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審計準則公報精萃要點 第一章 審計之基本概念 1-1 第二章 會計師職業道德規範與法律責任 2-1 第三章 舞弊及非法事項 3-1 第四章 規劃查核工作 4-1 第五章 查核證據 5-1 第六章 審計工作底稿及會計師事務所之品質控制 第六章 審計工作底稿及會計師事務所之品質 6-1 第七章 審計抽樣 7-1 第八章 電腦審計 8-1 第九章 內部控制制度 9-1 第十章 審計有關資料之蒐集 10-1

第十一章 銷售及收款循環 11-1 第十二章 採購及付款循環 12-1 第十三章 生產交易循環(製造循環;加工循環) 第十三章 生產交易循環(製造循環;加工 13-1 第十四章 不動產、廠房及設備循環 14-1 第十五章 薪工交易循環 15-1 第十六章 投資及融資交易循環(財務循環) 16-1 第十七章 一般現金帳戶餘額之查核 17-1 第十八章 完成查核 18-1 第十九章 審計報告 19-1 第二十章 會計師之其他服務 20-1 考前必背重點 21-1

第一章 審計之基本概念



審 計 之 基 本 概 念

、AAA 對審計之定義 審計係指審計人員以有系統的程序,對於受查者的經濟活動及經濟事項之 有關聲明,客觀地蒐集證據,並對這些證據加以評估,以決定其符合既定標準 的程度,並將其查核的結果傳達給利害關係人之過程。

、財務報表審計、遵行審計及作業審計之區別 財務報表查核: 財務報表查核係指由超然獨立的會計師(或查核人員),對於受查者依據 GAAP 而編製之財務報表嚴格查核,基於重大性之考量,以判斷財務報表 是否依照一般公認會計原則編製,能否允當表達財務狀況、經營結果及現 金流量情形表示專業意見。 遵行查核: 遵行查核是指查核人員對於受查者之營業活動的結果加以查核,以決定其 是否遵行其應被遵守之法令、條約、準則、規定、規範、契約、條件或內 部控制制度等。 作業查核(又稱為「績效評估」或「管理查核」): 作業查核是指會計師(或查核人員)對於組織內的特定單位加以研究, 以達成管理當局之目標,並判斷管理績效是否與組織目標相符。 作業查核之強調重點在於組織內特定單位或人員之工作是否有效率或效 果;且通常於執行完畢後,會出具供內部管理階層使用之「改善建議報 告」。 Operation Auditing: Auditors can be examination each of the transaction cycle to consider whether policies and procedures concerning the effectiveness and efficiency of related management decision-making processes. A financial statement audit, on the other hand, would deal more directly with controls relating to the entity's(or client)of ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions in the financial statements.



Operational auditing is primarily oriented toward is future improvement to accomplish the goals of managements.


、允當表達 V.S.財務健全 允當表達不能保證財務健全。 會計師對允當表達之意見負責,報表使用者對投資行為負責。 The meaning of "generally accepted accounting principles" and "present fairly". "Generally accepted accounting principles" includes the conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define accepted accounting practice at a particular time: GAAP include not only broad guidelines of general application, but also detailed practices and procedures. GAAP are the framework for judging the presentation of financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in financial statements. Fairness of overall presentation should be applied within the framework of GAAP. The auditor's opinion that statements of "present fairly" is based on his/her judgment as to whether: The accounting principles have general acceptance. The accounting principles are appropriate in the circumstances. The financial statements are informative of matters that may affect their use, understanding, and interpretation.

第一章 審計之基本概念


The information presented is classified and summarized in a reasonable manner that is neither too detailed nor too condensed. The financial statements reflect transactions and events within a range of acceptable limits. GAAP recognize the importance of reporting transactions and events in accordance with their substance. The auditor should consider whether the substance of transactions or events differs materially from their form. When new legislation or a new type of business transaction occurs, there are sometimes not established GAAP. In such instances attempt to report on basis of substance.

