Architectural Portfolio

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JIEUN CHA BArch, Soongsil University, Rep. of KOREA Mailing Address : 101-303, DongA the Prime, 530, Tongil-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 120-100, Republic of KOREA Email : Tel : +82-10-2289-8811

[Jieun Cha]




[Jieun Cha]

Portfolio 3


As an architecture student, I always consider about how can build up architecture with simple and clear concept. Also I pursue the interesting space that I have not experienced. I thought when I was student, I have to be encourage myself to think creatively. These thinkings make me did my best at University iife. When I was lower grades that not good at English, but I take foreign professor’s architecture studio on purpose. Because I got a passion about architecture so I hope to learn how world think, not learn about existing architecture style. In addition to architecture, I also try to practice with many other different areas, including photography, video works, making plamodel, web design, etc. I focused on Photography especially. I have passion in photography equate in architecture. So I studied camera by myself first in student years, and when I almost learn about the camera’s function, I considered how can I create my own photography. Abstract Photography is one of the result of consider. After I create several abstract photography, I win at the artist contest. This contest make me having first group exhibition. furthermore, I got an artist contract from the art consultancy based in singapore. After I graduate university, I promise myself that I don’t be a local designer. i have a big dream that being a global designer someday.

Contents Architecture Projects

Photography Projects

[A New Buddhist Facility in Middle of City] -Buddhist Facility, 2013


[City Racing Circuit] -Mixed-Use Complex, 2012


[GIfted Education Center] -School Project, 2010


[Personal House] -Assistant of Professor Jung-in Kim, 2014-2015


[Abstract Photography] -2015 - Present


[Spinning Space] -2014 - 2015


[Architectural Photography] -2010 - Present


Other Works



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Architecture Projects -[A New Buddhist Facility in Middle of City] -[City Racing Circuit] -[GIfted Education Center] -[Personal House]


[A New Buddhist Facility in Middle of City] Graduation project, Gangnam, Seoul, 2013


Analyzing: Problems of Buddhist Architectures in Republic of Korea

Analyzing: Steps to Reach the Main Temple

Buddhist architectures has less contemporary design compare with other religions. Christian architectures after Ronchamp church, is now grow up with various contemporary design. But Buddhist has just ‘Traditionality’ in their architectures. I thought this is a big problem in Buddhist architecture which can make buddhism regress. And also i thought buddhist architecture, which has the only goal to show the origin of buddhism can make people misunderstand that buddhism is hard to understand. However, recently the society of buddhism try to apeal their doctrine by mixing buddhist facilities and commercials. But actually this movement is against their doctrine. So, in this situation, I decided to solve this problem and propose the new way of buddhist facilities.

Ancient Buddist temple has some step to reach the main temple that starts from ‘Iljumun’ and end at ‘Main temple’. These steps -each steps are one gate or streamare exist to people make mind clear while through the each step. According to Buddhism, human is not perfect so they have too many worries, fear, despair, and anxiety in their mind. So People should have to clear their mind while walk through these steps If they want to get inside of Buddha’s world. Buddha’s world that near the main temple is very important and sacred place in Buddhism doctrine.

Ancient Buddhist Temple

I thought these steps are essential thing that contemporary Buddism architecture must have. But there are not enough space in the middle of city, so these flat steps at deep in mountain needs to be verticalize when we try to put it in middle of city, Gangnam

‘入此門內 莫存知解’ -on the pillar of IljumunIf you want to get in this gate, put down your thinking about secular society.

Contemporary Buddhist Architectures in Korea. Contemporary Buddhist architectures in Korea just borrow traditional things like roof, ribs of windows from ancient Buddhist temple. Buddhist architecture in contemporary must have new way of thinking. Otherwise, people will think Buddhism is just stucked religion.

