVE WORKSHOP

The voting advice application for Taiwanese citizens, iVoter, is launched by renowned professors in political



Keynote Forum:

Collide and Sparkle - Education in East and West


The education between the East and the West has been very different. The history and lessons forms the value and ethic that education instills us. In the far East, the Imperial Exam was the ultimate reasons why people study; while in the West, people study to learn more about God. As the value of positivism and science prosper, the field of study has broadened, science, social studies, languages, philosophy and many other subjects are included in our education. Though with the unity of the subjects among the world, how we teach the subject still remains a lot different. The value different societies wish to pass on outlined the silhouettes of our education. Neither the West nor the East has a dominant advantage in education over the others. They both have their merit and demerit. Students in the East are more encouraged to concentrate on their field of study, while education in the West stresses more on speculation and dialectic method as well as liberal art education, especially in the United States. Using the ancient Greek metaphor, the Eastern students are

Keynote Forum


inclined to be “hedgehogs” whereas the Westerns

discuss the future of higher education in this capricious

student “foxes”. It is the spirit in the West that has

world. Moreover, Dr. Chen, Liang-Gee, vice president

inspired and transformed numerous education

for Academic Affairs, NTU, would host this forum by

systems in the East during the past few decades.

instilling his creative point of view toward education. It

However, due to the rising of Asia as well as the

is welcomed for the delegates to share the educational

increasing prevalence of the Internet in recent years,

philosophy belonging to their own cultures. We

cultures and philosophy of the East have received

sincerely believe that the seminar we have today could

mounting attention. Many Western educators have

provide delegates a new insight of education, make us

reexamined their original education and attempted

learned the fresh ideas and acknowledged the distinct

to infuse it the thoughts from the East. Also, several

perspective of viewing the new era of education.

internationalized universities among the world have integrated the advantages of both kinds, creating a brand new type of education. This year, we are proudly to have three top speakers among the world, Dr. Jeffery Lehman, Dr. Lai, Choy Heng and Dr. Dai, Hai-Lung, to share their insight with us. They would elaborate on the importance of international education based on their experience chairing some of the top schools among the world. The three honorable guests would share their point of view and problems they have encountered as well as




Higher Education LECTURERS

Chen Liang-Gee

Jeffrey S. Lehman

Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Taiwan University

Inaugural Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai

[Academic Qualifications]

[Academic Qualifications]

• Ph.D. National Cheng Kung University, 1986 • M.S. National Cheng Kung University, 1981 • B.S. National Cheng Kung University, 1979

• Legal: University of Michigan Law school • Graduate: University of Michigan Institute of Public Policy Studies



• National Science Council "Outstanding Research Award" • The Ministry of Education, "Industry-University Cooperation Award" • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, "Distinguished Lecture" & IEEE Fellow

• • • •

People’s Republic of China, “Friendship Award” The Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, “Honorary Membership” NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., “National Equal Justice Award” Peking University, “Award for Excellence in Teaching During 2008-2009”



Dr. Chen Liang-Gee is a distinguished academic administrator

Dr. Jeffrey S. Lehman is a distinguished scholar, lawyer and

and professor, who currently serving as the vice president of

academic administrator, who currently serving as the inaugural

National Taiwan University and the professor of the Department

Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai. He has an abundant experience

of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University. On account

in exposure to eastern and western education, as he has been

of his distinguished performance in research and education, he

appointed as the leading administrator in several prestigious Asian

was honored as the IEEE Fellow from 2001 and received the Best

and American universities. He has previously been Chancellor and

paper award of IEEE CICC, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference

Founding Dean of the Peking University School of Transnational

in 2011.

Law, President of Cornell University, and Dean of the University of

He also served as Editorial Board for many IEEE Transactions in VLSI, Video Technology and Circuits and Systems.

Michigan Law School. On account of his devotion to education and law, he has

Dr. Chen is an enthusiastic entrepreneur as well as a creative

been honored by both educational and law institutions, including

expert in education. He is the founder of Taiwan IC design

Friendship Award from the People’s Republic of China, the National

Society, CIC, NTU SOC center and Graduate Institute of Electronics

Equal Justice Award from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational

Engineering. He pays great attention on education of creativity,

Fund, Inc., an appointment as Senior Scholar at the Woodrow

and this can be evident by the establishment of the Creativity

Wilson International Center for Scholars,and membership in the

and Entrepreneurship Program at National Taiwan University.

American Law Institute.

The program makes a great hit in NTU and thus increases the

This year, Dr. Lehman would elaborate the idea of eastern

culture of creative thoughts among NTU students. Dr. Chen also

and western education by sharing his experience of leading Asian

encourages students to have innovative ideas toward learning

universities. With a strong education background in America and

and the courage to face different challenges.

an abundant administration experience in American, European and Asian universities, Dr. Lehman would inspire delegates by instilling the participants with both western education viewpoint and eastern education elements.

Keynote Forum



Dai Hai Lung

Lai Choy-Heng

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of Temple University

Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs of Yale-NUS College


• Dean of the College of Science and Technology at Temple University

• Executive Vice-President and Professor of Science, Yale-NUS College • Deputy Director, Centre for Quantum Technologies (National Research Centre of Excellence), National University of Singapore

• Chair of the Chemistry Department, University of Pennsylvania

[Introduction] Dr. Dai is an active, funded researcher in molecular and


surface sciences. He has published 160 articles, edited two books

Dr. Lai Choy-Heng, now the Executive Vice-President for

and five journal volumes and delivered more than 280 invited

Academic Affairs of Yale-NUS College, studied at The University

lectures and seminars at international and national meetings,

of Chicago for both of his undergraduate and graduate degrees

research institutions and universities. He is a fellow of the

before he became a post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Niels

American Chemical Society and the American Physical Society

Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Although his current

and served as the Chair of the APS Chemical Physics Division.

research interests center on complex system as well as quantum

In addition to a gubernatorial appointment to the

information, he has a fondness for the humanities.

Pennsylvania State Board on Drug, Device and Cosmetics, Dr. Dai

Kindled by the liberal arts education in the United States

has served in and advised government agencies, professional

as he was an undergraduate student, he resolves to infuse this

societies, universities and research institutions in the U.S. as well

ingredient into the newly established Yale-NUS College. He

as abroad. He is the former conductor of Philadelphia's Chinese

believes liberal arts education is crucial in ensuring a “holistic

Musical Voices Choir and has conducted several orchestral

self-development”, where humanities and science are both

concerts in the Philadelphia symphony hall.

indispensable. Hence, all students at the Yale-NUS College take

In this forum, we invite him to share with us his insight into the amalgamation between humanities and science, as well as his view over the fusion and confrontation between cultures from the East and the West as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of Temple University.

the Common Curriculum spread over their four years at the College. Far from duplicating either Yale University or National University of Singapore, Yale-NUS College aims to cultivate students so that they are able to amalgamate ideas from the East and the West as well as understand the world. In light of the rising of Asia, besides the classical Roman and Greek texts covered in liberal arts education in the US, the College integrates into the Common Curriculum major Asian classics and literature. In this forum, we are really honor to invite Dr. Lai to elaborate on his experience with the Yale-NUS College as well as his insight into the integration and clashes between the education philosophies from the East and the West.

32 KF16A Higher Education LECTURERS




16A Intensive Workshop

Science, Humanities, and Professionalism A Commentary on Higher Education and Society Dai Hai-Lung / speaker What constitutes an educated person today? What do we expect a college graduate to know and to behave? The liberal arts education, which has been the core of higher education in the US since its establishment, aims at creating a productive citizen who is also a continued learner and able to enjoy life. These goals are similar to those of Confucian education which has influenced higher education in many parts of Asia. But are universities achieving these goals in a century that technology and globalization are the two biggest driving forces of change? Even though there have been some changes in the format of how liberal art education is delivered, its content remains very much the same over the last half century. Evidences show that universities today, instead of being a driver of change, may have been rendered to simply a by-stander of the changes in society as universities are resistive to change themselves. In addition, popularizing college education today in many nations also threatens professionalism that is the foundation for economic development in the modern world. Recent events in Taiwan and the US will be the subjects of examination of how effective higher education is in helping these societies deal with challenges.

