A little philosopher

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A Little Philosopher 2018-2019 Yuting Lu This little work brochure contains four projects from the first year of master in Clemson: the first three talks a story about light; the last one is about heat and cooking; also, a model experiment is attached.

CMtti\11(1 Li(11tlt I\llterprett1tio\ll of -Plt1to's Allef10Y'\i of CAve n1strt..Wtor: 1'e-ter L u:u-1re11u, A11dreei:1 �ivii:1li:1evie Site: Clemso11 U11iversii'1 "Di:ite: fi:111 201e I11diYidc.1i:1l Worl:: The first one is an interpretation of Plato’s “cave“ theory. The changeable light is the spirit. I use two sequences of the simple boxes to create different boundaries. Visitors can enter from two entrances and they can hear the sound but they won't see each other. The light from surrounding trees will be cut in this cave.

A Vessel for Lit3vit Storefro�t for l'viilosopVl'1 A T.,5tnw+or: 'f()fer L W!c,ire.,u, A.,t.lreeti \'Ai�tiltic�e Site: Clem50., U.,iver5i1'\i "Dtlte: 'ftill 201e, r.,tAivilAMI Work The second is a house for a philosopher in downtown Greenville, SC. The site is narrow and the light will compose a drama inside. It is kind of a pedestrian philosophy in this walking-thinking house: the house starts from a welcoming and open entrance and ends in a private and relaxing bath pool.





�pt£,tri�13 Li131.tlt A No�-tte�omi�t-ltio�t-ll C¥\t-lpel for Clewiso� I�s+ri.w-tor: -Peter L LA�re�u, A�dreelll rAivilllllllcvie Site: c.Jevnso� U�iversi� "Dlllte: flllll 201� I�divid£,ljl\l Work

The third project is an all-purpose chapel for Clemson University in the center grassland of campus. The concept is collecting fireflies in a bottle and is inspired by a Football Game day when I saw everyone in orange and purple(they are combination of red, yellow and blue). The chapel attracts students from all direction. A important design is the huge stair connecting the scared space and the public glass box. It is more than a transportation part, it also offers space to stay.

Hi! Beer! A Culinary Institute in Asheville, USA

Instructor: Peter L. Laurence, Andreea Mihalache Site: Asheville, NC Date: Spring 2019 Individual work

The last project is a culinary institute in Asheville, a city famous for its brewery industry in NC. The concept is to create a institute where everyone can learn how to use beer and share the food with their friends and family.( Because not all the people like beer, but most of them like the feeling to share beer and chat with others) The site is in downtown, I hope the institute will become a tourist attraction. The whole school studies how to use the by-product of brewery and the core space is using the tank, also a by-product. Open and flexible spaces between the tanks will give the visitors maximum freedom and creativity to use them.

Model Experiments:

A project in Visualization class, from a simple Rhino surface to a final design. It helps me think about different materials and how to combine them. It ends in a dangerous yet peaceful and lonely station.

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