“Entrepreneurship and Youth: Sharing creativity and social Initiatives� Key Action 2 Transnational youth initiative. Strategic partnership in the field of education, training and youth
2. WHAT? Nature of the project. Description A TREE FOR FRIEND With the publication of the law n.10, 14 January 2013, the census and the protection of monumental trees is made mandatory. Association PASSAGGI offers a project to promote awareness of the heritage of trees of the City of Trebisacce and its territory. Through this vision the project will not be limited exclusively to the census and data to be transmitted to the State Forestry Corps, but will foster the increasing of awareness on thenatural heritage.
3. FOR WHAT? Origin of the problem to be solved and its context The silent presence of trees does not mean that they have no needs and no problems. We see statuary conifers, olive, palm, now reduced to ruins. The fields, the woods, the sides of the roads, the public and private gardens need to be known, need people intervention and tutoring.
4. WHOM? Final beneficiaries or users of the project (direct and indirect)
Beneficiaries are all citizens and particularly those who for cultural, economic, aesthetic reasons care about the survival and enhancement of trees, forest and agricultural production, and landscapes.
5. WITH WHOM? Human sources, team or/and staff to develop the project The project includes a commitment to youth and adult volunteers, the staff of the association PASSAGGI and other associations involved that turn their attention toward the trees that are located in the municipal area, in cooperation with the City staff and the State institutions that are responsible for the protection of the environment (the Forest Service of the state, The Region, Province).
6. WHERE? Venue and spaces available to implement the project • The project action is directed to the municipality of Trebisacce and its territory. • Schools • Associations • Institutions • Other municipalities may be involved • Passaggi place, • the City Hall, • any outdoor place to be Identified during the project.
7. WHEN? Time, duration, periods, phases, etc.
The proposed action will occurs by the year 2015 Duration 1 year To be run through nine steps 1. Invitation and public awareness 2. Preparation of forms (forms cards ...) 3. Research in Field 4. Collection of public proposals 5. Data collection 6. Analysis of results 7. Sharing for awareness 8. Dissemination Event 9. Evaluation of results
7. WHEN? Time, duration, periods, phases, etc. THREE MAIN PHASES
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Reporting trees Visibility of trees Continuity of reports in time
8. HOW MUCH? Objectives that must be achieved and number of activities to be completed 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)
Invitation and public awareness Preparation of forms (forms to fill in ...) Field research Collection of data from the public Data collection Analysis of results Sharing Dissemination of results Evaluation of results
9. HOW? Methodologies to be used, techniques, tools, etc. Methodology is based on learning by doyng, researches, surveys, problem solving, interviews.
During the implementation of the projet we will use the following: IT: Pc, notebook, tablet, video camera. video projector, phone, cell, paper, stationary, private vehicles, public transport.
10. WITH WHAT? Resources, materials, funding, etc.
PASSAGGI’s own facilities and tools Gets funds from the City Council and PASSAGGI’s own funds Voluntary donation from private donors Volunteering work of PASSAGGI associated people Volunteering work of citizens
11. HOW TO SHARE IT? Visibility and dissemination of results. I Survey results, n° 6 media release 1. Local press, «Censimento degli alberi» webpage 2. PASSAGGI web page 3. Project’s web page 4. Pp presentationVideo 5. Social media facebook, twitter pagesweb news and fb pages 6. Conference, public venue 7. Labels /posters in the vicinity of the monumental trees
12. HOW TO EVALUATE IT? To monitor the project and evaluate its results. The evaluation of association PASSAGGI follows the system for local projects and the ones that are in the greater EU project: “Entrepreneurship and youth: sharing creativity and social initiatives”. Entry survey to evaluate the participants’ motivation Monitoring the work phases Monitoring every phase by descriptive surveys Behaviour during the contacts Timing Evaluation survey through evaluation form to be filled in by volunters, staff, public. Final evaluation form