Keynote Forum



Liberal Education in Asia Lai Choy-Heng / speaker

Learning Justice from Education

Jeffrey S. Lehman / speaker Justice, the ultimate goal for humanity, has been defined by a wide spectrum of different point of views. From the draft resolutions in the United Nations to the decisions made by an individual, the difference in the criteria of justice will result in conflicts and misunderstanding. Justice has become the reason and excuse for declaring war on others throughout the history, and nowadays has become the slogan for election all around the world. People start to wander whether there is a global criterion for judging facts. Therefore, education on the topic of law and justice have become more important. Devoted both in education and law education, Dr. Jeffrey Lehman will illustrate the importance of defining justice within the education system. As a prestigious law professor as well as the Chancellor of the School of Transnational Law in Peking University, Dr. Lehman will elaborate his point of view toward the relations between justice, law and education in the first thirty minutes. Delegates are encouraged to discuss about their thoughts and viewpoints toward the importance of learning justice from education.

34 KF16A Higher Education INTENSIVE WORKSHOP

The thought of liberal arts education, which gradually prevails in Asia, primarily comes from the educational ideals in the United States, and it ultimately could be traced back to the Ancient Greek philosophy. It is emphasised by many philosophers in the Western culture that education should cultivate free human beings so that they are free from any ideology and preconceptions. The core value of liberal arts education is to empower individuals to be independent and think critically. Thinkers and educators of liberal arts education believe that they should offer curriculum that spreads over many disciplines including natural sciences and humanities, rather than training an individual to be a so-called “expert� in a particular field. In the United States, it is believed that the system of liberal arts education has cultivate many great figures in the past and the present. However, analogous to liberal arts education, Confucianism also delivers many ideals that stresses upon ethics and holism of individuals. It is the root of many Asian cultures, especially in China. Notwithstanding this similarity, Confucianists argue that the commitment to oneself is the priority. This attitude of pragmatism is fundamentally different from the transcendental view in the Western culture. This creates a great difference between people from these cultures. In this global eras, Confucianism and other philosophy in Asia gradually attracts more and more attention. In this workshop, we aims to elaborate on the essence of liberal arts education and the ideas of Eastern philosophy. A discussion on the prospect of higher education should be held. Delegates should share their own ideas on liberal education and debate on the advantages and disadvantages of liberal arts education and other education system, such as professional education. We hope the dialogue among different cultures will enable the delegates to realise the importance and the promise of higher education.

Justice x Law x Education


Keynote Forum:

Connection between Future Technology and Life -Catch Up the Trend (Train) to Innovative Future with Interdisciplinary Cooperation


In modern days, the technology innovation has entered a height where no one expected it could achieve. However, “The human spirit must prevail over technology,� said Albert Einstein. We must recognize that the technology itself is nurtured from human nature. Rather than discussing the technical phase of the technology, it is essential to focus our attention back on ourselves: how does the technology facilitate our life and fulfill our needs. With this understanding, we establish a platform to introduce the trends in the industry, gathering delegates from different backgrounds together to bring a different perspective and insight of technology. In developed countries, there is an obvious trend where the problem of aging rises owing to the frustrated decline of birth rate. This phenomenon triggers several problems. First, for elder suffering in chronic diseases, intensive and immediate medical care is needed. Nevertheless, the excessive use for the large amount of patient has depleted medical resources, raising the problem of lack in medical resource. Secondly, for the fast pace type of lives

Keynote Forum


people have now, we have less time resting and

the trend of future; yet, it seems that there is still

curing, exposing ourselves under risk of illness. The

a long way in front. Great diversity of knowledge,

two problems are urgent. Immediate and effective

such as biology, chemistry and engineering, needed

solutions are required and needed.

to be integrated. Consequently, interdisciplinary

Luckily, many great scientists have realized the problems, expanding the field of technology to medicine. The technology applied to medical events is called “healthcare and Bio-medical technology.” Healthcare and Bio-medical technology is being researched in many places. World-famous companies, such as Google, and universities, such as Massachusetts

connection is crucial. Experts must work closely together to make further progress on the technology. Furthermore, creativity is also a key to conquering obstacle in Healthcare and Bio-medical technology. With creativity, scientists can come up with new ways tackling existing issues, formulating a new approach of solution.

Institute of Technology, have been putting great effort

In conclusion, H ealthc are and Bio - m e dic al

in related field of research. Innovative devices are

technology are unstoppable trends in the future. It is

promoted and manufactured; Engineers try to utilize

vital to get an insight of it. In this forum, by sharing

technology to simplify disease diagnosis. The body

experiences and knowledge, we can learn ideas

signals are also applied in many practical applications.

between industrial and academic circle. This forum

For example, Electroencephalography (EEG) can be

aims to excite the potential of innovative thinking of

measured and perform command to computers.

all the delegates all over the world. It provides a great

The application is known as Brain Machine interface,

platform to discuss and to share. Do not hesitate to be

a popular topic in healthcare and Bio -medical

a part of the fantastic forum! Let’s stand up, and stand

technology area.

out for your thoughts and brainstorm with all the great

Healthcare and Bio -medical technology are





Medical Technology LECTURERS

Lin Chih-Ting

Jason Yang

Associate Professor,

Vice President, SIEMENS Healthcare

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University [Experience]


• Principal Investigator of Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center

• Vice President, Siemens Co.(China) • Product Specialist and Customer Service Engineer, Unison • Research Analyst, Executive Yuan

[Research field] • • • •

CMOS integrated sensor/actuator system Bio-sensor and Bio sensing chip Organic electronics Micro/Nano fabrication technologies

[Education] • Master of Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor • Ph.D. of Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


[Education] • Master of Medical Informatics at Taipei Medical University

[Introduction] Mr. Jason Yang is the Vice President of Siemens Healthcare Taiwan, in charge of the research and marketing team in healthcare field. Graduating from Taipei Medical University Hospital with a master degree of Medical Informatics, he specialized in the field of

Dr. Lin Chih-Ting received the B.S. degree in civil engineering

mammography, and published his graduation thesis “Evaluation Of

and M.S. degree in applied mechanics from the National Taiwan

mammography quality control, radiation Does and modified X-ray

University, in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He also received the M.S.

bean quality assessment in Taiwan.” He had been serving as Service

and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science

Engineer, Product Specialist in Unison Co. Ltd., and as Clinical

from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2003 and 2006,

Analysis Researcher in Department of Health, Executive Yuan. He


joined Siemens Taiwan Healthcare business team in 2005 and was

Since September 2006, he has been with the National Taiwan

promoted to the Sales Director three years after. In 2010-2013, Jason

University, where he is an associate professor of the Graduate

moved to China as the head of Siemens Healthcare in South Region

Institute of Electronics Engineering and the Department of

of China.

Electrical Engineering. His current research interests include bio-

As the leader of Pic ture archiving and communication

MEMS, bio-chips, nano fabrication, and biomolecular detection

system, the Siemens healthcare has a market share for over 36%.


Furthermore, its state-of-the-art technology leads the business in a prominent fashion. Jason has been dedicated in the field, publishing several thesis and papers about the topic. His master thesis also made great contribution to the field of Mammography in Taiwan. The combination of his natural leadership and precise insight blended together, giving him the edge to cut in the market, making great profit to the company.

