Your Choice Black Angus Bull Sale 2025

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Shooter 31H Sire Group

Shadow 31 h Shooter

Top EPDs: 25% WW, 20% YW South

A most complete Shooter son as he ties it all together with length, depth, thickness, natural muscling – a combination of stoutness, hair and style with a smooth shoulder and sleek head. A respectful 3.52 ADG earned his 114 YW index. His 20J Dam is a hard working Torque (by Density) daughter, feminine in her makeup, extra rib length, with an exceptional udder. The GD, 63Z fills the feature lot with 21M (pg 26)

An end of February bull that has kept up with the big boys with 112 WW and 114 YW indexes – he’s this sale’s youngest. 250M is clean through the neck and shoulder, and maintains thickness and length through his body and carries down deep through the hip. His 180G dam is a Wrath 9C daughter – a deep, thick, easy fleshing tank. Take note of the Wrath daughters – tons of maternal - look to this fella to carry that forward. Top EPDs: 25% WW, 20% YW, 25% Milk

GD: Joyce 68A
DAM: Joyce 180G

Shooter 31H Sire Group



Longer bodied and bigger framed 31H son that is a really solid put together bull. 37M had my 3rd highest weaning weight at 840. His progeny will carry extra length which equates to additional sale pounds – a pennies on the dollar investment for your consideration. His 240E dam carries a large spring and length of rib, and a big ol’ hip. She has a first-calving full sister to this bull in herd with sons going home to JPM Farms and Windy Ridge Ranch. 105 WW Index, 106 YW Index. Top EPD: 25% WW

This Shooter son is long, stout and along with a cool, clean made, attractive look, he is sound structured and big-nutted. His Dam is an Innovation daughter, quite stylish in type and a pretty neat phenotype–look at the hindquarter on his GD 252E. The Dam has a paternal sister bringing in 209M (pg 17). Top EPD: 25% WW

Shooter 31H Sire Group

Boundary 31 h Shooter 217M

Recommended for heifers. Another larger framed Shooter with length of body typical of his sire and his phenotype. Super wide topped and big hipped. We hoped to show this bull last fall but unfortunately the rest of the show bulls decided to pick on him. He isn’t halter broke but is nice quiet. Dam is made to last, not extreme in any way just a well put together cow. She has 2 daughters in herd. Great spread from birth to weaning starting at only 78 lbs, 271-day gestation then having the highest WW index at 130. EPDs reflect that spread.

EPDs TOP-25% CE, 25% BW, 9% WW, 25% YW, 15% MCE,

A long, smooth made bull with great front end extension. Dam 101J is an ET daughter out of our power producing, Elite earning, Joyce 18R. A full brother to her was used as cleanup after AI in 2022/2023. She has maternal sisters producing for this sale: 59M (pg 29) and 138M (pg 25). 110 YW Index. Top EPD: 20% MCE

Shooter 31H Sire Group

Smaller frame, good hip structure, very similar to 248M. the Shooter calves are very phenotypically similar; that’s what a guy wants when selling groups of steers to bring a premium. Dam is easy fleshing with depth of heart and length. Udder is top notch. Grand dam with a son in the sale 142M. 89J also has a daughter in herd. EPDs TOP-15% WW, 25% YW

Bigger frame, lots of length that is smooth through shoulder to hip. Big symmetrical hip. Good performance indexing 108 WW. Dam is another south sask type cow, easy fleshing, pear shaped female with a great udder, doesn’t show it in pic, calf had sucked front quarters out before it was taken. She has daughters in herd and sons sell to D McKelvey, R Gordon, J Hassett, and one that walks our herd. EPDs TOP-25% WW, 25% MILK,

Shooter 31H Sire Group


Deep bodied, younger bull. This fella has some hair. Dam is a clean, smooth made, bigger framed, very attractive cow, with that easy fleshing body type. She has 2 daughters in herd, one being a full sib to 235M that is Isabella’s 2-year-old 4H project this year. 87E also had a son sell to J Hassett. 120 WW index ranking 2nd. EPDs TOP-7% WW, 20% YW

