The Solution News

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The Solution News Since 1991

November/December 2010


Happy, Joyous and Always Free!!





The Solution News Contents Page 4 - Dave’s Page

Page 23 - Bill Wilson: 1944 Christmas Message

Page 5 - Holiday Lessons

Page 26 - Meet Dr. Emmet Fox

Page 6 - Holiday Anxieties and Holiday Hope

Page 25 - Emmet Fox: The Golden Key

Page 7 - 12 Steps For Holiday Sobriety

Page 26 - Our Readers Write

Page 8 - Hotlines and Helplines

Page 27 - Why Americans Should Not Travel

Page 9 - Watershed Page

Page 28 - Economizing the 12 Days

Page 10 & 11- Events

Page 29 - “Legal Holidays”

Page 12 - Thanksgiving Trivia Test

Page 30 - Chef Lester’s Sober Sideboard

Page 14 - Politics Explained

Page 32 - Holiday Humor

Page 16 - Hanukkah Hoots

Page 33 - Rebecca B.: Sound of the Holidays?

Page 21 - Giri Beck: The Mechanics of the Mind Page 22 - North Pole Journal of Medicine

Page 35 - New Year’s Resolutions Revisited Page 34 - Unity of the Palm Beaches


Dave’s Page

I love thrift shops. In fact I’ve often said that if it wasn’t for Goodwill and other thrift shops I would be naked and living in an apartment with no furniture. Thank God for thrift shops. I have often said that if you can’t get it at a thrift shop its not worth having. One of the joys of travel is the opportunity to visit Goodwill stores around the country and they all have their local flavor. One of my favorite ones is in Bath, Maine, the nearest large town to the little Georgetown Island where I used to spend my time in the summer. That thrift shop has an arrangement with L.L. Bean to take its damaged goods and seconds and it is not unusual to buy a perfectly good coat for twenty dollars that would cost two hundred in the store. Aside from clothes and other necessities I always like to browse the book section. I am constantly on the lookout for the first edition Big Book or other AA material and also I can often find great spiritual books to add to my collection. Last summer I found the biography of Charles Fillmore the founder of Unity Church. This was a great find because a friend had

Thrift Shops and Mother Teresa recently told me about his writings. Another book I found at the Goodwill in Bath was called Mother Teresa, A Simple Plan. Its funny how little I really knew about mother Teresa. I would joke about her by saying things like “It was enough to piss off Mother Teresa” and other stupid things like that but I had never taken the time to learn about her good work. The night I opened the book I literally could not put it down. This is a cliche but in this case it was true. This rarely happens and I am an avid reader. I was totally fascinated by the beauty, love and compassion of Mother Teresa. If there ever was a living saint it was this woman. The sheer magnitude of the accomplishments of this small humble lady should be an example for us all. I was truly moved and if ever there was a book that was life changing for me it was this one. Her basic philosophy was to meet people at their level of need. She applied this to her own life and the lives of her followers and helpers. She lived with the poor as they lived. She realized so well the need to deal with the problem right away rather than to organize, philosophize, spiritualize or talk about it. She simply believed that if someone needed food, feed him, if someone needed love, touch him, if someone needed clothes, cloth him, and if some one needed shelter, house him. Take the action immediately, talk about it later. She was not parochial in her views. She helped anyone and everyone regardless of their malady and regardless of their belief. She and her sisters helped lepers, aids patients, the elderly, sick children and hungry people all over the world. Mother Teresa was a person who received an

inspiration from God while riding on a bus in India. From this inspiration in a bus for one woman a whole movement of kindness has flowed. Millions have been helped. Just as she was inspired by a momentary experience with her God we can be so inspired by her work. What can we do about the chaos and confusion, hunger and greed, death and suffering on our planet? Well we can either do nothing or like Mother Teresa we can do everything. We are so blessed with our recovering lifestyle. All of us have been touched in some way by the hand of God through the hand of a recovering alcoholic. This simple act of kindness one to another over and over and over again throughout the last seventy years has created a powerful movement of personal transformation. We keep our gift by giving it away and we keep the gift by not spending hours talking about gratitude and the spiritual nature of our program but by extending our hands; by meeting people at their level of need and being constantly attuned to the needs of others. If Mother Teresa had restricted her work to Catholics millions would not have been helped. Her love would have not reached so many. If we restrict our twelfth step work to only alcoholics we are doing what the Master calls “hiding our light under a basket”. Let us observe the true meaning of Thanksgiving and the holiday season by giving our light to anyone anywhere who is in need. Our Responsibility Statement says “I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.”

Happy Holidays!!!

5 P

Prevention Needs a Comprehensive, Community Wide Approach I put down my last drink in September of 1977. All through the first three months of my sobriety I was obsessed with the thought of how I was going to get through the holidays without a drink. I was told to stay in the moment, to concentrate on the day at hand, to take my days one day at a time. My sponsor told me that for an alcoholic a holiday was just another day. I was far away from my family. The many losses brought on by my disease were magnified tenfold at the holiday season, as was the pain of early recovery. The holidays were the true test of my resolve to stay sober that first year. Experience is a great teacher and some of the greatest lessons in my recovery were learned at that time. I learned about The Fellowship of AA. By staying close to the people in my home group outside the meeting halls. I was able to associate with AA people throughout the holidays. We had Thanksgiving at the home of a newly sober couple. They invited several people who had nowhere to be on that day to their home. We all cooked, watched football, talked program and laughed over “war stories”, our common bond. After dinner we went to a meeting and then back to the house for dessert and more coffee and conversation. When I woke up late Friday morning I was surprised to realize that I had made it through the first of the three holidays sober. Christmas taught me how to ask for help. As the day approached I used the meetings to express my growing anxiety about being alone on Christmas. As a result a new friend invited me to his home on Christmas Day. He had seven kids, very little money and was newly sober himself. Yet when the gifts were opened that morning there was one with my name on it. I was absorbed into his family and spent the day putting together toys, playing with his kids and

of course going to several meetings. The previous year I had spent alone with a case of beer and a TV dinner. By asking for help I was able to experience the unconditional love offered by my friend and his family. Another holiday had come and gone and I still hadn’t had a drink. New Year’s Eve taught me about getting outside of myself and helping others. In our area it

was customary to have “alkathons” which were marathon meetings. The meetings were put on by individual groups each hour and offered food and plenty of coffee. My home group signed up for the midnight time slot on New Year’s Eve at Cambridge City Hospital. About ten of us piled into two cars early that evening. We stopped at a nice restaurant for dinner and then took the hour drive to Cambridge. This inner city meeting was held in a smoke filled, cold basement. There were several hundred people there and the speakers were fre-

quently interrupted by the sound of wine bottles dropping on the floor. For many of the active winos the sandwiches and relative warmth of the hall represented the total of food and shelter in their lives. Their presence helped me to “remember when” and filled me with gratitude for my newfound gift of sobriety. I had made it through the holidays. I had learned about fellowship, how to ask for help and how to get outside of myself and care for others. Were these holidays “just another day” as my sponsor had suggested or were they, in fact, holiday gifts from my Higher Power? ******************** It has become a holiday tradition to reprint this article each year and each year it becomes more meaningful to me. This is especially true this year as my return to New Hampshire and the success of our website are two more gifts from a loving Higher Power. At this time of year we give thanks on Thanksgiving and gifts on Christmas and Hanukkah. This is something those of us working a program do every day. It is especially important to give back what we have been so freely given. It is so easy to find places that need volunteers or contributions will point you to volunteer opportunities and you can donate to your favorite charity. I truly believe that if we have our sobriety, our health and our friends and family everything else is just conversation. I am blessed this year with all of these things so it is important that I be kind and helpful to those who don’t. May the New Year allow me not to take for granted my gifts and allow me to redouble my efforts at sharing them with those in need. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and a safe and sober holiday season. --Dave F.

ADVANCED RECOVERY CENTER 1300 Park of Commerce, Delray Beach, FL 33435

Phone: 561-274-7417 Fax: 561-274-8715 TOLL FREE: 1-877-ARC-HOPE “Advanced extended care for the complicated and treatment-resistant addict.”



Holiday Anxieties & Holiday Hope As we approach Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays this season, there is a different feeling in the air. For some, this is a time of excitement and anticipation – they are excited to get to visit family and enjoying planning a holiday dinner or shopping for gifts. For others, the holidays bring all sorts of anxieties and tension. If you are in recovery, this time of year can be particularly challenging, particularly in early sobriety.

The biggest issue facing people this season: unrealistic expectations. The holidays do not fix families. All the pain of the past, the issues in the present, and the hopes for the future are not worked out from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day.

I also found it was very important to give up that “I hate the holidays” attitude. First thing I did was create a few holidays of my own – my own tree, my own celebration – and I did that for a couple of years before I felt I could handle going home for the holidays.

If you are one of those who gets depressed during the holidays, it’s important to plan in advance and gather an arsenal of tools to handle the typical stresses of the holidays. Maybe you will attend some extra meetings – find out about sober holiday parties or plan one yourself. The important thing is not to isolate and become absorbed by negativity and pessimism this time of year. If you have a family of active alcoholics, it’s important to figure out what will work for you. If you don’t think you can handle a family room of drunks – don’t. It can be easier to avoid family events that could put you at risk if you live far way – you can say you want to spend this season in your new home; you can let your family know you can’t be around alcohol and heavy drinking; you can plan your own winter holiday or create a new tradition that doesn’t involve drunk uncles. If you are someone who feels pressure to give lots of presents you can’t afford, set your budget early and stick with it. You might even want a shopping buddy who can help you stay within your budget. You don’t want to add financial stress to your life when you are in early sobriety!

type of holiday when you see everyone around you filled with joy and a spirit of giving.At some point I had to let that go: my family would never be typical and I was never going to change that. The only thing I could change was myself – I could create a holiday that I wanted and I could stop reacting to others’ seeming lack of holiday spirit.

Remember, if you are traveling and plan to be with some crazy family members this year, call in advance to find out where meetings are in the area you will be visiting. Let people know in those meetings that you are visiting – and if you are feeling pressured or anxious. Long distance phone calls are cheap enough these days (if not free), so there’s nothing wrong with calling your sponsor and support network back home if you are feeling frazzled and vulnerable.