Keynote Forum



Peter Lemmens

Kazuma Mawatari

General Manager, IMEC Taiwan

Associate Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Bioengineering, The University of Tokyo [Experience]

• • • • • • •

• Researcher, Central Research Laboratory, Asahi Kasei Corp. • Researcher, Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) • Researcher, Micro Chemistry Group, Special Research Laboratory • Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) • Sub-leader, Micro Chemistry Group, Special Research Laboratory • Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) • Lecturer, Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Coordinator of EU Research projects of IMEC Global Project Manager of Philips & Lite-on Digital Solutions Corporation R&D Project Manager Royal Philips Electronics of BG Optical Storage R&D Engineer of Philips Industrial Activities Process Development Engineer of Philips Industrial Activities

[Education] • Master of Microeletronics at Groep T - Internationale Hogeschool Leuven • Postgraduate of Business-economics at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

[Introduction] Mr. Peter Lemmens is the General Manager of IMEC Taiwan. He has played a key role in establishing IMEC’s first R&D center outside Europe and growing IMEC’s business scope in Taiwan by contributing more than 20 years of experience in bringing consumer electronics products to the market, from early research concept to mass production.

[Education] • M. Eng., The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry

[Introduction] Dr. Kazuma Mawatari graduated from The University of Tokyo, and finished his master’s and doctor’s degrees in Applied Chemistry in 1998 and 2006 respectively. In 1998, Dr. Mawatari joined the Central Research Laboratory in Asahi Kasei Corporation, a world-famous chemical manufacturer in Japan. In 2003, he

IMEC Taiwan licenses SOC IP and System solutions to fabless

was recruited to Core Research for Evolutional Science and

semiconductor and system integrator companies. IMEC Taiwan

Technology (CREST) in Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

leverages from the 30 years of technology innovation by IMEC.

as a researcher. JST, founded in 1957, is one of the best research

B e fore joining IMEC , Mr. Peter has held several R& D

centers in Japan. It has been dedicated to researching innovative

management positions at Philips Electronics in Belgium, The

technology, bridging the gap between science and applications,

Netherlands and Taiwan. He also served as a coordinator for FP7

and promoting the commercialization of new techniques.

European research projects, in the area of technology aware

Dr. Mawatari served as the sub-leader of the Micro Chemistry

design and multi-core embedded systems. He holds a master

Group of Special Research Laboratory in Kanagawa Academy

of science in industrial engineering, with a major in micro-

of Science and Technology (KAST). Afterwards, he entered his


alma mater, The University of Tokyo, becoming a lecturer of the Department of Applied Chemistry. In 2011, he got promoted to associate professor of both the Department of Applied Chemistry and Bioengineering. He specializes in the fields of Integration of Chemical System on Micro/nano Chemical Chips, Laser Spectroscopy for Ultrasensitive Detection, and Analytical Chemistry.

38 KF16B Medical Technology LECTURERS




16B Intensive Workshop

Biograph mMR: Combining Healthcare Technology and Marketing Strategy Siemens Taiwan Staff / speaker Siemens, one of the biggest engineering and electronics companies in the world, has been thriving in this industry for more than 150 years. While time goes by, it is inevitable that Siemens has to make changes to catch up the trend in this changeable and competitive environment. Starting from traditional electronic devices, Siemens has also been devoted to widening its fields of research and manufacturing in recent years. Siemens Healthcare Sector (formerly Siemens Medical Solutions) was established in 2008 during its reorganization. Focusing on connecting healthcare and technology, Siemens Healthcare Sector is dedicated to medical equipment innovation, from which many people have benefited. In this workshop, we are honored to have some senior staff of Siemens Taiwan: • Carl Wang, Director of Business development, Imaging & Therapy System Division • Sean Yang, Deputy director of Business development, Imaging & Therapy System Division • Ray Wang, Business development manager of Business development, Imaging & Therapy System Division • N in o Yu , B usi n e ss d eve l o p m e nt m a n a g e r o f B usi n e ss development, Imaging & Therapy System Division • Lexie Liu,Senior Product Specialist of Business development, Imaging & Therapy System Division With their professional background and experiences, they will introduce a new application in Siemens--- Biograph mMR. In addition, they are going to combine the application with marketing strategy, and provoke and inspire your creative thinking.

Keynote Forum



Next Generation Bio-system: Application of microfluidics

Connection between Doctors and Engineers

Kazuma Mawatari / speaker

TBA / speaker Biotechnology is the trend of future, and lots of companies are paying more attention to developing biotechnology sector. For

severe problem. The elderly tend to suffer from chronic diseases

example, a startup company shows the idea of "i- knife", which is an

and are unable to move as free as they want to. As a result, the

intelligent surgical knife that doctors can use to diagnose cancer in

concept of “point-of –care-testing” (POCT) was raised. With

a surgery. This kind of innovation gives people the opportunity to

integrating technology, such as internet and sensor, POCT

get body signals and information easily with a small smart device,

suggests the idea that you can check your body situation by

and then they can find appropriate medicine by themselves to

yourself in your house, and that the information will be sent to

make them healthier or recover from a specific syndrome.

hospitals via Internet. To achieve this goal, we need an accurate and fast smart system that senses and responds. In this workshop, Dr. Kazuma Mawatari will describe a bio-sensing system and a popular device in this system: microfluidics. Microfluidics is a concept blending “micro” and “fluidics”. It means that we make fluidics in micro-scale. Some interesting reac tions happened as f luidics scale down to micro size. Microfluidics has many advantages, such as “Semiconductor manufacturing compatibility” and “easiness to integrate with other chip”, so more and more innovative applications are created. For example, microfluidics is used as a pump to control bimolecular to move for research’s sake. In bio-sensing system, microfluidics can be utilized to separate different biomarkers in blood. In this workshop, Dr. Kazuma Mawatari, will tell you some basic theories in microfluidics devices and encourage delegates to discuss and figure out how these innovative applications work.

Progress of biotechnology can be credited to experts from different fields, including computer science, engineering, medicine, and chemistry. In this workshop, you can obtain some knowledge of the future tendency of biotechnology, like a detecting solution to myocardial infarction patients. In addition, it will also describe the gap between doctors and engineers, the two main roles in biotechnology, and the communication mode between them.


Since the phenomenon of population aging is getting more notable worldwide, shortage of medical resources has become a


Extensive Workshop

Extensive Workshop:


教育東西觀: 當思路再度開啓

Location: NTU Core Subjects Classroom Building / Liberal Education Classroom Building

P 43

P 44

P 45

P 46


Sustainable Development:


2016 World Design Capital:


Global Trends:


Diplomatic Practice and Culture Shock in Globalization:

To Cope with the Challenges of Climate Change

Sharing the World with the Moving Story of Taipei

HTC x Telecommunications

Solving Challenges across the Globe


Rethinking Marketing:

P 49


How can Business Model Solve Society’s Problems?

P 50


Opportunity and Challenge for New Media in Taiwan

P 48

When Marketing meets Design



Extensive Workshop:

Sustainable Development:

To Cope with the Challenges of Climate Change

17A Water is the most important substance on earth for our survival. Water resources development is an essential measure of a nation’s progress. Water problems such as flooding, drought, water pollution and environmental protection will limit social and economic developments of a nation. Under the severe challenge of climate change, we have to institute numerous new management plans,

Lee Hong-Yuan

integrating hydraulic projects to carry out the concept of sustainable development. Only through proper

• Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University • Visiting Professor, UNESCO-IHE • Committee member, the consultancy in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa

planning would our water resources achieve sustaining


and good communications, but also trusted science,

• Minister, Ministry of the Interior (MOI), Executive Yuan • Minister, Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan • Deputy Magistrate, Taipei County Government (now New Taipei City Government) • Director, Water Resources Department, Taiwan Provincial Government

specific strategies, creative business opportunities


Through discussion and brainstorm with delegates,

• Pd.D., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa • M.S., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa • Bachelor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

Dr. Lee will make everyone a further understanding

quality and quantity. What an appropriate strategy dealing with water conservancy needs are not only scientific researches

and public participation. We are honored to invite Dr. Lee, a specialist in hydraulic engineering, to lead this workshop. He will share his viewpoint and practical experience on sustainable development.

of the environment and figure out solutions to those challenges we are going to face.