Moderate, with a long

TO DAM: Dyna 96L DAM: Dyna 87E

Shooter 31H Sire Group

He is one of the youngest in sale but also packs a lot of stoutness with a round square hip. Very clean smooth front on this guy also. Dam is a bigger, long framed, easy fleshing cow that is well balanced in her body and has lots of milk. EPDS TOP-15% MILK

A moderate birthweight bull. He is very smooth and clean through the frontend, exhibits lots of spine length, just all around sound bull in his makeup and movement. His Dam, 137H, is a beautiful Stunner daughter with capacity through the entirety of her rib shape and length. GD, 60C has 114M (pg 27) Top Epd: 25% WW

Akita 183G
Akita 60H
GGD: Akita 32P DAM: Akita 137H

Cloudburst 37K Sire Group

171M is deep-bodied, lots of natural thickness and made in a very correct, and stylish package. Clean in his lines with excellent hair, leg and foot structure. Dam was our granddaughter’s 4-H project – a Resource daughter with awesome depth, thickness, great feet and textbook udder structure. 11H has a full sister in herd and a maternal sister, 35F also has a 37K sired calf: 215M below.

Top EPDs: 15% WW, 9% YW

215M is very hairy in a complete made, fluid moving, docile package. He is long, smooth, and shows natural muscled thickness through a square hip. Dam, 35F is a maternal sister to the dam of 171M above. She has near perfect udder structure and is overall correct in structure. A son to Rocky Hills Ranch. Top EPD: 15% Milk.

Cloudburst 37K Sire Group

DL Rainmaker 1879



Creek Eula 68E Bruin Torque 5261


Deep hearted bull with very sound leg structure and excellent disposition. The Rainmaker calves are probably the most consistent sire group. Dam is smooth, balanced and supper attractive with impeccable udder structure. She has 1 daughter in herd and a standout son sold in last year’s sale to Craig and Tammy Dumontel and Sandy Creek Angus. Grandam 137Y was extremely powerful, a top-notch producer, and was hard to miss by visitors. EPDS TOP- 15% WW, 7% YW

BOUNDARY EILEEN 229C SSA Eileen 126X Hilltop Rainmaker 6274 DL Ruby 496 Chapman Memento 6589A Crescent Creek Eula 22X Sitz Upward 307R Elite

Crescent Creek Eula 68E

Boundary Upward 80A

Akita 904W Elite

SSA 109 In Focus 35U

SSA Eileen 879U

Very similar in phenotype to 219M, maybe one frame smaller and not as much depth of rib, but that’s splitting hairs. Dam has the type of foot, leg, and udder structure that will last forever. She has a daughter in herd, a son walks our commercial herd and 4 more sons sold to C Weinberger, Cross C/Murphy, Andy Johnson, Cypress colony. 229C is also the dam to reference sire 131K. EPDs TOP-25% WW, 25% YW

South S h adow 37 k r ain M aker 201M SSA 201M 2381578 02/06/2024

DL Rainmaker 1879


Crescent Creek Eula 68E

Bruin Torque 5261


SSA Erroline 46Z Hilltop Rainmaker 6274

Memento 6589A

This moderate framed, well put together bull should sire easy-fleshing progeny. He is smooth in his makeup, balanced in his frame and stands on a correct foot. Dam is a deep, broody cow; easy-fleshing with a tidy udder.

MGD: Ruby 137Y
DAM: Ruby 55H
MAT BRO: Know How 104L
DAM: Eileen 229C

Cloudburst 37K Sire Group

Recommended for heifers. 153M is a deep-bodied, long spined, thick haired, sire prospect. Very smooth, balanced, with superior structural soundness and foot quality. Dam 58J is a bigger framed, deep-bodied cow with ample milk from a very balanced, small teated udder. She has two maternal sisters and one daughter in herd. The GDam, Ruby 46B brings Believe 228M (pg 20) to this year’s sale. GGD, 846 has Elite status 106 WW Index and 119 YW Index. Top EPDs: 15% CE, 20% BW, 25% WW, 20% YW, 20% MCE. 15% Milk.