For years I fought this feeling of disappointment every time the holidays came around. Christmas often felt more like a “lesson in humility” than a celebration of anything. There was a feeling that somehow you were bad if you asked for a specific gift. It often felt as if we were being punished for wanting anything at all that time of year. It’s hard to reconcile that

The ultimate goal this time of year is to focus on what you can do to make this a celebration without alcohol or drugs – and begin to embrace your new way of living. The celebration is about truly living life as a fully conscious and feeling person. Sometimes that means setting new boundaries and doing what is right for you rather than what is right for everyone else.

Coaching....takes a person to a higher level. Coaching is a partnership of equals. It is a one to one interactive relationship that helps you to identify and accomplish your personal and professional goals faster than is you were to do them on your own. Did you know that there is a billion dollar industry built around teaching people to be creative? We will provide you with a process that will help increase your creative problem solving abilities. If you are interested in learning more about being Coached or becoming a Coach contact:

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Alcoholism Recovery: 12 Steps to Stay Sober Over the Christmas Holidays One of the most difficult times of the year for any balanced recovery program. If you have those recovering from alcoholism is the extra time on your hands, it is a great idea to get out and exercise. Examples include running, Christmas holidays. If you find yourself struggling during the skating, cross country skiing, stretching, yoga, Christmas season, please remember that you are Tai Chi, Pilates or water aerobics. Instead of napping on the couch after dinner, go for a walk not alone. Help is only a phone call or a meeting away! Here are some helpful and practical tips to keep you from taking that first drink. 1. Plan Each and Every Day of Your Holiday Plan to spend the majority of your time with friends and family who are supportive of your recovery. If you are required to be present for a social gathering where alcohol is being served, bring a fellow AA member with you. Plan fun events and outings to replace your old drinking rituals. 2. Find an Alkathon in Your Area During the Christmas season, some AA groups hold a marathon of meetings called an Alkathon. It is a time when the members of Alcoholics Anonymous gather together to celebrate their recovery from alcohol addiction. Many AA groups have meetings on the hour every hour to share their experience, strength and hope. If you are a member of the fellowship or think that you might have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend. Check the local papers for an Alkathon in your area.

around the block. 6. Stay Away from Slippery Places There is absolutely no reason to ever check out your former favorite drinking establishments. It is very likely that your old drinking buddies are still there and are still telling the same old stories.

There are many people in your community who are homeless and hungry. Why not volunteer to work at a soup kitchen or at a special Christmas dinner for those less fortunate than you? You will be helping not only the needy but yourself! 10. Write a Letter to yourself. How I Stayed Sober over Christmas. The act of writing your ideas on paper is very powerful. Write down all the activities and events that will help you have healthy happy sober Christmas. Now take action on them and make this letter come true! 11. Avoid H.A.L.T. H.A.L.T. stands for: Hungry Angry Lonely Tired There are very simple solutions for all of the above items. If you are hungry, get something to eat. If you are angry, talk to somebody about it. If you are lonely, go to a meeting or call a friend. If you are tired, get a good nights sleep.

12. Live One Day at a time and Enjoy your Sobriety! Stay in the moment. Have present time consciousness. Be in the now. These are all different ways of telling you to live 1 day at a time. Never mind about what happened or what could 7. Create New Traditions to replace your Old happen. Enjoy today. Live today. Celebrate your Drinking Patterns sobriety! Try something totally different during the holi- If you follow these simple steps, it is totally fea3. Ask for Support from Your Family and days. Buy a new board game; take the family on sible to stay sober over the Christmas Holidays. Friends a sleigh ride; prepare a family power point presThose who are truly supportive of your recovery entation. Use you imagination, be creative and will be happy to help you throughout the holi- have fun. days. Be up front and tell them your concerns. Dr. Larry Smith Chiropractor and 8. Write out a Daily Gratitude List 4. Have a List of at Least Ten People you can The quickest cure to get you out of the holiday Author of: call if you feel the Urge to Drink blues is by counting your blessings. Be grateful Make a list and check it twice. Carry your cell for what you have by writing out a gratitude list Embrace the Journey of Recovery: From phone and your list of names at all times. The every morning. Dont stop writing until you have Tragedy to Triumph! Embrace the urge to drink is very powerful and can happen at at least 10 items on your list. Journey of Recovery. any time. 9. Volunteer your Services to a Charitable 5. Dont Forget about Regular Exercise Organization Regular exercise is an essential component of


Hotlines and Helplines AA BROWARD COUNTY AA FLORIDA KEYS AA HOTLINE, North Palm Beach

954-462-0265 305-296-8654 561-655-5700

AA HOTLINE, South Palm Beach AA HOTLINE Broward

561-276-4581 954-462-0265


954-746-2055 954-746-2055 305-292-8445 800-500-1119















954-491-1915 8884ALANON







561-278-6649 727-726-8829 561-966-4120 850-576-6000








954-779-7272 800-254-1333 800-848-3792 763-537-6904 800-426-7711


800-458-TIPS 800-423TIPS

DASH (Divorced and Separated Help)



954.925.4068 813-878-2906

800-510-5553 407-276-4581 1-866-325-0500 352-392-4700 800-891-1740 800-891-0707


800-545-2437 800-352-2437 954-467-7423 800-3923189 561-684-8443 800-282-8981 561-642-1722 561-279-8606 800-766-6779 305-358-4357




Nare-Anon Florida Region

800-799-SAFE 954-584-6578 888-947-8885


561-848-6262 954-476-9297









The Solution News 640 Beacon Street, Manchester, NH, 03104


603-657-5580 WEBSITE: Email:

The Solution is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous or any other 12 Step Program although our content is directed towards those who have found the 12 Step philosophy to be a significant factor in their lives. The Solution News published by Sobersolution six times a year for people actively working on their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. We are committed through articles and advertising to provide a broad spectrum of recovery, renewal and growth information. The opinions are those of the contributors. We seek to attract advertisers who represent their products and services with integrity but we urge readers to be wise consumers.


RNS & LPNS For Admissions Department We are looking for Florida licensed LPNS and RNS who are friendly & compassionate and able to work with alcoholics and addicts. The hours are a mix of evenings and nights with weekend work involved. We are also looking for an RN to supervise the clinical aspects of the department and work as an integral part of an allied health professional’s team.


Behavioral Health Techs

Are you looking for a place where the concept of "team" has deeper meaning? We are looking for caring, insightful therapists who are committed to the highest quality care for our patients and who have the desire to support those who are struggling with addiction. Our facilities offer our patients comfortable and safe surroundings to begin their journey of recovery. The Watershed is Joint Commission accredited and fully licensed by the State of Florida. Our therapists provide individual and group counseling to patients in our inpatient treatment program. The therapist is able to develop a relationship with the patient that begins in detox and lasts throughout the entire length of stay. The therapist functions within the limits of their licensure, registration and/or certification. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Masters Degree in a health-related discipline; licensed and/or accredited applicants preferred. Experience with chemical dependency and/or dual diagnosis programs preferred. The Watershed welcomes recovering individuals to apply! Recovering individuals must have a minimum of 1 full year of abstinence from drugs/alcohol to eligible for employment.

Are you a caring, compassionate individual? Are you able to provide supervision and support for others in a thoughtful, respectful manner? If you have these qualities we encourage you to apply for a position as a Behavioral Health Technician, (BHT). Our BHT's are directly involved in providing quality care for patients as part of the overall team and are responsible for conducting meetings and providing structure for our patients during their treatment experience. As a BHT you are the frontline staff member, having frequent interactions with the patients throughout their stay. As a result you are in a position to have a positive impact on the patient's view toward recovery. The average day for a BHT involves a variety of activities; there isn't a lot of time spent in one place since our patient's care is conducted in different areas of the facility. The BHT should have a clear sense of personal boundaries and be able to enforce clearly established guidelines. People with their own personal recovery experience are encouraged to apply! Must have a minimum of 12 months of sobriety.

Alumni Coordinators

We are currently seeking hard working, customer service oriented individuals with excellent communication skills to become members of our team. The Call-Back Representatives will work collaboratively with the Admissions Coordinators in order to admit new patients into our treatment facilities. This position involves making follow-up calls to individuals who have previously called The Watershed seeking treatment but were never admitted into our facility. Our goal is to reach out to those who may have avoided treatment in the past and assist them with their struggles of addiction, by offering our treatment services. This position is full-time with some weekends involved & located in our Delray Beach, corporate building.A year or more of 12step recovery experience is very beneficial to anyone working in this position. Prior call-center and/or healthcare experience are a plus!

The Watershed’s newest department is that of the Alumni coordinators! Coordinators main focus is in making contact with ALL of Watershed’s alumni dating back to it’s doors opening in 1998! Through this effort any alumni who may have encountered relapse and needs help can be given a means to get back into their recovery and those who are maintaining recovery can be orientated to our current program which offers a variety of services, activities and opportunities to our alumni & their families.Work hours currently are: Mon.-Fri. 10am to 6pm at our office in Delray Beach. Six months or more of active 12-step recovery is needed and being an alumnus of The Watershed is preferred. Having basic computer & phone skills is a plus.