Extensive Workshop


Extensive Workshop:

2016 World Design Capital:

Sharing the World with the Moving Story of Taipei


44 (Icsid). Held biennially, it seeks to highlight the accomplishments of cities that are truly leveraging design as a tool to improve the social, cultural and economic life of cities, throughout a yearlong program of design-related events. Icsid has thus far selected four cities as World Design Capitals: Torino (2008),

Liu Wei-Gong

Seoul (2010), Helsinki (2012), and Cape Town (2014). In order to get more details behind, we invite

Commissioner, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government

the Commissioner of Department of Taipei’s Cultural


Taipei the opportunity to survey anew the entire

• A sso ciate Professor, D epar tment of So ciolo g y, SooChow University • Chairman of The Board, Association Of Creative • Economy, Taiwan • Committee Member of Taipei Cultural Industries Commission

city. In keeping with the core spirit of being people-

[Education] • Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Trier • M.A., Sociology, National Taiwan University – Taipei • B.A., Sociology, National Taiwan University – Taipei

[Special Fields] • Sociology of Culture, Economic Sociology, Social Change, Social Theory, Sociology of Consumption, Life Style Research

Affairs, Dr. Liu to share the story with us. Bidding to host the World Design Capital in 2016 has given

oriented, they aim to enable Taipei City to be a city of sustainable development with respect to life quality and health, ecological sustainability, smart living and urban regeneration. They believe that when citizens start to involve, the urban is ready to meet the quality of life!

Extensive Workshop EW17A - EW17B

The World Design Capital is an initiative of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design


Extensive Workshop:

Global Trends:

HTC x Telecommunications

17C Pearly Chen is the Chief of Staff to Cher Wang, co -founder and Chair woman of HTC Corp. Prior to joining Ms. Wang’s office, Pearly was a financial investment professional at Goldman Sachs Asia. As the Chief of Staff to Chairwoman, she oversees strategic corporate engagement globally and represents Wang at various international occasions. With Wang’s active engagement as a member of APEC Business Advisory

Pearly Chen Chief of Staff to Chairwoman,HTC Corp & VIA Technologies [Experience]

• Financial Investment Professional, Goldman Sachs Asia [Education]

• B.A., Department of International Business • National Taiwan University

Council (ABAC), Pearly serves as Lead Staffer to its Finance and Economic Group in 2013 and SME & Entrepreneurship Working Group in 2014, as well as Executive Director of ABAC Women’s Forum. In recent years, HTC has become one of the most famous telecommunication manufacturers in the world. As a part of this intense and ever-changing environment, what should HTC do to maintain its advantage and stay competitive? In this workshop, Ms . Pear l y Ch e n w ill s t ar t f ro m h e r ab un dant working experiences, and share with the delegates about the current situation and future trends of telecommunication industry.

Extensive Workshop


Extensive Workshop:

Diplomatic Practice and Culture Shock in Globalization:

Solving Challenges across the Globe


46 problems come up, and cross-cultural issues draw attention from we human. For example, immigrants struggle in racial conf lic ts with the majorities; contagious diseases, such as the outbreak of Flu Pandemic in 2009, cause great anxiety and fear all over the world. To solve these challenges, it requires

Betty Chen • Presidential Interpreter • Translator & Interpreter, Public Diplomacy Coordination Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)


• Lecturer, National Cheng Kung University • Lecturer, Taipei Municipal University of Education (now the University of Taipei)

• Freelance translator & interpreter [Education]

• M.A., Interpreting and Translating, Department of European Studies and Modern Languages, University of Bath (UK) • M.A., Interpretation and Translation, Graduate Institute of Translation & Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University • B.A., Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

everyone to get involved with and concerned about these public issues, and the power of youth plays a significant role in it. This year, it is such an honor that we can invite Ms. Betty Chen, the presidential interpreter who now works for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of R.O.C. (Taiwan), to share her viewpoint with youngsters. On one hand, the lecture will outline the situation of international relations regarding the competition and cooperation mode between Taiwan and other nations, and some practical cases from diplomatic experiences. On the other hand, it will also adduce several examples of cultural differences between West and East. In addition, it will abstract the core value of Chinese culture, in the hope that delegates can have a better understanding of Eastern culture, and get the precious opportunity to brainstorm with all the outstanding young people from all around the world.

Extensive Workshop EW17C - EW17D

As the advanced science and technology develop rapidly, globalization overwhelms around. Numerous


Extensive Workshop:

Rethinking Marketing: When Marketing meets Design


Aside from big entrepreneurship, there is a slowlygrowing power flowing under the massive economy system, taking care of the living quality and the happiness in life. They not only do business, but take warmth and passion of life into consideration. They put buyers feelings and their well-being into great consideration. This is the current trend of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industries, and it is getting more and more attention around the world. What is this mystery power that draw everyone’s attention? How does marketing strategy work to attract buyers? When

Jane Chen Creative Director, Damo Culture Inc.

design and creativity are applied to marketing, is it the new era of marketing? In order to learn more about current trend and the


ever-changing strategies in marketing area, we invite

• Creative Director of the 2013 Awarded public welfare commodity 人見人愛橡皮擦 at Ministry of Culture • Curator of the Cherng Exhibition Area at 2013 Kaohsiung Pier-2 Art Center The Delight of Chinese Character • Curator of " 市 民 們 " of 2014 Let'sTaichung Exhibition at Taichung Eslite CMP Block Museum of Art • Curator of the 2013 Joint E xhibition of más más & illustrators at Chung-Yo Creative Design Exhibition • Visiting Instructor of The 2013 Entrepreneurship Forum at The Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs • Visiting Instructor of 2014 Taiwan Design Center • Lecture Invitation from Brain Magazine 2014 • Curator of the exhibitor of 2014 The 10th International Cultural Industries Fair in SHEN ZHEN

Jane Chen to come and share her on-hand experiences


stand out in whatever challenges they face, coming up

• Bachelor, Department of Digital Media Design, Ming Chuan University

with creative solutions in not only business but life as

in our Extensive Workshop. Through discussion and sharing, delegates are expected to become a Chief Advertising Director of Damo Culture Inc. to come up with creative marketing strategies to help promote, and raise fame of current illustrators that feature different specialties and styles. From market analysis, brand feature established, strategies set and the ability of sensing the need of customers, delegates are expected to receive treasurous of the director. We expect that through idea collision and incentives of on-hand experiences can make young generation exert creative thinking in every aspect to stand up and


Extensive Workshop


Extensive Workshop:

How can Business Model Solve Society’s Problems?

17F President of Okogreen

“Practicing Conscious Capitalism enriches your life and the lives of people you do business with. And it’s without a doubt, the most fun, enduring and profitable way to build a sustainable business.” I n t h e b e g i n n i n g , w e i nv i t e t h e Pr e s i d e n t of Okogreen, Wang Wei- Chung. Okogreen was established in 2007 and listed in Cabinet panel

[Experience] • Founder, • President, Sunsino Venture • Associate Professor, Creativit y & Entrepreneurship Program, National Taiwan University

[Education] • MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania • Bachelor, Department of Engineering, National Taiwan University

Eric Lin Founder,

in OTC in 2014.
 So far they are the only trading co m p a ny w i t h ce r t i f i c a t i o n o f FLO (Fa i r t r a d e International) in Taiwan. Examined by the rigorous standards of FLO, Okogreen has set up a great financial management at the beginning. Therefore, Okogreen was able to grow
 steadily and get funding from outside to establish internal audit system. Besides, during this workshop, we also invite the Founder of, Eric Lin. As a company, tries to solve the problem of education. They provide a platform for everyone who would like to be a teacher or a student. At last, the two speakers are going to discuss

[Experience] • Hedge Fund Chief Operating Officer, MMA • Assistant Systems Analyst, Morgan Stanley

[Education] • MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

with the audience about how to solve the society’s problems with business model, which is a much more sustainable way.