The road to reach the main temple is very long hiking. If we want to be the Buddha, first, we have to clear our mind while walking along this road with steps. In Buddism, miscellaneous thoughts are the barriers to reach to the nirvana. Ultimate aim of Buddism is reach the nirvana, nirvana means condition that cast off our shackles. This is why temples in deep mountain. So if temple in middle of city, city temple also must have this road to reach the main temple necessarily.

Main temple Main temple mean Paradise according to Buddhism

Anyang-ru Gate to get into paradise in Buddhism

Boemjong-ru Ring a bell to celebrate that get into buddha’s world.

Chunwangmun Throw out personal thinking when study Buddha. We have cleared mind one time before approach this gate, but that mind is still not strong. At this time, we need some motive to do clear mind one more time.

Iljumun First gate to get in to Buddha’s world. If we don’t manage heart, We can not approach to Iljumun.

Steps to reach the main temple in Ancient Buddhist temple, Buseoksa


Brainstorming: How to make people accept Buddhism easier as architecture?

Concept: ‘Frame’, The Solution of Give Motive to People to Meditate

Common people think Buddhism is difficult religion. How can architecture makes people accept Buddhism easier? Let’s go back to essence of the Buddhism. Buddhism’s ultimate aim is reaching to nirvana through each person’s endless meditation. So if make meditation spaces in middle of city, citizen will accept Buddhism easier than before. Maybe people can’t realize this project is Buddhist Facility. In this meditation space, citizen can find enlightenment by doing these things : look down the city or feel the quiet space in middle of city. Like this, if Buddhism spread in to the city and let people know Buddhism’s spirit without saying anything, people can accept Buddhism more easily. This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. -Dalai LamaMeditation space do not need big space. According to Dalai Lama, people can mediate at small space that they can just sit down or stand up. Most important thing of mediaition space for city people is motive. Because city people are too exposed to secularity like commercial, so they need some motive on their mediation in the city. Motive can be occur by only looking down the city. If people see how other people living in middle of city, they can feel something in their mind. This can be the first step of mediation. So design started with ‘frame’ that can looking down the city. If meditation spaces are all same size, It looks like jail. Also it looks very boring so people will not feel free to get into there.

Concept: Types of Frame

Meditation space that look down the city like frame.

People need motive by not only looking down the city but also another types of meditation space. City is too noisy and have no green. If Facility has quiet meditation space, people can mediate in calm. Also If Buddhism facility has nature space in middle of city, people can meditate in different environment.

Meditation Space in Calm 10

Meditation space in Nature

But how about change the composition method to make meditation spaces? First, set the sizes of huge frame, and mixed up to make several meditation space. This also be the satire with metaphor. One square is meaning one ordinary building in Seoul. These ordinary buildings mix together, and It can show potential for new style building. And also one square means one person’s life. We as human, looks like live alone, but we are live in a tangle. So this composition method show our interlaced lives.

Diagram: How to Composite 3 Types of Meditation Space

Arrange: Arrange the Meditation Spaces in Site

*water means ‘separate space from world to Buddha’ on Buddhism

Site need to connect because site has huge crosswalk right ahead. After view research, decided to arrange frames that can look down the city on good-view side. And then arrange calm spaces on bad-view side. Next, put other frames to solve structure problems and place Buddhism sanctum (법당) in the highest space according to Buddhism principle. Finally, spread thin water on ground and install deck on water*

Circulation: Steps to Reach the Main Temple Vertically As I analyzed about the steps to reach the main temple in ancient Buddhist temple, I thought that city temple also need that steps to reach the main temple. So set the location of main temple on top of the facility, and set the circulation along the interlaced frames in middle of facility. The circulation starts at ground floor that opened to everyone. Ground floor with thin water is not only from buddhism principle but also can be the rest place in middle of city. People also can meditate in these circulation along the interlaced frames while they going to the main temple on top. It looks difficult to reach the main temple but actually it’s easy because whole circulations are in the middle of building.