Call-Back Representatives

The Watershed is a Drug Free Workplace and an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information, please visit: To apply, please go to

Watershed alumni – you don’t want to miss this!!!! Are you a graduate of The Watershed Treatment Programs? Do you have an interest in personal growth in your recovery? Would you like to be able to help others, even as you were helped? If the answer to any or all of these questions is “YES”, then we want to hear from you! The Watershed has a unique one of a kind ALUMNI PROGRAM that is quite literally filled with events, activities & services for you!! It is a place to find support, fellowship and numerous ways for you to be able to reach out and help others. We currently have over 3,800 registered alumni members around the country and we want YOU to be a part of this community! We also have an Alumni Family Outreach Program for YOUR family members to offer them the same connection and support with each other that now numbers just under 2,700!!! We hope that whether you are an alumni or a family member of an alumni, that you will join our social web site called Lives in Recovery. To register just go to today! You will find a place to register under “ALUMNI” and a place to register under “FAMILY”. On this site, you will be able to chat, create groups and meetings, upload videos, create photo albums, find local meetings, be up to date on events, access the Alumni or Family Magazines, the monthly Alumni or Family Newsletter, the Life Saver’s Club Newsletter, and SO MUCH MORE! We hope that you will get involved with alumni if you aren’t already. (YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED!!) We have the Alumni Speaker Meetings EVERY SATURDAY from 9:30am to 11:30am at BOTH the BOCA and BOYNTON facilities. You MUST have 90 days clean and sober to attend. If you are a new alumnus with less than 90 days in recovery, we have special support meetings just for you and we WANT YOU TO COME. It is called the ALUMNI SUPPORT meeting and is held at THE WATERSHED APARTMENTS in Lake Worth, FL on THURSDAY nights, from 5:30 to 6:45pm under the tent by the pool. There, you can gain important information related to your early recovery AND at 90 days you will be presented a medallion at the end of the month Anniversary Meeting! For directions or further information or questions, contact Rebecca Balko at the contact information listed below. Last but not least…if you are an alumnus and have in interest in working in the field of Addiction Recovery and/or in our Alumni Department, The Watershed wants to hear from you! If you are interested in seeking employment you can either contact Rebecca Balko or go directly to our web site at Just go to Human Resources & place an “on line” application. *You need to have 1yr. clean and sober for most positions* We look forward to hearing from you! You can contact Rebecca Balko at: (or write) 200 Congress Park Dr. Suite 101 Delray Beach, FL 33445 (PHONE: 877-416-9566 ext.88204)


Events Unity of the Palm Beaches Christmas Eve candle lighting services are a “must attend” for many people during the holiday season. Unity of the Palm Beaches will keep the magical joy of the holiday and Rev. Rhonda Liles will present the metaphysics of this sacred service on Christmas Eve, Friday Dec. 24th at 7-8 pm. 1957 S. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach Fl 33401 .

New Year’s Eve burning bowl service at Unity of the Palm Beaches offers each of us the opportunity to end the year with this sacred service of release. Through music, meditation, prayer, and symbolic burning we release old ideas, thoughts and behaviors in preparing our consciousness for the manifestation of new ideas in the New Year. Please join us for this very special and sacred service New Year’s Eve, Friday, Dec. 31st 78 pm. For more information please call 561 8336483 or visit

Wanna Play? Come on a Gratitude Cruise 561-702-2312 Women in Recovery Retreat: February 12-13, 2011 Location: Billie Swamp Safari

Take Alligator Alley , I-75 from Ft. Lauderdale or Naples to Exit 49 then go 19 miles to park entrance

Speaker Meetings

Arrive Saturday at 8:30 AM - Noon Sunday

Recovery Countdown

Includes continental breakfast, lunch and dinner and Sunday continental breakfast.


Cost $120.00

Meditations Resentment Releases Indian Feather Circle of Hope Comfortable Chickee Dorms Linen and Pillows Provided

Laura Kelly 1720 NW 21st Ct. Delray Beach, FL 33445 561-577-3083

Dr. Darlene Silvernail PO Box 18745, West Palm Beach, FL 33426 561-396-0362 ICU


Events ATTENTION!! MEETING SLOTS ARE AVAILABLE Certified by The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, Board of Addiction Professionals Feel Free To Explore Our Website: Or Give Us A Call:

561-642-3103 To Place an Event CALL: 603-657-5580


(561) 926-0330



12 Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz 1. A spooked turkey can run… A. 50 miles an hour B. 5 miles an hour C. 20 miles an hour D. 60 miles an hour

8. . What was the name of the Indian chief that 13. Do turkeys have heart attacks? helped the pilgrims survive the winter? A. Yes A. Massasoit B. No B. Geronimo C. Washaki 14. Which gender of turkey says “gobble, gobD. Sitting Bull ble”? 2. What utensils did the pilgrims eat with at the A. The female, when she is eating. first thanksgiving? 9. How can a turkey drown when it’s raining? B. They both do! A. They were proper Englishmen. They had all A. By looking up. C. The male, but only seasonally and when the basic utensils. B. By getting its beak stuck in the mud. going to sleep. B. Their hands C. By hiding it’s head between its legs. C. A spoon and knife 15. What does cornucopia mean? D. A fork A. Horn of plenty. E. B and C 10. What vegetable did the pilgrims have avail- B. The goddesses’ blessings. F. C and D C. May your table always be full and your friends many. 3. According to popular legend, where did the male “tom” turkey get its name? 16. Who was the first astronaut to eat A. The popular Tom and Jerry Show. a turkey dinner on the moon? B. Benjamin Franklin named it after A. Tom Hanks Thomas Jefferson when he would not B. Neil Armstrong allow it to be the national bird. C. James Lovell, Jr. C. A tom cat. Wild turkeys were just like wild cats back then. They would roam around and get into fights all the 17. Who was the first president to time. make thanksgiving a national holiday? 4. What foods were served at the first A. Truman thanksgiving? B. Lincoln A. Deer C. Jefferson B. Codfish D. Roosevelt C. Bread D. Milk E. Boiled pumpkin F. Pastries 18. How high must a cranberry G. A, B, and E able for thanksgiving but did not use because bounce before it is harvested? H. A, C, D, and F they thought it was poisonous? A. 12 inches A. Beans B. 8 inches 5. What Indian tribe was invited to spend B. Pumpkin C. 36 inches thanksgiving with the pilgrims? C. Tomatoes D. 4 inches A. Sioux D. Potatoes B. Wampanoag E. Cauliflower C. Red Sox D. Comanche 11. Who was the first president to pardon a 19. The original thanksgiving lasted how long? turkey from thanksgiving dinner? A. 2 months 6. How many degrees can a turkey see with its A. Truman B. 14 days eyes? B. Jefferson C. 7 days A. 360 degrees C. Clinton D. 3 days B. 100 degrees E. Lincoln C. 270 degrees D. 90 degrees 12. What percentage of pilgrims who sailed on 20. Plymouth Rock is how big today? the mayflower survived to celebrate thanksgiv- A. The size of Manhattan 7. What is a baby turkey called? ing? B. The size of a car engine. A. A chick A.50% C. The size of Carnegie Hall. B. A squab B. 100% D. The size of a peanut. C. A poult C. 20% E. The size of New York Block. D. A goblet D. 75%

Answers On Page 31


Recovery Bulletin Board

A CHRIST CENTERED 12 STEP PROGRAM Every Tuesday 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm RSVP for Free Childcare New Children’s Recovery Celebration Station FUMC,625 Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33432

The BEACHCOMBER Family Center For The Treatment Of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction 4493 North Ocean Boulevard Delray Beach, FL 33483 Telephone: 561-734-1818 From Broward County: 421-6226 From South Palm Beach County: 276-6226



Politics Explained FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk. PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need. FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk. PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk. RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk. CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. The government takes both of them and shoots you. DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you. PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk. BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows. PURE ANARCHY: You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to take the cows and kill you. LIBERTARIAN/ANARCHO-CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. requires you to take harmonica lessons.



NO RECOVERY - NO FEE OR COSTS 660 E. Linton Blvd., Ste. 200-7 Delray Beach, FL 33444 ********** 6100 West Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 5 Margate, FL 33063 ********** 3353 West Mallory Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458

Call Eliot M. Bader At:



Do you want to help those people in your life currently caught in the grips of the progressive and fatal disease of addiction…to get the very life saving help that they need? Do you want to spread the message that WE DO RECOVER? To make an impact on YOUR community one person at a time? The Life Saver’s Club is a recovery resource offered by The Watershed Addiction Treatment Programs and is unique in that we don’t simply offer help to those who are going to come HERE. We have a department of full time Resource Specialists, who are trained and experienced in throwing out a life line to those who are suffering with facilities and services in their area that will fit whatever budget or financial situation that they may have. By joining and becoming a member, you can have the peace of mind in knowing that the person you refer to call us will receive prompt attention and that NO REFERRAL goes unassisted. Becoming a member is fast and easy! Simply go to our new web site: and register or give us a call at 877-416-9566 Ext.88426 and start the process of healing for those around you needing help! Membership benefits include: Acknowledgements, Recognition Gifts, Intervention Materials, Life Saver’s Club Cards and soon Educational Packets that will enable you to be an educator about addiction and recovery for your community and more! The Watershed’s Support Team is available 24/7 for any questions or support you may need along the way.

We look forward to hearing from YOU soon!!! Rebecca Balko, C.A.C. Alumni Department Manager # 877-416-9566 (Ext.88204)


Hanukkah Hoots Twas the Night Before Christmas (and we being Jews) Twas the night before Christmas, and we, being Jews, My girlfriend and me -- we had nothing to do. The Gentiles were home, hanging stockings with care, Secure in their knowledge St. Nick would be there. But for us, once the Hanukkah candles burned down, There was nothing but boredom all over town. The malls and the theaters were all closed up tight; There weren't any concerts to go to that night. A dance would have saved us, some ballroom or swing, But we searched through the papers; there wasn't a thing. Outside the window sat two feet of snow; With the wind-chill, they said it was fifteen below. And while all I could do was sit there and brood, My girl saved the night and called out "CHINESE FOOD!" So we ran to the closet, grabbed hats, mitts and boots -To cover out heads, our hands, and our foots. We pulled on our jackets, all puffy with down. And boarded "The T," bound for old Chinatown. In search of a restaurant: "Which one? Lets decide!" We chose "Hunan Chozer," and ventured inside. Around us sat other Jews, their platters piled high With the finest of foods their money could buy: There was roast duck and fried fake squid, (sweet, sour and spiced,) Dried kosher beef and mixed veggies, lo mein and fried rice, Whole fish and moo shi and "shrimp" chow mee foon, And General Gaus chicken and ma po tofu.... When at last we decided, and the waiter did call, We said: "Skip the menu!" and ordered it all. And when in due time the food was all made, It came to the table in a sort of parade. Before us sat dim sum, spare ribs and egg rolls, And four different soups, in four great, huge bowls. The courses kept coming, from spicy to mild, And higher and higher toward the ceiling were piled. So much piled up, one dish after the other, My girlfriend and I couldn't see one another! Now we sat there, we two, without proper utensils, While they handed us something that looked like two pencils. We ate till we couldn't and drank down our teas And barely had room for our fortune cookies. But my fortune was perfect; it summed up the mood

When it said: "Even if it was kosher, it was still Chinese food!." And my girlfriend-well ... she got a real winner; Hers said: "Your companion will pay for the dinner." Our bellies were full and at last it was time To travel back home and write some bad rhyme Of our Chinatown trek (and to privately speak About trying to refine our chopstick technique). The MSG spun round and round in our heads, As we tripped and we laughed and gaily we said, As we carried our leftovers home through the night; "Good Yom Tov to all-and to all a Good Night!"