Extensive Workshop EW17E - EW17F

Wang Wei-Chung



Extensive Workshop:

Opportunity and Challenge for New Media in Taiwan

17G Nowadays, media editors often need to pay high attention to or even try to predict the mainstream thoughts and trends in the societ y. As modern people, how do we receive, interpret, and digest the information received? Even more, how do we face the dif ferences between New and Old Media?

Lee Hsin-Yueh • Chief Editor of Cheers Magazine

[Experience] • Cheers Magazine Senior Associate Managing Editor • BNext Magazine Deputy Managing Editor

[Education] • N a t i o n a l C h i a o Tu n g U n i v e r s i t y, D e p a r t m e n t o f Management Science

Thus, we have invited the Chief Editor of Cheers Magazine to give a speech with in-sight of how a magazine publisher is formed and how a modern media person thinks and works. The workshop is aimed to have our delegates experience the life and work of an edi-tor through roleplaying. Delegates will be separated into groups and in each group there will be interviewers, interviewees, editors, and readers. The lecturer will give comments on how each group operates and further elaborate on the details.

Action Project

Action Project : P 51

01 Leisure Industry

P 55

02 Entrepreneurship

P 59

03 Data & Analytics

from a different country, meet in a group. Mentors will

P 63

04 Life Science and e-Health

accomplish their own action projects.

The Action Project is designed to ensure that all delegates have the chance to speak and learn more about each other’s thoughts. Five delegates, each help guide the discussion and encourage groups to

The mentors from the Big Four and enterprises are assigned to each group. Each of the Big Four cooperating with us chose a topic on which it would like to work. A partner from an enterprise specialising in the specific area was then chosen to participate in this project. The mentors will provide comprehensive information on the topic and guide the delegates in a lively discussion. At the end of Action Project, an exhibition will be held for all groups to present their work. The exhibition should present each group’s perspective on the topic they have worked on, and the solutions they came up with during discussions. Delegates should use this opportunity to not only express their own opinions, but learn what solutions and approaches other groups have come up with.




Action Project:

Leisure Industry 01 Under this topic, we will discuss the evolution of the tourism industry into the leisure and living industry. Important questions to address include: How to add value to each part of the travel or leisure experience? And how to use technology in discovering and solving travel-related problems? As working hours have shrunk over the years, people have found themselves with more free time to pursue leisure activities. An entire industry, spanning products and services related to entertainment, recreation, and tourism, has sprung up aimed at those who wish to spend their leisure hours well. Many reports have pointed out the importance of leisure, and argued that the industry can become a leading driver of economic growth. How we develop this sector, and how it influences economic growth, have become significant issues.

Action Project



[Deloitte Taiwan] [Lion Travel] Lion Travel is always learning and improving. Start

Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by

from a traditional traveling service industry, Lion

guarantee, and its network of member firms. Deloitte

Travel developed Information and Communication

& Touche, the only member firm of Deloitte Touche

Technology at the leading position of travel industry,

Tohmatsu Limited in Taiwan, is part of a broader

and developed virtual channel combined with brick

network including Deloitte & Touche Consulting Co,

and mortar stores, by comprehensive Integrated

Deloitte & Touche Tax Consulting Co., Ltd, Deloitte &

Marketing, promote holistic product line, and become

Touche Financial Advisory Co., and DTT Attorneys-At-

the biggest traveling brand in Taiwan.


Over the years, Lion Travel has developed a leading

The professional services provided by Deloitte

Information and Communication Technology in the

Ta i w a n in clu d e tim e l y u p d ate s o n r e gu l ato r y

travel industry, established a synergy between virtual

changes, enterprise risk management, integrated

Internet channels and brick and mortar stores as well

financial advisory services, and solutions to enhance

as promoting its holistic product line by building up

competitive strength. Deloit te Taiwan holds a

a comprehensive Integrated Marketing strategy. Lion

signif icant position in the market and provides

Travel used to be a small company in the traditional

globalized services and resources to help its clients in

traveling service industry, and it has now become a

overseas IPOs, fund raising, listing in Taiwan by foreign

leading brand in Taiwan.

issuers, China investment services.


Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche



Leisure Industry LECTURERS

02 01 Lecturers Mentors

Jason Ke

Allen Chen

Audit Service Partner Deloitte & Touche

Lion Group Strategic Business Planning Vice President



• Master of Business Administration Universit y of Illinois at Urbana Champaign • Bachelor of Accountancy National Taiwan University

• National Chiayi University Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism, and Hospitality Management Ph. D.

[Background] Jason has plentiful experiences in providing clients various ser vices including audit of financial statements and income tax returns, financial due diligence, consultation on accounting, tax, initial public offering in Taiwan and M& A. Also, he is the Industr y Lea d e r o f Co nsum e r B usin e ss in Deloitte Taiwan.

[Qualification] • Certified Public Accountant, R.O.C. • Certified Public Accountant, Illinois, U.S.A.

[Experience] • T’way Air Taiwan G.S.A General Manager • General Manager of Avis Rent A Car System, LLC Taiwan • General Manager of AS Tallink Grupp Taiwan • General Manager of Icelandair Taiwan • General Manager of SriLankan Airlines Taiwan • General Manager of Nepal Airlines Taiwan • General Manager of Yemenia Taiwan • General Manager of Uzbekistan Airways Taiwan • Instructor of Commerce Development Research Institute • I n s t r u c t o r o f N a t i o n a l C h e n g c h i University College for Public & Business Administration Education • A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r o f M i n C h u a n University School of Management EMBA • Assistant Professor of YuanZe University College of Management, Leisure Travel Management Program • Coordination Commissioner of Travel Quality Assurance Association

Action Project



Lilac Shue

Gordon Chen

Mark Chen

Maggie Pan

Audit Service Partner Deloitte & Touche

Enterprise Risk Service Partner Deloitte & Touche

Financial Advisory Services Partner Deloitte & Touche





• Master of Business Administration,University of Strathclyde • Bachelor of Accounting National Taiwan University


• Master of Business Administration University of Texas at Arlington, USA

• Master of Finance, National Taiwan University • B a c h e l o r o f B u s i n e s s Administration, National Taiwan University

[Background] Lilac has plentiful experiences in providing clients various services including • Serving US, European multin a t i o n a l s , Ta i w a n l i s t e d and private companies. Experienced in assisting clients in their IPO projects in Taiwan and the US, familiar with IFRS/ IAS, US GAAP and Taiwan GAAP. • Audit of financial statements; reporting package audit for consolidated purpose. • Compliance audit on Corporate’s income tax return. • Financial due diligence for merger and acquisition, due diligence. • Attest service under Sarbanes Oxley Act (404), issuance of domestic and conver tible bonds; financial due diligence. • Co nsu l tin g o n a cco u ntin g , financial, and fiscal matters.

[Background] Gordon has been providing service to high-tech companies in Science-Based Industrial Park and engaged in the industries of software ser vice, semiconductor, IC designs, telecommunications, and computer peripherals, e tc , a n d as we ll assis tin g clients setting up new company and capital structure planning, issuing domestic company and foreign issuer’s IPO, ADR, GDR and ECB.

[Background] Mark is a partner of Deloitte and has over 18 years of professional experiences in Enterprise Risk Services. His main focus are information technology auditing, internal control service, internal audit service, SOX 404 compliance service, technology risk management, and enterprise risk management service.

[Background] Maggie was an investment banker in Macquarie Capital and closely worked with Macquarie Private Equity Fund for the principal investments in Greater China Region. Maggie has approximately 20-year experience in providing financial advisory a n d i nve s t m e n t s e r v i ce s , including financial due diligence, business valuations and M&A advisory. Maggie served clients in a variety of industries including banking, insurance, manufac turing, telecommunication, hi-tech and infrastructure. Maggie is a licensed financial advisor in Hong Kong and Taiwan and also accredited by American Society of Appraisers.