Ruby 136J

A younger bull in this year’s sale offering, who is thick-topped, stands on a good foot with a wide base. Dam is deep-bodied, big ribbed with a nice udder - typical of the Success daughters. GD, Ruby 102E gives you Architect 79M (pg 34) for appraisal. Top EPDs: 25% YW

Cloudburst 37K Sire Group

Recommended for heifers. Smooth-made, clean lines, long-bodied, thick-topped, with a small skull and exceptional skeletal structure. Dam 26J is an all-around, correct made, young female with near flawless udder structure. She has one maternal sister in herd and her Dam, 113A has a Sterling son, 126M, (pg 33) in the sale. 106 WW Index, 112 YW Index. Top EPDs: 25% WW, 15%YW.

Recommended for heifers. A really nice made bull; balanced, smooth made with a clean front, deep-ribbed and hairy. Dam 225E is attractive, and feminine. A lot to like in this deep, big ribbed cow with excellent udder quality. Sons to Windy Ridge Ranching and 9 Bar Ranch.

Top EPD: 15% CE

Cloudburst 37K & Run And Gun 85J Sire Groups

Ruby 203K

Ruby 7F

MAT BRO: Thunder 102H


196M has a smooth-made frame; front to back. Good foot and leg structure, nice skull with rib shape and depth. Dam is deep, easyfleshing, and feminine made with three daughters in herd. Sons to Rod Nelson Farms and Maggie Wenzel.

South Shadow 85J r

Recommended for heifers.

97M is long-bodied, deep-ribbed with substantial substance throughout his thick sound structure, a small head, lots of hair and style to burn. Should be a calving ease specialist with only a 64 lb BW and he is in the top 1% of the breed for CE and BW. 97M doesn’t sacrifice growth having a 113 WW and a 121 YW ratio. His Dam, 203K is a feminine, sweet-made Shooter daughter with good feet and udder quality.

Top EPDs: 1% CE, 1% BW, 4% MCE, 20% Milk

GD: Pride 90Z
DAM: Pride 43B

Run And Gun 85J Sire Group

Errolline 10K


Recommended for heifers. Well balanced and attractive made with strong maternal value. Definitely a sleep easy pick for your young females with only a 50 lb birthweight. Dam is a feminine, Know How daughter with an exceptional udder. Shares GGD, 47S with 171M (pg12), 94M (pg 28).

Top EPDs: 1% CE, 1% BW, 4% MCE

Recommended for heifers.

Another calving ease bull! Long spined, small skulled, clean and smooth made, front to back. Good wheels under a big volume, sound structure. 209M has awesome calving ease potential with performance growth ranking 118 YW index from a 105 WW. Dam, 10K is a feminine, Innovation daughter with an awesome udder. Her Dam, 128E, brings a Tanker son as tag 16M (pg 29)

Top EPDs: 1% CE, 1% BW, 2% MCE

GD: Diamond 65A
DAM: Diamond 71K

Run And Gun 85J Sire Group

Top EPDs: 7% CE, 5% BW, 7% MCE 225M

Recommended for heifers. The youngest 85J son, standing square and good footed under a smaller frame. His young mama is as deep and wide in capacity as one would like, yet feminine with the functional udder structure of her female lineage. 225M’s GD, 180G can be found on page 6 with a 31H Shooter son 250M.

Recommended for heifers. Coleman Charlo can be found top and bottom of this boy’s pedigree. He is long-bodied with great extension in a smooth made package - calving ease comes custom built in the pedigree. His Dam is moderate framed, deep ribbed and docile. Top EPDs: 1% CE, 1% BW, 4% MCE, 25% Milk

DAM: Joyce 105K
GD: Diamond 53S
DAM: Diamond 134K

DAM: Ruby 120J

SIRE: Checkmate 4K

GGD: Ruby 103A

Versatile 4K Sire Group

Recommended for heifers.

Unfortunately the only son by Checkmate 4K. 130M has depth, thickness, is broad topped and docile with loads of hair. Justified and Thunder in his female line lay the groundwork for no miss calving, good growth and do-ability. His Dam 120J is moderateframed, super footed, and very feminine. 120J has a maternal sister as the Dam of 3M (pg 24). Top EPDs: 1% CE, 1% BW, 4% MCE

Believe 46B & Big Sky Sire Groups



228M processes tremendous depth, rib shape, capacity, thickness and extra hair. Stands square and wide on a sound leg and good big foot. Eye appealing shape and bone thickness. WW Index of 119 and 104 YW. This bull’s maternal sister can be found in the 37K sire group with bull 153M (pg 14). His paternal sister, also out of our Ruby cow family, was the 2nd high seller in the 50th Anniversary Masterpiece Sale going to Nolan Grover (GT Angus) and Will Rieder (pg 41). His Elite Dam is a deep-bodied, soggy, easy-doing Consensus daughter with ample milk. Sons to Cross C Cattle, Cypress Colony, and Harvey Friemark.