Top Ten Hanukkah Holiday Rentals The figures are finally in. The top 10 movie rental over the Hanukkah holiday vacation were: 10) Three Men And A Bubbie 9) A Few Hood Mentches 8) The Cohenheads 7) The Rocky Hora Picture Show 6) Shalom Alone 5) Goyz `N The Hood 4) A Gefilte Fish Called Wanda 3) The Wizard Of Oys 2) Who Framed Roger Rabbi? 1) Prelude To A Bris

Top 10 Reasons to Like Hanukkah 10. No roof damage from reindeer 9. Never a silent night when you're among your Jewish loved ones 8. If someone screws up on their gift, there are seven more days to correct it 7. Betting Hanukkah gelt (the chocolate coins) on candle races 6. You can use your fireplace 5. Naked spin-the-dreidel games 4. Fun waxy buildup on the menorah 3. Burl Ives doesn't sing Hanukkah songs. 2. Cheer optional 1. No Irving Berlin songs


Recovery Bulletin Board

“We all marvel at the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely do we consider what it went through to become that butterfly.� -Maya Angelou

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Giri Beck

Understanding the Mechanics of the Mind Support For Your Meditation Practice

Happiness has forever been the prime aim of every human being. All of our activities are directed towards acquiring the maximum happiness in life. But, through our deluded notion that people, places and things will give us happiness, we continue to search outside. Real lasting happiness lies within, it is our true nature to be in joy. This is not usually perceived because the mind is completely externalized. As long as the mind is restlessly wandering about amidst objects, ever fluctuating, agitated, and uncontrolled, this joy cannot be realized. To control the restless mind and perfectly still all thoughts and cravings is our greatest challenge. For gaining mastery over the mind, we need to understand what it is and how it works. We need to know the nature of the mind, the secret of its inner workings, and the way to control it. It was a great relief for me to understand that “my mind” was no different than any other mind. Like many people, when I first came around, I thought I was the only one having “crazy thoughts.” In fact, in the yoga world, we usually just say “the mind”, this is a reminder that we are not our mind, we do not identify with it. One Universal Mind. If this is difficult to grasp, think of a time when you were thinking of a particular friend or loved one and moments later that same person rang you up on the phone saying they were just thinking of you. Coincidence, I think not. Elevate the mind by keeping the company of other spiritual seekers. If you are not always able to fellowship with people, spend time studying spiritual books or listening to inspiring CD’s. The mind has 2 aspects – one is discriminative and the other is imaginative. Mind, in its aspect of discrimination, (discriminates between the real and the unreal) releases itself from bondage, in its aspect of imagination, it binds itself to the world. The mind is subtle and powerful. It is our instrument of perception. Like a pair of glasses which we use to see through, the defects or tint of the glasses will make you perceive defects outside and will color what you see. Why Do We Need To Control The Mind? What we perceive externally is in fact a reflection of the quality and conditioning of our mind. If we are angry then we will find a reason to be angry, about anything. If we are depressed, everything looks depressing, and so on. The process of going inward to find answers means finding out the conditioning of our mindset and adjusting it to reality, thus bringing us to a true vision of ourselves and of reality, and freeing us from seeing distortions or illusions. To be able to control the mind, we have to be detached from it and know that the mind is not us, but only our instrument. The mind is constantly changing; we are gaining new experiences daily. The mind evolves through experience (Thank-you HP). The world is the best teacher. Now I will give a number of analogies to help understand the mechanics of the mind and for you to recognize your own mind. Because we are not aware of the functioning of the mind, we can become victim to it. Learning how the mind functions is like learning how to drive a car, so that we are able to guide the mind instead of the mind (car) creating havoc without our control.

5. Mind is like a music record; (remember these) it has grooves and habits. Everyone’s mind is conditioned specifically by previous experiences and habits. Sometimes the record is scratched and bad tunes are played as in the case of our repeated unhealthy patterns. We sometimes need help to lift the needle and change the groove to a more positive habit. 6. Mind is like a fast-spinning fan; it can move very fast and you cannot distinguish the thoughts. This is why, in Yoga, we learn to slow down the thought waves through the postures, breathing exercises and self observation in order to switch the patterns of thought. This analogy also shows that the concentrated mind is very powerful. 7. Mind is related to body; that is why if you straighten your body (posture) you straighten your mind. Ever notice your posture when you are depressed? 8. Mind is related to the breath; that is why if you calm down your breath, and control your prana (life force) you control the mind. The breath is like the wind that creates the waves on the lake; it is difficult to control the waves, but if there is no wind, there are no waves. 9. Mind is related to the senses; controlling the senses will calm down the mind and controlling the mind can reduce the effect of the sensory stimulation that would agitate the mind. If the mind is kept focused, the senses will not operate, as the senses can not operate without the cooperation of the mind. 10. Mind, although fast, can only think of one thought at a time; if you feel stressed out, simply do one thing at a time. This is an important idea as it helps us to understand what concentration is, and why we need to concentrate on a positive thought, in order to reduce stress and worry. 11. Mind functions with names and forms; the mind itself is limited as it only functions along with words and images. This is why we use words or images to focus on; we understand that words and images are the limited way to express the reality that is beyond the grasp of the mind. This world as we know it is just the world of names and forms, and there is another reality beyond it. That reality can only be experienced when we go beyond the mind. 12. The mind functions by association; we can use this associative tendency of the mind to eliminate unhelpful thoughts and accentuate more positive ones. Hopefully, these analogies assist you in knowing there is no need to judge your mind. As you progress in your practice of meditation it is helpful to just observe your mind when it “acts out” (the mind likes to move outward) Do not wrestle or struggle with the mind. It is a waste of your energy, it will only create more thought waves. Yoga is the science of mind. It includes working with the three levels of the mind: the subconscious, the conscious and the super-conscious. Yogis want to clear the subconscious (instincts and emotions), fully utilize the conscious (intellect) and develop the super-conscious (intuition). This can be achieved

1. Mind is like a lake; it constantly has thought waves. That is why the meditator tries to calm the thought waves down by concentration. A clear lake without waves is capable of giving you a true reflection of yourself; a wavy lake distorts the reflection; a muddy lake will not allow you to see clearly.

through yoga and meditation practice.

2. Mind is like a monkey; it is very restless & jumpy. It likes to wander and wants variety. Thoughts are disorderly and random, without much continuity or focus. Know this and learn to keep the mind more focused.

Excerpts taken from “Mind, its Mysteries and Control” by Swami Sivananda and “Essentials of Yoga Practice and Philosophy” by Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm

3. Mind is like a wild horse; it does not like to be tamed but likes to go its own way. It follows its own will, resisting all attempts to control it. Thus, one has to be gentle with the mind and slowly gain its trust to guide it in the right direction.

Giri Bek is a certified Yoga & Meditation instructor, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Transformational Breath (Registered Trademark) facilitator offering classes, workshops & retreats in NY and Florida. She is a certified Yoga of Recovery (Trademark) Counselor and member of the Alliance for Addiction Solutions. Giri has been in recovery for over 16 years.

4. Mind is like a shy lady; it likes to hide and not be seen. It is difficult to reveal the secrets of the mind, as it will not cooperate easily. However, when one is able to see it for what it is, the turbulent mind calms itself down.

22 Author: Dr. Iman Elf, M.D.

Case Report: Unique Case of Aerial Sleigh-Borne Present-Deliverer's Syndrome Source: North Pole Journal of Medicine, vol 1 no.1, December 2011 On January 2, 1997, Mr. C, an obese, white caucasian male, who appeared approximately 65 years old, but who could not accurately state his age, presented to my family practice office with complaints of generalized aches and pains, sore red eyes, depression, and general malaise. The patient's face was erythematic, and he was in mild respiratory distress, although his demeanor was jolly. He attributed these symptoms to being "not as young as I used to be, HO! HO! HO!", but thought he should have them checked out. The patient's occupation is delivering presents once a year, on December 25th, to many people worldwide. He flies in a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer, and gains access to homes via chimneys. He has performed this work for as long as he can remember. Upon examination and ascertaining Mr. C's medical history, I have discovered what I believe to be a unique and heretofore undescribed medical syndrome related to this man's occupation and lifestyle, named Aerial Sleigh-Borne Present-Deliverer's Syndrome, or ASBPDS for short.

els, which I attribute to smoke inhalation during chimney descent into non-extinguished fireplaces. He has experienced chronic back pain for several years. A neurological examination was consistent with a mild herniation of his L4-L5 or L5-S1 disk, which probably resulted from carrying a heavy sack of toys, enduring bumpy sleigh rides, and his jarring feet-first falls to the bottom of chimneys.

