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Architecture, Life and Community

JINGHONG JIANG Apply For the Master of Architecture and Extreme Enviroments of KADK



Increasingly getting in touch with architecture accompanied with consideration, and reflection, I believe that architecture is not merely a functionally living place for people, but should be full of care for users and their everyday life with practices, emotions and imaginations. This cognition was mainly originated from my childhood experience of growing up in a rural community. The cherished memories related to my early rural life was deeply engraved in my mind, such as picking wheat ears in the fields, sleeping on the roof to watch stars, catching cicadas, playing flower drum lamps and so on. At that period, houses represented the close connection and locus between people, life and scenes. However, Le Corbusier with other modern architects lunched the column-net-structure and liberated the architectural layout and section framed by rationally logical and systematic standards, dispersing all over the world to homogenise other types of architectural forms. Besides, people have been rushing to pursue more technologically advanced buildings or luxury façade to demonstrate their wealth and status. Practically, technological innovation is extremely significant for the construction industry. However, I realized that the excessive pursuit of extreme technology would inevitably result in some adverse consequences in terms of unfriendly environment, non-human centred design and unsuitable scales. I hope to seek coordination between the architectural form and the humanistic part of the architecture. This is also what I intend to explore in my master hypothetical thesis project.

Back to 798 --Artist Resident Complex

City-in-the-Village --A Residential Building in Village-in-the-City of Shenzhen

Regathering Syria --Rebuilding the market and the mosque in Syria

Based on what I mentioned above, I have paid great attention to the spatial interaction with people’s everyday life from theories of the Production of Space (Lefebvre), Everyday Life (De Certeau), Spatial Politics (Foucault), and Spatial Assemblage (Deleuze) at my college years, and take this as a starting point to maximize the part of buildings rich in public concern and participation. When learning these knowledge, I found myself more interested in those projects which are in social contradictory or meaningful ones, developing some building strategies or intervention measures by utilizing certain urban and architectural methodologies to explore the interaction between buildings and community. Also, the intervention strategy of Spatial Agency from the alternative ways attract my interest to transform spatial politics, codes and paradigms for new representation and relationships between human and architecture/space. . . . . .

Migratory Bird --Chongqing Yongchuan Public Toilet Design

Other Works --Selected Works 2015-2019








Create a system that will allow the art district to develop steadily The art district always falls into a strange migration cycle. On the surface, it is because the low price of the initial art district continues to attract outstanding artists to develop the plot, thereby increasing the price of the lot, and the rents that are pushed up in turn expel the artists in the art district, causing the art district to always migrate.However, behind this migration phenomenon, what is hidden is the conflict between the interests of society, the economy and the artist community........ Individual Work/Instructor:Yingdong Hu (ydhu@bjtu.edu.cn) Date:2017.07.05 to 2017.10.05(grade 3)


Site Flow Analysis








main entrance

shopping street

Traffic Density 0

Beijing Art District Migration History 1990




100 m

798 History Background 2000



Almost every five to ten years, the Beijing Art District is moving away from the city center, and this migration itself is mixed with society. Economic, community and other elements.this design tries to use the famous 798 art district as an example to explore a design strategy— to make the art district a stable life.



the early 798 was the site of the industrial relocation of radio factories.


Students and teachers at the Academy of Fine Arts began to use these plants to creat

2001 lowrents and relaxed creative spaces attract artists around Beijing

2008 Commercial space begins to intervene

2018 The rent price in art district has risen,and more and more artists start to flee the park.

Design Concept Diagram

Circulation Diagram

This design hopes to create a new sustainable economic model to solve the problem of migration in the art district.The problem of migration comes from the conflicts between the three aspects of society,economy and community in the region,which have completely different needs. However, they are not completely contradictory. This economic model hopes to balance the three through different system organizations.