Main Temple

Meditation Space in Nature




[City Racing Circuit] Mixed-use Complex, Seoul, 2012 Designed by Jieun Cha & Kyunghyun Lew


Brainstorming: Make New Play Culture in Seoul After 30 years, How seoul can be changed? We focused on play culture. People who living in Seoul these days, enjoy life with just alcohol. When they meet friends, starts with alcohol, and ends with alcohol. We thought these drink culture is made because there are no play culture in Seoul. So we make new play culture in middle of city. Actually Seoul is planned city that more think about traffics. Because of that reason, many people have their own car, but they think their car is just a transportation. First we make new car racing circuit, and show them their ‘transportation‘ can be play tool. Finally new play culture -Car culture- occurs in Seoul. In Korea, most of people think that the motosports, especially car racing is for rich people. Therefore in Japan, many maniacs are enjoy the motorsports with their ordinary cars, such as family sedans, micro pickup trucks and compact cars. In this building, variety types of cars will participate and have fun, don’t have to care about the rank. - just imagine the ski resorts.

Basic concept model: Composition of Programs The conventional reace circuits scatter their programs widely, as such Suzuka circuit, however when allocating the race circuit in middle of the city, we have to think about the way of composition.

Process model: How to Build up Structure with Programs 15

Design Concept of Racing Circuit


First difficulty of designing the structurized race circuit was compressing the variety version of circuit. If there is only one race circuit in the project, it will cause some problems when clearing or repairing, this huge facility will be numbed. Therefore in this solution, below 3 competitions can be opened at that same time.

Program Suggestions: Survival of the Circuit

[Allocation of programs]

What is the main problem of a conventional racing circuit? The answer is its costly maintenance fee. Because of its huge size, a conventional circuit is expensive to maintain. With only a single source of income, the track rental fee from their circuit users, it is difficult for one to afford to maintain a conventional race circuit In order to resolve such difficulty, I propose to combine the circuit with other commercial facilities. Like the Tsukuba Circuit in Japan, a race circuit may have a variety of commercial facilities such a cafeteria, or a shopping mall with them in order to induce more spending of the customers, and hence, increase its income.

[Combining with programs]

Composition Idea: Crustacean Composition concept of whole facility is from the crustacean. Race circuit is the bone of crustacean, programs are internal organs, and covering is shell of the crustacean. [Cover the programs with structural boundaries]

Structural Idea : Waffle Structure When using the waffle structure, as you know there is several benefits. To be specific, it is absolutly beautiful and optimal way to sustain the programs, and also i focused on the waffle shaped structure is good to reflex to avoid noise problem. As the diagram in right section, If cars drive through the waffle structure, vibraion generator could get energy to use for conventional race circuit. [Slicing the sturcture] 16


[Gifted Education Center] School Project, Seoul, 2010 Brainstorming: Creative space can make creative thinking Gifted education center is for gifted students. They need to be think creative but school spaces where students have to study are not creative. i thought this condition is ironic. School demand to students having creative thinking, but why they are not provide creative space? How about if school provide creative space to students? I believe students can be more creative if they study in unordinary space. School archtecture space also can be one part of education.


“It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.” Karl Marx

Brainstorming: Freedom to school architecture! Karl Marx said “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.” . He argued human cannot change until social change. I agree with his opinion. In this school project, ‘social being’ could be represent the ‘school space’ and ‘consciousness‘ could be the ‘ideas from students’. Students will not change until school change. So I thought normal school space can make normal students. So I picked up ‘Freedom’ keyword in Marx’s life. Because students also need change of school space like laborer needed change of their social being. Students use school space most of their time but school space always be the normal square space. Space have an effect on people’s thinking. How about if school provide creative space to students? I believe students can be more creative if they study in unordinary space. So this project started with ‘Freedom’ keyword.