Psychiatric Examination and Social/Occupational Correlates: Mr. C's depression has been chronic for several years. I do not believe it to be organic in nature-rather, he has a number of unresolved issues in his personal and professional life which cause him distress. He exhibits longterm amnesia, and cannot recall any events more than 5 years ago. This may be due to a repressed psychological trauma he experienced, head trauma, or, more likely, the mythical nature of his existence. Although the patient has a jolly demeanor, he expresses profound unhappiness. He reports anger at not receiving royalties for the widespread commercial Medical History: Mr. C. admits to drinking only once a year, and only use of his likeness and name. This could be the subconscious reason he when someone puts rum in the eggnog left for him employs only vertically-challenged workers to consume during his working hours. However, I ("elfs"), but I believe his hiring practices are more believe his bulbous nose and erythematic face may likely a reaction formation due to body-image probindicate long-term ethanol abuse. He has smoked lems stemming from his obesity. The patient feels pipe tobacco for many years, although workplace annoyed and worried when he is told many people regulations at the North Pole have forced him to cut do not believe he exists, and I feel this may develop back to one or two pipes per day for the last 5 years. into a serious identity crisis if not dealt with. He He has had no major illnesses or surgeries in the reports great stress over having to choose which past. He has no known allergies. Travel history is gifts to give to children, and a feeling of guilt and extensive, as he visits nearly every location in the inadequacy over the decisions he makes as to which world annually. He has had all his immunizations, children are "naughty" and "nice". Because he expeincluding all available vaccines for tropical disriences total darkness lasting many months during eases. He does little exercise and eats large meals winter at the North Pole, Seasonal Affective with high sugar and cholesterol levels, and a high Disorder (SAD) may be a contributor to his depression. percentage of calories derived from fat (he subsists all year on food he collects on Dec. 25, which consists mainly of eggnog, Cola drinks, and cookies). Treatment and Counseling: All Mr. C's wounds were cleaned and dressed, and he was prescribed an antibiotic ointment for his eyes. A Physical Examination and Review of Systems, With referral to a physiotherapist was made to ameliorate his disk problem On Social/Occupational Correlates: The patient wears corrective lenses, February 9, a bilateral orchidectomy was performed, and no further canand has 20/80 vision. His conjunctivae were hyperalgesic and erythema- cer has been detected as of this writing. He was counselled to wash soot tous, and Fluorescein staining revealed numerous randomly occurring from his body regularly, to avoid lit-fire chimney descents where practicorneal abrasions. This appears to be caused by dust, debris, and other cable, and to consider switching to a closed-sleigh, heated, pressurized particles which strike his eyes at high velocity during his flights. He has sleigh. He refused suggestions to add a helmet and protective accessories headaches nearly every day, usually starting half way through the day, to his uniform. He was put on a high-fibre, low cholesterol diet, and and worsened by stress. He had extensive ecchymoses, abrasions, lacera- advised to reduce his smoking and drinking. He has shown success with tions, and first-degree burns on his head, arms, legs, and back, which I these lifestyle changes so far, although it remains to be seen whether he believe to be caused mainly by trauma experienced during repeated chim- will be able to resist the treats left out for him next Christmas. He visits ney descents and falls from his sleigh. Collisions with birds during his a psychiatrist weekly, and reports doing "Not too bad, HO! HO! HO!". flight, gunshot wounds (while flying over the Los Angles area) and bites consistent with reindeer teeth may also have contributed to these wounds. Patches of leukoderma and anesthesia on his nose, cheeks, and distal digits are consistent with frostbite caused by periods of hypothermia during high-altitude flights. He had a blood pressure of 150/95, a heart rate of 90 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 40. He has had shortness of breath for several years, which worsens during exertion. He has no evidence of acute cardiac or pulmonary failure, but it was my opinion that he is quite unfit due to his mainly sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits which, along with his stress, smoking, and male gender, place him at high risk for coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, emphysema and other problems. Blood tests subsequently revealed higher-than-normal CO lev-

Conclusions: Physicians, when presented with aerial sleigh-borne present-deliverers exhibiting more than a few of these symptoms, should seriously consider ASBPDS as their differential diagnosis. I encourage other physicians with access to patients working in allied professions (e.g. Nightly Teeth-Purchasers or Annual Candied Egg Providers) to investigate whether analogous anatomical/ physiological/psychological syndromes exist. The happiness of children everywhere depend on effective management of these syndromes. Dr. Inman Elf, M.D.


Bill Wilson’s Christmas Message in 1944 distraught world. Over the whole globe millions are looking forward to that one day when strife can be forgotten, when it will be remembered that all human beings, even the least, are loved by God, when men will hope for the coming of the Prince of Peace as they never hoped before. But there is another world which is not poor. Neither is it distraught. It is the world of Alcoholics Anonymous, where thousands dwell happily and secure. Secure because each of us, in his own way, knows a greater power who is love, who is just, and who can be trusted. Nor can men and women of AA ever forget that only through suffering did they find enough humility to enter the portals of that New World. How privileged we are to understand so well the divine paradox that strength rises from weakness, that humiliation goes before resurrection; that pain is not only the price but the very touchstone of spiritual rebirth.

To all AA members

Knowing its full worth and purpose, we can no longer fear adversity, we have found prosperity where there was poverty; peace and joy have sprung out of the very midst of chaos. Great indeed our blessings!

Greetings on our 10th Christmas, 1944. Yes, its' in the And so Merry Christmas to you all - from the Trustees, air! The spirit of Christmas once more warms this poor from Bobbie and from Lois and me.



MEET DR. EMMET FOX write with great clarity, and in a very dynamic way. His message was simple and direct. He said, "Sooner or later you will have to put God first in your life, God must become the only thing that really matters. It need not be and better not be the only thing in your life, but it must be the first thing." He said, "when that happens your life becomes simple, richer and infinitely more worthwhile." He brought new meaning to millions of people around the globe with his golden keys of health, inner peace and success. In 1931, he became the pastor of The Church of the Healing Christ in New York city, founded by Dr. W. John Murray in 1906, and was called The First Church of Divine Science, in New York City. He was ordained a Divine Science Minister by Dr. Nona Brooks.

Dr. EMMET FOX (1886 - 1951)

His New York City Ministry Touched The World (1931-1951) Dr. Emmet Fox was a Minister, Author, Teacher, Healer and Mystic. Emmet Fox, probably more than any other New Thought leader has influenced more people simply because, in his day he attracted wider audiences than anyone else for longer periods of time. To this day, Emmet Fox is read more widely and is understood more clearly than any other New Thought writer. Closet readers of Dr. Fox can be found in the Episcopal, Catholic, Baptist and Methodist churches, among others. His objective, as a New Thought teacher has always been, not to establish yet another religion, not to establish yet another set of religious doctrines, but to encourage individuals, whether they attend church or not, to develop their own creative power and to personally understand what God is, and what God is all about, and then to be able to relate that to their own lives. In His day, and to this day, Emmet Fox reached more people because he had a talent to speak and

pected the existence of electricity, or the power of the steam, until a few generations ago, then these things were brought into the service of man and have transformed the world. The laws of Nature were just the same then as they are now; only people did not know that such a force existed, and so they had to go without. I believe many of the limitations and difficulties that people take for granted will be things of the past." In this book, Emmet Fox gives the keys to success in life by tapping into the realm of Infinite power. He teaches that man is a child of a perfect God.

Over one half million copies of "Power Through Constructive Thinking" are in circulation. It can be conservatively estimated, that the books and pamphlets he has written have come into the hands of tens of millions of people. His booklet This was the beginning of one of the most The Golden Key, has topped all sales of new remarkable ministries in America. His Sunday thought books worldwide and continues to be morning lectures at the Hippodrome Theatre, the most sort after booklet in his collection of the Manhattan Opera House and Carnegie Hall writings. Dr. Fox was born in Ireland, raised in were attended by over 5000 people. His medi- England, he ministered in America and made his tations were powerful and his sermons never transition in France. lasted more than twenty minutes. He spoke to, and of God in the most personal and intimate The theme of his teachings is Life is Consciousness and we are what we think. He terms. emphasized that if we want to change our life, Over six hundred thousand copies of his book we must change our thoughts first. We set forth "Sermon on the Mount" have been distributed our own destiny by our thoughts, words, and and are still popular today. It is in this remark- actions. That there is only one presence and able book that he reveals a source of universal power in the universe, God, all else is an illupower that is rightly yours. "This power." states sion. He gave us the Golden Key. "Love is by far Dr. Fox. is the real source of all things that exist. the most important thing of all", he said, "It is It needs only to flow into your being and trans- the golden gate of paradise. Pray for the underform itself into health, into true prosperity, into standing of Love, and meditate upon it daily. It inspiration, or into anything else you may be casts out fear. It is the fulfilling of the law. Love needing. The power is there. It is present every- is absolute invincible." where. It belongs to nobody in particular because it belongs to all. It is waiting at all times "Emmet Fox left a mark. Life has been richer for men and women to call it into use -not mere- for hundreds of thousands of people, because he ly in crisis, but in every problem however small lived. He built his church on consciousness, knowing that God is instantly available and every day of your life. everywhere present. Like Peter, he built his "The fact that most people do not suspect the church upon a rock, the rock of understanding existence of this Power does not change the fact that God is the only power and the only presthat it is there," says Dr. Fox. "Remember that ence.� hardly anyone except a few philosophers susFrom: Emmet Fox His Life Story


Dr. Emmet Fox

The Golden Key

Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It is the golden key to harmony and happiness.

It could not be simpler, could it? God could scarcely have made it simpler, and yet it never fails to work when given a fair trial.

To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need take no one's word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for yourself.

Do not try to form a picture of God, which is impossible. Work by rehearsing anything or everything that you know about God. God is wisdom, truth, inconceivable love. God is present everywhere, has infinite power, knows everything, and so on. It matters not how well you may

God is omnipotent, and we are God's image and likeness and have dominion over all things. This is the inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at its face value. The ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the mystic or the saint, as is so often supposed, or even of the highly trained practitioner. Everyone has this ability Whoever you are, wherever you may be, the golden key to harmony is in your hand now. This is because in scientific prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the divine action takes place, and your treatment will be just the getting of yourself out of the way. Beginners often get startling results the first time, for all that is essential is to have an open mind and sufficient faith to try the experiment. Apart from that, you may hold any views on religion, or none. As for the actual method of working, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It may be a big thing or a little thing: it may concern health, finance, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or anything else conceivable: but whatever it is, stop thinking about it and think of God instead -- that is all you have to do.

are not seeking to influence his conduct in any way, except that you prevent him from injuring or annoying you, and you do him nothing but good. Thereafter, he is certain to be in some degree a better, wiser, and more spiritual person, just because you have "golden keyed" him. A pending lawsuit or other difficulty would probably fade out harmlessly without coming to a crisis, justice being done to all parties concerned. If you find that you can do this very quickly, you may repeat the operation several times a day with intervals between. Be sure, however, each time you have done it, that you drop all thought of the matter until the next time. This is important.

think you understand these things: go over them repeatedly. But you must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is, to think about God. If you are thinking about your difficulty, you are not thinking about God. To be continually glancing over your shoulder in order to see how matters are progressing is fatal, because it is thinking of the trouble, and you must think of God and nothing else. Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty out of your consciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing. If you can become so absorbed in this consideration of the spiritual world that you forget for a while about the difficulty, you will find that you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty -- that your demonstration is made.

We have said that the golden key is simple, and so it is, but of course it is not always easy to turn. If you are very frightened or worried, at first it may be difficult to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating a statement of absolute Truth, such as: There is no power but God: I am the child of God, filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God: God is love; God is guiding me now; or, perhaps best and simplest of all. God is with me -- however mechanical or trite it may seem -you will soon find that the treatment has begun to "take." And that your mind is clearing. Do not struggle violently; be quiet, but insistent. Each time you find your attention wandering, switch it back to God.