、財務報表需要查核之原因 未經查核之財務報表內必然含有資訊風險: 資訊風險是指由管理當局所編製之財務報表發生不正確、不完全或偏差的 可能性。 資訊風險之構成原因有下列四項: 利益的衝突(源自於資訊不對稱): 財務報表編製者(公司)與使用者(股東)間衝突。 財務報表使用者(債權人)與使用者(股東)間衝突。 疏遠性:財務報表使用者幾乎不可能很少能直接獲報表編製過程時所需 的會計記錄,因此,必須由超然獨立的會計師執行查核後表示意見。 重大性:財務報表為報表使用者作決策時的重要依據,因此,報表使用 者期望會計師能確保財務報表是依照一般公認會計原則編製,而且包括 理性使用者決策時所需的資訊。 複雜性:由於工商發達,新經濟事項不斷推陳出新,所以會計事項與報 表編製過程愈來愈複雜,一般公司的會計人員可能無法因應。 :為代理關係;為資訊因素。 未經查核的財務報表又可能因為偶發性錯誤;無心偏見;蓄意偽造 ;及違反一般公認會計原則而不自知,以致於導致財務報表無法允當表 達該公司財務狀況,經營結果及現金流量情形。

、管理當局五大主張之內涵 




查核目標 存在

存在或發生 (Existence) 完整

說明 紀錄在帳上的交 易確實存在 入帳之交易皆切 實有發生 所有已發生的交易 均完整紀錄在帳上

例如 函證 期後收(付)款

順序編號(出貨 單或驗收報告之 完 整 順序編號) (Completenes) 期間歸屬 交易紀錄在適當的 截止測試(Cut會計期間 off) 變現價值 帳上之交易或科目 帳齡分析表 (評價或分攤) 皆經適當評價 評價或分攤 明細與總帳相符正確 帳上所紀錄之金額 總分類帳相互調 (Valucetion) (或文書正確性) 單位、數量及計算 節 均正確 資產具所有權 列在帳上的資產均 租來之資產未入 權 利 與 義 務 負債有支付義務 有所有權,負債皆 帳為資產 (Ownership) 於未來有支付義務 他人寄售之商品 未列入期末存貨 分類 交易或科目已於財 利息費用應列為 務報表內為適當分 營業外費用 類 表達與揭露 表達與揭露 相關必要之資訊已 仔細閱讀債券契 (Presentation) 於財務報表及附註 約之約定條款 內揭露適當 所有關係人皆揭 露於 F/S 附註內 :資產類帳戶,CPA 關心存在或發生之聲明。 負債類帳戶,CPA 關心完整性聲明。 收益及費用,CPA 需考量管理當局之意圖,再做適當之判斷。 Summarizes five assertions or representations made by management that are embodied in the accounts. The PERCV always will be useds.  Presentation and disclosure.  Existence or occurrence.  Rights and obligations.  Completeness.

第一章 審計之基本概念


 Valuation.  In planning and performing an audit, the auditor considers these assertions for the various financial statement of accounts balances. When all of these assertions have been met for an account, the account is in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP). PERCV Presentation and Disclosure: ‧Review disclosure. Include a general disclosure requirement related to overall compliance with GAAP. ‧Inquire about disclosures. The auditor should to Consider specific disclosure requirements for the account, as well as for related account. Existence or Occurrence: ‧Confirmation. Often an account will lend itself to confirmation. ‧Observation. Always consider whether can observe the item itself and/or a legal document representing the item. ‧ Trace/Vouch transactions. This step relates directly to "directional testing". Rights and Obligations: ‧Cutoffs. Auditors must consider whether transactions have been reported in the proper period, and Think about the transactions affecting the account to determine the proper cutoff. NOTE :Be careful here. Cutoffs also apply directly to the existence /occurrence and completeness assertions. If a multiple-choice question is asked, the specific details of the question determine the most directly related assertion. ‧Authorization. Consider whether there are transactions that require specific authorization. ‧ Authorization of transactions relates to whether proper rights and obligations have been established. ‧This step is not always included, but programs for accounts such as receivables, debt, and owners' equity accounts are affected. Completeness: ‧Analytical procedures. Always include a step on analytical procedures and mention specific procedures for the account being audited.