Roof Top roof design grille to provide daylighting for the roof garden while preventing overheating

Extension High-density building structure built on the old structure, providing artists with lowcost living space

Living unit

Sustainable Economic Model Different Force Take Lead


Middle business


Interrelated business cavities provide business deals to surrounding artists

Co-loan purchase of property rights Community

high density

Design a modular minimum living unit to maximize the artist’s needs

Core traffic

Core tube as transportation space and structural support

Public space


public space in the middle of the artist and market

leading to affordable rent

Selling artworks to make a profit Commerce

need expansion

2022 Giving art community creation space

Bottom business Providing the most valuable business services to the street art district

Bringing people and attention Society

want open space



Improve the quality of public spaces

Retain the original old structure and build on it


Axonometric Plans Streamline 12 Floor Brutalism Space

6 Floor Hall

18 Floor Museum

22 Floor Roof Garden

The tall lobby becomes the core space shared by different users around

Different furniture in roof garden to define different spaces

5 Floor Open Studio

10 Floor Experience Hall Annular space creates annular streamlines, separated and compounded

16 Floor Lecture Hall

21 Floor Gallery

OPEN STUDIO creating natural flowing spaces by curved walls Linear space creates continuous viewing streamlines

Society public space

1 Floor Plaza

Commerce shopping/gallery Community living space

8 Floor Library

Multiple annular spaces create internal functional spaces and external random spaces

14 Floor Media Workshop

19 Floor Design Market Dot-shaped functional boxes are distributed to create a fluid and separated market sense

Public streamlines

Gallery streamlines


Functional Analysis

Roof garden

Sky Cafe


Concert Hall

1: The grille on the top diffuses sunlight into the roof garden, where people discuss and appreciate the art. Galleries and nature coexist, and these activities continue to energize the surrounding artist community

Art Market Media Workshop Brutalism Space

2: The three systems coexist internally, and the public space becomes the center where multiple people meet. The crowd in the living unit observes the activities of the ramp. The children run back and forth in the gallery and outdoors and the relationship between watching and being watched is constantly changing.

Ladder Square

Sculpture Park

Open Studio

Bottom Square


Activities in Profile



Mechanical Analysis

Steel Roof Top grille fixed to three structural columns

Armoured Concrete Three reinforced concrete columns as the main load-bearing structure in the middle

Steel Truss Upper Gallery The upper gallery gives the truss force below

The whole truss structure, which is located a few floors apart, serves as the load-bearing structure for the gallery above.

Three-sided armoured concrete steel columns are used as the main vertical load-bearing structure in the entire intermediate space, and the entire layer of trusses in the middle layers are used as the main horizontal load-bearing structure, which carries the force transmitted by the upper gallery.

CITY-IN-THE-VILLAGE Creating a strategy to bring the “village-inthe-city� and the city to a symbiotic state

Due to the separation of China’s dual property rights, the village in the city was born.In modern times, due to the legacy of rural collective land property rights, the village in the city has become a place of competition among multiple interests, and the demolition of urban villages has become extremely difficult. Is the future of the village in the city a transformation, retention or dismantling? Individual Work/Tutor:Yinan Jiang (ynjiang@bjtu.edu.cn) Date:2018.04.05 to 2018.07.05(grade 3)


Site in Urban Villages and Residential Areas

Formation of "Villages in the City"



Homesteads and farmland estates belong to farmers.


The city began to surround the countryside, the government began to collect farmland property rights to build the city.


All farmland property rights are occupied by the city and the village in the city is slowly forming.

Village-in-the-city began to carry out informal expansion, the main features are the extremely high building density.

A Economic Dispute Caused by a piece of Land Villager


This is our only source of economic income, and we cannot dismantle without satisfactory compensation.

Demolishing this extremely valuable land to develop real estate

Seriously affected the development of the city, the building is seriously irregular and should be demolished

Renter Goverment The only low-cost living space in the city, can not be demolished

In modern times, due to the legacy of rural collective land property rights, the village in the city has become a place of competition among multiple interests, and the demolition of urban villages has become extremely difficult. On the one hand,a large number of informal housing in urban villages bring many security risks to government management, and a large number of unremoved land also restricts the development of market capital. On the other hand,Village-in-the-city provides a low-rent space for a large number of workers, allowing them to survive and providing economic support to the aborigines.

Capital and Urban Village Symbiosis Strategy Capital






Urban Village








Urban Village


This design hopes to propose a building strategy of mutual benefit and mutual benefit between the capital and the village.On the one hand, the residents of the villages in the city will transfer the collective property rights to the developers. Which need to consider the living mode of the relocated households.On the other hand, the commercial profits obtained by the developers are given to the villages in the city to ensure the stable rents of low-rent housing, while the residents in the villages provide market stimulation and vitality to the new residential buildings.