Do not try to think in advance what the solution to your difficulty will be. This is called "outlining" and will only delay the demonstration. Leave the question of ways and means to God. You want to get In order to "golden key" a troublesome out of your difficulty that is sufficient. person or a difficult situation, think. You do your half, and God will never fail "Now 1 am going to 'golden key' John, or to do God's. Mary. or that threatened danger": then proceed to drive all thought of John, or "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord Mary, or the danger out of your mind, shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). replacing it with the thought of God. Emmet Fox By working in this way about a person, you


Our Readers Write JULES Loves FOOD My name is Jules, I love to eat and takeout food.I have eaten out, if not taken out all types of ethnic food for over 50 plus years. (I wish I was sober that long). My late wife Marcia and I would go to some of the best and worst places in New York City. My review will be based on some of my favorite places in New York. For me, I like small intimate family places where the owners are on the premises. But, there are always exceptions to every rule. Two of my favorite Spanish restaurants are in Greenwich Village. El Faro and Sevilla, both have roots in Seville, Spain. This first review I have compared to the quality of these two fine restaurants. My first recommendation would be Papas Cafe located in Delray Beach; The dishes are Spanish and Caribbean. Yvette, (the daughter of Papa) cooks and prepares all the Caribbean food. Papa cooks the Spanish food & his partner Pedro runs the joint. We'll start with the lunch menu which has a lot to offer. Cost, how do you say it, is CHEAP. It starts at $6.95 for entrees which include a choice of Saffron or white rice, beans and plantains. They have a great Gazpacho (cold tomato vegetable soup based with garlic, onions & cucumbers) my personal favorite. It’s a great pick me up in the morning. I really like the variety of seafood served with green sauce. Mahi, Mahi, Shrimp & Sea Bass are all cooked to order on the premises by Papa or Yvette. Dinner: You need reservations and don't forget to make them especially for the Paellas. The Paella Valencia has chicken sausage and seafood. The Marinara is ALL seafood. Minimum is for two people at $15.95 per person.If you don't like rice, you can order Mariscata which is Paella without the rice. When you order the Paellas, call ahead at least 45 minutes its well worth the wait. (561) 266-0599. Ask for Pedro or Yvette and make reservations for dinner. The dinner menu starts at $9.95. They have such items as Pollo Dulcinea (special sauce), Grilled Chicken and Chicken Manigua to name a few. Steaks, Shredded Pork, Pork Chops & Baby Lamb Chops are also on the menu.Desserts are all homemade and are excellent. Cappuccino and soft drinks are available. They do serve wine & beer so, if you're really uptight about it, bring 30 - 45 friends who don't drink. Food: Very Good to Excellent Service: Good & usually fast Decor: So So Quality: (And isn't that what's it's all about) Very Good Prices: Cheap $6.95 & Up

Papas Café 601 N Congress #406 561 266 – 0599 Open every day 10:30 am till 8 pm closed on Sunday They deliver locally from 11am till 3pm and for dinner they give you a 10% discount for cash. Credit cards are accepted. My rating for this restaurant is 4 out of 5 Big Books!!!! Any inquiries or comments contact me JulesNOSfood @

TAKE HALLMARK OUT OF THE HOLIDAYS Coming out of a relationship going into the holidays had left me more or less a cynic this year. Okay, actually more! As I try to look for the meaning of each holiday and what they are truly celebrating, I become rather confused. Thanksgiving, easy enough…giving thanks, eating a lot of food in celebration mimicking the first Thanksgiving thrown by our forefathers. Seems to be a lot of travel pressures for families to reunite and the basic concept started as people in a new land forming a new society were thankful for what they had and enjoyed their holiday meal with the locals. But today it has turned into the biggest travel day of the year. Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, keep in mind there is great debate if this is even the same time of year of the actual birth. With all the advertisement and commercialism of this holiday, this one confuses me the most. Usually we celebrate birthdays with a cake and maybe a gift for the celebrated. Hallmark owns this holiday. I think they would have us all broke trying to reach an unobtainable expectation of the perfect Christmas which inevitably will be a major let down. By New Years Eve if we don’t have the perfect loved one to ring in the new year with that had just given us a 3 carrot diamond ring and a puppy and a new Cadillac with a big red bow on top, would have us rocking in a corner with a pistol in our mouths. I mean think about it, the perfect Christmas is even supposed to have snow. We even have expectations of controlling the weather! To me a white Christmas just means more fatalities as we travel the highways and byways trying to deliver all our Christmas gifts to all our loved ones after already mailing out a pile of Hallmark cards. This holiday is exhausting!! Last year I had too many visits and dinners to attend to even enjoy the day myself, so did anyone actually enjoy the day or was everyone busy making preparations to make my day more enjoyable? Too much pressure for everyone! I think this year I will stay home with my dog lounging around and not leave the house. This year I can find gratitude that I am single again, enjoy it and get ready for….Valentine’s Day!!! Also know as Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D. for short)….maybe Hallmark should make a card. Debbie Strand is the Executive Director of Freedom From Addiction Foundation, LLC. ( and writes and is the Host of Sober In The City ( radio show launching this fall. Sobriety date 12-7-04


Why Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Travel Actual Stories From Travel Agents I had someone ask for an aisle seats so that his or her hair wouldn't get messed up by being near the window. A client called in inquiring about a package to Hawaii. After going over all the cost info, she asked, "Would it be cheaper to fly to California and then take the train to Hawaii?" I got a call from a woman who wanted to go to Capetown. I started to explain the length of the flight and the passport information when she interrupted me with "I'm not trying to make you look stupid, but Capetown is in Massachusetts. "Without trying to make her look like the stupid one, I calmly explained, "Capecod is in Massachusetts, Capetown is in Africa." Her response ... click. A man called, furious about a Florida package we did. I asked what was wrong with the vacation in Orlando. He said he was expecting an ocean-view room. I tried to explain that is not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of the state. He replied, "Don't lie to me. I looked on the map and Florida is a very thin state." I got a call from a man who asked, "Is it possible to see England from Canada?" I said, "No." He said "But they look so close on the map." Another man called and asked if he could rent a car in Dallas. When I pulled up the reservation, I noticed he had a 1-hour lay over in Dallas. When I asked him why he wanted to rent a car, he said, "I heard Dallas was a big airport, and I need a car to drive between the gates to save time." A nice lady just called. She needed to know how it was possible that her flight from Detroit left at 8:20am and got into Chicago at 8:33am. I tried to explain that Michigan was an hour ahead of llinois, but she could not understand the concept of time zones. Finally I told her the plane went very fast, and she bought that! I just got off the phone with a man who asked, "How do I know which plane to get on?" I asked him what exactly he meant, which he replied, "I was told my flight number is 823, but none of these darnn planes have numbers on them." A woman called and said, "I need to fly to Pepsi-cola on one of those computer planes." I asked if she meant to fly to Pensacola on a commuter plane. She said, "Yeah, whatever." A businessman called and had a question about the documents he needed in order to fly to China. After a lengthy discussion about passports, I reminded him he needed a visa. "Oh no I don't, I've been to China many times and never had to have one of those." I double checked and sure enough, his stay required a visa. When I told him this he said, "Look, I've been to China four times and every time they have accepted my American Express." A woman called to make reservations, "I want to go from Chicago to Hippopotamus, New York" The agent was at a loss for words. Finally, the agent: "Are you sure that's the name of the town?" "Yes, what flights do you have?" replied the customer. After some searching, the agent came back with, "I'm sorry, ma'am, I've looked

up every airport code in the country and can't find a Hippopotamus anywhere." The customer retorted, "Oh don't be silly. Everyone knows where it is. Check your map!" The agent scoured a map of the state of New York and finally offered, "You don't mean Buffalo, do you?" "That's it! I knew it was a big animal!"

Guess These Christmas Carols (Answers page 28) . 1. Approach everyone who is steadfast. 2. Ecstasy toward the orb. 3. Listen! The Foretelling spirits harmonize. 4. Hey, Minuscule urban area southeast of Jerusalem. 5. Quiescent Nocturnal period. 6. The Autocrat troika originating near the ascent of Apollo. 7. The primary carol. 8. Embellish the corridors. 9. I'm fantasizing concerning a blanched yuletide. 10. I apprehended my maternal parent osculating with a corpulent unshaven male in crimson disguise. 11. During the time ovine caretakers supervised their charges past mid night. 12. The thing manifests itself at the onset of a transparent day. 13. The coniferous nativity. 14. What offspring abides thus? 15. Removed in a bovine feeding trough. 16. Creator, cool it, you kooky cats! 17. Valentino, the roseate proboscises wapiti. 18. The slight percussionist lad. 19. Father Christmas approaches the metropolis. 20. Seraphim we aurally detected in the stratosphere. 21. The tatterdemalion ebony atmosphere.

WAYSIDE HOUSE INC 378 NE 6th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483

(561)-278-0055 Wayside House is a not for profit substance abuse treatment center helping women recover from addictive illnesses for over 34 years. The following services are availabe on a sliding fee scale: * Residential treatment * Intensive Outpatient Treatment * Individual Outpatient Therapy * Relapse Prevention Groups * Family and children’s programs Orientation is held every Tuesday at 10 A.M., no appointment necessary. Please contact Jackie McGee at 561278-0055, for more information.


EEconomizing the Twelve Days of Christmas Effective immediately, the following economizing measures Compensation Committee to suggest replacing this group with are being implemented in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" ten out-of-work congressmen. While leaping ability may be subsidiary: somewhat sacrificed, the savings are significant as we expect an oversupply of unemployed congressmen this year. The partridge will be retained, but the pear tree, which never produced the cash crop forecasted, will be replaced by a plas- Eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drumming is a simtic hanging plant, providing considerable savings in mainte- ple case of the band getting too big. A substitution with a nance. string quartet, a cutback on new music, and no uniforms, will produce savings which will drop right to the bottom line; Two turtle doves represent a redundancy that is simply not Overall we can expect a substantial reduction in assorted cost effective. In addition, their romance during working people, fowl, animals and related expenses. Though incomhours could not be condoned. The positions are, therefore, plete, studies indicate that stretching deliveries over twelve eliminated. days is inefficient. If we can drop ship in one day, service levThe three French hens will remain intact. After all, everyone els will be improved. loves the French.

