“Entrepreneurship and Youth: Sharing creativity and social Initiatives� Key Action 2 Transnational youth initiative. Strategic partnership in the field of education, training and youth
2. WHAT? Nature of the project. Description
The social initiative considers three main phases: 1. Inviting children to train singing 2. Training sessions, held weekly 3. A show where children sing their songs and manifest in a spontaneous way their joyful childhood. The festival has not a competitive or contest goal. The children will be trained by an expert and a group of volunteers in order to refine their technics for singing properly.
3. FOR WHAT? Origin of the problem to be solved and its context For children aged 4-14.
The daily routine of children, the family busy life, the lack of place where to spend free time for children, inspired a group of youngsters and adults with competences and skills in music and organization of events to promote a workshop of music with a song festival. It has not a competitive or contest goal. The event will be a show where children sing their songs and manifest in a spontaneous way their joyful childhood. The children will be trained by a group of volunteers in order to get skilled, refine their technics in order to sing properly.
4. WHOM? Final beneficiaries or users of the project (direct and indirect)
Expert of music children, families, volunteers at Passaggi citizens, partner association
5. WITH WHOM? Human sources, team or/and staff to develop the project
Expert of music children, families, volunteers at Passaggi citizens, partner association
6. WHERE? Venue and spaces available to implement the project
Trebisacce Passaggi place; local theatre, Open air place and a square inTrebisacce The City hall board of announcements
7. WHEN? Time, duration, periods, phases, etc. Training time: 3 months March, April, May 2015 The show is planned for the 17th May, 2015 1 day per week on Saturday afternoon children ginging training. Phases: Selection of children Training for singing Rehearsal Preparetion of the event Dissemination of the event
8. HOW MUCH? Objectives that must be achieved and number of activities to be completed The project’s objective are to • Educate children to learn arts and music • Empower children and their families to socialize • Allow children to spend their time in a learning activity that comprise in itself both enjoyment and education • Encourage youth to promoting and to implement social activities • Establish intergenerational cooperation. • Promote music and Canto.
9. HOW? Methodologies to be used, techniques, tools, etc.
Learning by singing Cooperative learning Sound engeneering Training music Organizational tecniques Communication
10. WITH WHAT? Resources, materials, funding, etc.
Materials: Invitation Diploma Communication tools Media releases Prizes
Tools: Electronic appliances for music PC projector Karaoke Flipchart Posters
Fundings: Project’s fund Passaggi own fund Donors Sponsors Volunteering work
11. HOW TO SHARE IT? Visibility and dissemination of results.
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Poster for inviting children participation to the project Media releases Facebook page Passaggi’s web site The page of entrepreneurship project on fb The project’s web site Posters in schools and public places at Trebisacce T-shirts, promotional gadgets
12. HOW TO EVALUATE IT? To monitor the project and evaluate its results. Qualitative evaluation: Open dialogue of organizer and staff with parents Quantitative evaluation: number of participant during the training Quantitative evaluation number of participant during the show