Process Model : How to give freedom to school architecture? 1. Locked pieces for make one building Imagine the normal school building and they have lots of invisible pieces. Pieces locked together to make one building. 2. Give freedom to pieces, can have new potential If we give freedom to locked pieces of one normal school building, these many pieces will get new potential to make another creative spaces. 3. Distort angle of pieces which got freedom Distort angle of whole pieces which got freedom. At the first time, it was normal building, but after pass through simple few stages, normal building changes to creative space. This simple but creative spaces make students to think another way easier. 4. Section model - Stabled core which solve circulation and structure problem Stabled core is in center of this building to solve circulation and structural problem. This core contains vertical circulation and restroom. Structure problem can solve with this stabled core 5. Give freedom again to locked pieces in one big glass. Model of step 3 was looks like locked pieces again in one big glass. So make masses penetrate out from the one big glass. 6. Change the way to build up because of structure problem. If masses out from the one big glass like step 5, It causes big structure problem.So change the way little bit to build up this concept. Make stabled core with slabs first, and put the outer cover of mass on the slabs. 7. Structure problem can solve with wires surround masses Outer cover can hold by wire cables surrounded masses.









Process Sketch: School spaces that I want to build At the first time, I imagined some bright space with float masses. Float masses, I mean looks like float, of course connected with slabs. So I made concept model that one big glass box with floating masses, and distort the angle of whole model. But this was not stabled even with the stabled core, So changed way to build this project little bit. Build stabled core first, and put slabs in to core. And then put the outer cover of mass on the slabs. At last, structure problem can be solve with wires surround outer cover.


[Personal House] Assistant of Professor Jung-in Kim, Daejeon, 2014-2015 Responsibilities: Making model, AutoCad, SketchUp 3D, V-Ray Render with Photoshop




Photography Projects -[Abstract Photography] -[Spinning Space] -[Architectural Photography]


[Abstract Photography] Digital Photography Project, 2015-Present Until now, Abstract photography just takes one part of still object. But fundamental concept of ‘Abstract’was not a part of some thing. Abstract photography has to be express some feeling or some thing by dots, lines, faces, and colors. If not, abstract photography does not need to be the one part of photography separately from Still photo. So I considered how can I make abstract images by using camera. As everybody know, camera can take pictures that we can see, but also it can take pictures that we can not see. What it means is, I using camera like painting brush by long exposure of camera. When I take pictures with long exposure, the new images came from the original objects getting blur. And this new images be completed through the digital developing. But digital developing is not meaning compose, develope image with just coloring, exposure, contrast to make one real abstract photography. From this project, I want to build Abstract photography is being one part of photography.


Deep Sea, 2015, Digital Photography Exhibited at Galerie an der Donau in Germany, 2015 Exhibited at Gallery41 in South Korea, 2015

Mold Wallpaper, 2015, Digital Photography

Vapor, 2015, Digital Photography

Bamboo Groves, 2015, Digital Photography

Spring, 2015, Digital Photography

Summer, 2015, Digital Photography


Slice of Memory, 2015, Digital Photography

Waking up from Dream, 2015, Digital Photography

In the Dream1, 2015, Digital Photography


In the Dream2, 2015, Digital Photography

Dyeing, 2015, Digital Photography

[Exhibition] Relay Group Exhibition at Germany & South Korea, 2015

[Poster] Group Exhibition Art Canvas Project, 2015, Artbn

Deap Sea, 2015, <Abstract Photography>

[Press] Group Exhibition in Germany mittelbayerische newspaper, Regensburg, Germany weekend culture section More Abstract Photography on online portfolio

[Photo] Group Exhibition in Germany & South Korea -Galerie an der Donau, Regensburg, Germany -Gallery41, Seoul, South Korea


[Spinning Space] Digital Photography Project, 2014-2015 Lives are repeated day-by-day. People going same home, same company or same school. How boring our lives! Spinning space project was started to see the ordinary spaces in life differently. Familiar spaces, lights and colors become one beautiful image. Through this project, also I got idea of Abstract Photography project. Hyungnam engineering bldg 1F, 2014, Digital Photography 30