Regarding the lawsuit filed by the attorney's association seeking expansion to include the legal profession ("thirteen The four calling birds will be replaced by an automated voice lawyers-a-suing"), a decision is pending. mail system,with a call waiting option. An analysis is underway to determine who the birds have been calling, how often and Deeper cuts may be necessary in the future to remain comhow long they talked. petitive. Should that happen, the Board will request management to scrutinize the Snow White Division to see if seven The five golden rings have been put on hold by the Board of dwarfs is the right number. Directors. Maintaining a portfolio based on one commodity could have negative implications for institutional investors. Diversification into other precious metals, as well as a mix of Guess The Christmas Carol. T-Bills and high technology stocks, appear to be in order. The six geese-a-laying constitutes a luxury which can no longer be afforded. It has long been felt that the production rate of one egg per goose per day was an example of the general decline in productivity. Three geese will be let go, and an upgrading in the selection procedure by personnel will assure management that, from now on, every goose it gets will be a good one. The seven swans-a-swimming is obviously a number chosen in better times. The function is primarily decorative. Mechanical swans are on order. The current swans will be retrained to learn some new strokes, thereby enhancing their outplacement. As you know, the eight maids-a-milking concept has been under heavy scrutiny by the EEOC. A male/female balance in the workforce is being sought. The more militant maids consider this a dead-end job with no upward mobility. Automation of the process may permit the maids to try a-mending, a-mentoring or a-mulching. Nine ladies dancing has always been an odd number. This function will be phased out as these individuals grow older and can no longer do the steps. Ten Lords-a-leaping is overkill. The high cost of Lords, plus the expense of international air travel, prompted the

Here are the answers! 1. Oh Come All Ye Faithful 2. Joy to the World 3. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing 4. Oh Little Town of Bethlehem 5. Silent Night 6. We Three Kings 7. The First Noel 8. Deck the Halls 9. I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas 10. I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus 11. While Spepherds Kept their Flocks by Night 12. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 13. O Christmas Tree 14. What Child is This? 15. Away in a Manger 16. God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen 17. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 18. The Little Drummer Boy 19. Santa Claus is coming to Town 20. Angels We have Heard on High 21. O Holy Night

Seasons Greetings Legally Revised Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all...and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2011, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great (not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only "America" in the Western hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, or sexual orientation of the wishee. This wish is limited to the customary and usual good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first. "Holiday" is not intended to, nor shall it be considered, limited to the usual Judeo-Christian celebrations or observances, or to such activities of any organized or ad hoc religious community, group, individual or belief (or lack thereof). Note: By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher at any time, for any reason or for no reason at all. This greeting is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. This greeting implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for the wishee her/himself or others, or responsibility for the consequences which may arise from the implementation or non-implementation of same. This greeting is void where prohibited by law.


ACLU Announces Lawsuit Against Santa Claus by David Bibb CHICAGO - The American Civil Liberties Union announced today that it was bringing a lawsuit against Santa Claus for violations of the civil rights of children. An ACLU spokesman, Mr. E. Scrooge stated that, "Mr. Claus has been violating children's right to privacy and has been putting that information in a vast database. The information is then used by the law enforcement arm of Mr. Claus organization to determine which children are considered naughty or nice. It is obvious Mr. Claus has violated the children's rights, as we have alleged in our suit, because of the memos and other company information we have obtained. In addition, we believe Mr. Claus has been engaging in mind control experiments designed to prevent the free expression of beliefs." Among the documents presented to the courts today was a memo in which reads, in part: You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. He sees you when you are sleeping He knows when you're awake, He knows when you've been bad or good So be good for goodness' sake. Mr. Scrooge claimed the document, was obtained from one of workers in the distribution department of Mr. Claus' organization, "...clearly shows a concerted attempt to restrict the rights of children to free expression and free thought. In addition, there are concerns about the security of the information. What would be the result of such a database being made available to other law enforcement agencies around the world?" Lawyers at the Justice Department also confirmed today that they were investigating the possibility that Mr. Claus was at the core of a vast conspiracy against children. Anonymous sources from inside the Justice Department stated that, "We believe a large number of parent, ministers and teachers are involved in this business and we expect several of them will testify for the State in return for a lighter sentence." In addition, the same sources indicated a parallel investigation by the Department and the FBI on possible charges of smuggling on the part of Mr. Claus, "our records do not show Mr. Claus, or any one else paying any import duties or taxes on any items he has delivered. Since Mr. Claus has representatives in all of the States of the Union we believe he should have to pay state and local taxes on all of the goods he delivers." Lawyers for Mr. Claus stated, "The charges of the ACLU are absurd. Mr. Claus is a well known and highly respected figure. His supporters are from around the world and his message of love and respect can, in no way, be taken as a form of "mind control" or a violation of the civil rights of children." The lawsuit is complicated by the fact that Mr. Claus is not a resident of the United States or any country which the United States currently has an extradition treaty. It is unknown where Mr. Claus is at the moment, but it is believed he is hiding out at his north pole estate. In a brief statement, read by his lawyer, Mr. Claus said, "I find the charges of the ACLU absurd and am confident they will be rejected by the courts. As for any criminal charges, I believe the Justice Department will discover they have no basis."Experts are uncertain what possible effect the suit or possible pending charges might have on Mr. Claus' Christmas travels this year.


Chef Lester’s Sober Sideboard

A Gourmet Holiday Offering

It’s time for some of our biggest family and friends’ feasts! Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s feasts! It is traditionally a time we party a lot. This past year we have improved our lifestyle to be healthier. Our accepting the things we could not change, changing the things we could change, and the wisdom to know the difference at times has been difficult. Thanks to our program, with the help of our Higher Power, meetings, sponsors, and friends we have been able to do just that. Staying physically and mentally healthy helps us to deal with life in a positive attitude. The physical of course has to do with diet, exercise, and rest. Relaxing, laughing, and getting away from stress positively affects our mental state of mind. We have found simple meditation to be a useful tool for us. Listening to soothing music has a calming effect. Watching or reading comical material helps relieve tension. Deep sadness and depression can lead to sorrowful events. Laughter is necessary for good mental health. Physicians report remarkable improvements in people with severe illnesses when they devote time to laughter. We include in our

schedule, time to laugh. We don’t just wait for funny things to happen. We mention laughter because this time of year can be very sad for some. We recall holidays that got messed-up because of irresponsible behavior, loss of a loved one, or disappointment over something. Hospitals report an increase in people being plagued by deep depression. If we recall something unpleasant the trick is not to dwell on it. Sadness or grief may come. Deal with it then put it out of your mind. Our Dad used to tell us, “You can’t keep the birds from flying overhead…but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair!” We know that’s true. We don’t have a fondness for bird poop in our hair! We recall once seeing an outdoor concert. As the lead soprano hit a very long high note with her mouth wide open…a flock of pigeons flew overhead…yep, it happens! If we can’t shake the depression we need to get help before it leads to an unhealthy escape we are striving to avoid. An exquisite meal puts us in a good mood. Our recipe in this issue is a sophisticated gourmet entrée. It is a smooth creamy combination of turkey cutlets and artichoke hearts. The original dish was made with wine but we’re creative. We circumvented that and it’s even tastier than the classic French dish! Whether it’s an autumn outing, jingle bell buffet, or waving in a new one theme for this “turkey talk” meal put on the appropriate music, don your chef’s hat and apron and let’s “shake a turkey tail feather” to the kitchen. TURKEY CUTLETS WITH ARTICHOKE HEARTS (Serves 4) INGREDIENTS: No-stick cooking spray 1/2 cup nonfat bread crumbs 4 turkey cutlets 2 tablespoon canola oil 1 medium onion, chopped

4 ounces sliced button mushrooms 1 14 ounce can drained quartered artichoke hearts 1 10 ounce can low sodium fat free chicken broth 1/4 cup fresh sliced basil leaves 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon rind ? teaspoon cornstarch 3 tablespoons white grape juice 1/4 cup low fat half and half 1 tablespoon unsalted butter Kosher or sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: 1.) Coat cutlets with bread crumbs. 2.) Spray a large fry pan with cooking spray and heat pan to medium heat. Brown cutlets on each side, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a warm plate. 3.) Add oil and cook onions for 3 minutes until wilted. Add mushrooms & cook an additional 3 minutes. 4.) Stir in broth, lemon rind, and basil. Bring to simmer and add turkey. Cover and cook 4 minutes until turkey is no longer pink in center. 5.) In a small bowl, thoroughly dissolve cornstarch and grape juice. Stir into mixture. 6.) Gently stir in half and half and butter and keep stirring until mixture thickens. 7.) Serve immediately. SERVING: Place turkey culets on serving platter top with sauce. Top with chopped parsley if you want a garnish. No-yolk egg noodles and Brussels sprouts are terrific veggies. A great winter salad is chopped dates, sweet orange segments, chopped walnuts, and goat cheese with a tangy dressing. To make this a veritable feast, start with French Onion Soup and finish with pumpkin Brule and coffee. The secret to making the entrée truly creamy and buttery is by adding those ingredients last and serving immediately. Your family and friends are definitely gonna be “gobbling” to you, “That’s DEElicious!” “Try it your tummy will be glad you did.” Chef Lester


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Thanksgiving Trivia Answers: 1. C, 20 miles an hour,2. E, B and C- Their hands, a spoon and a knife. (They did not have forks available for the dinner.),3. B, Benjamin Franklin named it after Thomas Jefferson when he would not allow it to be the national bird.,4. G, A. B. and E. - Deer, Codfish and boiled pumpkin. (The pilgrims had no ovens to bake bread and no sugar or milk when thanksgiving came around. Their food supply that they came with was very low.),5. B, Wampanoag,6. C, 270 degrees. (It gives a whole new meaning to having eyes behind the head. No wonder they are so hard to catch!),7. C, A poult.,8. A, Massasoit,9. A, By looking up.,10. D, Potatoes,11. A, Truman,12. A, 50%,13. A, Yes.(The US Air force found that out the hard way when they were trying to break the sound barrier. Whole fields of turkeys fell down dead from heart attacks.),14. C, The male, but only seasonally and when going to sleep.,15. A, Horn of plenty.,16. B, Neil Armstrong,17. B, Lincoln,18. D, 4 inches,19. D, 3 days, 20. B, The size of a car engine. (It has cracked 3 times over the years, each time getting smaller and smaller.)