Top EPDs: 6% WW, 15% YW

Is a long, bigger framed son of Pine Drive Big Sky with extra stretch. We dug into the bottom of the AI tank for this popular sire from the early 70’s. His EPDs show vintage status but expect growth and power especially when combined with his Dam’s profile. She is a powerful, deep, thick tank that carries lots of flesh and is very easy doing. His GD is one of our favorites: find her on page 32 with her son 136M, as well as 136M’s maternal sister 97F, on page 21 with lot

Reign & Safe Deposit Sire Groups

Akita 154B

SIRE: Safe Deposit 9324

Akita 31N

40M is wide-topped, moderate framed, and deep-ribbed with a 3.55 lb ADG (and a 115 YW index)! An athletic, free moving fella with a moderate 82 lb birthweight and a short 275 day gestation. A very sound, solid bull that comes from a consistent and sound cow family. His Dam, 97F is bigger framed, with the body mass for performance orientated progeny. One son to Jancliff Angus. Her maternal brother is offered as 136M (pg 32) and her maternal sister sets 105M (pg 20) for your appraisal. Top EPDs: 20% WW, 15% YW 40M

A double bred EXT son which will leave you highly sought after replacements. Keep some – sell some and he’ll repeatedly pay you dividends. A structurally sound, free moving, wide-topped, big capacity, hairy bull that will sire performance and maternally sound cattle. His Elite Dam, 154B is a deep, long, feminine cow with impeccable udder and foot structure. At 11 years of age, she is youthful in appearance. Sons to Casey Gordon, McKelvey Farms and Darcy Berreth with her Resource 191J son retained for use in our commercial herd.

SIRE: S A V Reign 6845
DAM: Diamond 97F

Know How 131K /Know How Sire Groups

Recommended for heifers. Long spined, thick topped, wide based son by Darby and Sarah’s Boundary Know How 131K bull that Fred choose for his Cypress Colony herd. An attractive, smooth front end with abundant hair and docility standing on an impressive foot – a pleasing profile as a service sire prospect. Earned a 116 YW Index with a 3.6 lb ADG. His Dam is a lovely made, thick, Wrath 9C daughter with exceptional udder suspension and teat placement. 120E son to Rocky Top (L Armstrong). Sire’s Dam, 229C has son 169M (pg 13) Top EPDs: 7% MCE

184M is big middled with lots of top and hip behind a clean and tidy front and head. Sound structured with bone, and a wide base on a good foot. A 3.64 ADG earned him a 118 YW index. Dam is moderate framed, with rib substance and an attractive udder.

Know How Sire Group

Recommended for heifers. Very balanced and smooth in his make-up, this deep sided, long bull has superb hair. He stands square and wide-based with structurally correct leg and foot quality. Dropping in at 65 lbs at birth his on feed performance produced a 106 YW index. Dam is a moderate framed, feminine cow with two sisters bringing sons to this sale; 229M (pg 8) and 59M (pg 29). Dam, 94E sons to Horton Land & Cattle and Greg & Miranda Wenzel.

Top EPDs: 15% CE, 5% BW, 4% MCE

A long, stretchy made Know How son that is smooth made and has a long easy stride with a good foot. Dam is a massive Thunder that is nice in her lines, and balanced throughout.

Know How Sire Group

Attractive in his makeup – stout – length of body and balanced in structure with big time growth. One can’t go wrong with his ability to sire a strong group of sale calves. His personal performance was a 4.3 lb ADG from weaning to yearling ~ earning him a 133 YW index from a 107 WW index! 63Z sons to Sandhills Cattle, Brett Bock, Allen & Lynne Frank, J Gordon, Homestead Angus and Bob Purves. A daughter’s son leads of the catalogue as 120M (pg 6). Top EPDs: 25% WW, 8% YW

Know Hows are very similar in phenotype, with growth and length, and foot quality is well above average as well. This guy has it with hair and length of rib. Dam is a smaller easy keeping female with a tidy udder. She had one of our top bulls last year but he died to injury. Grand dam 32T put many bulls through the sale.