Morphological Derivation

Increase Building Density

Building Type





Low rise.mixed

High rise.dewlling

Medium rise

Built Space%




N° Floors




FAR Index





Increasing the utilization rate, floor area ratio and the number of floors without reducing the living standard

Distance between buildings

Site lighting curve

Lift the building shape based on site conditions


Increase the building density and consider the low-rise buildings in the villages around the city, negate the strategy of vertical increase to thicken horizontally


Cut and calculate the blockage of the increased building volume based on site lighting standards


Satisfy Lighting Standards Distance

Site lighting standard function—determine stepped volume (maintain lighting standard)

Increase acreage

Increase Economic Benefits


The part opposite to the zigzag shape has no shading problem, so the cantilevered part on the south has increased the building area.


Unblocked sections increase the building area of each floor by cantilevering

5.Public Space

Improving building quality with continuous public space

Enhance Building Vitality

Each building type provides a different public space, connecting each part with a continuous walkway to interact with the city.


Image of Public Life


Public Space echoes Each Other

1.The two connected parts become outdoor activity spaces

2.The same semi-open space opened to the middle is good for visual communication

3.Corresponding through height space with corridor inside

4.Interaction between the highest and lowest spaces

Apartment Types and Public Space in Plans

High-rise Units: sale

Resident population: people with higher incomes Features: One room, two rooms or three rooms, cares about ventilation and lighting, cares about privacy, and has a large living area. Area: 72m2—120m2 Structure: beam and column structure Relationship with public space: access to public space through elevators in their respective units Mid-level Youth Apartment: rent

Residents: Youth, entrepreneurial makers Features: Small living area, more concerned about lighting and ventilation, willing to share, use public space, toilets share pipes as much as possible, increase economy Area: 34m2—55m2 Structure: beam and column structure Relationship with public space: corridor type, each household can walk to the middle of the city public space through the platform Low-rent Housing on the South Side: rent

Residents: Relocated households, tenants Features: variable size, not strict requirements for lighting and ventilation, small area demand, more concerned about privacy, toilets share pipes as much as possible, increase economic efficiency Area: 16-25m2 Structure: core tube, to ensure that the floor is not bearing, can change the floor Relationship with public space: Elevator connects the single floor to each public space N 0



10 m



Regathering Syria

Trying to restore market memory after the war The civil war in Syria has caused great damage to the people’s production and life, and the Aleppo market, which lasted for thousands of years, has almost been destroyed. We hope that from the perspective of the incident, we will reconstruct the local production and living patterns, and the local people will bring hope of memory reunion. Cooprated Work/Cooprator:Xuan Liu&Shijie Zhang Date:2019.04.05 to 2019.07.05(grade 4) Contribution:Concept 30%/Analysis 30%/Design 30%/Drawing 30%

Analysis of Key Spatial Elements of Post-war Sites

Production Medium Street Corner Sale

Street production and sales model activate space

Mixed Residential Area Residential Area Building Renovation

Surviving commercial unit inside the building

Commercial Medium Mosque Square


Mosque Squaregathering eventwaiting to be restored Main Souk Area Open-air Market

Open market free space sequence Mixed Business Area Store Restoration

The remodeled store has a new look Residential Area

Aggregated Medium Cultural Experience

Residential Area

Cultural communication space in the southern part of the citadel


How to Realize Local Reconstruction of Cultural Memory

Urban texture Research

Memory Revival

Elements Wind Tower

Cold Alley

Nature Reverence

Underground Water

Atrium Lighting

Community Center

Spatial Logic

Function Embedding

Solar Thermal

Separate the blocks from the main roads in a more economical way

Transform the blocks to respond to the topography of the original site

Fill roadside land with the type which has void space in the front

Utilize the combination of main void space to make public nodes

Create streets by main bold space


Network Organization

Urban Texture

Use lands that have size relations to form a compact block


Windtower Type Research&Conversion


Windtower Prototype Guidance


Civil Participation

Thermodynamic Units

Wind Tower Profile Activity Map

Steel Unit

Spiritual Return

Economic Production

Soap Unit

Mosque Central Unit

Design hopes to reconstruct local market memory through climate, culture and function.The design gradually deepens from the urban perspective to the building unit. By extending the original market axis connection area, four typical production modes are distributed around the mosque, and the local typical wind tower type is placed to reconstruct the local memory.

Through the typological study of the Syrian wind tower morphology, the space abstraction is translated into three types of wind tower combinations, and the function of the wind tower is studied in depth, hoping that it can be applied to the building ventilation and lighting.


