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Promo tional Brochure

" 希望在每個人的心中種下一顆 未來可能發芽的種子。" We hope to plant a seed among the hearts of our generation to inspire endless possibilities of the future.

We provide an international conference, a global platform for students to interact and exhibit leadership. Through the communication between generations and the influence of different cultures, we exchange views, debate, challenge one another, and encourage respect for all the different and unique ideas. Here we look forward, toward every problem and conflict, and hope to bring out the voice of our generation to solve these obstacles. 一場國際會議,一個全球學生與領導者互動 的平臺、空間。世代之間的交流,文化之間的 衝擊,彼此交換意見、辯論、挑戰,並且鼓勵 與尊重來自各方不同的獨特見解,在這裡我們 企盼,對於每一個議題,每一個世代的聲音都 不該缺席。

Challenges and Opportunities, the Global Economy in the Transition Phase

Emergence of New Giants: Evolution or Revolution

Cradle to Cradle, Michael Braungart

Cradle to Cradle, Michael Braungart

past topic



What is the Catch Catching at Web?

Innovation and Change

Strategy Under Competition

Microsoft, Hope Ong

WowPrime, Sheng-Yi Dai

CyberLink, Jau Huang




Stand up! Stand out! 歷經全球金融風暴、環境與氣候不斷變遷, 這是一個變動中的世代,也是改變與突破的 契機。 新世代的青年們,捨棄上一代的陳見與陋規, 延續上一代的開拓和嘗試,站在上一世代巨 人的肩膀上,跨出舒適圈,發表你們開創性的 角度與觀點,去思考、去實踐,站出來面對新 時代的挑戰,走出新世代的道路。

The global financial crisis and the unstable environment and climate all prove how this generation is changing. But this also p r ov i d es th e o p p o r t u ni t y f o r cha n g es and breakthroughs. The young people of this generation abandoned the previous negative stereotypes and began to tackle problems through new angles. They no longer continue to depend on the giants of previous generations. They have stepped out of their comfort zone, opened up to unconventional methods and philosophies to solve and face the challenges of this new era.

CEO and Founder, Parliament Watch (Germany)

Founder, g0v (Taiwan)

2014 speaker

Gregor Hackmack

高嘉良 Chia-liang Kao

CEO and Founder, Youth Alliance (India)

General Manager , IMEC Taiwan (Belgium)

Vice-President, Yale-NUS College (Singapore)

Prakhar Bhartiya

Peter Lemmens

賴載興 Choy-Heng Lai

各領域講者持續邀請中 .. The speakers list is updating..


GIS is


Keynote Speech & Forum World class speakers are invited by GIS Taiwan to present lectures and lead forums. Under an annual theme, we design innovative topics that provide valuable discussions for our delegates. 世界級講師將受邀於 GIS Taiwan 出席演講 (Speech) 及座 談會 (Forum),從其專業領域出發,在年度主題的架構下, 拋出具有開創性的議題予學生討論。此外,除了演講的形 式,來自不同領域的講者也將以對話來嘗試激盪跨領域的 多元思維。


GIS is

Discussion. Workshop

During the second and third day, the symposium will open up eight of its discussion forums. You are free to attend one of the topics of your choice. Professors, entrepreneurs, and world-renowned leaders will share their experiences and guide you through your journey. 在第二以及第三天,論壇將在同一個時段開放八場討論 會,您可以自由選擇一個題目來參加。在教授、企業家或各 界領導人的帶領下,約四十人將會彼此分享各自的看法。


GIS is

Action. Action Project

In 2014, GIS Taiwan started to encourage students with the limitless possibilities of their bright futures. You will be able to choose and participate in a topic of your interest. The "Big Four" and other companies from various industries will guide you along your project and discussions will further enrich your knowledge of the topic. By the end of the activities, all of your proposals will be sent off to the companies to be reviewed and given a chance to become the company's policy. GIS Taiwan 在 2014 年開始嘗試著使與會學生的想法有被 實現的機會。在與各領域組織、企業及四大會計師事務所 的支持下,您將可以在選擇所希望參與的主題、獲得業師 指導修正經由小組產生的初步提案,並在活動的最後,所 有的提案將會被送回合作企業中成為決策的依據。


GIS is

Interaction. Social Events

In the international student conference, delegates get to meet the representatives from other countries and express themselves amongst the highly diverse crowd to establish a network with closer relationships. GIS Taiwan provides exciting social gatherings and interactions among the delegates. During the first night, we'll invite all delegates to enjoy a formal dinner and enjoy a Taiwan's cultural heritage. By the final night, we will invite all members to accompany us at Taipei 101 to enjoy a lovely evening at the Sky Bar. 國際學生論壇中,認識來自各國的與會代表、拓展自己的 人際網絡也是培養國際視野的重要一環。GIS Taiwan 將提 供所有與會學生令人驚艷的社交活動。在抵台的第一天晚 上,論壇誠摯邀請所有與會代表享用宴席,體驗台灣傳統 文化的底蘊;而在離台前的最後一個夜晚,所有代表也將 在台北 101 的陪伴下,一同享受夏夜中的 Sky Bar。

feedback. Yuna Wang Macao

Maryna Blinovska Ukraine

Wahyu Andhika Gayatri Indonesia

I love GIS Taiwan! Rather than say GIS Taiwan has provided us with a marvelous opportunity to learn from masters, exchange ideas, m a ke f r i e n d s a n d e x p e r i e n ce dif ferent culture, it does more im p o r t a n tl y to p r ovo ke us to think about what's role we young people could play in our society. It was a wonderful memory for me in Taiwan. The people there are so nice. Hope more young people around the world come to join this wonderful symposium!

I couldn't even imagine to get this great oppor tunity and come to Taiwan, an island with nice people and beautiful nature. The topic of this year's symposium was really promising and I was impressed by the "Big Four" speakers and their professional approach. I have learnt a lot from the workshops since the participants could share their personal thoughts having different backgrounds and cultural p er cep ti o n s . A c t uall y Tai wa n opened Asia for me (it is the first Asian country I have been to) and I got the best memories during and after GIS Taiwan. The most important thing is that I made good friends from Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, China and I was inspired by them and other participants.

GIS Taiwan provides wide range of academic seminar and workshop, give me a great chance to interact with honored speakers. In other hand, I can explore another d el ega tes' th o u gh t an d i d eas through delegate presentation and discussion. If you want to learn, upgrade your skills, interact with well known figure, as well as have a good friendship with students from all over the world, I'm sure that you won't miss the upcoming GIS Taiwan.

supporters .

林宗緯 Chief Director, GIS Taiwan 2014 Email: Phone: (+886)921-645-958

Email: Website: Facebook:

張哲維 Dierctor of Department of Public Relations, GIS Taiwan 2014 E-mail: Phone: (+886)928-912-305

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