Homegrown Sire Group

Shadow ho M egrown 43M

Super deep-sided, bold and thick in his makeup. He is long spined and proud fronted standing on a good foot with ample bone structure. Could be the power sire in your herd bull battery – 106 WW and 127 YW Indexes to bottom out the scales. His Dam is massive, long, thick, and an easy-fleshing Resource daughter who finally gave us a heifer in 2025. She has three sons in the Horton Land and Cattle herd, with two going to Sandhills Cattle and Manyberries Creek Ranch.

Top EPDs: 25% WW, 25% YW, 15% Milk

A small skulled Angus head on a long-bodied, stout made structure with style and a balanced profile. His Dam is as long as a train with massive rib, ease of fleshing, a good udder and a perfect foot. Her daughter 137H brings 149M to town (pg 11). Sons to Cypress Cattle Co and Horton Land & Cattle.

Top EPD: 25% BW

DAM: Diamond 52K

GD: Diamond 53Y

DAM’s MAT SIS: Diamond 151B

Homegrown Sire Group

Recommended for heifers.

Top EPDs: 25% CE, 20% BW, 20% MCE, 8% Milk South Shadow ho M egrown 94M

Here is a bull with a calving ease birth weight of 68 pounds and a 279 day gestation. He profiles from the back and side as stout with thickness and dimension with smoothness through his shoulder. Should sire calves that wean up with the group from older cows. His feminine Dam put everything into this fella and is now developing into the broodiness of her Diamond lineage – GD, 53Y was a producer of 11 calves. The GGD, 47S sits in the same pedigree spot for 171M (pg 12), and 170M (pg 17).

112 WW and 106 YW Indexes.

Tanker Sire Group

Recommended for heifers. Truly a calving ease sire. He is a very interesting, low birthweight option with only a 267 day gestation and a 73 lb birthweight ranking within the top 4 percentile of the breed for CE, BW and MCE, then kicks it up a notch to be in the top 9% for WW and YW EPDs. He is soft made, balanced with a great set of wheels, which will all serve to add depth of body and maternal traits. He is backed by our very strong Errolline cow family. His Dam 128E is a front pasture kind of cow; ideally built with impeccable foot and udder. Sons going to Jay Lerner, Ironside & Son Cattle Co Ltd, and J Over K Ranch. A daughter has son 209M (pg 17) Top EPDs: 1% CE, 3% BW, 9% WW, 7% YW, 4% MCE

Recommended for heifers. Small head, smooth shoulder, long clean structure – he profiles very nice with a balanced look. Good spring of rib with a hip that carries down nice and low, all wrapped up in a hairy coat. His Resource sired Dam, 123J, is just flat out, a beautiful young female out of our 18R cow that carries Elite status. 1st calf, a son, went to Mike Wilson. A full brother sired 13 sons selling through this sale and 6 females working in our herd. 123J has two sisters with sale bulls: 138M (pg 25) and 229M (pg 8). Top EPDs: 5% CE, 7% BW, 20% WW, 9% YW, 20% MCE

DAM: Errolline 47Z

MAT SIS: Errolline 80F

MAT BRO: Resource 121G

Tanker Sire Group

Boundary t anker 110M

Recommended for heifers.

Lower birth weight performance bull that has a low gestation of 275 days but huge growth indexing 121 at YW. This guy is going to be one thick huge assed bull when he fully matures. He is definitely smooth through his body with very thick hip structure. Dam for a 13-year-old is still raising the good ones; she still has a fabulous udder for her age also. Longevity is the key with tighter income margins, and she holds that standard to a T. She has 3 daughters in herd and sons sold to Flying T Ranch, and D/S Elliott.