Workspace, 2014, Digital Photography

37°30’26.9”N 126°56’58.5”E, 2015, Digital Photography

37°30’26.6”N 126°56’59.0”E, 2015, Digital Photography

LG palace bldg B2F, 2014, Digital Photography

37°30’28.9”N 126°57’04.8”E, 2015, Digital Photography

37°30’26.9”N 126°56’58.5”E, 2015, Digital Photography


[Architectural Photography] Digital Photography, 2009-Present Records of architecture exploration -Mimesis Museum by Alvaro Siza -Casa del Agua by Legorreta + Legorreta -Jeju Factory by Jung-in Kim -Chang Uc-chin Museum by CHAEPEREIRA ARCHITECTS -XiangShan Campus by WangShu


Mimesis Museum by Alvaro Siza


Casa del Agua by Legorreta + Legorreta


Jeju Factory by Jung-in Kim




XiangShan Campus by WangShu



Other Works -[Web Design] -[Video Works] -[Plamodel] -[Custom Bike]


[Web Design]

Portfolio Website Design, 2013 When I was studying architecture, I want to save and share my works easier by online portfolio. But I don’t want to make free-website with advertisement. I realized that I need to create my own website. So I designed online portfolio website myself. I modified website format from ready-made shopping mall website layout. Powered by Cafe24 shopping mall hosting.


[Video Works]

Shoot and Edit Videos, 2012 - Present Video works on middle of page was worked with professor Maria Jose Marcos. This was planned to show on the media facade located in front of the Seoul station and Madrid. other small thumbnail works are including school project, architecture project, hobby, etc. I feel excite when I edit videos with music, so I was volunteered to video shooting & editing for all of school project and professor’s project.



Making Plamodel, 2012 When I make plamodel, I have to be very delicate because parts are so small and mood of general format can be change easier by little brush touch. Also making plamodel made me improve to see color tone and to make architecture model easily.


[Custom Bike]

Product Design, 2013 The poom competition 2013 was designing a any products for singles, such as university students. And the products have to reflect their lifestyles. Me and my cooperater (Kyunghyun Lew) are focused on their limitation of moving because most of singles are young college students, hard to purchase their own car. So we suggest a bicycle which can equip variable modules. This bicycle can make them easy to do anything with removable electric power pack.


Jieun Cha Bachelor of Architecture Soongsil University, Republic of Korea

EXPERIENCES Contracted for artist with ‘the Artling’ based in Singapore, 2015 Video work for Burt’s Bees Marketing Interview, 2015 Assist House project for professor Jung-in Kim, 2014. 6~ 2015. 5 Abstract Photography Project, 2015 Spinning Space Photography Project, 2015 Interior Photography work for STUDIO B.U.S. ,2014 Architectural Photography work for professor Jung-in Kim, 2014 Architectural Photography of ChangUcchin Museum published on dezeen, 2014 Architectural Video work for professor Maria Jose Marcos, 2013 Architectural Photography work for CHAEPEREIRA ARCHITECTS, 2013 Design Workshop with AA School & Harvard GSD in Jeju, 2013 Designed Portfolio website myself, 2012 Travel book Photography work for China Travel & Tourism Press, 2011 Shopping mall Photography work for Tentowen, 2010

AWARDS Awarded Governor Prize ‘City, Architecture Photography Contest’, 2014 Harmonica Trio Junior Part Fourth, Asia Harmonica Festival, 2004

EXHIBITIONS Group Exhibition, Art Canvas Project, Gallery 41, Seoul, South Korea, 2015 Group Exhibition, Abstract Photography, Galerie an der Donau, Germany, 2015 Architecture Photography Award Exhibition, HwaSeong Haenggung Square, 2014 Exhibition “Kim swoogeun preview prize” assistant of architect Laurent Perreira, 2014 Video work played at Madrid, assistant of architect Maria Jose Marcos, 2013 The Graduation exhibition, Soongsil university, 2013 Exhibition “Republic of two”, assistant of architect Laurent Perreira, 2013

CONCERTS 1st Harmonica Regular Concert, 2004 2nd Harmonica Regular Concert, 2005


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