Site Plan





Thermodynamic Unit Diagram Bread







+11.500 +10.500 +8.400 +5.600 +3.800 +2.600 Âą0.000

Exhibition Courtyard






Embroidery Steel



S: Embroidery & Steel 0






Embroidery and blacksmith units are evolved from small units. The embroidery unit considers the addition of more female elements, sets the central courtyard and corridors, and focuses on small windows. The blacksmith space wind tower is more towering, with a combination of flexible unit spaces inside, one for craftsmanship and two for exhibitions.


+8.000 +6.000

+3.000 Âą0.000

Exhibition Bread

Exhibition Bread

Exhibition Bread




M: Soap & Bread Ancient soap and bread units are evolved from medium-sized units. The ancient soap unit is provided with a complete wind tower display unit and a semi-enclosed production unit, and a complete tour path is formed by the bridge. The bread making space is a centripetal wind tower that combines exhibition, production, and experience functions.



Wind Tower System and Overview Construction By studying the principle of wind pressure formed by the pressure difference of traditional wind towers, modernize the shape of the tower following functions, and study the appropriate node structure and materials. Make the wind tower adequate to the size of the mosque, lighting requirements and ventilation requirements. Ventilation Simulation

1 Fill Concrete Base

2 Planish

3 Insert Reinforcement

4 Surface Rammed Soil

Indoor Perspective




Shows the refuge unit addition relationship of the mosque in the temporary evacuation mode.

The bathroom is the main urban public activity unitcombined with the courtyard to create a lighting effect.

The library is a central wind tower, creating a core space, a spiral staircase brings a rising sequence.


MIGRATORY BIRD Most Public Private Space

The biggest issue of rural toilets is the conflict between the public attribute and privacy function. Most of them are in excellent positions, but with the poor surrounding environment. I hope to use local techniques, materials and context to create an unusual public toilet. Under the seemingly artificial roof, there are many spaces that echo the surrounding nature.It is full of sunlight, trees, courtyards, squares and collective memories belonging to Zhutuo.............. Individual Work/Tutor:Boliang Du Date:2019.10.05 to 2019.11.18(grade 5)

Location Analysis

Concept Analysis Space Potential of Rural Public Toilets Modern toilets start to focus on spacial quality

Hospital Old Town

Space Quality Rural public toilet space enviroment is messy

Toilet Plus functions creating a place for public activities Function Expansion Villages lack public space fo activities

Toilets as a public space node Enviroment the town need a landsacpe node


Town Bridge Main road


Break down ordinary public toilets into two systems——function and roof. Through the mutual liberation of the two systems, different structural systems, materials, and forms can be given according to their respective uses. Eventually they overlap to form a completely different space system.And dealing with different spaces to integrate with the surrounding natural environment.

Morphological translation Flexible landsacpe


Contour Line



Old Town

Roof Texture


Town Port

Yangzi River

I used two systems to organize the wall and roof. Extracting curve elements from the undulating terrain and riverbank of Yongchuan, together with using local rammed earth materials, I softened the wall of toilets. Simultaneously, Extracting the elements of pitched roofs from the traditional roofs of ancient towns.And I perform modern morphological translation to suit the function.


Curved Wall Plan Generation



Stream Line



stream line


circular bead


Roof Generation Logic

Wind Direction







array of pillars




corrugated plate

Plan and Surrounding Information

N 0



10 m

Sections and Elevations

A-ASection 1:400

B-BSection 1:400


Scene01 Bridge

Scene01 Plaza

The villagers walked across the bridge on the shore tp the main site of the restroom.Come into sight the courtyard and old trees,as well as the light sloping roof.The curved rammed earth walls slowly direct people to the open space.

The centripetal square enclosed by the curved walls used as a venue for civic activities. The range of roof skylights limits the space of the rest area and the performance area.

Scene02 Path

Scene02 Courtyard

The path is between the hillside and the toilet. The concave curved walls serve as an entrance to direct people into the building and the circular holes on the wall hint at the interlaced courtyard.

The courtyard is the main landscape node.Its is the interface medium of two construction languages—milti-sloping roof and corved rammend earth wall.

Scene03 Corridor

Scene03 Entrance

The corridor in the middle of the building serves as a resting space, facing the courtyard with skylights. The resting people can feel the superposition of the two structural systems. Glass, steel, rammed soil, sunlight and air are constantly intertwined here.

The entrance can also become a mirror frame and passage space in the design. Through the guidance of the curved wall, the entrance continuously changes the relationship between inside and outside which forms a variety of experiences by combining the courtyard and the roof.