‧Omissions. Consider how transactions(adjustment)could improperly have been omitted from the account. Valuation: ‧ Foot schedules. Consider the actual schedules involved with the account and include a step to foot and cross-foot them. ‧Agree schedules balances to general ledger balances. ‧Agree financial statement balances to schedules. Financial statements are derived from accounting information, the general and subsidiary ledgers as well as other accounting records must be summarized. ‧Consider valuation method of account. Auditors should consider the accounting method used, and whether it has been properly applied. ‧ Consider related accounts. When auditors are preparing an audit program for a balance sheet account, include procedures used to audit the related income statement accounts. 查核人員考量可能發生潛在不達之不同類型時,所使用聲明之三大類別及 其可能形式如下(SAS No.48 分類): 與受查期間內各類交易及事件有關之聲明: 發生─所記錄之交易及事件均已發生且與受查者有關。 完整性─所有應記錄之交易及事件均已記錄。 正確性─與所記錄交易及事件有關之金額及其他資料均已適當記錄。 截止─交易及事件已記錄於正確會計期間。 分類─交易及事件已記錄於適當科目。 與期末科目餘額有之聲明: 存在─資產、負債及權益確實存在。 權利與義務─受查者擁有或控制資產之權利;負債係受查者之義務。 完整性─所有應記錄之資產、負債及權益均已記錄。 評價或分攤─資產、負債及權益均以適當金額列示於財務報表,其所 產生評價或分攤之調整亦已適當記錄。 與表達及揭露有關之聲明: 發生及權利與義務─所揭露之事件、交易及其他事項均已發生且與受 查者有關。 完整性─所有應於財務報表揭露之事項均已揭露。 分類及可瞭解性─財務資訊已適當表達及說明,揭露亦已清楚陳述。 正確性及評價─財務資訊及其他資訊均以適當金額允當揭露。

第一章 審計之基本概念


Categories of assertions: Assertions about classes of transactions and events for the period under audit: Occurrence:Transactions and events that have been recoded have occurred and pertain to the entity. Completeness:All transitions and events that should have been recorded have been recorded. Accuracy:Amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and events have been recorded appropriately. Cutoff:Transactions and events have been recorded in the correct accounting period. Classification:Transaction and events have been recorded in the proper accounts. Assertions about account balances at the period end: Existence:Assets, liabilities, and equity interests exist. Rights and obligations:The entity holds or controls the rights to assets, and liabilities are the obligations of the entity. Completeness:All assets, liabilities, and equity interests that should have been recorded have been recorded. Valuation and allocation:Assets, liabilities, and equity interests are included in the financial statements at the appropriate amounts and any resulting valuation or allocation adjustments are appropriately recorded. Assertions about presentation and disclosure: Occurrence and rights and obligations : Disclosed events and transactions have occurred and pertain to the entity. Completeness:All disclosures that should have been included in the financial statements have been included. Classification and understandability : Financial information is appropriately presented and described and information in disclosures is clearly expressed. Accuracy and valuation : Financial and other information is disclosed fairly and at appropriate amounts.



The above assertions may be used as presented, or combined as appropriate. 個別項目聲明下之管理階層聲明: 對事項及交易類型之聲明 已發生─業經記錄之交易 與事項已發生,且與企業 有關 完整性─所有應予記錄之 交易與事項業已記錄