EPDs TOP-5% CE, 7% BW, 25% WW, 20% YW, 20% RADG, 20% CW, 9% REA, 20% FAT, 30% HPG, 15% MCE, 25% MH,

DAM: Akita 23F

MGGD: Akita 904W

MGS: B/R New Frontier 095

Tanker Sire Group

Big curve bender performance bull here. Gestation of only 275 days but had the highest actual weaning weight and indexing 119. Larger frame with a lot of depth and length that’s still balanced in his make-up. Dam is a super deep, pear shaped female. Born from this family, 82M should make tremendous females as well. Great grand dam 904W was a looker that always caught the eyes of people touring the herds.

EPDs TOP-25% CE, 3% WW, 3% YW, 15% MCE, 25% MILK,

Sterling Sire Group


Recommended for heifers.

An easy calving, hairy, Sterling son with a super quiet disposition. A low birthweight, short gestation bull with thickness and depth – maybe hard to believe he started out at 75 lbs but his Dam has always thrown lighter birthweight. She is feminine in her makeup, and standing on a great foot, and has sons working in the Hawkeye Angus and Ethan David herds.

Top EPDs: 15% CE, 20% BW, 8% WW, 7% YW, 4% MCE

South Shadow Sterling

136M has the presence and that proud herd bull look. A performance highlight who is massive from every angle; massive volume, massive dimension and massive performance with over a 4 lb ADG earning him the highest actual weaning and yearling weights. He posts an impressive 117 WW and 130 YW index. If you are wanting to fix up those reputation steers and females, have a look here, this is your guy… hair, testicles, bone, foot AND a quiet disposition. The best part of 136M is his Elite Dam; sound in structure, long-bodied and she flat out produces no matter what we breed her to. She has five daughters in herd-they are that good! Her 11 calves are averaging a 109 WW and a 121 YW indexes. You’ll find her two Grandsons as 40 M (pg 21), and 105M (pg 20) plus, she is the GGGD to 58M (pg 37). Sons to Tony a& Carolyn Leismeister, Tateson Ranch, Story Family at Dolittle Angus. Top 1% in WW and YW EPDs.

GD: Diamond 38C
DAM: Diamond 42E

Sterling Sire Group

The Sterling sired bulls have strong growth 216M following suit indexing 109 WW. He has the look, length of body, and is smooth made, with a little extra size. Dam was purchased out of Forsyth Ranch dispersal, she was the high seller for good reasonpossessing longevity, sound structure and a very tight udder. 24Y was flushed after her first calf here and produced eggs amazingly. She had sons sell to Tateson Ranch, Story Angus, Thomas McDonald, T and C Leistmeister, and Chasing dreams. She also had 5 daughters enter production. EPDs TOP-10% WW, 9% YW, 25% RADG, 15% CLAW, 15% CLAW, 10% ANGLE, 25% CW, 7% FAT, 20% MCE, 10% MW, 15% MH

An attractive, thick topped bull with natural thickness, muscle shape and lots of hair. A well rounded bull with a smooth shoulder and attractive head. Structurally sound with fluid movement on an excellent foot. We may have missed the boat not featuring our highest yearling indexing bull – an impressive 136 ratio with an ADG of 4.2 lbs. His eye-catching Dam has a Grandson as 98M (pg 15) with sons going to Darvin & Kris Mason, Rick & Rachel Bauer, Howard Bock, Justin Hassett and the Stokke Family Ranch. A daughter to Early Sunset Angus. Top EPDs: 20% YW, 15% MCE


DAM: Ruby 102E

GD: Ruby 29T

GGD: Ruby 33R

Architect Sire Group

South Shadow a rchitect 79M

Predictable pounds added to your calf crop through this long spined, deep-ribbed, thick-topped Architect son. He had awesome growth with a 4.09 average daily gain with 109 WW and 132 YW indexes! These Architect sons have good feet and seem to be above average in docility. His easy fleshing, 8 yr old Dam has an attractive udder under her deep, thick body. A son to Rick and Rachal Bauer. Her fancy Success daughter has 243M (pg 14).

Top EPDs: 4% WW, 7% YW

MGD: Eileen 1C

BRO: Reign 211J DAM: Eileen 101F

This fella is stout, smooth, with a deep muscled hip, dam is a powerful, long bodied cow, that patterns very similar to her Elite dam. 101F had sons sell to Bar R Ranch, and Horton Land and Cattle. Birth to yearling spread is huge, starting at 83 lbs and indexing 117 at yearling.