01 Leisure Industry LECTURERS & MENTORS

Audit Service Partner Deloitte & Touche



Action Project:

Entrepreneurship 02 In this era of rapid change, our generation faces a highly competitive world. To harness the latest trends and lead the way in the future requires sensitive observations, a broad vision, and innovative ideas. The ability to incorporate diverse ideas and to put new ideas into practice are also important for entrepreneurs. In this section, the delegates will be given with the question, “If you were given US$300,000 to start a business, what would you do with it? “ We expect delegates will learn of the skills and characteristics required of entrepreneurs, and learn something of the process of doing business on their own. Moreover, delegates will share their thoughts with each others and come up with new and innovative ideas during discussions. Delegates are required to analyze some successful star tups: why have they been successful? What strategies did they adopt? What dif f iculties did they encounter, and how did they overcome them? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of such approaches for yourselves, and what kind of venture would you want to pursue? If you had 300 thousand dollars, how would you use it?

Action Project




[StorySense] StorySense is a software company specialized in artificial intelligence. Their vision is to make “grandma-

150 countries around the globe. Apart from auditing

friendly computers”, building applications with

services, EY also provides advisory services including

linguistic analysis and story understanding capabilities,

tax advisory, transaction advisory, internal control,

with the hope to help users digest massive information

risk management, information technology security,

from the web, simplify their cumbersome processes,

performance improvement and corporate governance,

and create extremely enjoyable user experience. As

etc. We are recognized for “delivering value” to our

a team of hackers and designers, we strive to provide

clients in different service areas.

great products for end users in all generation, by

In 2013, we provided audit, risk management, tax and other advisory services to 79 percent of Fortune

innovating our core technology that revolutionizes user experience.

Global 500 and 67 percent of and Forbes Global

Their ultimate goal is to give computers the

2000 companies. Our strategy is to use our global

abilities to understand and tell stories. If computers

professional talent and knowledge to assist our clients

can understand stories, it will be much easier for

to tackle challenges in an ever-changing market

users to communicate with them. More precisely, if


machines can reason, summarize, and re-organize text materials into meaningful threads, rationale, or even conclusions, people will no longer need to digest raw data from search results or shared notes by piecing them together manually, and the utilization of information will be dramatically simplif ied. Storysense’s first product WhatstheNumber, is a machine-generated cloud yellowpage of all contact information existing on the Internet. It takes users' voice input of the shops they're trying to reach and responds with the contact info instantly, and has been used by users from over 50 countries and more than 20 languages.

02 Entrepreneurship COMPANY INTRODUCTION

EY is a global leader in professional services, employing 175,000 people based in 728 offices in over



Entrepreneurship LECTURERS

02 Lecturers Mentors

Kim Chang

Edward Shen

Assurance Leader of EY Taiwan

Master of the MIT Media Laboratory / Founder&CE0 of StorySense Computing LLC



• Kim has over 20 years of assurance e xp erience work ing with multinational clients including s e m i c o n d u c t o r, e l e c t r o n i c s , manufacturing, banking, retail, luxur y, life science and import/ export companies. She also supervises assurance services to large scale public listed companies. • Kim is the EY’s cross border services Par tner providing ser vices to clients based in Taiwan. Her clients include well-known multinational companies in technology industry. • With her extensive experiences in working with financial industry and multinational companies, Kim has advised clients on the issuance of American Depository Receipts (ADR) and public listing in USA. • Kim is the Assurance Leader of EY

• An assistant editor and associated producer in Go Grandriders • Participating in several documentary films, including his independent production, Life. Research. (officially selection in Plymouth Film Festival 2007)

Taiwan, leading the team to deliver quality client services supported by EY’s global methodologies. She is also the Leader of EY Taiwan’s Life Sciences Industry Services.

[Function and Specialization] • Cross- disciplinar y e xp er tise in f i l m m a k i n g a n d s t o r y u n d e rstanding technologies.

Action Project



Ian Wang

James Tseng

Scott Liang

Partner, EY Taiwan

Partner, EY Taiwan

Partner, EY Taiwan

Partner, EY Taiwan





• Ian has successful experience in advising lo cal and foreign companies to go public in Taiwan. Ian is als o e x p e rien ce d in assisting clients to raise market reputation, reduce operational risks and create added values. • Ian co-organized several IPO seminars and promotional ac tivities with Taiwan Stock Exchange and securities houses. • I a n w a s t h e F i n a n c i a l Analyst of AOC, USA

• Amanda has over 16 years of assurance experience and advisory experience in financial accounting and conversion of accounting/ reporting standards from local GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or US GAAP. Her clients include multinational companies listed in Taiwan and U.S. capital markets. • Amanda is Taiwan Financial Accounting Advisory Services Leader and is also a member of EY’s IFRS Desk of Asia Pacific. • Amanda had worked in EY’s San Jose office as an audit manager and worked with

• James has over 20 years of assurance experience working with multinational c l i e n t s i n c l u d i n g e l e ctronic s, manufac turing, retail, luxury, and import/ export companies. He also provides assurance services to large scale public listed companies in Taiwan. • J a m e s i s t h e E Y ’s c r o s s border ser vices Par tner providing services to clients based in Taiwan; his clients include well-known multinational companies in technology industry. • James was an accounting manager for an oversea company and a securities company.

• Scott has many years of assurance experience, he is the Partner for EY Taiwan’s Professional Practice Development, and is responsible for advising IFRS and International Transaction Advisory Services. • S co t t is t h e Co nsu l t a nt f o r Finan cial R e p o r tin g Standards Committee and Financial Accounting Issues Task Force of Accounting Research and Development Foundation. • S cot t is th e m e m b e r o f Accounting Audit Commit te e of CPA A sso ciation R.O.C. • Scott was the Senior Auditor at EY’s Phila-delphia office.

clients in technology and software industries.

• James had advised many companies to IPO when he was an underwriter.

60 02 Entrepreneurship LECTURERS & MENTORS

Amanda Sung


Action Project:

Data & Analytics 03 With the widespread adoption of mobile devices and ubiquitous high-speed cloud computing, we have entered the era of “Big Data”. For enterprises, mastering the use of Big Data provides insights on the latest trends in terms of consumer preferences, and helps to identify businesses with the potential for great growth. Many believe that “Big Data” will transform not only business, but government and other aspect of the economy. Since Big Data has emerged as a significant industry, companies have been fiercely competing to establish their proficiency in the area. However, Big Data is a two-edged sword. While enterprise focus on the benefits available, potential downsides should also be considered. In this section, first, we discuss what makes Big Data & Analysis such a significant issue, and why so many are jumping on the Big Data train. Second, how are companies taking advantage of the opportunity and putting into practice on a practical operation basis? Finally, though this technology enables the efficient collect of huge amounts, it can be difficult to navigate the ins and outs of so much information. Some of the challenges to accessing and making use of data are cover in this discussion.

Action Project




KPMG is a global network of professional services firms

In 1956, IBM established its branch in Taiwan with

of KPMG International. Our member firms provide

the approval of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. At

audit, tax and advisory services through industry-

first, the company was located at the International

focused, talented professionals who deliver value

House of Taipei with merely 40 square meters of

for the benefit of their clients and capital markets.

office space and 4 employees. In 1967, the company

We operate in 155 countries and have 155,0 0 0

was re co gnize d as IBM Taiwan Corp oration in

professionals working in member firms around the

accordance with the Statute for Investment by


Foreign Nationals. Today, IBM Taiwan sustains its

The independent member firms of the KPMG network

of fices in Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan and

are af f iliated with KPMG International, a Swiss

Kaohsiung. The scope of IBM Taiwan's business

cooperative. KPMG International provides no client

includes International Supply Chain and product


p u r c h a s i n g , h a r d w a r e (s e r v e r s a n d s t o r a g e),

Our geographic coverage and professionals strive to

s o f t w a r e a n d s e r v i ce s . T h e s e r v i ce s b u s i n e s s

provide the highest quality of local experience and

covers professional consulting services, systems

service. Our clients receive flexible, responsive and

inte gr ati o n, e - b usin ess h os tin g , o u t s o urcin g ,

consistent service worldwide.

a p p l i c a t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d s e c u r i t y. I B M manufactures and sells computer hardware and

KPMG in Taiwan including

software, as well as offers business solutions and


services. IBM also offers simple, customizable global

KPMG Advisory Services Co., Ltd. ,

f inancing for IT solutions, including hardware,

KPMG Corporate Finance Co., Ltd. ,

software and services.

KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd.

Since 2008, IBM initiates "Smarter Planet" agenda and enables it with Cloud, Analytic, Mobile, Social total solution.

62 03 Data & Analytics COMPANY INTRODUCTION

[KPMG in Taiwan]


Data & Analytics LECTURERS

02 03 Lecturers Mentors

Lin Wu

Wayne Yu

Head of Financial Service, KPMG in Taiwan

Senior Managing Consultant of Global Business Service Department in IBM Taiwan


[Function and Specialization]

• Head of Financial Service, KPMG in Taiwan • Partner of Audit Dept., KPMG in Taiwan • Instructor of KPMG in Taiwan • Supervising senior in KPMG LLP Washington DC office, USA

• • • • • • •

[Professional Service Experience] • Au d i t a n d a t t e s t a t i o n r e l a t e d service- Provide financial statement at tes t ati o n, co r p o r ate in co m e tax return certifications and due diligence reviews • Internal control attestation services for financial institutions • IPO application for banks • FAC TA leader in Taiwan - FATC A advisor y ser vices to many local financial institutions

Enterprise Data Warehousing Analytical CRM System Data Management System Web analysis Social analysis Digital marketing Yu has t aken advant age of his D&A solutions to help dif ferent industries that he partners with, such as financial sector of certain companies, telecommunication firms and retail trade. Nowadays, with the rise of mass social media, Yu has now begun to develop a new D&A solution, social media analysis. With this new solution, customers’ suggestions can be collected easily. Business can plan new strategies and make profit more efficiently.

Action Project



Lin Wu

Phoebe Chung Tracy Li

Yiling Lin

Chief Operating Officer (COO), KPMG in Taiwan

Director, Advisory Service, KPMG in Taiwan

Manager, KPMG Advisory Service Taiwan





• M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e i n Accounting degree of A m e r i c a n U n i ve r s i t y, Washington, D.C. USA

• Master of Business Administration- National Taiwan University

[Function and Specialization]

• Financial Services • Te chn o l o g y, M e dia an d Telecommunications • Industrial and Consumer Markets

• Bachelor of Accounting, National Chengchi Universit y • Master of Business administration, George Washington Universit y U. S. A

• Bachelor of Business Administration, National Taiwan University • M B A , N a t i o n a l Ta i w a n University

• Financial Services • Te chn o l o g y, M e dia an d Telecommunications

[Function and Specialization]

[Function and Specialization] • Data and Analytics Service • Financial Risk Management, • B u s i n e s s P e r f o r m a n c e Improvement

[Function and Specialization] • Data and Analytics Service • B u s i n e s s P e r f o r m a n c e Improvement

03 Data & Analytics LECTURERS & MENTORS

Head of Financial Service, KPMG in Taiwan



Action Project:

Life Science and e-Health

04 To build the infrastructure necessary to meet tomorrow’s mobile health needs, government, device vendors, and healthcare providers must work handIn recent years, many countries have endeavored

in-hand. The process of developing new technologies

to develop national biotechnology industries, and the

needs to be supported by modern regulations, proper

government of Taiwan has listed biotechnology as

certification, and the standardisation of devices.

one of the ten important emerging technologies. As

Patients must stand at the center of this activity,

society ages, an increasing portion of the population

for patients will be active participants and exercise

will require chronic, long-term care, though it is

greater independence in the administration of

expected that new technologies will lower patients’

treatment. The question arises: how can the relevant

needs of medication in the future, and lead to

medical products be made safe, convenient, and easy

significant advances in quality of life. In Taiwan, the

to use? This will be critically important to the future of

government is seeking to make such gains equally

distributed health care.

available to both urban and rural residents, and across

In recent years, Telemedicine, Mobile Health and

regions. The development of Telecare, a mobile health

EMR, have emerged as mainstream developments in

and cloud computing service that makes available

the medical industry. For example, the emergency

electronic medical records and health information is

ECG system, which enables doctors to immediately

an important step in that direction.

interpret information, reduces rescue time, as a smartphone or a tablet device now allows physicians to retrieve instantly patients’ medical records and assists communication between physicians and patients. We encourage participants to share their ideas for other potential applications in the f ields of Telemedicine and Mobile Health. Also, what other ways might medical records be used when patients have easier access to their own information?

Action Project


Life Science and e-Health COMPANY INTRODUCTION


PwC Taiwan was established in 1970 under the name

At EBM Technologies Incorporated, we are dedicated

Chen & Chu. The firm grew rapidly over the ensuing

developing state-of-the-art medical imaging systems.

decades and now has 8 offices, 92 partners and more

Our headquarters are located at Neihu Science Park

than 2,700 distinguished and dedicated business

in Taipei City, Taiwan. EBM Technologies Incorporated

professionals. We provide industry-focused assurance,

currently employs 130 professionals worldwide, and

tax and advisory services to enhance value for our

we have branch offices in Taiwan, Beijing, and Hawaii.


Established in 1988, EBM Technologies Incorporated

PwC refers to the network of member firms of PwC

has sin ce e x p an d e d gl o b all y f ro m it s humb l e

International Limited. Across this network, more than

beginnings in Taiwan to Japan, China, the United

180,000 people in 158 countries share their thinking,

States of America, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and

experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives

European Union. We have worked with hospitals of all

and practical advice. With PwC’s global resources at

sizes and partnered with many reputable instrument

its disposal, PwC Taiwan follows the world’s major

manufacturers. Our commitment in delivering a rich

industries constantly, helping clients tap into the latest

user experience with our systems continues to be

economic trends and industry developments.

recognized with new partnerships growing each year.

Our Vision PwC Taiwan including:

A s a world - class h ealth infor matic s comp any,

• PricewaterhouseCoopers, Taiwan • PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal • PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services Company, Ltd. • PricewaterhouseCoopers Intellectual Property Advisory Limited • Pricewaterhouse Coop ers Management Consulting Company, Ltd. • PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Consulting Company, Ltd.

EBM Technologies Incorporated’s responsibility is to continually strive towards innovative medical solutions. Our vision guides every aspect of our business to ensure we develop intelligent products that assist in clinical diagnosis, provide seamless medical care and secure medical information for the promotion of human health and welfare.

66 04 Life Science and e-Health COMPANY INTRODUCTION

[PwC Taiwan]


Life Science and e-Health LECTURERS

04 Lecturers Mentors

Lily Wong

Adam Yen

Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services Co Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan

Project Manager ,Platform promotion department of EBM



• Mas ter of Accounting Science, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign • B achelor of Business Administration, National Taiwan University

• National Taiwan Normal University Department of Life Science

[Professional Qualification] • CPA, Taiwan and the US • Certified Treasury Professional • Fellow of Life Management Institute

[Expertise] • Specializes in advisor y ser vices including cross-border mergers and acquisitions, financial due diligence, valuation analysis and post deal integration • Advises on strategic investment planning and evaluation of financial instruments, including valuation on securitized financial assets and derivatives • H e a l t h c a r e i n d u s t r y l e a d e r i n Taiwan

[Experience] • Sales Specialist , EBM Company • Established the new department and do the recruitment selection. Responsible for cloud applications and value-added service in SaaS structure; Ser ved as project manager for the platform projects from government. • M a n a g e m e n t o f n e w p r o d u c t development and implementation of marketing activities; Focus on the cloud and mobile products line. • Speaker of Ministr y of Foreign Affairs, the topic is “Mobile and telemedicine applications in Taiwan”; 4 sessions for more than 30 countries’ government officials. • Speaker of Ministry of Health and Welfare, Promotion Seminar

Action Project



Wu Jen-Chieh

Mike Mo

Hsu Chien-Ju

Chou Li-Li

Associate Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services Co., Ltd.

Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan Assurance Services

Director , PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan





• Master of Accounting Science, Chung Yuan Christian Universit y

• Master of Business Administration, York Universit y, Canada • Bachelor degree in Management and Economics degree, Universit y of Toronto

• M a s t e r o f A c c o u n t i n g Science, National Chengchi university

• M a s t e r o f A c c o u n t i n g Science, National Taiwan University

[Professional Qualification]

[Professional Qualification]

• CPA, Taiwan

• CPA, Taiwan



• Working with large scale public listed companies i n Ta i w a n , i n c l u d i n g multi-national clients including electronics and manufacturing companies.

• Specializes in providing corporate tax planning and compliance related services to both local and foreign companies. • T h r o u g h t h e d e s i g n i n g of transaction models and provision of strategic t a x adv ice, h e lp client s maximize tax savings and obtain tax credits • Pr ov i d e s c l i e n t s w i t h a wide range of tax services including tax consulting, tax compliance, crossborder investment planning, M&A deal structuring, tax due diligence, etc.

[Expertise] •

Working with large scale public listed companies in Taiwan, including multinational clients including electronics, manufacturing and retail companies.

[Professional Qualification] • CFA

[Expertise] • Va l u a t i o n s o f b u s i n e s s enterprises, intangible assets and selected derivative financial instruments covering diversif ied industries, including biotech/ pharmaceuticals/life science • L e a d a d v i s o r y i n M & A initiatives

04 Life Science and e-Health LECTURERS & MENTORS

Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan Assurance Services



Life Science and e-Health MENTORS

Roger Chan

Larry Hsiao

Andrew Tsai

Adam Yen

Director, Platform promotion department of EBM

Specialist of Medical Business, General manager office of EBM

Project manager, Sales department of EBM

Project Manager ,Platform promotion department of EBM





• E xecutive Master of Business Administration of National Chengchi Universit y

• Oxford Brookes University Marketing

• Graduate Institute of Management of Technology

• National Taiwan Normal University Department of Life Science



• System Specialist

• Sales Specialist

[Experience] • Project Manager • Sales Manager

04 Lecturers Mentors

[Experience] • Sp e cial assis t ant to the Chairman • Marketing Specialist

Source : ht t p : / /w w w .deco m/desi gn /easy -to -cl ean -bathro om- de si gn. h tm l


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Special Thanks 立法委員

徐翠琳 中華開發股份有限公司 協理

劉櫂豪 立法院 委員 ( 民進黨團 )

周正訓 阿默蛋糕 總經理 張于敏 阿默蛋糕 行銷部門


閻寶蓉 strega 顧問

韓效忠 喜瑪拉雅基金會 董事長

吳介侯 strega 總經理

賴美臻 喜瑪拉雅基金會 董事

Monica strega Benson strega 品牌企劃

廠商贊助與協助 Rick Tsai CyberLink 鄭美意 橘子工坊 聯絡人 謝明汎 太子建設 總經理 吳建瑩 太子建設 協理 常世權 太子建設 專案經理 李佳怡 太子建設 活動企劃 常世權 太子學舍 經理 林群盛 格上租車 協理 陳國強 格上租車 經理 程芝萱 資誠聯合會計師事務所 副總經理 許斐閔 安侯建業聯合會計師事務所 Specialist, Markets & Brand 許善婷 安永聯合會計師事務所 Supervising Associate 曾品珊 勤業眾信 客戶與市場策略部門 張安琦 勤業眾信 客戶市場策略部門 許婉如 郭元益 企劃部專案執行 賴佩均 橘平屋 企劃部專員 洪晏柔 聯合利華 企業公共事務部經理

陳品妘 茶湯會 吳淋維 麒麟啤酒 行銷部門 石書瑋 商之器科技股份有限公司 行銷專員 張肇麟 雄獅集團 產業研究中心副召集人 黃晨淳 默默文創 創辦人 Lisa CHEN IBM Taiwan Corporate Citizenship & University Relations 楊涵茜 Blink 張駿極 厚生市集 總經理 邱嘉緣 好伴 co-founder 張珮綺 好伴 co-founder 林以涵 社企流 總編輯 張天立 tazze 林弘全 flying v 陳柏宇 ivoter 團隊 Pony Chang dartslive Marketing&Promotion 高啟全 華亞科技 董事長 張慶儒 世紀外燴 謝玠揚 德典生技 總經理


SHL Group 姚俐瑩 經理

徐興慶 台大日文系 教授 陳東升 台大社會系 教授

台北市政府秘書處 國際事務組 中華民國外交部 NGO 胡曼莉 國家發展委員會 高教評鑑中心

學校行政人員 陳良基 國立台灣大學 學術副校長 莊榮輝 國立台灣大學教務處 教務長 陳聰富 國立台灣大學學務處 學務長 張淑英 國立台灣大學國際事務處 國際事務長 吳秀玲 國立台灣大學課外活動組 主任 朱惠敏 國立台灣大學課外活動組 輔導員 陳桂蘭 國立台灣大學課外活動組 組員 石鈞太 國立台灣大學課外活動組 幹事 丁惠美 國立台灣大學課外活動組 幹事 楊惠真 國立台灣大學課外活動組 幹事 魏伯軒 國立台灣大學課外活動組 幹事 馬知行 國立台灣大學課外活動組 幹事 廖文煜 國立台灣大學課外活動組 工友

教授 黃光裕 台大機械系 教授 賴飛羆 台大生醫電子與資訊學研究所 教授

黃旻華 台大政治系 教授 黃俊堯 台大工管系 教授 王業立 台大政治系 教授 林嬋娟 台大會計系 教授 劉啟群 台大會計系 教授

媒體幫助 劉鳳珍 Cheers 雜誌社 社長 盧智芳 Cheers 雜誌社 總編輯

Other 莊瑞雄 民進黨台北市黨部 主委 余振華 政大選研 吳玉雲 豐年國小 教務主任 吳麗秋 道明國小 老師 劉孟禹 中華領袖菁英交流協會



周素卿 台大地理系 教授



Host Team Chief Director

Vice Directors

Lin, Tsung-Wei

Hsu, Yu-Chih Wang, Tien-chi

Academy Lin Ting-Yu Lu Hsin-Hwa Chen Sz-Chi Chen Tse-Yu Chu Su-Kuan Huang Man

Kuo Chin-Ting

Yang Sin-Yi

Li Po-Chun

Marketing and Admissions

Lin Rou-Chee Tsai Wan-Ting Wu Hsu-Hua Lee Ya-Yun Shih Yi-Jung

Shen Li Shen Chih-Chao Peng Tzu-Fan Chen Po-Zou

Kuo Wei-Ting

Public Relations

Lee Tzu-En

Chang Che-Wei


Lin Kuan-Heng

Sun Chieh-An

Lee Wan-Ju

Robin Pilling

Chen Yu-Han


Shen Shih-Hsiang

Chi Yung-Yu

Wu Chuang-Le

Sun Yu-Hui

Kao Wei-Che

Zou Enoch

Yu Jing-Iu

Lee Ju-Hwa

Project Proposals

Lin Chia-Yi

Design and Multimedia

Chang Pei-Hung Chang Chia-Yu Chen Chan-Ya Chu Chih-Hsien Chuang Cheng-Hsiang Hsieh Chia-En Hsieh Yu-Xin

Lin Chih-yu Wang Chin Wang Wen-Yi Wong Yu-Chen Wu Po-Jung Wu Sz-Ying Yang Ling-Yu Yang Shu-Ching

Chen Shin-Wei

Chang Ya-Han Chen Hsing-Ying Hsiao Han-Fang Huang Chun-Yeh Huang Jun-Jia Wu Bing-Hsun Yuan Yun-Ting

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