對帳戶餘額之聲明 對表達與揭露之聲明 存在─資產、負債及 已發生及權利與義務─ 權益存在 揭露之事項或交易已發 生,且屬於該企業 完整性─所有應認列 完整性─所有應納入財 資產、負債及權益業 務報表之揭露業已納入 已認列 正確性─與已記錄交易與 評價或分攤─資產、 正確性及評價─財務及 事項有關之金額和其他資 負債及權益按適當金 其他資訊已適當揭露, 料業已適當記錄 額納入財務報表中, 且按適當金額表達 續後評價調整已適當 認列 截止─交易與事項業已記 分類及可了解性─財務 錄於正確會計期間 及其他資訊已表達敘述 ,且揭露係清楚表達 分類及可了解性─財務及 其他資訊已表達敘述,且 揭露係清楚表達 權利與義務─企業擁 有或控制資產權利, 且負債為企業之義務 審計目標: 每一交易類型皆須滿足若干審計目標,才能使查核人員獲致交易業經 適當記錄的結論,此為交易類別審計目標(Transaction-related Audit Objectives)。 每一科目餘額必須符合審計目標,此稱為科目餘額相關審計目標( Balance-related Audit Objectives)。 凡是與財務報表中資訊之表達與揭露有關係者,均稱為與揭露事項相 關審計目標(Presentation and Disclosure-related Audit Objectives)。 個別項目聲明之查核目標: 交易類別查核目標:

第一章 審計之基本概念


管理階層對交易類型與事項聲明 交易相關審計目標 已發生 已發生 完整性 完整性 正確性 正確性 過帳與彙總 分類 分類 截止 時點 科目餘額查核目標: 管理階層對科目餘額聲明 存在 完整性 評價或分離


一般餘額相關審計目標 存在 完整性 正確性 分類 截止 明細與總帳調節相符 淨變現價值 權利與義務

表達揭露之查核目標: 管理階層對表達與揭露聲明 已發生及權利與義務 完整性 評價或分攤 分類與可了解性

一般表達與揭露相關審計目標 已發生及權利與義務 完整性 評價或分攤 分類與可了解性

觀念彙總表: 財務報表整體 財務報表 5 大主張 管理階層聲明 共有八項查核目標 查核目標

個別項目聲明 交易類別:5 項 科目餘額:4 項 表達揭露:4 項 交易類別:6 項 科目餘額:8 項 表達揭露:4 項

、八大循環 公開發行公司之內部控制制度應涵蓋所有營運活動,並應依企業所屬產業 特性以交易循環類型區分,訂定對下列循環之控制作業:



銷售及收款循環:包括訂單處理、授信管理、運送貨品或提供勞務、 開立銷貨發票、開出帳單、記錄收入及應收帳款、銷貨折讓及銷貨退回 、執行與記錄現金收入之政策及程序。 採購及付款循環:請購、進貨或採購原料、物料、資產和勞務、處理 採購單、經收貨品、檢驗品質、填寫驗收報告書或處理退貨、記錄供應 商負債、核准付款、進貨折讓、執行與記錄現金付款等之政策及程序。 生產循環:包括擬訂生產計畫、開立用料清單、儲存材料、領料、投 入生產、計算存貨生產成本、計算銷貨成本等之政策及程序。 薪工循環:包括僱用、請假、加班、辭退、訓練、退休、決定薪資率 、計時、計算薪津總額、計算薪資稅及各項代扣款、設置薪資紀錄、支 付薪資、考勤及考核等之政策及程序。 融資循環:包括借款、保證、承兌、租賃、發行公司債及其他有價證 券等資金融通事項之授權、執行與記錄等之政策及程序。 不動產、廠房及設備循環:包括固定資產之取得、處分、維護、保管 與記錄等之政策及程序。 投資循環:包括有價證券、不動產、衍生性商品及其他投資之決策、 買賣、保管與記錄等之政策及程序。 研發循環:包括對基礎研究、產品設計、技術研發、產品試作與測試 、研發記錄及文件保管等之政策及程序。 :採購付款交易循環不動產、廠房及設備循環取得支付循環 融資循環投資循環財務循環 Financial Accounting Reporting Cycle: Concepts:The financial accounting reporting(or statement)cycle which among the source documents(inputs), and accounting records such as journals and ledgers which are used to process the inputs(processing), and financial statements(outputs). Figure:

In general, the financial accounting reporting(or statement)cycles can be separate to the following six(6)major cycles: Sales, Receivables, and Cash Receipts.

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