EPDs TOP-6% WW, 7% YW,

Architect Sire Group

South Shadow a rchitect 117M

GGD: Patsy 987

GGGD: Patsy 22S DAM: Patsy 143K

Recommended for heifers.

Very moderate birth weight with the capacity for growth and performance as his EPDs indicate, as well as his 112 WW index. He is long, smooth-sided, thick-topped, and bold ribbed. Dam is a Thunder daughter who is attractive looking, feminine with a bit bigger frame and good lines. 117M’s GD, 225G, produced another feature lot in tag 75 (pg 39).

Top EPDs: 5% WW, 6% YW, 20% MCE

Recommended for heifers.

Smaller framed bull that is balanced and smooth in his lines and a ton of hair to boot. Dam is a big powerful cow that always puts out the performance type cattle. She has 3 daughters in herd, one with a son in sale 218M. 50A also had sons to go to C/N Schock, and Notekeu Grazing. EPDs TOP-9% WW, 8% YW

D. Mist 41G

MGD: D. Mist 124D

3/4 BRO: Justified 29K

Justification Sire Group

Recommended for heifers. Dam had the high selling bull in 2023 sale to Wade Olynyk of Crecent Creek Angus, 3/4 brother to this bull. Dam is moderate framed, balanced, and close as you can get to a perfect uddered. She has one daughter in herd. 10M is patterned much like the bull Wade bought, long and very square made. His phenotype, low 78 lbs birth weight, short 273-day gestation, and great calving ease EPDs make him a sure fire candidate for the heifer pen. EPDs TOP-2% CE, 3% BW, 20% DMI, 15% SC, 20% ANGLE, 25% MARB, 20% REA, 15% FAT, 2% MCE

South Shadow Ju S tification 58M SSA 58M 2381618 01/11/2024

Abigale 9056 S A V Reign 6845 SOUTH SHADOW DIAMOND 124K South Shadow Diamond 101H

Connealy Judgment

KG Miss Magic 1443

Connealy Mainstay Boy Abigale 6079

Coleman Charlo 0256 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Sitz Alpine 11076

Shadow Diamond 97F

Recommended for heifers. A combination of length, thickness and style in this light birthweight bull with the respectable growth of the Diamond cow family. His Dam is a granddaughter of our highly respected, Elite cow 133Z (pg 32). 124K is a beautiful cow in her own right – a Reign daughter with terrific udder quality similar to her dam. Top EPDs: 3% CE, 7% BW, 20% WW, 20% YW, 15% Milk

DAM: Akita 164K

SIRE: KG Justified 3023

MGGD: Akita 35Z

Justified Sire Group

Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023

KG Miss Magic 1443

Perrot Cash 66H


Boundary Akita 174H

Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite

Entrine Of Conanga 9876

Sitz Wisdom 481T

KG Miss Magic 3528

S A V Short Cut 6088

Perrot Blackbird 52E

Musgrave 316 Stunner

DLD Akita 35Z

Recommended for heifers.

Prime candidate for the heifer pen having a 69 lbs birth weight and gestation of only 275 days. He is smaller framed, smooth, and balanced in his lines. Dam is moderate framed, attractive, and sound.

EPDs TOP-15% CE, 10% BW, 8% HPG, 30% MCE, 15% MILK

DAM: Patsy 225G

225G SON: Upward 112L

225G MAT BRO: Final Answer 10A

Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023

KG Miss Magic 1443

Diamond T Wrath 1509-GR 9A


SSA Patsy 987W

Ju S tified 75M

Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite

Entrine Of Conanga 9876

Sitz Wisdom 481T

KG Miss Magic 3528

Remitall F Rage 9A

Diamond T Bardolierlass 210’07

Big Sky DLD Right Way 68S

SSA Patsy 22S

Top EPDs: 15% WW, 20% YW, 8% Milk South Shadow

A masculine, big, stout-bodied bull who is square hipped and structurally sound – just all around good growth and maternal values with 108 WW and 119 YW indexing. His attractive Dam is one of our thirteen Wrath 9C daughters. Small teats, beautiful udder attachment and easy fleshing characterize these females with docility at the fore-front. Her daughter produced 117M (pg 36).

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