1) No known species of reindeer can fly. But there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not completely rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen. 2) There are 2 billion children in the world (persons under 18). But since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, or Buddhist children, that reduces the workload by 85% of the total - leaving 378 million according to the Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there is at least one good child per house. 3) Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second. This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000 th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stocking, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about 0.78 miles per household, a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding, etc. That means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man-made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second a conventional reindeer can run, at tops 25-30 miles per hour. 4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming each child gets nothing more then a medium sized LEGO set (2 lbs), the sleigh is carrying 321300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting the 'flying reindeer' can pull TEN TIMES that normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine - we need 214200 reindeer. This increased the payload - not even counting the weight of the sleigh to 353430 tons. Again for comparison, this is four times the weight of the HMS Queen Elizabeth. 5) 353000 tons travelling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance. This will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecrafts re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy per second, each. In short, they will burst into flames almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and creating a deafening sonic boom in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa meanwhile, will be subject to centrifugal forces of 17500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250 lb Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of the sleigh by a 4,315,015 pound force. In conclusion, if Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas eve, he's now dead.

The Month After Christmas... 'Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste At the holiday parties had gone to my waist. When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber). I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared; The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared, The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please." As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt And prepared once again to do battle with dirt--I said to myself, as I only can "You can't spend a winter disguised as a man!" So--away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip Every last bit of food that I like must be banished "Till all the additional ounces have vanished. I won't have a cookie--not even a lick. I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick. I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry. I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore--But isn't that what January is for? Unable to giggle, no longer a riot. Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet! ~Author Unknown

Signs You Bought a Lousy Tree 7. Salesman's opening line: "You're not a cop, are you?" 6. It looks suspiciously like a broom handle with a lot of coat hangers 5. While you sleep, it gets liquored up and takes the family caravan for a joy ride. 4. Each branch has "Duraflame" printed on it. 3. It's very small and says "air freshener" on it. 2. Rabbis have better Christmas trees than yours. 1. It's very small and says "air freshener" on it.


Rebecca B.

Is That the Sound of….The Holidays Approaching?

Can you feel it in the air? Temperatures dropping as the fall winds begin to usher in our winter season ; the faint aroma of chimney smoke as it escapes into the night air; sweaters being retrieved from summer hibernation, with their soft and encompassing warmth; snuggling up to the one you love with popcorn and a soft blanket for a night of movies; the wafting smell of hot cocoa as it rests between your hands causing your senses to anticipate that warm chocolate heaven rolling across your pallet; enjoying the feeling of being completely enveloped under a billowy down comforter which escorts one into a blissful nights sleep; the joy of a favorite winter chili or stew which never fails to provide a lingering warmth in the belly; or the excitement of college football and anticipation of the playoffs drawing closer still. Yes, these are but a few of the experiences we all have in one form or another, igniting in our conscious minds a reminder that the holiday season is drawing ever near. For some, this leads to a sense of joy, excitement and anticipation – while for others it evokes feelings of anxiety, guilt or remorse due to the memory of holidays past where active addiction/alcoholism may have caused undo pain and ruin for those whom we love and have held most dear. But no matter what feelings or circumstances are being experienced as the approaching holidays arrive ~ for ALL of us a genuine gladness and gratitude can be embraced. Why? (You might ask) Well, we need only look at the immediate blessings that exist before us: Let’s start with the good news that this is a NEW season ~~ the years past are just that, “season’s gone by”. Recovery, (as in life), affords us the opportunity to have a “do over” or to “start anew”. The past holiday season could have been absolutely terrible…but that was last year. THIS is a new day and can truly be the beginning of fresh and wonderful memories! Some ask how they can be happy because, “I am not even with my family” or “I don’t have my home anymore” or “I have lost my job”. This does not mean that this season can’t be filled with beautiful and lasting memories. Let’s look at some of the things we can say. “I am sober! I belong to a fellowship of great people, many of whom are dear friends. I have literally YEARS ahead of me – things WILL get better!” (How do I know that?) Because if we are clean/sober and are practicing a program of recovery we find that we are NEVER alone again and while in ourselves we are limited and finite…we belong to a God that is infinite and limitless. We are alive! It is the easiest of blessings to take for granted. I need only go out into the cool night air – feeling the breeze blowing through my hair and against my face, gazing upon the moon and stars as they cast their subtle light upon me, breathing in through my nostrils the coolness of night and hearing the earth as it gives way beneath my feet as I take in my surroundings on a late night stroll. It is in this moment that my mind becomes profoundly aware of the greatest gift, the most tremendous of blessings, causing my heart and mind cry out to my God “Thank you that I am alive!” One Christmas that remains forever in my memory as being among the most meaningful was spent at a Girl’s Home in Marbury, AL – separated from family, with no place of my own, no job and no money or means to buy gifts. Instead I drew close to the other young women who lived there as we shared our sadness, as well as some of our happier and even funny memories of younger years. We each secretly had one person among us to have as a sort of “secret Santa” and for both the week leading up to Christmas and Christmas day – we would provide special gifts in secret until the “big reveal”. With no money, creativity was a must. Some gifts were hand made, some were chores that were covered, and some were letters of gratitude for their many attributes. For my fam-

ily, I made gifts by hand which required much more “thought” than going to a mall and making a purchase ever had. We read stories on Christmas Eve, drank hot cocoa, laughed and talked. It will forever be a very treasured memory. The holidays are a time that symbolizes gratitude, goodwill and the promise of a future yet to come. No matter what our circumstances may be, there are many things that can be done to have the very BEST holiday season ever! A principle we learn early on in recovery is that “self” is the root of our problems and that “selflessness” is where our solution lies. Well, you know the saying, “We keep what we have by giving it away”? Along those lines there is another principle I have found to be true – “To get what we’ve never gotten or get back what we lost along the way ~ we have only to get out of ourselves and try something new!” Here are some suggestions for making this the BEST holiday season EVER! 1.Strive daily to do a random act of kindness –whether it be for a friend or a total stranger. (If you do it in secret, never telling a soul it was you…God will know) 2.If you see someone who is hungry or thirsty, bring them some food and water. 3.If you see a homeless person, smile at them – (they may have felt unnoticed for a long time) 4.Leave a small gift for someone who serves you – (postal worker, gas station attendant, grocery clerk, pastor or rabbi, or perhaps the waiter/waitress where you frequently eat) 5.Make a FULL gratitude list of quite literally EVERYTHING you can think of! (Sunlight, water, breath, wind, sight, sound, a mind that still works, etc.) 6.On Hanukkah, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day – Go to a 12-step meeting and lift up a member who is struggling. 7.If you are really having a hard time…ask God to do for you what you can’t do for yourself by saying: “God, please help me to see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears and love with Your heart today” What a wondrous life! The opportunity for a fresh start to live again…not one that we “deserved”, but rather one that was freely given to us. One of the most tremendous gifts I believe we have been given is in being blessed with KNOWING our “life’s purpose”…(at least one of them). A lot of people in this world go to the grave wondering why they were put on this earth in the first place and never getting that answer. WE know at least one incredible purpose! It is something that will lift me up and I can do anytime ~ and that is to be a vessel for my Higher Power and offer my hand to another sick and suffering addict/alcoholic sharing with them the solution I have found by way of my experience, strength and hope. How incredible is that?!! That someone like me with a medical prognosis at 19, that I needed to live in a group home, be put on disability and could never function independently – to being someone that the God of the Universe would actually use to provide hope, love joy and a working solution that would change the lives of the hopeless! It is my most sincere and heart felt wish that this holiday season will be your very best. God bless you all! (Rebecca B. –


New Year’s Resolutions Revisited RESOLUTION #6:

RESOLUTION #1 1999: I will read at least 20 good books a year.

2002: I will not let my boss push me around.

2000: I will read at least 10 books a year.

2003: I will not let my sadistic boss drive me to the point

2001: I will read 5 books a year. 2002: I will finish The Pelican Brief 2003: I will read some articles in the newspaper this year. 2004: I will read at least one article this year.

of suicide. 2004: I will stick up for my rights when my boss bullies me. 2005: I will tell Dr. Hodger and the group about my boss.

2005: I will try and finish the comics section this year. RESOLUTION #7:

RESOLUTION #2: 1999: I will get my weight down below 180. 2000: I will watch my calories until I get below 190. 2001: I will follow my diet religiously until I get below 200. 2002: I will try to develop a realistic attitude about my weight. 2003: I will work out 5 days a week. 2004: I will work out 3 days a week.

2002: I will not get upset when Charlie makes jokes about my baldness. 2003: I will not get annoyed when Charlie kids me about my toupee. 2004: I will not get angry when Charlie tells the guys I wear a girdle. 2005: I will not speak to Charlie.

2005: I will try to drive past a gym at least once a week. RESOLUTION #3: 1999: I will not spend my money frivolously. 2000: I will pay off my bank loan promptly. 2001: I will pay off my bank loans promptly. 2002: I will begin making a strong effort to be out of debt by 1999.

RESOLUTION #8: 2002: I will not take a drink before 5:00 p.m. 2003: I will not touch the bottle before noon. 2004: I will not become a "problem drinker". 2005: I will not miss any AA meetings. RESOLUTION #9:

2003: I will be totally out of debt by 2000. 2004: I will try to pay off the debt interest by 2001.

2002: I will see my dentist this year.

2005: I will try to be out of the country by 2006.

2003: I will have my cavities filled this year. 2004: I will have my root canal work done this year.


2005: I will get rid of my denture breath this year.

2002: I will try to be a better husband to Marge.


2003: I will not leave Marge. 2004: I will try for a reconciliation with Marge. 2005: I will try to be a better husband to Wanda. RESOLUTION #5: 2002: I will stop looking at other women.

2002: I will go to church every Sunday. 2003: I will go to church as often as possible. 2004: I will set aside time each day for prayer and medi tation. 2005: I will try to catch the late night sermonette on TV.

2003: I will not get involved with Wanda. 2004: I will not let Wanda pressure me into another mar riage. 2005: I will stop looking at other women.



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