Scene04 Restroom

Scene04 Exit

The main space of the restroom is rich in experience.The opening of the roof combined with the courtyard forms a micro-climate space,with moderate lighting and ventilation.While the openings on the rammed earth wall create semi-privacy.

The outdoor square at the exit faces the river and a path leads people out of the site. The building serves as the background and echoes the ancient town on the opposite side, reflecting the story of the village.


Detail 1

Roof Panel 01 02 03 04 05 06 07





Profiled Steel Sheet PE Isolating Membrane Isolating Membranel Thermal Barrie Profiled Steel Sheet Time Purlin The Main Purlin



2 1 4



Wall Siding 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Compacted Rmmed Earth Wall 3% Aproll Slope Alkali Resistant Fiber Mesh Cloth Waterproofing Materials Precast Concrete Segmental Ring Waterproofing Materials Alkali Resistant Fiber Mesh Cloth Compacted Rmmed Earth Wall Steel Column





1 9 8

2 6

Ground Base 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09


Compacted Rammed Earth Wall Cenment Mortar Surface Layer Cobble and Gravel Strata Reinforced Concrete Base Element of Soil Compaction Wooden Keel Fine Stone Concrete Bedding Composite Wood Floor Wooden Chair





Other Works Gallery Museum Design 08/2017-10/2017

2018 CAPOL Design International Architectural Design Competition 04/2018-06/2018

Modern deductive design by extracting spatial relationships in ancient paintings

Designing an exemplary residential building for the villages in Shenzhen.

2019 BPSDC Beijing Public Space Design Competition 05/2019-07/2019

“CY” Entrepreneurship Competitionfor University Students of Beijing 09/2019-10/2019

As an urban public node, its positioning is not only limited to the restoration of wetland properties and ecological protection, but also to carry more urban significance for this area. Through analysis, we found that in the context of the site’s current weak ecology and lack of artistry, we proposed the concept of DNA. Hope D (Design): Through the creation of creative space, the ecological wetland landscape restoration and art exhibition space are merged, and a flow pattern of interwoven art ART and natural ecological NATURE is proposed.

Designing an unusual public toilet for Chongqing Yongchuan.

1st IGEBC·International Sustainable Building Design Competition 10/2018-01/2019 In order to solve the local climate defects of hot summer and cold winter, we have designed a modern office building with the effect of wind extraction by using the traditional principles of the ventilation system.


Curriculum Vitae Place of Birth: Yingtan, Jiangxi [EDUCATION] Beijing Jiaotong University, China(National key university listed on “Project 211”) 09/2015-06/2020 Dept. : School of Architecture and Design Major: Architecture Degree: Bachelor of Architecture Expected in June 2020 GPA: 3.8/5.0 (88/100) Honors: the third-class Scholarship of the University for Academic Excellence(10/2016) the third-class Social Scholarship of the University for Excellent Overall Performance (10/2018) [INTERNSHIP] Institute of Architectural Environment Design, Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University 06/2018-08/2018 In charge of the facade renovation and landscape design work of Beijing Wangfujing Street

Mr. Jinghong Jiang

[RESEARCH] Renovation of Historical Buildings Based on Bamboo Structure 04/2017-04/2018 Conducted research on historical buildings, collected and recorded information and wrote the paper Learned the renovation norms of historical buildings and the characteristics of bamboo structures [COMPETITIONS] Young Bird Plan 2018 on the Frontier, the Competition of Yongchuan Rural Toilet Design 10-11/2019 2018 CAPOL Design International Architectural Design Competition 09/2018-12/2018 Aimed to design a public youth apartment with a floor area of up to 20,000 m2 Won the third prize among 337 design works in the competition (collective honor) “Creating Youth” Entrepreneurship Competition for University Students of Beijing 03/2017-05/2018 Cooperated to design a Express Package Recycling Device to solve the waste problem Won the second prize of our university and the third prize of Beijing (collective honor) [SKILLS & INTERESTS] Director of the University’s Debate Team, Beijing Jiaotong University 08/2017-06/2018

“Different interest groups change their daily life by competing for space management rights so as to change people’s daily life.”——Lefebvre’s theory of space economics in Space and Politics

Led the team to win the third prize in 2017 Beijing Environmental Protection Debate Competition Ranked Top Eight respectively in 2018 Beijing Golden League and 2018 Debate Competition for University Students of Beijing


Design, Nature and Scenes

JINGHONG JIANG Email:jinghong1207@sina.com

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